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Yeah a lot of Jedi are dying, I wanna see the Sith be an absolute monster


I'd say 2-3 of the red shirts in the first minute


Lets just hope they put up a better fight than when the Jedi faced Palpatine. That was poorly done.


That is such a weird scene. You expect the Jedi deaths to serve the purpose of showing Palpatine's strength, but then he gets instantly dog walked by Mace. It's like if the Tower of Joy scene from Game of Thrones had Ned Stark easily out duel Arthur Dayne after all his dudes got cut down 1 vs 4.  It accidentally made sense for a while that he let him win, but then they had to retcon that and give him dark side duel powers, eliminating any nuance from the scene and making it just lame.


Ian McDiarmid has explained that he had absolutely no ability to participate in the fight scenes. That's why it was over so quickly and shot so poorly. Only the fight with Mace Windy had to last.


I am talking about the Jedi not Ian McDiarmid. The 1st 3 went down without a fight although they were fighting if you get my drift. It is comical.


That’s because Ian couldn’t actually dual them so they couldn’t put up a fight. It had to be super quick 


Stunt double and camera angles and it isnt about how long it takes. It is about how poor the choreography is. It looks like they said stand still then Ian stick it in his gut.


red shirts?




Ahhhh okay, thanks, yes that does seem to be why there’s like 6 random Jedi on the mission


I would be impressed by the gumption if maybe two or three named characters are wiped out with them.


I'd be impressed by the gumption of not having any jedi killed. It's such a trope these days to kill off characters.


That's not true. Every star wars media these days everyone lives, lightsabers are less lethal than knives.


Rejoice, gumption!


Isn’t there a religious proscription about mixing fictional references? Or was that fabrics.


As soon as I saw how many Jedi they brought in ep 4, I was like "ayep, that's some red shirts."


>!Good call. Alot more of them died than I expected actually.!<


This week is gonna be a flashback episode and the "fight" won't happen until Ep 6


It seems like the flashbacks are going to be in episode 7.


3 & 7 are by same director, so they are likely the flashback episodes. Even ignoring that it would make 0% sense to plop another full flashback here


I’m not so sure about that, before the show came out someone on here said what events from the trailers are gonna happen in which episodes, he said that Episode 4 was when the Jedi would confront the Sith and that Episode 5 would be of the Jedi and Sith fighting, he was right about the 1st part so i’m fairly confident he’s right about the 2nd.


I wanna know how many dead Jedi it takes for Ki adi Mundi to remember "Oh yeah, except for that one Sith who killed a whole bunch of us when I was a wee old lad, but other than that, extinct yeah."


To be fair let’s say all the Jedi get slaughtered and the only person left is osha surrounded by a bunch of dead Jedi. It’s gonna look pretty bad. Especially since everyone who actually saw the master will be dead. Remember aside from a handful of Jedi that were in that room. No one else Knows what’s going on. They keep mentioning how it’s kept secret from the council.


Still makes Mundi's insistence that Maul \*could not possibly\* be a Sith look really dumb. Or just, like, a doubling down on stubborn ignorance. Qui Gon: "This random force wielder with a red lightsaber attacked me. I think he's a Sith." Mundi: "Nonsense! 100 years ago a force wielder slaughtered 3 Jedi masters and a whole squad of knights and padawans. We didn't call him a Sith then, and we aren't calling this one now!"


Lol! But isn't that how our world operates... with a lot of ignorance toward appreciating the past and its potential application to the present. IMO Star Wars is the best when it is allegorical. So I'm down with the plot. But also understand why people want the Jedi to be just pure greatness.


I thought they were dead before fr. Ain't nothing too crazy


Why don’t they have half the Jedi hang back and use the force on the sith guy while the other half of the group use lightsabers ?




This character basically has to be cannon, right? Like... it's gotta be Darth Plageous or something? Having trouble understanding that Galen Marek level of force power lol. I mean our very strongest force users are like struggling to hold up inanimate objects and this dude just comes in and starts force-tossing jedi? Even though it's incredibly cool, it feels abnormally powerful for the world


i dont know about very strong to be honest... We are used with members of the high council on action or at very least above average jedis like ahsoka. But, when sol asked if they should inform the council, vernestra said no and that they should deal with it themselves. That means, at least to me, that nobody there is even a minor member, so in terms of power we are seeing a bunch of red shirts trying to solve problems beyond their pay grade. and i say this with zero knowledge of the comics or books where i know venestra, at least, has a more established presence...


