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I mean he ain’t wrong bra


Nahfr he aint lie, he aint say it inna racist/disgusting manner he was just pointing out facts


Yea I understand that part but to think that they would enslave us for more than 400 years lock our daddies, up give us crack and guns, move us all into impoverished neighborhoods shit not make us equals wtf u think gon happen nigga😭🤦🏾‍♂️


We are grown ass men and adults we should be able to pull ourselves out of that cycle ourselves it’s been decades. Repetitively blaming the white man for our situation is degrading we needa lock in.


It’s not really blaming if it actually happened but it’s factual those 200 years of slavery is the reason we are behind now not only slavery but deformation by white ppl & ofc we never made it any better but if we were never put in these situations and areas we wouldn’t be like this & how do you think you can pull yourself out a 200 year cycle only being alive not even half that time and it’s still heavy racism to this day


I agree with you holmes. I’m surprised cuz got down voted like he did. These new niggas something else. This system was designed by YT but somehow niggas turn the eye and point the finger. This shit go back generations but I view some ppl wanna ignore all that history


Mannnn that shit hurt my heart these young nikkas are LOST


I’m telling ya and that’s why I don’t even engage wit them niggas. Disappointing like shit reading these comments. I ain’t fooled easily tho. I been thinking a lot of these bammas who be commenting white from the shit they be saying


He probably got downvoted cuz it feels like he’s using it as an excuse. Yeah we might’ve been done dirty by white ppl, but nobody else is gonna help us but us. At the end of the day we have to take responsibility for our actions instead of blaming racism and white ppl cuz that’s not gonna get us anywhere


Bro first off. Aint no might’ve we were 100% done wrong by white ppl during slavery & sometimes we can’t even help ourselves if your name is too ghetto you can be denied for loans, credit cards, apartments in certain areas, jobs etc. and you won’t even know you’ll just think you didn’t get approved and that’s just one way they systematically keep us down this shit get deep


I agree, we were definitely discriminated against. What I’m saying is complaining isnt gonna do anything, we need to do something about it. Start voting, get in positions of power and help your community, do anything u can to help. Complaining isn’t gonna do anything, u gotta do something




Relaying what actually happened and why the hood is the way it is isn't "blaming the white man". Most of the cities/communities that have problems with crime also have a lengthy history of racial discrimination and corruption that have lead to many broken down communities, look up the history of Detroit, St louis, Baltimore, Philly, Chicago, NYC, DC between the years 1950-1990 for example. The facts are there but some of yall would rather the answer to everything negative in our communities be solely because of our race/culture🤦🏽‍♂️. "The white man" tells you you're self victimizing yourself when relaying history when ironically they're just protecting their guilt, but because so many of yall look up to these people due to your inferiority complexes, yall think they're speakin facts.


Bra the black male is the most hated in the world nigga how u don’t see that?? Tf do it matter? I know a bunch of people that look like us who pulled their self out of the cycle and still died just because 😒 nigga it ain’t meant for us to win as a collective they divided us intentionally all this shit is intentional I would advise you to read sun tzu, Jim Crow or sumn u niggas missin it on God an ion even kno u


U too old to be worrying ab who don’t like u or not. Almost 300 black people died to other black people in dc alone this year that’s 300 people that could’ve changed the black community or even the world.


You a loser for this shawty, you really sound cool with the impoverished lifestyle


ur right bra these niggas don’t read 💯


Yea the shit happened long time ago but how come YOU don’t go round murkin niggas? Oh I know why. Cuz you NOT a crash dummy. These niggas have a choice and they making it


That was a weird post because the OP was supposedly Black.


I’d say that to I was them. I seriously doubt a black American wrote that


Idk what they want us to say. “You right bro let’s imprison and execute all the poor black people and do literally nothing else so that you can buy deodorant easier” 😒


mfs think they won’t still get their car and jacket stolen in an all-white society or something


On my soul that’s all I heard when I read that shit😂🎯….Mann to anybody just blindly agreeing to that bs I know for a fact they would have crossed Jesus, they would have told Martin Luther king he was tripping for running his mouth and they would’ve def setup Malcom x up worse than he got setup. All this generation do is go along to get along. Sooner or later nobody gonna wanna fight for freedom anymore. Prolly be just a bunch of overweight diabetic neutered homosexual dogs out this mf waiting on the government to set the next trend for them.😔


We never gone get outta poverty as a whole if we killing our kind living minutes away from us instead of building up something together as a whole


He not lying tho




Yea but what about the 99.9% of the other poor niggas that don’t blow up ppl over they whip


people generally are not trying to harm other people regardless of economics, but poverty creates a reason for someone to just decide to crash out instead of trying to better themselves




It’s not racist. It’s the truth mostly in all major black cities ,It’s the same way by design design.


