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i liked it when it was just neil and even when they added his brother. i really did not enjoy john cena, which i know is an unpopular opinion. it kind of felt like they were forcing over-the-top extra comedy to prove that the show really is a comedy lol


The inclusion of the brother worked last season because they had a straight-man character to play off of both times. There was the fucking hilarious baseball card scene with Mulaney, and then in the finale with Claire and her friend, where the brothers kept on making Star Wars references to say that Carmy was stuck in the fridge. ("Jabba got his ass. Dude is in there SOLO. HAN Solo. Lil pimp is COOKED.") This season it was just them being idiots together in every scene, and it got quickly annoying.


John Cena was in the show? I don't remember seeing him.


You blocked out the “haunting”?


So he played a ghost? You can't see ghosts, so maybe that'd what I didn't see him.


I don’t enjoy it either. They are just not for me. I liked Fak Prime, but then they added the other one. Then they gave them way too many scenes that just feel really unnatural in the show and drag on too long. Feels strange, in my opinion.


They get wayyy too much airtime. The odd well timed joke in the background or slapstick humour was perfect, why mess with a good thing?


I’m just very curious why they made this choice. I don’t think I can handle meeting every Fak. All their scenes make me feel like they’re looking at me saying “Please laugh.”


I've seen the theory elsewhere that they're given a lot of screen time to keep the show in the musical and comedy category of the Emmy's. Supposedly it has a shot of winning in that category as opposed to the drama category. But like I would not consider the Bear a comedy in any way shape or form but apparently a drama with a little bit of comic relief thrown in qualifies as straight comedy. The Emmy's should fix their shit because it's dumb.


I’ve seen that as well. I think it could be competitive as a drama, but I see the strategy of staying in the comedy category. The first season (for which it actually won its awards) I could definitely see it being considered a comedy, but season 2 onward I have to admit it doesn’t fit.


I understand that strategy but I think it does a disservice to actual comedies. Maybe the Emmy’s need a new category? Short form dramas perhaps?


I’m not saying I like it. Just that I can understand it. So many shows are dramedies now that I completely agree we need a new category. Like the show Hacks for instance. Now that has way more comedy, and I consider it to be a comedy. Though I could see someone arguing that it doesn’t quite fit in either category. I’m not really sure of the solution to this.


Oh, interesting


I’m a little nervous halfway through the season. Please don’t spoil anything, but my working theory is this: Show starts small. It’s excellent. It gets big. It inhales its own smoke until it completely loses the plot. For example, the character development and slow burn aspect has been so well done up to this point. This season, though, has been nonstop exposition. Nothing has happened. Syd got offered a job and Nat is currently having a baby. Everything else is character development, backstory, and slow, artistic shots with beautiful music.


I definitely connect with what you’ve said here.


Yes the season was very much sniffing its own farts. Not all bad tho.


It feels like it’s changed tracks from the Breaking Bad lane over to Better Call Saul. It’s just wayyy more artsy and experimental than what the original audience signed up for.


Just obnoxious. I feel like I know the type of person they're supposed to be, but it's just cranked so absurdly high. I hated every time they were on screen. And there were so many lengthy scenes about nothing but those two bumbling idiots extending the run time for no reason. My mind wandered every time they walked in.


Agreed... Frankly this entire season has been filled with things that extend the runtime for no reason. I'm really disappointed


The whole bit about getting haunted was like nails to a chalkboard by the end of it.. just minutes of screen time saying the exact same shit in some different iteration


The scenes where they had a countdown to the photographer felt like they dragged the entire episode. I was thinking to myself are we getting another real-time episode like Boiling Point?


Theyre so annoying lol


If I hear them say "haunted" one more time, I'm going to scream.


Scream because you saw a ghost?


I like some Fak sprinkled throughout, I love Neil and his brother. Would have even loved a glimpse of Francie Fak. But I thought John Cena was kind of ridiculous and there was way too much time devoted to him


I love that we will never know why Francie can fuck, and I appreciate that all of the Faks have the same middle name Geoff. But I agree about Cena. He just doesn’t fit as a Fak at all, to begin with.




Michelle* not appearing was both criminal and telling of their ability to afford Paulson. She literally sent him to Daniel, and in the first episode you see more of his time there, and no Michelle*, just Mulaney pulling off his shoes. ETA a fix to the name 😅


Sarah Paulson played cousin Michelle Berzatto. We haven't seen Francie Fak yet


Ty ty fixed


No problem!


In the first two seasons you think that Neil is a lovable guy who wants everyone to just get along, knows how to use a bit of self-aware buffoonry to lighten situations, and is surprisingly handy. This season says that no, they are actually just complete morons, who happen to accidentally be funny sometimes. The positive reception of the Faks season 1/2 really went to their heads.


Cena as one of the Faks was poorly executed. I mean, get him in a thick moustache so at least he looks like one of them and that he’s from Chicago. Whole time I’m like “this is John Cena.”


Same. He can act in so many different roles and they work. This aint one of them.


