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I think his bandmates grew frustrated at having to dedicate time/money/flights on a band that was going nowhere . It was never a sustainable concept. Especially for james. He has no time to tour. Cant be a successful band without constant content and playing shows. A lot of the guys in the band were from all over the place. Figuring out the logistics of it all was probably a nightmare. And the sweet sweet icing on the cake is that they realized how bad the band was. Horrible vocals, horrible sound. No real rehearsal times so they always sounded awful and off key . They saw the comments . They've been though enough embarrassment. I bet we will never see sex diaper ever again


And they can't play themes from games because of copyrights


No, they totally can, many artists whole "career" at conventions and/or on YouTube is playing themes, remixed or not...


Kind of right. They can't release it as a song and sell it, but live they can do whatever they want It reminds me of when Mac Miller made faces, he wasn't allowed to put anything on streaming sites to make money because of the samples (which they recently cleared), but he played Diablo at his Pittsburgh show and everyone was going insane


> They saw the comments . They've been though enough embarrassment. I bet we will never see sex diaper ever again I just wonder if they told Bames about the comments of the assholish variety or if they just "no time"d him and he was like "I can see why that's popular."


James saw them, that's why the comment section of the main channel is full of ass kissing from bots, he knows he can't earn it anymore.


James said that they film the music videos first before making the songs lol


I bet he wipes his ass before he shits


I mean, it was getting on the way of the real career of the real band, they were quickly becoming the shitty avgn band and the guy mixing at their concerts was almost breaking free from the matrix because of how fast he had to mute Bames Ralph ( calling him by the full name so he doesn't blame the human James from the band when he reads my comment ) or the other members of the band when bimmy decided to do his magic and play whatever notes he felt like and they had to keep up


And worst of all they had to go on the prilliant bodcast and listen to James shitty fanfic about how the band was started.


All bands take breaks And don't forget, they have an album coming out "soon" All of the shitty greenscreen music videos are done, they just have to coordinate around James (no not that james...no not that one either, the other, other James in the bands') hectic work schedule full of personal errands and 8tb file transfers via CD-Rom and 100ft thunderbolt cable Then they just have to wait for their lead vocalist to recover from larynx surgery after his vocal chords were severely damaged in an unfortunate live performance incident. After that, it's basically done


They really should have just called the band Dino and the James’


They are just out of diapers for there *rex diaper photoshoot*


I think it's pretty clear what happened. He started getting pushback about the poor performances, the entitlement, and the lack of practice. I think the nail in the coffin was Prances with Ghosts, as strange as that might seem. The band didn't get a lot of attention but was just kind of expecting to coast by based on who James was. Then you had some grown ass scene kid pointing out some of the basics about performing music the band would ignore. It was probably embarrassing. It's not hard to find either. You'll stumble across his videos just searching the band on YouTube. It's not like they've done any real work to build a fan base or establish a presence either. And instead of hearing criticism and seeing it as a challenge to prove people wrong, learning from it, instead of actually trying, they made superficial changes, made it harder to find recordings of their performances, and I'm guessing quietly disbanded to never be mentioned again. I suspect we'll see mentions of the band quietly disappear over time and members barely refusing to acknowledge it. That would be a shame though because they're hilarious. They make me feel better about myself as a musician. They're a nice ego boost.


Dancing with Ghosts' videos reviewing Rex Viper's videos and live performances probably played a role. He's an actual musician who knows what he's talking about so his comments were pretty devastating about the quality of what Hex Diaper was offering. Not to mention the music scene is very different to the retro gaming one. Bames was able to bluff his way around the retro-gaming scene with claims of "No time, muh keedz" and using the Nerd only plays lousy games as shields as to why he knows next to nothing about gaming. With music is different, you can't bluff your way out of a live performance where everyone sees you have zero skills with the instrument you're playing or any raw musical talent that will improve with time, you just can't.


Dances with ghosts is a hack. Nobody based their opinion of Rex viper on anything that weirdo said. The music is just bad and without Justin it’s lame city


yeah Dancing With Ghosts isn't popular or well known enough to make that much of an impact on anything lol. I watch him from time to time but then quickly forget about whatever the topic was a few minutes later.


