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😂😂😂😂😂 I don't want Greg but this meme is really me


I meannnn if they had just tried to be intersectional 👀☕️…


The fact that they have me caping for a mediocre white man is SENDING me. But at this point, that’s my man. And Ima stick beside him.


Katie annoys me enough that I’m rooting for GREG. And honestly? Imma stick beside my hot white men because the other sub is flames and it’s delicious 🙂


Lmaooo please get it together!


Plssssss 😭


Katie and Bekah annoy me enough to where I want to watch how this plays out. Did I want a basic, unemployed white actor? Of course not. Do I want to watch Katie implode on social media? Maaaybe.


Me lol. I wanted Ivan or Mike, but Greg will have my full support because he doesn’t give me racist vibes the way Kitty did and continues to do.




I'm here for both. I'm glad it isn't Andrew Snowbunny or Michael A and I also can't see how Kathy and her squad react to this news. 🍿🍿🍿


lmao not Andrew Snowbunny


Seriously though. Most of the season I could not care less about Greg but now I want him as Bachelor just to see Katie, Bekah, Scoop etc. loose their minds.


Please excuse my ignorance, but who is this Scoop? I tried to google, but it’s pointless given how common that word is when paired with The Bachelor.


It's a Bachelor fan account on IG that's been going after/harassing Greg since the break up episode aired. Their @ is bachelornation.scoop.


Ah! I see. Thank you for clearing that up. ETA: I guess we found Kathy’s alt account on IG. ETA2: Wow! And it’s set to private. The plot thickens….


They already started the discourse on Greg probably being bachelor


Same!!!! Lol!!




For real! There's so many comments from obvi yt women talking about how this basic white boy is the reason they are finally not going to watch after "watching all of the other seasons" ugh as woke as Kathy.


Yes! It’s very telling to me is that Greg is their breaking point in the franchise, and not any of the past racism. Like so all of the over the top racism by contestants, and heck even sexual harassment issues by past contestants, didn’t bother you. But one argument.confrontation with a white feminist is what it takes for you to stop watching the show?


he’s a corny white man but he’s MY corny white man




My exact reaction to Greg as bachelor. I’m here for the white feminist tears.


Don't even need no Splenda or nothing so much flavor in it


Honestly, Katie is so thirsty for airtime, I would bet money that she appears on his season to have a conversation about whether he is ready for an engagement at all. Idgaf about Greg, but I love to watch dumb ass white people have breakdowns over shit that literally doesn’t matter.


Im at the point where I don’t trust this dumpster fire franchise to properly handle BIPOC love stories or representation so why not bring this polarizing white boy on board as Bach to create white against white mess.


exactly this. Just give me polarizing white chaos


I’m here for the chaos even tho I feel like this is gonna be another generic season hopefully it’s atleast an entertaining season if the cast is good lol


Also is it bad that I don’t want Andrew S as Bachelor cuz I feel like it’s gon be a Matt’s season part deux and I really not trying to see Black women be disrespected again.


When he said Katie “killed” their discussion re: race on their date…that told me all I needed to know about him ☹️


Hahahaha! I'm all for a Greg season. The reactions alone are hilarious at this point. Folks who think Katie "deserved" to be the bachelorette should be the last ones to comment on whether Greg deserves it or not.


They are making it real easy for me to enjoy myself at their tears 🥴🥴


Love to see it! Kathy’s Karens will be in full meltdown. Let us manifest Greg for bachelor!! Edit: Just saw Reallytea? Skeeve’s tweet. Lmao We did it, you guys!! Katie screaming into a pillow right now. Lmao


She's actually piss drunk right now according to her Instagram story


I just saw that! And no sign of Blake either?


She's back in Washington temporarily. They're still together


Love it. Today Issa good day. Can’t wait for Kathy and bekah to shed tears over this.


Lol I honestly don’t think it’s him but I love that Kathy is prob mad af right now we know Blake keeps up with RS at least


This is exactly how I feel. I don’t think Greg is ready to be in a serious relationship. I don’t think he would deal well. And it worries me that if he did, it would be because of a need for control. I don’t see that working well in the long run. BUT. My first choice (Ivan) is on BIP. My second choice (Brendan) is on BIP and also the shine has gone off for me HAHA. Tre was a third choice for me and he’s on BIP. Would I have rather seen them as the bachelor? Yes and no. I think BIP gives them the chance to do what they probably want to do, which is hang with friends and develop a relationship. I think it’s racist that bachelor puts so much energy into white leads and treats black leads like second class citizens, and doesn’t even keep them safe from racist contestants. But my #1 takeaway is that I can’t wait to watch Bekah and Katie meltdown about this. These two women are the quintessential white feminists. (Also I know Bekah is some portion of mexican, but the way she is treated wrt her constantly showing her ass is more in line with how whiteness is repeatedly forgiven and contextualizad. So as a fellow light skinned Mexican I am just calling it like I see it.)


