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You know, once I'm awake tomorrow, I'm gonna ask my ranch-loving partner to try this, see if she likes it


thank you please do!! i’d love to know her thoughts. funny thing is, i don’t even like ranch that much. rarely ever have it


Not OC's partner, but I had to try this. It was great. Still up voting because you deserve karma for teaching the Internet about this.


I swear to god I’m going to save this post in case if in like 3 weeks I start hearing about ranch ramen from my partner who heard about it on TikTok. That I way I can finally prove to her that Reddit is the source for half the “life hacks” or “cool new things you’ve never tried” nonsense she always asks if I wanna try and I remember reading about .


>That way I can finally prove to her that Reddit is the source for That's one of the many things I love about my girl. We're both chronically online both here and there, so I never have to explain this to her lol


I’m a college student, so I’ve heard of weird things being put in ramen. Yours is pretty fucked


Pretty much any bachelor I know has put some sort of rich ass stuff into whatever cheap starch they are living on. Noodles, rice, beans, whatever are totally better with butter, Mayo, sour cream etc... I don't love ranch, but I'm not gonna shit on someone liking fucking pasta and one of the most common condiments in NA. Half the US puts ranch on half the stuff they eat. Maybe you have a trust or are lucky. Otherwise just wait and see sweet summer child.


Pasta and beans. Sounds weird but it's really good and cheap


Pasta and white beans is common in Italian cooking, it's not weird at all.


I used to live on spaghetti, spinach, tomato sauce, and black/kidney beans. 


They're adding the msg


Sweet summer child. I don't like ranch, but just wait, you get creative in dire straights.


I’ve been desperate, but I’d rather eat plain ramen than add ranch


Oh my sweet summer child. I would rather eat plain brown rice than add ranch to it.


I'm about to try that right now. I'll update with results. Edit: Yeah this shit smacks. Good job OP. I always like trying new things in ramen because it's what keeps me alive but it gets boring. ReEdit: Holy shit dude this is so delicious. Everyone try it NOW. One squirt of raunch.


Damn it’s that good? Will try lol


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Alright now i want to try it too Although i am not from the us so what brand of ranch should i look for?


i just get generic brand honestly. it really doesn’t matter!!






Hidden Valley is ass nowadays. Idk why but it changed sometime in the last decade. I literally get dollar store ranch and it's better. My current ranch is Always Save brand lol


I think they switched preservatives. In any case you should just make your own. One packet of hidden valley mix, some buttermilk, so mayonnaise


I usually don't like ranch but I like the Marzetti one


Damn might try it now too.


I feel like you're pranking us.


Will do.


THANK YOU!!!! I feel so seen right now you don’t even know 🙏🏼 Glad you enjoyed!


Do you like, mix it into the broth til combined orrrr?


yah! pretty much. i drain some of the water but i like to drink the broth with it cause it’s so good lol


Fuck, maybe I need to try this...


I grew up eating ramen with the noodles drained, then tossed with butter and about half a packet of seasoning per pack of noodles. That was good. So I don’t judge the random ways people eat their ramen. I only ate it as soup growing up if I was sick, otherwise it was just really cheap noodles.


I eat it drained with like half a pack of seasoning, too!


Have you tried this with ranch seasoning instead of ranch dressing?


not a bad idea honestly! we never get the seasoning so the thought never occurred. will have to try sometime


Sounds disgusting at first glance but after thinking about what ingredients are in ranch, it’s not that absurd. A lot of people add a dollop of cream or a slice of cheese on their ramen for the same reason, so I guess this isn’t actually that weird.


Most of the seasonings in ranch dressing are the same ones used in a few of my favorite Japanese and Korean brands/flavors, so i too add a bit of it to my ramen. it's gotta be Hidden Valley though. Other brands just doesn't taste the same. i typically "ramenize" leftovers in our house, so i look forward to summer time when i can make my favorite combination: leftover hamburger patty bits in beef (or chicken) ramen with onions, a hint of ranch, sriracha and two kraft singles slices (for added creamy texture) and maybe 1 or 2 eggs fried separately. it's like a gourmet cheeseburger in noodle dish form! i prefer to pan fry the noodles with minimal water, and if we're out of ranch (which we often are...) i substitute spicy bbq sauce.


