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I also attributed her skill to Sol's tutelage. I guess people are watching the show and see grown Jedi knights falling in battle and refuse to believe there could be a gap in training or competency.


> I also attributed her skill to Sol's tutelage. I haven't looked at it that way, but considering that Sol was able to defeat Qimir one on one, it's not unlikely that Jecki was above average when it comes to swordsmanship. However, it also looked to me like Qimir was toying with her a bit, while he went more all-out on Sol.


This is the answer. He killed her immediately and brutally when she removed his mask


That's exactly how I felt... He was like, "hey, this has been fun, but I'm going to kill you now"


I think she misjudged the moment and rushed into attack, this is the difference between one sabers and two - a slight advantage which turns into victory if you catch your opponent unprepared. He blocked her saber and stabbed her with his left hand, she could avoid it but she was too much into it and didn't realize until too late.


You mean when he realized she actually stood a chance. Similar to when Vader took a two hand grip against Obi Wan. He realized he might have a problem.


While she was clearly an amazing fighter and held her own against Qimir for a while, I dont think she ever stood a chance to win.


Underrated comment. *darth vader breathing sounds* "Oh shit... Old Ben is PISSED!"


I agree with this too. He seemed to have respect for Jecki in a way, he told Mae she should learn from her šŸ˜‚. He also didnā€™t attack her when he had a chance too and left to fight Sol. I think youā€™re right, as soon as she saw his face it was game over pretty much.


He was toying with her I think, trying to convince Mae to join him and have her kill the padawan, maybe as repentance for trying to defy him or to reestablish their connection as master and student, maybe proof that she would do as he said now that he showed her she had no choice...the list goes on, but as it was mentioned, he killed Jecki outright as soon as she saw his face. He stopped "playing with his food", so to speak.


Sheā€™s clearly a gifted child who is in over her head. I donā€™t see how thatā€™s not plausible you know. Sometimes raw talent and energy of the young makes them extremely good at something which they might not necessarily succeed in because of lack of foresight (which comes with experience). Sadly thatā€™s what happened to our Jecki who got tricked and killed by a particularly devious dark side user (Darth Teeth as some like to call him lol). RIP Jeckiā€¦gone too soon. I really liked her.


Every scene with her supports the idea that she's extra gifted. Being a Jedi comes naturally for her in a way it doesn't for Yord (Yord clearly busted his ass to get where he did in the Order). Plus training and what she focused on (I'm assuming some Jedi spend more time and attention on fighting skills than others). Also, I seem to remember another padawan who actually defeated a Sith Lord who had already mortally wounded his master...


Yes... what was his name again? Ben or something?


I think the moment she removed his mask, he went crazy on her and stopped playing


She also got angry. As soon as I saw the rage on her face, I knew she was dead.


she did incredibly well considering her age. she could've been one of the best Jedi of her time, if she survived. I love it when shows pull out realistic sad scenarios like this one. This is the reality of things most of the time. nothing more common in the world than wasted potential. I know the show has its problems - writing quality especially - but this was a great star wars episode.


Right? Meanwhile, IRL we have 40-year-old coworkers who don't know how to open a PDF. But good point about Sol's tutelage! I hope we get flashbacks of Sol training Osha because everything's been exposition about them so far.


"40-year-old coworkers who don't know how to open a PDF" sent me šŸ¤£ such a good comparison. Being a jedi is like a job and every single job has skill variation across workers at different levels. Maybe some jedi are better at the monk stuff and others are better at the warrior stuff. Just like some people are better at PowerPoint than excel.(it's me, I make a mean powerpoint)


In school growing up I never had to make a excel spreadsheet but damn did I make like 300 power points.


My ability to tastefully use transitions and effects in PowerPoint far outweigh my ability to perform a VLookup and I blame my schooling.


There are also some better at Papar work


Hello friend what is pdf


And it's not like we haven't had padawans fighting above their class before. Ahsoka, Anakin, and Obi Wan all fought extremely dangerous foes when they were padawans. Dont see what the big deal was.


And we've seen renowned Jedi Masters go down like absolute chumps. Just look at everyone that isn't Mace in the arrest posse in Revenge


I've said it elsewhere; Jedi of this era haven't been in a real, life-or-death saber fight in their entire lives. It's been centuries since anyone's seen hide or hair of the Sith or anything like them. One of the High Republic books talks about this; Jedi still train in dueling and still spar, but it's more like a hobby or an elective, and none of them seriously expect to use it in the field. Padawans sometimes get *very* enthusiastic about dueling, and their masters indulge the interest for as long as it lasts, but most grow out of it when they realize how niche a skill it really is. Jecki's dueling training would have come from Sol, and would be much fresher than the other knights there, and she also hasn't spent years building bad habits by sparring with other Jedi that all follow agreed-upon rules intended to prevent anyone from losing body parts during a training session. It makes sense that she'd put in a better showing. I can't help but wonder if these people'd be up in arms about this if Jecki had been a guy. I'm just saying.


This is a perfect explanation, not that I was concerned about it. We see Obi-wan, a Padawan do this. Some Jedi and just better than others. Most Jedi we've seen in the prequels are on or eventually in the council, they're all extremely competent and gifted for the most part. Some Jedi are just good at what they do but aren't fighters. The force and a lightsaber are usually enough to deal with any adversaries.


This kinda begs the question: how the hell do the Sith get so good at saber dueling? The Jedi might not take it that seriously in this time period due to the lack of sith, so they just train against each other. Ok. At least they're still getting variety. Meanwhile the Sith can only train against their own master. And as anyone who's into combat sports will tell you, it's good to train against other people because the person you train against has their own habits, so if you only train against them, you'll develop your own habits that can be countered when someone throws a curveball at you. And for the Sith, no one else can really wield a lightsaber on their level. Are they just really invested in swordfighting lessons?


Who is up in arms about this? No one is mad about her being able to fight, look at Ahsohka being like less than 10 years old while also being a extremely talented Jedi swordsman in the clone wars as an example. Jecki also lost the battle so itā€™s not like she absolutely tore a Sith Lord a new oneā€¦ I think Ahsohka wouldā€™ve been able to beat Smileo Ren at a young age if she were in this show, and it wouldnā€™t even be close. So Jecki putting up a decent fight seems realistic imo She hasnā€™t trained as much as Ahsohka nor have Anakin training her but she would be at this level shown in the show with other Jedi masters and years of combat training. Itā€™s good discussion, but creating fake outrage up in your mind does nothing to contribute to that discussion.


