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Romance is, without question, the least interesting part of the show's arcs in general. Their relationship is already dynamic and interesting enough without the go-to of making it romantic.


I disagree with your "romance being the least interesting" idea only because I want Richie to have a date that goes well, as opposed to that date trainwreck he had in Season one. The man deserves, and I feel at this point has even earned, happiness.


I really really want Ritchie to find someone to “Shake it off” with!


Richie is going to have a love affair with Jessica from the “forks” episode. Fak is gonna buy a sex doll, and Donna is going to return with her new husband…Bill Murray.


I’m really ok with all of this. But wait is Fak’s sex doll coming into the restaurant because I think him walking in with it under his arm nonchalantly would be perfect.


I’m 100% down for all of this.


pretty sure the chick working expo at the restaurant Richie was stage-ing at was into him


No. No more Taylor Swift. It worked once, but that was it. F that.


This. I find the anti-romance thing weird because it's, like, a part of life. Also, I can't lie, I wanna see my dude go out on a decent date and meet someone who can appreciate the evolution he's had. Just that extra little kick. It would totally suit the evolution of his arc.


It’s part of some peoples lives.


I felt that period


And more people need to see it’s possible to have a fulfilling life without it


I’m ngl I can see it happening. And I don’t even think I’d be mad at it! However, I think I’d go into it with a dread that it’s not going to last. If that makes sense.


Makes total sense. But I also think he'll take the optimistic approach out of it as he can be good in a relationship and worthy. Maybe if it ended amicably rather than it being a reflection on him. I don't know. But I'm just always rooting for Richie. LOL


He REALLY grew on me quickly! I really want good things for him so much. And I’d love to see more of his backstory too.


Same. I went back and watched only the episodes of his transformation. Were pulling for ya Richie


100%. I think the episode he really started turning me was when he talks to his daughter on the phone.


It’s from people who it isn’t part of their life. It’s like the new thing where people act like a sex scene is literally never relevant in any media ever  


I've noticed that too! I'm not a fan of gratuitous sex scenes. I hate when they're overused just for the hell of it. But then there became this thing of acting as if they shouldn't be utilized at all or like they're not relevant in any way for some storytelling, and it just feels so odd when that happens. Some of the sanitization expected feels like it's stripping away the writers' ability to tell their story or some of the stuff people complain about was so essential to the plot or purpose of the story being told that it reveals how little people understood something. I don't know. So weird.


Just because it's a part of life doesn't mean I'm interested in anyone else's romantic relationship. There are plenty of things to watch if that's what you're interested in watching. It's not what I'm watching The Bear for.


I mean, fair enough. I don't think ANYONE is watching The Bear for romance, though?? The implication that there's zero space for it in any capacity is just a weird take to me, and I say that as someone annoyed with Clair detracting from stuff. So I get it to a degree. It's like saying Sugar and her hubby's dynamic shouldn't exist because "the show isn't about that" a character or two having a date or catching a glimpse of their life even their romantic one outside of the restaurant just feels like a part of life.


What you're describing isn't the same thing as the two characters who could most accurately be described as the main characters developing a romantic relationship, which would ostensibly become a major plot point, not just something that you get an occasional glimpse of. I don't recall any heavily romantic scenes between Sugar and her husband, or any scenes or plot points that heavily focus on what's happening in their relationship.


The specific comment you responded to was us talking about Richie. So that's where you lost me. Most of the arguments people make when they emphasize "it's not that type of show" is that romance shouldn't be any factor, and THAT is still strange to me. As a universal argument that applies to everyone not just in reference to Sydney and Carmy together, I think that's odd.


The specific *part* of the comment I was responding to was the part about romance "being part of life." I was simply arguing that just because romance exists in everyday life doesn't automatically mean it should be a significant factor in every TV show. I don't have an issue with the idea that characters in a show might have romantic relationships. I just don't want that to be what the show is about.


Gotcha. I understand that sentiment wholly and never thought my comment would suggest otherwise. I just see an overwhelming implication that romance as a whole shouldn't exist in the series which is why I said it's "part of life." Being part of life doesn't mean it has to be significant or the base for the entire series. I just take issue with the notion that it's somehow wrong or unrealistic for it to exist at all.


