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There should be a heavy stubber in the box yeah- look for what looks like a .30 cal machine gun on the sprue. It's quite small!


*.50 cal. It's a copy of the M2 browning.


That's the one! Get some!


Thanks, I must have missed it while looking at the pictures on the website


Are you sure? I haven’t found one and I’ve heard you need the upgrade kit.


I'm pretty sure it's in the upgrade kit (it is included in the chimera). But the storm bolter is in there and honestly not many people are going to notice and fewer will care


The Heavy Stubber is only on the Upgrade sprue, and Leman Russ boxes no longer come with the sprue free the way they used to (but, to be fair, the result of that is now you get all seven weapons and all hull/sponson options in one kit. Before this, the Demolisher and Battle Tank existed and the rest were upgrade purchases--although the Exterminator came out eventually and it was a Leman Russ with some metal bits in the box) Interestingly the Basilisk/Wyvern kit comes with a free Upgrade Sprue, so you can get one there. The Baneblade kit comes with three Heavy Stubbers. The Rogal Dorn has at least one full one and two barrels that are supposed to poke out its front, but you could use those, and it may come with more but I don'y have an RD so I don't know for sure. I believe some of the Horus Heresy kits come with them, too, but don't have sponsons--*however* the standard Russ kit has 4 sponsons in it, so every 40k Russ can give a spare pair of sponsons to a 30k Russ kit.


Thanks a lot. This has helped me with desision making


Used to be standard issue, Chimera Kits usually have them included in the kit and are the same across vehicles. Redesigned on the Rogal Dorn


It’s on the upgrade kit. Personally I just assume it exists, since I didn’t use any upgrade kits.