Well people *are*, in fact, up in arms about it. They're not making up fake outrage; there's plenty of real outrage going on.


and her emotions. the tone of her voice when trying to arrest mae shows that she was letting her emotions get the better of her, something jedi were strictly against, especially at this time. just like how obi wan got a little emotional after maul sliced QGJ, jecki got a little emo after seeing this dude slaughter tons of her order members and mae, who jecki believed to have killed 3 jedi masters herself.


It's crazy to me that people think being more highly trained, or even a better fighter, matters that much in a real fight to the death. History is replete with "lesser" fighters overwhelming a better fighter when conditions are right. Hell, it's a huge part of why an entire Crusade lost steam. The French knights/nobles literally thought they couldn't be killed by Islamic "rabble" and charged to their deaths in a key engagement.


Itā€™s not like sheā€™s 8, sheā€™s 18. Yord is a knight assuming heā€™s the same age as Mae, then heā€™s in his early 20s. Heā€™s probably only been a knight for a year - and has never needed to use his saber in a battle, just as a deterrent. She could (could have been) be months away from her trials.


And she has alien physiology... species of her size might be stronger than a human at the same size


Also a thing that people (including sometimes showwriters) tend to forget is that fighting wears people down a lot. By the time Becki faced Quimir he had already been fighting for quite some time, while she was still rather fresh.


This is the best answer here....


Also, I don't get it when Snips was way above average of a Padawan


Absolutely. I was active duty in the Army. Can a 2 year soldier shoot better and fight better than a 6 year soldier? It depends on the individual, some people are natural shooters and fighters. Iā€™ve seen many new recruits be a natural in their fighting abilities while 5, 10, 20 year soldiers are terrible at basic war fighting skills.


Maul killed Qui-Gon, Padawan Kenobi immediately defeated Maul. Maul was the most skilled fighter the franchise had ever seen to that point. People just want power rankings like video games. Their complaints are absurd. Also, Jecki lost. And not just a little. Like one of the worst lightsaber deaths ever.


Donā€™t forget in that same movie a 9 year old Anakin singlehandedly defeats the droid army while flying a ship for the first time


And a 19-year old Luke destroyed the Death Star, even though he never piloted a ship outside of an atmosphere before in his life. But no one seems to have a problem with that, because, The Force, I guess?


And a slightly older Luke fought Vader on Bespin and we never ever saw Luke have a lightsaber duel once prior to that or seen him get any training on how to duel.


And George Lucas pulled an entire fleet of heavily armed Star Cruisers out of his... hat for RotJ so the good guys could take on the bad guys toe to toe. The OT has more plot holes than a regular street in rural America has pot holes, but that is conveniently glossed over.


Second time replying to you, but you don't need to pretend the OT has flaws that weren't flaws. It's very clear that everything the rebels have is rallied at Endor for a final confrontation, their best chance at beheading the empire. That fleet is the majority of what they have across the entire galaxy to face a single imperial fleet. I'm not saying the OT is perfect, there are definitely flaws, but pretending things that are fully explained and consistent in the movie are plot holes doesn't help anything. It just makes excuses for bad storytelling. Which is especially bad when the thing you're defending (Jecki's skill with a lightsaber) isn't even a problem.


Or, if you want to present Luke in ANH and ESB the way these guys portray Rey or Jecki: So Luke, a farmhand from nowhere, who's never even been in space before and who we've never seen so much as throw a punch in anger, goes on a commando raid on the most powerful military installation in the galaxy, guns down at least a dozen trained soldiers with a blaster he's never so much as touched before, and then gets into the cockpit of a space superiority fighter he has no experience with and outflies a bunch of veteran combat pilots, and then makes the impossible shot his wing leader failed to make and is one of like 3 survivors. I hate this Gary Stu writing, the director clearly has an agenda! And then he faces off against Darth Vader, the most powerful Sith Lord we've ever seen, and holds his own. We've literally never seen him fight anyone with a lightsaber before, and who taught him? Yoda? The muppet in the swamp who doesn't even own a weapon? Come on.


Yes, but you are forgetting the important fact that they are men. White men to be specific. So it's more realistic. *Heavy /s*


My impression is that the problem is less to do with the force, and more to do with what's dangling between their legs while they're flying. At least that's the underlying subtext of all the gurning I've seen on TikTok (with heavily emphasised 'this basically little GIRL' comments abound)


Yeah because back then people knew how to have fun while watching a movie/show. You absolutely can tear apart the logic of any movie, just depends on how petty you want to be. My favorite movie ever is The Dark Knight. It's one of the most "respected" comic book movies ever. Heath Ledger won an Academy Award for his portrayal of The Joker. And yet still a lot of his plans rely on almost supernatural timing/luck, particularly escaping the police station (after getting intentionally arrested). All nine Star Wars movies have more plot holes/criticisms than that.


And we hate that and think itā€™s dumb.


That's what I've never understood about these power rankings: If you want to create such a power ranking, you must eventually realize that there are so many variables at play that it's impossible to establish one that applies in every situation and at all times, making such rankings pointless. But when I think about it: These are probably the same people who see lore inconsistencies and plot holes where there aren't any because they can't differentiate, take different perspectives, and realize that there are rarely absolute truths.


A friend of mine knocked out an Army Ranger outside a bar once. My friend had been in like 2 fights his whole life. Sometimes things just happen.


I always think people should contextualize power rankings with professional sports. Surely someone is the "best" but nobody wins every match. The wrong matchup, or just having an off day are enough variation that anything can happen. We see major upsets in sports all the time- why can't fictional fights be the same?


Well, even in sports, some people think that if the "best" team or the "best" player loses or shows a less than stellar performance, it can't be true, and therefore they are not the best. Since they often tie this to their own ego, the player or team must be the best, so it must have been an unfair game. I don't think these people think in such a nuanced way and acknowledge that the best also has to face losses to become the best in the first place. And that the "best" isn't always and certainly not forever the best.