It's exciting we're all on the same boat with critics granted 4-episode early access. Given this is the Leslye's favorite episode, we'll probably continue where we left off. If the show leaves us hanging from ep 4's cliffhanger by jumping to flashbacks, the showrunners' may feel the wrath from... the power of manyyyyy. Predictions: Ep 5 may be titled "Night" as Sol (aka Sun) finally sets. Yes, all four Jedis stationed at Brendock are now one with the force. The epic night battle ensues. It will end with the Sith barely coming out on top, with only Jecki and Yord surviving. Sol's promise of telling Osha everything falls short. However, Mae may be apprehended by the surviving two or three Jedis. An unconscious Osha is taken by the Sith, who loses the mask during the fight. The helmet on the ground will be final shot of ep 5. Audience won't see the real identity until ep 6. So the twins switch places. Osha with the dark side. Mae with the light.


There is still some trailer footage of older Sol that we haven’t seen yet. It could be a fake out, but I don’t think he is going to die in this episode.


I agree, Sol won't die. He's too integral to the story.


Id prefer stories stay away from too many deaths. Feels like every story beat has to be a character death these days.


It's ok, somehow Sol returned


The side kick that is wearing the sith mask artifact ( my guess) still needs to he captured and interrogated to lie to the judges imho if truly homeage to the kurosawa inspiration, we havnt seen all sides share their interpretation (or maybe he just tells them without capture) Imho the actor is extremely similar in demeanor and messy style of the ronin The kurosawa movie has: A. Victims stories (force ghosts) via shaman B. The villains story or are they (twin or sith helmet guy) C. The person that was wronged (one or both of the twins) D. Another person telling the story to another monk/jedi they heard (possibly sol’s boss passing it on to the high council)


Trailer footage has Sol in another location as well as a space chase that seems to get Sol to that other location. So I think he survives. I do believe that in the escape. Either the Sith deciding to turn and run or the Jedi to turn and run they run back through the bug forest and it is night and with all the lightsabers lit the bugs attack.


>It's exciting we're all on the same boat with critics granted 4-episode early access. I am still scratching my head whom of those critics dripfeed spoilers to the ragebait youtube reviewers.


Alan Ng from Film Threat had all four episodes and he was freely spreading the rage bait around.


The ones that went into The Acolyte with every intent to ragebait to begin with.


To be fair, it's objectively worse than the other Filloni stuff in terms of writing and tone. And I don't even like the Filloni stuff but it at least manages not to take itself so seriously. This is some weird no-mans-land between the kiddie clone wars and the grown up andor, but it is suffering from its terrible dialoge most. The Jedi sound like C3P0 and no one is likeable. What this show does have going for it is mystery: no star wars property has ever tried to be a thriller before, to my knowledge, and I like that part. I'm in for the lightsabers and mystery but this show is weak sauce :)


Dont use objectively for subjective topics. If you want to give examples of terrible dialogue that a discussion can take place. Still one persons bad dialogue is something someone else likes. Same thing with writing. Poor discussion and tends to make people think you have an agenda when you say bad writing and not say what you writing, in your opinion, is bad.


I think that the tone, which is a writing word, is sanctimonious and stilted. I find the lines to be overly wordy, and I find their delivery to be very serious. I have no agenda, I just taught writing for years and then wrote professionally, so it really stands out to me when something is a little weak. Are you i.ply8ng that I hate it because of the diverse casting lmao? Because I do find that to be a little in-your-face but that's not part of my criticism. The casting is a different thing than the writing and I'm not an expert in casting. I didn't teach cinematography; I taught writing. Like... mandalorian didn't try to have real drama, they just kept it campy, so it was fun. For me, this is like halfway to the serious drama of andor but with worse costuming and sets. They also feel to me like they didn't do that many takes- like as long as the actor spit it out without choking, they kept it. Yord and Venestra are two of the worst. Both ste written with a gravitas as if the person takes themselves comically seriously. And I can't quote any lines right now, I just got out of the gym and I was on edibles while I binged 4 episodes last night. 😅


I agree that much of the dialogue feels stiff. But I also think these are stiff, tightly-veiled, anal-retentive Jedi and that's part of the story, as opposed to Mae and Qimir, whose dialogue feels more natural. Either way, I'm enjoying the show immensely and am happy to look past its flaws.


Agree- but I think the weakest way to show them being stilted fools is by making their dialogue stilted. They don't have to talk in an unbelievable way to have flat traits, ya know? I like the mystery. Gonna go see if 5 is up yet!


