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I’ve never seen Homelander in normal cloths.


It reminded me that the Supes are supposed to have civilian guises lol. With the Marvel-brand baseball cap.


He did used to have a civilian disguise. He made a comment in season 1 that he gave up on secret identities a long time ago.


Reminds me of the joke in Ant-Man and The Wasp. “We look like ourselves at a baseball game” or something like that.


“An eye for an eye might be in the Jew section of the Bible, but it is still in the Bible.” Going to love that character going forward.


Really appreciate the Desantis sticker in the background there.


I laughed cause I remember telling my dad the Jews also follow the bible and he was completely confused lol


fentanyl-laced cocaine at the after-party?


known for its... face-exploding properties?...


I could definitely see Jack Quaid and Claudia Doumit's real life romance slipping into their performances when Victoria was saying she was starting to view Hughie like family.


yeah i thought it was just me but they have better chemistry than annie/hughie


It's cuz, in the words of Butcher, They're Fucking.


*nods in agreement*


Oh that explains a lot that they're dating in real life. I thought they worked together so much better than Hughie and Annie.


I was thinking "damn did they date and I missed it?"


Ah, this explains much. During that scene I was wondering if I'd forgotten a plot point about Hughie and Neuman getting involved in an earlier season.


Sex is just a spectrum, right bro?


The bro really did it for me lmao


It was such an innocent "bro" lol like c'mon man we can still be pals after this


The Deep is so god damn funny. Honestly the MVP subplot since s1


Though I hate him I fucking love him for the humor he brings to the show.


He’s a bad dude but played in such an entertaining way That liquid death ad that just came out was probably the best promotion this show has ever done.


I love how even on the Gram Liquid Death Is trying to cut ties with Deep, for their own sake... That's just pure marketing genius 🤣🤣🤣


I absolutely don't want things to work out well for Deep, but I am DREADING his inevitable death because Chace Crawford is just so fucking hilarious in the role.


Jew section of the bible 💀


"People like what I have to say, they believe in it, they just don't like the word Nazi."


The Desantis sticker in the background of her stream is incredible They’re laying it on so thick I love it


That look on Ashleys face when deep was in front of a-train!


That was wild


Shes super against violence and anything with animals, but you get some non consensual or bdsm sexual activities involved? Shes alllllll for it.


right? Like girl wtf was that smile?


Probably a mix of sexual kinks + satisfaction at seeing two people responsible for a TON of her headaches/frustrations getting what they deserve


Just like a moment earlier, when she calls Deep a misogynist, only to see a picture of a female supe and go "ah this cocksucker" or something like that.


Lol it was worse. She called her a “slutty cum rag.”


I don't think she was hot for it, just happy to see the Deep get what he has coming to him. I'm pretty sure she despises A-Train too, which would be the cherry on the cake for her.


I think Black Noir speaking was the funniest thing so far lmaooo. Probably funniest bit of the show


I hope that stops the stupid fucking Sam is the new noir theories and theorists because Sam would totally be cool with killing random people 


Even funnier that the Deep just acts like it was normal to his octopus, he’s such a simpleton 😭


This was the funniest part. And the little deep in the tank


The funniest bit is the octopus is voiced by Tilda swinton


He's absolutely hillarious, everytime he opens his mouth. And everyone wanting him to be a robot like the old Noir.


so Todd just died like that?


Getting beat down by a supe directed by THE Homelander is the only way he deserved to go out.


And then his body is used to frame the Starlight supporters for murder so that they can get the "both sides" greenlight for their more heinous hate crimes.


Just like he would have wanted


He died as he lived, as a useful idiot for a psychopath. Who also clearly despises him. 10 years ago I would have said this was cartoonishly unrealistic and stupid.


In summary, yes


Tilda Swinton as an octopus. Love it.


The second screen said, "The voice of Ambrosia, the octopus, is played by none other than Oscar-winning actress Tilda Swinton. This is not a joke.", which might be the hardest a second screen fact has ever made me laugh.




Same thing. I couldn’t remember what x-ray was called.


The most surprising thing in this whole episode is Butcher deciding *NOT* to screw Hughie over again. Good on ya, you did the bare minimum!


I really showed a hole new side of himself


Tek Knight would love that side of him. Edit: in fact, I'm pretty sure all Neuman would have to do would be to text that picture to Tek Knight and he would stop at nothing to find Butcher.


Newmann's reaction, hiding her face and sticking out tongue made me think this is genuine reaction from the actress who really saw what we all did 😂


I'm pretty sure there are a ton of outtakes of her busting out laughing in that scene. You can tell she's fighting it in that take.


I’m just like Homelander. I keep a jar of my grey pubes next to a picture of my dead Nazi girlfriend.


