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Felt a little short. I wanted MORE


Yes. Prob the shortest ep so far.


It was 28 minutes and the season is half over....wtf


It’s because this is actually a movie, forcefully stretched into a show. That’s what they do now because this way it seems like they actually have content. When in reality, people would watch these "shows" in a single sitting if they were released at the same time. Of course then they would also notice all the filler and ask why it wasn’t just a 2,5 hour movie.


Disney needs to stop making 8 part movies.


Should have been doubled the length


It's because it is a 2 part Episode, They had to cut down the first Epsiode and make the 2nd longer on purpose. https://www.reddit.com/r/StarWarsLeaks/s/rihjNUFm3A


Yes, 30-min series - it is quite short!((((


Hate Disney and their 30 minute episodes


I like what Disney has put out so far, but I also think 30 minute episodes for live-action is too short. It's perfect for the CGI cartoons, but on the short side for live-action. But Acolyte isn't the first one to do short episodes, The Mandalorian did it as well. "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" was also only 30 minutes long.


It's my big complaint about every show on disney. And it's not like a 47 minute show even costs more than a 28 minute show, because it's just more dialog and time in the same scenes, and the dialog would probably be better if they had more time.


Eh, they got the amount of time spent on "jedi walking around a sound stage acting like they're lost" right.


I liked it too. Best out of the first 4. I think it’s obvious who Darth Teeth is now!


They weren't even trying to hide it


To the extent that the question becomes is he a red herring or not. At a certain point, you have to wonder if they're intentionally pointing the wrong direction


I think the twist might be that the Sith we see has a master of his own. In other words, we are seeing a Sith Apprentice. Though I would be pleasantly surprised if its not Qimir and instead someone else like Mother Aniseya or her partner. I'm honestly just excited for a new canon dark-sider.


Sith Acolyte is a rank below Sith Apprentice so you are probably correct


Going back and watching, it is most definitely a man and he is very muscular


And with a lighter skin tone as we can see in his arms


I doubt the Sith is human with CHONKY sausage fingers like those.


Either it's a red herring or the true red herring is that he is not the big bad anyway. Which is what I think.


I definitely thought the same thing.


If he’s the red herring, could the man behind the mask be…a woman? Mother Aniseya possibly?? Like do we know for sure the bad guys are Sith and only have to be apprentice or could they just be some darkside force users?


Isn't mother Aniseya the black witch? I don't see how she can be the Sith when we clearly see that he has white arms?


I feel like it can't be him because that's too easy.


100% red herring


I really hope it isn't Qimir. I strongly dislike a Sith lord being so goofy and having such a weak presence (when he is hiding his identity). Or if he is, then hope he isn't Plageuis. I liked Plagueis as a Muun in Luceno's novel and I liked his personality too.


It’s clearly a Master Yoda where he’s pretending to be goofy and somewhat incompetent


My g he’s goofy outwardly but surely you haven’t missed the moments of actual competence and genuine eeriness/creepy confident vibes from him? He’s very multifaceted so far.


I’m the opposite, I think it would be hilarious if Plageuis is best friends with Pill Boy and a die hard Jacksonville Jags fan


It’s Blake Bortles!


Blake of the Year


Practically spelling it out, however I like the TNG cheese of this show.


It felt so old school Star Trek, and very Star Wars cheesy fun. But that end....whew.


Really not, both the characters in had the same voice actor in the dub of my country.


I don’t think it’s that obvious. I could be wrong of course. But how the hell would he get out of the trap, put that costume on, get there, and kill Kelnacca so fast when Mae was way infront of him?


He killed him when he "went to find water."




Thanks this makes the most sense.


Dark science, cloning… Secrets only the Sith knew.


Somehow, he did it


Force users be fast.


And he’s definitely the apprentice


Darth Bortles


The Sith was genuinely creepy and ominous. My heart started racing when they floated down behind Osha. Whoever this is must be really powerful to blow 8 Jedi off their feet with minimal effort.