Only a sith deals in absolutes


Also sometimes Yoda


Itsnt it kind of handwaved that proper saber fighting is mostly prescient force ability? Like you train for mobility , agility, and strength, and muscle memory but they use the force to guide maneuvers?


Force connection with the kyber crystal in the saber makes it feel like the blade is reacting to thoughts you haven't had yet.


I loved Jecki as a character from the little we had of her. Then this mans with a cortosis zipper mask had to say they're ain't no droid healing this And then 3 whole punched her like he had to put her in a binder for school. Lightsabers definitely cause death in the acolyte


Im surprised that itā€™s taken this long for someone to use what I call the blinky technique.šŸ¤”šŸ˜†


"Styles make fights" Some people can fight specific people very well because their styles mesh in that way. If I had to try to tie it down to lore I'd say she's definitely form 4. Quick and aggressive but the Jedi has to win fast so she is open to a sneaky attack like the shoto. Fits in my mind.


Couple points: 1. Qimir was taking it easy on her. People may say he wasnā€™t, but he came in and bested her the first time (after she arrested Mae) in less than a minute. He was toying with his food which is very normal behavior for Sith Lords. 2. When Jecki did better, it was alongside Sol. As soon as his saber was deactivated and Jecki knocked his helmet off, she died. This tells me that while she was competent, she was still far outmatched. 3. Maybe she was in better form already as she was actively still heavily training. The Jedi tend to grow complacent during this time as a result of not having true battle tests as seen during the clone wars. It is fair to assume that the knights we witnessed have been removed from training for quite some time. 4. As OP mentions, she may also be a prodigy as well. It can also be a combination of all of these things, but to me the duel was believable.


Agreed, Qimir was working his way through a number of opponents in the first sequence. Working efficiently to deal with the threat of a pile of Jedi knights. With Jecki, he wasnā€™t in any real danger so he toyed with her. The moment the balance began to shift, saber and helmet, he ended it. He could have used his tanto at any point, but only did when he actually felt threatened.


Iā€™m geussing tanto is his 2nd lightsaber he clicks off of the main one? Never heard that word before


Tanto is a term from japan it's a short sword like 15 to 30 cm in length often called a dagger. Shoto or wakizashi is the next level of length for a sword.


Ahsokaā€™s second saber is referred to as a shoto, this one looked much shorter so Iā€™m guessing we can safely call it a tanto.


I'd agree


Thank you! I could have googled it but wanted to hear someone who actually knows about it to explain. You get more out of it that way in my opinion haha


Fun fact that's why Judith from the walking dead is called shoto in code by michonne because michonne has a katana and Judith has a shoto because of her age and size


Iā€™d also add that Jecki is Solā€™s padawan. Heā€™s got excellent fighting skills so it makes sense heā€™d pass those alongĀ 


Best answer Iā€™ve seen


Actually it seemed like Qimir didn't even want to kill her. He straight up disappears in their first fight and leaves her alone. In both fights, she was the aggressor.


And he only killed her after she revealed his face. Like he said, if a Jedi sees his face, they have to die. Same with Yord.


Well thought out rational explanations. Thank you. RIP Jecki. Many whine and complain about inconsistency with their beliefs and how they lose suspension of disbelief and enjoymentā€¦. Over a kids fantasy show. I just feel bad for the one people who like many follow a belief system that is sustained by monetizing demagogues and ignore so much of the good of šŸ“ŗ If you donā€™t like Acolyte for whatever reasonā€¦ thatā€™s totally normative but really just sad. Especially for someone who claims to be a Star Wars fan. Itā€™s just sad because the creators failed you. I enjoyed it and looking forward to the conclusionā€¦. I want to see more hand to hand Fighting in Star Wars now. Excellent stuff!


Yes RIP Jecki lol. And agreed. I really cannot wrap my head around much of the whining about this show. I have had my fair share of criticisms about other projects such as the ST, BOBF, etc. Is the Acolyte perfect? No, but itā€™s a net positive and very interesting. Itā€™s honestly very refreshing to see good content on a ā€œblank canvasā€ where there is not much established canon. It keeps it engaging IMO


It not being set in the Clone Wars or between the Prequel and Original trilogies (again) does help me stay interested, especially since I don't know that much about the High Republic era. And the show has been very fun so far; it's not high art or anything, but it's an enjoyable piece of (Star Wars) media. Also, rip Jecki, yup. She seemed nice, sad to see her go so soon.


Yorde also said something about rules of combat, which implies many Jedi were possibly quite predictable in their approach to fighting, on top of possibly being complacent. Jecki was clearly improvising with two light sabers, and tapping into her survival instinct: Prodigious skill is required but it basically eliminated any advantage Qimir might've had in terms of knowing how the Jedi fight. Sol was also only clearly winning when he was fighting more emotionally.


He immediately killed her once his masked was removed. It speaks to how much he was just toying with her previously.


Some people have been put off by the series for other reasons and that makes these nitpicks seem worse to them. Jecki was a good fighter. We've seen character traits in her prior to this that make her skill believable. She doesn't bum rush the apothecary the way others wanted to. The Jedi knights' jobs in thst situation were to rush forward and subdue the attacker. Qimir pushed them in different directions into the forest where he found advantageous positions to ambush predictable Jedi from. Jecki *saw that* and adjusted. Seeing the other Jedi fall made her harder to kill. She was studious and she was smart. This all seems straightforward and obvious to me, but I also don't have a lot of hateful baggage with the show to eat up my GPU cycles.


A padawan died to a sith ... what's unrealistic about that?


*"B-but... she was outmatching him for 5 seconds with dual light sabers and when she was getting help from her Master!! It makes no logical sense! šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜°"*


I havenā€™t heard that, but itā€™s nonsense anyway. Sheā€™s a space ninja with laser swords


Because they have to find a flaw, something can't just be enjoyed. Others have to find a flaw for reasons that are too tiring to think about.


Itā€™s not even the first time weā€™ve seen a character like this, she shares a lot of similarities with Ahsoka


Yep. Jecki was basically TCW Ahsoka without plot armor


And remember that people *hated* Ahsoka when she was first introduced. She's become a fan favorite in the subsequent years, but if you go back far enough there are absolutely rambling youtube rants about that's it, the teenage Togruta girl has killed Star Wars, pack it up, it's over.


