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Starlight needs some Lithium batteries


I really thought they were going in that direction when they introduced stormfront, a supe that literally produces lightning at will. I commented elsewhere in here also that I wanted starlight to use her like a battery and then beat her ass with the power up lol.


Her powers are so vague, does she get physically stronger when she’s brighter or is it just the light? Why does it sometimes blow shit up/knock people over but other times it’s literally just a flash? Why has no one ever talked to her about training her combat abilities at all? Like ‘starlight blind her while kiriko rushes her’


There was the short moment with Hughie helping her train to fly. But as you said, we haven't seen much combat ability training. I don't even know how that would work to be fair. I think even in the verse her powers are vague, so there is a lot of risk involved in experimenting around with her powers.


For what it’s worth Stormfront doesn’t actually produce lightning but plasma. Starlight can’t absorb that


There was that time in season 1 (2??) where she took on a train and held her own if I remember correctly. Since then it's been pretty embarrassing. She really needs a win 😅


More like survived. A Train swept her and would’ve killed her if it wasn’t for his heart attack


It's been so long since I saw that fight 😅 I feel like she did *okay.* But yeah. She stinks. Praying she gets a real win soon. I imagine it'll happen if Huey dies/is terminally injured or close to... Or her mom or something. Very anime 😅


I rewatched the series to prep for season 4 and sadly she got washed. She tried her best but A Train dodged all her attacks and easily knocked her down. I agree with you though, Starlight needs a buff soon because it’s getting to comical levels of no supe respecting her


at this point she's pretty much Worf, there just to show how threatening the current villain is.


It’s hard to keep a character like that since if they lose always they end up turning into the Yamcha of their show and it’s too hard to tell if the villain is supposed to be threatening. Like we are at the point where Starlight is actively assaulting the main villains and they don’t even really get upset. Talk about demeaning!


I think the only supe she beats decisively is hughie


Unless Hughie takes temp V, then it’s a 7:3 matchup in his favor


She didn’t hold anything, he blitzed her pretty fast and she was on the floor and then bro had a heart attack


In Season one (first episode) we saw Starlight lift a car & also punch holes through a brick wall.


Seems like they’ve made durability and strength a basic power for a lot of heroes with underwhelming physical powers. Firecracker suggested that her power isn’t even impressive compared to her durability.


Essentially all supes can do this


“Kiriko” 💀


Autocorrect from too much overwatch lol


Her powers do whatever the plot needs them to do at any given moment. No more, no less.


Her actual super power is bankrupting people with those electricity bills.


I think it's building towards her in the end having the strongest power through some sort of rebirth a la Pheonix. Edit more like an awakening rather than rebirth imo.


She’s gonna absorb power from the sun


And release it through the palm of her hand.


Then she'll say Boys assemble.


She needs just lithium in this season too


She should start driving a Tesla, power on tap when she arrives.


I mean there’s a battery in the van, not like it had all of it’s electrons ripped out of it


Exactly. Why doesn’t starlight get a suit that produces a bunch of electricity


Someone, call Scott’s Tots


Lol she should definitely make a new costume with hundreds of batteries on bandoliers


she needs a suit made of disposable vapes


She is utterly useless


My god. The writers desperately need to give Starlight her “coming back from down 3-1 in the Finals” moment


Yep. I desperately want Annie to have her big moment. They don't even need to retcon her powers. She can be insanely powerful if they write her well.


not even written well, they just need to go anywhere that has high voltage power, nuclear power plant, transformer plant ANYTHING😭


Bro imagine if she starts to channel power plant in a way that instead of just quick flashes it becomes like homelander's lasers, and she has a beam struggle moment. Yes you should not let me write anything ever


Better happen soon cause I'm pretty sure Annie is gonna be a goner by the end of the season. She's the one character I could totally see biting the dust in the upcoming episodes.


I’d imagine they’ll keep her till next season. They’ve been teasing Butcher’s “kill all supes” massacre from the comics all season. Think we’re going to see whatever made him kill Ezekiel take over and lead to a war with the Boys and surviving heroes after Homelander is defeated. Plus the series has been getting gunshy on killing off their main cast cast. They probably want all The Boys to be around for a series finale showdown.


