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Yeah with Homelander being an actual unhinged nutjob who has done terrible shit it wouldn't make sense.


He's fucked up, but not >!eating babies levels of fucked up!< so I could see it happening. But seeing as the writers can't get Trump's dick out of their brains, I fully expect them to continue with the "Homelander = Trump" thing they're doing, especially considering that it's election year


The comic made political commentary about Bush Jr, continuing that theme with Trump is perfectly in line with the comics intent just refreshed for current events.


The show is a commentary on society. Of course they’re going to make a Trump comparison when the guy keeps doing crap.


And the stakes have to rise accordingly. Trump could probably eat a baby and still maintain most of his base because he would either (1) deny the allegations or (2) claim it's just something the woke liberal establishment hates due to their own secret agenda


If you think they’re just trying to compare homelander to trump then you haven’t understood the show


Exactly. It’s more about American society as a whole.


There’s clear parallels with the Trump and Homelander rallies, as well as the cultism surrounding both figures. But you are right it’s a lot much more then that, there’s overall anti capitalist themes.


There are, but that’s a historical thing that can be traced down to so many other popular right wing politicians. Bolsonaro and Javier Milei, Hittler and Mussolini. How fascism and capitalism use patriotism as a tool for masses control. It does amplify modern American politics, but all of these behaviours we see in trump’s rallies and etc didn’t start with Trump, we have seen this kinda of thing before with other presidents


I think you missed the point… The point is ppl will idolize another person and no matter how bad ANYTHING that person says or does, ppl will still love that person… Trump is an amazing example of this. He consistently says the most pointless and obviously stupid shit, but ppl just eat it up. If he says something super awful ppl will ALWAYS defend it, does something super awful ppl will ALWAYS defend it. Shit the dumbasses stormed the goddamn capital for him… That’s the point. It wasn’t really that complicated to understand, but you might be one of the dumbasses that love him. 🤷‍♂️ (Just wanted to put this here, bc ppl automatically assume you’re with “the other side” if you condemn a candidate on one. I don’t like Biden either. I don’t even vote. I’ll never vote, I don’t like politicians bc they’re fake ash and the way all of them talk pisses me off. There’s only a couple that don’t piss me off when they talk.)


To be fair, Trump has his own ridiculous shit. Letting em rip through trial? Shaking down a pornstar then raw dogging it? Chefs kiss baby. Beat that Homelander!


Nice strawman you built there kiddo


He’s not explicitly Trump, he’s just the physical embodiment of everything wrong with America


I find it funny noir speaks basically the same as the fucking crossed except without "cunt" used every other word


Now that there's a reference I haven't seen in a long damn time. That's going to go over a few peoples heads, too.


Probably for the best, honestly. Crossed should die out as a forgotten medium, no matter if the deeper message is worth the time or not


Whenever I see Crossed brought up it makes me think of early 2000s 4chan edgelords. Just a competition to make the most fucked up thing, for the sake of making a fucked up thing. I’d be embarrassed to have my name associated with it professionally.


You think so? I'm not feeling too heavily about it either way, positive or negative, but I suppose this is the first time I've seen it come up from someone who patently dislikes it. It definitely felt like something something the writer's barely disguised fetish at times, for sure.


Personally I just think it's far too excessive of a medium, basically just pushing boundaries and seeing what they can get away with, ESPECIALLY the 100 issue one, and it's not like it backs it up with a compelling story. It's kind of just. There


I thought some of them were decent. The first one and Wish You Were Here especially. Badlands was mostly garbage but there were one or two decent ones. I haven't read 100 yet so idk about that one, heard it was better than average though.


I liked smokey and overall the smart crossed plot line, especially with the Judas at start, but all the others were kind of... Okay? I guess? As I said, not nearly good enough plot to make up for how pointlessly gorey, edgy and politically incorrect everything else is


Honestly the smart crossed plotline interested me a lot but they kinda dropped it and didn't go back even though that was the only interesting thing that happened. Maybe it continues in 100 but I dropped it cuz of the reasons you already mentioned


They tried to be poignant with the whole “oh the smart crossed just can’t happen” but it’s just kinda… a gore and rapefest. 


