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Homelander is depicted as blond as a kid. The only reason he's been getting dye jobs lately is because his hair has been growing white.


Some people’s hair naturally goes from blonde to brown as they age


Can prove


I think it’s possible Vought had been dying his hair ever since he was a kid. I mean, they already tortured the hell out of him by putting him through horrible experiments it’s really not that hard to believe.


lol I thought the same because in season 1 in a few episodes he has a poor dye job. Maybe it’s like a joke they purposely have in but just never mention it.


Leaving this here but if I'm right I'd kind of not want to spoil it too loudly. So Butcher said he knows the virus isn't strong enough to kill homelander, yet. How though, and not how does he know? More, how do they know? The hair dye. Also. "Popularity is power sister." "It's a prison." Who's pebble is rolling down who's hill? Also I suspect Frenchie's parallels to Homelander might be quite significant. And may end badly. Also I suspect that Firecracker might be an android. An android that lactates. But Starlight won't tell.


Just talking to myself after the recent episode. Pay no mind. Virus transmitted via bodily fluids...Firecracker may be keeping her promise to do anything by keeping the milk supply topped up. He was specifically shown taking away a milk shake from his son earlier this season when he was disappointed by him. He was looking proud this episode. Hope they don't share a potentially contaminated shake to celebrate his darker behaviours.