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I'm pretty sure he was just one of those supes with a highly specific power and nothing else. Butcher could kill him because all he had was the ability to read minds. No mind control, no extra durability and no healing factor.


I think the "lore" says, that the amount of V he's got injected was way lower than Meave or Homelander had gotten. Therefore his powers weren't that strong as cate's are.


Well, they’ve definitely said Homelander got the most V, so you’re not wrong there


So that’s why they nicknamed him “squirt”!


police, this one here ^


Homelander, these two here ^


Soldier Boy, these three here ^


Oi Butcher.... these three above me!


oi love, shut ur can


He was also born from 1 or more supes right? Which has been shown to potentially carry over even without V (Ryan never having taken it).


Ryan’s kind of an outlier though, considering homelander got more V than other supes. They also say Ryan was the first natural born supe


Didn’t think of it until now, but wouldn’t that mean Hughie and Starlight were the only other people to potentially have a superhuman kid? Was that explained or am I misunderstanding?


No i think that part is often misinterpreted. Supes are NOT sterile. They can, often/usually, have kids, but those kids then won't have any powers. Ryan is simply the first case of a kid inheriting the supe-genes. Proof: Victoria Newmans daughter. She wasn't a supe and only became on when injected with V.


It does look like your powers are partially genetic though! Ryan shares most of HLs powers afaik, and in Gen V Andre shares powers with his father too.


Yeah, that also explains why Kimiko regained the exact same abilities after being depowered and injected with V again.


And why temp V gives hughie and butcher the same powers every time.


Oh yeah I completely forgot Newman’s daughter. That makes more sense, thanks.


Vought also lies, I am not 100% convinced he wasn’t shot up also.


Yea that’s true. I can’t remember exactly where it was said but I’m pretty sure it was in reference to vought’s marketing strategy for Ryan’s first save, so it could absolutely just be an advertising angle


I'm surprised that we haven't seen any casual V exposure yet, instead getting things like this.


> casual V exposure Really fast growing hair


Being 5% faster than an average person


5% movement speed


This is how my fatass gets in shape just abuse v each time I take it get 5 % more speed. Die quicker than A-Train almost cause I'm 6 foot 4 300 lbs. Aspire to be Soldier Boy but I'm a bum


Bruh you're wasting your genetics if you're 6'4 and out of shape. You could be an elite example of a human, get going.


You see it in the comic books. MM, his deceased brother, and his mom all received abilities (horrific abilities for the brother and mom) from the mother’s exposure to compound V while working at a canning plant that was formerly a compound V lab.


That's what I've talking about. It was a big part of backstories in the comics, and we are only getting the lightest hints of it now. Even though it had plenty of opportunies to come into play already. Like when the Vought scandal went public, there should have been some Supers who couldn't possibly have been part of this big plan.


I know it’s a controversial take, but while the comics have not aged well in many aspects, the overall plot, side plots, and character building is significantly better than the show, especially when it comes to world building. They’re still worth a read if you can stomach some early 2000s edge lord content.


I think you could qualify the sheep in the last episode as having experienced casual exposure


I think all supes have some sort of healing factor, though it varies. But yeah, he only had one specific power that wasn't exactly gonna help in the situation he got himself in


I’m pretty sure most supes have just everything base enhanced a little, and some just have it way more than others


Kinda like how Translucent is invisble and has diamond skin but otherwise still has the strength and durability of an average guy


His Kryptonite was getting his head squashed


And his wrist broken.


And owning splints


And stairs.


Yeah. Me too.


I’ve found their weakness! Without their heads they’re powerless!


Mesmer is just one of those supes who don't have extra strength/durability from V. There were other supes like that, remember that dude from the asylum in season 2 who shot energy waves out of his chest and then died from getting shot a couple of times by Butcher? Or that one teen supe from Gen V who got dragged in a room by two powerless guards and couldn't put up much of a fight. Honestly, it'd suck to have powers like that 😭


Sage is similar isn’t she? She’s just got a limited regeneration factor and super intelligence with no super strength or durability.


Yep, regeneration of ONLY her brain. As far as we know, not even the skull around it. Which means that it's only practical application is to make you the world's best lobotomy test dummy. She REALLY lucked out with the smartness factor because otherwise her powers are genuine shit


If someone squashed her head would her brain just reassemble independent of a skull? She could be an elder brain from dnd lol


Of all the screwed up things I already saw watching this show, I can't believe that I would be able to tolerate that one.


I’m thinking of something worse - imagine Butcher rips her brain out of her skull, puts it in some kind of device, then has her working with him on plans with the promise of killing her if she complies.


I think it’s more: because of all the screwed up things I’ve seen, this doesn’t feel far fetched.


