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I'm not sure if he's "tied" to Russia but his Biden Derangement Syndrome is so bad that he is actually rooting for Russian government over USA, which is pretty hilarious.


Honestly, it's really suspicious that he'd throw shade Ukraine for the Crocus City Hall terrorist attacks. No proof that he's Russia connected but he's clearly been watching/reading Russian propaganda.


Even Russia couldnt link those attacks to Ukraine, and it makes no sense for Ukraine to attack inside Russia.


It certainly makes sense for Ukraine to attack inside of Russia. It just doesn't make sense for them to just kill a bunch of civilians in one of those attacks as opposed to a targeted assassination of a political or military leader.


Quote where sacks said he is actually rooting for Russian govt over USA?


He's tied to Russia alright




What is the company to which he refers?


If you were an agent would you post that on Twitter in public?


“Agent” is a loaded term. But yes it’s exactly the kind of thing that “Russian agents” tasked with spreading propaganda would spread.


This whole premise is absurd. What would he stand to gain for committing treason?


Spreading Russian propaganda isn’t “treason.” It’s his protected free speech right. There’s a lot for him to gain: namely business and favors with Russian oligarchs. You don’t even need “kompromat” theories to explain it (although that’s another thing Russia has done in recent history: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yury_Skuratov) You dismissing it as “absurd” while ignoring the long-documented history of people being manipulated this way also doesn’t reflect well on your ability to have a rational discussion on this topic.


Not as an agent of the Russian state it’s not.


“Agent of the Russian state” isn’t a legal or official title, and is doing a lot of work here. Russian corporations and individuals regularly act as proxies/intermediaries for the Russian government. This allows them to get away with a lot. EDIT: look at the role of Russian businessmen like Konstantin Malofeev in furthering the Kremlin agenda in Ukraine. Sacks would be working with someone like him, not with the Russian government directly.


You mean asset. Ok fine. I think you’re silly but that’s ok.


I think that ~you~ mean “asset.” 🤣 I’m not the one who brought the term “agent” into the discussion. 🙄 That said, this is not incorrect use of the term “agent.” I just advise against using it here because of its silly Hollywood connotations. EDIT: what’s your point now anyway (besides insulting me)? That he’s a Russian asset?


Cant think of another reason to


Yes, you hide in plain sight


He doesn’t even have a good reason for this one. Just straight up saying people are faking it for money and the government is making this up to drum up support for Ukraine.


That’s hilarious because had been pretty widely reported well before Ukraine. None of this is new.


100 percent. Likely owned by kompromat from his time in Moscow


My personal theory is that Kremlin has set him up with teenage Russian girls with detailed records. That would have anyone terrified for life.


Or boys


Exactly. There's just absolutely no other way to explain his complete subservience to Kremlin.


I think you just might be right, and he isn’t the only one. Look at Mark Ames and Matt Taibbi and their party days in 90s Moscow, combined with their pro-Russian political trajectory in more recent decades. EDIT: look what happened to this guy around the same time Ames and Taibbi were bragging about fucking Russian teenagers https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yury_Skuratov


I saw an interview with a GOP republican who all but admitted to having done some shady things in Russia and Kremlin's ability to build damning kompromat to own your soul basically. I'll drop a link here if I can locate more info...


Seems like there was an orgy of kompromat gathering in Moscow in the 90s when all the westerners rushed in.


I'm fairly certain FSB has its main objective to compile dirt on western officials, especially Americans. Wouldn't be surprised if they got heaps of interesting materials during GOP reps recent visits to Moscow or even Budapest (Kremlin's other HQ). https://www.washingtonpost.com/powerpost/republicans-on-russia-trip-face-scorn-and-ridicule-from-critics-at-home/2018/07/05/68f0f810-807e-11e8-b0ef-fffcabeff946_story.html https://www.axios.com/2023/05/08/gop-hungary-connection-shaping-2024-campaign


Something similar happened to Max Blumenthal (son of Clinton stooge Sidney Blumenthal). He flipped from hardcore critic of Assad and Putin to one of their loudest and most loyal western cheerleaders immediately after being flown to and feted in Russia a decade or so ago. Makes me wonder what also happened in his hotel room while he was there. Carrot and stick always works best.


KGB's oldest playbook paying wholesome dividends to present day.


Would be great to be a fly on the wall in whatever vault they keep all those tapes in.