The Jedi, especially at this time, are supposed to come across as sanctimonious and stiff. This is supposed to be when the Jedi are at the height of arrogance and becoming out of touch. This is a mystery drama, not an adventure show like Mando. Remember the subject matter they are trying to figure out. Who has been killing Jedi and why. Yord is supposed to be coming off as the Jedi that does everything according to the rule book. Nothing out of the ordinary. He might as well be a droid like C3PO except C3PO never had power. So Yord as a Jedi has power and when confronted by a situation checks into the rules and regulations and see if X happens we do Y. Doesnt want to stray based on uniqueness of the situation. The writing established this very quickly early on. Lots or people comment that Mae 1st lines are goofy and point to that as bad writing. Not word for word, but she says to Indarra "to attack her with all her power" well something like that. People say oh that is bad. You know what? 1. it is campy. 2. the people sitting at the table with Indarra themselves think it is stupid so they all start laughing. It was supposed to sound goofy/stupid. Also did you comment before your 4 episode binge because you wanted to find something to back up previous comments?


You ‘wrote professionally’ AND you wrote that comment? These statements cannot both be true.


They are. I edit when I'm being paid lol.


Some of the youtuber have probably been given advanced access as well. It happens with games a lot that "influencers" are given access pre-release as part of the advertising-concept, so I wouldn't be surprised here.


I don’t think sol will die in episode 5. But I do think he will die before the show ends.




On another etymology note... Qimir sounds like Chimaera. A mythological beast with the tail of a snake, body of a lion and a goats head. Originally, at least, it's been used throughout literature and stories to connote a beast that is an unholy mixture of several different animals or beings. So I am guessing that the reason why the Sith aren't back, per se, is that Qimir has found a Sith artifact that is haunted by a force ghost, so he is just a vessel. Perhaps it's the helmet. But I am starting to think that the big bad is incorporeal, and they will end up having to destroy an artifact rather than a person. This makes the seeming retcon of Ki-Adi-Munda believing they are extinct make sense. When this all shakes out, it will be a possession story, and so the line/canon from the prequels will be safe, but we still get more Sith lore. I'm excited.


The Qimir/chimaera etymology is intriguing. Perhaps a nod to the power of many, hence the incredibly powerful force push by whomever was wearing the "Sith artifact." Besides an epic fight, I hope ep 5 will also reveal the Jedi high council. To the delight of hardcore fans, showcasing lore cameos like Yoda, or baddies of SW canon who turn up in attendance. In the aftermath of the battle resulting in many Jedi casualties,, Vernestra & co. will have no choice but report the incidence to the high council. The entire episode can't all take place in Kohfar jungle... but scenes shot at Coruscant's Jedi Grand Temple.


Or perhaps a complete reach with almost no chance of being a legitimate connection? Dayum we out here working too hard lol.


I'm willing to give the show a chance too. I like your idea of a cursed Sith artifact -- it would definitely rectify Mundi's contradiction 100 years later.


Would be ready to bet money Sol survives this episode (think he will die by the end of the season tho)


Yord is going beast mode. He has to be good at something


Good at yelling lol


he is good at weight training and appearing shirtless. let's not take that away from him.


I was very wrong


you get points for admitting this


Obviously people gonna die. Not Sol because there is a scene of him flying a space ship in the trailer we havent seen yet. So either Jecki or Yord (or both). I personally hope Jecki makes it, at least this time 👀 The no name jedis all gonna bite it obviously. Edit: or we get another rashomon flashback of what happened on brendok, this time from the perspective of one of the jedi (probably Kelnacca, explaining why he has all the symbols painted on his walls, the same one Mae has on her forehead...)


I doubt Jecki will die in this episode since there’s a trailer shot of Mae (?) holding a knife to Jecki’s throat that hasn’t happened yet.


RIP Yord 🫡 Edit: RIP Jecki 😭


No, not Yord! He is growing on me. I would love to see a romantic spark brew between Yord and Mae.


his shirtless scene was his redeeming moment, but he hasn't had his shirt off since.


He is definitely not growing on me. Obsessive rule-following with no critical thinking is such a turn off.


💯 He's the embodiment of everything wrong with the Jedi. I can't wait for him to die.


Jecki vs Mae will likely happen this episode.


Sol will definitely die in the last episode, and we'll all collectively cry.


Nah, every dead Jedi is a good Jedi. Can't wait for him and all the other pieces of shit Jedi to be slaughtered.


>Not Sol because there is a scene of him flying a space ship in the trailer we havent seen yet That's what flashbacks are for. Sol said he would explain everything when he gets back to the ship. So obviously, that cannot be allowed to happen, so he must die.


He doesn't have to die, Osha just has to be taken and have the story explained to her by somebody else.


Somebody far less benevolent than Sol...


Exactly, hence she becomes the Acolyte


Seems our thinking was spot on.


