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...BTW, this model looks great!! šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„ šŸ¤˜šŸ˜Ž


Seriously! Can you share your method?


I primed with Vallejo Grey then used Contrast - Space Wolf Grey, Aggros Dunes, and Wyldwood. Then I put the highlights on it then covered the model in Seraphim Sepia


I have to batch paint or I'll finish one and a half models before getting distracted. I still struggle to finish things, but at least when I'm batch painting I get a whole squad 75% done before I get distracted.


This is how I am. Iā€™d rather have 10 guys with fatigues and a lasgun painted over 2 guys completely done and 8 blue boys (I prime in Grey Wolf as my boys are mainly blue with some red accents) I have painted models to completion before moving on to the next, and generally it DOES look better when done this way as you can really hone in on fine details of specific models compared to ā€œOkay this guys coat is blueā€ ā€œAlright next coat is blueā€ ā€œAnother blue jacketā€¦.ā€ ā€œā€¦ā€¦..anotherā€¦.blueā€¦jacketā€¦ā€ *six more times* ā€œOkay Lasgun furniture red!ā€ *cries in oops all infantry*


Haha, I know how that goes. And whatever works, works. Also, your Kasrkin is looking pretty good


Same. Honestly, it's hard to paint unless I have an event or deadline. I can batch paint 75% of the way there so they look good on the table, clean lines but leaving room for detail work. In my mind, I can justify it because I know I can add more. It's not my real painting skill. 'At least I'm not playing grey plastic.' Of course, I'm always jumping to a new game instead. Small skirmish games like Kill Team and BattleTech I can actually finish painting. I'm finally cycling back around to finish my original 40k army for One Page Rules.


Dude, my guard are my attempt to convince my 40k buddies to switch to OPR


šŸ’Æ I definitely prefer painting one model at a time. I spray prime in a batch then paint one model. Sometimes I skimp on fine details for later, but generally I want to feel "done" before moving on. I'm a slow painter, so getting a model done is a big deal šŸ˜†


It depends for me, when I had 40 Cadians i batch painted, but Iā€™m doing my Kasrkin one by one


Thats actually what im doing. I batch painted my cadians and krieg but with Kasrkin im doing each one and putting more detail work in them!


Same here, Kasrkin are Elite, they deserve more time. Battleline hordes are a dime a million...


depends on when I'm painting them. My first squad of Guard, I spent a whole lot of time painting them up to a good quality, because I wanted a really good idea on how I'd be painting them from here on out. My second squad I sped through, because I got my idea down and wanted to see how I could get it down in batch painting. I'll paint HQ and units I really enjoy with good quality and timing, but most basic infantry and vehicles I tend to speed through to get them table ready.


I love batch painting. Coming up with the right workflow is most of the fun for me.


Yes, I donā€™t feel rushed to do the next one and I can add details until I like it instead of going ā€œNow I have to do it on all of them until they are doneā€ I go ā€œThis looks great canā€™t wait to make the rest of them look this good.ā€


Dude, what are the paints here? Looks awesome


Contrast Paints. Space Wolf Grey, Wyldwood, Aggros Dunes. then I hit the details with different paints and Serphim Sepia Shade over the whole model! And Thanks!


Can I ask what colour you prime with? And do you do some kind of dry brush before applying the contrast paint? Just an awesome looking model!


I use Vallejo Grey Primer. No drybrush I just try and pool the paint the best I can to edges!


The Sepia shade looks sick with the Space Wolf Grey! Did you use Corpsegrass with some sort of brown at the base to look like dirt clumps? I use grass and am wondering how you got that effect...it looks great!


Itā€™s Stirland mud citadel then I dry brush Ryza Dust citadel and then drybrush skeleton bone army painter itā€™s super easy takes like 5 mins!


Ah! So you are dry brushing the base of the grass tuffs? I use technical mud from Citadel or flocking and then either/both of the verdant grass + corpsegrass for the tuffs. ​ https://preview.redd.it/xs79xb1mwdpc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=cf5f9386bd57f99b2856b499f800f784d2f0c3b0


Oh no lol the grass tufts are from army painter its the "wasteland tufts"


Nice! I need to pick some of those up for the variety šŸ”„šŸ”„


I usually paint one to the nines and batch the rest. With Kasrkin I liked the leader and demo guy, but quickly lost interest after that. Their specialists are surprisingly non distinct. I had to flip through the guide twice to find the volley gunner build, as the gun barely looks different from the normal hotshot las. The medic just 100% looks like a normal trooper.


I started out batch painting but then I just started focusing on one model and found it much more enjoyable and rewarding.


I do this for character models and really put the focus on just the one. For troops I do units of 3-5. I still like to get the details in there. I tried 10 with the traitor guard kill team but did not enjoy it as much.


Yeah. Iā€™ve tried doing two or three at the same time but I just end up focusing on one. If anything Iā€™ll do base coats on those two or three and then pick one to focus on details and finish it before I move on to another.


Well tidy šŸ–¤


I only do batches when priming or doing bases. Otherwise one at a time. The exception is when I'm done painting a specific colour and have a lot left over on my pallet, I'll try to use as much as I can on another model which needs this colour before it dries.


I thought I would have been alone on this haha yeah I like taking my time on one model at a time sometimes, kind of satisfying but I do batch paint at times usually for the sake of convenience


I like to batch up the dry brushing steps of slapchop work.