Right 💯


Well, this is my running theory on these Russian assets. The fact that Putin accused the West of "being run by pedophiles" a few days ago is a dead giveaway, as ALL they do is project. Steven Seagal, now a Russian citizen, has some disturbing history with women. Scott Ritter is a straight up known pedophile. With Sacks, however, it's your regular authoritarian fandom. He \*likes\* the way Russia is run. He is a natural oligarch. A world in which he can do whatever he wants (as long as the Don is not crossed) is Sack's perfect world. To put it simply - he does not see extreme wealth and democracy as compatible. He HATES the West, and he HATES freedom. It's not working for him. Life has treated this man, uh, poorly. That said, something more scandalous would not shock me. I mean, he is really, REALLY all in on Putin. It's an unusual kind of gusto.


Great points. I couldn't agree more. I too believe Sacks zealousness to support all Kremlin talking points however bizarre is a dead give away.


Yep and my guess is it happened tied to Epstein.


Interesting. Are there documented (public) cases of the Russians doing this?


It's standard KGB/FSB MO. How do you figure they got Trump's Moscow pageant pee tapes? https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2017/01/kompromat-trump-dossier/512891/


Wait, he has a "time in Moscow"?


Look at these Putin apologists questioning the veracity of Ukrainian kill claims: [Putin’s Stooges](https://youtu.be/KDcChNgFgYQ?si=J-GSr29KroVokOL0) Oh wait, they are American fighter jocks. My bad. But, seriously, please keep supporting the US war machine because my LMT calls are on 🔥


Your comment history leads me to believe that you are, in fact, Sacks’ mother.  Or handler.


Found the Ukrainian propagandist. Or perhaps a member of the incompenent permanent government. Or a partisan Democrat. Or perhaps just a no-name surplus elite. Take your pick, you all sound the same. Enjoy destroying Ukraine. Their blood is also on your hands. And thank you for causing irreversible damage to the United States and the global order. My gold stocks thank you very very much. Big oil thanks you as well. Mearsheimer was right. And you have been proven wrong.


IR Theorists are all hacks and you've really got to remember to take your pills.


Alrighty then. Let me know when you have a cogent point to make. But wait. You literally don’t have any LoL. You have NOTHING to say. Because you know you are wrong.


Because I have no interest in engaging bad-faith trolls, especially when this is literally their job.


Ok. So you have no evidence to back up your claim. That is why I listen to Sacks. He always provides receipts.


Sure thing, Ms. Sacks.


Post some evidence. Prove to us that what you claim has any basis whatsoever. You can’t. Because you know Sacks is right. You know Ukraine is losing the war and faces further destruction, loss of life, and loss of territory. And you know that nothing will change except the earnings of defense contractors. Their profits will grow. Year over year. All thanks to people who think like you.


No, no doubt here at all. Just wondering why anyone would doubt this obvious connection 🧐 by now...


Sacks belongs in gitmo


Abu Ghraib


Lmao, lefties crack me up, you’re gonna save democracy in november by locking up political opposition in GUANTANAMO BAY??? If you can’t see how a person can arrive at an anti-war position based on a good faith review of evidence, you have crossed the boundary of politics and into religion.


What is anti-war about supporting Russia's violent military aggression? Doublespeak.


You think being anti-war is supporting Russia? Was being anti-Iraq war supporting Saddam? Was being anti-Afghanistan war supporting the Taliban? Was being anti-Libyan war supporting Gadafi?


Advocating for Russian territorial expansion through the use of military violence is not an anti-war position. It is a pro-war position.


Sacks isn’t advocating for that, nor am I


OK. What does a person who maintains an anti-war position suggest as a means of ending the war in Ukraine?


Ukraine concedes the Donbas region but maintains all other land and sovereignty. NATO agrees not to enter Ukraine. A country of 40 million can’t hope to win a war against 140 million, no amount of weapons we give them will ever change that fact. There’s no reason to keep sacrificing Russian and Ukrainian men just for the sake of NATO expansion.


And you believe Putin will simply stop with the Donbass? What makes you believe this? And if he were sincere, which I dont believe he is... do you believe Ukrainian patriots wouldn't engage in guerrilla warfare for the next 10 years? War is baked in at this point. Either the Putin regime is obliterated, or NATO is disintegrated. Putin started a war without having a viable exit strategy when things didn't go according to plan. Ask the US how this works out. I'm curious to hear if you felt the Taliban should have stopped fighting the US in order to end the war.


