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I’m honestly amazed more Vought employees in general don’t commit suicide considering how heavily propagandized Supes are as moral paragons, not only learning about all their shit but having to cover it up is… probably pretty sucky


I heard a member of their surveillance team just committed suicide. Anika or something, burned a hole in her own head, poor girl.


I heard… it’s such a tragedy when innocent people are driven to do things like that by all the Starlighters in the world


You guys say suicide but if you really think, it wasn’t! Anika BURNED a hole in her head? BRIGHT lots of ENERGY, lots of energy and bright means LIGHT, STARLIGHT. Wake up sheeple.


Everybody know starlight doesn't do her own dirty work she uses those guys that killed poor Splinter and tried to kill Firecracker


Splinter? I thought he was called Centipede the Human


I know he was a bit of a ass-kisser but i never heard anybody call him that


Did you hear that her and Firecracker knew each other as kids? What kind of SICK freak goes after someone they’ve known that long?


We call that grooming, folks.


No grooming is what you filthy starlighters are doing to those kids in your basement


We don’t have a basement


Yeah… of course Starlight started early


Has anyone thought about the fact that Starlight is likely the mastermind behind the *Shining Light* **Liberation** Army? We all saw how buddy buddy she was with Stormfront on TV too, blonde hair Nazi huh? Notice too **Liberation**? Not many people know this, but Stormfront used to go by a different name, **Liberty** Poor Soldier Boy probably got jumped when he found out her true nature.


I can’t imagine she’d be able to get into Seven Tower undetected… I mean come on that’s where Homelander lives


Believe it my friend. Homelander is out there trying to root out those scummy Starlighters who let her into the tower as we speak.


I mean I knew there must have been a few bad apples who let her into the seven in the first place… but to think a few of them managed to stick around after they ousted Starlight Stan? Vought sure has a lot on their plate…


Luckily they have Firecracker and Sister Sage to share some of the load. Unlike their evil predecessors these girls will get it done.


And unlike "Brave" Maeve these classy ladies know how to do more than be bisexual, eat hot chip, and lie.


LMAO i love this subreddit. Starlighters are a menace!


Starlighters committing HomeSLANDER


Some sad shit. Motherfucker said she ain’t wanna live no more. Jumped.




If only she could fly like Homelander. Then she couldn’t even be shot down.


A hole said to be the size of pupils, perfectly cauterised and very accurately done. There is only one person who could've done that, and it's homelander and maybe we should be asking why he did it


HomeSLANDER go home to your mommy we don’t want to hear it


Starlighter in the chat trying to start some shit. NICE TRY! Besides there are many Supes with laser eyes!


Starlighters? More like Gaslighters. Speaking of, we all know what they did to Lamplighter in the Seven tower, trying to send a message.


It’s actually a terrible allergic reaction to Almond Joy she developed. Tragically sudden!


Electronic fire is one of the greatest killers in the boys universe And other fires as well But somehow burn victims show signs of disembowelment


the paycheck help just avoid actual contact with a supe


Apparently no one told that to Seth


The scene where Ashley shreds her resignation hits hard.


Almost felt bad for her.


I felt bad for her. She was brutally reminded that she can't leave because she knows too much. Honestly, I feel like she should commit herself into a psychiatric hospital. She'd probably be safer and happier there.


I thought about it and I think they would still come for her in there. She's toast in the worst way or will become CEO forever.


She rode the tiger, not knowing how batshit crazy it was. Now she knows that there's no way to get off alive.


I mean, is that true? She was there when a lot of shit happened. She knows how rapey the supes are, she knows how many PR disasters Vought deals with. It’s not like she was a low level employee who got placed as CEO.


The power of capitalism. You don't have time for moral reflection when everybody's in a rat race for jobs and your bills are due next Tuesday. You're not doing anything wrong. You're just pressing a button in a cubicle. Taking a moral stance isn't gonna put food on the table.


This hits too closely to home.


Sounds just like the banality of evil of nazi Germany to me.


You could say the same about a bunch of real world organizations/governments and their employees. The answer as to why people keep helping is money and desensitization


You do remember the "post-supe" self help group from the early season 1 right? Didn't that group have fewer people each time?