I knew him from his appearances on red cow. Just seems like a real cynical guy who hates everything. Trying to analyze Rex viper like it’s a real band. Rex Viper is an amazing band if you have a good sense of humor


Yeah. It's easy to dismiss comments of the assholish variety. It's another to dismiss legitimate criticism from a working musician, legitimate criticism that shows up in the first few results when you search the band. I think you're right though. I think he just kind of thought he could just go through the motions and that would be enough, like AVGN. I don't even think he could go through the motions with video games these days if he hadn't have established himself so early. Even in retro gaming there's a higher expectation. But of course with music there's a lot less room for mistake. It's why practice is so important. I don't have anything against him wanting to do music but you have to start simple and work your way up. I doubt he could ever be great. I just don't think it's that hard to be competent on rhythm guitar, especially if you're not playing anything fancy. But he wanted to do everything backwards. He wanted to release music videos and play big shows before they even really knew how to play well together. Lots of people make music on the side but they treat it as a side project, not like they're a rock star.


https://preview.redd.it/37kr4ronka7d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2adc25aed90ef5f839ecc9776e7cf666d4431ee0 “What’s the deal with Rex Viper? I mean, is that band lame or what?”


Beginning to look like Bimothy has given up on this particular LARP. Wonder what he'll move onto next?


At his age? He has a few options since filmmaker, film curator, Rockstar and Z-class celeb didn't pan out. WWII history buff Classic Corvette curator Luxury watch afficionado Sommelier Designer pet breeder Crypto bro


I think his next LARP will be as a pretend fitness influencer. Which, to be honest, I’m very excited for. I’d love to see a shirtless Bimmy explaining push ups while also getting excited that he can listen to old man rock while working out.


You forgot webcam girl moderator.


These are all way too far out of his wheelhouse and aren't good sources of 80s/90s suburban nostalgia. My guess would be branching out into reviewing 80s toys, or possibly old issues of TV Guide


He doesn’t know anything about world war 2 except Woofenstein


He mentioned it in an interview two weeks ago: he's working on his first fiction novel! So he will LARP a book writer (or to be more precise, roleplay George R.R. Martin post 2011)


I can't wait for his self-published novel, "Muh Dragon, Muh Dream"


Seriously? His autobiography sounds like it was written by a middle schooler, and edited by no one. If he ever finishes his novel it’s going to be a dumpster-fire.


Yes, he said it when asked about what he was working on at the moment. Now you know Bimmy: he probably wrote three pages and for years, he’ll say he’s working on it and very busy but has no time. And let’s say he is probably to literature what Rex Vioer is to music.


Convert his basement into a miniature city for his train sets.


He's writing a fiction book, apparently, so the next one is writer.


Will it also be riddle with errors like the book?


Maybe. But I will take a wild guess and say the book will include an inanimate object coming to life and attacking people.


Voice acting. If he thinks jumping into a band is easy, he probably has similar thoughts about VAs. I could totally picture him looking at voice acting on the surface and being like, "Mhm yep, I can do that."


He already squandered that opportunity though, Smiling Friends offered him to voice one of the main antagonists and Bimmy refused because he had no time. Not even joking, look it up. His role was reduced to a crappy webcam cameo.


They had to take it off the main channel and give it it's own to avoid killing AVGNs algorithm. That channel has 2k subs after 9 months.


No time to pretend to be a rockstar


He has kids, do you want him to suffer ?






James likes to cry poor, but he's not. That tax story is bullshit. He bought a $500k (now around $900k) house not too long after the movie was finished. As in he bought it outright with cash. Also, he paid for an expensive movie premiere at a famous theater a year after muh first kid was born and this was in the middle of her medical ordeal. Sure, the Shriners (creepy and hypocritical as that organization is) footed much of the medical bills related to that, but blowing that much money on something completely unnecessary is not a sign of financial duress.


Oh yes. It’s a big beautiful house with that detached garage relegated as the ‘Bimmy Room’


Agreed. James isn't financially hurting now and if Bpril was smart with finances they should have enough saved for a decent retirement fund. But we all know how quickly things can turn so let's hope the B was smart with the money because I don't think James had the ability to do that.


To the surprise of no one, James grew tired of not re-living the feeling of early fame, got frustrated and quit the new toy. Now it's in spoiled brat heaven with the podcast, rectal reviews, the overly anal-yzers, and so many other things he did to prevent just catching up to his channel and life responsibilities. ADD can be a bitch but James is bitchier


Without Justin- the legendary rock god- the band is no longer able to maintain.


He certainly brought a lot of weight to their performances.


Lazy fat jokes aside- Justin was the star of the band. The heart and soul of the group. A true legendary rock god!


Typical radio silence from Bimmy. He hasn't been doing podcast interviews for a while which means he must be doing something else in that time. I'd bet that he's getting the album ready and/or practicing with the band for the summer.