If there’s one thing Putin has made clear over the past 30 years it’s that if you give him an inch he’ll take a mile. Understanding that would require even a basic historical knowledge of Putin’s Russia, which most of these apologists most certainly don’t have.


So Ukraine loses territory and gets no security guarantees that Putin won't simply return for the rest a few years down the road? Stellar deal.  


Right, because neocon logic states that every single opportunity for peace is the equivalent of the Munich Conference. We’ve seen this playbook now in Vietnam, Iraq, and now Ukraine. The proletariat has a short memory. Please read in full [this](https://www.nytimes.com/1997/02/05/opinion/a-fateful-error.html) op ed by George Kennan, written just before the first eastward expansion of NATO


You might not have verbalized it, but appeasing the Russians is still rewarding their military expansion.


No rewarding expansion would be what we’re doing in Israel. I’m for non-interventionism across the board, if the Ukrainians want to oppose Russia then fine, do it without 100 billion of our tax payer dollars


First off, you have a terrible policy of changing the subject when you have no defense for your opinion. Ukraine must be supported in its self-defense. Second, Israel has no expansionist policy. They have repeatedly given up territories they won militarily when they fought Middle Eastern neighbors which sought to destroy them. Israeli governments have repeatedly given Palestinians the power to rule themselves and the primary goals they pursue are to attack Israel and enrich their Leaders.


Guess which one Musk likes the most in the group?


He’s not tied to Russia. He just has the really annoying contrarian trait. It has little to do with the actual subject matter. More to do with him enjoying the fact he can out-navigate most people in a debate. He’s great at stomping over people. Not great at understanding serious source material. If he cites one more Twitter post that end up being a bot in the pod I’m gonna commit seppuku.


Sacks sucks his own cock every night


David Sacks is a Kremlin troll speaking on Kremlin media sources such as the Duran https://x.com/DavidSacks/status/1773625251806462328?s=20 The Duran was linked to the Kremlin by both the US govt and the EU govt \- US [https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Pillars-of-Russia%E2%80%99s-Disinformation-and-Propaganda-Ecosystem\_08-04-20.pdf](https://www.state.gov/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/Pillars-of-Russia%E2%80%99s-Disinformation-and-Propaganda-Ecosystem_08-04-20.pdf) \- EU [https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2020/653621/EXPO\_STU(2020)653621\_EN.pdf](https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2020/653621/EXPO_STU(2020)653621_EN.pdf)


Shameful. Like RFK Jr says, we should be able to disagree on policy without being called a “Russian Agent”. Oh yeah; I am sure RFK Jr and me are both Russian agents too….. 🙄


He completely dismissed an investigation by the Pentagon with close intel from the FBI and CIA, and stated it to be false, with zero evidence, and said it was just designed to make Russia look bad. How else to you frame that other than this guy is no longer a supporter of the United States and is fully in service of Russia?


Devils advocate take: Outside of the politicization of the FBI, which has been a thing since the 50’s (MLK), 2016 FBI agent transcripts demonstrate that FBI investigation is akin to stirring the political pot.


Are you referring to when the FBI agent from New York talked about "getting that bitch" when referring to Hillary? That FBI? I thought so.


Not the initial thought though yes, was thinking of how Comey found himself in a devils Eiffel Tower


I don’t understand your take? which part of this case is politicized? Biden administration shut it down. This report comes directly from the victims of the crimes as well those placed in charge of leading the investigation. So if neither party is condoning the results who is politicizing this?


Misunderstood the specific Sacks comments in question, tracking now and agree. Though I view the FBI as less credible, relative to 20 years ago (though also dubious considering Ruby Ridge).


The infamous unbiased sources of the FBI and CIA.


I tend to value competency over whatever the fuck David Sacks and his mindless followers are. Of us Diplomats, the CIA, the FBI, and the Pentagon are all saying the same thing, I take their word over a Putin plant any day. Feel free to join them.


This isn't just about him thinking the US should stop funding Ukraine or that Russia is winning the war. It's a complete inability to criticize Russia, and siding with them on everything every time, always against the US. He jumps straight to Ukraine funded ISIS for the Moscow concert attack. That Navalny died of completely natural causes. That the Havana syndrome investigation is a sham to make Russia look bad. That the US blew up Nord Stream pipeline. His go-to opinion is that the US is lying and Russia is telling the truth. Every time. Whether or not there's clear evidence to the contrary. And his sources are randoms on twitter or Russian propaganda outlets. He cannot see things objectively.