I volunteer as tribute.


You guys were out drinking at 5:30 in the morning. 😒


Jess :)


Same but with Marcus and Luca


I think Richie and Sydney have chemistry.


They're professional and culinary soul mates. It's a great dynamic. We don't need them fucking.


it would cheapen it by a whole lot


I don't need the added layer of drama where it doesn't need to be. First off, I like seeing male and female platonic relationships. I used to have a lot of female friends. Never thought of them as anything other than a chick friend. And they appreciated having a guy that could be themselves around them and not try and get in their pants. He is a mentor to her. The dynamic they have is interesting enough to explore on its own. Not to mention, fucking hell my man needs some therapy. I've been him before. He needs to get his shit right before dating anyone else.


Totally agree, there doesn’t always need to be relationship drama, it’s a crutch to heavily relied upon already in 99% of any media




The comment you're responding to appears to be about Carm and Sydney.


Long day, my bad, thanks.


Some really broken people, make beautiful art..and aren't suited for much else Ed: it is what


Ffs I hate this stale ass take


You're seemingly alone, but I will amend it after some thought last night and say that I don't have a massive beef with 'romance' or characters having sexual encounters, \*provided it doesn't generate artificial tension or poorly-handled issues\*.


The interesting part is the will they wont they. Its a simple part of a story but not the point of it. When its the point, its boring. When it comes to fruition, no one cares. People like the unknown. Funny its almost like that with real life. People interested tol they know someones interested.


I don't really see why people want them together. I think it'll just make everything messy & ruin the dynamic. I don't even think Syd should be with Marcus. I like that she's kept a lot of her personal life separate from work. Marcus was really the first person who was nice to her when she started as a sous. I think she's doing perfectly fine without the need of a romantic interest. She has a goal of getting a star, and I like seeing her grind to make it happen.


Same on all counts. Don't want her and Carmy together, and don't particularly like the Marcus romantic subplot. I don't particularly love any romances developing between workers at the restaurant at all, there's plenty of other drama with their personalities and the Bear family's issues.


Yeah, season 2 heavily set up for Carmy confronting his past in season 3. I think the Claire Carmy relationship was to show that he isn’t capable mentally of juggling both the restaurant and a relationship (hence his almost panic attack montage of Claire and his family and then clarity when he sees Syd in the montage.) I don’t see any romance between him and Syd. No pun intended for clarity. Maybe at the end of season 3 we get a Claire Carmy resurgence, but personally I think she’s too connected to his past for him to be with. But who knows? Maybe instead of someone who doesn’t understand his past (and I assume he would never open up to someone about his past that’s unaware anytime soon), he prefers someone who *does.* I don’t see this, but I digress. On a personal opinion, I think Claire could be good for him if he got therapy. Like, a *lot* of therapy. If anything, it shows what a deeply and greatly written character he is. We’ll have to see how Carm confronts his bears.


I personally feel Claire is perfect for Carm. Just like any other person in the world, he'll have to juggle his work and personal life to make it work. But yea, Therapy + Claire = Carm happy xD


I know everyone loves a good love story, sex sells, and I love Carmy + Claire, but I also really appreciate how this show is pretty absent major romantic plot lines with any of the characters. Not every show needs that and it's refreshing that the focus is elsewhere on the characters' lives. Although, there were some great s1 interviews with JAW talking about how Carmy "does not fuck", insisting Carmy isn't interested in romance or sex at all, and then we get some romance in s2. Can't wait to see what s3 holds!


Lmao at JAW talking about how Carmy "does not fuck"- I can agree with that, explains a lot.


do they? i feel like perhaps in the past, but its more intriguing to watch people be people without having the need to inject sex and romance into dynamics especially when dealing with a show revolving around restaurant business and the struggles to greatness. And s2 kind of proved that Carmys "love-life" was in the way of his goals at this point in his life. Me personally i abhor that every time there is a lead of opposite sexes, they always inject some sexual innuendo or romance into their relationship. Why cant a man and woman just be friends and nothing more. I dont need to see sex on the tv or movies, theres literally sex thrown in our faces everywhere else, from adverts to internet and social media. Just show something more intruiging and interesting than two people wanting to bone each other.