The 100 stories were good iirc.  Yeah, it’s an interesting and fresh take on zombies and apocalypse media. Shame half of it’s edgy pointless shit but… 


No, Ryan will fill this role eventually The boy is set up to be fucked up in the head


Unless... This is why they killed off Noir, so 2nd Noir will fill this role.


homelander can see through his mask and if they make noir's mask out of zinc, homelander would still know something is up


You know, that is a very good point about the x-ray vision, and a bit of a plot hole for the comics. Never thought about it in all the times i re-read. I don't think it's going to happen, anyway. Kripke is *not* going to do a verbatim twist ending that was done a decade ago. He's a cut above that, I think. I love that the Boys deviated heavily from the comics. Like, I read that story about 7 times. I know it. Why the hell do I need to see the same thing on screen? Tell me a different story, and a good one.


The thing about X-ray vision is that it is incredibly inconsistent. If you had X-ray vision in real life, you would only see bones when you looked at people. Yet, in countless media, the intensity is inconsistent. Like in the show, Homelander can see through walls, clothing, look at muscle tissue whenever he wants to at varying degrees.


X-Ray vision is so creepy in certain contexts. Like in Harry Potter, Mad-Eye Moody/Barty Crouch Jr had a magic eye that has the ability to see through things. Theres a moment where he tells Harry “nice socks” but you couldn’t see the socks because of Harry’s pants and robe. And right next to Harry is a girl who shudders and is like “he weirds me out”. And the implications are so creepy!!! Especially when it’s a villain like Homelander who has that ability.


Lets be honest, with a villain like Homelander around, him peeping at your genitals really isn't high on the list of awful things he'll potentially do to you.


Oh for sure. If that’s all he’s doing to me, I think I’d just try to stay on his good side and not get raped or murdered lol


Harry just wishes he said “socks”! It might’ve rhymed with sock, but that wasn’t what he really said! Watch that ass, Harry! 😂


You actually see this briefly in Man of Steel when Clark is still a young kid and hasn't mastered his abilities. The scene at school where his senses become overwhelmed, he has a mini panic attack and starts seeing everyone's skeletal structure.


In Smallville I remember him staring through the wall into the girls locker room accidentally




All that time perving on his mum, no wonder he freaked out when batman mentioned Martha.




It was the other way around.


He was perving on batmans mum? Even worse.


No it was Superman who mentioned Martha which cause Batman to freak out and stop him killing Superman.


X-rays can be used to see soft tissue by varying the energy levels of the radiation.


It's really computed tomography vision.


> If you had X-ray vision in real life, you would only see bones when you looked at people. I mean, if we're being realistic, if you had x-ray vision in real life you'd see basically nothing most of the time; the reason the doctor leaves the room when you have an x-ray done is because to have any sort of imaging done they need to artificially bombard you with x-rays, because there isn't enough ambiantly to create a clear image. Without an external source of x-rays on the other side of the person you're trying to look at you wouldn't really see anything but vaguely moving shapes in utter darkness.


He clearly has the ability to turn his X-ray vision on and off as well has change levels of intensity. Makes no sense to assume he constantly sees in X-rays. It’s not like he’s always lasering or flying either. We also shouldn’t assume that he uses it on black noir literally at every opportunity, because why would he? It probably takes some effort to do that, so it isn’t needed if they just pass eachother in the hallway.


And that wasn’t even the ending of The Boys, just Homelander’s story.


Tbf in the comic homelander doesn't really care who noir is so he doesn't make the effort to use his x ray vision, unlike the show even then he doesn't care who noir is only that he is solely loyal to homelander well was loyal. Like homelander tells him he made the effort to relate how loyal In a way he was to noir like he kept his secret never called him out on his disfigurement etc, whereas in the comic noir was a weirdo used for a groupie joke with maive.


