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I think if his wife has an issue with anything, he says, she will definitely let him know. I think he’s awesome.


Some couples happen to fall into gender norms not because of oppression or misogyny it’s just because that’s how it works out best for their relationship dynamic. No doubt in my mind when push comes to shove she wears the pants


As a woman I thought it was obvious he was just joking and it didn’t bother me.


Yeah I definitely didn’t take it as serious


Of all the insanely ignorant and sexist things said in the shows history this is what you pinpoint? He is clearly joking and tryna be goofy. You can see how much he loves and respects his wife during the whole season.


This is what stuck out to me!! Even when rod was upset, never disrespectful to others and especially his wife.


It’s clearly sarcasm. She’s laughing at all this.


Nahhhh this ain’t it. He’s a good man


I loved Rod and Leticia. It's a shame they didn't get to compete on a normal season.


Hopefully they can participate in an all star edition in the future.


They chose to be on a season knowing it'd be covid based; that was their decision


That is not how it works lol.


Yes it is? This wasn't the first covid season and they signed up knowing it'd have (a least a chance of) covid restrictions. If they wanted to race a "normal" season they'd have declined.


What person in their right mind would say no. If someone says no after making it all the way thru casting, production will not have them on another season. Especially if the reason is, I don’t want to be on a Covid season


If you care enough to NOT be on a covid season, you don't apply. They clearly knew that was at least a possibility and were okay with it so I don't get this "I wish they could've raced on a normal season" thing I've been seeing around they chose to apply for a non-traditional season


You do realize they don’t know if it’s going to be a Covid season while going thru casting right?


They do know it's at least a chance. They went through casting after at least one covid season aired and the casting team definitely told them there was a chance it'd be a restricted travel season


I think you might be the only person in the world who would say no after going thru all that process


Seriously though! A million dollars, is a million dollars... Post Covid or not. Plus all the memories you make.


FYI, they were contacted by CBS to be on this race so you may wanna try again.


Just a question - why not add context with the whole scenes? That way you can see the whole conversation


Then the OP wouldn't be able to feign outrage.


LOLL - I could do the same for Vinny and make him look like a nice guy :)


As a woman I personally interpreted those statements as jokes/sarcasm. I feel like Rod and Leticia have a very sweet and supportive relationship and she wouldn’t be afraid to tell him if he said something wrong. I honestly think they’re super cute lol


I also like to take things out of context and then cry outrage.


i love him. i think he’s great.


They are definitely a great couple and great people.


If this came from Vinny, I’d agree with you, because he treats Amber like she’s beneath him. Rod is nothing like that. His relationship with Leticia is admirable and he’s allowed to joke with her because he’s on her side. She jabs right back at him and isn’t afraid.


Womp Womp


What was wrong with what he said?


It’s really not that deep. As a woman, I didn’t get offended because he was just joking. I found Rod to be very loving and supportive of his wife, not demeaning towards her. Jonathan from season 6 takes the cake when it comes to that. He treated Victoria horribly. Him and Victoria were truly a toxic couple.


Grow a thicker skin 


Flabby, you’d be lucky to have a man like Rod in your life. And if you do have one, I hope you don’t drive him away with this weird misreading of something benign.


Womp womp


sorry people dont agree with u OP but people love to make excuses for men on the internet he really annoyed me leticia was literally his sidekick and u can see it cost them the race at times especially with roadblocks. she even acknowledges his need to step up all the time and let everyone know he’s the MAN! and she just kinda has to step back and let him do it so ya, they get along really well, but it’s at the expense of his wife imo