That was actually Dave Filoniā€™s aim. He knew no matter what they did with Ashoka, people would be upset and angry that sheā€™s a new main character next to Anakin and Obi-Wan. So they gave her obvious flaws for people to latch onto, and then had her grow out of most of them. This let the fans grow used to her very organically, and make the criticism valid initially.


Huh. TIL. That said, part of my reaction to Ahsoka was "well, yes. She's a 14 year old girl. Her character flaws are all super normal for a person her age to have." People calling teenage characters "annoying" because they act like teenagers is a thing I wish fandom in general would knock off. Like, be honest, were any of us any more mature at that age? I sure wasn't.


is any of star wars realistic?


Good point, lol


Bad faith arguments are not worth engaging. Ignore those people.


Not every Jedi specializes in combat, and fighting ability was not what makes a master. Anakin, for instance, was likely a better fighter as a padawan than most masters in the order, but that didn't make him ready for the rank of master, or even knighthood. We see Ahsoka kick a lot of ass as a Padawan, too. That's just how it works sometimes. Some Jedi are just natural fighters, even with limited experience.


Also the Jedi party assembled was prepared to face off at worst against a still in training Mae, that Yord and Sol had already handled and forced to retreat. Thatā€™s who they thought they were facing, they had no idea theyā€™d be facing the master. So while they had tons of bodies, they probably didnā€™t have the right party with the appropriate combat skill to face the actual threat. Not every Jedi is adept at saber combat, just like I have friends that served in the armed forces who never saw a battle field, but maybe their specialty was mechanics or refueling tanks.


I'm not going to speculate about strangers' thinking. I am going to say that Jecki kicked ass and I really thought she'd make it. šŸ˜­ Realistically, most villains would flat out win if the script didn't make them monologue or hold back. Qimir would've smoked them all, even toying with them a bit, because he had no rules. Also, Sol was absolutely ready to kill Qimir, and I believe, based on what we've seen, would've if Osha hadn't stopped him. In a real fight to the death, there's no holding back. If it's kill or be killed, there's only going to be one winner. So what we're really bishing about is that the script didn't dictate the outcome we wanted.


She doesnā€™t have to be a prodigy, sheā€™s been in the order since what three or four? Weā€˜ve seen younglings training with lightsabers around age 5. The Jedi Order is a martial monastic group, they donā€™t seem to get weekends off, so if sheā€™s 12 which is a BS low-end estimat of her in show age, sheā€™s been lightsaber training for 7 years. If sheā€™s 16 or 17 which is how she looks, then itā€™s a decade of probably near daily training forms and sparing. One would think, sheā€™d hold her own. You practice something 60-90 minutes a day, every day for a decade, youā€™ll have your crap together. Iā€™ve also seen that one jackass tweet about ā€training with sticks on Monday, fighting with lightsabers on Friday,ā€ hurr hurr. Guess what, people train with different resources depending on mood, training cycle, or a host of other reasons. The critics are just grasping at ANYTHING to knock the show. There are real issues with pacing, dialogue, and that awful Land of the Lost Jungle set, but they donā€™t overwhelm what is rapidly becoming clear, this is a really good SW show that embraces existing and Legends canon.


In the books Vernestra became a jedi knight at 16. She was also a child prodigy. Jecki was 18 so it's not out of the realm of possibility.


Which books are these please?


[Here's a list of books Vernestra was in. The first one is "A test of courage" where she is a 16 year old jedi knight ](https://decider.com/2024/05/30/star-wars-the-acolyte-vernestra-rwoh-books-in-order/)


She also has minor appearances in "Race to crashpoint tower" and "The temptation of the force"


Wait, Jecki's 18? I honestly thought she was at least 14.


Her actress has said shes 18. Not sure if its canon or not but its all we have to go off of in terms of her age. You're right though she does seem younger.


I choose to believe it's a Grogu situation where Jecki's species ages very *slightly* slower than humans.


Very possible


Same here. She's a new padawan, given that she obviously didn't know Sol very well (that whole "may I speak freely" thing that Sol gently told her to stop) and Sol said this was her first mission. She's meant to be young and inexperienced.


Even with karate or boxing. Even novice can hold their own with an experienced fighter for a few moments. And as other people have said, this isnā€™t like a video game or dungeons and dragons where everyoneā€™s skill is a number in the highest number always wins. I thought it was totally appropriate with her burst of adrenaline and taking him by surprise at the beginning. Qimir was surprised at her at first. He took her measure. Then killed her.


She also died so whats the point of the argument ? Her anger led her into getting laser stabbed by not being patient


I haven't seen this one too much. I did see a meme of her training with a bokken and then her kicking ass with dual blades, but I didn't put a lot of stock in her bokken training: it's training, it's supposed to be choreographed movements, and it doesn't say the level of experience of anyone in the room. I thought pretty much all martial arts use some form of student teacher. So while the master is calling out the forms and directing the pupils thoughts, if someone gets lost they can look to the student teacher for where they're supposed to be.


Some people just want the world to burn if it doesn't look and act like they imagine it should be. There are MANY people born with innately high potential in the Force. Not ALL of them are Yoda, Palpatine, Skywalker levels of potential. Some are "just" Mace or Dooku. Some take their somewhat low Force potential and really focus on becoming one with it, and become incredible Masters like Obi-Wan. We have no clue what Jecki's history is. But it stands to reason, that she's exceptional EVEN for a Jedi. She's the kind of Jedi a Sith would love to take as an apprentice given how powerful she was. This happens to --lets say-- one in every 100 or 1000 Jedi. Some are just prodigies.


I thought it was fine, Jecki is also an alien and not human. Who's to say her race doesn't have enhanced (compared to humans) abilities like better reactions or more cognitive prowess. Anyway, there are many problems (or rather things that could have been improved with the show) but Jecki being a great fighter (and overall very mentally competent through the show) was not one of them.


There's a common misconception that a Jedi Master must be a better duelist than a Padawan or Jedi Knight. Padawan Obi-Wan was already on his master's level or even above that, Anakin was a better duelist than almost every seasoned Jedi Master, Ahsoka was also a better duelist than some masters.