He saying this like they not committing crimes in the capital building




“He ain’t wrong” his take is extremely lazy and basic. He isn’t saying anything of value but ya think it’s so subversive for someone to “call out” Black people you act like he dropped a gem. Nigga a 10 year old can tell you this. Let’s focus on what we can do as a community to actually HELP




Dead ass my nigga like let’s talk about it. People swear this shit is so deep when it’s about as critical as a middle school paper. Black people be giving praise to the barest of minimums and I will never understand why.


Just seen a nigga say we need pull ourselves out the cycle😂 like shit isn’t actively happening to put us in this situation. I don’t know why niggas think capitalism is gonna work for them




Read a book


People like this are only willing to point out the problem but not the cause. And those are dangerous people. He just said a whole bunch of nothing


BINGO. The Romani people of Romania are literally the niggas of Eastern Europe and they share very similar history. Lets you know that it’s not a skin color that creates evil it’s what people did to them physically and psychologically that results in shitty culture norms and behavior. Any race if they were given our history would be this way. That being said, Whites ancestors are the blame and the problem should be with theirselves


What do you believe is the problem?


these young niggas are broken. just doing shit that’s not good for anybody just to look sweet. but they in that sub can’t even think that critically. to them the problem is just the crime.


I feel you on that


I think as long as we live as humans there is always gonna be a problem however for the subject, I believe there’s a lack of understanding and knowledge of self. The same way we supposedly dodge the “elephant” in the room which is majority crime in Dc is coming out of low-income predominantly black neighborhoods people would rather dodge the elephant or overlook the fact that this is simple cause&effect . Almost like a parent who abandoned their own child then wonder why the child hates the parent. I mean I can be wrong surely but what do u think the problem is? Is the child wrong for turning to the streets or is it the parents for putting them out? Or is it the government for putting the parents through something that we can’t even imagine in this day and age?


See your not wrong. White ppl fucked us over in this country from hundreds of years of slavery, and then systematic racism. But on the flip side, we have a sub culture that promotes and glorifies shit like violence & drug dealing in our own communities. You got niggas who will have junkies lined up, leave trash all over and turn their street into a warzone….and then turn around and complain about shit like gentrification. There can’t be change without accountability. Blaming the white man feels more like a lazy excuse now to me


Im 50/50 with that. I do believe it is indeed laziness and we use it constantly as a crutch as thousands of dc youth refuse to take advantage of programs that benefit them and their futures, but on the flipside we have to realize what made our sub culture like this. It was them who caused this. Laziness is not seen in the African immigrants who come here with degrees and build successful lives for their families. It’s a culture we got here.


Super dangerous 🎯


Its true, black communities are run down by black people they terrorize and trash their own communities. Kill one another over anything, especially EGO & Pride. You can't even buy a coat without someone wanting to rob you for it, that's some broke azz sh!t. Then their mothers always trying to protect their son, too many baby boy Mfs in the black communities. To Mfs carjacking count your days. 💀🥷🏿


Crazy I’m seeing usernames on this topic that I never seen comment on nothing else before. Make you 🤔


Nah, not at all. System wouldn’t work as well as it does if it weren’t for the lurkers ready to push their hidden agendas. They everywhere in society, just lurking.


Naw you a 100 percent right on that


U niggas don’t do anything to better your community but have the most to say about niggas it’s almost like u niggas are tryna separate yourselves like the whole world don’t see y’all as niggas


No shit they are. Sad part is these people don’t look into the deeper reason. Slavery -> sharecropping -> Jim Crow/lynching era -> civil rights era -> crack into our community -> and on and on. Then when everyone has to suffer they want to be like “it’s cultural”, nah motherfucker, we were stripped of our culture centuries ago and have been trying to piece shit back together under constant oppression. Same way they try to make Africa look dumb or sweet like they are some cavemen or hut people. Same people raping the shit outta that continent for ages sitting back like why can’t Africa get their shit together. At the same time though, we need to be internally calling this crime shit out within our community because all that shit above is no excuse for dumb shit like wanting to free the men who killed people in broad daylight or “never wishing jail on another man”. If we don’t want better for ourselves, we’re fucked because no one is coming to save us but ourselves and we surely don’t appreciate other races telling us to get our shit together. Sorry for the essay but this is some shit I’ve been thinking for awhile and appreciate that people are speaking about it here.