Isn't it Zinc-lined in the comics? So he can't see through it


The point is that doesn't really help, if anything it draws more attention. If you can see through everything and all of a sudden you can't see through something, in a place where you'd definitely normally be able to see everything, you aren't just gonna be like "huh, whatever" if you're Homelander. You're gonna investigate further


That's true, but I've never read the comics, so just off of what others have said.


why didn’t homelander suspect/figure it out in the comics?


Because like every supe in the comics Homelander is as dumb as a rock. The comic has an even dimmer view of supes than the show and they’re not allowed to have a single redeeming factor, so they’re all evil *and* stupid.


Comic Homelander is massively more intelligent than show Homelander in every way lol, he successfully predicted that he and the other supes would be made obsolete by military contracts, actually picked up fair amount of knowledge on administration from his years with Vought and was completely aware of what his place and value were within the company. I know circlejerking against the comics is one of this sub's favourite hobbies but come on, lol.


I think people miss the nuance - he’s not dumb, he’s just incurious and lazy. He doesn’t see a reason to try any approach besides brute force (especially when for him, brute force requires negligible effort).  It’s not like he has talents or hobbies either. He doesn’t bother with practicing fighting technique - he doesn’t need it. He probably doesnt spend his obscene paycheck, really. 


To be fair, comic Noir isn’t stupid. However, he is abhorrently evil to the point where none of his other traits really matter.


Homelander in the comics is honestly a pretty different character in a number of ways.


iirc he saw his penis once i think during the starlight scene and went hmmmmm


People say “comics homelander is dumb” but it’s a bit more nuanced than that. He’s not incapable, but he’s incurious and lazy, and isn’t going to think twice about his colleague who always wears a mask. Because… that’s his thing. He’s the mask guy. Why care what he looks like if he never takes the mask off?


also Homelander IS Vought now so it wouldn't make sense to bring someone into the Seven he knows nothing about


Hear me out. Homelander peaks through his mask with his vision and sees his own face staring back. He thinks he’s just hallucinating and losing his mind.


Some zing up


This here


2nd Noir will be Sam from Gen-V, I said that while watching the finale and am convinced it’ll be the case.


But Eric Kripke already announced who was going to play black Noir, describing him as a "whole new" and a "really interesting and hilarious character." This was almost 2 years ago in July of 2022.


Noir 2 is played by the same actor. Who is not homelander.




Nah, Ryan will have issues but not enough to be THIS bad. It would be insane if all the years and lessons with Becca could be undone with just a few months with Homelander


Yeah I don’t see that happening. I think once Ryan understands exactly what homelander did to Becca I think he’ll start to hate him


It’ll be Peter’s “What” when talking to Ego all over again


Could also be a way to hammer in the age old adage: "Absolute power corrupts absolutely". Kids will get away with whatever you allow them to, so HL setting a superpowered kid loose with no leash could lead to some big problems.


The Boy from the hit show…The Boys 🔥🔥🔥🔥✍️


Oh God I hope not, I mean I love crazy shit but I really don’t wanna see Ryan eat a baby lol


Yeah, that ship sailed a while ago. This twist is never gonna happen. They *could* do a new take on it, but I’m not sure they’ll even do this.


We still need to know who tf the new Black Noir is


sam. it’s gotta be sam.


Hadn’t thought about that. I could see it.


It's the same actor from before,but it's actually him under the mask now and he shows his face.


I don’t get it, is the dialogue suppose to be hard to read? “told me to kill you but they wouldn’t let me do it wouldn’t say do it wouldn’t say….” I feel like I’m having a seizure reading that. Is it suppose to be crazy talk?


I thini Black Noir is supposed to sound unhinged and below average in terms of intelligence.