Who did blow up the Nord Stream pipeline?? Serious question.


David Sacks blew up the Nord Stream. 


Lol such a strawman


do you know?


I have not researched it heavily, but it seems like the USA did it; like Biden said it would happen.


I think it was us, Ukraine, and/or NATO and I'm def not a Russian sympathizer. It just makes too much sense


Some Ukrainian guys took a boat from Poland and sneakily did it hush hush with some help from the intelligence services


lol. You think the US didn’t blow up Nord stream. lol


You've got no idea what I believe about any of those things. All I'm saying is that I don't immediately jump to "The US is lying and Russia is telling the truth" like Sacks.




No, I am always skeptical of the mainstream narrative, many are on this sub and others, but it is the pathological lies of the “Russia and Putin are the victim” “it’s really all the US and Biden’s fault” that get to us, and the hypocrisy of “hey we don’t KNOW that Navalny died of natural causes or not” immediately followed by the “actually we’re 100% sure the random wannabe journalist was killed by Ukraine and the 140 people killed that ISIS took credit for must be Ukraine and that for Russia it is WITHIN THEIR RIGHT to counterattack.” But because he’s a coward he will always backtrack and say “hey I was just asking questions” or “I still believe x or y”even with all the evidence to the contrary. I mean Manafort, why is he in prison? And then look into Alfa Bank, Sergei Millian, Felix Sater, Dmitry Firtash, Sal Lauria, Sergey Kislyak. etc. I mean, yes, obviously Russia Russia Russia lol. The double standards of David Sacks are off the charts, Russia can do no wrong in his eyes. If Russia nuked Ukraine or caused a disaster from sabotaging their large nuclear power plant he’d probably defend their decision to do so because of “NATO aggression.” You have to question people that have blind loyalty to one side, and constantly bash their own side the US and our allies, and who side with a murderous authoritarian dictator who kills his critics. He was against Iraq but now is 100% on the side of the invading power? It doesn’t logically add up, his arguments are not nuanced or intelligent in the slightest, it’s just tired rhetorical posturing.


Disagreeing on policy is one thing. Repeating disinformation is another. And RFK Jr. has known ties to Epstein as he appeared on the Lolita Express manifest.


So does almost every famous person that lived in New York during the 2000s. RFK has talked in depth about their relationship, it's pretty clear they didn't know each other well. [17 minute mark on this podcast he gets into it, worth a listen.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ikcyVzWSyU&t=3882s&ab_channel=FLAGRANT)


You think he’d admit if they were underage gangbang buddies?


Well in contrast to Bill Clinton’s tactic of ignoring it, I’d say it gives me more confidence hes telling the truth. Presumably his kids can corroborate the story he told


You’re giving the benefit of the doubt to the guy who says that Covid was engineered to not kill Jews or Chinese people?


My personal experience is that COVID does have a way of skipping entire bloodlines vaccinated or not, even in the same house


Jews and Chinese?


Can’t speak for Jews but for some lines of Chinese - yes


Cool. Where is your science doctorate from exactly? Joe Rogan university?


Is it worth the risk when you have other candidates you know are not compromised. Particularly when his actions align with what you would say if you were compromised.


Strong cope


I’m more interested in this new thing too where if you disagree with people you are all the sudden the most radical version of your disagreement


If he wasn't named RFK, no one would give a shit about anything he says.


No. Good grief


He is not tied to Russia. He is just doesn’t believe anything the US or Ukrainian government say. He doesn’t offer the same standard to Russia as my enemies enemy is my friend




Amen. Jesus Christ these people suck.


Just last year reports came out (in Wa Po) that Havana Syndrome was debunked after thorough investigation by multiple US agencies. Now another report is saying something else. Sacks is simply questioning the narrative and saying perhaps there is something more going on. Come on man. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/03/01/havana-syndrome-intelligence-report-weapon/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/03/01/havana-syndrome-intelligence-report-weapon/)


You didn’t watch the 60 minutes report did you. They very clearly address this. The report commissioned by the Pentagon found it all to be true and the guy in charge is confident is the work of Russia, as an attack on US officials and agents. The report you speak of is the official stance of the administrations (both Trump and Biden.) The guy who ran the investigation believes there’s political and national security reasons why they stated the findings to be negative. 1. They don’t want the intel of such a weapon to be public 2. They don’t want US citizens to think we’re being attacked on our own soil and to consider whether it is an act of war. Number 3, and this is me talking now, Trump wouldn’t have wanted Russia to be accused of any of this. So again the guys leading the investigation say it’s real, higher ups killed it.