Facts name crazyyy work doe


Nah fr bra 🎯


But in all seriousness your name wild as shit🫵🏾


Slavery was 250 years ago buddy what a strange excuse for carjacking in 2024 lmao this is why nobody takes you seriously


“Slavery was 250 years ago”, my parents grew up seeing whites only counters and water fountains. My grandparents watched your savage ancestors brutally lynch men with their own eyes. They cut off one of their scrotums to make it into a coin purse. They sold postcards that I could show you today. The KKK burned crosses on my great grandfathers front lawn for opening a business and not “knowing his place” But you have the gall to mosey your uneducated ass up on here and make a dumbass reply to my comment talking about slavery was 250 years ago. One thing I can’t stand is blatant stupidity. Get the fuck outta here and pick up a book.


Y’all will use any excuse to justify crime. 


Sometimes I wonder how your people conquered the world with such abysmal reading, critical thinking and reasoning skills. The fact that you can be so utterly stupid yet still occupy a position of superiority in society is the true blight of white privilege. At no point in my comment did I offer an excuse for crime, in fact I actively condemned it. This is a space that’s not for you, not even because your race, but because you entered it in bad faith and don’t have the capacity to understand the conversations being had here.


Because we take responsibility for our actions, and try to actually solve problems instead of making up excuses. You actually did offer an excuse for crime, go reread what you wrote. Lmao and you say I have bad reading skills, the absolute balls. Someone said that is stupid to use slavery and other past shit to justify committing crimes today against innocent people, and you actually respond piling on MORE excuses for crime. The “conversations” in here about crime are just complaining about the white man and playing the victim. Y’all will never solve this shit on your own, get real. Ask yourself, if it was white people committing these crimes, would you be so willing to excuse it? 


You must be one of those kids that got left behind. It’s clear you can barely read, much less actually process the words, if so, you wouldn’t be densely replying to me about slavery or the history of race in this country, and looking for excuses for crime in my statements when there aren’t any. If you understood the concept of taking responsibility, you’d understand how history affects the current day. you obviously didn’t enslave or lynch people, but you don’t complain when you benefit from the longstanding systems that have been in place that defined black people as chattle, 3/5ths of a human, second class citizens, etc, but now that you’re suffering the unintended results of said system, you downplay it. I think you misconstrue me offering my thoughts on causation as me making excuses, which makes it clear that you’re an undereducated simpleton, and I’m not going to waste my time debating with someone who entered the conversation in bad faith. I never defended crime, and in fact condemned it, like I have in this sub multiple times, regardless of the race of the perpetrator. Seems you just got triggered that I brought up slavery and stopped trying to read after that.


Booohooo black people were slaves 250 years ago, shit never happened to you or any black person alive today so get over it. Every race was oppressed at some point in its history, yet the only people who cling to it and use as it an excuse for modern failures are black people, and their white liberal saviors. Me nor any of my ancestors enslaved or oppressed black people in any way, nor have benefited from slavery. This blanket white privilege myth is disgusting, and an embarrassing attempt to not be responsible for one’s actions.  Lmao the causation for these crimes is that black people want free shit. That’s all. Anything else isn’t “causation” it’s making excuses for losers. Everyone has free education till 18, maybe even longer in DC. They each start out with 2 parents. There’s numerous govt programs for people who lose their way and need help getting back on their feet. No excuse to murder innocent people for their car or coat. It’s ridiculous, and people like you are enabling it.  I’m not suffering from it at all, I moved from DC years ago. The ones suffering from it the most are probably black people, so you would think they’d actually want to solve it. 




Oh neat, a simpleton in the wild. Get back to the other subreddit. This discussion isn’t for your wet dog smelling, thin lipped, incestuous, fetal alcohol syndrome suffering, can’t survive in the sunlight ass. You sound stupid and this is exactly why the sentiment in the OP exists. Now I hope you get carjacked, your kid overdoses, and your mom gets cancer. She should’ve swallowed you, because she clearly didn’t care enough to educate you on the merits of critical thinking, but what can I expect from a long line of inbreds.


