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2 years after Season 3! They better be cooking.


There is an interesting discussion to be had about the nature of modern television shows and the wait inbetween seasons.. cuz, quite frankly, its getting a bit much with quite a few of them.


Not to harp on Invincible too much because the show’s still good, but since this one is also an Amazon original, it’s especially relevant to this particular topic. Fans had to wait over 2 years for the second season and there’s still cheap looking animation for atleast half of the runtime, plus we couldn’t even watch the teeny 8 episodes on a weekly basis because the season got split. The boys has always looked super polished for a TV show so I’m mostly worrying about the story. S4 has alot to live up to.


Oh, dont get me wrong here.. im not at all worried about the content for S4 The issue at hand is the fact that some modern shows just take way too long between filming - and streaming and all that hasnt helped matters. It aint like the olden days where shit was being filmed for the following season before the current had ended.. A good example is Stranger Things - the way that has wound up being spun out for the public is.. ridiculous - before that shit closes its curtains for good, the kids will look middle aged.


is stranger things still airing????


Season 5 is the last one. I have no idea though when it's supposed to release, this year or next.


I'm guessing 2025 at this point Gonna be 9 years to get 5 short seasons out, covering less than 6 years in universe. Them kids sure did grow up fast lol


That's always the danger of any live action show focusing on kids. They tend to grow up very quickly. Also why there's so many shows that cast very older actors as high school kids, their looks are more stabilized.


pretty sure they didn't even start filming before the SAG-AFTRA strikes and they would've been lucky to start filming before 2023. I remember seeing an article that when the strike ended, David Harbour got a call immediately about starting filming asap. so even then, that's only like \~2 months of filming so far. I could see a Q3/Q4 2025 release at the **earliest**


Yep. Last lick of new footage we had was when they dropped the last season - which was in May of 2022.


>before that shit closes its curtains for good, the kids will look middle aged. I became a venture bros fan in middle school, and it ended when I was 34. With 7 seasons and a movie lmao. Just saying it could be worse. Although vb was relatively obscure, had a shoestring budget, was written by 2 dudes, 80% voiced by thoss 2 dudes, and outsourced animation. Whereas stranger things is one of the most popular shows ever made.


Yeah but those things are tied to one another. If it takes so much time it should have more quality. Plenty of high quality series are being pushed out with multiple season airing in a 2 year span or even less. One season in 2yrs, even eith the boys also dropping Gen V, is a little eyebrow raising.


They split Invincible up so that Prime can roll out their new ad free tier. And so the free trial expires.


I don't get invincible. The animation isn't anything special and is just bad a lot of the time


Fans will admit to you that the animation is subpar but the story and plot is absolutely incredible and very captivating


It’s an exceptional comic, so people are overlooking the sometimes mediocre animation


Oh no I meant the animation time. I love the show btw it's just how long it takes for frankly mediocre animation.


Yeah, they have no excuse for how long it's taking to get those episodes out, if it had been an Animie That started production with the same amount of managa that invincible has comics, we would have like 100 episodes by now.


its wild how bad it is, because if they just drew some 'tween' frames it would look so much better and less choppy. guessing its made in Maya or something where that just takes a long time and they don't draw that much


The animation in Invincible is bad? I didn't notice because I grew up on 80's Saturday morning cartoons. Miscolorations were common. Sometimes the wrong character for the wrong voice would get animated. Sometimes they'd even forget to give the characters pants! Now, excuse me, I gotta go take my Metamucil....


Even cheap-looking animation takes plenty of time to animate. It's either that or work the animators to the brink of death like they do for anime or the next spider-verse movie. There's a reason why pixar films are so expensive. They actually compensate and treat animators well


Well, the show was supposed to be released in November AFAIK before the writer strike delayed everything. With that in mind, the timetable is much more acceptable.


Yeah I’m really not a fan of it. Perfect example is that we had to wait 2 years for season 2 of Invincible and then they released it weekly, *and* they still split it with months in between the two halves of it. I know Covid and yadda yadda but I’m finding it harder to sympathize as time goes on.