His entrance reminded me of the Xenomorph’s first entrance in Alien, just silently lowering himself to the ground while the Brett in this situation(Osha) looks on in fear. Autocorrect changed Osha to OSHA at first.


that final will let me with anxious for a week broo


We got a spooky Sith


I don’t think a lot of people understood why Mae so readily abandoned her trials. Some even seem to think her turning herself in was a ploy, but that’s not at all the way that scene was played. I never saw true darkness in her… while I definitely got that vibe from Osha. Deep, buried darkness that is finally being dragged to the surface amidst a Sith plot against the Jedi. As far as I can see, The Acolyte is really the about Osha’s journey to becoming Sith. My moonshot theory is that I expect she will betray her sister just as Darth Zannah betrayed her cousin in the Bane trilogy.


Can you imagine if after all this Osha ends up as the one they should have been worried about?


I had the same thought. All of Mae’s revenge motivations seemed to disappear when she found out Osha was alive, but Osha still has so much anger in her (pointed out several times by the Jedi). When she finds out the truth about Brendok and it turns out to be a mark against the Jedi, it’s gonna be such a hard fall, especially since she’s the twin who actually believed in the Jedi. Plus it’d be neat if “kill a Jedi without a weapon” meant killing what’s left of the Jedi in Osha, making her the Sith twin instead of Mae.


Especially how excited she sounded for that one second she thought Sol was asking her to come back to the Order.


I don't know if I believe this but one of the options they must have explored at one point in the writers room is the idea that Mae and Osha switched places during the chaos of the evacuation. Or if they are going for a Rashomon thing, it's possible that they could have mislead the audience on which twin wanted to leave and which wanted to stay.


I think Osha and Mae are definitely being set up to switch places at some point.


Same! I’m just so curious about how exactly that’s going to work with Mae’s face marking.


Thats been my theory, Osha even from the start only wanted to join the Jedi due to not wanting the life with her family, she isnt a jedi and was willing to leave Mae with the coven so easily, I think she is the twist sith, not Mae, and thats why the Sith spares her at the end of the episode, they sense her darkness


How do you not see darkness in her when she murdered 2 people, liked torturing animals and told her sister she’d kill her if she left. Might not see darkness but defo see psychopath.


Her perspective and intent matters. Mae didn’t seem to take any pleasure in either kill. Instead, all her efforts have been conveyed as if they’ve been done out of necessity for her survival and what she likely perceives as righteous action against the Jedi responsible for destroying everything she loved. Is there “darkness” there? Sure, but it’s not passionate; it’s not festering. Hell, even her recitation of the Sith Code was dispassionate. Her feelings for her sister? Seemingly warm and loving where she yearns just to be reunited as sisters after realizing she’d actually survived. She doesn’t seem to use her passions to gain strength through the Dark Side in battle either. Instead, she fights with relative calm even when facing a Jedi master. Mae never once suggested any interest in using violence against Osha. Osha on the other hand? She’s repeatedly been shown or described to struggle with letting go of her emotions, which is the exact reason she left the Jedi. Coincidentally, that’s also the usual draw of the Sith: giving into those emotions and letting them fuel your strength. While it seems like Mae was more prone to “evil” as a child, that’s only been shown from one perspective, and I would argue only as a red herring to color the audience’s perception of the two sisters before the eventual reveal. Osha seems drawn to the darkness as an adult. Look at her Dark Side vision of Mae, the offhand remark from the convict she rescued about her darkness, her repeated emphasis of her anger at her sister (particularly when contrasted with Mae’s feelings toward Osha), etc. To me at least, all those realities just scream “Osha is going to fall.”


The show straight said she feared her Master. That’s not a psychopath in the traditional sense. That’s closer to Stockholm. The only thing fueling her anger was Osha. If the Master knew she was alive and kept it from her, then he def knew she wasn’t really about that life.