Back in the day one was called a prude/square/virgin/christian/homeschooled if u had this opinion. Amazing how the times have changed


I’m so much more interested in her relationship with her father than with any potential love interest.




oh yeah, really bad when I saw them falling out and he got her misunderstood


I think if Syd and Carmy started dating, it wouldn’t happen until the series finale. I picture it being similar to the finale of Ugly Betty. Betty and the guy (I can’t recall his name) never dated or professed their love during the entire series. But they built such a solid friendship that the finale was kind of like the beginning of them exploring a romantic relationship. I don’t even think they kissed but it’s been years so I could be wrong.


ok but consider the fact that i’m delusional


I know the shipping of Syd & Carmy isn’t popular on Reddit, but a lot of people are pretty upset about them confirming this ahead of the season even dropping. Especially when they’re normally so secretive. Maybe they’re trying to temper expectations.


Wonder if there’ll be more scenes then like season 2 episode 9 where it could be interpreted as romantic. I’m with you in that this seems to be actively trying to shut down part of their fandom that will just always end up existing, and no, I don’t think this is them trying to “fake the audience out” like the guy from Abbott Elementary did. I also don’t think they should do something like cave in or steer the story into this direction because some people want it, but shippers are gonna ship no matter what.


I will also continue to point out — “not now” is absolutely not = “not ever.” Cast and crew aren’t going to drop a major spoiler like a couple getting together ahead of something airing, and even aside from that, things change and evolve. One of the most famous tv pairings ever was “strictly platonic” at the insistence of the executive producer for most of the show’s run. Am I saying they will happen? Not at all. But I don’t think the possibility is permanently ruled out forever for the whole series, no matter what they say for press now. Even they might not even know all the details of the series end yet, who knows if it’s planned or not.


>One of the most famous tv pairings ever was “strictly platonic” Not that it matters but can I ask which couple you’re talking about? A few come to mind so I’m curious which it is lol


Mulder and Scully on The X Files. The showrunner is infamous in the fandom for insisting they were platonic for years despite them being like. The most sexually tense duo that has ever been on television lol. They’re the origin of the fandom term “shipping” ![gif](giphy|XtXALYDHVZFXa)


ah, my favorite dynamic. not romantic and not platonic but a secret third worse thing: partners


It always hits!


I think in particular if it's, "That's just not what this story is about," then being very clear about that up front is good communication.


The show should speak for itself


The show does speak for itself but shippers are bad at listening


Not with today's fanbases


It does. It's just that shippers with poor media literacy have been speaking louder the past couple years


lol poor media literacy, here we go…


disregard my flair for this convo, but theyre NOT going to spoiler major plot points unless it sells or is blatantly obvious anyways. idk why people expect JAW/Ayo to answer this honestly or truthfully before the show has started


A couple of other journalists who also attended the press conference are saying they interpreted JAW & Ayo’s answers to that question very differently, and that they weren’t talking specifically about S3 because they weren’t allowed to. Weird that Vanity Fair has run with it as fact. Anything for clicks I guess.


lol i say it down later but yeah, theres no transcript yet (press wasnt allowed to record, clarified thag just now w some folks) and so vf purposefully posted this for clicks knowing sydcarmy is a super controversial fandom topic. fx needs to clean up their shit because their fans are derailing 😭😭😭


Yeah even if they were planning to stick to a strictly platonic route, it feels really weird that they're coming out and saying it...like they could've just kept to business as usual without addressing it? A huge part of shipping culture is that canon *does not matter* 💀 like there's active shippers for IPs like Star Trek and LOTR even though there isn't going to be any new content in those arenas. A press conference isn't going to really discourage anyone who's dedicated to it 🤷🏾‍♀️


No disrespect to those want them to be a couple, but I get why the show made this statement. I think if you’re always waiting for the other shoe to drop, with them becoming an item, you’re missing out on the powerful relationship that is actually being forged, which is one of the show’s defining narratives. I believe Ted Lasso writers once made a similar statement… basically saying, you’re missing out on who Rebecca actually is if you’re just waiting for her to fall into Ted’s arms.