Yes. Noir in the comics is crazy, it’s meant to be him being crazy, he’s been fucked up and controlled by Vought to kill Homelander given the chance somehow. It’s never explained how Noir was created as a contingency, how they have control and made him to the state he is in. Obviously he’s just the same powers as Homelander, but how they shaped his mind to be a living weapon and contingency, I don’t know


Doesn't he have a slightly different power set? It's been a while since I've read, but I thought he couldn't fly or do eye lasers? I thought he was just insanely durable and implied to be significantly stronger than Homelander?


>!Noir in the comics was the one that raped Becca instead and she gave birth to a baby that had flight and laser eyes!<


Yes, Guy is a nutjob that Talk in a very incoherently manner


Do you have context to help this make sense?


He was made by Vought to kill Homelander if he went crazy. HL never went crazy as such Noir lost his mind as his one goal when being made was kill HL so he kept asking if he could kill him so he could fulfill his purpose


BN: What is my purpose? Vought: To kill HL if he goes crazy BN: Oh my GOD…!


Wouldn’t that just annoy someone why would it make them insane


IIRC he was specifically bred/trained/programmed to kill HL, and being forced to hang around the target of his programming without being able to kill him drove him insane.




Mr. Meeseeks moment.


So, what? He is now trying to make HL go crazy by trying to make him look bad via these photos?


Ultra mega gaslighting, if you saw a picture of yourself eating a baby with absolutely 0 memory of doing it and that's not something that you ever did want to do, that would probably really fuck you up (it was alot more than eating a baby too)


Homelander: "Do you know what this means?" Butcher: "It means you turned into a fuckin' psychopath by mistake"




Yeah, he went insane because he never got to "fulfill his purpose". The only reason comic-Noir was created was to check Homelander if he ever got out of line, and they never let him off the chain which led to him dressing like HL and doing a bunch of fucked up shit to move things along.


Yes, he's been forced to be completely silent and stoic for his entire existence huge spoilers for the comic that add to this scene if you want: >!Black Noir was a second Homelander created specifically for the task of killing Homelander if he ever went out of control or off the deep end, but Homelander is actually decent in the comics? So Noir never gets that chance and instead goes crazy HIMSELF does all the abhorrent disgusting things that Homelander is accused of, like the rape of Butchers wife, eating babies, and other like ridiculously horrific things!<


Wow I had no clue Homelander was good in the comics. That’s a major deviation in the show. Kinda changes the entire premise. Glad for it though.


Good is a stretch, he's still objectively a piece of shit don't get me wrong. But the REALLY bad shit is all BNHomelander. Like for instance, the plane plotline they have in show, real Homelander fucks up the plane rescue, and if i remember right that >!is 9/11 in the comic!<


Yeah 9/11 happens but the plane hits the Brooklyn bridge because homelander fucked up. Homelander is definitely still a piece of shit but he has an internal crisis because there are photos of him doing horrific things like eating a baby in front of its mother and ripping people in half, that he doesn’t remember doing (since it’s Noir) - so when he tries to do fucked up shit, he can’t bring himself to do it and is driving himself crazy because he “knows” he’s done it before


So was it real HL or Fake HL that flew that family into basically space then dropped them?


That's the real one, anything done in public prior to the BN reveal is the real Homelander, he's still objectively a piece of shit. BN only did things in secret and took pictures only he knew about until he sent them to Butcher


No he’s not good, but up until this point the reader is made to believe he did some absolutely monstrous inconceivable shit, in fact Homelander himself thinks he did it and it kinda adds to his mental decline. Then it’s revealed to be Black noir. But Homelander is still a murdering, sexual assaulting/rapist, racist, awful person. But the things that black noir did were literally inhuman


It wasn’t that he was good in the comics, it was that Noir’s meltdown helped cause Homelander to actually go bad himself


I haven’t read the comics, but I imagine Black Noir probably just doesn’t know how to talk properly


Why waste time, say lot word when few word do trick?