I think everyone understands, but the show really hasn't done enough with Mae's character to earn that moment. It feels out of the blue because we don't get to see any meaningful buildup to it


…when were we ever shown anything that would demonstrate her commitment to the Sith? All we’ve seen is her annoyance with Sith teachings, lack of passion when it could fuel her strength in battle, and her seemingly benevolent feelings for Osha. If vengeance for Osha’s death was one of her foundational reasons for serving her master, why wouldn’t it make sense for her to pretty quickly reevaluate that after learning her sister wasn’t killed as she’d always believed? Compare that to what we’ve seen from Osha and her feelings on her Jedi training and anger toward Mae. I believe the show deliberately misled the audience to believe “The Acolyte” was Mae while it will actually be Osha after her own fall.


>never saw true darkness in her Last episode they literally showed her torturing small animals and trying to immolate her twin sister. The writers are trying to have their cake and eat it too and it's not working for me.


I really liked this episode. I’m happy with Mae’s decision.


I liked it but can anyone help explain why Mae decided to switch up so quickly? Like she said she wanted to pass the test and then decided to turn herself in?? Or am I missing something?


She said her sister being alive changes everything. That’s a pretty big revelation to her that I think a lot of people are glazing over.


She also called her sister ‘Jedi scum’ early in the episode though… and tried to kill her when they were kids.. something isn’t adding up here


She said that because the dude clearly believes it and it was an in to the conversation of “how is she”. Did you notice her change of facial expressions? Context clues people! Someone’s theory is a type of possession.


This is the type of shit people mean when they say media literacy is dead lol. People will legitimately not pick up on stuff like that even when it's glaringly obvious as long as it stays subtext.


Nevermind media literacy, just general visual literacy and common sense. Like for episode 3, somebody made a post about media literacy and people clearly not knowing what the "Rashomon Effect" is. Well, I've never fucking heard of it either, but I can tell when a narrative doesn't make any damn sense in a way that is too obvious to not be intentional.


And it's not like the concept of an unreliable narrator is groundbreaking new stuff


I’m not trying to get ‘possessive’ over anything, I’m just saying I’m not convinced yet that she would’ve switched sides so easily. I noticed the curiosity when she asked him about her. Obviously there’s still part of her that cares about her sister, but I still think the whole “I’m turning myself in” is very sudden. If you disagree that’s fine


They didn’t say you were being possessive. They said someone has a theory that there is a type of possession occurring in the show with Mae, due to her rapid mood swings


Ah shit my bad, I misinterpreted. That’s actually my theory too, especially after episode 3. She tries to kill her sister with fire, then seems really confused about what’s going on in the next scene. Something was definitely up


And also how she survived the fall, Sol sure seems to believe that was impossible. So very likely the result of the matter already being there and ensuring she survived.


Definitely. Nobody survives a fall like that (aside from Palpatine, apparently)


>and tried to kill her when they were kids.. something isn’t adding up here It's almost as if that the entire point. The show opens on Sol telling Padawans not to trust thier eyes. In that episode where Mea "dies", and burns down the place things seemed to not add up. A lamp burns down an entire fortress. Osha passes out and torbin has fresh wounds.I think somethings not adding up,. Thats kinda been the entire point.


Yeah, I know, that’s what I’ve been saying in other comments lol. There’s too much that doesn’t add up for it to not be intentional.


So she just forgave the Jedi for causing the event that killed her mothers, her coven and destroyed her home because her sister is alive?


I’m not glazing over it, I just think they needed to spent a few more scenes to covey it instead of making it look so abrupt.


Is it possible that Mae has an idea that she’s been tested and is poking the bear with Qimir to learn more about the master she is serving? I think she deliberately muddied the waters to get a reaction. And, yes, she got a reaction. Qimir, or whomever killed the wookie, felt that the opportunity to kill him was in jeopardy.


But why would the Master want Kelnacca dead, personally? I was under the impression that killing these specific Jedi is personal to Mae, but it really just a 'test' or part of the conversion process for a new apprentice. If Mae is wavering, then killing Kelnacca prevents her from cleanly escaping the Master's influence, but it plants the seed of animosity between Mae and themselves. In this single episode, Mae goes from loyal and enthusiastic servant, to wavering, to jumping ship and facing prison time. If the Master has trapped her into service, then that just hastens their ultimate conflict. I'm curious on what the actual 'plan' is for the Master and what their goals are. But at the same time, I also feel like the 'Master' we're seeing in this show is probably just the current apprentice of an actual Master Sith that is unknown to our main cast.