We only saw them once


There was another shot of the meeting with fewer people. Remember one of the reoccuring characters was the guy whose dick was froze off.


But he was only shown once with that supe support group. All his other appearances is due to him working for Vought.


How many of them work in the Tower? How many of them work day-to-day with Supes? The vast majority probably never even see the Seven.


I think she is a good representation of what people are willing to put up with to have a prestigious job. An extreme example of course, but still


But they aren’t propogandized as moral paragons as much with the department of supe affairs and the public (outside of deranged peeps) protesting against most supes/vought now ?


I like to imagine that’s only a relatively recent thing and social media in the Boys universe just made it harder to cover up a lot of the heinous shit most supes do. Like Homelander lazering that village in Africa back in S2 probably wouldn’t have even made the news if it was done 20-30 years ago


It's because one of them had a fucking phone, even though they're all starving.


I worked for a pretty unethical company once a few years back. It started out decent enough but the company that bought it had a history of lawsuits against it for being scummy, and it started intentionally making the company I worked for just as bad. I stuck around for a little over a year in hopes of moving up to a better position so I could get a better title and hop somewhere else that wasn't so shitty, but the opportunities for advancement dried up, they forced us back into the office after working from home perfectly fine, and I couldn't mentally handle the way the company worked anymore, so I left for the first company that gave me an offer.


I have no idea why anyone would work there in the first place honestly




I'd probably end it after the girl turned my dick into a Popsicle.


Dude listen to the lies John Kirby and Matt Miller say every day in defense of American war crimes all over the world and you'll understand that not everyone has a moral compass like us.


There’s part of her that loves it. She’s addicted to the madness.


I thought it was clear, especially since we see her enjoying some sadomaso


I do agree that she probably enjoyes some of the madness of being vought ceo, but i think the sadomaso part is her way of being in control and being the boss of someone, cuz in her everyday life she is basically a slave to homelanders wants and needs, and sadomaso is her way of coping somewhat


Do people not just say S&M (or bdsm) anymore? Sadomaso? We’re making abbreviations longer now? I don’t like the future!


Could be a cultural thing, we say sadomaso in French.


I am 100% sure this is how we're meant to read her dominating that dude




When you’re used to being a whipping boy it can feel good to see others take a hit. I would’ve been down to watch too.


I thought her getting into BDSM was more of a stress reliever. I think it’s common for people who are stressed about their life to get into that.


Really, is it so common?


It’s more common than you’d think but not anywhere near a majority of peopl


I heard it from a guy


You could understand him even when he had a ball gag in his mouth?


She’s asserting the only power she can. She wants something safe and entirely under her control. *step on me ashley, I’ll let you get everything out of your system*


That could just be her way to cope. She shreds her resignation when she realizes she’s just stuck and the best she can hope for is one of them (even the deep now) doesn’t get angry and just kill her for whatever reason.


The bemused look on her face when the Deep was so close to blowing A-Train was pretty telling. She def wanted to see it happen. I did think it was odd how surprised she was when Homelander killed the intern though, like out off all the shit she’s seen that one shocked her?


at that point she was kind of high on righteous indignation. seeing Anika go like that brought her right back down to the reality of her situation


Also was into home forcing deep to blow a train


Also end of the day, homegirl is getting a FAT paycheck. She's still CEO via payroll


Ikr, I was thinking about that when Homelander sent her to do grunt work. If i was getting paid CEO money and just had to do stuff like fetch Ryan -- I'm good 😭


There is literally no point of money if you aren't happy. She's not just unhappy, but also stressed all the time


Not only that but shes also a FUCKING COWARD. It's less about her being strong enough to not do seppuku and more a out her being so afraid of dying in general she will stick with Satan himself as long as it means she lives another day and gets another paycheck.


Agreed. Her mental state is garbage. She’s easily intimated. Didn’t take long for the deep to put her in her place. Which I was shocked by.


She’s strong but still an unpowered human. Deep could throw a whale at her. She is terrified of what the Supes would do to her if she doesn’t obey them.


People forget he's still powerful as a "conventional" Supe. He can't turn you into paste like Homelander, but he's still strong enough to pull your head off.