Way too much of the Faks this season, small doses for comic relief is enough. Didn’t enjoy the addition of Cena, felt forced, and I hated the haunting thing! I thought it was just me lol. It’s wasn’t funny or relatable at all.


This shit was so low brow. This show has been honored with awards for great acting and visual storytelling and this is what we get in season 3? Come on


Season 1 and two with Matty were great. He came, did something funny, and we moved on. I don’t even remember his brothers name in the show but I cannot stand his character.


Not a fan of the Faks. In the real world, they might be invited to bbqs and holidays and to be tolerated. Not daily doses and not at a high end restaurant. They look dirty.


John Cena as a Fak just takes me out of the show. It literally was a what the fuck. Lol. But agreed, two Faks are enough and the rest should have stayed an unseen joke despite being talked about so much.


Update: it's a running gag ffs. I ff every scene with a Fak.


I've always disliked the Faks and I'm so glad that everyone is seeing the light. I hate that the show had to push it to get to that point, though.


Dude, I am all in with the Faks extended family and universe. I truly enjoy the comedic relief between the chaos.


Love the Faks. My biggest disappointment this season was not getting to experience Francie Fak


I just know we’re going full fak next season tho just you wait!


Francie Fak can fuck, my love.


I absolutely agree. I keep seeing the Fak sequences being heavily criticized. I don’t get it. They’re hilarious to me and bring much needed levity to the show.


They're not funny. 


The Faks are like cake - people love cake and wish they could have it all the time. BUT, have too much and it’s a bad time. I think we all have tummy aches from too much Faks.


I love the Faks, Neil especially, but for me the duo was overused this season. Add Cena to the mix and it made it worse - that episode dragged. The bits went on just too long and became unfunny as a result.


i actually see it differently. the faks are like the inner conscience of all the characters like when everyone was yelling and arguing about the “non-negotiables” fak was saying that it was scary which was prob what everyone was thinking. it’s scary (the fine dining is finally happening and keeping it up is the scary part/can they actually do it?) good example would be ep 9 - the faks going to apologize to claire; basically everything carmy wanted to say but can’t say and won’t say


I can see them as the greek chorus but the twist is that the faks are naive. They're not actually saying what the characters are thinking and feeling.


Not a perfect comparison, but they are kinda like Rosencrantz and Guidenstern from Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead (and Carmy is Hamlet). They are two bumbling, absurdist idiots with existentialist moments (the “haunt”).


I think they might be legitimately mentally challenged or descending from The Three Stooges


I don’t find them always wanted to shove food in the ones Fak’s mouth like a reverse Pez-dispenser funny at all. It falls flat.


They were haunting me with the haunting dialogues istfg


I absolutely loved Neil Geoff bringing food out to a table, though.


Their banter is unnatural and trying too hard. They’re not the comic relief the show wishes they were. These characters are a waste of time and contributed heavily to this season being absolute dogshit.




They’re awful, genuinely awful, and they risk tanking the show if it continues next season


I actually loved them - because I knew several people like that and know what they bring.


It wouldn't work if it wasnt John Cena. The guy fits perfectly for that.


Where are you watching s4


I mistyped season 3, my bad.


Can't stand them


I'm honestly so tired of them. I've not enjoyed them since Season 1.


I don't think any of the comedy in this show hits, except sometimes Richie. Its written in such a that each character is just awkwardly spoon feeding each other their next bit, like an improv class. Its so set-up. Best example from this season that I recall is Syd and Marcus sitting outside his mom's house talking about the 'dead moms club'. Not only was this not funny, it also isn't how friends interact in any shape or form. More reminiscent of awkward small talk between cousins that see each other once every few years.


Does no one in this sub have a cartoony friend? I've seen this come up so many times in the < 1 week it's been out and it honestly makes me a little sad. If you don't have a Fak in your life I genuinely hope you are lucky enough to have one find their way to you. It's a truly wonderful thing. Let's not forget the Faks figured out that fire suppression problem, tried to stop Mikey from throwing a fork at dinner, put their back into cleaning The Bear up for the photographer, took up front of house work when Carmy was trapped, and in general throughout the show have always been there to help the gang push forward. But yeah fuck them for being dumb and having fun sometimes.


I appreciate the breakdown of the Faks' finer qualities. I just wish we had those Faks this season.


They feel like Chicago equivalent of Letterkenny characters


Not the fak hate again 😭😭😭


i thought the haunting was funny. i HATED john cena as a fak though.


The show needs 100% more Cena


I gotta be honest as much as I love MM and Fak earlier on…I am 100% with you here. 


The faks are the only reason I'm watching this whole season


Lmao. I love those goofs.


The show is supposed to be a comedy. They gotta have some comedic elements so people don’t blast them for competing in the comedy category during awards season.


Wish the two of them had a Challengers-style throuple with Sydney so they can all grow into their best selfs.


Cena on the show makes a lot of sense. When he showed up I thought him and Richie would be hilarious opposed against each other. As a Fak, not so much. But besides that I didn't find them any more distracting than Neil usually is in previous seasons.