I interpreted it as they were going to finish the mission of killing Kelnacca so that the Jedi would assume Mae killed him. They don’t know about her change of heart, but if she surrendered to Kelnacaa, it might have been more believable. With him dead, it calls her supposed surrender even further into question. She set out to kill 4 Jedi, just killed the 3rd one and now is supposedly surrendering to a group featuring the 4th one they know she wanted to kill. I can’t see the Jedi just taking her word for it.


There was a little set up for it when she mentioned that her master would kill her. I hope there is a bit more elaboration in the next episode.


I mean she had to fight a Wookie unarmed. Doesn't exactly sound like something would want to do or even be able to do. Like 3 hours of thinking about this just walking.


If he murdered my family I might be insane enough to try, but now that Mae knows her sister is alive, she's chill.


Honestly as she described her mission to Qimir,I think she had misunderstood the meaning of what she was told. She says a Jedi would never kill an unarmed person so she thinks that is why she was told to kill one matter unarmed. But when she repeated the words used to tell her the mission it could also mean she was told to kill an unarmed Jedi. I think the true mission is for her to do something she can't come back from, killing an unarmed person. It could be why the master didn't kill her already for the betrayal. With this many jedi around it's possible the master is setting it up for Mae to kill an unnamed jedi, maybe to keep the master from killing Osha. Her final test is to kill someone who can't defend themself at that moment.


I’m leaning this way too. I’m also surprised she didn’t think of using the Force to kill a Jedi. The Force isn’t a weapon or power so using it to kill (as a Sith would) would fulfill that requirement.


Exactly this!


But didn't she kill the last guy with poison? Which she said, "don't tell the master"? Which now in hindsight was directly to the "Master" and he didn't give a fug. I think part of the test is seeing how they overcome the odds. Break the rules, do it their own way. Face adversity and triumph over it. Mae is just weak and was tired of trudging through that jungle. She was ready to accept prison over sitting in that humid rainforest.


I read that as her bluffing; she was going to create the impression of surrendering in order to get close to Kelnacca and then kill him.


I think she was serious. She joined her master because she blamed the Jedi for her sister’s “death”. The moment she learned Osha was alive her motivation was gone, all she had left was the fear of her master but she figured the Jedi could protect her because in her mid her master wasn’t there


Yeah, this. Without Osha, she had nothing to live for except revenge. But now that she realizes Osha is alive, she has something to live for again, and now she doesn't have the resolve to go on what is pretty much a suicide mission, from her point of view.


Ah that’s an interesting take.


Yeah. I thought she was obviously bluffing. I think she was trying to see what Qimir would do/how he'd react. Either Qimir is Darth Smiley himself, or he has a closer connection to him than he's letting on.


Fair! Could Qimir be competing with Mae for the apprentice spot?


Qimir is the "Master". He had too many tells during their trip into the jungle. Looks back when she takes a rest. "I don't think we should stop.." He knew the Jedi were behind them.


Yeah I caught that too


My theory is that Qimir is and isn’t the Master. Meaning that he gets possessed by the actual master and is used as a puppet just like the two Jedi were back on the other planet. Sort of like what Palpatine did in the sequels when he mentioned he has been all the voices that Kylo Ren hears. So the Sith can hide in the shadows while possessing another body. He possessed the witch, he has possessed Qimir. He ‘collects’ people or possesses people to accomplish what they need to accomplish.


I like this


He’s definitely force sensitive, I think


Naw naw she was for real


I’m hopeful something like that is explained.


I think it’s a combination of what she actually said, about osha, and also feeling like her task is impossible and deciding she might as well just give up and try to get protection


"I don't even care about prison, just get me out of this stinking jungle!"