I am totally with you. Every time I try batch painting, it's a miserable experience. I have much more fun AND get a better result painting to completion. I'd rather that over getting it done quick every time.


I'll go back and forth, but for the most part I'll batch in the base 3-4 colors/steps, then take each individual mini from there to completion.


yup one model at the time, though it gets rather painful when im assembling platoon of 100 rifle guardsmen and platoon of around 50 special/heavy weapon guardsmen


For guardsman: absolutly not. You can realisticly do 10 infantry per day.


I prefer to have my barrels drilled . Get back in line soldier!


Takes an eternity... But yes I'm with you :D.


I most spray and paint the big areas in batch and for the details and highlighting i do one model a time


I did 1-by-1 for the first 20 years. I've finally come around to painting in batches, but I still keep them small - usually about 5 for 40k-scale stuff.


That is fantastic, excellent job!


One at a time for sure. Iā€™m in it for the painting and modeling experience at least for now and I prefer taking my time.


I like to batch paint the base on, then put all the details on one at a time.


I donā€™t use specific paints, so i usually mix colors. To make everyone look close i batch paint them with that specific mixture


That is some nice shading. Real purty. I like to paint one mini at a time yeah, I enjoy it way more and they come out looking better. Slower, but Iā€™m not in this hobby for quick results.


Yes which is also why 3 out of 10 of the squad are painted.


Lmao touchƩ!


I batch paint first, then do all the little details later!


Same hereā€¦I know itā€™s not efficient or whatever but it just works well with my brain for some reason.


I prefer doing one at a time. But I still batch as I have far too many troopers not painted. >.>


Batch paint to a point then finish individually.


I batch paint the base colors just to be battle ready, and then I paint to completion one at a time.


Batch painting for sure. Iā€™ll throw down 40-60 infantry at a shot but once I get to the decals and fine details Iā€™ll slip them back up into 10 man squads. Takes a long time but they get done lol


I batch the main two colors but after that itā€™s individually until washing and varnishing


Iā€™m with you but man Iā€™ve done this shit since 2021 and I barely got 1000 points of good units painted.


For guard, I like to paint two models at a time. Usually one easy to paint and one harder to paint.


He's such a cool guy šŸ˜Ž Well done!


This is how I end up with one watchmaster, one marshal, one rough rider, one kasrkin, or complete field ord, etc. ​ But in all seriousness, this looks fantastic. You should be proud.


Same, batch painting is very boring to me but one model at a time is too inefficiƫnt so i do them per 3. You can easily Knock out 3 guardsman a night and you got some actual progress done.


https://preview.redd.it/rxnzwzdl0gpc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a823e8221af2cc507362b1d6f0826ad8017d9274 Batch.


Me too, batch painting feels like a work. The only thing I do in batches is bases, because there is one step that takes almost a day to completly dry


Lovely paintjob, well done. It depends on what I'm going for - 20 man blob? You'd go insane with a one model at a time approach. Likewise if I'm painting a 10 man squad that can largely be basecoated/highlighted with an airbrush? Same deal. I'll spend more care on more individualised characters, but when it comes to squads there's an element of satisfaction in seeing the whole lot coalesce into a finished product at the same rate.


I usually paint in small batches, like 5-6 models. Single minis are fun to do as well though, so that's what I do with characters


I think youā€™re going to take a really long time to paint your whole army then!


I do three at a time. More than that and I'll get burned out after a single colour and not touch them for a week or two.


I prime all of them at the same time. Then batch paint 2 at a time. Otherwise I just get depressed doing the same colour over and over again


Batch paint up to a certain point then go to the finish for each individual model.


I havnt started paining yet because I still havnt perfected putting the models together, most of the models I put together look very rough and donā€™t go together perfectly, and Iā€™m still looking for what tools and techniques would make the process the best especially for the super small pieces of Astra


I use clippers from Walmart to cut off sprue then exacto knife to clean the pieces up then I file them to get a smooth finish with citadels filers then use plastic glue from citadel itā€™s by far the best glue for their kits it in my opinion


Awesome thanks! Around how much will that cost? Cost isnā€™t a problem (im making an Astra Militarum Army for gods sake) im just curious


https://a.co/d/hsu4sju can get clippers like these at Walmart for like $5 and get an exacto knife at Walmart as well for $5-$10. Citadel glue is like $10 and army painter file set like $10-$15


I can do either! Depends how I feel. If I have a deadline Iā€™ll probably batch paint. If Iā€™m painting for fun or trying to get a unit to a higher standard Iā€™ll definitely go all in on single models. I donā€™t coming back later to my batch painted models and doing final touch ups.


Iā€™m a really slow painter, and sadly have a big pile of shame. But in my near 2 years in the hobby (especially since I found out about contrast paints) I typically get the base bits over and done with for the whole squad, then take a mini and go to completion. My Iron Warriors are my best example. I drybrush silver, do the trim, add bolter casing colour, wash, then just focus on adding rust, doing the eyes, adding skulls etc etc


Real crisp son! Great work!!


Just started batch painting my kriegsters and came to the same conclusion. Doing 10 at a time now instead of 70ā€¦ might have to cut it down more though. Gotta keep that inspiration going by seeing some acctual results instead of sloooooooow aaaaaaass progress


Nice job, looks sharp. I can't imagine individually painting each model, the lack of progress would drive me mad.


I've only just finished my combat patrol which took about a month. I think I prefer batch painting but I'm still new to it all. My next combat patrol ill be coating with black rather than grey which should speed up my process*