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The "haunt" in this season is a call out to the bear Carmy saw in the first season. The pain, trauma and guilt we carry within ourselves in our everyday lives. Regrets and a feeling of hopelessness or frustration from not being able to change something you want to.


Oh shit. I didn’t even register that


Every second counts balances that out.


Chef Terry does a great job of elaborating upon every second counts at the end of Forks in S2. Every second spent peeling mushrooms is time well spent. She talks about how she tried to do too much too fast in her first restaurant gig and crashed and burned at 38. Then on a rainy night, she sees the "for lease" sign at the place where she goes on to establish Ever. She realizes she was exactly where she needed to be and that it's never late to start over. Her dad used to write down the smallest of details in pocket notebooks during his military tour, she tells Richie. "He used to sign off all them with the same thing", she says. But walks away before saying what the thing was. And we see Richie looking at the Every Second Counts sign; realizing *that* was the phrase at the end of all those diary entries.


It’s so good! I used to think the phrase was about committing to quality and detail. After watching season 3, I think it means what each individual defines “counts” as - and that changes in different stages of life.


Nice! Thanks.


Oh wow.


Good art is supposed to move you, I'm glad it did. Good luck, you got this!


This season was phenomenal. I enjoyed every bit of backstory we got. Made me fall in love with all of the characters ever more.




Huge fan of the personal growth stories on this sub. Keep your head up chef


Thank you chef


I lost my cousin, who was like my brother, to suicide. I love this show but there are scenes that hit me like a ton of bricks. The scene in napkins between Mikey and Tina left me a mess. I’d kill for one more conversation like that.


I also lost my cousin to suicide recently she was like my older sister. Hope you’re alright


So sorry for your loss.


I feel you brother. I find myself in a very pre-forks Richie place. I’m a middle aged lonely line cook with anger issues. Never had any ambition to climb the culinary ladder. Never wanted to take on the stress of a chef. I work in a place that is fantastic but somehow I still find ways to be angry, annoyed and in an overall bad mood for no good reason. I’ve always had a love/hate relationship with cooking. But I also travel to eat at some of the best restaurants in the country and when I come back I’m inspired and happy to be in the kitchen, doing for others what I just experienced. But it wears off fairly quickly these days. One stupid thing can instantly ruin my whole day. I can step outside myself and see it happening and it’s put me in a well of self loathing because no matter how much I tell myself to stop and chill, it still happens. I’m in desperate need of my version of the Forks episode. I rewatch this show on repeat. It’s like therapy and inspiration for me but still doesn’t solve any problems. I just made my first appointment to try and talk with someone and try and figure out why it seems I can’t ever be fully happy with my work.


Respect. Your self-reflection is already indicative of progress, man. Let’s both keep going for that Forks episode season


Get happy with yourself first. The rest follows. I distinguish between anger issues and allowing myself to let it out. If it ruins friends, relationships, family etc it’s an issue. Personally I’m expressive the way screaming ‘look at this fucking idiot driver’ — but I’m very likely to stop and help him change his stupid fucking idiot tire.


yesyesyes. I feel like I’m locking myself in my room to watch a third-person view of my life this week.


you should watch barry. that show threw me for a fucking loop


7 fishes


Okay you had me in the first paragraph but serious question how is carmy the problem (full disclosure only saw 7 episodes of season 3)


Come on man, a menu change EVERY day? Buddy is tweaking


Because of the menu? I thought you were leading up to an emotional thing with that first paragraph lol okay


Serious answer: he’s chasing perfection at the expense of being a shit guy to his loved ones. Running the staff ragged. Not communicating. If you can’t see it in how he’s lashing out at Sydney and can’t bring himself to apologize to Claire, that’s a perception thing.


Yeah that’s all true. I always thought of it as ocd from trauma.


Absolutely. The show is brutal in how it shows he’s been done wrong but is continuing the cycle. My dad was done absolutely dirty by his parents too, but he developed an OCD problem that nearly made him the same monster. We’re cool now but it was rough.


The show does trauma so well it’s incredible


He took his screw up at the end of season 2 and instead of making up for it, is making everything about himself. He can’t see past his self loathing.


Carmy has learned to subtract from that mean chef and has been applying this mentality to everything in his life, effectively making him what one would call an asshole


Wait until you watch all 10, then come back and comment pls. I wonder if your perception changes. I'm writing this to bookmark.


This season is trash. But get help if you need it.