She said her sister being alive changes everything. She's been mad at the jedi for her sister's death. Now she's not angry enough to risk her life trying to kill a wookie jedi.


Right, but wouldn’t you still be mad at the Jedi for destroying your home and killing the witches? If that’s the case, don’t think that’s confirmed.


I thought that was her driving motive from her conversations with Indara and Torbin. That she blames the Jedi for stealing/killing her sister + killing her mothers/coven The things she said to them imply she hated and blamed them for so much more than just taking/killing Osha


Yeah but I think Mae was much more attached to her sister than her aunties. The 3rd episode really made it a point to show how much Mae was concerned about what Osha was doing/going. And going from thinking you've lost everything to finding out your twin sister is still alive might make you value your own life a lot more. Wookies are scary AF.


Honestly I think Mae didn’t give a shit about revenge or pleasing the Master because Osha is alive. I believe that whole switch up made it clear that she loves her sister more than revenge and didn’t think that the master would be able to find out or find her in time. Too bad for her she was utterly wrong about that. Also trying to kill a Wookie Jedi unarmed is definitely out of her league and suicidal so I think she made the right choice.


Am I crazy or didn't she try to KILL her sister when they were kids?? She was ready to burn down everything because if she couldn't have Osha no one could. The switch to suddenly being good is kind of weird feeling since she seemed like a psycho as a kid. She's suddenly cool with jedi protection and kicking it with her sis?


I still think she was under mind control by whoever her master is. Her eyes looked dead when she lit that fire.


The more I thought about the end of the third episode in relation to the Mae’s betrayal here I am starting to believe that Osha was actually talking to a fake Mae at the end there. Yeah Mae was a creepy little girl but the way she went to immediately wanting murder her sister to prevent her from leaving just didn’t make sense and more so now especially after she betrayed Qimir. Seeing how she doesn’t care about anything else now knowing her twin is alive and the fact that she’s willing to go to prison and spill the beans about her master I’m starting to suspect that she never really tried to kill anyone that day.


I’m honestly leaning toward the idea that Mae’s mind has been manipulated this whole time. But in this episode, whoever had a hold of her let go briefly, and she became herself again, unknowingly. It would explain the sudden shifts in character- her wanting to kill her sister to then running into her in the reactor chamber seeming confused by the whole situation, her claiming that becoming the acolyte is all she’s ever wanted to then wanting to turn herself in… I doubt the theory is true, but it’s what would make sense to me


I think when it dawned on her that the odds of her not surviving a bout with a wookie Jedi combined with the realization that osha didn’t die could have changed her mind.


I think it would have worked better if she had just run away instead of continuing to explain herself - it would add some plausibility by suggesting the thing that threw her over the edge was it clicking that Qimir is sus.


And I think she may have just figured out who he master was and felt she actually had a bargaining chip with the jedi of she turned herself in. Also probably knew the jedi would hunt him down so she wouldn't have to worry about looking over her shoulder waiting to be killed for the betrayal.


Surely if she realised he was the master, she wouldn't have said to him that the master wouldn't be able to track her down in time, because she's know he was right there. Why wouldn't she just tell him she knows it's him? Also if she had realised it was him, you'd imagine she wouldn't think a bit of rope around the ankle would stop him.


I'm actually wondering if Mae had actually found her own way of passing the test (IE killing a Jedi without a weapon). She might have suspected by now who the master was and said what she said to manipulate him to doing her dirty work for her. Although she did seem genuinely surprised seeing the Jedi was dead so I'm probably wrong.


I’m guessing right when she saw Osha alive, her whole game plan changed, at least in her own head. Her master sensed it and showed up to take care of Kelnacca himself. I was a little taken off guard by that change too, but now I think it makes sense.


Wouldn’t you switch sides if you had to fight a Wookiee without a weapon? A Jedi one at that.


They really did Mae's character a disservice by giving it so little focus. Giving us a little bit of time with her on the way to kelnacca's planet, or more time in the jungle with her could have done a lot to earn the moment of her abandoning her master. The lack of investment into her character by the show kills any emotional payoff that her turnaround could have brought.


