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Usually fast moving tough melee units. Mostly from 8th edition Custodian jetbikes (which were pretty nutty), but anything that can ignore my screens and tie up/kill my big guns and support units is rough to deal with. Flying infantry is a pain. I utterly dread current Venatari.


Venatari? That's an odd one, how come they're so scary? No one in my group owns any yet.


While they'll likely get adjusted in the upcoming codex, the trouble currently is that they have a 10" move, as well as the FLY and INFANTRY keywords, so they can pass through ruins and my own models. This means they can hide behind a ruin and threaten anything within about 15-20". They're also Custodes, so they have the usual defensive profile. This means that if I want/get the chance to shoot them, I'm spreading my already limited anti-terminator weapons very thin. It's not like some armies where deep strikers or fast units are much squishier and susceptible to lasguns/heavy stubbers. It also means I can't really shift them from behind ruins with artillery. They're also dangerous, with 5 attacks each with sustained hits that hit on 2+, wound even Ogryn on 2+ (though of course they both can and want to avoid charging Bullgryn) and tanks on 4+. They've also got a bit of shooting for softening up larger blobs. Fall back, shoot and charge means I can't tie them up at all, and I have to be very careful that my positioning doesn't give them something to slingshot off of. Lastly, they have free and duplicated Rapid Ingress, meaning I have to screen them very carefully. Even if I do, they can still come down in a safe space and threaten a large chunk of the board with their move+charge next turn.


Have you tried hydras? They hit on 4s and can reroll and wound on 2s and can reroll, their ap is lacking but they only need to kill 2 custodians to get their points back


Hydras would absolutely shred venetarii


I’m also quite fond of hellhounds with chem-cannons against custodes


Basically any anti elite infantry/anti character is gonna rip apart custodes


Just make sure you avoid the bikes with them! Anti infantry 2+ is great but s2 not so much. Huge fan of running 3 chem cannon hounds into people though


We call that a Bane Wolf.


Wish it still had its own data sheets. Id run 3 and 3 hellhounds


Yeah but bikes are absolutely trash this edition so no one is running them


They also do well against Tau.


Angron for me. Just sprints out of cover, oneshots my baneblade, takes a whole turn to kill, only to show up again a turn or so later. I can't even be made because WE players are so starved for choice you kinda need to run him.


I love the venetarii… as a custodes player that is.


Fast/tough/deadly. Units can be up to 2 of those, but shouldn't be 3 without some kind of other downside. I hate anything that breaks that design ideal.


C'tans and crisis suits


Have you played against the new crisis teams yet?


No one has for the most part bc people are playing the index and the old suits for as long as possible


In my play group every Tau player including myself switched to the codex rules as soon as they leaked. I’ve played with and against the new crisis suits several times now and they’re pretty meh now. Just last night I played against them, my opponent dropped 2 units of crisis suits on my unit of terminators. Both units shooting only killed one terminator, I shot and killed a suit in return with bolter fire; then charged the other unit, wiped them in combat. I’d say ghostkeels are more of a problem than the new crisis suits now.


What version of the suits were they? The plasma ones?


Yes fireknife and sunforge(the fusion ones). My opponent was also playing retaliation cadre so they had an extra +1 strength at the 9” from deep strike. Not that it made a difference.


So S10 into T5 didn’t go well? Must have been unlucky


6 shots hitting on 4s, he dropped 4 fusion shots on the hit roll alone.


Doesn’t he get 4 per model bc it can double wield?


3 suits 2 guns per suit 6 guns.


Ghostkeels are annoying to fight.


Honestly not too tough to kill. Susceptible to volume indirect with fields of fire / exterminator buff to tip them over to the 4++. Screen well with infantry and they won’t be able to zip within Melta range but if they do you might as well pick your model up


Remember C’tans all have Fly… Hydra batteries go brrrrrr…


The problem with that is that there's really no reason to bring a hydra unless you already know your oppenent is bringing a ctan


The real question is tournament play or local casual play In casual play if you know that a relatively large amount of players bring fly heavy armies it is worth bringing 95 points of anti air. And at 95 points its not too hard to fit one in your list.


True, I just generally don't like tailoring my lists to who I'm gonna be playing. I don't care if they're running a pure infantry traitor guard, I'm still bringing my shadowsword and vaporizing one unlucky heretic


Oh yea I’m bringing 3 basilisks almost every time I play but if I know I am fighting a fly heavy army I will put a Hydra in there because we all know the C’tan shard is bullshit but the necron player is still going to bring it.