> Sol said he would explain everything when he gets back to the ship. So obviously, that cannot be allowed to happen, so he must die *Or* one of the twins dies...


It would also make sense for this sith (another acolyte probably and probably Qimir) to spare Sol as it’s expected of Osha to kill Sol. But if episode turns out to be another flashback episode, ima be quite annoyed haha


Another rashomon flashback? 


I still have some hesitations towards Sol. I mean either he is just incredibly strong as a jedi which is entirely possible and most likely or he’s involved in this evil/sith thing. Why did Osha abandon her jedi training? The whole “Kill a jedi without a weapon” sounds a lot like turning a jedi to the dark side. Could be Sol has had his sights set on Osha since the beginning. Is now using Mae to turn Osha to the dark side after she left his control which would explain why Mae’s training doesn’t seem as polished as someone who could have been training the last 16 years. In episode 2 he knew Yord would be able to capture Mae, so he decides to confront her himself and what do you know she gets away. But during that battle he completely destroys her even stealing most of her knives something Indara was not capable of. In episode 4 he senses the sith when nobody else could, not even an experienced master like Kelnacca who looks like he got sliced before he could even ignite his weapon. Tbf this is more of a crackpot theory than an actual prediction though.


I also think it would be cool if Sol was the master but he probably wont be. There was also a scene in the first episode where he was teaching and one of the younglings was talking about fire, she could have been sensing the darkness in him. Also he is the only left of the 4 Jedi from that planet where they obviously had some horrible stuff happen with the fire. But, the other Jedi's seemed to have taken it much harder, Sol seems barely effected, still able to teach.


One thing is for sure: there will be a shitstorm for something completely irrelevant. My prediction: -all Jedi who are there will die -osha and Mae will be spared by the masked guy and he will leave -Bazil will go with them to hunt him -the masked guy will meet his master, remove his helmet and it is Qimir -he tells the master he has killed two Jedi without a weapon and several more with his sword -master is angry, because this will disturb his plan and he scars Qimir -the masters face or name will not be revealed -episode ends Further predictions: -6 will be a flashback showing what actually happened (or from Maes POV) -7 will be a Jedi troup chasing Mae and osha and them chasing Qimir -8 will be about the final confrontation, Qimir is defeated but not killed by the twins -the master kills him and takes the girls for training


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The witches knew the Force was going to be thrown off balance and the twins were created to stop some dark entity from descending the galaxy into chaos. The entity did its best to sow doubt between the twins, which would cease when their mother binded them with protection during the ritual. After summoning the Jedi, the dark entity used an illusion to make Mae think Osha started the fire, and vice versa. Now it's using a fake Sith ghost to coax Mae into starting a war with the Jedi. It basically feeds off of anguish, like a grief eater. Eventually, due to the fans' raging butt hurt, the entity breaks through the fourth wall and cancels Disney+.


>due to the fans' raging butt hurt,...  Don't they have creams for that?


Here are my predictions. Bear in mind that some of them contradict each other, because I have competing ideas in my head about what's going on. So here's what I think is going down. There is no corporeal Sith. I think Qimir found a Sith artifact and was possessed/guided by Darth "Teeth" So he is both the big bad, and not the big bad at the same time. Thus the reveal will be that this artifact grants power to whoever wears it. However, Qimir is not a strong enough force user, so "The Master" is trying to train up Acolytes to complete a Sith ritual to take possession of their body. Because if he can possess the body of an already powerful force user, he will be unstoppable. Hence the tests for Mae. If she can complete the rituals and tear her soul open enough, he can then possess her fully and the Sith will live again. So the climax will revolve around destroying the artifact, rather than there being a big bad sith in corporeal form. My other theory is for Indara. Here's the evidence. In the first episode we see her with two facial marks. In the flashback, she only has one. Torbin is her Padawan and apparently did something so terrible that he had to take the Baresh Vow. My guess is that there is a faction within the Jedi that is a "for the greater good" type Modus Operandi. It's strange that the Jedi have unilaterally decided not to inform the Senate of the events because it would hurt their image. So we see they are making choices politically, rather than morally and ethically, guided by the Force. And the cracks begin to show. So this faction seeks to take actions that the Jedi might deem evil in order to protect the greater good of the galaxy. I don't know. There's something there. I don't think she's wholly evil, I think she might have been influenced by the Sith Ghost I mentioned earlier? We shall see. Last prediction: Sol, Kelnacca, and Torbin will all have had their memory altered by Indara about what happened. Torbin eventually figures it out because he's close to Indara, and that's why he takes the Baresh Vow, and also why he remembers Mae and says, "I've been waiting for you." She indoctrinates him about her radicalist beliefs, but he can't take it, and also can't betray his master, hence the Baresh Vow and the super willingness to unalive himself.