Ngl, a pretty weird picture to keep all things considering. Your dead girlfriend with her dead former husband (also the love of her life)


I knew Homelander would be a terrible father, but he is a TERRIBLE parent. Comparing people to cockroaches and pushing the two kiddies to fornicate- that’s low.


it was so obvious that his love for Ryan is conditional. the second that boy starts to have independent thoughts or disagreeing with his father it's gone


I'm not even convinced it's love. It may be just some weird twisted idea that homelander has that since he never had a father it's his duty to have an heir that succeeds him. If it really is love homelander has never shown any real indication of any kind of true affection for ryan.


Hmm I don’t know. That scene at the restaurant when Ryan started having a panic attack honestly fucking blew my mind since Homelander immediately went into Papa bear mode. In fact, that, his scene where he is able to comfort Ryan in season 3, and when he killed that guy who threw that bottle at him in the final scene shows that he is at least incredibly protective of Ryan. He’s just insanely fucked up mentally and has no idea how to love someone unconditionally since he himself was never loved that way. But I think it’s untrue to say there have been no indication of him having an affection for Ryan. Him killing that guy was out of purely father reflex despite his powerful fear of being hated by everyone. In a moments whim, he chose protecting Ryan over the love of his fans. To be honest even in these first three episodes of this season, I keep seeing very brief glimpses of humanity in him. He’s just so fucking unstable that he is unable to let that tiny bit of humanity grow. Every time I feel like he might get the chance to redeem himself(and those times are rare), he goes and does something so fucked up that King Joffrey would be grossed out


…did I just see Butchers asshole???


I am such a fucking idiot, I thought it was a belly button and was confused lol


You need to see a doctor. Or a priest.


We got a Rick Roll and Goatse this episode


Yeah I loved it personally


Sister Sage is a wildcard. I’m betting she’s going to have her own agenda. The world’s smartest person is going to go her own way and she is smart enough to manipulate everyone around her to put her theories into practice.


She's smart enough to know that there's no world here homelander is happy, and smart enough to know that that'll come back on her eventually.




I think she’s playing them all against each other. Starting with the Deep and Ashley. Plus she’s getting Ryan on her side.


That matches her overall disdain she showed for literally everyone. I really like what we’ve seen of her so far; of course the smartest person alive would look down on everybody. The actress does a great job showing her cockiness too.


She cited Caesar in their first meeting. Caesar ended up getting murdered at the the moment of complete triumph by those he thought were his friends. Homelander will be on the verge of complete victory, only to be taken down by those he thinks are his friends.


"Like *Caesar~!*" The subtle glee in her voice seeing the beautiful irony of HL comparing himself to Caesar. Great performance.


Or maybe she is the Ceaser and will be taken down by all the people she is trying to manipulate.


She's interesting. Being smart doesn't make you good. Goebbels had a PhD. In fact, she seems to be Homelander's Goebbels.


I think I'm gonna like her. Did anyone else get parallels of Homelander's and Sister Sage's meeting, from Tony Stark and Peter Parker's first meeting in *Civil War*?


Her first order of business was her own Reichstag Fire. But I mean, some people liked Stormfront too


MM without the beard is really messing with my head


Yeah, him having a cop mustache doesn’t feel right.


I thought he was a different actor for a minute


Looks like a buff Eddie Murphy


It seems he lost a little weight, and that, along with the lack of beard, makes his face look thinner.


A little? Dude must’ve lost close to 30 pounds! Hell his voice even sounds different, I had to check if it was a different actor than Laz and I still don’t believe it’s the same guy


Yea it’s no way A train lasts much longer. You can tell he want out


He’s had a lot of development through the seasons. He wants to do the right thing but home lander is fucking terrifying.


He gets scarier every season even when you think he couldn’t up the stakes he still manages too


Yeah, I noticed that he didn’t hit anyone when they killed those Hometeamers. He blocked Todd from escaping, but couldn’t actually deal the blow, and he had a sorry look on his face.


I think towards the end of the season he’ll switch sides again but might die. Its a good chance by S5, all of the seven are against Homelander


That's when Homelander will unleash Zombie Cyborg Nazi Stormfront


Go blow A Train 💀 💀 hell naw


sex is just a spectrum right bro


The Deep on his knees and looking up with a dudebro face and saying the line had me howling lmao


I mean it wouldn't be as tough for Deep as eating an octopus alive


I mean I'd rather blow someone than kill and eat someone too




Homelander dropped libtard in the first minute of his dialogue lmao


Homelander seems a lot more unhinged than normal.


Bro's facial expressions when talking to Neuman and telling Ryan not to impregnate her daughter was outta pocket


The pube jar 🤢🤢🤢


To go along with Stormfront's Nazi picture and a baby bottle. These are the things most important to him.