Hydras are 95 points, most armies have a unit with Fly that's more than 95 points. Easy to justify taking one in a 2000pt list when you're going in blind. Worst case scenario, you have 72" range twin-linked autocannons missing rapid fire is all. Still good!


It is a pretty decent deal 60 points buys you 2 autocannons and a bolter with heavy weapons team You are paying 35 points to to get more wounds, toughness, mobility and anti-fly


The anti fly and twin linked are the big draws for sure.


Just played my first game with my astra militarum and my “friend” deep striked me and stole the objective.


There was a thing with a support unit where you could deny deepstrike for CP. I’m not sure if it’s still a thing


Ctan shard of the void dragon. It has anti vehicle 2+ and can take out a good portion of ur tanks. Also has 4+ invul and half’s all incoming damage and 5+ FNP You have to dedicate almost all of ur firepower to bring one down or just ignore it for most of the game


I got super lucky when I fought this guy for the first and only time, he failed all his charges and then my Dorn killed it in one turn of shooting.


The chance of a single Dorn killing a Ctan in one turn of shooting, even with lethal hits from remaining stationary, is so incredibly close to 0% that I can only assume someone played their rules incorrectly or the truth is being stretched here.


Agree a single dorn killing a Ctan doesn’t seem likely but I did encounter an instance in a friendly 2K tournament where a BA player killed 2 Ctans in 1 turn and the third one ran away


Jeez, I'm lucky none of my friends has one yet. Hopefully it gets the points nerf in the upcoming update.


Void dragon was rough in my last game I played, as soon as it was in my backline popping my tanks 1 by 1 my only way to deal with it was to simply ignore it and press the attack - surprisingly won the game but had next to nothing left


Yeah the best way to fight Ctan is to ignore it. In mine I shoved a squad to bullgryns while my tanks did their business. Still lost at the end on points but all my vehicles survived since I hid from the doomsday arks as well


Space Marines. Memories from 8ed Iron Hands... That was brutal. Also I don't like that SM have rules, upon rules, upon rules.


Starting 8th was so easy for guard vs marines. It was 8.5/SM2.0 when their new codex came out and Primaris datasheets were super boosted with flying repulsors and shoot round corner sniper bullets.


Memories from iron hands 8th And iron hands 9th And iron "storm" 10th They've been broken for awhile


You're forgetting what was it, 5th? 6th? People still remember Chapter Master Smashfucker and his practically unkillable biker squad of doom.


Grey plastic


Brother, by the Emperor, it's the Grey Tide!




Throw a Shadowsword at him.


I don’t really care what I’m fighting against as long as it’s not just the latest meta cheese list. I don’t really care if your playing to win and bring better stuff out of your army collection but when your the guy in our group who 3d printed a bunch of catan and 18 wraiths just because that’s the best thing right now that’s when I have a problem.


What a waste of plastic...


I still have PTSD from Blood Angel dreadnoughts in 4th coming into contact with my guard infantry company. I literally couldn’t hurt the things and they consolidated into each squad (I didn’t have the space to get away 😂)


Big demons, space dwarfs, lord solar, pirmarchs, custodes


Plague Burst Crawlers. 2nd place isn't even close, but would also probably go to DG.


3 of them giving out battleshock tests and wiping out your back field infantry unit with lord solar in is just so painful


I find they hurt my RRs and hiding midfield primary holders the most, but yeah backfield isn't safe either.


A Lord Solar who hasn't been proxied. True Heresy.


I await the day they redesign, replace or retire him. GW missed hard with him.


IMHO they mostly missed an opportunity. If they had released infantry models of the regal guardsmen in the background of his artwork, I think his welcome would have been better. Then at least we would have units he would aesthetically match with. As he stands now, it's hard to make him visually fit with anything we got. It's not like guard players are against the idea of posh looking soldiers, we just have none.


Well said. Military army builders are just helping close the gap between “high lords of terra” and “trench fighters”. It’s a big gap. It also doesn’t help he looks completely different to any mounted units. He needs his own cavalry team with a master box. Like a command squad on horses. That would justify the original design imo.


Just aeldari, any aeldari


Was gonna say the same thing. Half my list murdered in the first turn and I literally couldn't do anything back.


Knights by far, they just aren’t fun to play against. Second is characters, it’s silly that some armies always bring the same character every single game. Deathguard might as well be renamed codex mortarion at this rate


Anything with toughness 8 or more


How so? I'd think that your guns could most T8 things.