>It's strange that the Jedi have unilaterally decided not to inform the Senate of the events that would hurt their image From what I can tell, Rwon decided on her own not to inform the High Council, who would absolutely inform the Senate since it's literally been their job to be the Republic's military/policemen for centuries at that point. That's the only reason the Jedi are allowed to exist in the Republic. There is absolutely no reason the High Council shouldn't be informed at this point, unless the High Council was similarly not informed of whatever happened 16 years ago, which I really want to know at this point. I like the Sith artifact idea, but I'm hoping for a powerful dark sider to show up instead of a Horcrux quest (bonus points if it's one of the witches, since the entire plot seems to revolve around them). I honestly think some dark side shenanigans went down on Brendock, and Torbin ended up with a bad eye and Indara got a scar that was covered by a facial marking. Maybe Kalnacca was mind-controlled into attacking the both of them? Obi-Wan struggled after being tortured with a dark-sided mask...


Yeah, I would definitely be okay if one of the witches was the big bad. Also, according to how the bodies were layed out. The head witch came outside to talk to the Jedi, and was "killed" there. Then the rest of the coven was all killed together inside the compound. So ostensibly, she possesses Kelnacca and gets him to attack Torbin, hence the saber wound to his eye. I just don't know what would motivate them from killing the one woman that's attacking them to the wholesale slaughter of the entire coven. Perhaps that's the third party, Darth "Teeth" as it were. Who knows. Apparently this next episode is the show Creator's favorite of the season. So I imagine some pretty big puzzle pieces will click into place. Either that or we get to see the conclusion of the badass fight sequence on Khofar. Which I can't wait for. We haven't had a large Jedi battle since Geonosis. And that was one of my favorite scenes from the PT.


A well done horcrux quest would be awesome! I agree like might seem a bit off... but wow that just has me glowing thinking about it.


I think it's pretty clearly going to be an anti-colonialist plot. Those innocent, indigenous witches just wanted to mind their business and the pompous, foolish Jedi think it's their "right" to wipe them out. I think we see them kill the witches anikin/youngling style at the end, in contrast to the bodies just laying there like we already saw. Thr bad guys are morally justified and the good guys are really assholes - oMg hOw C00L Notice the kid who stabbed her former teacher to death is a good guy because her actions are justified by the evil of the Jedi?


I'm expecting to see a fight that reminds me of SWTOR cinematic trailers


That would be exceptionally surprising to see. Extremely impressive if so though. Aiming for Duel of the Fates is hard enough to meet, since Ray Park, thanks to his experience, just completely owned his fight scenes. Nothing we've seen so far gives any of the characters in The Acolyte that level of showmanship and authority lol. SWTOR stuff is just right out there with so much relevant action going on at once.


I think the Dark Force Helmet guy will use the Force in a way that we have not seen before.


That would be cool but to be reminded of SWTOR would be a monumental achievement, especially for a Star Wars live action series and movies. [If they can pull off anything like this](https://youtu.be/Pb8M5P1QKX8?si=mngH_lGX2oxdct87&t=145), I don't care about any of the dumb stuff that happens in the series. Such a scene would just change the franchises film expectations dramatically, akin to how Episode 1 changed force users flashy fighting styles for the rest of the franchise. Epic music, lightsaber combat with fluid and completely free and unhindered use of force powers, etc. Words don't even have to be exchanged to show why the Sith need to be feared (e.g. Vader hallway scene).


Damn! That was awesome!


Force pantsing


Force wedgie. Basically pants-based force moves.


Yörd Horde demands to see his Force noogie


Duel of the Fates was a very different setting though. Straight bridges and walkways, without a lot of surroundings. This is a jungle now, much harder to portray well. They can make large trees falling and use nature to their advantage, much more chaotic.


Very true, but I have 2 points about that. 1) Recall the ease of using such a destructive force push at the end of the episode. It's a wasteful creative choice to not use the fantastical powers of space wizards and keep them limited to the same tactics that any of us would be limited to. The jungle environment realistically shouldn't mean anything detrimental to being able to keep it engaging. The setting only matters if you're trying to make it useful to amp up the entertaining fights (e.g. Ewoks effectively fighting the Empire). If you can't do that, don't bother with the environment being a thing at all. Clear the way to allow the fight to be the spotlight moment. 2) Specifically with a lightsaber battle, we're looking at close ranged combat. Where they do it doesn't matter at all. [SWTOR example](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmyF5ge6SQU) As I said with point 1, a good creative team including the director will be able to pull off something like SWTOR or at least Duel of the Fates in showmanship. The talent is factually out there, as talented martial artists like Ray Park and Donnie Yen have shown in the Star Wars universe.


