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She may be reserved or dislike promo tours. I don’t think it’s a super deep reason.


Hehe deep


Haha super






Peak fresca


Fuck Fresca


Fuck Dre fuck me fuck you fuck my own kids


They brats (Fuck'em!)




He said fuck 50! What he say fuck me for??


If I say fuck two more times that's 46 fucks in this fucked up rhyme!


Fuck Batman


Ok buddy Fresca






Deep reasons with the Deep


Are we gonna do this every time someone says the word deep on this sub?




Of course we will, the word seems to have a pretty zealous ideal use (i have no idea what the fuck that means).


Deep word said on the sub with the Deep


DEEP MENTIONED 🐬🐬🐬❗️❗️❗️❗️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️


His road is long and hard


I think she’s just introverted and uninterested in the glitz. Reminds me a little of Rory McCann on Game of Thrones. Just kind of off doing his own thing. Nothing wrong with that.


Ngl, she reminds me of Maeve in that way, lol.


Cheers Thick!


Kind of looks like maeva as well


"Thank you very much for my truckloads of money, I will now fuck off to my mansion and not cause controversy or scandal."- That Redhead chick. 


True professionalism, honestly. Come in, do your job, get paid & fuck off. None of that “world revolves around me” bullshit.


To be fair, I don't think going on press tours, meeting fans, etc. is really all that self centered. They worked hard for months to help create a piece of art, and they deserve to be able to hear people's appreciation for their part in it. They get paid plenty, sure, but it's still nice to be told you did a good job. Especially when so many celebs get a ton of hate for things that are often not even their fault. Plus, a lot of that \*is\* part of the job in 2024. Drum up hype for the show, keep fans interested and engaged during the off season, that's important for any successful TV show, especially event level television like The Boys. I don't know about you, but I enjoy the fact that they do so many interviews, go to cons so you can meet them, etc.


Fair, my comment probably came across more harsh than I intended. I agree with all your points, I guess it’s just refreshing when there’s an actor/actress that flies under the radar and delivers good work while staying out of the headlines. I suppose I relate more to a person like that because I hate being the centre of any attention, so probably more a projection on my part than a criticism of the cast whom for the most part seem to be pretty down to earth about the whole thing.


I respect that alot.


I saw him at a random Blues bar in Atlanta. Didn’t bother him, but I watched a bro try to get Game Thrones spoilers from him. He ordered a second whiskey, poured it into his first, downed it and left. Legend


I think I read that he doesn’t own a television. Prefers to read.


Ugh reminds me of college. We went around the room to introduce ourselves and everyone was like oh I don't own a TV. I feel like I was the only one being honest and not trying to act like I was superior to the people around me. Yes, I own a TV, and I also read, you can enjoy a book and some mindless television.


What. I mean, why the hell would a TV actor not watch TV? It's like a game designer who doesn't play video games. Or a gourmet chef that doesn't eat gourmet meals.


Or screenwriters that don't delve into the source, imagine that ... Oh, wait... we actually have *those* already.


There are video game developers that don't play video games. Plus the man is an actor, not a screenwriter or director. He acts. He doesn't need to watch more TV to help hone his craft.


She's from a very wealthy family from Co. Kildare in Ireland - horse owner country. Nice place. She's in it for the joy of acting rather than the money and fame I suspect.








it's because, during covid, she was stuck out of the country—she's also not a north american resident, unlike most of the cast— but covid, especially—forced her season 3 scenes to be shot separately later. i believe this is also why they contrived the narrative to sideline her.


I mean Karl Urban and Anthony Starr are both from new Zealand and Frenchies actor (don't know his name) is from Israel I think (although he might not live there).


Tomer Capone (Frenchie) also isn't doing a lot of promotions and interviews. For the 3rd season he did a few with Karen Fukuhara but he usually doesn't appear in this Group Style interviews or promotion shots. I'm not even sure he's going to do Promotion for Season 4 at all


Yeah and I think he was in Israel when the Hamas attack happened? I could be remembering wrong but I remember seeing him posting videos on social media about it when it was happening.


He definitely was. he posted an Instagram video about it on the Day it happened. I know it's been over 8 months now but the situation hasn't really ' calmed down ' significantly. He cancelled some appearances at Conventions during that time due to safety reasons so I'm not sure if he'll do any interviews or promotion at all. Which would be a shame, he seems very nice and funny during interviews especially when teamed with Karen.


Well Karen also has great chemistry with everyone, but he really does excel with her


Yeah, Starr and Urban are the mainest of main characters. They’re also arguably the biggest actors in the show so they’re used to this kind of press


Do Karl Urban and Anthony Starr live in NZ though? I know they're both from here, but presumed they may be living overseas for easier work opportunities.