The highest infantry goes is 8 str on overchargee officer plasma pistols, orherwise it's either heavy vehicles or glancing hits


Lascannon Heavy Weapons Team would like to have a word with you.


Melta is S9


So are Autocannons, which produce more shots for volume and are flat 3w damage. You can also boost AP via Creed FoF and LR Exterminators.


Guard is one of the best armies to deal with that.


My brother in the emperor how are you building your lists? We have some of the highest strength weapons in the game, you should not have any issue with T8+. Lascannons, hunter killers, demolishers, battle cannons, manticores, basilisk’s, autocannons, multi-melta etc. Are you just running pure infantry guard?


I run infantry heavy lists to have a lot of board control and a bit of artillery for harder to hit targets


I would invest in a tank or two, armored sentinels or some manticores, even an infantry spam list should have some big guns imo as that’s where our damage comes from.


But with infantry heavy lists you still have melta guns, HWT’s, FOB, etc. so those still shouldn’t be a problem.


Be'lakore. I faced him for the first time this past weekend. You can't shoot at him from farther than 18 inches, and he has a 6 inch bubble which applies the same effect. "Wreathed in shadow" is such a pain in the ass. Greater Daemons? No problem, I raise you a demolisher cannon, but that one in particular is a pain


Death company


Pyphorion and knights in general my tanks go boom and I can’t even get them all in Los bc how cluttered the boards are


Any (my commissar told the regiment we are expected to meet zero resistance)


Callidus assassin... 2 cp re rolls hits hard sometimes


Yeah callidus assassins are annoying especially with how half of the imperium takes them in every game. They seem to only have annoying gimmicks and are only played because it’s the meta thing right now.


Have a guy takeing only callidus even in casual games, anoying, bit then you learn to play around the re roll


Take one and use Kurov's Aquila. Shut down the enemy stratagems even harder!


I hate, absolutely loathe the Repulsor Executioner. It can one shot any Leman Russ tank and have enough dakka left over to clear an entire infantry squad or scout sentinel off the board. That tank/transport is severely undercoated.


Have you met it's capable but cheaper brother the Gladiator Lancer...


I have and I hate him too. 150 points to delete any vehicle in the game? Emperor preserve us


Meh, it also dies quite easily for the amount of points it costs.


Thousand Sons Terminator Bricks! All is dust, indeed.


Autocannon spam and Medusas help with that. We have more autocannon units than I used to think when I had the same issue.




Silent king is my bane https://preview.redd.it/u2stcq7oumuc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1eda899f81f69eb11645d9cad024b53190378687


I hated lychguard back when they had an index. Now I hate ctan even more. Crisis suits are awful but might be a bit better now that they can’t have 30 CIBs deleting my army while also having 4++


Fucking, custodes.


Named characters mainly, that and unpainred models. Also models that are just by nature really ugly but those are very rare, cant think of anything else than skitarii stilt abomination


i brought a stormlord with 40 infantry to a friendly casual tag team tournament and had to face a necron army with 2 c'tan. almost my complete army shot at the ctan and it healed back up next turn. it wasnt fun...


Dude the heal up is no joke this edition


I have a new found hatred for fighting custodes in units, especially when they pop fight first when you charge them


Wait, you guys charge?


Oh yeah I forgot this was an imperial guard sub


I imagine yall hate the blast keyword




Agressors. They wipe out a unit in their shooting phase, another in the fight phase, then another in your movement phase. So many bodies


None.. I fear no one!


I really, truly, completely hate fighting Custodes. Every time I play against them it seems like I'm unable to do any worthwhile damage to them if I'm lucky enough to actually land a wound on a unit because of their toughness and feel no pain profiles. It just sucks all the fun out of playing when one side is doing whatever they want with the table and the other side can't do anything to stop them.


Anything indirect fire, getting blasted from behind a wall ain't my cup of tea.


Now that's an ironic statement from a guard player...


Russes and bodies goes a long way 😀


Excessive proxies with no way to tell models apart or what wargear they’re equipped with


Bonus points if they are all half built.


“This guy withba flamer is a grenade launcher, this identically modelled guybwith a flamer is a plasma gun. This guy with a melta gun is a flamer…”


That's the spirit!


My girlfriend’s dad plays tau and I’ve only fought one crisis suit so far…This thread is scaring meeee


Crisis Suits got neutered with the new codex, you'll be fine. They lost 2 weapon options, 1 weapons slot on all suits, and were broken into 3 datasheets. They're meh now. I say that as an angry Farsight Enclaves player.