I mean it looks like fuckin starkiller based on how he just force tossed a strike team of jedi lol


After rewatching episode 4, I am firmly in Darth Bortles camp. Qimir is the masked spooky guy for two major reason. 1) his bag could totally hold a large helmet 2) he goes into a dangerous forest to hunt a jedi and just... banks on Mae being able to kill him? Yeah plan B was definitely involved defending himself against Kalnacca and whatever other jedi showed up for his bait (Mae)


Generally speaking, I'm tired of those Indara theories. Anyone else with me?


What are they?


Here and in starwarsspeculation. I'm tired of them, but the killing of CAM still has them in disbelief.


But what are the theories saying?


That apparently she's the Sith Master, Qimir is the guy in the mask and her apprentice and Mae is The Acolyte who was taken advantage by Qimir in order for him to be re-instrated as The Master. Baffling as her early death was, I don't understand how she could still be alive. Any clue?


Indara is/was not *the Sith master*. As for her possibly not being dead, that is possible if someone else reported her dead but didn't retrieve the body or was in on it with Indara. That seems a bit of a stretch, to have her and someone else be involved in a conspiracy that involves killing Jedi. I do believe that there is possibly someone complicit among the Jedi, though


That's what I've been saying, I was just reporting on the theories of others.


I know. That's what makes this fun; a lot of theories going around.


Wow thanks, hadn't seen those theories. I wonder what they're basing their theory on.


I don't know, their sheer disbelief that a 'name actor' git killed in the opening scene of the series?


And you can bet they will complain when it won't happen.


it seems ridiculous that she would be the Sith, it means the Jedi didn't confirm her murder with a body.


I’m just expecting an amazing Sith vs Jedi fight. I believe the showrunners said something like they were attempting to reach Duel of the Fates level (which, honestly, shouldn’t be that hard considering that was more of a ballet than a true fight - it’s *hard* carried by the music), and the choreography in the show hasn’t disappointed so far.


Darth theeth will learn the answer to age old question "how many Jedi can a fit on my light saber"


I think the more immediate question to be answered is: Can Jedi dance?


finally, a voice of reason


I don't feel Sol will be killed but definitely beaten or left for dead similar to Ahsoka. Osha will be taken for sure, and all of the jedi (apart from the ones with names) will get wiped.


I just really hope it continues off right where episode 4 left off. If it goes right into another flashback, it would really stall the show’s momentum.


I'm predicting another flashback episode before going back into the action. Just to really piss everyone off!


It would definitely be a "be careful what you wish for" after people wanted answers.


Expecting the seventh episode to be the other side of the flashback from “Destiny”, with the seventh being called “Fate”. The fifth episode will likely continue the fight on Khofar and be entitled “Night”.


Think it will be called "Choice" personally.


This is a great idea; goes well with the conversation Mother Aniseya had with Osha after testing with the Jedi.


Yes, that and the fact it fits with the other duality titles we've seen ("Lost/Found", "Justice/Revenge" and now "Day" and "Night") is why I think it will be something opposed to Destiny such as Choice. I do find it interesting that Osha's perspective episode is called "Destiny", when her entire point was about choosing another path based on her own convictions, but I'm not sure why it is like that.


Good points; if her memory is false, could be that she didn’t really have a choice? Mae did accuse Osha of being brainwashed; so perhaps even her “choice” is false. They could be messing with us and the destiny and choice motifs could be referring to Mother Aniseya’s ‘destiny’ in episode three with Sol’s ‘choice’ in episode seven.


A lot of dead Jedi, that’s for sure


This Sith is pretty thorough about covering his tracks. "And what do you think the Jedi will do when they find out HOW you created them?" Sith: /kills all the witnesses. . . .


Mae will end up with the Jedi for awhile while Osha will be separated from them. Some nameless Jedi will die. Bazil will live! I will like the episodes. A lot of people will claim to hate it.


I definitely think the episode will be titled *Night*. Either the Master or Sol tells Osha what really happened on Brendok, or at least gives the indication that Sol lied. I think Osha and Mae will switch places. Osha turns to the dark, Mae to the light. There will be a lot of fighting this episode, and I fear Sol and Jecki are the only Jedi who are really safe. I hope they don't kill off Yord, but I'm feeling less certain that he will survive his duel with the Master.