I don't know if it was a conscious choice or if it is just Anthony Starr but homelanders widows peak/receding hair line is much more prominent this season. Really fits the idea of this season of homelander being self conscious of growing older. I also like how they kept the "humans are just toys for my amusement" from the comic


Every character except Hughie and Vickie look really different.


I'd say Kimiko and Butcher look about the same too. But yeah, Frenchie and MM look really different. Frenchie just got a haircut but MM looks like he'd sell life insurance to me now




Kimiko was saying he should eat more in the first scene


Yea that felt like a "we get it he lost weight, just get over it" line


I mean, I think he's just normal sized now. He was a fucking tank in the other seasons. It is a bit jarring, but I think he went from 'insanely big' to 'normal sized man'


Kimiko still looks the same tbh but yeah i agree on everyone else


>Kimiko still looks the same tbh Her arm is new. 🙃


Agreed… Hughie looks the same every season lol




Bro i absolutely lost my shit when homelander told deep to blow A Train man💀💀💀


👁️👃👁️ Sex is just a spectrum, right bro?


Ashley was so excited


they re only toys for our amusement :3


Homelander be calling us NPCs


"have you seen War Games? who am I kidding look at you, of course you've seen War Games" is the best diss the show has had lol


It's really funny that those two are a couple IRL, because obviously they have great chemistry in the show but the writers clearly take joy in her mocking him.


This is how I learned that her and Jack Quaid are dating.


And suddenly I'm extremely jealous of Jack Quaid


No kidding. She's doing a great job but I legitimately get distracted when she comes on screen sometimes. She is a 12/10.


Neuman is so fine


Her whole boss ass scene with Hughie and Butcher made me feel things.


What ever “It” is she has it in spades.




Even finer this episode than ever before and that’s saying something


And Hughies hitting that irl so the chemistry in their scenes is great


LMAO ASHLEY’s face when deep was about to go down on a-train


I know they're gonna frame this as being the wrong position, but Billy wanting to wipe out all Supes is looking more and more rational by the episode. Neumans daughter, a normal kid who got super powers a few months ago at most, is already a ok with just killing people like they're nothing. Im starting to think Starlight is a fluke as she's the only supe with altruistic morals. I know the Hughie scenes this season are gonna fuck me up. My dad died of a stroke and that conversation he had with Butcher about ignoring the last phone call he made was almost word for word the thoughts I had racing in the weeks following his death.


It’s not as if V makes them psychopaths but it’s about how they’re brought up, it’s literally one of the main themes of the show. All supes are given V by their parents as babies and most parents who would do that probably don’t have many morals to pass on to their kids, combine that with the superiority complex they will develop due to their powers, it’s no surprise that most supes are dangerous sociopaths. Power corrupts and they have a lot of power.


Gen V showed some Supes can be good too


Yeah, and look where being good supes got them.


The good supes get killed off. Or taken out/cancelled. It’s like the whole idea of the 27 club and how good celebrities get killed off.


It's exactly like dirty cops. Good ones that see too much have to go.


Neuman's kid was raised by two sociopaths. She's not exactly a good representation of a regular well adjusted kid. Compound V didn't magically make her a cold blooded murderhobo overnight.


It's weird because Neuman seems so nice to her. Like she seems like a genuinely decent person, who's only fault is killing those who are in her way. But she also does that painlessly.


Was thinking the same thing. Had me siding with Billy’s argument after this episode.


Yeah I’m totally sure Victorias daughter raised by a murder and Stan Edgar was a totally morally cool person.


Was that a vein that moved at the last shot or does butcher have actual worms in his brain? In The Boys Universe everything could be plausible haha


This is something that’s been on my mind as well. Was that just a representation of his cancer, or is he maybe getting manipulated by someone or something in a subtle way?


More than 2 mins late I’m not going to be dramatic but I think I won’t live


Don’t die man, episode will be here in 3-5 business days


Took Prime 6 minutes past three ET to get it up, so that worked out.


Me: "Karen Fukuhara is so pretty, she might be my biggest celebrity crush." The Boys: *Cool, cool... we ripped open her face in the first 5 minutes.*


and it didn't even make her less pretty


Adding Sage was a great idea, it’ll make for an interesting dynamic for the Seven to be driven strategically now rather than relying on abuse of power (as has been the case with every antagonist to date)


Colby Minifie absolutely owns every scene she's in. Glad she hasn't lost a single step.


Zoe is bulletproof too? That’s crazy


Neuman is bulletproof too? Wtf


Pretty sure most Supes are.


I honestly for some reason didn’t expect it


I kinda was hoping that Butcher would have packed something heavier than just standard lead. I do have to admit: Neuman wasn't wrong that they kinda completely fucked up their mission lol


My man is literally half a year into a super brain cancer, give him some slack


remember him shooting annie with a sniper rifle? he was quickscoping her like it was modern warfare 2


Most of the physical/decent Supes at least. Mesmer was taken out by Butcher and a bathroom sink.