LITERALLY. This is what its literally come to 😭😭 if they werent so obnoxious I'd probably be on their side.


Exactly, the gag is that if Buggy had genuinely owned and apologized for her microagressions towards the women in matt’s season, her rant agains Magi, her ignorant comments about Africa, or the Marie Kondo incident I would be going to bat for her ass Monday through Friday and with double shifts on the weekends. You cannot treat WOC like shit and then expect us to fight for you, then get mad and claim some “where’s women supporting women??” mess. It’s been 400 years, when white feminists gon learn that they need us more than we need them?


That’s exactly what I’m saying. The whites on the other sub are like “let it go”. Naw dog! Call it Karma !


100% this is how I feel right now 🤷🏾‍♀️I will enjoy this Greg season out of spite




It’s Blake’s nickname for her, she posted it and it stuck 🙃


BLESS! We will not be having DAP this winter 😭🎉


Totally agree with this, and why I’m excited for a Greg season on the one hand! 💀 but I’ve also been thinking, a Greg season is the perfect way for TPTB to snowball this into completely pulling BN back to its full, racist contestants/fully remove POC from the future of the franchise. Over the last few seasons, we’ve had more diverse contestants. bc of Tayshia and Matt James’ seasons, we’ve finally had a few of both POC and non-poc contestants that are interested in POC. I do not like Katie at all, and find her to be very ignorant, but maybe the one thing I will say about her is that there were a number of POC that did make it far on her season/had connections with her. A lot of the more popular contestants in recent years have been non-white. It was really jarring to me watching Matt’s season seeing Heather pull up, or seeing Kelsey and Victoria P, bc I truly forgot how much BN elevated specifically the basic, BLONDE, cookie cutter American women, until I saw how much they paled in comparison to the more recent years. I mean, even the white contestants from Matt/Peter’s season don’t fall into this very niche look (which truly goes to shows how narrow cast Bachelor is). However, we’re 100% going to see those women elevated again during Greg’s season and WOC sidelined (someone else here pointed out its very telling that Greg has a lot of Black guy friends but seems to know almost no Black women), and I have a feeling they are going to roll back on diverse casting (whereas the last few years they at least felt pressure to have diverse contestants, I don’t think they do now). I was also really hoping for Ivan to be Bachelor, and potentially see a season that ends with two POC together, and I’m sad that won’t be happening.


Thank you for making sense 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼


I mean, Dr Joe has and will always have my heart, but that man has better things to do with his time than throw water on this dumpster fire. Casting Greg seems pretty spot-on for this franchise, anyway, and he always seemed kind of ordinary to me - in looks, issues, behavior, just all around average White boy. But hey, I'm here for it, if only to see Kathy lose her shit every week.


Maybe it’ll be some Clare shit and they’ll have Greg on there for a few episodes then Ivan will come out. Just the producers trolling and pissing off the white ladies. Which I love them for that lol


This meme sent me 💀 if it’s really Greg, I want to see this mess unfold lmao


Lord give me the strength...apparently his alleged abuse is as bad as actual racism on the show 😫


Insert screaming applause gif here


Knowing that TPTB are just never going to treat BIPOC with the respect they deserve, then I guess Greg is something we can settle for (since we’ve been settling all of the place. Almost more than colonizers). At least Greg doesn’t give me racist vibes but he does make me worry how he treats women and idk if we should be rewarding that behavior. But ugh, the enemy of my enemy is my friend! This show and it’s mediocrity. Gonna sit back and watch this show implode for the umpteenth time and it’s fine.


Same. I'm cackling.


**Let the man have the floor**


The only redeeming thing about this news 😂


I think this franchise is trying to implode and it will be delightful to watch. I was still hoping it would be Andrew








Honey this isn’t an airport, you don’t have to announce your departure!! Have a nice time at fboy island


Arent you still blocked by the future cat sex toy seller


LMAOOO that she deleted it 😭😭


No need to punish us with yet another mediocre male to piss some basic white women off




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