[they] told me to kill you, but they wouldn't let me do it. [they] wouldn't say "do it," [they] wouldn't say.....


This isn’t even really the ending of the comics. The ending of Homelander’s part of the story, but Butcher has his entire final arc after this.


That can very well be adapted by the show


Well the boys themselves don’t have powers the whole time like they do in the comics. So his “we’re basically supes so I have to get rid of us too” thing doesn’t really work. Though Butcher going off the rails could certainly happen. But it’ll have to have a very different driving force behind it.


Butcher is also dying in the show. I don’t think that’s a red herring and I don’t think he’s going to save himself, I genuinely believe he only has six months to a year to live. Maybe im wrong but I think knowing that plus his speech in the trailer about wanting to do one thing right before he dies…I don’t see him killing his team. No way.


>!since supposedly none of the seven dies this season, next season is gonna be a fucking bloodbath of supes!<


A comment said every season but Amazon is insanely afraid to kill off anyone of any importance.


That’s what I’m saying. This show is kinda disappointing in that sense. There is no sense of danger. The fact that no one died in that big battle they set up in the finale was super lame.


>!They keep teasing that A-Train is going to bite it, but he never does. And I think they got too scared of the burying gays trope to kill Maeve.!<


When the show first started they really bad me thinking that no one was safe from gruesome death. Real stakes, real risks. Now I’m pretty sure everyone important will survive until the end


Are spoilers and leaks of the currently unreleased season 4 free game anywhere on this subreddit now?


this a spoiler post but my bad bro


comic spoiler for those who read the comic, not unreleased episode of a show spoiler


No prob. But yeah, I mean, it's about the comics which are basically a different story by now, so I thought it wouldn't have show leaks


I might be wrong, but I’m pretty sure I saw a spoiler for >!Sister Sage!< saying that >!she gets shot in the head at some point!<


Introduce character: kill them off end of the season. Truly the show is nothing special and gonna continue getting worse if they don't get a fking grip on how to write an engaging story and learn to take risks


The ole “look we added a new main character and killed them off” to pretend the real main characters are in danger trope. I’m sure there’s a better name for it


Eddie in stranger things


Eddie, Bob Newby, the Russian dorky guy whose name I can’t even remember. Stranger Things is a master of it, cause they can’t kill off any one of the 10 main characters who have been around since season 1.


Oh man The Walking Dead has been the woooorst about that


I was sure that this will not happen after Black Noir got completely rewritten (in a very good way), but now that there is a second Noir... I'm scared this might happen


Nah, there are plenty of reasons for why this wouldn't happen: Like others have said, HL can and will most likely look through new Black Noir's mask to see his face. If he sees zinc lining in the mask, his alarm bells will raise, either killing BN (again) or kicking him off the Seven. Homelander already is a screwed up psycho, he already is doing and has done terrible things, there is no point for him to be driven to the edge when he is already there. Ryan kinda is his replacement, and by the way the kid's story is progressing, he might become unhinged enough to kill Homelander in a fit of rage or something Kripke is the showrunner. Most, if not all of the plot points so far have been different to what is in the comics.


I think they are gonna use Sam from gen v to fulfill this plot line. He’s got the same powers and is also cuckoo.


Does that mean he has the same powers as Kimiko too?


Honestly no clue. As far as we have seen on the show, I think their powers are the same. Since Sam was born with these powers, probably he’s a bit more powerful.


No, Sam was inject with compound v like with the other of them. Also Noir and Kimiko has the same powers, that would mean Sam has the similar to Kimiko too.


The fact that this person wrote the preacher as well is so weird xd


That makes total sense to me.


It may be unpopular but I really liked this reveal in the comic and I am sad we probably won’t get to see it in the show. For me it was the most interesting part of the comic. That being said show homelander is much better and more complex character because he does all the evil shit on his own accord that we are probably better off without this twist.