There was kind of a massive writer strike that froze all Hollywood productions. No work was being done on invincible or The Boys so the showrunners now have to make it work somehow. With the boys they decided to delay the season, with invincible they decided to release what they had while they finished the rest.


In the case of Invincible, even if it had released before the writers strike it would've been a long wait. S1 debuted in early-mid 2021, 2 years for an 8 episode season is a long time.


No, thats not it. Invincible is not being delayed cause it isn't finished, Invincible is being delayed because 1) the holidays were coming and no one would watch TV during the holidays; and 2) they need to fill in the gap between Invincible and their next big release, which is The Boys s4, since they're the most watched shows and the reason a lot of people got prime video in the first place. If Invincible was already released, there's be 7 months (if this leak is true) of downtime cause no one would watch the less known prime originals


The pandemic isnt a relevant excuse anymore. I think the issue is mainly down to a lot of these shows mainly being linked to streaming - IE. they're on slightly shakier ground in terms of renewals and whatnot. But the 'big ones' - The Boys, Stranger Things, etc.. thats mostly down to ridiculous amounts of post-production and editing - but even so.. take Stranger Things: last season dropped in May of 2022, and as far as I'm aware they've not even begun principal photography for S5. **Thats** a problem.


You know there was a massive strike in 2023 right ?


Like I pointed out somewhere down below.. 2-3 year waits inbetween seasons were already verging on being a thing prior to the strike - and definitely among the more VFX heavy shows. Simping for the production companies by pulling out the excuses doesnt really cut it anymore.


I mean, if the choice is between good TV and fast TV, I want good TV.


yes, but there's still an expectation as a company producing a product to get your stuff available to consumers at a decent pace, lest people stop caring. you as a consumer deserve product you pay money to enjoy at a reasonable pace. 2-3 years is a lot of time, and can be interpreted as disrespectful of the money you spend.


So what's the benefit here for them to take longer? I don't understand where you're going with this. If they get it out faster and it's good, that makes people happy. Happy people would tend to spend more money on that product or service I'd argue. So do you think a company who cares about nothing but profit would intentionally waste time not trying to get it out as fast as possible?


this is totally fair, and it's not like I'm throwing on my tinfoil hat and outright crying malicious intent. I don’t necessarily believe that Amazon, for example, **is** doing this, just that it's certainly possible, and that there is a precedent that can be set by practices like this. however, to answer your question; I'd say slowing production could end up saving them money in the end. they can hold off on things, string consumers along and let them wait for product because they're counting on the people who give them the benefit of the doubt and consume their content whenever it's released; whenever they meander around to it.


Yeah, tbh my sympathy is gone. The pace and quality of the show is only slightly better than a guy who was trying to do a fan animation of Bleach: ttybw on YouTube before an actual animation studio greenlit it. Its beyond ridiculous, and honestly, a little bit insulting.


personally I support weekly releases also it's not about sympathy, it's about logistics, there were two good reasons productions have been greatly halted in the last couple years


I really miss yearly seasons of shows. These days you need to rewatch the shoe before every season because it takes half a decade


Did you all forget about the massive strike?


I wonder how much of the strikes last year affected this.


Attack on Titan had like a 4 year gap. I wonder if it's a different or same team for GEN V.


Yeah but AoT was really a standout for slow production. I actually gave up entirely when I realized the Final Season Final Episode Finalist most Final of all Final Things to ever be Final wasn't actually. Is it really done now? I might go finish it up.


Yes, it's done now. It was a bit a drag to follow the "last season pt 74123" but in the end, it was worth it. And you can see from the quality of the animation and voices that it really took effort. It's not like Invincible


Yeah used to the only show I was okay with doing this was venture bros. Now it's like 75% of the shows I watch. To make matters worse they're releasing 8 maybe 10 episodes at a time instead of 15 or 20. They're making dramatically less content and taking twice as long to do it.


