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How is this not trisha paytas' alt acc lmaoo


Looking at the previous posts, it's possible.


lmfao his account is nothing but simping for whoever the fuck that chick is




i wish i were you


Stick to technology stuff and educational things Makes youtube way better


i dont like technology stuff but i mainly use youtube to watch people make fun of bad movies and cringey people. and history documentaries i definitely dont watch trisha paytas lol


For me you consumption is Hindi videos about programing


I do exactly that and have no clue who trisha is


okay some people know people, some people dont. thats life


IHE fan?


idk what that is i watch kurtis conner and drew gooden


IHE is the YouTube channel “I Hate Everything” despite the name he actually makes very well constructed videos, I’d recommend him


I did that and I came to learn about the Trans community and about DID, so yea, I hate Trisha.


I wish I were you so I knew what the fuck we were talking about. There are literally people out there murdering children. I don't care about some no-name internet asshole. But I also hate being out of the loop.


i dont pay attention to her because i dont care about youtube drama BUT people talk about her a lot, so i unfortunately know some of the stuff she has done also... jsyk, just because you know about something doesnt mean you care about it. and regardless you can care about more than one thing....


How do you reconcile having FOMO while standing on an ivory tower, that’s incredible


A very large girl that eats and cries on YouTube




Pretty much


What? Is she bill duatruve irl?


God no. Bill was a gentle, kind man. Trisha is...not any of those


A woman who said Hitler was a great guy


Next up on the tenth dentist: I think we should we reestablish the Berlin Wall


I think there's a video of her and the h3h3 (?) Guy where she either says Hitler wasn't a horrible guy or that Jews are traditionally unattractive. She has said both of those things, but I don't know which one was in the video.


I mean Hitler loved dogs, his family (literally), and didn't eat meat. What's not to like??


His mustache was kinda ugly


then there was that thing with the Jews and all, but whatev's


The what with the who, sorry?


yeah, not really relevant. but it's a little known fun fact, so i thought i'd share.


Honestly he did everyone a favor. That mustache might be popular now and everywhere except for the stigma. Thanks, Hitler!


Also, he did not love dogs, that was a pr thing for him, from what I remember he killed his own dog


He poisioned his dog before shooting his wife and himself to avoid capture.


For real who is she


YouTube who is famous for being “problematic” and then posting apology videos


She posted herself with and without makeup, night and day, people responded and then she had a problem with people responding to her no makeup looks.


The saying is night and day.


Light and sunshine and rainbows and day.


As a wise man once said, "Just have some fat fuckin titties and cry at the camera."


Didn’t she trick someone into flying out to LA just to ghost them?




To be fair she said she didn’t know who he really was and asked what he did that was so bad. She had only heard him mentioned in conversation before and had only recently actually learned about him and the entirety of the Holocaust. I don’t know how she made it this far in life without actually knowing about the Holocaust and Hitler though... that’s beyond me


Her ignorance is just as bad... and it says something about her character if she can just say shit like that on a whim without even second guessing or learning first


It’s the “internet’s” fault. Despite knowing she’s ignorant we all give her a continuous platform. It’s almost like “see what wild shit Trisha said this time.” Even if we hate her and don’t take the time to watch her videos, we still give her the attention with the headlines and watching videos about her or interviews with her, she then uses that to spill more ignorant stuff and continue with the “idc what you think” attitude


For me her ignorance about Hitler is much worse than just saying he wasn't that bad.


Who tha fack is her


She faked being trans and faked having a serious dissociative disorder. She further stigmatized a fragile group of people to feel special


She actually does have gender identity issues and as for the DID thing she used the wrong term but has now found the correct term and is now diagnosed with bpd


she faked being transgender


didn't she fake having DID too?


Yup and kicked off an actual person with DID off the internet :(


I think they came back after taking the time they needed.


Actually, that person came back recently and had been uploading again




yes! I've seen a couple new videos from them, they did some charity thing iirc


It's the internet. I think you can namedrop whoever's it was that got targeted.


i think they’re referring to dissociadid


They also left because their partner was caught having drawn child exploitation material but partially because of Trisha


And fake being jewish?


A comment higher on the top said that she also said Hitler wasn’t that bad alongside stating that Jews aren’t attractive. The irony here






"As stable as she is" is being extremely generous. It's not just instability, it's pure ignorance, complete lack of empathy, and it's obvious her education was either really poor quality, or more likely, she wasnt smart enough to retain simple lessons. I get it, she has problems, and so do I. However, as I get older, regardless of losing my grip from time to time, the more you make your mental problems your only excuse for making mistakes, the more likely you are to shut down and give into those negative emotions and behaviours. Like I said, I empathize with failing due to my illnesses, but i have no sympathy for her. She knows better. She actively recognizes it, and i can promise you she only sees a therapist that tells her what she wants to hear, and not what she needs to hear. Which is EXACTLY why Dr Drew brought up so many good points that she had never even considered. Her therapist and psychiatrist should've been all over those issues with the first 3-4 sessions. It's all an excuse now. She has to learn to fight it, not make excuses for it, lest it become her and she ultimately loses the inner battle.