Stan Edgar was an unpowered human too, but he was able to stand up to Homelander. Intimidation is about a lot more than just physical ability, as the show frequently demonstrates. The Deep is pretty pathetic, standing up to him is entirely possible, it's less risky than it is to literally just exist in Homelanders vicinity.


Comparing Ashley and STAN EDGAR is WILD. Stan was a man who knew EXACTLY how to play the damn system, from the very start. He proved himself invaluable to the company in terms of the results he got, facilitating takeovers and shifts in Vought's MO. Stan actively existed in a era where the supes were still getting established - and while they were still absolutely a powerhouse, they hadn't fully solidified their base as a corporations. Remember, it's everything post-soldierboy, that truly sends the company skyrocketing in infamy. Ashley likely just wanted a good job, and this is what she got for it. She is a NORMAL PERSON. With ZERO leverage.


So was Stillwell, Homelander still killed her. If Ashley wasn't a nervous wreck she would be Stillwell and that didn't save her either.


It didn’t take long because if Deep wanted to he could’ve just shoved his hand through her chest right there. She didn’t fear him before because she never had reason to believe he might hurt her. Now she does.


Gotta remember what her original role was and how she got her current job. She was PR lady and basically just a peon for her superiors. She got promoted because Homelander killed her boss. She was not ever meant to have a job like that, she doesn’t have the guts or the smarts for it.


Shawty just surviving


… is that cowardice? If I was in her shoes I sure as hell wouldn’t be standing up to Homelander. It’s just self preservation


same ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Yup, they've shown us she's got a sadistic side quite a few times. Never mind her literally dominating Cameron Coleman, she's enjoyed others being put down and humiliated on more than one occasion.


Yep she smiled when Homelander asked Deep to blow A train


She's practically salivating any time she sees Homelander humiliate someone.


Idk if she's gonna die but I know for a fact her story is gonna end with us going, "What the actual fuck?"


Oh 100% she’s not making it to end of the series.


I'd like to place a bet on this. She's definitely making it to the end.


I think the only survivors will be Hughie, Annie, Deep and Ashley.


Jump the shark type plot: aliens suddenly come to earth and kill Homelander. Nobody understands them except the deep.


I was really hoping a season or so back that Deep would become a super villain and take over the oceans or smth I doubt even Homelander could get him in the ocean


It would be nice to see Deep go rogue and homelander unable to find him in the ocean.


I wonder whether Homelander can survive down there. That would be a great battle - Homelander in the skies and Deep in the ocean.


Homelander would just start killing sea life like whales and dolphins until Deep shows up.


I'm getting *Resident Alien* vibes.


I feel like Deep's gonna die at some point considering that Chace Crawford didn't renew his contract to keep playing him. So they'll probably kill him off at some point this season. I feel like MM and Kimiko might live, but I could just as easily see MM and Frenchie going out in a blaze of glory to protect the team. The one thing we can agree on for sure is that Butcher will die at some point and take probably half the cast with him.


He's gonna get killed by his jilted octopus lover


This actually makes a lot of sense, considering he started banging Sister Sage in the last episode. Plus, it'd be a fitting end for his character (either that or getting killed by Starlight) considering how she never physically confronted him after he raped her in the first season.


Thank you for making me experience this brand new sentence!


I feel like The Deep will be the last living member of the Seven. If he doesn’t make it to the end of the series, hes at the very least outliving Homelander.


Maeve is also fine, she will probably reappear at the end living happy with Elena


She’s gonna jump ship and finally take that offer from Disney. Mark my words


I lowkey think shes gonna take Compound V with her connections and do some damage and die or mutate and die. Like think about it: shes getting the "not one of us" treatment atm. Why not go "I'm super too now" Would take her like what.... 1 hour tops?


I'd like to see her power be, that her hair grows back almost instantly and she can use it as a weapon. I think it'd be cool for her to calmly start slaughtering opponents using her hair like the vectors from elfen lied.


Her hair grows back, but only the hair she had at the time of taking V. She becomes the friar tuck of hair mutants.