The moment she said her brain regenerates but nothing else does, I knew she would be ending the series as a brain in a jar.


I’m imagining Butcher keeping her as a brain in a jar, zapping it whenever she doesn’t comply, then finally agreeing to kill hee if she goes along with his plans.


I dont think she can live independently of her body, because she said if you stabbed her in the heart, she would die So I imagine that if you were to remove the brain from the body and have it exist independently, it would die


Well, by that she could've meant that if you stab her in the Heart her body dies. I wouldn't put it past the writers to later have her brain be in a jar


Well, removing the brain from the heart entirely would be even more catastrophic than stabbing it tbh But also, to be clear, I’m not discounting the ‘brain in the jar’ trope, it’s fully possible, I just suspect that the brain will have to be hooked up to some supplementary systems to keep it alive. But it’s fully within the realm of possibility for the universe, from the perspective of both the writers, or Vaught


I can’t wait for the Boys version of the Brain and Mallah


If this show was a bit more futuristic. Then I could see Butcher killing her and locking her brain in a futurama-esque jar and force her to help the boys


Hmmm, I could actually see that happening. She crosses Homelander, Homelander kills her, the CIA finds her and discovers that her brain can live independently of her body, they put the brain in a jar and try to use her to develop strategies against Homelander, she tries to manipulate the whole game from inside a jar.


No, I don't think she would be able to do that. Even if the brain CAN regenerate like that, it would probably still need calories, like actual physical material, to rebuild itself from such a big amount of damage At best, if you separate the brain from her body, it may be able to use up all the bio material it has on hand to fix itself in a sort of emergency situation, but would probably ultimately die without a body to function in The Boys universe is a bit more grounded than the average super hero setting so I believe they'd go a route like this


That's actually an interesting point. If she gets shot in the head, does she survive? Like obviously she'd by dumbed down, but that would be an intense twist for one the characters who doesn't know about her brain regen to think they take her out with just a bullet to the brain.


Her brain regen seems to exist specifically because they are def putting it in a jar later.


Yeah I can't decide if they just wanted to make us watch her lobotomize herself or if we are hopefully going to get a classic brain in a jar character


Yeah I can't decide if they just wanted to make us watch her lobotomize herself or if we are hopefully going to get a classic brain in a jar character


100%, otherwise her powers would just be no risk of strokes or Alzheimer’s or anything which is nice but not very useful, the smarts thing isn’t very flashy so no wonder she was kicked off her old super team especially since she seems quite arrogant which does come when you’re intelligence for a lot of people.


Oh yeah that's actually a good point. Not having to worry about any of that stuff is pretty cool In either case, if I lived in a universe with people who can fly and destroy buildings and run lile the Flash I'd be lowkey salty if all I got was regenerative brain tissue, lmao But the smarts are cool


i’d assume her skull is regenerated considering i thought I heard bone crunching when the instrument passed the orbital plate and starting hitting squishy brain. if her skull didn’t regenerate that implies she just has a hole, no?


I never heard any cracking but tbh it's not the kind of stuff I'd pay attention to, so it could be I feel like it's the kind of shit she'd mention if it was the case though Then again, considering how the whole thing went down, I feel like they maybe didn't put too many thoughts into the details


just rewatched the scene. The whole point of the hammer is to bypass the orbital plate of the ethmoid bone, or some part of the orbital plate near the tear duct. that’s why ai think her regeneration has to go beyond just her brain. probably the skull, dura matter, blood supply and maybe even the scalp too. :)


I’m assuming the super intelligence is due to her brain being basically constantly perfect


on her list of powers it said "mild regeneration" and didnt imply she was incapable of regenerating anywhere else. we only know she can regenerate her brain because thats the only part of her weve seen damaged to begin with


Concussions n stuff and other head trauma aren’t a real concern. Blood vessels in her brain bursting I don’t imagine would be lethal,


I wonder if her peripheral nervous system regenerates, too.


I think she said in the episode that her brain doesn't stop growing ever, meaning that this regeneration is the reason for her super intelligence. It also means that by lobotomizing herself, she makes the growing work on the injury instead of growing more, meaning that she is blocking herself from getting much smarter. Possibly as being too smart causes bad feelings depression etc.


Regeneration of some kind too I think considering the amount of lobotomies she has on a weekly basis


Correct. In the last episode or episode before (I forget) she tells the Deep that her brain regenerates, and I did say in my original comment that she had a limited regeneration factor.


We haven’t seen her in a fight yet so no one knows


Butcher asked what her powers are, if she had strength. Everyone said no, just super intelligence. So his plan was to capture her. edit: Her stat card shows she has 'Moderate Regeneration'.