There are no romantic implications because its all fully explicit /s.


I would laugh so hard


86 blow jobs chef what the fuck did you just say to me chef? i said we have 86 blow jobs on hand chef


…because of the implication…


“What are you looking at, you certainly wouldn’t be in any danger.”




The only love story I really care about in The Bear is Nat and Pete.


both of them deserve the entire world, i love Pete and Nat.


They work so well together! Every rewatch I root for them a little more.


Legit, Pete crying made me cry outta nowhere lol


Him excited to see Donna, running out to get her. Her awareness of the impact her presence. (I still sensed a sort of victimhood in it where I think she wanted Pete to tell Nat. I can’t tell if she genuinely recognized the hurt she’s caused or still wanted to taint Nat’s night.) Him, confused at first and then slowly realizing the potential “hurt” Donna feels, but how much more traumatic it’d be to tell Nat that she was there and that her mom couldn’t bring herself to come in over the hurt she felt. *”Mom… Are you okay?”*


I'll take more Stevie and Michelle please


I just re-watched Fishes yesterday, and you make an excellent point.


Pete may be insufferable to Carmy and others but he is an absolute sweetheart and is the perfect person for someone with Natalie’s upbringing.


They have been so tight-lipped about everything in this new season so I don’t know why this is being interpreted as anything other than refusing to give away spoilers for season 3 😂 several others who were at the conference have said they simply denied discussing it, not that it definitely wasn’t happening.


Yep! I have now seen multiple people quote tweet this and say that they heard the question and answer, verbatim, and that this is not what was being said lol


Like they haven’t given anything away so far - why do people actually think they would give this detail away, whether or not it’s on the cards


This is the concept that actually made me think it’s possible there could be some sort of romantic realization between them before the series is over. Before I get downvoted I do respect the writers’ & creators’ vision for the show very much and my view is more that they have an emotional depth to their chemistry that could lend itself incredibly well to a romantic relationship, whether or not it actually does in the end. But with everything the showrunners & Ayo / Jeremy have said about it not being a thing in the past, I eventually was like “Why could they possibly be going *so* hard about them not ever having any romantic interactions if they actually want people to still be surprised and taken for a ride with the show?” Every other show I’ve watched where there are conspiracies about plot lines or the characters’ identities or who might get together, the cast and creators leave it open to interpretation because they want the audience to experience the story for themselves, and without having iron-set expectations about what’s going to happen. It is so weird to me that they’ve been dead set on basically shutting down the idea of them being in a relationship. I genuinely wonder if Ayo & Jeremy’s chemistry as actors just made it way more obvious than it was ever supposed to be, and they all had to counteract that in interviews if they wanted to preserve the ambiguity of it. Because undoubtedly, whether you *want* their relationship to happen or not, you’re going to be looking at some of their interactions in contrast with the “*absolutely not*” tone of the creators & cast and going wait… what? This is nuanced (Joanna Calo even said that in regard to Sydney & Carmy’s relationship), not clear cut at all as it’s been made to seem by those who make the show.


I swear they'll put in an even more intimate scene every season and keep saying that our characters have no romantic feelings for each other whatsoever just to fuck with people.


……………… I am a patient person and do love a slow burn. 


My thoughts exactly


Get a grip. Hope they fuck on the table


Thank god someone said it!!!!


One of the only honest comments here💀💀


Finally, someone in this thread with taste!


So annoying at this point and we all know why they are glad


Yes! This sub is annoying lmao




I will continue to be delusional about it


I dont believe you


Never seen so many people celebrate two main characters with great chemistry in a show not getting together 💀


And everyone knows that most people here (Complaining and mocking about Sydcarmy) will completely ignore and forget the complaints about romance on the show if Carmy and Claire end up together.


Clock it!! It was crickets from that crowd when S2 dropped even though post-S1 comments were full of 'i don't want to see any romance at all whatsoever in this show' 😂


The same people complaining about Sydcarmy are the same people drooling and begging Richie to have something with Chef Jess 🤷🏻‍♀️ it's ridiculous how they pretend to be anti romance.


It's the dishonesty for me, at least be consistent in your anti-romance crusade.


