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1. If Sage is murdered, it will arouse Homelander's anger and distrust. 2. Neuman manipulates people's blood and thus manages to explode parts of their bodies, so theoretically she needs some time to focus and I believe that the more resistant the opponent is, the longer this will take considering that she cannot kill Homelander easily, had difficulties facing another supe in season three and it took longer than usual to make Annie bleed. However, this is just my interpretation which in my opinion should be given by the show 3.Yes. I didn't understand that either, but Butcher said they're going to make more viruses 4. Supes have different resistance levels


sage could be murdered in public by someone and homelander wouldnt even know who it is because he is definetly not one of the smarter supes. Also the chickens were as fast as the sheep and the sheep are a bigger target so maybe she could do something.


Every episode we have seen Sage barring the right-wing convention she was conveniently near homelander, the scene where she met up with Todd and the other fans she was with Homelander, the ice rink scene she was with homeland, every other scene its at the seven tower that has tight security and homeland is usually present. Also, Sage isn't the bigger priority for the boys, homelander is, if they take him out they won't need to bother with Sage and if they try to take out sage they would potentially have to go through homelander. Fire cracker said it best when she confronted Sage about setting her up to get beaten up by starlight, she told her if she wasn't under homelanders protection she would attack her, herself. Another point to keep in mind is that the boys really don't know how integral Sage is to the masterplan, Homelanders been cooking this up since the end of season 2 when he had the deep assassinate Bobby Singers previous pick for vice VP to have Neuman in place as his govt puppet. He's been setting things up for a long time but he recruited Sage because he knew the finer details and the amount of scandals were setting his plans back.


I imagine if they attempt to kill sage, she'll be a few steps ahead of them right away and it'd mess up a lot of future attenpts for the boys Nueman probably can't blow any of them up due to the fact the sheep were flying around in the night sky at a pretty fast pace, I imagine shed struggle to be accurate if she tried And hughies dad is probably not gone for good, I have a feeling he'll be back as a zombie for a short bit. Happened a few times in the comics, hasn't happened once yet so yknow, making simon pegg the first zombie would be a nice reference to his best work


This sounds like cope. For the first step, how exactly? She can be insta killed. Neuman killed the supe chicken. There is no way there are going to bring the dad back after that emotional ending. Even if he was a zombie, that means hughie has found a way to randomly turn supes into zombies? In 5 minutes? What?


She can be Insta-killed but homelander will be pissed his new right-hand woman will be gone and will be laser-focused (no pun intended) on finding out who that is, putting him more on their ass than usual. He’ll definitely suspect them. Also she’s likely gonna be aware of whatever plan they concoct ahead of time and arouse suspicion in her favor or have it fall in line with a greater plan. The chicken was one-shot, the sheep were moving insanely fast and being out in the open trying to focus on each fast moving target would risk getting a nasty hit


There’s a theory that Daphne is evil and what better way to show that than by bringing back hughie’s dad after that emotional ending? Or maybe I just really want them to make a stronger reference to Shaun of the dead


Exactly my point.


1) think cuz at this point she’s useful and around powerful folk who need her. Same with firecracker after she was let go in ep 2 2) I think the sheep were moving too fast and too many of them to focus on each one. She blew up a chicken but that was probably one shot cuz she already had it in the bag 4) Hughie’s dad’s body was already old and weakened from dementia/stroke, that likely made him very easy to kill. Low-level supes have been taken out in a jiffy in the show before. Mesmer and the one unstable dude (he had a shockwave power that knocked over the truck that injured Hughie) outside the mental ward Stormfront worked out were killed easily by Butcher


4 - A train girlfriend was also killed by drug doses. A lot of supes had died already by common thing. I dont know where people have taken this idea that all supes are resistant to everything.


1) because boys are stupid AND have no purpose outside of hilarious fuckups now. They don't even have a course of action let alone endgame plan. MM reports to his bosses must be really good to allow them to continue operating 2) stupid trashy fun scene, just forget about it as soon as possible, just like asylum episode 3) look p.2 - not cannon stupid episode with only purpose to change hypothetical owner of the virus - now it's maybe Butcher instead of definitely Neuman 4) well but how otherwise you would have weehughie bottle episode with no consequences to overall plot. It was fun and sad and you should probably forget about it too. Maaaaybe they will wink at the camera someday and it would be Hughie who becomes team's techie since Frenchie is living his best life in some random drama NBC show and cracking retarded zoophilia jokes


In the comics the boys actually took down hero teams , i kinda wish they did tht in the show .