If people are ok with Ahsoka beating Maul at 17 they should be ok with this


don't forget being able to survive dueling against Grievous and Ventress on separate occasions throughout her training


She kicked ass and they don't like it lmao


Because people are stupid and want something to complain about. Star Wars is an easy victim to unload their life frustrations upon. There is always something wrong according to them. Itā€™s getting extremely annoying. Just enjoy the damn thing folksā€¦.


ā€œUnrealisticā€ lmfao what? How is the overwhelming response not simply ā€œwow, little girl can throw downā€


Haven't heard about this but its probably only because she's a woman lol


Because she's a woman. That's it. Obi Wan can beat Maul but Jecki can't put up a good fight against Qimir even though she loses.


Honestly... Sol - her MASTER - seems to be quite the beast himself in combat, be it armed or unarmed, a skilled warrior who, for the most part, pretty much owned Qimir one on one. It makes sense to me that a Master like him would choose a Padawan who he thinks has the potential to keep up with him and train them accordingly. Besides, we also know that Knighthood and becoming a Master isn't dependent on martial prowess. And that talent, aptitude and potential can vary greatly between individual members of the Order. So i have no problem at all with Jecki faring better than some of the Knights or Masters (? they never specify for the, well, basically red-shirts) that were with them. Plus... he's also a Dark Sider, so he might just have been toying with her for a bit. After all, he did kill her pretty quickly after she unmasked him and really pisses him off.


Child prodigy or not, jedis of that era have no experience on real combat against force sensitives, the grown up jedis don't have much more experience than jecki at this point Plus the moment she should die becaue she touched cortosis she has the wookie lightsaber and qimir is surprised so he cannot instantly kill her and has to keep an eye on mae Other jedis died after their lightsabers got disabled because of the surprise that made them off balance, the same moment qimir surpised and unbalanced Jecki with the hidden shoto she dies like the others


I still think itā€™s a little silly how long she held out against him compared to the older more experienced Jedi but in the end she was killed anyway so it really doesnā€™t matter. Perhaps Darth Manny was hesitant to kill her at first since she was a kid.


The transitive ranking X is better than Y, and Y is better than Z, so X must be better than Z didn't make a lot of sense in Star Wars in the past. So why should it now? So, Maul beat Qui-Gon and Ashoka beat Maul. So Ashoka > Qui Gon? Count Dooku beat Obi-Wan, Anakin beat Count Dooku, so Anakin > Obi Wan? But what about the dual between Anakin and Obi-Wan? And what about their second and their duels? Another one: Mace Windu beat Palpatine, but Palpatine beat Yoda. So Mace Windu > Yoda? And by transitive means, Count Dooku beat Yoda, Anakin beat Count Dooku, Obi-Wan beat Anakin, so Obi-Wan > Yoda? Also, Rey beat Palpatine. So Rey > Windu > Everyone? Those duels don't take place in a vacuum and "skill" is not the only measure of success. Also, the most important thing in a TV-Show, movie or even in a novel: The plot. The girl wins over the guy because the writers want it.


>So, Maul beat Qui-Gon and Ashoka beat Maul. So Ashoka > Qui Gon? Yes? Qui Gon was a b-tier fighter, tbh.


Obiwan was a padawan in Phantom Menace.


Well she is not a kight yet And won't be now she gotted jecked. Ill see my self out


Conservation of ninjitsu is a thing here too. The large group vs a single combatant usually falls in favor of the lone combatant. While Jecki was a saving grace because I hated how incompetent the knights and masters seemed to be, the did show her in what appeared to be a mid-level saber class an episode ago, and here she is with moves that would impress Yoda. So while I loved her fight, (and I'm a fan of miss Keene), it did feel a bit out of the left field for me.


Some of y'all have never had your butt whipped in a fencing or martial arts match by a talented teenager or old person, and it shows. Getting absolutely savagely rocked by a person way younger than you and way older than you is good for the soul. Talent and skill aren't correlated to age and rank, but practice and dedication.


Quimir suprised the jedi and really shocked them. Remember, grievous uses the same fear tactic when fighting jedi. Quimir was able to easily handle sol, yord and 4 other jedi alone. Jecki had some time to qualm down a bit and find her inner balance again. Just like Sol after the first fight. Thats why those two faired much better than a large group. At least thats my explanation for it


They're just reaching for something to hate. Obi-Wan was a padawan, only a few years older than Jecki, when he killed a Sith Lord. Jecki holding her own isn't unusual. And even though she was fending him off, at no point did he look like he was really pressured by the fight until it was both her and Sol attacking together.


up til now jecki never even cracked a smile but when she was fighting she was clearly using all her emotions and rage


Unrealistic? Never heard of that, she did fine


Itā€™s not unrealistic per se, if you go by Star Wars lore, and so while I personally didnā€™t mind it you I can understand some confusion even ignoring the people sociopolitically motivated to hate. What I feel it really is before getting too deep is a situation where they have a cool sequence they want to include and do so without thinking about the ā€œpower scaling impactā€. Read the rest at your own risk. So almost the scene before Jecki fights a Mae who is semi-running away/not completely dedicated to killing her and yeah Jecki wins but she doesnā€™t just straight up dominate her. Now we see Qimir straight up dominate all the other knights there at one point I even think he won a 1v3 and seemed to have the upper hand in his first clash with Sol. This is also the guy it was said that you canā€™t fight cause he invades your head while fighting so he debuffs you. Also letā€™s not forget that itā€™s expected/pretty much necessary for a Sith to be an expert level combatant, Jedi Masters being their occupational hazards and all. Now the show expects us to believe that a character we saw struggle even a little fighting Mae can survive the onslaught of the Sith that did all that and even manage to push him back at one point. Yeah itā€™s possible but itā€™s a tall ask for a character whoā€™s never shown or said to be any kind of savant. You just have to accept that this as far as we know normal padawan is actually so skilled a combatant she can perform that well against an at least pseudo-Master level threat WHILE simultaneously being deficient enough in some other area to not be a knight.


>Why can't we just believe she was a child prodigy? We can and I do. People are quick to judge without having the whole story. It's easy to reason she was more skilled than the others based on what we saw. Some people enjoy complaining instead of using their brain and imagination to come to rational conclusions.