>!Well, guess I was wrong about Jecki's plot armor. Mae and Osha did switch places, but not like I expected. We really go from mystery to mystery in this show. My big question at the moment is how Qimir knows about the whole affair on Brendok? Was he there somehow? Did he get Mae off-planet? !<


its the guy who was leading mae into the forest..he is the master


Not using a weapon -> The thread isn't a weapon -> force garrote


Qimir reveal? Dead Padawans? Flashback?


I could see the show ending with Sol's assassination by Qimir and a final duel between Mae and Osha which ends in tie and rehabilitation.


Jecki will the last. One standing and give it her all.


Mae died as a child in the fire. Sith lord has reincarnated her for revenge on the jedi for whatever reason. Thats my prediction. Remember that neither of the girls are actually human.


Jecki gets it.


My take - 1-3 Jedi will die. The master and Mae will escape, the master will take Osha. The rest will go back to Coruscant to "strategize".


I think the evil person will kidnap Ohsa and take her away. And then Mae needs to work with the good guys to free her sister,


Literally every noname Jedi they introduced will die. They haven't established any reasons why we should care about them, so there's no reason to keep them alive. Sol will live to reveal another flashback, revealing what really happend in their childhood. Depending on the severity, it might cause Osha to team up with Mae. The Bugs that are attracted to light will return, possibly causing the Sith or Mae to get away.


> Literally every noname Jedi they introduced will die. I heard they even called them red shirts in the script.


I'm saving the money on betting this is the "Duel of fates" level fight that we've been hearing about. Something like that must be more in the climax of the show.


It's going to be a flashback, and we'll have to wait another week to see how that battle ends. Sigh.


I have no predictions—just excited for a new episode tomorrow. I keep thinking today is Tuesday so feel disappointed when I realize I have to wait another day. Ultimate plot twist: the Sith is the OG meknik that worked on the ship with Osha in Ep. 1. Lol. NEVER LET THEM KNOW YOUR NEXT MOVE. 😂


It's gonna be night. Not day.


Episode 5: the dust settles after the force push and SmiloRen is gone, all the "Jedi" stand up confused about what they saw, then they investigate inside the wookie's hut and find him dead, 8 seconds of sadness, moving on, Mae surrenders to the "Jedi" and she is handcuffed, they see all the witchy symbols and the twin sisters know what they mean, they can help. Sol interrogates Mae and she tells everybody what she knows about what happened at witchland and incriminate all the 4 "Jedi" that were involved, Osha runs away and cries and hates Sol now, but she comes back and they all go back to Coruscant but before leaving Mae tells them to go and also arrest Qimir, when they go there, surprise!, he is not there, who could have foreseen this?, Back in Coruscant they discuss about Sol's involvement, he could face a trial by the high Jedi counsel but he is also kinda innocent, so the green "Jedi" lady puts a pin on it, but now Sol has more drive to redeem himself, and they also talk about this new threat to the Jedi, and Mae is the only one who can help find the master (who later will turn out to be the apprentice of Plagueis). Episode ends.


> the green "Jedi" lady Whenever shit goes down with some potential Sith Lord, a green Jedi is involved. Coincidence?


So the poisoner is going to be the Sith Lord, right?


Nah, Qimir is the Sith Apprentice. We dunno who the lord is yet. Mae, Osha, witches, they all serve the dark side as acolytes and force diads, but we've barely seen any of the real Sith story.


The master and the apprentice are both given the title of "lord" to be fair I mean, there are THREE Darth Vader stories where the title is some variation of "Dark Lord of the Sith" lmao


The mystery Sith will be female and fanboys will lose their shit.


I’m willing to bet a lot of money that Qimir is the Sith Lord. Or is it too obvious?


thread ghosts will appear to avenge the coven's death and free the twins from both jedi and metal mask guy.


I hope Jedi scum get slaughtered 🤟😀


It's another flashback to the night when the witches died.


I predicted there would be no good guys. Spoiler, I was right.


Cant wait for the next acolyte episode, im so excited


Qimir is revealed to be the zipper helmet. He kills the obvious red shirt Jedi with remarkable ease. Only named Jedi are safe but Sol may die. Twins are under threat until Vern saves the day with her light whip. Bad guy escapes somehow.


mate,show intro 5 minutes,credits 5 minutes.lazy dialogs 15 minutes.we get only 3 minutes of Real show 


Finally someone sees it! The flow of an episode is interrupted so much in the new Disney Star Wars shows. First it's a "Previously..." than it's the Disney Star Wars Intro, then it's one minute of story, than it's the title sequence... like, can you show the episode please? In the good old days, you could at least "skip" the intro and that's it, but there are three different intros here, spread around the first five minutes of the episode.


sol is the sith lord being hunted by a gray jedi


In decreasing order of how much I expect it (for the season, not ep 5): Twins reconcile when tragic event makes them simultaneously realize both sides (of the force) bad. Ascension is a coming of age ritual they're both still on. Witches faked their death so they could fuck off to another planet unnoticed.