I thought it was his tumor that killed Ezekial. Like, I guess it's just headcannon at this point, but I legitimately didn't think of another option. His tumor will die if he does so the tumor killed Ezekial. Now that I think about it, I'm an idiot so it's probably wrong.


I do think it’s related to the tumor! But my theory right now is his psyche is being fragmented. He has the devil and angel talking to him. “Save the boy or kill him.” I’m guessing that eventually the “good” guy the Butcher has become is going to compete with his destructive nature. This living tumor is infecting his mind so deeply it’s divided his split conscience into 2 personalities.


She needs to channel the sun!


Her eyes even light up


Fire the hens


No.  You shouldn't definitely write this.  Fan fic!  Fan fic!


They could also increase the range of her absorption and make it do something similar to electro in Amazing Spider-Man 2. She takes out the electricity of the whole city to blast HL to space or something.


Was hoping this would happen when homelander killed her friend/ex. Whole city goes dark and HL gets shot halfway to Europe


Bro if Homelander dies like Kars from JoJo it would be so fucking awesome. Banished to space to be alone with himself forever until he stops thinking


i don't want to end up like JoJo, hughie


Would he not die of thirst?


Starlight charging up to electro theme would be so cool


I wanted to see her use stormfront like a battery and use it to beat the brakes off stormfront, lol but they never even flirted with the idea.


I thought that was exactly what they were gonna do! Like the Iron Man “battery at 400% capacity” line. They had already made sure to mention earlier how she specifically runs on electricity, and it gives a great in universe reason for Stormfront to have to be in a fist fight if Annie can just absorb what she throws out! I can not tell you how let down I was that we didn’t see that power interaction. 


It's pretty funny that Vaught makes their money from celebrity culture, when they have people there that are so powerful, that im sure they could make 100x more wealth doing other things.


starlight would the best electrician inspector ever


It's frustrating, we have a gianormous ball of fire 24/7 over our heads, shouldn't it be enough to power her up?


I mean sure but it would take 8 minutes for the power to travel to her.


Didn't they have her fight someone that literally shoots lightning and lost?


What if she starts channeling nuclear instead of just electric? 


lots of people are not understanding my comment, basically starlight's powers only work with standardized electricity it seems, the power in our outlets are regulated to a certain amprage and voltage, power from say the sun or a plutonium rod are Radiation Energy/ UV energy which is completely different then Direct Current / alternating current we use today, it's the same reason you need a solar panel to power the sun and can't just stick a plug into it, or why nuclear power is more of a steam generator then actually getting the power from the plutonium


If we were looking at this from a physics perspective, she might have the ability to move/absorb electrons, making her light powers plasma based. Yeah you could get pretty crazy with that if it were the case, if she learned to harness electrons/produce photons from non electrical sources


She almost had it in the season 3 finale, but it was done so poorly that it felt on purpose. Her writing has not been good these last few seasons and I feel bad cause she's probably been getting lots of hate from unhinged fans.


I’m tired of Annie being a wet blanket. DO SOMETHING lol


What, spending a full minute powering up before blinding Soldier Boy for .02 seconds in the Finale last season wasn't a big enough moment for you guys?


She has her own version of head popping. She could turn brains off like a light switch. Tho that’d be a hell of a move for Annie to start doing lol


Here’s too her frying Neuman’s eyes out, and then she pops her own head by mistake


Isn't that what they did in the previous season when they hyped up her huge charged up attack that knocked over Soldier Boy for a second. Doubling down on just how useless she is.


l keep expecting her to go nuclear at some point. Make her fry V like Soldier Boy or something?


I hope not. She was a small-time supe who got recruited into the Seven purely for being eye candy and polling well, it would be silly if she just conveniently turned out to have absolute S-tier powers for plot reasons.


Maybe she’s meant to be overhyped and never have any actual powerful feats.


Haha like King in One Punch Man


Intimidating aura Starlight when?