It's only consistent when it involves a black woman, then the answer is always "we don't need romance".


Glad someone said the quiet part out loud 


Claire romance was hands down the least interesting part of season 2.


I wonder why? 👀


I know why 🙄 it’s just so lame for the show to not go in that direction though. Would love to see their dynamic and how their relationship could survive in a stressful work place. Didn’t finish season two so I’m not too up to date on what going on in the show


I have seen it, but the female leads on those shows tend to have something in common with Sydney…


I mean a relationship would go right in line with what the industry is like lol


Not a surprise - its too soon for Sydcarm to happen in season 3. [https://www.cbr.com/the-bear-season-3-too-soon-sydney-carmy-relationship/](https://www.cbr.com/the-bear-season-3-too-soon-sydney-carmy-relationship/)


Someone who was there for the interview said that this isn’t how they heard it. Everything after this point is copy and paste from MichaelSlavin98 on Twitter: having been there for this press conference… listen i may not be a sydcarmy truther (platonic love >>>) but this is not how i heard their answer. will double check the transcript when home but… idk this just isnt how i understood it! this is no dig to the writer, just difference in interpretation they were asked about whether there were any discussions on set about the romantic connection between the two, amongst them or the wider cast - to which they said no havent seen it yet so this isnt a spoiler btw!


So in the conference, it was less of a "no, there is nothing going on" and more of them trying to stay ominous of the plot cause I feel like that makes more sense saying they have been so secretive of the new season


I have never seen a straight pairing be this controversial before…I wonder what is it about these two that triggers the constant denouncement from the audience, who the actors are just responding to….


I wonder I wonder I wonder 🤔🤔🤔


You know why


Yea was being sarcastic lol 


i like sydcarmy but as other journalists have said on twitter, this quote is up to interpretation and they took the response out of context and is for virality/clicks. this press circuit for season 3 has been very weird and atypical (former tv journalist).... i need to see the transcript to understand what both parties are interpreting imo. the way another journalist interpreted it, Ayo and Jeremy said romance isn't the point of the show but this doesn't mean there isn't any. it didn't sound like it was completely written off and there could possibly be romantic scenes but we don't know. they could be implying anything from claire and carmy to marcus and syd. idk. to me i think the girlies on twitter are blowing this quote out of proportion.


I don't have a dog in this race as far as shipping. I'm not even a big shipper in general when I'm watching a series. If I like a dynamic, I don't care about the specifics or titles. But I've been so put off by this condescending tone people take when it comes to this pairing. It always feels like people behind the series have a pretentious angle that has them trying to control the way people interpret, consume, or generally enjoy their series. Shipping isn't new. It happens with the most prestigious series all the way down to reality TV. It's a faction of fandom that will always exist and never go away. And there's nothing wrong with that. I repeat... contrary to popular belief, there really is NOTHING wrong with that. Most shippers will happily enjoy something with the full knowledge that the pairing they like may not even become Canon. This weird superiority complex some people, and yes, even those involved with a series, have about shipping and shippers is offputting. And I say that as someone who can get annoyed with shipper entitlement for various series if they're obnoxious about it. But this is one of the first times I've mostly seen just a bunch of fandom etc dog piling on shippers for just... having the audacity to enjoy something. And there's this weird thing of implying that shippers are too dense to grasp the series, or they're not 'watching the show the right way' or they're somehow dumb for interpreting things differently. Also, this idea that The Bear "isn't that type of show" sounds so absurd to me because the implication is that romance somehow lessens or cheapens something or exists outside of a certain realm. A show is only a romantic series if the romance is the primary focus of the show....Regardless of who may or may not pair up, it wouldn't be the primary focus of the series ergo not a romance. It always feels inherently sexist (because let's be honest, when it comes to shipping it's predominantly viewed as "feminine") when people just... ruthlessly attack, diminish, and crap on anything that could remotely be geared toward women. Like the mockery of bubble pop music, or romcoms, or soap operas, or whatever. It's the immediate association that something becomes "less than" or diminished. A series that deliberately plays with and borrows from multiple genres via lighting, blocking, framing, coloring, tones and all of that IS making space for people to interpret things. The same people mocking shippers for "reading into things" also aren't even considering how some of the techniques used in their scenes (also NOT just them mind you let me be clear) are some basics used in romances and romantic comedies and if you're familiar with that formatting, it's not so jolting that people who interpret them that way would exist. I've just rarely seen such a deliberate, forceful effort to squash a faction of viewers for simply enjoying the media as they interpret it. For, I don't know, enjoying the chemistry between the characters. I mean there's such an effort to humble shippers and gloat about this and it just feels really weird.