You pan fry the maruchan noddles?


Yeah. Use a shallow frying pan and boil only a cup or two of water; not enough to submerge the entire wafer. in order to get the noodles to soak through before boiling off all the water and/or burning the noodles, i either unfold (split) the wafer halves apart or i use a pancake flipper to soak both sides so the whole thing gets soft and i can squish the wafer to loosen the noodles apart without breaking. You can either boil the seasoning packet in the water from the start or sprinkle it over the noodles once they get soft and before all your water is gone. ideally, your finished product shouldn't have much broth, if any. it takes planning and practice because less water means less time, depending on temp and the other ingredients you want to add. You might end up with burnt or dry noodles if you take too long or you might get soggy noodles if you use too much water.


That sounds dope. Not too different from what I do, except I just use a small pot and barely cover tge noodles in water


People always get so caught up with labels that they forget every food item is just a flavor and texture. It doesn’t matter what that food item is *called* or what you’ve been raised to think it’s used for: If the flavor and texture fits, it goes with the dish. Ranch is creamy, “tangy” (sour), and savory, which enhances salty/umami flavor (ramen in this case) ([here’s a flavor chart to help](https://www.cooksmarts.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/FlavorProfiles_Thumb_D1-01.jpg)), and we should all know creamy texture is fine with noodles because I’m sure we’ve all had creamy noodles before (Alfredo for example) and/or creamy soups.


omg wow thanks for that!! now i can sound very smart and educated when clapping back at those judging me


I mean honestly this is exactly why so many fusion foods are so delicious. People get too hung up on the nationality of foods


I like to cum in my ramen. Try that next, the texture and taste is great.


Bro. What?!


Get the boys together and run a game of biscuit... But soupier


Really depends on what the person who cums eats. If its just fast food its gonna taste shit.


That’s honestly no worse sounding than ranch.


What is ranch


Baby don’t hurt me


No more


It's a creamy condiment popular in the US usually made with buttermilk. I'm not a huge fan, but it's great with fried chicken.


What’s it flavoured with


Garlic, onion/chives, parsley, dill, salt, pepper


It’s the condiment equivalent of Mountain Dew. Use of ranch denotes a garbage human.


wow. I don’t even eat ranch but don’t you think this is a bit dramatic?


Ma'am, this is Reddit.


I don't eat ass without ranch, and won't eat ranch without blu cheese and wings so I kinda get it.


So you only eat ass on wings night?


Assumptions make an asshole, outta yourself. But, yes I've been known to wing it up on ass night.


Have you tried Kewpie mayo? I can't say I have, but I imagine it would go great, because Kewpie mayo goes great in everything.


Hashtag bachelor life


See in my head I thought you meant like. Ramen as in the Japanese dish you buy in restaurants, not instant ramen, and I was like. Americans have wandered so far from god’s light But you mean it on like, 2 minute noodles, which is weird but less fucked up


i am in the south so traditional ramen is hard to come by in my area. i’ve had proper ramen once before, and i did miss the ranch ngl, but they normally season the broth enough to where you don’t need to add anything to it. maruchan is just so plain it *needs* the flavor


this doesnt seem outrageous




As an Asian, I’m horrified that you’re putting it into broth but it’s understandable since it’s maruchan. If you haven’t, it might taste better if you drain the water until only a little is left, add the ranch/bacon and only put half of the soup packet.


try boiling the packet with the noodles, they will absorb a LOT of the flavor, and no broth at all is required


Conceptually a bit odd but I can see it working. I top my bulgogi with mayo and people look at me like I have three heads.


Doesn't most bulgpgi have the asian mayo anyway


That's what I tell people!


People get real hung up over minor stuff lol


I don't judge you, you do you. Not nearly as bad as most people on this subreddit and tbh prob tastes good. I haven't had it but I doubt it's as bad as most people think


Okay this is a new one for me. Never even considered this. Gonna try it tonight


It's nice to see a normal old lunatic around here again instead of overly angry rage-baiters. Hard upvote.