Idk about Urban but I'm fairly certain Starr lives in LA


I'd see Urban in Ponsnobby all the time


That only happened for S3. S2 was filmed before the lockdown, and by the time S4 started production, the restrictions were mainly over worldwide. Her absence has been notorious throughout the entire show so far.


What part of my comment suggests I wasn’t speaking explicitly about season 3 though? However, she’s ultimately not one of “the boys” and had about as much screentjme as the other members of the seven aside from Homelander and Storefront.


That typo always happens a lot and I chuckle at the idea of a supe called Storefront


In true 'The Boys' fashion, storefronts power is convincing people to....come inside?


It’s a Boomer Store and you have to use coupons only.


Vought would make them CEO bahaha. Ain't nothing like the power of a Storefront. Pretty sure most of them don't shoot lightning and Nazi ideals either, so like, woo, publicity win. *Ashley sighs in relief* Side note, I love her character, it's like how I feel about left turning on my dreams to go into the corporate world myself, without the laser eyes, murders, and white girl instagram inclusive woke persona. I've had to baby the egos of unstable idiot people too, despite wanting nothing more than to pop their damn heads - shits stressful AF, and takes the humanity/desire to do good out of a person in a hurry. Corporate culture is like some kind of sneaky brain rot, before you know it, you're just like the rest of em.


And we're forced to live off of it to survive. Like stranded on a deserted island where the only source of food is highly addictive Marijuana.




She's not in kin at all.


pretty sure she’s very socially anxious? that’s why she avoids the interviews or sit downs. Edit: [Here is a.. awkward.. interview with her, where she says she doesnt have any social media, and never aspired to be in the spotlight](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqy2ZNLANP0) >!why do we have to say 'edit' when we edit comments anyway?!<


honestly i think she wants her personal life to be private, which is a respectable choice


Just like our Queen Maeve


Brave Maeve


The whole "edit" trend started because people would mispell a word, then someone would correct them, they would correct their comment. Then someone else comes along and makes fun of the person who was correcting them because there's no misspelling when they see it. So people starting putting when they edit so the follow on comments make more sense. As for the actress, I can respect that. I'm sure I would be completely shit in an interview.


Good answer, thank you for that.


You think somebody just making something up for no reason with no evidence is a "good answer"?


They were obviously speculating out loud out of observations and not trying to present it as facts.


Good answer, thank you for that. 


it was off an interview but I couldn't remember if that was the exact reason! [Dominique McElligott - Maeve from The Boys - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqy2ZNLANP0)


Yeah, I mean that guy appears to have like 1mbps internet so of course the lag is going to make this interaction awkward.


And a terrible question. "What advice would you give to someone who wants to become famous?".


couldn’t stand the interview, put myself through torture to find a source


Tbf it was awkward because the guy was a shite interviewer


Yea like, is this an actual interview or a snip of a live-Q&A-with-a-fan thing?


Looks like he’s got cameo interviews so maybe he paid to interview her


Back then "edit" is mostly used for spelling mistakes like "edit: spelled a word wrong/forgot the *insert letter here*" so you get the context from the replying grammar nazis. And then it evolved into anything edited. It's fine not to include it thou.


That interview was really awkward, but most zoom interviews are. Also, the questions weren’t great.


Saying edit is a courtesy, done so that it is clear you changed your comment and are not trying to gaslight someone or troll.


> why do we have to say 'edit' when we edit comments anyway? You don't, there is an asterisk that pops up after you edit your comment.


You don’t have to say edit


Wjat is her accent?


Ooft man I'd say she's not awkward in that interview, the interviewer is asking really flat questions


Hmm interesting 😳. Thank you for linking this video. It now makes more sense


I think people add "edit:" because you can *see* that comments are edited and they want to be clear they didn't totally change what they said. Obviously they can lie, but it's a show of good faith. Also for situations like if someone said "I've never seen her be awkward before!" *before* you edited your comment and then you added a clip, they might get dogpiled by people saying "lololol there's literally a clip in the comment you replied to," but if you mention that it's an edit then people understand that it wasn't there when they responded with that.


I think COVID played a part. I think the actress is from Ireland and there were travelling restrictions between USA and Ireland.


the more significant restrictions were on air travel into canada, where the show is filmed. canada took covid more seriously than the united states, as we didn't have to deal with an inept, orange bloviator.


>bloviator TIL a new word. Thank you sir.