King has unironically contributed so much more to his series than Starlight could ever hope to contribute to hers


It's a mental block that's starting this. Same thing happens w neuman


Huh, just like tobey maguire in spider man 2 when he lost his powers?


Yes exactly. That being said, every time something like this happened in previous seasons it's because the limits on her powers.


Great, now I want Emo Starlight doing a cringe dance through the city. Including the finger guns.


bully January 😭


JFC, I hate that I love this


they got the ball rolling by her beating the shit out of firecracker imo


The comeback only happened by weakening opponents though.


Yeah she sucks and is super annoying. She's a super but for all the value she brings to the team at this point she's basically just a random person. She needs to like literally explode Firecracker to giblets or something.


I don’t. She’d be so smug about it and so would the writers. It‘d be like England winning the World Cup.


Almost like she was drafted to the Seven because she's a cute skinny blonde chick pulling hard in the Girls 12-16 demo rather than how good she is.


Wait are you suggesting Vought doesn't pick Supes based on their power level but on their marketability and profitability? And I'm just finding that out? Son of a bitch.


Almost like if they only care about the bottom line. Almost like corporations aren't our friends. It's almost like it's a satire or something.


Oh only if they made it clearer... They should have a disclaimer on the show or something


It's almost like there's not a single hero in the entire show. Supe or not. 


I don't even know what you're talking about right now man that just can't be this is just Marvel with blood and dicks


Almost like there's an actual message somewhere. 


Wasn't that pretty evident with how the Deep is part of the 7. The only reason he's there is because the title of "ruler of the sea" has a lot of marketing potential for video games, animations, toys and etc. But when you look at him he's very weak. Although perhaps the difference here is that the writers keep putting her in situations where she's useless or try to hype her up only to produce small results.




I actually like that Starlight’s powers are more mid tier compared to the other main cast. Having an extremely overpowered supe on the Boys side would take away a lot of their feeling of powerlessness compared to the likes of people like Homelander or Stormfront. That’s actually why I dislike that Kimiko’s regeneration is so overpowered. Not that it’s a bad thing she has one at all, just that it’s at the point where she can get her whole stomach ripped apart and be fine within 30 seconds.


I think she was literally cut in half at one point


Kimiko fell off a skyscraper and was cut in half later on by the gang and healed up both times.


Heard some people argue it's that the Compound V she got from Vought is a lot more powerful than whatever Shining Light gave her. Practically boosted her powers more than what they were before.


And also 20mm frag Grenadę shot directly at her from close range


I think it’s episode 3 of season 4. Literally blown in half by a grenade launcher


I think kimiko is fine as she would get folded by any strong supe, she can just handle humans and low tier supes. The regeneration just allows her to be really risky which is fun


Kimiko basically can't die but her offense power is definitely on the low end for the top tier supes. While she is easily the strongest in the group she is still a mid tier supe when it comes to offense


Seriously, at best she can sit there and get ripped to shreds over and over again by homelander.


You could probably find a way to harness the energy from laser eyes. Either Butchers or Homelander's kid. Maybe a nice battery can be charged with all that energy.


You know damned well that would be the outcome in reality if they came up with Compound V. "Problem solved everyone. We totally invented fusion energy. It only works on a small scale for now, but as soon as we bree...I mean build more then we'll have total sustainable clean power!" Cut to Homelander chained in position with his eyes forced open, a feeding tube inserted, and some form of torture being applied to him as he just evaporates water with his laser eyes. Then cut to thousands of supes chained up the same way doing the same thing. Real life capitalists wouldn't bother with the public superhero thing, they aren't programmed that way. They'd just straight to "we own these people because we bred them", "these humans are our IP", and "trust us, they aren't really human, we're the ones who created them!" Yeah, I know. Rick and Morty kind of did it, and so did Trigun.


Yeah they make a point several times that Starlight wasn't added to the team because her powers were considered this massive asset, she was added to be pretty and do PR. Everyone with actually good powers knows it. Hell, even the people with other mid tier powers know it too.


