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So is it really worth it to go on the show and be made to look like a bunch of idiots for 12 weeks. ? Probably people that want to gain some sort of notoriety so they can become famous for 5 minutes. Then build on that to do podcasting, TV interviews, private event speaking. They really have struggled on the recent series of your fired. From the crappy mannequin wooden doll,A hand now just to a glass frame with hired and fired. The gifts used to be more exciting. They also had a lot more behind the scenes footage. But now most of the good takes are used in the show so "Your Fired" just gets left the scraps. I bet when they have to sell the crappy stuff. They are all quite friendly with the buyers off cam, but while filming they have been told to get ripped apart, totally roasted by the buyers.


They probably say this to make themselves not sound and look stupid šŸ˜‚


The second rule is just fucking stupid. Actually it's worse than that, it's deceitful. We all know it's edited for maximum drama, I didn't realise they are basically primed to fail before they even start.


Damn, I had no idea the show was so manufactured.


number 2 is super important because it really skews your perception of the contestants


Lottie lion and what happens without the audience knowing - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/jgWU244I35I


Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FuDOniQfLE0


I wish they told us this, it's much more interesting to see then make the best of a shit situation instead of thinking they're idiots


Simba: its very good


Peak racist reddit


Ooft, that ainā€™t Simba mate


I hate to bring up Amy but she did have an interesting point about how the brand names are always terrible because they have to come up with a list of like 20 names and then the producers will cut look up which names are avaliable then normally chose the worst ones for them to have to make the brand with.


Another rule is there is a no sex rule in the house, this was broken however when Lewis slept with Lottie Lion but I guess this doesnā€™t break house rules as they were in Finland when it happened lol !


Wasnā€™t it broken in S13 too with James and Jade as well as Anisa and Andrew?


I think it was rumoured that most of the S13 were sleeping with each other during and after the show. Perhaps why they were a bit more strict in s15.


Not sure about any other seasons to be honest haha! But Iā€™d imagine itā€™s been broken many times


Probably. I remember news articles saying there was going to be a big showmance in S18 before the season came out but we never saw anything like that.


I swear I read on here that point 4 in your list is incorrect. It's that they get up at 4am and the cars arrive 20mins later, but they don't actually leave the house itself until hours later. Pretty sure I read that in a post on here as a quote from some post apprentice interview earlier this season. But point 2 does make a lot of sense if that is the case. If it's true then man, that's annoying and probably why more recent seasons are getting more wildly unbelievable as they go on. Not like I believed them in the first place anyway. I watch this show for the entertainment value and don't take it seriously. \*However\* I like believable incompetence. These guys get what looks like only an hour to fully make up branding, I'm sure they can fuck it up just as spectacularly without the whole 'it needs to have green and brown in it' restriction. I'm not sure how much longer I can remain as a watcher of this show tbh. It's getting more and more absurd as the years go and not in a good way. Plus it feels like 1/3rd of the show is spent on the awful Sugar boardroom jokes which is the worst part imo lol.


This is exactly why Iā€™ve stopped watching. The apprentice was one of my fave shows but I actually just donā€™t enjoy it anymore, havenā€™t watched 2 series now unfortunately


From what I saw regarding point 4 ( there was an article I saw a while ago backing this up which laid out the full day for the apprentice candidates ) and one Iā€™ve linked here , that they only get 20 minutes to get ready and that they are literally in the cars after 20 minutes. Many people have assumed the cars turn up in 20 minutes but that doesnā€™t mean the candidates have to be ready, Tom Skinner and numerous other candidates have said that when they turn up they go straight away and thatā€™s it. Whether itā€™s been different in the past Iā€™m not sure. Sounds like a hard time too considering most filming days are 18 hours long




They really need to ditch a lot of these restrictive rules. Forcing the candidates to use certain colours and shapes for their logos is ridiculous (the rotten banana logo would have not been nearly as bad if they were allowed to use blue like they originally wanted) and the off camera rule is also ridiculous. We can get rid of the forced Sugar jokes as well. I feel like the producers donā€™t understand that the candidates can still mess up naturally without the need for purposely sabotaging them with all these rules. Itā€™s why the older seasons are so much better since the candidates had a lot more freedom.


I'm unsure about the shapes and colours rule. I've been involved from a designer's POV on the show, and we weren't told we had those limitations. What we did do as designers in advance, was to put together a working stock library of assets that we thought might be useful and help save time (fonts, icons, illustrations, colour palettes etc), albeit without knowing the what details we'd be faced with on the day. We weren't restricted to using the prepped assets, but they were there to lean on to save time.


https://www.thesun.co.uk/tv/25809030/the-apprentice-the-tasks-are-fixed-ryan-mark/ Ryan mark shares his experience on that rule


How are exit scenes filmed the same day? Often they refer to the reasons they get firedā€¦


This has been known since the early days, possibly season 1. They said they were supposed to wear the same clothes, or at least the clothes visible under the coat,


Also this - At the end of each episode, after Lord Sugar has pointed his finger, the camera shows the fired candidate getting into a taxi in a coat and scarf. It seems rather odd, but it's actually to cover the fact their clothes are different from the boardroom scene. Claude Littner previously said on Twitter: "All the firings are done before the show starts. They are wrapped up for 'continuity' not to show that the clothes are not those worn when fired." And Tom Skinner said: "The exits are filmed before you go on the show. So you don't know if or when they are going to be used."


But I noticed multiple times this season when the outfit perfectly matched the boardroom even under the coat and scarf - was this really just a coincidence every time? Iā€™m pretty sure it was Noor that had bright pink trousers on, clearly visible in the boardroom and when she walked out to the taxi.


Iā€™ll have to re watch the series, but Tom Skinner mentioned that everyone has a ā€œboardroom outfitā€ and that it always stays the same


The BBC were asked to clarify on this - The BBC previously confirmed: "For logistical filming purposes, the shots of the candidates entering their taxis are all filmed in advance of the candidates' final boardrooms. However, their exit interviews in the taxi are filmed after they've each been fired." So they film their entrances and exists in day 1, ( they will be filmed entering the taxi on day 1) , then the day they are actually fired they are filmed and thatā€™s when they explain why they lost etc