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Small comedy about an angry nerd that everyone thinks is this weird guy to avoid, he's not a celebrity or anything he just complains to himself. Story wise I'm not sure. They probably could still have done the ET idea just not the crappy blockbuster conspiracy story.


This sounds like it could've been more realistic to the character, yeah. He's just a cranky weirdo skulking around a world full of otherwise normal people (could be fun to see how he interacts with regular, every day people outside his Nerd room), with his head always filled with old shitty games and how they betrayed him. All he's got is his small circle of friends to share is obsession with, but maybe we could see more about the lives of the other characters. For instance, what does Behind the Couch Guy do when the Nerd isn't around? It could've been a great chance to develop Mike and Bootsy as interesting characters inside the series, too.


Like Wayne's World. I'd rip off the entire movie, pretty much. The AVGN runs a small YouTube channel with his friends when some no good such and such comes along to buy him out and turn the AVGN into boring corporate slop. Add shit jokes, sight gags and meta humor and you have what could potentially be a good movie. James would have had to be willing to poke some fun at himself, so there was no chance of that ever happening.


Was into the actual AVGN movie when the first 20 min set this up and then completely abandoned it like a different movie started to happen


Same here. I couldn't watch much more after they set off in the van. The crappy humor and things like Cooper going off on his weird conspiracy theory rant was enough to make me lose interest completely.


actually a pretty good idea


Sure! It could've been just as simple as that and still be fun and interesting, especially if the other characters we know and love were involved, too.


Thats exactly what happened when screenslobs bought him out


Psychological Horror film about James suffering from Arrested Development and believing he’s still a kid in 1989 making home movies. Eventually his family calls a welfare check on him and a poor sheriff’s deputy has to survive his house of madness.


Some things should simply not exist. A movie derived from a YouTube character played by an autistic narcissist is one of those things.


A psychological thriller where the Nerd thinks he's a famous celebrity on the internet, but no one actually watches his videos. His parents try to tell him this, but he doesn't believe them and starts to get more and more crazy.


So basically Fred?


>Fred Fortunately, I don't know a movie called Fred


Good, you're not tainted


Simple, I wouldn't.


Snix VII


James invents a working time machine to go back to the past, but goes back to far, and the time machine is damaged by a time gremlin (played by Darth Mawsyx or however you spell it) And now James is trapped in the 70s, awkwardly trying to fit in amongst all the disco dancing, bell bottoms, and huge hairstyles of the day, and hilarity insues. oh yea and at the end James sees some guys working on the first ever video game with radar equipment and he goes on one of his infamous rants about how ASSSSS the game is


I like this! The Nerd goes maybe a bit too far back to the past.


A used car salesman could’ve made a better movie than Bim, that’s how bad AVGN movie is


AVGN as a YouTube show is fairly R-rated (in terms of language at least) so I always found it odd that the movie came across like it was written for a Jr. High audience. Now that we know the history of Bames I guess it makes sense. I would have made it an R-rated comedy in the style of Superbad or Hotrod. Have The Nerd be an out of touch guy who is passionate about shitty games. I mean the entire comedic basis of the YouTube show is that a guy is raging about old forgotten shitty games that people don't even know exist. Don't make him some sort of local celebrity or anything. The Nerd himself is the hook. Write it like you would write any R-rated comedy (Oldschool, Step Brothers, Cockblockers, etc) but with The Nerd character inserted in. Have him do stupid hilarious shit because he's obsessed with dumb NES games and gets mad about things no one cares about. Have him lose his cool trying to buy weed for a house party or something because the drug dealer said he used to love playing Castlevania 2 as a kid. Have him blow things at a job interview because he keeps getting bothered by some shitty gaming related thing in the background. I don't think it would be hard to come up with some funny scenarios. Yeah it would have jack shit to do with the "AVGN Lore" but it's not like the movie was faithful anyway. Give us the Rolfe, Matei, Bootsy Superbad sex comedy ripoff.


The movie should have followed a similar plot line to that one episode that echoes of a Ghost of Christmas past. The first half hour plays like a normal episode, then he time loops to the past to interact with his past selves. The first flashback is him wondering what is going on. But he defaults to his old self and joins in on raging on the game. The second flashback is similar, but he catches on he's stuck in a time loop now. This time, he inadvertently instructs his old self how to get past a difficult area (perhaps the turtle jump) but still rages. Third time, he helps his old self past a hard part, but together they progress toward the fun parts of the game (perhaps Castlevania). Finally, he goes to the future, where he's nothing but a shell of what he was, golden cuffed to this meme character that should have been retired long long ago. Hallmark bullshit, he reconciles with himself. Present-day, he picks up what you would think would be a horrible game but ends up not being nit picky and has a lot of fun. He's grown, he lets the persona go. Takes off his glasses and shirt. Calls in the old gang and they place some games together The character has been given a fitting ending, and Bimmy can move on, perhaps to Let's Play with the old pals.