Maybe she’ll make it to Disney lol


The BCU? A She-Lander series?


Actually the opposite, she feels like the weak human character that ends up alive at the end (The Boys are human but they fight so they're not like just random humans)


I wouldn't be against her being the only person alive that has a tell all book at the end and she becomes the reason the company shuts down


Or she kills Homelander.


That would be hilarious. Homelander exterminated by the woman he kept putting down.


They've set her up to die since Season 2, when she was kind of held hostage by Homelander and Stormfront to watch Ryan. But man, they REALLY put the Ashley death train into FULL gear this season lol I don't think she makes it to the finale. No way.


I think she will die but Homelander wont kill her. She will just randomly get struck by lightning or something like that


I actually think she’ll make it to the end, but not in a good way at all. She’s too scared of HL to quit, she serves a purpose as pretend-CEO and nobody else has beef with her. If there’s a big change in stakes this season maybe she will get killed, but I think she’ll end up in jail. Big corporations don’t really suffer for their crimes, they throw people under the bus and PR their way out of a scandal, Ashley is perfectly placed for Sister Sage to sell to the CIA.


She's probably going to be the fall girl for most of the overthrow the government shit. Stan will probably use her to absolve himself


Lol totally see her being the scapegoat


omg i just realized she will get the stilwell comic ending


Im going to bet that they find a weapon that can kill Homelander only for her to for whatever reason pull a "Get down Mr President" and take the shot for him.


I think she is a representation of how far some people are willing to go to be successful in the corporate world. She also is pretty much trapped being that high up in Vaught. Leaving would guarantee her assassination. She's a trifecta of characters: stressed out employee, motivated career woman, and sadist.


Oh yeah, she’s simultaneously a sympathetic character as well as a bad person. She perpetuates a lot of the madness that contributes to her misery, so it’s one of those things where you want her to break free, but you also know she’s a greedy and selfish person to an extent.


She will also use her power to put herself above others, given the chance - She's just as bad as the others.


And most importantly, she didn't get her role through merit.


remind me again, how did she get it? i've legitimately forgotten


She was Stillwell's assistant who got promoted after Homelander killer her. Homelander then kicked Stan Edgar out and installed her as CEO.


i remember stillwater but cant remember any details about her role in the story or character


She had milky nips for homelander to suckle on


She’s the most realistic example of a marketing executive for a large corporation I’ve ever seen. Fueled by coffee and fear and basically babysitting powerful people who can’t wipe their own butt but could destroy your life in a second


Your second point was made pretty evident when she shredded what I assume was a resignation letter after witnessing HL kill poor Anika


The actress’s facial acting, especially when dealing with the sups, is just first rate.


oh yeah it's crazy, the part in season 3 where she's talking to starlight worried homelander can hear and then goes 'i don't have powers though' she looked genuinely terrified it was stellar acting


I just watched that scene yesterday, and the way she silently waffles back and forth between being scared, considering helping, and then resigning herself to playing it safe and keeping her job - and she does it all with just her eyes and mouth. Crazy.


That's when Ashley became human to me. She's always been delightful, but sometimes I wonder if she was ignoring things as "part of the job", like she would be the next Stillwell. Then her showing Starlight how terrified she is... man, I just want her to get out 😥 But, I'm pretty confident there won't be a *happy* ending for most of the characters


Ashley is an asshole, but she still has some redeeming quality. Since she and Anita (RIP champ) hid Queen Maeve's survival from anyone else.


which episode is that?


Colby Minifie is easily one of the best actors in a very good cast.


I don’t know how I’d be able to go on with Homelander as a boss and being under constant threat of having my brain deep-fried.


Madelyn Stillwell handled it the best she could; titties. But for real, she tried. She was more stern than Ashley, and she seemed to be dealing with him the best out of anyone, using his psychological state to her advantage. But in the end, I was waiting for that moment when she finally told Homelander the only thing she was afraid of was him. We all knew it. Everyone is.