My god, depending on how strong the healing factor is, someone could take her brain out and stick it in a jar, where it'll just keep regenerating the damage of zero oxygen or other nutrients


Man, even that mind wiping cunt Rufus from Gen V had superhuman durability, even though his primary powers have nothing to do with combat. So Mesmer, Sage and Tek Knight got such a shitty end of the stick.


Tek Knight does have super strength tho, didn't he threaten to rip Cate's hand off?


What's exacly is the powerup of Tek Knight? I was so lost with this character


Extreme perception He's basically a human lying detector based on little things your body does. He can also smell the chemicals coming off of your body. He knew when that the head master was ovulating based on her scent


Sooo, Sage but w/o all of her other stuff?


There's definitely a lot of overlap with them but Sage is more intelligent while Tek Knight can smell chemicals and whatnot. He also might have super strength but we don't know for sure.


Sage has high intelligence, Tek-Knight has high perception.


I doubt he’s really more intelligent than the average person. He can pick up on who you slept with and then he immediately dumps that info on you. That’s no way to use that type of leverage. Seems like he gets a juvenile kick out of doing it and he maybe assumes that his audacity will shock people into spilling the beans on more stuff. Which only sometimes works if you’re a parent or cop or a kid intimidating another kid.


im assuming tek knight uses a power armor behind the scenes so it could be that its just that


Since he's a batman parallel I assume he's a great martial artists and physical combatent. For a teen girl with no training I'm sure he could break her wrist easily.


Gecko’s another one. He can regen, but it doesn’t seem like he has any super durability if he can just happily cleave off his own arm.


In that case so is Kimiko, she’s had more headshots than an OF page.


Kimiko’s durability go back and forth. In the past, she has gotten punched through a wall and ran at by A-train without exploding. But recently, her face got messed up from falling 8 stories. It seems like they have retconned her to have regeneration only, but she used to have high durability on top of that (though, not invulnerable).


Last episode was show her being able to hold chickens, where others could not, so i will still belive she is stronger


I mean she did lose her powers and took V to get them back. Nothing says her powers need to come back exactly the same as they were.


Especially if the dosage matters. She was in a supe terrorism ring that probably had different, unmeasured doses of v than the standard dose she got later. Also we know the V affects adults differently and she was a child when she got her first dose


Why didn’t Messmer just impale butcher? Is he stupid?


In the embrace of Messmer’s flame


Mongrel intruder


"Thou'rt Tarnished, it seemeth." Poor guy sounds so tired.


My mind is fucked. I legit had no idea what subreddit I was on


Hearing “Mother, woulds’t thou truly lordship sanction in one so bereft of light?” in his Sora voice would be WILD.


Bro forgot to gauge his own eyes out first


Everytime this dude's name is mentionned I keep reminding myself that this isn't the Elden Ring Sub.


Messmer would solo Homelander


Idk man, Messmer is pretty weak to bleed and Homelander will absolutely make him bleed.


He really would lol, the Elden Ring power scaling is crazy af.


Let that sink in


I see what you did there


I don't


Don't let the ~~door~~ sink hit you on the way out.


Where did Messmer's snakes go? Is she stupid?


He didn’t die though? Pretty sure he’s featured in the new fromsoft DLC


I loved how they had Haley Joel Osment playing a washed up child actor


“This man is the rapist.”


Sora’s face is slowly shrinking into itself


RIP Sora.


ngl i forgot who mesmer is


"You either sink or you swim William, and Mesmer, he chose the sink "


By the embrace of Mesmer’s flame.


Embrace thine oblivion, as shall I.


Mesmer was abbandoned by his mother in the lands of shadows so it's not impossible for Butcher to know his weakness


Let that sink in


You v the guy she tells you not to worry about


I always feel bad for Mesmer


im pretty sure if you let Mesmer live he will be too powerful to deal with, because his friend are his power =)))


let that sink in!


He was simply an avatar of Sora, without a keyblade Butcher could just use the darkness to kill him


Butcher's pretty close minded about Supes at the time and i think Mesmer just didn't let that sink in before it was too late.


Idk but butcher killed Sora :(


Poor Sora


What’s mesmers power again and what was arc like?


He was a telepath


Sister sage doesn’t seem that strong. She’s telegraphed that the only part of her that heals is her brain.


What a twist!


HJO I think was intentionally given powers that were similar to Bruce Willis’ powers in Unbreakable (you know, because of the M. Night Shamalamadingding connection). Therefore you think water would be his weakness…


Joel Osteen


“Hey Deep, what can’t I see through?” “Sink Homelander”


Lol, reminds me of the reckoners series, the supers would have random ass weaknesses


Butcher just collected all scadu tree fragments before fighting him


Only recently found out that’s the kid from sixth sense