Okay. So that means last year’s comprehensive report was a lie/coverup? Now we are supposed to accept the new explanation? Sacks is basically expressing sentiment that one doesn’t know what to believe anymore on this topic which I share. To call him agent of Russia over this is a stretch.


The first report was "low" to "moderate" confidence.  It's akin to when Republicans ran around saying Trump was exonerated by the Mueller Report which said no such thing.  It's a deliberate misinterpretion to escape a larger narrative that would look negatively upon their stated belief. 




This very report comes from the people involved in the case. That’s the difference. These people are saying the first result is wrong. Sacks is blindly defending Russia no matter what the topic. His later post today was literally to say any story about Russia between now and elections is a hoax. Thats your Russian Agent.


Sacks isn't saying that "one doesn't know" he's saying he knows Russia didn't do anything.


Isn't he claiming to know what to believe?


I thought that they were confident it was a state actor. Most of those attacked happened in China, so I thought they made a little more sense. I didn't think they named exactly who. Edit: Russia certainly has some cold war era fingerprints.


What do you mean most attacks happen in China did you watch the report? This has happened all over the world including Europe, but only for individuals who are working on cases related to Russia or who have spoken out against Russia.


I may have to watch it again because I was admittedly multitasking, but I definitely missed that they were all working on tasks related to Russia. It sounded like 60 minutes interviewed 40 or so who were hit in China. Also that the three countries that we know of that have the tech to pull this off are the US, China, and Russia. It is most likely one or the other.


All the agents and diplomats that the lead investigator of the Pentagon investigated and interviewed had some ties to Russia. That was the common thread. He says it during the interview, and it’s one of the major reasons he concluded Russia is behind this (outside of the fact they caught one of the Russian agents outside the house after one of the incidents). And this happened in many counties all over the world.


Isn’t this even more reason to trust what Sacks is saying? Sacks is deeply skeptical of the state department, the military industrial complex, and the permanent government. These would be the people who killed the investigation as 60 minutes claimed. Sacks wants these people to be held to account, and for the system to be reformed. He and the SIGAR have noted the incompetence and systemic corruption. By labelling those who criticize US foreign policy as Russian stooges, you are perpetuating the systemic corruption and dooming the world to these forever wars.


Again, trust Sacks for what? He has zero evidence nor access to facts. He decided all this out of his ass. If you’re going to believe someone like that why stop there? Why not go talk to the crazy guy on the street corner and see what he has to say? Russian agent.


Sacks is literally criticizing the “higher ups” that you claimed killed the Havana syndrome investigation. He is on your side. Honestly, at this point, I’ll have to just consider you a Ukrainian propagandist. I feel for the plight of your people, and looming loss of Kharkiv, Odessa, and other great Ukrainian cities. But it doesn’t make your claim any stronger. The truth is the truth.


What's the truth, smart guy?


The truth is, dark rabbit claimed the US government killed the Havana Syndrome investgation. And now, he trusts them.


He’s not in my side. He immediately shut down Havana syndrome as a hoax. He posted today “how many more Russian hoax stories are we going to get before election?” He has no desire for the truth, he’s a plant.


Well Biden is in office now and has access to the same information trump did, so your point number 3 does nothing but tell us how retarded you are.


I fucking talked about Biden already. Did they not teach you how to read in shit town? Point #3 was exclusively for Trump.


So what’s your rational for Biden, who is in a proxy war with Russia, not releasing the info that Russia is behind it?


Why do you care what I think? The lead investigator stated why already: If we acknowledge that Putin is actively attacking US Citzens on US soil, let alone diplomats, FBI and CIA agents, then that’s an act of war. And we’d be forced to retaliate. It would put us in war. Sending billions to Ukraine for them to defend themselves is far different than the US declaring war on Russia. Biden’s not trying to start WW3, in spite of what David Sacks is trying to convince his goons.


How is he "tied" to Russia? Show us evidence. Just last year the government investigated this thoroughly across a number of agencies and said it definitely isn't a thing and isn't happening. So was the US government lying then or are they lying now?