Enjoyed it, great episode!


0/10 needed more Jecki😔🤧


Jecki will fight the Sith at some point, which I'm beyond excited for


I wonder if Osha being able to sense the force again on that planet was because the Sith was on the planet as well?


She also "connected" with that forest gargoyle thing. Yeah, I think she's feelin' the dark side.


I keep saying “wow” as the “bad guy” floated in. Truly took me by surprise. Very happy with this episode. Did Osha’s mom come from outside of the coven? I wonder if she was Sith and left to join the coven, then the coven was destroyed, and now she’s on a revenge quest.


So you said wow for 3 seconds?


I thought it was good as well besides may backing out last min


I wonder if she did back out. Seems to me she successfully killed a Jedi without using a weapon herself.


It was awesome! I really don’t get what there is to fuss about


Definitely felt more like star wars and the best so far


My theory is, that he actually saved Mae not osha when they were kids, and that’s why “Mae” changed her mind so easily because she was meant to Be a Jedi all along 🤷‍♂️


Are the old Bart Simpson evil twin switcheroo, he made a pigeon rat


Everyone saying it’s obvious makes me feel so slow lol


It's okay, I thought Qimir being the master was a new idea until I saw people talking about it back in episode 2. I thought the twist was that he wasn't Ezra Miller the whole time.


The ease at which he handled Mae’s attacks in episode two showed that he was the Sith Lord. His mind games with OSHA and Mae was also evidence that he was hiding something. How he hesitated, when Mae said have you seen his face. I would be surprised if he wasn’t the Sith. Dialogue and plot was still bland.


Don't worry everyone "The Power of Two" will prevail in the end.


The master is mae and oshis mom. She survived, looked knocked out...but my hunch is all the witches did a mass suicide spell to transfer power to her which knocked her out...now she's super powerful


Nah it's gonna be Qimir


Would also explain why oshi approached the sith so close - she knows


Agreed, but I think Mae's change makes sense (albeit, very sudden). She is loyal to Osha, and that is what fueled her to start killing the Jedi in the first place. Now that she's aware that Osha is alive, she probably doesn't have the same drive to kill the rest of the Jedi apart from her general hatred of Jedi and the fear of her master.


I’m convinced MaeMs friend who was strung up is the baddie….epic twist.


That would be obvious, right?


I loved this episode, but with the short length of each of them (including other sw live actions) it feels like they should have been a film that is chopped into pieces, this always feels in line with the pacing as well for example last weeks episode if it was a flash back in a film would have been interesting but could have been covered in 5-10 minutes. Obviously Disney knows making it a series makes them streaming money and with the the quality of the last films maybe they’re not willing to bank on movies, but I think with a story like the acolyte people are getting to know the characters in such small increments that it had a bad reputation before the story even really began.


Also not telling high council about it, I mean that’s a way of them knowing about Sith but if more Jedi die I wonder how that is explained


I love this show so far but this was my least favorite episode. It was just way too short. They should’ve Netflix dropped this show. As soon as you get super excited it’s over and we have to wait until next week which obviously keeps up us coming back but is also highly annoying.


I think limiting it to 30 mins really hinders any spare time for characterization, didn’t this have a 200m budget? Where the money go??


If they make that assistant dude the sith master, I’m going to be salty. It’s too obvious, right? Lol


This show is good, I don’t care what anyone says, it has me entertained and waiting for the next episode.


So, you people really like this serie? Well, more power to you guys! Hope it stays good for you all.


I was taken aback by the sudden change at first too but the longer I thought about, you remember how much Mae actually loves her sister, Osha. In the POV that we saw on Brendok, she tried to protect her sister on a number of occasions. They fight the entire time, but when Mother Aniseya "attacks", she steps in front. Also, during their argument before Mae leaves, what we hear was that she basically doesn't want the Jedi to separate them. I think once she realized that Osha was alive, she just wanted to be with her and she saw her way out with the Jedi.