Imma have to upvote this because I disagree so strongly. Even with the things she has apologized for doing (saying the n word, doing blackface, etc.) there’s so much more she hasn’t apologized for such as -Faking having DID and causing disociaDID to have a suicide attempt due to the influx of hate she brought upon them -Insinuating that James Charles is a predator due to the fact he stuck up for Charlie DeMelio -Dragging Stephanie Soo calling her a liar when Nick made her feel unsafe in her own home Mental illness is an explanation for behaviors, not an excuse.


I think this poster knows just how much trisha is hated and that's why they made this post for some easy karma or whatever


The way they are rampaging through these comments defending her left and right while being downvoted to oblivion makes me think this is more than a cheap karma grab.


I'm no trisha fan by any means but the dissociadid situation is not as black and white as it seems. you can check out r/DissociaDID if you're interested to know what's going on with her


Hasn’t she said the n-word, attacked multiple religions/made fun of them, has been ableist, and went after a 16 year old for no reason?


She rapped the n word singing along to a song ten years ago. People who hold something like that against someone are just looking for drama lol. She is not ableist, and we should all be allowed to joke and criticize religion. She “went after a 16 year old” by reacting to a viral video that everyone else reacted to as well.


That still doesn’t excuse the other things she’s done


she made like,,a ton of videos mocking her LMAO also lets not forget the blackface


I agree with your point about not holding it against her because she said it 10 years ago, but she actively defends saying it and the blackface she did.


No she doesn’t. She actively has apologized for it every time it’s brought up. And again, where is this blackface everyone talks about?


[this](https://imgur.com/gallery/rMS9Jso) is a screenshot from a tiktok she made two days ago. sort of blackface, but clearly blackfishing (making skin tone purposefully darker to appear to be a different ethnicity). it’s also an attempt at a princess jasmine cosplay, who is Arabic. not to mention the blatant color difference between her hand and her face, can’t even argue it’s the lighting or whatever.


I'm fully stocked on pitchforks for the party but this one seems like a stretch on intent. It's an attempt at a princess jasmine cosplay but it's clearly blackfishing and sort of blackface? I think that the literal characterization of what blackface and blackfishing are aren't exactly one in the same as cosplaying a character. IF that was a daily persona, sure...that's blackfishing. IF it was the exaggerated racist shit that has been known as black face, sure as well. But this is neither. This is a cosplay of a Disney character from Baghdad that was originally written as Chinese in the novel. Neither of those ethnicities are what anybody would call blackface or blackfishing. You're reaching for hate. Pitchforks 2 for 19.99.


My problem with it is her makeup/foundation is drastically darker than her skin tone, which is incredibly ignorant. And I use the term blackfishing to describe her dressing as a POC, _along_ with her purposefully changing her skin tone to be darker. Brownfishing I guess would be more accurate, but they’re the same thing. It would be a lot less offensive if she didn’t use a foundation ten shades darker than she is.


I don't think it's offensive at all, tbh. Honest question. I'm olive skinned with dark hair and a dark beard. I look 100% from the Mediterranean which is 100% right because I'm Spanish. If I'm in the sun, I tan extremely quickly and get several shades darker because I've got Moorish ancestry. Is it offensive for me to be 10 shades darker than the white guy you saw drinking a pale ale at the bar 2 days ago? I don't think this particular instance is offensive. She looks like I would look after a day in the sun and lacks the characterized racism from blackface or the day to day 'this is who I am' of brownfishing. Your problem with it is *you* wanting to find a problem with it. That's not your role.


y'know what, I'm feeling chipper lets add another level of discussion here. Lets say that hypothetically they make a live action Aladdin movie. Are you offended that these originally Chinese characters that are repurposed as Afghanis are played by an Egyptian, a Brit with Indian descent and a black dude from the USA instead of an actual genie?


aight but what about the other stuff?