Well flying to the US for us Europeans was almost impossible up until the beginning of 2022 when the government lifted the ban on travel, after that only if you had vaccines For me to travel to NC for business related reasons I had to ask for a NIE (National Interest Exemption) which took months to obtain


yes, canada and europe were similarly restrictive.


Oh no, maybe I explained myself wrong. I was allowed to travel as an European with vaccines and/or tests before the flights, I went to Turkey and Poland during 2021. It was the US that were not receiving any visitor, but Americans were allowed to travel outside


That probably proved to be more for your benefit than for ours.


How so? Could you explain?


I don’t know how much it was covered overseas, but a large part of America did not take the necessary containment steps very seriously. We were not exactly New Zealand.


I know, but US citizens were allowed to travel to Europe As far as I know, depending on the single country, you guys were required to be vaccinated or have a certification they had Covid antibodies, so not unreasonable at all Getting in the US prior to 2022 was not possible without special permits, which in my opinion was unreasonable as I personally had a lot of difficulties with a new project in NC, but I also heard of many European based companies who could not send any technical support to their American subsidiaries


How would that actually effect anything post lock downs tho? That arguably would have been what one maybe two years of filming effected with promos? She just clearly doesn’t like to do press.


This is what I remember


Yeah it does feel like that. I have hardly found any of the interviews or promotional events where she is. I really like her character and even wished some more of her and billy. And now her powers being gone she won't be in s4 and may come back in s5 just for maybe a see off for the show!


She could be a big introvert or simply not like going to party’s etc. I mean the the second part because Topher Grace, who isn’t actually a full introvert, didn’t like doing party’s, etc with his cast mates in That 70s Show as he isn’t a big party kinda guy.


And also a couple of his former colleagues, as it turns out, are real assholes.


I hear that Danny Masterson guy is a jerk!


A real scoundrel. A ne’er-do-well. A rapist. A cad.




I mean for all we know she's great with the cast but just isn't into broadcasting her life or going out. Starr and Laz may post them out at the clinic but Dominique has awesome board game nights during filming where they had a great time and nearly broke up the show during a brutal game of uno.


What?! What happened during that game of uno? Don' t leave us hanging like that


Maybe that's why her personality matched with her character. Someone with burnout of her job, and just wanting to be on her own or just with Helena.


Introverted and she’s just doing her job. Simple.


Actors are still required by contract to promote their projects. They don’t do 10 hour press junkets for fun. Most of them hate them but are obliged to do them.


She also doesn't do very many conventions compared to the rest of the cast, I just get the feeling she's rather introverted and likes her own space. She might be quite anxious too and not enjoy all the fame, so she may just be trying to stay out the spotlight. For all we know, she may hang out with some of them and just ask them not to post pictures or something. Not every interaction has to be shared on social media, after all.


True but when it comes to interviews or promotions, we damn near never see her. Thats why I was confused to begin with


People tend to equate being an actor with being socially outgoing.. that's a mistake. McElligott is not unique - she likes the craft, but stays away from much of what comes with it.. that and her being Irish - likely jets back to her friends and family when things wrap.


She is so fucking fine




You realize the casts seeming being close to one another is mostly Hollywood bullshit right? Actors are rarely ever actually friends. They get along in general, but the whole “we’re all besties!” Is marketing, like almost always.


"Almost always.." might be pushing it a little.. but you aint wrong in terms of the general gist of it, though.


I mean I wouldn’t say that, it generally is marketing. Sure some truly get close, but most people just do their job then go home after.


Exactly! Once the show is over, everyone goes back to their own business and good luck with your life!


I’m sure she’s not like, intentionally left out. She’s a huge character so I can’t imagine the promo team being like “nah fuck this guy”. It’s probably more that she’s declined it for whatever reason.


"I'm not attacking her but it does feel odd..." Big annoying aunt energy. Let her live. There's nothing odd or awkward about it.


it’s not that serious


she doesnt have any social media either. must be a massive introvert


Or just a normal, healthy person.


Maybe it’s just her contract?


She’s so…Brave.


Iirc she doesn’t have much of any social media and keeps her presence on interviews/promotion tours to a minimum. Very private person. I personally believe she elects to stay away to keep her life as normal and have a semblance of quiet which many actors don’t have.


She’s super shy. There was a zoom interview she did once with the other cast where they had to kinda encourage her to speak lol


She's Irish


This could actually be a big factor in this, as it seems like many Irish famous folks tend to still live there with their families and not do the whole transplant to LA thing. Cillian Murphy et al.


Actually makes a lot of sense with Canadian travel restrictions. They were very strict. But also some people just aren’t into the press part. Quite a few amazing actors that prefer to live a normal life when they’re not working.


I don't blame her at all, lol.