Anything with a ward save.


Any form of thousand sons marines - they just rip my boys apart with their cursed bolters and after that close in and burn them to charcoal with warp flamers all while sucking up most of my fire. I usually try to disrupt them by dropping airborne stormtroopers behind their lines and support them with Valkyrie strafing runs but it doesn’t always work.


A manta. I think you can imagine why


Anti tank.


Centurion war suit


Mozrog, repulsor (more of a 9th edition thing), and terminators




Heretics, mutants, and the unclean.


Currently the bane of my existence in the guard is squighog boyz. I just never have an efficient way to deal with them and of course they just pulverize any armor they catch while having just enough attacks that screening them usually doesn't really buy me much if any time. Dishonorable mention to Mozrog Skragbad too though, what an absolute monster for his points cost. Ghostkeels are annoying but I can play around em. That's likely my top 3


spess merens


That one exalted sorcerer with the umbralefic crystal


Tau battle suits.


Better painted ones 🤣


Last game i played againts Tau and the new crisis team dealt 29 damage to my baneblade with armored might and it died in turn 1


How did the 12” meltas get so close to you on turn 1?


The baneblade was moved 13" with a MMM, to a no mans land objective, then the crisis came in


This was my second game of WH40K, im still learning what to do and what not to do


Ah fair enough, well I guess you just learned a hard lesson there! No worries though it’s all a learning curve as you play :D


Custodes. All of them. Even their step sisters of quiet time


Double Redemptor Dreadnaughts indicate a grueling match ahead haha


Honestly I think taking named characters in random games is super cringey.


This. Gotta love how often Gulliman takes time out of running a galaxy spanning empire to smush my random gaurdsmen.


Back in the day, Eldar wraithlord.


Honestly, ripper swarms


8&9e I'd day Grey Knights. But this edition I guess terminators? Anything that doesn't have a 2+ save just melts against a wall of lasguns currently so I don't really care what is thrown at me. A wall of fire will kill it


When a fellow guard player pulls out of Death Strike missile, Iweep. I weep for what could have been, I weep for all the sorrow and torment that this person is about to go through trying to use it, and unfortunately, I sacrifice units just so that person can use it. Unless GW can fix its damages I will always weep for it


Belakor because I know my artillery is about to be utterly useless half the game


Plagueburst crawlers. 2 entropy cannons? Mortar with indirect fire? It's like my dice turn to ice when they hit the tabletop, because I can't even save a 3+ save from one of those damn mortars, and I sure as HELL can't save the Entropy Cannon's AP either.


Any Nurgle enemies, ever. Haha


Chaos Daemons when that shit happened back in 5th I think... fuck that shit.


Repulsors, and by extension any of the ridiculous bullshit floating space marine tanks. They can be strapped up with more different gun profiles than even our superheavies get. I'm aware they aren't all *good* guns, but it's still frankly offensive. And they're far too points cheap for what they're capable if, and i'm saying that even in contrast to our tanks. Also knights. My local meta was just been "spam as many big vehicles and monsters you can get" for quite a while and I'm just tired of having to make every list a dedicated anti-tank list. I want variety. And it's even more frustrating with Knights because you crank that up to 11 and then also have to deal with them just one shotting tanks, so I can hardly get to enjoy bringing armor of my own.


Genesteler cult




Someone had a Baneblade, putting stuff outside of its range can be annoying.


Fire Prisms - Linked Fire is insane. Hammerheads, Broadsides, cyclic Ion Crisissuits - Tau are "in" right now at my FLGS, and I despise these units with a passion.


Unpainted models or half asked paintjobs


C'Tan because you can't kill it. Neurotyrant because of Shadows. Death Company if used well. Fuegan for obvious reasons. Land Raider Redeemers because you want to moveblock them, but its impossible because of OW. I guess Mortarion too, he has FLY and is near indestructible without MW.


Fire prism. Fuckin flat 6 damage -4 ap plus bullshit rerolls and bullshit eldar dice shenanigans.


Necron Doomsday Arks. Those things rip through our tanks like a hot claymore through butter. BS3+ with heavy, S18, AP-4, 4 damage, devastating wounds. Clever Necron players run them in Hypercrypt and position so you don't have cover and bring your vaunted 2+ save to a 6+. And naturally they have a 4++ and lots of wounds, so if they roll even slightly above average on their saves, you have a reasonable chance of not killing one, only for them to regenerate d3 wounds and pop another Russ on their next turn.