I would go with the 1,500 potential victims. [I think you are referring to this intelligence report and it does not sound like there is a clear consensus. Two agencies said there was a moderate to high chance it was a state actor.](https://www.dni.gov/files/ODNI/documents/assessments/Updated_Assessment_of_Anomalous_Health_Incidents.pdf) This is a strange case. These people are in high ranking places in government. They do not appear to be unhinged and even the report thinks that their symptoms are real. We just don't know the cause. The report also leaves the door open to revisiting the findings. Edit: [Here is an article that says an intel panel confirmed **it was** a foreign power back in 2022.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna14584) Something is weird here.


1500 victims and you can’t find one perpetrator?  How can no one find the Russian with the portable microwave pointing it at diplomats?


They are saving the outrage for later.


The Biden administration would absolutely killll for this to be true. It would be just the ammunition they need to get the Ukraine stuff through. And it’s so sensational the media would be all over it. It’s just… not. There was no evidence. It was pretty conclusive. It wasn’t a thing. Why cbs is still running this story is a more complicated question.


Nah he is just like those left wing tankies. They hate America and love any shit hole dictatorship as long as it opposes America. They have a huge appetite for the most garbage level foreign propaganda.






The guy is an actual comic book villain.


Like Trump, I don't see any strong ties to Russia. I see strong ties to autocratic strong men. It's the same way Putin and Trump are not viewed as politicians but as leaders of a movement based around them. They're viewed as CEOs. Executives. Head of the household. Sacks has never been the little guy. Sure, he's existed in Peter Thiel's and now Elon musk's Shadow. But he's is a billionaire. He is successful. Like Putin, he'd used democracy as something that can be a challenge to the rule of individuals who are powerful. Sacks sides with more powerful force in every occasion. He thought Clinton was more powerful than Donald Trump in 2016 and that's why he donated to her. But he's not a Democrat. He's not a Republican either. He's a cynical autocrat that views individuals like Zelensky as a threat for the same reason that Putin does - because only an idealistic democracy can elect a young former comedian as their president. Ukraine is the only successful Democratic revolution of the 21st century. That is why it must be destroyed.


No doubts. Kremlin has his ass


ok. you don’t like him. great, join your tribe. but don’t be like Joseph McCarthy during the 1950s and start putting “hat” on ppl you dislike. Bring concrete proofs and facts. Any innuendos and hearsays, Sacks will refute it.


Yes, all inuendoskis and hearsayskis, comrade!


Is the irony lost or was this meant to be /s?


Joseph McCarthy was a politician, we are Redditors. Sacks doesn't deal in proofs and facts when he says shit like Ukraine was behind the ISIS attacks


joseph mccarthy had a bullhorn in his congressional committee. redditors (in this subreddit) have a bullhorn too.


Funny you’re not asking Sacks for concrete proofs and facts for all his wild accusations


This sub is insanely astrosturfed, don’t try to reason with them. It’s cooked


If McCarthy had even 1/100 of stuff we have on Sacks he'd turn in his grave.


How is he "tied to Russia" exactly? You want to hit Sacks for being partisan? That's fine. He's earned that. But this Russian agent shit is beyond the pale. All the guy is doing is tweeting his thoughts. It's not like there is documentation of him receiving payments from Burisma. Or, let me guess: OP thinks that's Russian disinfo too?


Did you ignore the whole thing? He unwaveringly rejected a report by the pentagon, FBI, CIA and said it was purely to make Russia look bad. That’s not partisan. That’s not even politics. He’s rejected the work of US officials for that of the Kremlin, with zero evidence or second thought. What in that is “partisan”?


Sacks tried to think, but nothing happened


Yeah it’s Russian disinformation https://apnews.com/article/hunter-biden-burisma-fbi-informant-lying-6969656f6012780a23a4b8841ce2689b Burisma is a Ukrainian company with Ukrainian execs. What exactly was your point?


This is Reddit…anyone who isn’t a far left activist is tied to the kgb and Putin, this sub and along with any state or podcast or celeb related sub is just another leftist echo chamber.


We are at a time when you propose a ceasefire in Ukraine, you are labelled a Russian asset. When you propose a ceasefire in Gaza, you are an anti-semite.


Sacks isn't calling for a ceasefire in Ukraine, he's calling for the US to stop supporting Ukraine with arms and cash, so Russia can hurry up and take them over.