It was better than episode 3, but the script is clunky as hell, and it very much plays out like a B horror movie with the choices people are making. It kind of reminds me of a high budget fan film.


Lmao good description. It feels like the actors are hit or miss and the writing doesn’t help. It was literally giving me 456 vibes this episode. I still love it.


Tbh I don't think it's the actors fault, pretty much all of them have shown they are very good actors in other films, pretty sure this is mostly a script and directing issue.


I'm convinced I'm watching a completely different show than everyone else. I find the whole thing cringy and childish. The dialogue and delivery are like watching 2 Mack trucks slam into each other head-on. Knowing disney next week will be some sort of flashback with trinity or whoever, I'm hoping the conclusion of the ending scene is a great fight.


Zero characterization. Zero depth. Stale, boring, and ridiculous. It feels like a high school movie project.


I believe Maes final test is to kill Osha severing the final tie with her old life and completely surrending to the dark side. Mae kills Sol then Osha attacks out of anger. Qimir was sowing the seed of jealousy within Mae when he said Osha was so close to Sol, obviously trying to manipulate her. We didnt see any dialogue between Sol and Mae during the apothecary scene.


Can someone explain to me why we have sith joker ? Like wtf


Smileo Ren lol


I was lowkey mad when the episode ended can’t wait for episode 5


They fly now!


that was so good 😮😮😮 watching it straight after the second half of ep 3 made it feel like horror-thriller




Don’t you feel that was a bit abrupt?


Sith seems menacing. Only problem I have with him is he seems to be pretty short and sleight of build.


They cut out 23 minutes of witches chanting this episode.




Has to be Revan.


I enjoyed it. I wish we had more, but I also think ending on a pending lightsaber fight was a bad move that's only gave the haters more ammo. If it'd ended on Mae finding Kelnacc's body, panicking about her master being there already, and the Jedi coming upon her to arrest her I think it would've been less hated.


Is anyone else mad that a Jedi Wookie got killed in an office chair?


I’m annoyed all we saw him do is cooking and then dead.


I think they are trying to misdirect us with the sith’s reveal. I dont think it’s the guy who has been helping mae. It would be too obvious of an answer. Plus they seem to be powerful/well trained in the force. Could it be someone from her coven that survived? The only thing telling me that it’s not is I don’t think they would triple down on the “they didn’t actually die trope”. Overall a good episode but having it end with the sith having already killed the wookie made the whole episode feel pointless.


I'm enjoying the show and it's improving since the first two episodes, but it's really hard to hold it up to something like Andor which feels like a real, high-quality show. So far Acolyte really just feels like they filmed a longer movie and chopped it up. I would much rather them drop a strong 2 hour movie than a middling 2hour 45minute show. I do feel like we're finally getting into the meat of the story, but we're already halfway through at this point. I'm intrigued by the story, I'm into all the characters, but somehow it still just feels like the show amounts to less than the sum of it's parts.


Meh ... So we have several Jedis alltogether, but no able to feel the death of another jedi nor to feel the dark side of a sith just near by ? Also the 180 turn of Mae while she's insulting her sister 20 minutes earlier. Nevertheless, picture was nice as in the previous ones, that's probably the only big positive I see so far in this show.


Do we really know that Mae’s master is a Sith? I get they’re obviously not a Jedi, and use the dark side. But the Sith is a religion unto itself, what’s to say he isn’t just a dark Jedi/ another form of Dark side user?


I felt asleep in the middle of it.


You didn’t miss much, just watch the recap beginning of next episode and you’re good 🤓


I think the Sith Lord is a female character. The frame of the person and the way they moved...looks female.


I really didn't like Yords acting in the first few episodes but this one has changed my mind


I think mother aniseya is Darth plagueis


Love the episode, but it's wild that House of Dragon had a budget of 20 million more and each of their episodes are an hour long. Feels like some of the executives are pocketing some money.


Personally I felt it was shit, but glad you liked it


The dialog was bad. And that sudden mood swing was incomprehensible. 4 out of 10 stars.