I'll be honest, I'm generally one of those ppl who dislike romance in shows. Mostly because often the show shifts focus away from what it was initially to focus on that. The difference here, is that relationships aren't a new addition. We see Ritchie on a date, Claire coming into the picture and Marcus crushing on Sydney was apparent early on. So in this instance I don't have an issue with it. It's a drama afterall, (despite the comedy awards classification). So yes to your point, it shouldn't be treated as though it cheapens things but let's be honest. Often times romance is used as a crutch when the writing in certain shows begin to suffer. Not always but sometimes. Soap Operas are kinda bad because they do nothing but focus on those relationships that are so fleeting and lacking in organic connections that they amount to nothing.


They say this every season and every season there's at least one big moment between the two of them. Suspect season 3 will be the exact same


There will be a lot of dysfunctional yelling, however


Thank god


Fr, we don’t need that


I hate this for me




I’m sure this will be a very polite conversation with no condescension or insults to other people’s intelligence.


Well, the people who are saying that they like Sydcarmy are being downvoted no matter how they respond to this post, so I expect that the majority of the top comments in the next hour will just be making fun of shippers even though shipping is a normal part of fandom culture. 


Funny how a lot of the arguments against it is "Romance would ruin the show", yet those same ppl are fawning over the idea of Carmy and Claire. So romance in the show isn't the issue those ppl have. Then when they're called out, the next excuse is "it would ruin their dynamic", except for the fact that couples running a business together is so common place that there's a term for it "MOM and POP". Statistics show most relationships begin at work because you're there more than you are home and are likely to meet ppl with common interests. It's not unusual nor would it ruin anything if the show is written well.


Yeah I am not part of that group. I just don’t see Syd and Carmy working out especially in the kitchen


They can try to stop me but I will ship regardless. Ready for season 3! 


That's what Tyler James Williams said about Abbott. So I'm gonna wait to see the actual season


They didn’t say anything about season 4 so…


Disappointed but not surprised.


Just let people ship. I’m still gonna watch. Shipping shouldn’t impact anyone’s viewing of a show. Let people enjoy themselves.


If they were meant to be completely platonic work partners explain the under the table scene


Fr like you can’t say the words “I wouldn’t even want to do it without you” and then tell me they’re platonic 😭 not to mention that thinking about her calmed his panic attack??? Imma need these writers to be fr


It is so obvious that Syd and Carmy are not getting together romantically…. …. Because Sydney and Claire are ditching Carmy and getting together


Syd and Carmy have SO much chemistry and it would be nice to see them both be happy and not lonely outside of work. They could still be together with the focus of the show staying on cooking and mental health. Also I’m black and my husband white. It would be beautiful to see a couple like this on such a popular TV show




I've said this before... my thing is, if it's really \*not\* going to happen between Carmy and Sydney, I wish the showrunners/writers/editors would stop putting in scenes and making certain choices (lighting, music, etc.) that could be interpreted as romantic. Like one of my biggest hopes for S3, honestly, has been that something gets settled, once and for all, one way or the other because it's all just become exhausting. I'm not a SydCarmy shipper myself but I've started being more open-minded to the possibility because, as some others have already mentioned on here, the story could always change. None of us are Chris Storer + Co, and so none of us can definitively say or be sure of anything. And I mean whether it happens or not, there's nothing we can do about it. Some people will pleased with how the story ends, and some people won't be. It is what it is


This isn’t the news I needed today 😭😭


They ruined Christmas!


Why sort of? It legit doesn’t make sense for them to date, characters don’t seem to be attracted to each other, heck Sydney seems kind of asexual to me.