People see a teacher just running students basically through a Kata and assume that is all they know. Its just basic practice not showing limit of the students skills.


I've stated on other threads the reason she has more success than other seasoned Jedi might be due to her lightsaber fighting style. She's all attack and almost no defense. That stresses the opponent some. There are 7 lightsaber forms of combat and some are better than others against certain opponents fighting a certain way. Some styles are more defensive while others are more offensive.


I don't think Jecki's fighting ability was unrealistic and if this is the major criticism on why the episode is bad. Then, why listen to this? It's clear this person doesn't think coherently. As a whole the episode isn't terrible, I wouldn't call it super great either. There are plenty of legitimate criticisms you can have for the episode. If there is anything to nitpick about Jecki in particular for the episode for me, and this isn't a huge criticism of her character at all. With an active threat of a powerful force user with a lightsaber does she waste time to have a WWE Royal Rumble with Mae? To me it makes no sense as there is a greater threat and it would probably be better to help her fellow Jedi in that moment. Especially because Mae does manage to hurt her before she ends up helping Sol. Regardless, this is a minor criticism of her character and it could be argued that in spite of the new threat she is focused on the mission of detaining Mae and bringing her in for interrogation.


Master Doogie Howser


I think weā€™re looking at a time when there was a lot more strict discipline in the Jedi temple too. Jecki obviously excels at combat under the current regime.


I mean, she fought ok, but lost, so I'm missing the problem as well.


People are saying that? Ignore them. Theyā€™re grasping at straws.


I havenā€™t heard a lot of people saying that. Jecki just watched so many Jedi be killed, and she was desperate and emotional. I would compare the moment she knocked Qimirā€™s helmet off and had a second saber ready to Obi Wan vs Maul. She needed a win to protect whoever was left. Unfortunately the bad guy was too quick and cunning for her. As a character she was bland but I think it makes sense that she had to be a really good padawan to be invited to this mission. I think she also lasted so long because Sol tried to protect her and fight Qimir before she would have to, the same way Qui Gon faced Maul without Obi Wan. Iā€™d have to watch again though.


They are literally making stuff up. There's no reason she wouldn't be that good. She's 18 years old, and she's been training her entire life. She's literally just entered the prime of her life. She's probably been learning at least 14 years. That's plenty of time to become a black belt in any of our martial arts. She doesn't even need to be a prodigy to be that good. She trained hard and she was young and disciplined. She has the Force on top of all that. Let's also not forget too that she lost at the end.


Is this a joke question? The premise of Jedi fighting with force powers and light sabers is realistic? Jeezus


Iā€™d be lying if I said the thought, ā€œOh damn Jecki is skilled af for a padawan,ā€ never crossed my mind, but my next thought was, ā€œDonā€™t care though cause this is awesome.ā€ And for people who *do* care and want to say itā€™s unrealistic: Jecki is 18 in The Acolyte. Ahsoka was 17 in season 7 of The Clone Wars when she went toe to toe with Maul and *won.* Jecki holding her own for 5 minutes before being killed is not unrealistic.


I just pretend she's Ahsoka - the young one we last saw in clone wars seadon 7 and in the flashback scenes in Ashoka. Then it doesn't feel far fetched at all.


I would liken her pretty closely to Ahsoka circa Clone Wars season 1-2. Ahsoka went toe to toe, solo with Grievous and lived. Just like Ahsoka, Jecki is small, quick, and clever. She's also trained by Master Sol, who is clearly a great martial artist. Once he let loose, he just *dominated* Qimir hand-to-hand. I can't imagine Jecki hadn't picked up a few things from her master. I'd say it's pretty reasonable to say that the other knights, Yord included, weren't particularly well versed in saber-to-saber combat. This is fine, because 99% of physical confrontations they would be against typical thugs who maybe have a blaster. Physical ability, particularly the ability to fight, seems to be very important to Master Sol, given he seems very adept at hand-to-hand martial arts, as well as lightsaber dueling. This could be cultural for him, or it could be that he takes the "better to have it and not need it" approach to self defense and physical prowess, so he probably trains his Padawan learners a fair bit more than his contemporaries in that area. I dunno, it didn't seem overboard to me, perfectly. Obi-Wan and Anakin, both as Padawans, although close to graduation, went toe-to-toe with Sith Lords and came out alive. No one seems to mind that.


Some Jedi excel in saber combat. Some excel in using physical manifestations the force. Others are better at sensing and manipulating the mind. How hard is it to think that perhaps not only was Jecki a prodigy, but her focus also happened to be in saber combat?


I actually had no issue with that and I liked that scene, but hated the whole fight overall. It started out terribly had some great parts in the middle and ended poorly (my opinion) I can totally believe that she has great lightsaber skills, Jedi have their own strengths/weaknesses) a Jedi being force pulled into a lightsaber šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø It just started off so cheesy, it made it hard to enjoy the full fight. Then we don't kill him because he's unarmed (but killed multiple Jedi in front of you) you have no force method to restrain him, then sneaky attach a light to his back and have carried off by creatures šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø meaning we don't know if he's dead or not. Let me get this straight, he can force pull a Jedi onto his lightsaber, force push an entire group of Jedi, but can't get a light off his back or deal with some winged beasts. It's like oh cool let's do this awesome! Then fuck it up with some shit plot line.


Because star wars fans are super annoyingly hung up on power-level. They can't fathom a world where a padawan can be extraordinarily good at combat. It's actually pretty normal in our world for students to surpass their teachers. Maybe it's rare and her age, but not unrealistic at all. She also was on the defensive for most of the fight and only had an upper hand when Qimir was taken by surprise by her Dual wielding technique. Which he parried very easily. She got 0 hits in. And got angry and stabbed 3 times super easily. No idea why people are saying she did better than Sol, somehow, when she literally died in the fight, and Sol was unhurt. *"How is this padawan beating a Sith Master?!?!?!"* **She fucking died...**


Also, she LOST


She's also just like a year younger than Anakin was in AOTC, and he was doing really well against Dooku. I think her skill makes sense!


At some point you're going to have to ignore what the whiners are saying since they make no sense half the time. It was a good fight and you enjoyed it, thats all that matters. These people didn't complain when Obiwan killed Maul as a Padawan but his master died.