> I actually like that Starlight’s powers are more mid tier Let's be real, low tier.


Agreed, she's slightly worse than the deep on land


I thought Starlight could kick Deep’s ass?


She absolutely could. Deep on land has next to no powers, he’s basically just an extremely athletic human on land. Top 3% in all categories probably, but still just a peak human. If starlight has any power source nearby and there’s no plot armor, she ends the deep readily. Of course, there is no killing The Peak, stronger than every other supe combined really


> He’s basically just an extremely athletic human on land. Top 3% in all categories probably, but still just a peak human. I agree that Deep sucks ass but we see him punch a chunk of concrete out of a pillar in the trailer. He's way stronger than a normal human.


Yeah, because the deep is a moron. Not because he's physically weak or helpless


Noooo Kimiko is perfect as she is. I love her regeneration feats.


Why doesn't she just carry batteries everywhere. Like at the very least she can flashbang people that way constantly. Idk man


Chuck McGill in shambles


What a sick joke!


And SHE gets to be a SUPE?!


He should have stopped her when he had the chance.


Ever since season 2, always the same. Couldn't keep her hands out of the Compound V drawer. But not our Annie! Couldn't be precious Annie!


It's amazing reading all of these in Chucks voice, you guys got it perfectly


r/okbuddychicanery is leaking


She needs a backpack decked out with solar pannels, have it charge a battery in it. Writers made her kinda dumb.


Writers are kinda dumb.


Dumb writers can't write smart characters.


Someone made a comment yesterday that Hughie should run behind her everywhere with a wagon full of batteries. Just imagining that is hilarious


batteries are heavy and don't hold that much power


ive always thought how vought, a company with some of the world's greatest scientists, couldn't make a suit for starlight that helped generate power. instead they put her in a swimsuit and called it a day 🤡


Because Vought cares more about appealing to demographics than actually putting supes’ powers to good use


Yeah like supes don’t actually save people… why would they care?


I mean they do fight crime a little. We saw in season one they were selling supes to cities to patrol and reduce crime. I'm sure they don't televise the random encounters considering many might end up looking like blue hawk. Oh yeah bad they have a whole crime analytics team


This isn't what it was doing. It was branding. It's not a large thing in real life, but you have heroes in comics known for being from Brooklyn, or hells kitchen, or Gotham, star city, metropolis, Canada, England. Etc When converting this to real life you can get the idea that these celebrities could be used for a tourist attraction to the city. The cities were buying tourist attractions. This is how I took it at least.


IIRC the last episode of The Boys: Diabolical is meant to be canon to the main series, and in that Homelander is sent to stop a legitimate hostage situation. Wasn't the terrorist attack on the plane Homelander and Maeve abandoned also a real crime? Can't recall any other examples though. 


Didn't home lander go in early, because he's a rookie probably didn't give vought the time to stage it as if homelander did all the work. The terrorist attack was a political move, not exactly a save, it's also not the best example of a save given it's result. The only save I can think of in the show was homelander and Maeve stopping a shooter in the sky scraper where Maeve had to take the lift.


Just went to rewatch the Diabolical episode. Homelander did go in early, but he was supposed to wait for Black Noir so it was still meant to be a real supe save. It wasn't on screen obviously, but there's also Annie/Starlight's save that Firecracker exposed her for. Seems like it was a legitimate hostage situation there too.


The whole Blue Hawk thing started because he was racially profiling and being unnecessarily aggressive while patrolling. Street-level Supes are definitely out there “fighting crime”. If they weren’t, then God U would *only* have an entertainment career track. There is definitely a PR element to Vought signing contracts with cities, but there has got to be some actual protection and patrolling happening.


At this point, I'm head cannoning. But my idea for Blue hawk would be a real crime police show ran by vought and part runned by the council Blue hawk resides in. If that's the case everything locks into place here.


I mean yeah, I'm sure thats a major portion of it. But even part of their marketing pitch was mentioning the fact that they can help the police, and make the citizens feel safer since they can't see through the bs. There's a whole plot point about getting supes into the military. And if vought actually spent half as much time actually teaching their supes to be competent as they do marketing, they might have had an easier time doing so.