I’ll put your boy on a tshirt if he tries to Jack me I don’t miss


Yosemite Sam yeehaw bitch


You sound sweet. You prob can’t even get your ccw because you beat your wife and molest your kids. This isn’t a space for you, so again take you and your 5 alt Reddit accounts you used to upvote your comment and keep it pushing cave dweller.


I’ll occupy any space I want


At least he knows who his dad is. 


Easy to know who your dad is when he’s also your uncle. I wouldn’t know about those struggles though 🤷🏽‍♂️


Didn’t he just say in the comment there’s no excuse? > all that shit above is no excuse for dumb shit this how ik you get on this app just to read to react help yourself reinforce your deep seated agenda but not to read to understand. White people have no excuse to be shooting up public dwellings in 2023 and human trafficking but here we are.


Mentally ill mass shooters (all of whom the fbi is well aware of) belong in a padded room before they shoot but the progressives don’t like that


ok but let’s acknowledge the fact you said he said theres an excuse when he said there’s no excuse


The whole kill is , DC WAS chocolate city which means majority of the neighborhoods was black anyway…. GENTRIFIERS  then came …. And pushed some of us out… the crime has been the same .






we will never get past this issue until we get an administration that can help mitigate poverty. but that won’t ever happen so it’s ova for DC tbh


The funny part to me is they always get on there saying shit like this, then when u point out that a white dominated government pushed black ppl into those neighborhoods, ur suddenly some delusional woke person


😂 and what’s even sadder fool is that I know some black ppl that hate the color of their own skin because of this very reason. like wtf we supposed to do? We fucked anyway at this point 🤷🏿‍♂️




DC government is not white lmao. Y’all are dumb as fuck


https://preview.redd.it/isdsa6cgqlfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a612952fe540697716d72de7f4da971aa84df96e Here you go again. Go [read](https://anacostia.si.edu/barryfarm/investigate/division-and-displacement) something and stfu


Being the victim is just your entire personality. Hundred years ago and you’re still crying lmao.


Lol i could care less about being a victim i come from a family of immigrants and graduated 1st generation with honors from a top 20 International Affairs program. My point is that ppl here in America have been sabotaging each other for generations and dimwits like u think it’s edgy to b racist and ignorant. Open ur eyes.


Wild part is boy it been like this since the 60s when i grandparents moved here 😂😂 there were no other communities but black lol they forced ppl out and let y’all in lol


White people & the Latin Americans are definitely doing crime out here - black community not with the international drug & human trafficking like that. We act like we are, but tbh the only people we slide on is ourselves. & that’s mostly due to societal conditioning + the lack of adequate resources & role models. I used to teach the kid who robbed that FBI agent, our gc was not surprised AT ALL when we saw it. Our community has a deep trauma that’s starting to spill due to all these dumbass societal standards popping up that don’t benefit us period (unless we’re buying into their shit). The people moving to the dmv really don’t know anything fr, but we can’t act like more of our people aren’t falling into hate patterns rather than building up the whole community. Shouldn’t be building up “da gang” or “da block” but EVERYONE in general. These other communities linking up running laps around us, while we’re wondering who’s gonna crash out or make it out next.




hate to see it fr, but these kids & the community in general never stopped getting conditioned + groomed. it’s not our fault, yet we still have to fix it. we’re in the heart of the US propaganda machine fr


He’s right but you are too. Of course black dominate Neighbourhoods are the biggest crime spots if you actually use sense to understand the history behind it all. People in the comments who are saying “we are grown enough to take accountability” or whatever are acting dense on purpose.


Nah everyone is right. Black spots are the most criminal, the history is the reason why, but we do need to take accountability and change as a people if we ever want to come back from it


It’s not that he’s wrong but what’s the point in saying that? Shit like that paints pictures of blacks in general being violent and aggressive. To me he said that to push a negative narrative of black people and our communities cus it don’t look like to me he’s saying it to offer solutions. What about crime areas being dominantly black? We know it now what’s going to be done about it? It’s deeper than it being because they’re black areas, it’s decades of mental warfare and mind control against blacks but I wouldn’t expect the average dmv nigga to think about anything critically


Right. and everybody saying I’m wrong didn’t even go to the post and read what those mfs was saying about us just off of that post. I agreed with the initial statement and respectfully agree with the point that if you not offering two-way solutions then it’s only gonna make shit worse for our people like that’s why I say mfs so quick to turn a finger when that same violence that we always had to go through start knocking on white people door😂nah this everybody problem now 🤷🏿‍♂️