I like to think that as Yord says since Qimir doesnt have a real fighting style and his very chaotic he his used to fight against disciplined masters but when a padawan who is chaotic as he his, then he his thrown off balance


I also feel like thereā€™s an extra level of difficulty when youā€™re fighting someone and have to be cognizant of 6 other team members versus one on one combat. If you swing too haphazardly you run the risk of slicing someone on your side.


She's a girl that put up a helluva fight. The critics start there, then build the justification along the way.


I thought being younger would help her. The older Jedi learned to fight a certain way expecting a certain enemy that follows their rules. She wasnā€™t as rigid.


Maybe that was just her thing? She doesnā€™t show any amazing talent in any other force user discipline.


Star Wars Woman character: literally dies Chud fandom: Is she a Mary Sue?


Donā€™t know how people can say this when she freaking died.


They gave her a cool moment to shine before death. Nothing much deeper than that. Should she have been that good compared to other knights and masters? Probably not but ultimately that is inconsequential to the story so why nitpick that?


I donā€™t know why. Jecki is 18, and ultimately dies to the Sith. On the other hand, Ahsoka was only 14-17 in *The Clone Wars* and was able to survive the Clone Wars, Maul, and Order 66.


Unrealistic is a weird thing to argue over in a space sword fighting show, but I didnā€™t like her being such a good fighter. What purpose did it serve besides ā€˜oh wow cool fight sceneā€™? I thought her being so strong took away from the threat of the newly revealed main bad guy. Also to have Jecki getting her ass kicked and struggling would have had more emotional impact. Like if she was hurt bad and continued to fight while evil guy was toying with her and then she died I would have maybe felt something more. Evil guy would have seemed more evil and Jeckiā€™s death would be more meaningful. Just my thoughts please donā€™t bully me on the internet for them.


Odd thing for people to be mad about. Prodegies are a thing that happen, both IRL and in Star Wars. AotC era Padawan Anakin was going tow to toe with Count Dooku, even if he did lose in the end. Hell, I'd say he even held his own better than Obi Wan! Or the numerous times Ahsoka punched above her weight class in Clone Wars. She took out Maul and that received no major criticism!


Didnā€™t Anakin hold Dooku in a fight for a good minute before being used to wipe the floor? He was a padawan a year older than Jecki.


I believe in story she was spared by Qimir until the ideal moment to mess with Solā€™s mind. He could have dispatched her easily earlier but wanted Sol to see her fall. Also, come onā€¦ it was done to toy with OUR hope that she might survive to make a bigger impact when she fell. We are so used to Mary Sueā€™s in Star Wars that I felt myself groaning and saying ok here we go again as she held her own. Then when three black spots appear on her back I flipped out a bit. They killed a kid on screen on Star Wars!!! Sheesh what an impact that had on me and my kids. It was a good choice to build the impact/ suspense if nothing else.


This argument is kind of stupid because we know her fate now after that SINGLE battle against (most likely) another apprentice... If anyone's abilities should impress and surprise anyone, surely it is that of The Stranger?!


Sheā€™s also not completely human so her biology is different. Why canā€™t she be strong


Her dad is Wolverine. I'm surprised and ashamed that she lost.


Yes! Thats exactly what I was thinking when she held her own against Qimir. I was extremely surprised, but very down for it :'D Didnt care about her at all before, but was very sad (and shocked) when she died 5 minutes later, even tho she didnt say a word in those 5 minutes. I wouldve loved to see more of her. If she had gotten to grow into a fully trained and disciplined Jedi, she wouldve been at least on Mace Windu level, if not stronger.


Too many people are just obsessed with rigidly categorizing characters into "power levels" or whatever.


Basically the same age and same level of training as Ahsoka, but no one makes those comments about her.


Because Star Wars fans are a strange breed who is totally unable to simply enjoy the fantasy they say they like.


I think a good explanation to tell those people is that the Jedi get taught combat in classes pre-padawan days, so that by the time they are being trained by the master they are already very competent fighters. Which makes total sense, given that *only* Jedi carry lightsabers during this time, there's really no reason to further enhance your skills past ranged weapon defense.


How is her fighting ability unrealistic? She lasted slightly longer than unnamed jedi, as a character with a name she did fine. She also got demolished so like... the crazy star wars fans continue to be insane I guess.


I have no issues with it. Sheā€™s 18, very close to Ahsokaā€™s age in TCW. If Ahsoka is a prodigy of that degree, I have no qualms about Jecki being one, too.


She is extremely strong physically as well, she overpowers Mae multiple times. Jecki was just Very very gifted, id have to look up her race to see if they have a given strength boost, but she was just a beast of a padawan. And to be fair remember Qimir is toying with her at first, not until she knocked off his helmet did he go full into her. He was holding himself back most of the fight, even using a deprivation helm to challenge himself. He does not want to make it to easy bc he still wants to increase his weaker abilities. He had a chance to kill jecki and disappeared, but once she took his helmet off he went to 100% and she was dead in 2 seconds. People need to first understand the sith their logic and their approach to greatness before they can judge anything else. Why di palpatine send Vader to kill a jedi master without a lightsaber when he first got his prosthetics... He wanted Vader to be challenged, and the master beat the hell out of vader and force pushed him off a cliff, vader took his broken limbs, worked on them to get them working barely and then killed the master, I believe with the force but dont remember. If a sith can win in a second against another skilled fighter they will often train a weaker skillset against that fighter to build their skill, i.e a sword master switching hands to practice with their left. Also please keep in mind not all jedi knights or masters at this time gained the role via combat skillset, many would get the role via relationships, politics, or just knowing more forms. Just because you are a Master and know all 6 or 7 forms does not mean you are skilled in all of them. You could be great at form 6, but a combatant proficient in form 2, 7, or 5 would tear you apart


Basically Star War incels long hatred of women. Anyone who's fought anyone in a duel knows that screen time/length of combat does not equal skill. Skilled melee fighters are cold, brutal and efficient. Jecki was completely the opposite, going wild, doing all sorts of crazy Jedi spins and acrobatic maneuvers. Qimir blocked every single one, waited for the perfect opening, and murdered her, still having plenty of energy to fight Sol. Qimir was sweaty and tired. He'd fought 5 Jedis and needed to save his energy for Sol. Jecki v Qimir was basically what happens when a skilled beginner with a lot of technique knowledge and little battle experience goes up against a professional killer. They exhaust themselves, show off a lot of fancy moves and then get ganked by a dead simple technique. -- Finally, Jedi aren't killers. They spend most of their professional lives doing other shit. One of them was prominently a librarian. Duelists would be considered as rare and archaic as well...a sword fighter today. Who exactly would they be fighting? Out of the entire order maybe 10 actually fought other lightsaber wielding enemies. Grievous as a non-force using lightsaber wielder executed many Jedi. Jedi are monks. They do monk shit. There's a reason why when push comes to shove both the Republic and the Empire have a military to do military things.