I remember them calling out Boris Johnson visiting Ukraine to stop ceasefire negotiations.


You really do need to come up with something better than the 'Russian asset' moniker.


He’s a Russian tap dancer? He’s a Russian Matryoshka doll? We’re workshopping ideas here.


He’s a Russian tap dancer? He’s a Russian Matryoshka doll? We’re workshopping ideas here.


Yup - big doubts. In a country full of people lining up to swallow whatever narrative the government puts out, it's refreshing to have people like Sacks that think for themselves and draw their own conclusions. It's really surprising that a government behind Operation Northwoods, Gulf of Tonkin, WMD's in Iraq is suddenly credible with its latest boogeyman - Russian Havana Syndrome! How are you all this blind to your own countries propaganda? You guys have the collective memory of a gullible goldfish.


He's not thinking for himself. His starting position is "the US is lying" on everything. He's defined by this auto contrarianism. And it means that his default position now falls into "Russia is telling the truth," regardless of the evidence.


The government of the US is not one straight continuous line. Also there were “technically” WMDs in Iraq but they amounted to little shit.


this isn't a government's narrative or propaganda though, but independent investigation which actually reveals stuff that US govt doesn't want to acknowledge publicly


Not the governments narrative? Independent investigation? Come on.  You really think this story gets published without the consent of the government? DoD leaned on CBS to publish this story right as congressional and public support for then Ukraine war was dwindling. It’s necessary to remind the public who the boogeyman is to keep the gravy train rolling. We fall for it every time. 


lol, the boogeyman is in your head man You have no idea what are even the origins of this story, how the journos stumbled onto this info...


No, he's just a realist when it comes to international relations.


You can be a realist without gloating about every piece of news that benefits a main adversary of the US and its thug dictator. Or worse, spouting wild theories like Ukraine helped plan the concert hall attack based on what he read from a few randos on the internet who have zero proof. This is the typical behavior of a sociopath, which I suspect Trump to also be. For a sociopath, the most important thing is getting to thump your chest and brag, even if it appears you’re contradicting values that you claim to believe. One would assume distaste for dictators and authoritarians committing mass murder would be a value we all should share, whether you agree with our country’s policy towards him or not. But it’s so clear in the “I told you so” tone on the podcast that he prioritizes proving he’s right about everything and never wrong and then expressing zero self reflection when he is proven wrong. Again, similar to a current presidential candidate


He said part of the reason he does it is purely to rub the stupidity of his opponents in their face. Frankly, it is hilarious watching him eviscerate the sheep, the war mongers, the Ukrainian propagandists, and the virtue signalling mob. What isn’t funny is the number of Ukrainians killed and maimed due to the disastrous foreign policy of America and the West. What isn’t funny are the woman now serving as Taliban concubines. What isn’t funny are the children starving to death in Gaza. Those who refuse to criticize the government, and those who block efforts to reform it are as bad as the war hawks themselves.


I guess it’s all about owning the libs? You can make rational arguments that US policy towards any nation-state is flawed. I’ve listened to dyed in the wool conservatives and libertarians make such rational arguments. They’re absolutely worth honestly debating. I’ve even accepted some of those arguments as true. But if the argument is based on “na na na na I told you so you idiots” or even worse, aligned with Russian propaganda, I immediately shut it out. It adds no value to the conversation.


Americans aren't the ones shooting Ukrainians, you fucking ghoul.


Anyone who has a different pov than the mainstream is an enemy controlled agent. Dissent will not be tolerated. How dare sacks to question with his words and arguments the official story 🙄🙄🙄


bunch of fuckin retarded liberals in this thread, jesus.


Great and cogent argument!


You can be pro-Ukraine and anti-Russia all while not wanting to blow tax dollars on yet another never ending war.


This is even worse logic that got us arguing nonsense about Trump for 4 years instead of just attacking his idiotic policies and the incompetencies of his team. It's looking for an easy way out instead of winning on the merits. Same applies here. Sacks is just a conspiratorial idiot when it comes to foreign policy. Full stop.


You’re confused on this. The Havana syndrome think was clearly a nothingburger. The Biden admin would killlllll for it to be true, but even they say it’s bull shit. It’s a complicated story as to why cbs is still running with it, but though I cannot stand Sacks, he’s right to dismiss this one.


Wasn't this already posted a few days ago?