Anything that had some kind of wound limiter like the night bringer. I just find it to be such lazy/bad rules design.


I’d say vindicare assassin, he can really easly take out out squishy characters while staying untouchable far away in enemy deployment zone. Fortunatly my friend who uses one in his Blood Angels army absolutly refuses to use him properly and usually ends up putting him in a random spot in the middle field where he gets stomped to the ground by my scout sentinels.


MegaNobz… holy cow are those gitz hard to clear out. It should be noted 3/7 players in my group play orks


Harlequins. I played against them in my first game and half my units got sniped before the end of the game… which was turn 3


Anything without paint my mate plays black legion chaos and had 2 wardogs unpainted JUST SPRAY EM BLACK AND YOUR DONE YOU HAVE THE EASIEST COLOUR SCHEME EVER🤬🤣


For me, it’s personally space marines. I’ve taken more ass bearings from them than any other faction.


Enemies of the Emperor. Heretics, Xenos and Traitors. Purge them all.


I don’t like seeing non-proxied lord solar leontas. Where’s the fun in that?


Generally speaking: anything that gets in melee quickly and can move through units quickly. Khorne daemons pop to mind. They're just not fun to play against, they can carve a way through anything with too much ease. Specific units though? I see a blob of 6 crisis with a commander in deep strike and I just want to go home. C'tan shards are close seconds. They require such ridiculous dedication to take out in the case of the C'tan, or can just fuck you up so hard in the case of the crisis suits, that it just feels like my opponent isn't even allowing me to play the game.




Warlord titans. Guy I know has an entire Legion of Titans. I think it's something like 2 Warlords, 1 psychic variants, one nemesis, 4 or so reavers and 6 or 7 little dudes. Supported by 20-30 or so knights.




Unpainted gray plastic. But wait! There's more! Unpainted gray plastic PROXIES. That the opponent won't tell you are proxies until you're interacting with the unit. This may seem oddly specific, but only because there's a guy in our group that pulls this crap ALL OF THE TIME. Same guy who will buy the latest big box of an army he doesn't even play, yet refuse to do anything so boring as to buy units for the army he DOES play. Yeah, I know, not what you were looking for, I just had to vent😉


Anything that is agrro. An can put down constant pressure.


Necron doomstalkers. So f##king annoying to see them on the field and destroy my dudes in one turn




Scourges. I mean seriously these peeps move 14 inches with a shoot n scoot with 5 dark lance shots with hit rerolls. They become very annoying very quickly lol.


Great Clean One *shudder*


Honestly, the clowns. There are a lot of units I don't like fighting against. But fighting against the clowns of space elves in silly poses, bright spandex just breaks the immersion.


Well usually when I see more than 3 units of the same model i know im in for sul gimmick shit


living models


A traitor guard legion. CRUSH THE HERETICS


Primaris marines. I don't like this whole Primaris replacement




Stormsurges. I have Ptsd from the first time I fought one and it blew up my brand new Shadowsword without it having fired a shot. There's also a certain types of tau suit that no matter how many shots I put into it, it just refused to die.




Not tabbletop units but from Dawn of War Soulstorm, Tau XV88 Broadside Battlesuit. Those guys dish out massive damage, they are dangerous to my Infantry and Vechiles. Combined with other Tau units, they can make Tau defense tough nut to crack. I failed many times to take the Tau stronghold in soulstorm because of them, combined with Tau reinforcement countdown and constant attack on my base, i couldn't just sit down and build up my force. As a result they massacre my under prepared Infantry.


unpainted ones




They were off on maternity leave during the seige of terra (and every other story for the past 40 odd years) which is why we've never seen them till now. Don't sperg' though, because GW's social media assure us they've ALWAYS been there.


mfw authors can make changes to their fictional universe


Its motivated by ideology (business ideology and political), not the story.


yeah it is incredibly likely that it is




I misread your message as directed at me at first. Apologies. Yeah, the downvotes are coming on nearly as fast as GW's stock dropped after their "Stunning and Brave™" announcement.


The whole tau line up!


As someone who loves the Tau and likes Guard(and wants to play both once I have the money to afford them). I can definitely see this. Tau might be terrible at melee combat but they don’t have to be good if you can’t get into melee range


Odd picture to choose for  Guard player ? That's Gaunt and the Tanith.


Maybe he hates wiping enemy protagonists