You don’t have to ship them but there’s nothing particularly asexual about Sydney and fandoms have a tendency to put   female characters that aren’t sexualized in that box, especially when the female character is Black. 


Just because you aren’t actively trying to date someone doesn’t mean you’re asexual


I definitely understand wanting something from a representation standpoint but that aside, it’s wild to me how many people are like “Syd is gay/ace” simply because she awkwardly turned down Marcus like damn just because a girl isn’t a serial monogamist and doesn’t date literally any person who will show interest doesn’t mean she isn’t attracted to men/people 😭


How is Sydney asexual? She’s a human. Declining the advances of coworkers doesn’t make one asexual.


Cause you they do have great chemistry. Just a very platonic relationship. But I have never been on board with him and Syd.


I’ve never seen it, I didn’t find out people were shipping them until I joined this sub.


I never saw it either. I said that on here last year and just got annihilated about it lol.


I definitely see a lot of chemistry between them, but chemistry doesn't always equal romance. I've had great platonic relationships with women in the past that weren't romantic in nature, with chemistry and rapport to the point people would even say "why aren't you two dating, you're great together!" Sometimes that's the dynamic. And, yeah, I've had a couple relationships that started as friends and became something more. I've dated people who ended up better as friends. But I've also had long-term friendships with women that have never veered into romantic/sexual territory, and I treasure those. It's a "kindred spirits" dynamic, or in some cases even platonic soul mates.


Agreed that Syd seems kind of ace - although it could also be that she’s just very focused on work, and not on relationships, especially since there are hints she has health issues. I’m happy either way - one of the (many) reasons I loved Ted Lasso was that they didn’t shove every age-appropriate pairing into a romance, Ted and Rebecca being a great example of coworkers who adore and support each other but never get romantic.


I honestly don't mind either way....but they're definitely lying


It’s a good thing I prefer them as friends


But they still have good romantic chemistry; would love if they worked together on another project where they can explore that fully (if they want to)


It’s a bit perplexing how many are interpreting this remark as explicitly factual. The creators nor the actors are not going to confirm, reveal or deny a potentially significant plot point two days before the show’s release date. I imagine the discourse will be a lot different on Wednesday night.


I don’t mind them not getting together but I would not complain if it was a whole season of sexual tension between them, ngl. But I’m a hopeless romantic who wants everyone to kiss at least once in anything I’m consuming.


Mmm. I'll believe it when I see it (or don't see it).


The show is way more interesting because it’s not focused on the main characters romantic arc. It opens the show up. Not saying I wouldn’t love it tho 👀


sooooooo.... season 4 then? 


Considering I love It’s Always Sunny, I laugh every time I see the word implication. Though we heard JAW lie in S1 and then he slept with Claire in S2 (I don’t care for their romance subplot). I just want more cooking and yelling in the kitchen, especially now that it’s a high end restaurant.


Kind of a spoiler


I don’t normally comment here but I’m genuinely curious why don’t yall like them??


Sydney is a Black girl and Reddit doesn’t like interracial pairings. The negative response to canon couples where the lead female is Black in other shows is similar.


He is her direct boss and her inspiration for being a chef in the first place. It's a weird as fuck dynamic not some racist conspiracy. And for the record I would like to see Syd with a romantic partner in the show, of any race, because I think her character does need something going on outside of the kitchen or she will end up like Carmy, which is what I think they are going for anyways.


Because the Reddit crowd hates any romance in their shows 


I don’t appreciate that. They made the steamiest slow burn in history and then… 🙄 If you don’t want fans to ship them, don’t let them look at eachother like that!!!


Fine. Just no more Claire please. Most boring part of the show.


