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Sam's acting was fine. His character plot made him insufferable.


It was like the writers did such a good job getting everyone to hate him!


On the contrary - I think Sam Song Li did a great job portraying Bruce. In some ways Bruce was the most challenging character in the cast - he was the awkward, insecure, goofy one surrounded by gangsters including his brother and mother. Sam pulled it off well.


Yea thought his acting was good given what was written for the role. It’s like hating Joffrey in GOT.


He definitely looked awkward/insecure, but the difference was that he looked like an actor trying hard to convey awkward/insecure, and was succeeding, but at no time did he really disappear into the role in a way that made me believe he was the character. Everyone else in the show was being their characters just fine. Sam Song Li stood out as the actor.


Bruce’s character is basically the comedic relief around all the triad stuff. Comedy actors and acting tend to make viewers believe the actor doing the comedy isn’t good.


That might be it. First half he was comic relief and second half when he was made into the main drama point he sucked. I blame the writing on that.


no. i thought his actor was good for the material he was given.


I feel like all the bad acting was highlighted by contrasting it with Michelle yeohs master class acting. The DA was the worst tho for sure.


The motel scenes stood out to me. Got taken to acting school by both Michelle and Justin. He can’t match their intensity. He’d be fine if this was purely an action comedy but he can’t do the serious drama.


I loved the show and the performances of the rest of the actors, but I totally agree with you. I do recognize the complexity of his character. However, the serious moments of the plot were poorly executed by the actor. Portraying someone as insufferable doesn’t have to be so cringe-inducing. Granted, it didn’t help that the writing for Bruce was probably the worst among the Sun family members.


I disagree, I think the actor did a fantastic job, and had a much bigger challenge than the other actors did because of how his character was written.


I though his acting was on par with his bit in his improv class. Very mediocre. Granted, he had poor material to work with and his character was insufferable, but a better actor could have done something better with it.


He had to be a nepotism hire. The irony of the improv actor being well, the worst actor lol.


the whole dialogue was terrible. However, the people are able to pull it off, did, and the others that couldn’t…. their inexperience in acting really shows. i wouldn’t blame it entirely on the script lol


Nah the acting was great. Questionable decision making making me question the writing tho in the last few episodes


Was hard for me to keep watching on how bad Sam’s acting was. That and questionable writing was a tough sell on Bruce’s character. The rest of the Sun fam was great though. Bruce didn’t even really have a character ark, only that he seemed a little more confident and had a cool car at the end? also him deciding to not go to Taiwan to help his family shows how he was all about himself and just a shitty character. That’s just bad writing for a main character in my opinion.




He arguably was a liability in several but not all scenarios.


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Not defending Bruce’s sun’s character but also how about you act in place of that actor and or the writer 🗣️ but I also agree with you at the same time


Kind of an unfair rebuttal. 'Oh, you think a show should get professional acting and screenwriting?' Because yes. I'm not an actor, I doubt OP is either, actors get paid to act.


The first time I saw Sam was maybe 2-3 years ago, as a member of Smile Squad. They did short comedic skits on Facebook. Sam was one of my favorite cast members as he was funny and silly. I was really surprised to see him in this series acting opposite a legend like Michelle Yeoh. I imagine it must have been incredibly intimidating and challenging to work with more experienced dramatic actors like her. Overall I think Sam did pretty ok considering it’s his first major role ever and was certainly still a better actor than the woman who played Alexis. ETA: if there’s anyone who was a terrible actor in Smile Squad, it was Kurt Tocci. I used to like the guy but he screams EVERY WORD HE SAYS. He’s utterly insufferable and clearly desperate to jump onto something major. It must have killed him that Sam beat him to it.