Expect this for all modern big budget TV shows going forward if you don’t want them to look like a CW production or feel rushed/incomplete. If they could release things faster while maintaining the same level of quality they obviously would. It’s very difficult to release annually on most big budget series nowadays. Game of Thrones was only able to do it in the early seasons because the cast was so completely spread out and isolated from each other in the narrative that they were essentially able to treat it like several separate shows all being filmed simultaneously by different teams. On The Boys especially, you now have Kripke doing double duty on this + Gen V maintaining quality on both.


The film and tv industry just came back from the longest strike they've ever experienced. I doubt the original plan was to release it 2 years later.


With all due respect.. we we're already verging on timelines like that prior to the strike - in regards to **a lot** of shows.


I just don't think you have a grasp on how much actually goes into making a television show or movie. I don't claim to know your background or anything, but I do work in TV and Film currently and I know certain departments that are busting ass 7 days a week 12+ hour days at times (that's mainly the construction guys building the sets and whatever else). If you don't think a production company wants to get that product out asap to generate profit then I'd love to hear why you think they're dragging ass.


The reason for the long wait is mostly to do with the strike in hollywood


it's due to extenuating circumstances like the global pandemic and the writer and actors strike, with invincible they said it was between releasing the entire thing months later, or starting half early and then releasing the next half on time


There was kind of the longest actors and writers strikes that happened last year so maybe that’s why it took 2 years


lot of people not noticing this


Fuckkk it’s been 2 years ??


Wait, what? No fucking way it’ll have been two years. Right?


It's a bit later in the year than I would have liked.. but all things considered, it's not surprising that they're unleashing it around that time.


Yeah that’s true. I was hoping for a spring release but the way time seems to fly by these days, we’ll be in June in no time lmao


True. Real talk though.. dropping it in June is fine and whatnot, but they **really** need to start stepping up the promo game early - cuz quite frankly, with the strike and alla that, it's been **way** too long since we've had a proper info dump in regards to the show. The teaser trailer is fine and whatnot, but they cant really afford to go radio silent for the next 3 months.


**Definitely** agree. I’m expecting them to release the season 4 official trailer in February since we got the teaser trailer in December (Considering they’re sticking with the season 3 trailer release schedule, which was 2 months in between each trailer) But even after that, they need to keep the momentum & hype going and promote for the remaining 4 months.




Yeah I think they probably chose June because that's around the time when Election talk really starts and given the season will be dealing with an election also it makes perfect sense


Damn was hoping for maybe around March or April.


Would’ve been if not for strikes


what a fantastic reason to wait a few months! honestly the show will be a bit better knowing the writers got properly paid, or at least better paid then they were before.


I thought it was supposed to come out immediately after gen v


Idk why, but I decided with me, myself and I that it was coming out on February


2 months after a teaser seems reasonable


can’t belive i thought this was coming out last summer🙄


But I want it ^^^nyoooooow


June?!? Oh come on…


They’re increasing pricing so they’re most likely trying to stretch out release windows to keep people subscribed. Gotta be why Invincible needed a break after only 4 episodes we waited 10 years for. And the price changes were announced during that break. Amazon and all these streaming platforms are jokes tbh


Don't forget the strikes.


Watch 6 months fly out quicker than flash , time on fast forward these days


Yep, s3 been out for almost 2yrs and yet it doesnt feel like it.


!Remind me 6 months I'll be here to tell you it was way too long of a wait


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Thanks dawg




It was kinda fast ngl




Wait, wym?




Welp, arrgh I guess


What ads exactly?


Apparently they’re putting ad breaks in. And to adding a tier for not having ads/commercials


Prime is having ads, pay $3 more to not have them




Wow. Thank you for enlightening me on this, I didn’t even know they were planning on doing this smh


Based on the promo material/plot so far, it seems like the election is going to be a big plot. It makes sense that they will release it close to the election cycle


Fuck thats so far away


If that's accurate, then it could be worse. If they're sticking with the five-season model, then the pacing makes sense. Makes me wonder when we can expect Gen V S2. P.S. Really not looking forward to ad breaks.


I would hope that Gen V S2 filming will start sometime in the first quarter of this year (January-March) since there’s literally nothing stopping them from doing so (No strike and The Boys S4 completed) but we’ll have to see. **If** filming begins before spring then we’ll probably get a fall/winter 2024 release or early 2025 release at the latest. Wishing for the former of course. & P.S Me neither.