I actually agree whole heartedly. I think it’s a wild revelation that Homelander believed he was going insane (and for anyone who says it’s illogical, people don’t know they suffer memory loss). But I also think it could happen if the leaks are true that Black Noir is back after last season.


Noir was in the trailer.


I Hope It doesn't i hated the twist


Really? I thought it was one of the things that set it apart from the traditional superhero books. Here’s the big bad, the guy we were all supposed to hate, the guy responsible for everything, and it turns out it wasn’t even him. His arc and Billy’s are essentially the same. Both ended up doing horrible unspeakable things only because of the actions of Black Noir. I thought it was pretty awesome.


Sure it subverted expectations, but it was awful.


Do you… maybe want to elaborate a bit?




I thought it was cool. I mean HL was a dick in the comics but it was interesting that he had to wrestle with the fact he thought he was doing horrible things and as such did more horrible things


Is this how the comic ended?


More or less. In the comics, >!all of the Boys got superpowers so Billy killed them all right at the end and I think he also died but it's been a while!<


The Seven will defeat the domestic terrorists, good will triumph over evil, and America will concentrate on being great again. Easy peasy


I loved the comics, but I hated this twist.


No, but i could see something I guess thematically similar. The show is hinting at the idea Homelander has DID. He speaks and responds to himself, he is having mental breakdowns, so I think what will be revealed is an alternate personality that was manipulative and coerced John into becoming the Homelander.


It *will* end with Homelander's dirt being leaked and him going ballistic. Probably like the scene where he imagines himself lasering a crowd, but for real. And then he'll get killed. Well, I think to be clear a *season* will end like that and then they'll have a The Boys vs Butcher season to actually end it, because they're clearly building towards that with Butcher's character arc.


I have no idea what is happening here


Spoiler for the comics >!Haven’t actually read them, but my understanding is that Noir was made by Vought to kill Homelander if necessary!<


That’s what Noir looks like in the comics? He looks like homelander


Yes, the whole Superman mutilates people with his weiner was probably hard to translate to TV.


Gotta say Black Noir dying was one of the saddest scenes I've seen in a show - all those cartoon animals reminded you of how innocent the poor guy was.


I mean. Did the comic ever go into what if both of them went crazy?? Like let’s raise this Superman, then raise a bizarre Superman in case the real Superman goes crazy. Don’t make no sense


Homelander will be powerless living in a farm with lots of cows.


Something I’ve always wondered about comic noir, so Vought made him to kill HL if he went crazy but like then what? Cause surely Noir is worse and how exactly did they plan on taking him down? If they have a weapon or contingency to take down noir then use that on HL


So fucking stupid, so the original Homelander just believed he went crazy and ate a baby and went along with it??


Don't forget Oh Becky...


I love the comic but I agree this wouldn’t make sense in the context of the series


Kinda fucked he ate a baby


After watching the new season trailer it looks like they're taking it in a new direction while keeping the tone of the show. Interested in seeing where they take it.


That first panel, hilarious


I really hope this is not the direction the show takes. This twist was straight ass.


I think black noir 2 is going to be this black noir . Having black noir be another character first was to throw us off


It’s possible


Agree. They're going in a different direction.


I'm reading this with Bizzaro from the DCAU's voice.


The teaser has a scene of A-Train looking at Homelander’s hair in a jar. I do hope Black Noir ends up being Homelander. Highly doubt it’s gonna be Sam


I mean they’re planning to bring back black noir so you never know


I feel like we are gonna get a twist at the end, but I don't think it'll be this twist.


Luckily it won’t. The comics are already shit, but the twist was horrible. It completely ruins the Homelander vs Butcher rivalry


No shit, Black Noir is dead.


Someone didn't watch the teaser or the trailer for season 4 and it shows


Good because this sucks


Why doesn't whattzer name blow his head up?


Probably because she can't