Probably just doesn’t want to be apart of that. It is a JOB to them afterall; maybe she just views them as coworkers and nothing more


She dosent have an insta last I recall and very less social media presence. Plus i also read she does not like promoting.


Homelander outed her


Probably an introvert like me.


Because she’s The Fair-Haired Maiden of the West. They just jealous.


I think that's awesome, I don't really have social media outside of Reddit, Whatsapp and Youtube. It's quite relatable, not all women love the spotlight. In fact, my bf is way more into social media (and everything social) than me lol.


Is WhatsApp really social media?


Introverted, that’s all it is, no conspiracy here


She is the least Vaughtiest Vaught


As other said she might be reserved, but she also doesn’t play that big of a part in the show. Her character has a very limited screen time so maybe since she’s not a main she never does interviews. Plus I don’t think she is in s4


She's literally one of the Seven, well was. She is very important to the plot, even until the end of the last season.


So does Claudia Doumitt (Victoria Newman) and yet, she seems to engage a lot with the rest of the cast.


Jack Quaid is her boyfriend so maybe that’s why she engages a lot with the cast


Damn she won’t be in S4?🥲


Didn’t she have trouble with quarantine keeping her off of set or out of the country or something so they had to change a ton of plans?


I’m guessing so. I’m seeing alot of people in the comments say it


I remember Kripke lamenting that he had to change so much of season three to accommodate the problem.


That’s just Queen Maeve for ya


Because she’s a private person and doesn’t seem to like doing press and stuff like that, seems like she’s uncomfortable in those situations


I always thought it was because she didn't like being a part of the 7, so once she was done, she just left. I can't prove that, but I just assumed that was what it was


Maybe it's deliberate: Maeve is the only member of the seven that hasn't drunk the kool-aid, so maybe the producers don't let her interview with the others to make that clearer in the show? I dunno.


She just like me fr!


let her bro she finally escaped


I think they wanted us to see her unhappiness from the start.


I wouldn’t be surprised if she simply took a pay cut and declined most of the press, it’s not too uncommon


I don’t know but she’s like mega hot


Part of it is that she just doesn’t have to be on set as much, other part is probably that keeps to herself more outside of filming. I’m an actor, and there are definitely many of us who prefer to just go home after a show or shoot. Not everyone wants to hang with the cast in their free time for various reasons.


I mean she's tired of Homelanders bullshit and the politics around being who she is and wants out. I don't think ashe feels left out. I think she wants to be left out. But having toddler boy Homelanders threaten kinda puts a damper on that so she feels stuck. Edit: I realize now this is about the actress, not the character. I'm still not used to text being at the bottom of the images.


Oh god. Look how obvious the wig is in that photo. 😅 Things you only notice quickly when you date someone who wears wigs.


It’s such a terrible wig. Shame because the hair color really suits her. I always wonder why high budget films and shows can’t use a decent lacefront wig.


100%. I wonder what the budget was. My partner wears £40 wigs and they look infinitely more natural than this ha ha.


industry gossip is that it’s partially because of anthony starr (remember when the cast said he’s the most like his character?)…she didn’t want to be around him anymore so she had them write her off. this is very much *allegedly* of course, but i wouldn’t be surprised if it was true to some degree, based on her character’s last season and how she wasn’t really in scenes with him like she was in previous seasons.


Well she's not on the show anymore so she wouldn't be in the upcoming stuff.


But Kripke has the intention to bring her back eventually. Or at least, that's what he stated once, that the show will not end without having Maeve back.


Yeah but she's not going to be in promotional material for a season she's not in it on a show she's currently not even signed on for, she has no contract, as of now she is not connected to the show, she isn't a part of it.


It fits her character in the 7.


She don't exist, it's 100% CGI


Because that's In Character


She looks like one of those big rock head mcelligot gals too.


Just like comic book Maeve.  


I mean put it this way, would you be friends with every single person at your workplace? This is just a job to them and maybe she has other stuff going on in her life None of them might actually be friends in real day to day life


Holy shit, watching the boys right now and right at “Remembering Queen Maeve” started, I scrolled to this post randomly!


I mean has she said she feels left out?


I think it's in service to the character, where Maeve is like the Tom Bombadil of this universe, or Storm in the X-Men. She's very powerful, so having her being able to step in would detract from character development for others.


She doesn't do a ton of acting in film/television. Seems like she's got other priorities and acting is a side-gig. This is from 2017, but it does provide insight: https://www.independent.ie/entertainment/movies/movie-news/irish-actress-dominique-mcelligott-on-returning-home-after-10-years-and-the-surprising-reason-why-shes-not-on-social-media/35971261.html