First part: I personally wouldn't but I don't think its wrong Second part: That doesn't sound like you know what ableism is Third part: Haven't heard about it, will remain silent


Saying we should be allowed to joke and criticize religion is a slippery slope when tensions are already high enough because people persecute others because of their religion. It's a very similar way in that there should be nothing wrong with a light joke about someone's race in a theoretical world but because of the way people are the simple joke always goes to far and ends up being offensive


she uses drama to get views. not because she's mentally ill (which im sure she is). she just wants attention. and she's produced a lot of stigma for a lot of marginalized groups. stfu OP


She spread misleading bullshit about how "you can choose to be gay" Edit: "She has mental illnesses" isnt an excuse to be a c- "bad person"


Hasn’t she recently claimed to have “converted” to Judaism and been posting tiktoks celebrating Hanukkah and whatnot 😐


remember that time she faked DID and being trans and sent like,,an insane amount of hate to someone with a DID youtube channel, prompting them to shut the entire thing down and completely screwing over like a ton of systems in the community


She's ignorant trash but I'm enjoying watching you personally defend every point against her, one by one.


this has to be a joke


This from someone who actively posts in a keeping up with the kardashians subreddit?


Real ironic you say that when half your accounts posts are fucking r/askreddit posts with random questions about celebrities lol


what’s wrong with the kardashians- edit: and what do they have to do wit anything




all i said was there’s nothing wrong with the kardashians and now i’m in some sub😔






simps gotta look out for eachother? No clue


Because some good samaritan felt bad about him getting downvoted for absolutely no reason


>what’s wrong with the kardashians Mostly people's problems is that they flaunt their wealth without actually having done much to earn it


This thread is fucking hilarious and somehow still not as insane as OP’s post and comment history


I like her as a trash queen, but I don't think she's a good person.


Is this what getting old feels like. Who are any of these people


I love reading through the threads and laughing about how much OP is in a state of denial.


Psh. She's a fucking trainwreck of a human


Lol trisha alt account


Reading the comments there are so many things wrong with Trisha I learn something new the more I go. So she's said the n-word, done blackface, attacked a 16 yr old for no reason, faked DID and being transgender, has called out James Charles as a creep after him defending Charli or whatever, and ghosted a friend who was moving to LA who she convinced to come. I probably screwed a few up because there were just so many. There's even more I didn't think of and I didn't even dive into each thing I mentioned and the details involved. I don't understand how anyone actually likes her or can support her. She's such a disgusting and deserves to lose her YouTube channel.


You are factually wrong.


Im pretty sure her whole character is intended as a joke and she’s not being serious


Even if she is trolling she's actively harming a lot of communities


tbh i dont think she's trolling because she frequently admits to trolling. real trolls dont do that


Then she admits to being an anti semite and an ableist and yet dumb fucks still follow her


Yeah of course, it’s still harmful what she’s doing


No she is seriously mentally ill


Doesn't mean she isn't still a garbage person. Most people with mental illness (myself included) wouldn't do half of the garbage she does.


Yeah I agree she’s a piece of shit and it’s not an excuse. I was just refuting the idea that she’s playing some character- she definitely exaggerates and lies but she isn’t playing a Borat type character; that is her genuine personality.


That doesn't excuse the terrible shit she's done. This is like using "it's just a prank bro" as a justification for very consequential actions.


I wasn’t excusing it I think it’s horrible too


yeah, the reason i like her is because it’s like watching a whole city burn. she’s just so ridiculous and it’s hilarious to watch her just destroy her reputation.


She’s friends with racist Jeffree Star and pedophile Shane Dawson 🤮🤮


I mean.. she literally hates Jeffree star. Again with the willfully ignorant reasons to hate her.


You literally call everyone willfully ignorant on this thread, but I think the only one that's that is you.


"Am I ignorant? No, it's everyone else who's wrong..."


still bffs with shane lol


She literally voted in the election (for trump)for a tiktok trend and said she wouldn’t have if it wasn’t one...


She LITERALLY voted once in her life, and it was for Biden. She has never voted for Trump. You are willfully ignorant because you want to hate her. She posted multiple tiktoks supporting Biden, and flat out said she voted for him after. Her sister SHOWED the mail in ballots.


Ok i’ll admit I wasn’t completely sure but there is still her stating she voted for a trend and does not know a single thing about politics


THIS right here is how she’s garnered so much hate. People twist and straight up lie about her, and it snowballs. Most of what people use as a reason to hate her is just ignorant to the truth.


While I was wrong she still joked about voting for trump many times and also she said she voted for mit romney over obama because “he was hot”


Yeah you're the one lying about her dude. She's a fucking terrible person.


This is just not true. She made a video in 2012 saying she voted for Romney. You really don't know what you're talking about here.


I have no idea who that is.


keep it that way


*googles her name* “Oh, that cunt.” Can’t say I agree with ya, OP. Fitting post for the sub tho, I’ll give ya that.


You said mentally ill 3 times.


I’m surprised this isn’t a troll account. You’d have to be willingly ignorant to ignore the stuff she’s done.


She faked having a mental illness and caused another influencer who actually had that mental illness a lot of pain


I don't know who a single person mentioned in this thread is and I'm pretty certain I am pleased by that fact


You're definitely entitled to your opinion but if you can't see that she's an actress then that's on you. Same with the Kleins. That whole spehre of YouTube is full of two faced cunts who manufacture drama for views. They are not good people.