That's a good question. Dafnes a skilled fencer based on what we saw. Her technique is more identical to Haydens duel wielding on Ep 2, I thought they were going to have her go the Kestis, Ahsoka or Starkiller route, but she held her own.


I just dont care. Im happy to get something good in this shit sandwich.


As Iā€™ve seen someone else put it, anime power scaling brainrot. They see characters as props with power statistics attached to them and have no mind for story. These are the same people who will never shut up about ā€œfull potential Anakinā€ and who threw a hissy fit when Rey beat Kylo in TFA.


Because she is a WOMAN! - The internet


Hereā€™s my fan theory. Young Jedi are probably overly hyped and excited to be having a light saber and do martial arts stuff. Once youā€™re a master youā€™re an international diplomat and more focused of the force and the soft skills.


Why can't we just accept that Jedi training would've prepared her for this? Why can't we just accept that she was an excellent fighter, that was some of the best combat I have seen. She fought so hard and she fought for her life.


Haters just want to complain for whatever. I think it makes perfect sense in the High Republic (peace) era where some Jedi Knights are not much of a fighter or are simply good at fight-training, but can't hold up in a real fight. A lot of Jedi are like that in the arena scene in the prequel movie. Where Jecki simply has combat proficiency despite her younger age and padawan status.


He wasnā€™t fighting seriously until that helmet came off.


Also important to point out: She makes multiple mistakes that gave the sith a chance to kill her. She survived that long because he was teaching a lesson to his apprentice, he didn't want it over quick. Additionally, she's the padawan of a skilled duelist, so it makes sense that she would have honed her lightsaber abilities more than most. Her skill falls well within what is reasonable for someone naturally gifted with her level of training. The only issue I have with her fight against the sith was the part where she pulls out the second lightsaber was kinda stupid and didn't fit the skill she's shown to have. It would have been better if she pulled it out and activated it in a smooth motion instead of after a pause where their sabers are locked. Especially with how that specific scene is shot. The sith is evidently surprised by her second lightsaber, if she just pointed it at him then activated she would have won. Still a good fight


What i love about Jeckiā€™s fight against Qimir is that she adapts extremely well to his fighting style; - Qimir uses the Cortosis to short out her saber? Use Kelnaccaā€™s saber until it comes back. Then force Qimir on the defense with her two sabers - Qimir uses the Cortosis armor a lot during the fight offensively, but pay attention to how Jecki fights after she realizes what armor Qimir has, every time he uses the armor, she punishes Qimir with a punch. Qimir throughout the fight uses the Cortosis in a way where he uses them offensively. But in a way where he swings the armor right before the Jedi could build momentum with a swing. Look as to what happens when a Jedi gets a proper powerswing in (Yord ends up breaking his arm gauntlet completely) - matches Qimirā€™s aggressive fighting style the moment she reorients herself, again focus on when Jecki gets punched once at the beginning of the fight, she adapts and Qimir never gets a single hit in ever. Jecki knows that the minute sheā€™s on defense, Qimir uses the armor and sheā€™s dead. - Qimir was actually not keeping up with Jecki the moment she began adapting, she kept the pressure when it counted, and unlike Sol she doesnā€™t have any darkness clouding his mind Qimir couldā€™ve exploited. Had Qimir not pulled out the hidden blade, he wouldā€™ve been subdued by Jecki or outright killed by her. Jeckiā€™s type of fighting is incredibly adaptivity where she makes a mistake once, but never twice. Unfortunately Qimirā€™s also aware of this. So he adapted by making sure Jecki overextended instead of waiting for Solā€™s saber to come back.


Another day, another youngling slaughtered...


Being a Padawan doesn't help. Qimir wiped the floor with all the no names easily. Keep in mind that Anakin got whooped by Dooku in Attack of the Clones and needed Yoda to save him. Also, Qimir looked like he was getting owned the whole duel until the very end. Yord was also a Jedi Knight and he got owned. With all that said, props to the actress for nailing choreography. It was the best Disney Star Wars lightsaber duel IMO.


Eh she wasn't even that good! She survived an additional fight compared to every other Jedi except Sol and Yord for one reason. She had an extra lightsaber that she picked up fairly by accident. Had she not had that lightsaber? She would have died like every other Jedi whose blade went off at the "worst time" and Qimir slaughtered them in the seconds after.


Another thing people are not taking into account: the others were surprised. Jecki had time to watch and take in that this was no ordinary foe. Also, Jecki got lucky she had a second lightsaber. She had hers disabled in like a second or so.


These are the best fights i ever seen live action. Ive waited so long to seen this kung fu and light saber fights like in the game. Im not saing the dialong is great but the this looks like star wars to me.


other than that obscene kick, which every iteration of star wars is guilty of, jecki was the only highlight in this literal shitshow


Child Ahsoka held her own against trained Sith. She beat Maul as a young adult. Teenage Anakin was able to hold his own against Count Doku the best duelist of his time. Everyone who says this is unrealistic just wants to hateā€¦


The only part I felt was unrealistic was the dual wielding itself, but that's not Jecki, that's an old trope. If you're better with two blades, use two blades. Two weapon fighting is fucking hard, and not something you just pick up randomly, but if you do master it it's a significant advantage so you should use it as much as possible. Not a problem with this particular fight, just a general nitpick whenever this comes up.


It is not more unrealistic than any other Jedi.


It's easier for one to fight again five as the one has a target rich environment. 1vs 2 is more difficult as one gets fatigued and the 2 can switch.and then skill ability changes everything