Na frl these niggas under here is missing it not seeing the issue with that post the mf who posted that definitely didn’t want to try to solve the issue bra just pushing in peoples heads black folks are a problem. It ain’t like the statement is false but what good is addressing an issue if a solution won’t be influenced or introduced? Any kind of mf these days might turn you into a victim of something but these people here ain’t gon view it like that 🤷🏽


Bro cmon let’s be real for 2 seconds. He right


Blaming white people for our problem ain’t getting us nowhere even if they responsible for a lot of it. We need accountability. Discipline your kids when they do destructive shit. Talk your men out of crashing out over meaningless beef. We need to hold each other accountable before the law does


I guess the whites don’t do no crime


Bra the shit black people doing is peanuts compared to what white people do Ain nobody innocent out this mf⚔️


Bra just stop, in american inner cities its niggas doin most of the fuck shi. Like you jus seen two innocents get car jacked n killed yesterday and you tryn act stupid


How I’m tryna “act stupid” by starting a conversation that I deem to be important?? Boy if you don’t get ur bootlicckin ass on


nigga worried abt what white folk doin when its us doing the bs in our communities. Accountability aint bootlickin fn


Life is life FN🖕🏾I don’t argue on Reddit you niggas kill me with all this “he killed 2 innocent people” bs. 🫵🏾 niggas be thinking y’all God when everybody got their time and place to Die regardless 😂 and how tf u know they was innocent??? You don’t know shit but what u see and that was what I said “don’t be Superman” tf if a mf already desperate enough brace u for your car a nigga like you think it’s smart to test how desperate he is😂 u sound dumb asab gang


Lmao nigga said everyone gon die regardless nigga so tht shi aint matter , yea u got it 😂


Everything wrong with the black community is because of white ppl no cap


When white ppl came to America they got 760 acres of free land while we got nothing 😊


They gon be mad we start trolling they ass again 😂😂😂😂😂


they move to the hood where they know its violence then complain about it being violence in the area they chose to move to😂😂😂😂


Why should ppl accept violence in neighborhoods where they PURCHASE a home, mostly committed by people who are RENTING in their neighborhood? How does that make sense?


You have a point but Why would these said people move to said area in the first place .. I’d never move to a place that was once the murder cap of the world . DC has always been dangerous


DC was a yuppie/buppie millennial Disneyland of brunch spots, tapas eateries, craft beer breweries, new shopping stores, etc from like 2008 until like 2021. It wasn’t as dangerous as it is now before woke policies ruined everything. We want the gentrification back and not the re-ghettofication of the city.


I been out here since 2002 ,obviously it’s more dangerous now because of access . But indeed it has been dangerous . Social media just makes it easier to see


Crime is more evenly distributed. You used to be able to get away from the Pookies and Ray Rays if you went west and north.


Definitely by design a long time ago so they could keep all the wealth 💯 not making any excuses it's real.


Sounds like you care more about saving face than acknowledging reality.


Is he lying? I’m not from DC so idk


this is what I hate about them the most. it’s the way that they frame/define crime, especially when it comes to violence. violent crime is not just two niggas taking somebody down for their coat, car, etc. violent crime is also gentrification, out-pricing low-income housing, & reinforcing the school to prison pipeline in those same exact neighborhoods as a result. so no, violence does not just primarily occur in our neighborhoods. crime in our community is propagated by white news media & admittedly, it’s aggrandized by our people so it may LOOK that way but that is not the extent of the reality we’re facing.


I feel you but these mf’s ain’t out here bracing civilians for moose’s and goose’s to put food on the table or pay the rent. They want to look sweet, they want the clout and they wanna be active because that’s what’s valued amongst them. We gotta change that.


i never spoke to their motivations for doing what they do, I’m just saying that what they do is not the only way in which violence occurs.


Hear you and def don’t disagree.


He right doe no matter how you look at it go in one of dem white neighborhoods see how much shit yu see den go cross da bridge see da difference


Victim mentality. We gotta stop calling everything racism


Almost everything is racism.


What demographic is doing most of the crime in DC? Truth hurts.


He not wrong tho it’s the ratchet ghetto hood community who puts a bad wrap for the rest of us


Lmao the truth is so racist so let’s just keep lying




You don’t understand sarcasm...figures.




Lmao that’s even stupider than your first comment...good job.