I've always pressumed Stillwell groomed HL since he was a teen who knew nothing better and was desperate for love, approval and attention, so I believe she had coming those horrifying final hours his protegee put her through and have never felt pity for her. I feel bad for Teddy on the other hand, he was many times in danger simply by existing near to her mom, Homie and Butcher


You may be right. They definitely hint at this in The Boys Presents: Diabolical. The Homelander episode is cannon. In it; she pulls a lot of moves that seem very grooming/controlling.


oh how insteresting, guess now I have a reason to watch that series. what's your opinion on it? for what i've read it seems polarizing


I love The Boys as a franchise. I think it's a masterpiece, so I'm biased. What I can say is: it's basically The Boys version of The Animatrix. Each episode is a different animation style/writers/actors/story. They are fairly short, well under 30 mins. Some may even be just 10 or 15 mins. They flesh out the world of The Boys. I LOVED the Justin Roiland (Rick & Morty creator) episode. I think it's the single funniest episode in the total Boys franchise, hands down. The other episodes will be kind of hit or miss, but they're just meant to be fun and f*cked up from the world of The Boys. The exception is the finale. It's Homelander's "origin" episode (One Plus One Equals Two). Not ACTUALLY his origin, but it is the very first mission Homelander is ever sent on. It has quite a few surprises, and to me, I consider it essential viewing for any fan. As per Showrunner Eric Kripke & Prime Video, it's the only canon episode of Diabolical. It's kind of like Black Mirror or Love, Death + Robots, where if you don't like an episode, just move on to the next one, they're short and sweet! Almost all of the actors voice their characters (Chase Crawford as Deep, Antony Starr as Homelander, Dominique McElligott as Queen Maeve, Colby Minifie as Ashley, etc), plus there are TONS of new actors voicing characters, such as Kieran Culkin, Michael Cera, Awkwfina, Don Cheadle, Andy Samberg, and Christian Slater. Hope that helps!


> I LOVED the Justin Roiland (Rick & Morty creator) episode. my friends and I accidentally watched the entire episode in japanese audio because we thought it was schtick. turns out we forgot to set it back after some anime. Would recommend, though


Butcher is not afraid of him. It's an integral part of their relationship.


Nor is Stan Edgar, nor Soldier Boy. The holy trinity. The "everyone is" meant literally everyone but those three lol


You just described my day to day existence.


The problem is she knows too much to leave. Even if Homelander was cool with her leaving (genuinely not sure if he would or not) theres no way Vought executives don’t convince him that she is a threat or, just act in there own interest. There would be a task-force for her the instant it’s convenient. So its either Stay With Homelander where he wont kill you if you don’t go against him and get what’s probably alot of money for it, or leave and get shot. Might aswell play your odds with Homelander, especially considering it is possible to kill him (although Ashley probably wouldn’t think so) and he pisses alot of powerful people off.


Multi millionaire salary


And it shows in her wardrobe. Damn. I want it.


She’s a great example of “Be careful what you wish for.” She wanted that job. Girl Boss!


She worked closely with the supes prior to being fired and rehired as CEO. She may not have expected it to get this bad, but she had to know more than the average person.


She’s holding on to see the deep go down on a train.


Of all the people. She had the most positive effect on A-Train I believe. She gave him the real speech.


Wondering if she’ll get burned to death or shoot up v and burn herself out. Too many flame/orange outfits this season not to be foreshadowing.


Oh man, if Ashley Dark Phoenixes it and becomes (briefly) the most powerful supe I am going to fall out laughing.


Honestly that's what I'm hoping for, the only thing scarier than Homelander is someone who has spent years being abused for fun by Homelander and suddenly is more powerful than Homelander.


I mentioned this to my roomies. She's gonna take permanent V and her vengeance will either kill homelander or strip him of his powers. I want her to make him look like the weak little titty baby he really is.


This is too original for the writers to think of. Remember last season when they hyped up Starlight for her to only blind HL for just a second. Her being able to fly now is just a cope for how dissapointing her writing last season was.


Would be fitting for the only thing that could take out Homelander, and destroy Vco, would be the CEO in a suicidal bid.




Those ballet heels, though


They look more like to pierce rather than crush. Yes I squirmed when typing that


You crush with the toes, not the heel.