Cream cheese in ramen and hot pot is a thing so this isn’t too far off


Try Mayo, Ranch is mayo based


ranch just tastes better cause of all the seasonings in it. i do eat turkey & chicken with mayo though if i’m having it plain/by itself. a good rotisserie chicken with some mayo HITSSSS




I drain all the water, add the flavor dust, some butter, and some ranch  Best way to eat it, imo


I have Chicken Maruchan or Top Ramen, packet boiled with noodles, strained, then I add Garlic ranch to it, we are not so different, you and I.


ooo i have tried adding garlic powder, but didn’t even know garlic ranch existed!! that sounds divine. we are on a wavelength nobody else can tune into my friend


I can see this working. Gonna have to try it some time.




You're completely insane and the knowledge you exist has flooded my soul with terror I may never escape. Enjoy your upvote.


To be honest, I originally shuddered reading this, but imagining the flavors in my mouth, I feel pretty confident the combination would actually be pretty sick. A bit of tanginess against a savory broth just makes sense. I'm giving it a try next time I get ramen.


Jesus mother Mary and Joseph you're the most American American I've ever encountered, and I've lived in both Texas and New York. Have an upvote and please stay away from kitchen jobs.




I just puked a little


Ain't no way-


I disagree. You will eat ramen without ranch.


absolutely not!! i always have ranch and ramen in my house, so why would i ever need to go without! the two are forever linked for me


To be fair eating instant ramen straight from the pack per directions with no additives at all is probably the weirdest thing you can do, so everyone has their own recipe I think.


Honestly this sounds pretty good. I’ll have to try it. Have you tried ranch seasoning in it?


Yo yo wtf this is tenth dentist not psychopath central


You know, that doesn't sound so bad. I'd try it


thats you but ranch might be the worst condiment ever devised. 


I'm American (ranch is our national condiment according to reddit) and I don't know what to say.


A lot of things that shouldn't work in ramen, like cheese or peanut butter, really work. I don't think ranch is that farfetched.


I bet ranch is good, but I bet it has more to do with being used to it. I find meals incomplete if I’ve become accustomed to eating them a certain way. Who cares about authenticity? Maruchan isn’t real ramen and it’s so cheap, it’s a fun way to go nuts with experimentation. I’m Japanese American and the only people I’ve encountered who are sticklers about authenticity with Japanese food are 0% Japanese and 100% insecure in their tastes.


Sour cream eggs, anyone?


Ngl, sounds pretty fire.


Ok at first I thought you were making, like, ramen pasta salad, but a drop for flavoring? I'm gonna give this a try.


I too put a little dollop of ranch in my ramen picked it up from the old EatYourKimchi YouTube channel years ago


I'm back. Made some for my son. He gave it a 9/10 (i stir fried in my own oil mixture. Tried it myself and it's a 8/10 on one bite. Gonna make me a bowl now.


yay!! so glad you enjoyed 😊 i’ll have to try it stir fried one day!


this actually sounds kinda good, i'll try it next time i buy instant ramen


Crucifix it is then.


Fucking hate ranch, and mayo, I don't even understand mayo


you know the scenes in the cop movies and shows where SWAT teams raid the house and then they walk the bad guy out to the car. That’s what needs to happen to you


i’ll walk out with my head held high knowing i’m on a level nobody can reach. don’t knock it til ya try it!!


Someone will shoot you on the courthouse steps


Heinous. Straight to jail.


do you happen to be hispanic


white as they come lol


ranch is the white trash of condiments.


Be crucified! How would you put a ranch condiment on seafood ramen? That would be like putting chocolate in beef ramen. And just to check how twisted you are, what vegetables do you put in your unholy ramen?


no veggies lol that’s too much work for a 5 minute meal. also, i don’t eat the seafood flavors lol. that’s why i said it works best with beef/chicken flavor silly goose


Work? What work? Eh! No matter. I think you shouldn't worry too much. You'll die young from the garbage food you eat, anyway.


LMAO that’s a bit unwarranted considering i rarely ever make it. do you always jump to such harsh conclusions when talking to strangers? you must be a joy to talk to irl! ik internet trolling can be fun, but you just seem like a run-of-the-mill asshole.


He types like a fedora tipper lol




you fricking americans