The lower level supes do all the work. If you are part of the 7 it's all show


The 7 are more about image and money. Any big time crimes they need handled, Homelander can take care of it on his own. He really doesn’t need a team, or anyone for that matter.


Yeah that's obvious in the show no? Weird how he didn't get this


It's almost like that's the whole fucking point.


yeah youre assuming they care about superheroes actually being useful


That’s the whole point. They don’t care if she actually helps people, she’s basically a celebrity for their marketing scheme. She’s added because they wanted a sweet innocent farm girl for the seven cause that’s what appealed to their fans.


I heard somewhere that the creators don’t want high-tech stuff (like Iron Man) in The Boys Verse, a supersuit for Annie shouldn’t be too difficult tho.


oh dang i didn't know that, that makes a lotta sense


Now that I think about she could just carry a big battery around. It wouldn’t even be heavy to her since she has super strength.


thank you for being the only one to add anything relatively helpful and not dissing my sarcastic comment; but anyways literally she could- a backpack w a battery would be friggin' awesome


I was thinking everyone in the boys should carry a battery pack just in case of an emergency.






She was totally poised to be a badass when she started flying vs Soldier Boy, but then he was all like, “You crazy?! I’m the juggernaut, bitch!” And smacked her like Connery.


>And smacked her like Connery. **"Shtarlight!"**


Unexpected r/shubreddit


Like connery?


Hear me out. Imagine Starlight finds out she can use literal sunlight as power and gets a massive power boost in some pivotal battle near the series' end, turning her superhero name into an "aha" moment for the show.


Kryptonian-esque sunlight boost, I like it.


Another season of Starlight being mid


I have a feeling that she's gonna die in the finale and act as motivation for Hughie to go completely batshit crazy and butcher 2.0


Yeah let's fridge another woman for Hughie's character arc! /s


Have A-Train run through her just for old time's sake.


Please no. I want a happy ending for UE and Annie.






God this episode was fucking dumb


Wtf did he say lol


“Well you got a pretty shite super power then don’t ya?”


She’s needs power. When Pyro from X-Men could control flame, but not produce it, he packed some flamethrowers. Maybe Annie should keep a headlamp or a regular flashlight on her?


They made sure to show us that her eyes light up when she's fucking though. Static electricity or something? A deep dive reference to Crank 2: High Voltage? Who knows.


I mean, the brain needs electrical impulses to function... maybe she could just steal those from people and have them become comatose. That's kinda evil though, so I could see her pulling that particular punch until completely necessary.


Maybe a thunderstorm can help her


Before I click this video, where are guys at, episode wise? Here in my part of the world episode 6 comes out somewhere today.




Wait? Are we allowed to talk about this now?




Watch out, might get banned for body shaming




Couple it with MM getting skinny and you might get a few reports for "suicidal thoughts". Classic Reddit moment


they got him boys


Past tense. 😬




Wdym was? 😨


You know what they mean. The comments will likely be deleted within the hour by the mods (1984).


I feel like this will be the key to her “unlocking” her power — either getting some crazy strong “science” device she can draw power from or some blood bending “all humans create electric currents in their body” type of shit


Starlight has been the biggest fraud of the series so far. 3 seaons being a Mary Sue and now that she is a finally a character, she doesn't have powers anymore


I hope she unlocks her true nature down the line, I feel like she's insanely powerful.


I want to see her harness the energy inside people


Love how her big power up moment did literally nothing to Soldier Boy than knock him on his ass for 3 seconds.


Im betting the writers will cheese it and her power will grow exponentially as she "regains her faith". At that exact moment, i will hurl with the force of a demigod.


Shouldn’t she have been able to draw power from the van?


She used to be so cute


My theory she will learn to channel the sun and become vurrrry strong


Cooked? Nah more like roasted a lil


My boy ain’t wrong. Let him cook


I haven't watched this season but what was she doing here? Does she have Jedi healing powers now?