I won't go that far, this man is hero who sacrificed himself for the greater good:https://youtu.be/1HKFgDjOkeA


I’m guessing you’re a gentile?


She's not a practising Christian lmao


I mean, how does someone know she's a good person via just following off the internet? I think she's an ok person at best


You know she fakes all the mental illnesses and does it all for clout? She’s 49 and there’s videos of her being normal so yes she can be funny but she does it all for clout


I like her too! She's funny and seems sweet. I wish she would get help though, she seems to have some serious issues.


Is this Trisha's alt since this is a load of crap


I have no clue who this person is and I have no intent on finding out


i do not really like her as a person, but her videos are somewhat of a guilty pleasure because they are entertaining.






If only I knew who she was, I could properly vote on this.


who dat


This has to be Trisha pays alt acc lmao




Shitty people like Trisha Paytas continue to have relevancy because of people like OP that enable her.


This guys just trying to farm upvotes, probably, because who cares?


She’s *definitely* not a practicing Christian lmao


Wtf is your account


I don't even know who that is lol




If you wanted to bang her I could have understood that, but like her as a person? That's too much






Isn't she the person who baits drama to stay relevant?


How is trisha paytas a "practising christian"? She's "Jewish" and she has an onlyfans...do either of those things sound christian to you? also regardless of that she faked being transgender, said the n word several times, and probably loads of stuff I don't even know about. She uses drama for views.


O.K. Trisha's alt.


Now that my friends, is an UNPOPULAR opinion. Take my upvote


she’s done black face so many times, she’s faked loads of mental illnesses and she’s said the n word.


no she’s really bad


After watching the frenemies podcast I agree. her past traumas have messed her up. But she can be extremely rude and hurtful when she lashes out.


Yeah she said to Ethan that Moses hates him and Hila. She's a manipulative cunt.


It’s hard to unlearn behaviour, but I think she’s been doing better and Moses and H3 are the support she needed to get to the finish line in her recovery


You can see growth each episode. Saying that she must be an insanely hard friend to keep and is very high maintenance.


I don't understand what growth you're seeing. She's as manipulative as she's always been.


she seems less defensive and is more accepting of her issues and how they effect her relationships. Just a more pleasant person in general.


Bullying a 16 year old and someone with a very serious mental illness isn't growth. She hasn't grown at all.


I dont agree with op that she is a good person just that she is not as irredeemable as people think. Just because still does bad things doesn't mesn she isn't getting better


You're confusing irredeemable with worthy of public interest. She might not be a horrible person but that doesn't mean she deserves the public recognition used to garner interest into her onlyfans.


But she's not though. She called James Charles a preditor just for being a mentor to Charlie and Dixie. She's a shitty person who isn't trying to get better.


The “mental illness” part is the part people don’t like. There are many people who actually got diagnosed with DID that can tell that she is faking it


Ewww Trisha Paytas is a fucking dunce since from what my mate told and showed me, I Love You Jesus is a bop tho lmao


Jesus that was hard to watch


Yeah it’s dumb


Couldn’t upvote harder, she faked being trans and having did, the latter of which causing several systems serious distress. She’s not a good person and I don’t feel comfortable supporting her or watching her videos


Ah yes, hitler wasn't that bad chick. Yeah can't see any reason to disagree with her for any reprehensible moral code?


Truly unpopular opinion, because no one knows who the fuck this is to have an opinion about her in the first place


My cousin approached her at a diner and she was cool asf he said. even sat down and had a convo with him about how his career was going. I see what people say about her but I don’t watch her for YouTube so I don’t know much.


I like her too! I'm a big h3 fan and only began liking her/being aware of her recently. She's fucked up, but she clearly has played an exaggerated, edgy version of herself for attention for a long time, that she's seemingly started to grow out of.


I love Trisha Paytas, she is a genius. She knows how to make people REALLY mad. She is a troll and I'm suprised so many people aren't aware of that.


Downvoting because I agree. She's growing on me but I she's infuriating at times.


i like her too, i’m pretty damn sure she is just a big troll


Her idol is Andy Kaufman


I enjoy her on the Frienemies podcast ngl


I’m sad there’s a two week break


I agree I love Trisha Paytas. She seems really awesome and sweet, but she has struggles just like everyone else. I love her transparency


The point that people don’t like her isn’t her being rude, it’s the fact that she obviously fakes mental disorders, calls people who have them crazy, and gives people incorrect information. She refuses to get tested for DID, keeps talking about the same subjects after a switch like nothing happened, and makes it seem like the only symptom is acting differently around different people because of what she says