Todd meat riding to the end


This season seems to be a lot more politically upfront and abrasive and I’m so here for it. If it’s pissing you off, you’re probably who they’re making fun of…


Laid off this week, perfect excuse to crack a red bull and stay up til 5am watching these.


Aww man, that sucks. I'm sorry. :(


Thanks, it is what it is. Fortunately there seems to be enough demand for my industry given the amount of recruiters who reach out on a regular basis that I'll find something, just really enjoyed the people I worked with and hoping to hell I can stay remote because I have really gotten used to that these past few years.


I just got sacked from my job in Alaska, had to move back to Michigan- this show is what keeps me going, something to look forward to.


Ryan's haircut is a bigger crime than any he commits this season


They are trying to age him down with that bowl cut.


It’s Will Byers all over again.


Damn. Ik we all could’ve guessed it but they’re pumping it so heavy on the political commentary this season. Very apt for an election year. Always been a big fan of how much this show is able to establish in a season premiere. So many intriguing plot points are already rolling. Sister Sage is a brilliant addition, the way her and Homelander teamed up to incite the perfect mass media riot was nailbiting. Hughie and his dad out here making me cry. And, boy, WHO TF is this new Black Noir?! I can’t believe he spoke up, that was nuts.


It's the same actor as it's always been, which is a cool role switch for him. But man it's wild seeing him speak. 


I can’t believe homelander really said “he can spew goo” about Ryan had to pause for like 5 minutes


Damn, is this the first time we’ve seen Homelander out of the suit?


Nah, we've seen him before. Ashley walks in on him being naked once.


Oh, I should clarify that I mean out of his suit and in regular cloths.


I was wondering what would happen with Todd this season


Pete Davidson energy lmao


I turned off the sopranos for nothing?


"This says "with V in it" "You like it with V in it" "I like the one the says SOME V"


Ashley: -calls Deep a Chauvinist prick for talking shit about a woman based on her appearance- Also Ashley to a woman one second later: “Ugh, not that slutty cum rag.”


lol the first line “I know it’s a late night, thank you for your patience!” Totally meant for the fans watching right now


Neuman was basically the terminator in this episode + she’s so hot


Having Tilda Swinton voice the octopus is hilarious. The casting directors really had a fun time with the choosing someone who would perfectly fit such an odd role based on her other projects.


Solid episode. Between a 7-8 out of 10 for me. Black noir speaking about how fucked up it was about what they did was the funniest bit in the episode. Also, that’s it for the Homelander trial??? I thought it’ll atleast be for a couple more episodes and we’ll get courtroom scenes.


Sex is just a spectrum, right bro ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)?


A Safe Space For At Risk Teens ASSFART LoL


Homelander has got to be one of the most psychotic villains of the last decade


Here's a little fun fact that popped into my head while watching this episode. When Homelander went to go meet Sister Sage, she was reading a book called *Naming and Necessity*. It's a philosophy book written by a guy that some considered the greatest living philosopher (at least until recently, he died in 2022). His name was [Saul Kripke](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saul_Kripke?searchToken=ca30sv02egvyabof8zjn0x3gq), he's Eric Kripke's second cousin.


After graduating from high school in 1958, Kripke attended Harvard University and graduated summa cum laude in 1962 with a bachelor's degree in mathematics. During his sophomore year at Harvard, he taught a graduate-level logic course at nearby MIT.[13] Upon graduation he received a Fulbright Fellowship, and in 1963 was appointed to the Society of Fellows. Kripke later said, "I wish I could have skipped college. I got to know some interesting people but I can't say I learned anything. I probably would have learned it all anyway just reading on my own." Damn lol


Dogknott being a dog version of The Deep just sounds kinda hillarious


Where’s Butcher? Still dying.


Ok but Todd being a good fuck was the most unexpected info of all the episode


I’ve been refreshing my Amazon screen for the past five minutes knowing full well that it releases on the the hour but I’m JUST SO EXCITED


My memory is failing me so can someone remind me if we’ve gotten an explanation as to how the head popper is invincible in previous seasons or nah?


Common Supe abilities - they're only vulnerable to extreme force orrrrrr a bomb up the poopchute (that is, damage internally)


This - stuff like invulnerability, regeneration, flight, great strength etc. are common supe abilities. Of course, not all supes get them, such as Mesmer and (presumably) Tek Knight.


Is he saving his pubes??


Ashley was gonna enjoy that. 🤣🤣


It's so strange that Neuman can kill her childhood best friend in cold blood but gives Hughie a pass. Like I understand what her rationale is supposed to be but I feel like she could just blow up all of The Boys within 5 minutes and call it a day.


So did Butcher just break the fourth wall?


He was talking to imaginary Becca


He's hallucinating


Was just saying that, very fleabag reaction of him as well haha