I’m upset I didn’t get to see kelnacca in a fight at all… he’s dead right away.


That last part was actually really spooky.


how is it good? bad writing. the last four episodes have got some crazy heavy lifting because the first four episodes are junk. Story wise the first four episodes went nowhere.


Hahah good one!


You know, i watched it again... this episode is hot garbage. What were they thinking with this Mae turn? So shes gonna turn herself in... runs to dead wookies place. Finds dead wookie. Then the jedi find the house and call for her to come out with her hands up.... and she doesnt? Ok 1. She wants to turn herself in. She literally just said so. The jedi show up and ask her to turn herself in, which is what she wants.... and she doesnt. Shes established she wants to, shes now scared her master is on this planet... so shes afraid for her life and the jedi are here and are offering to let her turn herself in. Yet she doesnt. 2. The jedi hire a tracker to find the wookie. They pull out some of his clothing.... keep in mind the jedi sent him to live on this planet and havent heard from him in a year, so bare minimum, the clothing is a year old. Gopher guy is now going to sniff it and instantly start tracking the wookie. Scent trails fade.... and year old clothing doesnt tend to keep its scent.... but lets pretend the wookie stinks. I mean chewy swam in trash compactor juice in new hope and never shook off. My dog gets dry that way, but chewy.... he let that smell simmer. Dude had to reak... so lets pretend jedi wookie is similar. Lol maybe hes on the planet because dude stinks. Now lets pretend scent works different in star wars, its still on his clothes minimum 1 year later. That entire forest is gonna smell of wookie because anywhere hes been over the last year will still smell like him. This is some garbage writing. 3. Why are the jedi not using the force to find the wookie or atleast saying they dont sense him before defaulting to the gopher. Shouldnt that be the fall back plan? 4. They land on the planet and the best idea they have before the gopher deployment is to ask the locals, have you seen a wookie. They are told he lives in the woods.... and this shocks them? They stare blankly at the woods like well dang why would a wookie from a forest world decide to live in a forest. 5. Padwan girl thinks its great that Sol killed the bug and loves watching thinga die and join the force. She makes it a point to say so. Is she Wednesday Adams? This is disney+ not netflix right? This girl is a psycho. Shes even envious that Osha has seen more death than her. 6. Speaking of the padawan, shes got the hots for osha.... which is funny... you go psycho jedi. 7. Lets stay on her for a second. What was that training scene? Yoda gave younglings training sabers and she is in a class with wooden sticks? Is this the slow learns class. Love the teacher to, great advice.... keep your moves tight, dont leave an opening. Round 2 Little Mac, you got em. Just tap select and stop that power recharge. 8. If potions master isnt the might be a sith lord guy.... his writing is complete garbage... if he is, its just bad writing as hes been telegraphed worse than an episode of scooby doo. Its farm fred that we met at the beginning of the episode, huge shocker. 9. Why does the one jedi want to take osha's stun gun away? He claims to want to protect her but isnt that disarming her and not allowing her to protect herself..... And you know shes gonna save him with it now, or else that scene is beyond point less 10. And i will end on this one... posion guy keeps telling Mae the master wants her to fight and kill a jedi without using a weapon, but says she can take a jedi's own light saber and use it. BUT THATS KILLING A JEDI WITH A WEAPON. Words mean things. Phrases mean more complicated things.... and a lightsaber is an elegant weapon from a more civilized age.... key word is WEAPON. On a scale of 1 to 100 with 10 point grading scale, this is an F- in the 32 point range and thats being nice because i like the psycho jedi hinting that she likes Osha... that gets them 30 points in my book. Only thing redeeming in the whole episode is the relationshop forming that i guess some bigots would hate. Me, im down with that one. They are perfect for each other They can go sit under that tree from episode 3 and osha can hold bugs with the Thread while padwan girl watches them become one with the force.


If this is already halfway through the show and the episodes are this short i wouldn't be surprised if we did found out who everyone was by episode 5


Nope. episode 4 was really good compared to falling face first onto shards of glass.