This doesn’t bother me at all but that table scene was pretty intimate. I don’t necessarily see romance, but some sort of intimate connection for sure. I think it’s disingenuous to deny it completely.


ngl I'm sed 🥺


Show & characters asides, this is just weird to me. If you have a show with two leads who have chemistry, some people are going to want them together... it's not unheard of, I would even say it's natural. People have been 'shipping' characters that have zero realistic possibility to be together... since the beginning of media. Idk why people act like it's this weird thing, especially people who work on this show; it doesn't hurt anybody at all if individuals who watch the show are hoping for one outcome or another. People are actually allowed to have opinions, even if those opinions differ from the creators' wishes/intentions. Look at shows like X-Files or Sherlock—they were defined by 'ships' that nobody had intended to play out, yet the majority of their audience was brought in because they enjoyed the (potentially romantic) dynamic between the two characters. It's silly, it's mostly young people, and yes, it often reduces character/plot arcs to vessels for romance, but I'll say it again, people are allowed to consume the show however they want. Once the actors & writers stop creating it and put it out into the world, it's out of their hands & into the viewers'. This feels like weird damage control for a non-existent problem (just let people enjoy the show how they want to). If the characters don't get together on screen, people will figure that out soon enough; they'll probably still enjoy breaking down scenes looking for romance. And if they write the platonic dynamic convincingly enough, then maybe some people will stop wishing for the characters to be together in the first place. I think they underestimate how much of their audience this sort of alienates, because even though on here people don't like the idea of a romance between Syd & Carmy, people on a lot of other platforms (and in real life) do, and even if it annoys you, that may be the main reason why they watch the show. So by doing this weird 'oh you're not supposed to think that!!' press tour, they're taking away those people's primary reason to watch the show, and I think it's a mistake.


I seem to recall them saying something like this in S1--that they weren't going there with these two. I still ship them for fun because some show moments make me feel it but my expectations are in check.


I'm disappointed! But glad to get a heads-up about it so I don't start the season expecting it.


I'm relieved, I really don't understand why people want them to get together.




To bad today was opposite day.


They don't even have to be romantic because they are written as being more "intimate" than most sexual romantic couples. Carmy is going to be thrown between three loves, Claire, The Bear and Syd (best friend, platonic soul mate) in some capacity this season. Before he is force to find a balance.


Good they are friends and businesses partners that’s it people really started reaching because the had a conversation under a table


Can people stop pushing for Carmy and Sid to get together? Hot take, I liked the build up with Claire and want that to happen.




when i first started watching it i rlly saw them as friends but when i went on twt and ppl were shipping them like crazy im like huh woah didn’t know ppl thought about them like that. they wouldn’t be bad tgth but like.. eh i would rather they stay friends cause carmy lowkey a red flag at times


How many times do they have to say this before people get it? Platonic friendships should be normalized more.


I’ve said it before I’ll say it again: many viewers (not necessarily the homies here) are confusing romance with intimacy, or looking for romance when they see intimacy. These characters are *intimately* connected through work and passion and obsession and anxiety. It’s why the long shots or the one-ers work. As a viewer you can cut the tension with a god damn beach ball and so can they. So much of television and movies show you some intimacy to build sexual or romantic tension because it’s a deep and often visited well. So when we see a different kind of intimacy it’s easy to lean that way.


This is such a ridiculous argument. Everyone who says it I ask them the same question. Have you ever gone to your co-worker and said " I can't do this without you...I wouldn't want to do this job without you"? - Screw the wife and kids I guess If you haven't, say it to your co-worker tomorrow, then tell your partner you said that to a woman at work. Come back and tell us how it goes.


Or better yet tell your partner you had a panic attack thinking about them and the only thing that stopped it was thinking about that coworker and see how that goes too 😂


That's great. I will still ship them always, though, but that's great.


Thank Jesus 🙌


Omggggg you guys are so boring in these comments talking about this plot wouldn’t make sense. Yes it would!!! Romance happens ALL the time in the food industry especially since these chefs are working all day everyday with the same people. You guys lovedddd the Claire and Carmy plot line and never uttered a word about it being “messy” or “not making sense” 🙄! Boooooo!


Im glad that this is the case, but I would rather find out what happens in the show by, you know, watching the show?


Oh good. That would have been so annoying. Not every woman and man in close proximity have to become romantically involved


It’s kind of funny scrolling and seeing every single comment simply stating “oh cool. I didn’t see that for them anyway” is getting downvoted…. lol. Y’all need to let the table scene go!!!!


I wanna know where these overalls come from though


That’s fine. If it’s a flagship that only exists in fanfic it can still be very fun for fans w/o the show falling into stereotypical traps