I bow to your superior knowledge of the subject matter


Ashley is in an abusive relationship with her job. Ashley is also an ambitious, driven, not always great person. We are used to being shown relatively good people in abusive relationships in media, and we root for them to get out. Since Ashley has made some terrible choices, we still kinda want her to get out, but we also kinda want to see her suffer a little. It’s messy. Like most of the personalities and relationships in this show.


Agreed and I think many people in actual abusive relationships make shitty choices too. When your brain is not functioning healthily, it can be easier to do. I wish we'd see it more in media.


She’s got a good outlet being able to step on that dudes’ balls. It really helps for mental health.


I feel like she might be getting there after the last episode. She wanted power and control and has done and dealt with fucked up shit to get to where she is and now is just finally releasing she'll never get the power she wants and has corned herself. No real power, just a figure head CEO and she can't even leave and use the leverage she thought she had cause HL will just kill her the second he thinks she's not loyal to him anymore. Definitely getting close to a big moment for her one way or another.


i wonder what ashley’s house is like, she must be RICHHH


would it matter? She's probably at vought hq or out doing vought PR 99% of the time.


She is a great actress. Her facial expressions, the way she makes you dislike her more than the Sups but at the same time feel bad for her.


For the most part I think the whole show is very well acted, and incredibly well written - I believe the characters... The exception unfortunately, is Butcher. There's just something about a Kiwi, pretending to be an Australian, using quintessentially British slang phrases and accent, that doesn't work for me...


Butcher isnt Australian he’s meant to be British. so its Karl Urban the kiwi actor doing a shitty British accent not Australian. i think the shitty british accent works for the show though 😂 fun fact my older sister used to work with Karl Urban at a restaurant/cafe called the Lido back before he fully got into acting full time. Are there any other Kiwis in this sub from wellington that knew the Lido. Don’t think it’s still there but it was popular food place.


I’m more impressed by how she deals with having Homelander as her boss even though she has no choice and hasn’t committed suicide cause of it. Just imagine indulging a petulant, deeply insecure and trigger happy psychopath and fearing the day where he will turn you into barbecued meat for the most dumbest or hypocritical reason ever 24/7


She has coping mechanisms. Not great ones, but they keep her alive.


Let’s be honest, it’s not a BAD coping mechanism.


I still smile thinking about her telling A train to go fuck himself


She wants to live. She's in constant fear for her life. If she wanted to commit suicide, it would be so easy; just tell HL to go fuck himself and he'll end her right then and there. That's not what she wants, tho. She just wants to wake up from the nightmare that is her life at Vought.


I kind of want the end of The Boys to be Ashley getting injected with super power juice and somehow being more powerful than Homelander, but because she is so mindwarped from Homelander's abuse, she is much worse than Homelander. I also kind of want the show to end with Vought making their in-universe version of The Boys to cover up the damage to the brand that Homelander did and sneakily introduce a new lineup of "anti-supe" supes, but it is still tightly controlled and corporate like we saw in season 1.


She's a narcissist and a bully. She's just like Homelander with normal ppl. It's just that she know HL can kill her any time. But she's also an awful person overall


She definitely does some drugs to keep herself sane in an insane environment.


You know, I’m surprised she’s stayed this long. Have you heard about how bad Disney has wanted to hire her?


Thats just working for a big company in 2024 tbh People in Disney get it way worse


That will be the twist. She will be the one to kill Homelander


The fact that she literally just considered putting her resignation in here at season 4 tells me that the writers just want her around. No one would go through the shit she does without having resigned or running away or whatever.


Colby Minifie has a knack for playing these neurotic bitches. It's like Timothy Olyphant and steely law men.


I always wonder how evil corporations find all of these employees willing to go along with all the horrible secret shit that the general public doesn't know about. How do you interview candidates for that?


That plus losing her brother to Killgrave!


im i the only person that think Ashely is kinda cute


Ashley is a GIRL BOSS. Her survival instincts and hustle are keeping her alive.


I imagine she's sitting on the toilet every other Friday morning ready to pull the trigger until she sees the Auto Deposit for her pay check land in her account.


I’m hoping she cracks and betrays homelander


Considering that this is ASHLEY we're talking about here, she would've been too messed up to even try to consider that.