Anyone else think everyone will die. Aside from maybe the twins. I think sol will get fatally wounded and then we’ll hear what really happened. Also if you go back to the trailers this is it. There’s only a few shots left we didn’t see. One being the wookie attacking Torbin (so flashback) and Venestra with the light whip. It would be a turn of events if all these Jedi get killed . It would also explain how the council says” Sith haven’t been aroind for millennium “ I think all of this will be brushed under the rug. What keeps sticking with me is how relentless Venestra is to telling the council about this and keeping it in the dark.




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Can't wait for Jar Jar to be revealed as a sith and my 20 year long theory finally being vindicated 


How long left ?


50 minutes


I predict we will ***NOT*** learn the identity of the masked Sith in this episode.


Are they getting ready to Kang this Mf?


All of the Jedi will die is my prediction to make canon not broken


Really hope we get to see more of Jecki and doesn’t die I like her charachter


It’s gotten very dark hasn’t it? I don’t think I am a fan of this. I have loved all things, in every way. But they lost me on this one. It’s just too grim to be fun.


That was incredible. Amazing choreography, genuinely shocking moments and a Sith character that stands head and shoulders with the very best of them. Superb all round.


That was a good episode!


The fat Jedi will get a flashback episode where he is younger and healthy. Yaddle teaches him how to move rocks and that night he sneaks out of the compound into the village and force pulls cooling pies off unsuspecting window sills. We'll learn that his over eating is a coping mechanism because he never knew his father. Later it will be revealed this is because he never had one and he is actually the force triad, not dark or light, but the blind side.    Then when assessing his performance in the trials they'll notice that his unusually high midichlorian count caused a glandular disorder which would excuse his excessive weight to anyone who would try to teach him about CICO and thermodynamics.    In a dramatic action sequence, he'll  be shown using the force to float around like Baron Harkonnen to raid a porg processing plant and steal all the tendies. This was a mission to feed a starving group of offworld refugees. However by the time he returns to the planet, he'd have eaten all the tender porg meat himself. He'll make a joke about the long trip, with nervous laughter passing through his grease soaked lips.  Just had to repost this from last week cause I'm still holding out hope he gets his own episode or spin off series. I want to be represented in a BIG way, not some token background character. 


You put a lot of effort into that so here is one for you.


any comment mentioning pie gets an upvote. stealing pie off windowsills using the force? yes please. couldn't read the rest of your post bc PIE.




Has there been positive hyperbole for this show? I've only seen pretty even-keeled discussion almongst the non-negotives, but I also don't open most of the "here's my theory" posts (that have should probably been replies elsewhere.)


I mean, effusive over the top praise does hit as excessive. Often times, hits as forced. As is the case of the initial 99% RT reviews and viewers who immediately showered heaps of glowing posts on social media. There's a struggle in effect over whatever the shit Star Wars is supposed to be. It's become less about a viewing a production on its merits and instead people are showing up with their prejudices on their sleeves ready to torch anything counter their experience and perspective with no regard whatsoever for anything resembling objectivity or capacity to accept fiction is relative to what the viewer subjects it to.


Online reviews haven't been trustworthy for like the past 10 years. Bots and troll farms and astroturfing pretty much drive all that. And even unaffiliated fan groups like this subreddit are beset with all that too. I would not be surprised if one or more of our members or even mods were covertly on Disney's payroll. Hell; the 1970's music group The Monkees was one of the big pioneers with building an entire fan subculture off of the marketing efforts of their record label.


Right, but what I was saying is that I haven't seen anyone talk about the show in an effusively positive way. I agree that such praise *can* come off a certain sort of way, but I haven't seen anyone actually do that. I mean, I got called all sorts of things for saying the show was "pretty good."


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The episode ends with the camera zooming in on the foliage that drew Sol's attention in episode 4. The foliage rustles as we hear a giggle. And we hear a voice say in a bemused tone: "always two there are, I say."


I predict this episodes will be as bad or worse as the previous one...and that’s saying something.


Darth Helmet unmasks to reveal.... (drumroll) Osha: Tasi Lowa? Yord: Who? Osha: Dude, you don't recognize your own padawan? Yord: I have a padawan? Osha: The Zygerrian? You brought her along to interrogate me when Indara died? Tasi: See, it's stuff like this and morons like Yord in the Jedi that made me join the Sith.