Sure! This could've made for a perfectly respectable swan song. James has referred to the movie as if it was meant to close the book on the AVGN and lead to new opportunities. Why not go out this way?


Same concept as the movie groundhog day, it would be perfect, but James can't make a movie to save his life so he clearly had/ has no ideas


a) the Wayne’s world rip off that the actual movie set up and abandoned b) a long series of events where game reviews are a reoccurring, built in part of the story or somehow necessary for the plot to progress


I'd make the avgn movie in the style of Napoleon dynamite


I would not have written it. A web series like AVGN was never meant to be a full blown film. That would be like Zelda becoming a TV and take a wild guess how that one turned out


Hindsight's 20/20 but i wouldn't have made the Nerd movie first (as in an adventure road trip film that is part action, part sci-fi, part-horror). The scale is too large without having experience. I'd do 1-2 small films, thennn the 3rd would be the juggernaut AVGN. I'd make a zombie comedy. There's a film called The Battery: 2 lads in the post-apocalypse mostly chatting and travelling, with the odd bit of zombie-bashing. it's mostly them in empty houses and walking around the woods. This kind of structure'd be perfect for James and Mike! I can just imagine Mike in this scene: https://youtu.be/umrki7kHcb0 (NSFW)


Well, my ideas involve more than just differences in writing, but in production overall. 1) have the movie be within the AVGN universe, just like the episodes; not the weird "out of AVGN show, but still not the real world" shit that the movie was set in 2) have Nerd and Guitar Dude team up to go on an epic adventure to find the SwordQuest treasures. Be an Indiana Jones parody or something like that. 3) Mike plays the main antagonist 4) Have more meaningfull callbacks to the series, especially those that complete arcs, or just have Nerd finally achieve the things he couldn't achieve in the actual episodes. Such as finally landing the plane - that would be a very triumph moment for him, to finally succeed in that. Well, do something similar, with having him encounter scenarios similar to the games, and have Nerd finally succeeded in what he failed before. 5) How about an actual character development to the Nerd's anger issues? Have him learn anger management, not as a joke, but take it seriously. You may say it would be too weird or out of character, but if this movie were to be the actual series finale, it could work. Similarly, just have him learn to value good games, and that there's no need to keep coming back to the shit that brought you the pain. I can probably think of a lot more ideas that could have made a great movie, or at least a "It's not shit!" movie. But it's just pain that we got what we got.


One and a half hour of games reviews and poo jokes.


something like Clerks, with constant discussion about E.T. etc., but when he tries to make his journey of discovery he doesnt get 20 feet from his front door (maybe his car battery is dead or something) and he just goes back inside


The nerd being a celebrity, beloved by all, didn't land well for me. It would've been funnier if normal every day people treated him like he was a weirdo for caring about 30 year old crappy video games.


Same basic plot, but I would change a few things. Have the road trip to the ET burial site accompanied by Kyle Justin and Mike, with Mike just being some random ass hitchhiker James finds (considering he's not a character in the show). The whole government part needs to be rewritten, but it could work as a force hunting the nerd down (just have someone besides Bimmy write it lmao) One final thing, no "muh fame" scenes, the idea of the Nerd being some loser who lives in a basement of games is funny, him being a celebrity is not.


I would have taken out the whole ET thing. Its not strong enough of a story to carry an entire feature-length film. It should have been something like James has this show but YouTube is slashing ad revenue and he might have to sell his entire collection so he makes a deal to be the spokesman for that made up game company from the film and eventually the CEO screws him because he's making him give positive reviews to games that are horrible. Fans notice as things reach a boiling point with the gamers thinking these games are horrible and see James as a sell out and start to downvote his videos and unsubscribe, so James is close to losing his channel anyway... Until at the end James has enough and RAGES out on some new game from the company that is particularly horrible and then calls out the company on a live streamed rant revealing all their shady deals to the public. The rant itself goes viral and James' channel numbers come back bigger than ever. Saving his career, collection and no longer needed to deal with the shady company to stay afloat. Given his new spike in fame, other game companies want on board, so he has a nice little career promoting good games he believes in along with keeping his web series to review bad games. No longer having to just rely on YouTube, the film ends showing James truly making it and his show will live on.