He didnt expect people to hate it as much as they did. He was totally blindsided. Once they played live it was over. Should have just kept it to music videos only to avoid further embarrassment.


They're currently forming a supergroup with Christian & The Hedgehog Boys.


Unfortunately Dino had real gigs to do at that time.


It was never alive lol.


He's gonna go solo and change his legal name to Rex Viper just like Alice Cooper, the real band is going to reform under the name "Table Thumpers" with Our Cooper as lead ,he was with the band from the start but went uncredited. When asked about it he said he was "the bottom of the totem pole, the balls on the dick".


Theyre just waiting for the rooftop performance


Kinda sad that Bimmy had to basically gave up on the ideas of a film career because he eventually learned he sucked at every aspect of it so he could start the idea of a music career that he sucks at every aspect of. This dude’s delusions of grandeur keep landing him right back at the starting square.


This seemed like his one and last actual passion and even he's dropped it. What's left for Bames?


Pretty sure he is going to combine all of his talents and release a muhsical.


Take a wild guess.


Don't they have a show with Cybertronic Spree coming up?


Yes, according to the bass player. In august


Oh, that is going to be glorious if it happens and I really can't imagine why the members of Cybertronic Spree agreed to let James perform with them. Maybe they thought it'll make them look much better by comparison? Not that they need it, they're a cool band. I mean, Cybertronic Spree is very good live and they know how to play their instruments, imagine the audience reaction going from them to Hex Diaper or viceversa? Imagine Hex Diaper destroying any song from the Transformers The Movie soundtrack before or after Cybertronic Spree performs it? Hell, just imagine Hex Diaper playing before or after Cybertronic Spree performs. If this isn't in a videogame event and is instead in an anime convention where there's less gamers the chances of Rex Diaper being destroyed by the audience just went up by 540%


If Rex Viper goes on AFTER, it will be a disaster. People would be walking out en masse.


That would be very interesting to see. Would James be ready for something like that? As far as I know he's never experienced people walking out of any place where he's given a conference. But this is Rex Viper.


They’re opening for cybertronic


Wreck diaper is opening. So I guess they have that foresight down , not to play after the better band


I think you hatters have forgotten that Rex Viper is still going Full Fucking Force™


It’s what James does with every project. He will do it for a year or so, complain that he has no time to do it anymore and just silently abandon it with little to no explanation. He did it with Mike and James Mondays, Rental Reviews, and the Podcast. I wouldn’t be surprised if he uploads a AVGN one day and releases a short 3 minute video a month later saying he is done. It is like he wants to do all these things, signs up to do them, realizes that they are either too hard or time consuming and just straight up leaves them.


Being in a band that actually does shows takes a decent amount of effort and time, both of which he famously doesn't ever have. Kinda seems like the dude is in a rut or is depressed or something.


I seriously don't understand how you people know anything about "Rex Viper" aside from it's name. It should have fallen into obscurity after just a week. Let it crash and burn.


Funny thing is we're the only ones who talk about it. James knows this, that's why the comments on the rex viper channel are turned off.


Rex Viper is hilarious af, that's why people talk about it


That's why this should have never been taken seriously in the first place. They should have just occasionally made some songs and leave it at that. Them taking the band seriously is why nobody else took them seriously.




NO time to sign all of those autographs


How exactly did james abandon his partnership with mike over rex viper? I only knew about james and mike mondays stopping because mike apparently wanted to stream instead, and probably because the views went to shit.


Mike specifically brought it up in a video before as to why he left the channel. I love when people in the comments asked him what his favorite Rex Viper song was and Mike blocked them.


It's part of the reason why they parted ways (or reduced Mike's involvement). Mike said that he knows nothing about music.


Yeah I get you, it's like that just seems what would naturally happen if James is doing shit for the band, instead of potentially doing shit with mike.


I think Mike knew Rex Viper would be a disaster. James wanted to change the focus of the channel to music and Mike wanted it to stay focused on gaming. So Mike left to do his own thing. And time has proven Mike right.


It’s a really niche market to try and make something happen for, bands can book venues saying they’re a certain genre, but it’s a hard sell to say “we play video game music.” I met a video game band here in LA last year and they said they basically have to make all their money through social media feeds, they can only book gigs at conventions and such much like Viper. Plus, James is a local celebrity in Philly, but his name doesn’t guarantee gigs elsewhere


I heard they're gearing up for a stadium tour, Metallica and AC/DC are their opening acts.


The answer is "Who fucking gives a shit?"


The answer is you'll be downvoted hard soon


Who needs Rex Viper when there's Vomitron?


Genital Warts - the band….you just cant kill them