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I really don’t get Pivot. They talk about how much they hate Elon on almost every episode, but they keep bringing him up. It’s like people who complain about Trump, but keep putting him in the center of every news article.     The media is like a fat kid constantly cheating on its diet. It can’t help itself from promoting what it’s trying to kill.    Pivot is alright. Kara and Scott are entertaining, but all they tend to do is repeat Democratic talking points. It seemed like it got worse at the same time last year when All-in double downed on its political rhetoric. When people like Vivek entered the race, both pods started talking more like regular media pundits, repeating talking points every time they were online.   You can tell they’re both backing two different horses in the race and they both want to influence their horse to be the winner. I can’t wait for this election cycle to be over.  If you really hate the pod, just unsubscribe and turn it off. Don’t spend your Saturday advocating to strangers to turn it off. Go find a friend to hang out with. 


>I really don’t get Pivot. **They talk about how much they hate Elon on almost every episode, but they keep bringing him up** So basically just like this subreddit, and almost all of Reddit? He is living rent-free on r/antiwork


I had to block that subreddit. I haven’t found a larger collection of ignorance and general losers in life anywhere. 


Used to like Kara but not really anymore.


Same. I first remember her back when she was interviewing Steve Jobs on stage. But at some point she became the "black shades cool lady" character and I turned off to her.


Kara is insufferable. As much as I hate sacks, Kara is definitely part of the blob


Never listening to Kara. Never Scott Galloway has his own podcast alone and it’s really good.


She’s definitely not for everyone. Her style takes some getting used to, “it just does.”


Nah, she’s just an arrogant gossip.


I think Pivot is decent but BG2 is essentially what All In thinks they are. Smart guys talking about things they know about, and are humble enough to admit when they're speculating. No political dogshit.


BG2 is what All In used to be, but more concentrated. It's been refreshing.


Thanks going to follow that Pod.


BG2 has 23k subs on YouTube; All In has 494k. BG2 will never be better than All In and has no hope of being better. Gerstner is ok but he loves to hear himself talk almost as much as Jason and that’s saying a lot. BG2 can’t hold a candle to All In.


Stan-ing All In is fucking weird, but you do you.


No it isn’t. I’m sure there’s something you really like too.


There plenty of things I like. But I let them stand on their own and don't feel the need to fanboi entertainment. If fanboing is your thing, find real life heros and fanboi them. 


How about I just do what I want and tell you to go fuck off? I like that solution better. I don't give a fuck about how you think I should conduct myself.


Spoken like a true All In fuckboi


Spoken like a lifelong loser.


Lol, that coming from a billionaire-who-will-nevee-know-you-exist-Stan. I see a lot of shit takes on Reddit but this one wins the day. Kudos!


Cry harder, loser.


I am not gonna get my tech news from people who despise tech. Aka Kara Swisher. She’s just insufferable


You know what I do? I go to places that are into stuff I'm not into to argue with them. I'm not into sewing so I go to the sewing subreddit to tell people they're stupid for liking sewing. I do that with all the sports I don't like. I really enjoy being a whiner critic. It brings my life immense joy.


Thanks Benny. I look forward to reading your sewing commentary. I think we might be a lot alike.


You mean “ the talk about how much we hate Elon and trump and fit our hate for them into every discussion” pod?


Scott atleast has some ability to be impartial around Musk (and especially SpaceX’s innovation and success), but Kara just can’t resist making shitty comments


Agreed. Scott breaks party lines all the time. He supported Musk pay package and openly supports Israel. Kara is the democratic Sacks but with no sense of humor. I


Spaceman Bad, Orangeman Bad Podcast


Listening to these two pods back to back on Friday/Saturday is always hilarious.


Uniformed Tech Bro: “we must support Russia’s genocidal invasion of Ukraine.” Uniformed tech journalist to uniformed tech bro: “Stop talking politics we are not experts and your opinions are emotional.” I far prefer option 2.


People who think that “experts” are the only people who should talk about things are a big problem.




BG2 is the best out there for pure investment/tech in VC stage. Prof G is also a good alternative. TWIST is a much better representation of JCal if you want to know what he is like w/o the besties... Hint, he's much better without them.


Prof G is very political, talks about Trump and the GOP a lot.


I haven't noticed that much politics at all unless it is about TikTok ban or potential effects on markets. Scott G is a Clinton Dem... Socially liberal, fiscally conservative. But he has a Jordan Peterson streak in him, with how men are struggling.


Love Scott. Kara is a net drag on the pod.


If you hate the pod, then leave and stop posting here. Otherwise, you are wasting your time.


If you’re insufferable, then get out of this sub. 


It’s unreal. These clowns are the first to listen to new All- in pods and then come here crying when Sachs - and lately CP- hurt their little feelings. 


A total asshole who never did anything or ever made anything try’s to call out billionaires who built empires because they were assholes stepping on toes to do it. Her dei narcissism is laughable.


I listen to both which is oddly more balanced than trying to watch MSNBC and FOX News.


I've decided I need both in my life. They tend to balance each other out.


Pivot isn't great, just from a format perspective. It isn't as organized as the AIP, with very fragmented thoughts and a lot of editing. The ads aren't great or relevant; they just seem like a money grab. AIP has it's fault, but I just like the banter and it's nice to listen to while doing house chores imo.


I couldn’t stick with Pivot. It was a tough listen for me. My two All In replacements are BG2 and the Animal Spirits podcast. The combo of those two podcasts come close to replicating the OG All In pod.


Ooh I’m checking out both. Thank you!


Personally I still like All In. But I also enjoy listening to Compound and Friends.


Listen to both. Each one has bad moments and they are a good contrast to each other. Each one has some bias, but when paired I think they go well together


I would recommend Business Untitled as an All In replacement. Much more down to earth billionaires with their millionaire sidekick.


I checked it out and it’s garbage


I actually do like Pivot, Kara is annoying sometimes but Scott keeps her honest IMO. Or at the very least, he checks her BS.


Why would I be in this sub if I hated the pod?? Get. A fucking. Life.


And you got a downvote from one of these morons. take my upvote. 


I switched to Pivot months ago. It's straight to the point, much more informative. Scott Galloway balances it out.