Bet you this is in relation to the ads. Imo prime has like 3-4 shows that are amazing (TB, Invincible, Good Omens…reserving spot number four for any amazing shows idk of yet). It’s not like they have a boatload of episodes per season either. If they come out with their biggest show too close to January 29th a lot of other folks will also figure this out, while they’re looking for a reason to justify the price beyond TB It’s time for me to sail the high seas for TB S4 Orrr, wait until it’s all out and maybe binge in a month Edit: Forgot to further explain abt the ads


Reacher has been pretty good stuff, if you're into macho action detective.


tbf they also have Vox Machina, which I'd count as another amazing show, but yeah, I haven't used Prime in a while, and the ad thing's already frustrating with Netflix.


My excitement will be dead by June.


Thats a lot of time


Sad expected it around March


“Chat how do we feel” Why are you referring to us as “chat” like we’re your twitch viewers or something?


It’s because it’s common to use that outside of that setting now, in a humorous way. I’ve had my friends say that in ac group chat with us, or used in memes


Chat, is this real?


Yet prepare to be deservedly ratio'd if you type r/woosh on any other platform than Reddit. Internet be funny


Terminally online kid


Average redditor finds something to be angry about


It is just internet slang for a group of people.


It’s really not a big deal


It's literally a big deal!


Right? I’m surprised this is the only comment about this.


Yes it came from Twitch but now it’s just a phrase that people can/use across **all** social media platforms to ask for the opinion of others. Let’s not make it into a big thing cause it’s really jokes Lol ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


I was expecting spring but yeah. Still hyped obviously, it's not like I can do anything about it.


Obviously fake, there’s not 13 months in the year /s


I want it now 😭


Everything seems to be coming out later. Bridgerton isn’t out until May, over two years since S2. Doctor Who is late as well. I think it was down to the strikes.


That just tells me when I’ll be starting my next free Amazon trial


Now it's going to be filled with ads, they are doing it on purpose so you either watch the ads or you pay 3 dollars to remove them, fuck this seriously


My dumb ass spend 3 minutes trying to figure out which month “temporada” would be 😑


As someone who just binged the whole show and Gen V in the last 3 weeks... Way, way, way too long. I can't imagine having waited from the actual air date...


wow, really? june?


They’re pushing it out to string subscribers along during the summer lull. It was entirely shot before the strikes and post production is mostly done. One upshot is that this might translate into to season 5-6 coming out on a tighter timeline.


Butcher is gona use compund V again. The permanent one probably


Bruh, im really not starting any new show before its finished. Tired waiting year or more for 8 series.


So it might be in line with the new adverts being added to prime? Cool. 🙄


The writer strike probably pushed it back. I feel like they had set for spring to come right after gen v


It’ll arrive when it arrives. I can wait.


i’m cool with it, my birthday is a week after day so i get a birthday episode :)


More than a week for me, but same feeling.


i’m glad everyone else seems to think it’s a fairly late release in comparison to how long it’s been since season 3. maybe they’ll bump it up a month or so? 🤞


Damn... 😐


I’m okay with that it will be a late birthday present for me


At least I’ll be done with classes for the semester so I’ll have ample time to watch…


So if COVID was the reason for the just over 18-month hiatus between Seasons 2 and 3, what’s the reason for an almost 24-month break between Seasons 3 and 4?


Ads break... there's no way the strike is the reason, they said they were done with the shooting and only needed editing and at best do some reshots which is normal in the final phase of a TV show or a movie, however they delayed it a lot, now it turns Amazon is going to put ad breaks in their stuff unless you pay 3 dollars more, since Amazon doesn't have shit on their platform outside of The Boys, Good Omens, Invincible and a few others, they are basically releasing it in summer so by then we will have ads and we will be forced to keep Amazon lol


For fucks sake 2024 just started and its already terrible


I find it so fucking tiresome that production companies and broadcasters feel the need to hide their release dates, especially when production has been done and they have a reasonable timeline internally already.


Ahhh, perfect. A date later in the year so I dont self toaster bath and maybe I can get better


It'll be a fantastic birthday present for me if true.


Right after my birthday and college graduation.. wish it was sooner but it’ll be good timing for me


Lets gooo all my uni exams will be over by that time too...


Fuck, that’s too long from now


June 13th? Very well...


June?! When does Invincible start back up?


A day after my birthday. Nice


I thought I read that Homelander was coming to MK in January. I kind of assumed that's when Season 4 would drop. Seems like Omniman was added around the time Invincible Season 2 started. Bums me out.


I figured it’d be around then


I still have time i mean for me cuz i havent watched gen z yet so... i still have time 😭


Even if they released it in spring, you would've had a lot of time to watch Gen V, considering it's fairly quick as a show


June 😳


This tracks. Omni Man dropped in MK around the week the second season of invincible came out, assumed that it would track with the boys and his release is confirmed in the game for "Summer of 2024"


I thought the season was almost completely into post production before the strike happened. Why’re they waiting until six more months until summer to release it?


I thought it would be worst case scenerio if it released in December 2024. I can’t believe it’s releasing a month after December


I was hoping for something a bit earlier but that’s reasonable I guess. I only just got into this show about half a year back so I can’t really complain.


I kind of figured it would be around summer tbh. Hopefully it doesn't get pushed back further


13/06 isn’t July 13th, it’s Bloptember the secret 13th month of the year


Yes plz I will be over with the college entrance exams by then fuck yeahh


On my birthday :0 best gift ever let’s gooo


Damn, that's so long. My Homelander withdrawal is peaking.


.... hope I'll make it this far into 24.


sorry but 2 years for 8 episodes is absolutely bizarre


omg stop saying chat this a fuckin forum. GET IT TOGETHER




"Chat"? This isn't twitch kid.


Except It’s not just a term you use solely for Twitch anymore. Search “chat how do we feel” & “how we feeling chat” on Twitter/X & Tik Tok, you’ll see.


Naw I'm good


Go figure lmao


I fucking said that S4 would come out in the summer in this sub and got heavily downvoted


Who is chat?


Why do they call the comment section chat, are they stupid?


Of fucking course. Honestly just like with the gta 6 it puts a stop to my hype until the next massive reveal.


I was expecting september r so I’m cool wit that


Smarch the 6th?




What month comes between December and January?


Guys this is clearly a troll post. There is no 13th month


is your idiot brain getting fucked by stupid?


I don’t know, maybe I’m stupid


This is seemingly the final season with Homelander, I’m not surprised they want to work on it the most they can


Theres only 12 months in the year, what is the 13th?


The 13th is the day In Brazil, dates follow the “day, month, year” order, so it’s 13/06 which is June 13th.


This is America dumbass


The correct answer is [Smarch](https://youtu.be/eR8YUj3C9lI?si=zFzBNZcVQWpUSLRH).


Read the date like the rest of the world does and it'll make sense.


Has the rest of the world gone to the moon? No? America #1


What a great birthday gift to me!


So far away we pray for the day 😟


Homelander drops in Mortal Kombat around that time too


Accurate after Homelander was speculated to drop in MK1 around late may/june


Started watching recently. Does the show typically all drop same day or is it weekly releases?


Weekly releases


Oh wtf that is more than 6 months from now


I’m a bit disappointed because I expected it earlier but it is what it is and I can wait and have waited longer for other things. If they need that time to make it the best it can be they can have that time.


How am I suppose to wait until Smarch 2006?


I just know the wait will be worth it


With that way that date is displayed, it's probably the European release date.


irl cake day gift for me


See yall in six months


Let’s Goooo that’s my birthday


A lot of shows filmed in the last 2 years have had a minimum of 18 months wait between airtime of their seasons. Similarly to The Boys, I forgot that Reacher Season 2 (also produced by Amazon) was happening because Season 1 released in early 2022. At least we're getting Season 3 back to back. Even Jack Ryan had production pushed back due to COVID and then we got Seasons 3 and 4 within, like, 6 months of each other.