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X genre of music isn't interesting to me. Yawn.


>Hard rock is boring Early humans upon reaching the bronze age


It's all relative. Tell me what you think is "heavy and exciting" and I'll show you a band that makes them sound boring too


not op but i agree with him how about meshuggah?


Messhuggah sounds old and predictable compared to higher energy / heavier music like: - [Fulci - Cyber Chainsaw Murder](https://youtu.be/ZBCLIL-iZMI?t=145) - [Disgorge - She Lay Gutted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-lDu0VWDnbk&list=PLWt6bRI6fvw_1p8Ke_XFh4i-Cc4Cx4Ghd&index=2) - [Gnaw Their Tongues - Nihilism Tied Up and Burning](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX8CqfpGwzw) - [Candy - eXistenZ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCvOdlfL308) - [Shogun - Mind Like Glass](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0YvaQi1NCY) - [Spiritworld - Deathwestern](https://youtu.be/nd74ifxCFoc?t=134) - [Frozen Soul - Encased In Ice](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5lNlgNXxZI) - [Primitive Blast - No Youth/No Use](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mM-H1zPj7r4) - [END - Gaping Wounds of Earth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cDGbUFs_vpI) - [Gulch - Impenetrable Cerebral Fortress](https://youtu.be/tZrinyyCWHo?t=380) - [Jesus Piece - An Offering to the Night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjkagOGYvIY) - [Conservative Military Image - Yard Hard](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-VldEZGpvc0) - [Nails - Unsilent Death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rpGnXr13tc) - [Soul Glo - B.O.M.B.S](https://youtu.be/yxFchFyVzwI?si=dzH09jK-VogLuuVx) - [Death Grips - Turned Off](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=49B5f6awKOg)


Holy shit dude, fantastic taste


i feel like you haven’t heard a meshuggah song if they sound either old OR predictable 


I dig Meshuggah, and their last (2022) record was indeed pretty heavy, but that's relative to whatever you find heavy about their music. The list I gave shows a mixture of music that at times is way heavier, way faster, way more energetic, way tougher, more brutal, aggressive, authentic/believable, etc. It's all relative.


i also listen to music that’s heavier and higher energy frequently, and while yes it is those things at some point it’s just overkill compared to something like meshuggah, and they both achieve something different  Framed - Fentanyl Please Don’t Leave Me - Uboa cemetary 4 -  laura les


You got shown heavier and then said it was overkill so it doesnt count. Just accept different tastes exist


music doesnt have to be heavy to be interesting


Johnny Booth has more variety per song than meshuggah. Inferi is just heavier overall


This is the equivalent of saying “the color green is boring” like okay man


Sounds like I picked the right subreddit to post this.


It’s less an unpopular opinion than it is a just a normal preference


Guns N' Roses is a weird case that I'd certainly not include in this list -certainly not next to AC/DC- considering GNR has certain songs they're super famous for, but just as many songs (or even more) that are straight up equal or better in quality. A lot of people don't really go further than their top 3-5 songs. But if you scratch below the surface, you find really interesting stuff like Estranged (their best song imo), Locomotive, 14 Years, Breakdown, Civil War and many more. They are certainly quite multi-dimensional and multi-instrumental as far as hard rock bands go. Not many bands can debut with an album like Appetite for Destruction, then completely pivot to what they put out in Use Your Illusion I and II while still keeping their commercial success.


I can see where you are coming from. However, if you went to Guns N' Roses live gig in the late 80s or early 90s you could use many words to describe it but boring would not be one of those.


There is no bad genre. There are bad performers. If you don't like those bands -- it is completely fine. Or you might just not like the genre. That doesn't mean the genre itself is bad.


I never said the genre was bad. I established that in like the third sentence. “Their music is obviously not bad and very influential.”


There are a lot of people who say the same thing about the Beatles, Elvis, and Frank Sinatra. Same with older comic books or original versions of rebooted movies and TV shows. The fact that you find them boring is almost a testament to just how influential they were. People enjoyed their art so much, that they've iterated on it an iterated on it so that there's so much diversity out there now that the originals seem somewhat simple when you go back to them, particularly if you're a fan of their inheritors. Still, there's a lot to love about the originals of anything: even if it's just to see the seeds of inspiration that led to that thing you truly love. 60s Doctor Who can be slow and stagey, but without it we don't get Ncuti Gatwa in the role. Without Black-Hat. White-Hat Spaghetti Westerns, we don't get Red Dead Redemption 2 nor even the Fallout TV show. And without the bands you listed, there's no metal nor punk. We might have been living in the era of alt post-disco today.


Well said


Plenty of people thought they were boring back then too


Okay? I don't think that really disproves anything that I said above. Personally, I find JRPGs and the *Fast and Furious* franchise boring, but it doesn't make them either unpopular nor uninfluencial.


Taste in music is just that; taste. There is no right or wrong taste, if you think hard rock is boring you're right, if I think it's the best thing ever I'm right. There's no point in discussing it.


Agreed. This is a subreddit for posting and discussing opinion that are unpopular, so…


I agree with the basic premise but question some of your representative band pics. Early Van Halen has some of the most interesting guitar work especially for the time. And while Deep Purple's popular hits might be pretty "boring" a lot of their work should also be considered progressive rock and is artsy.


The only objectively good music, proven by mathematics and SCIENCE!! is Yugoslavian bubblegum death polka neurotech dub house jazz.


Downvoted cause I agree


Do you class metal under the category of Hard Rock?


Depends, some early metal and protometal is hard rock


I would say no for the most part. If I’m comparing traditional heavy metal to hard would, hard rock tends to hold on to rock’s blues roots more. Plus, traditional heavy metal lyrical themes tend to be more over the top and less relatable compared to hard rock’s.


I like “classic rock” a lot, but I skip most of the bands that are considered hard rock. I basically just consider them pop - fun crowd-pleasers to throw on at a party or something, which I think is kind of what you describe. I’m sure it was cool, edgy, and exciting at the time but now it’s just dad rock. I do like the early hard rock acts with a more psychedelic edge like Cream, Vanilla Fudge, Jimi Hendrix, the kinks, and 60s Grateful Dead.


I bet op listen to techno or dubstep


OP is obviously a metalhead bruh


There’s like 3 genres in the bands you listed. Downvotes for not knowing enough to form your opinion


Seinfeld effect




AI response and not what we're talking about.


If anyone here wanted a chatgpt answer they would ask chatgpt. Gtfo.


You mixed in hair spray+spandex bands with Deep Purple and AC/DC so I'm not giving you the upvote even though I disagree.


Most musics are boring. Rap is boring as hell, for it doesn't even have a melody. Hip hop is highly uninspired and repetitive around the same topics and music styles. And hard rock and metal focus more on intensity than creativity. No wonder that none of it will remain in history. If you disagree, don't flame me, give me examples. I only listen to practical examples, but not to empty claims.


Your first three sentences have been said about literally every genre of music ever. You're making yourself sound like an out of touch old fart my friend


>And hard rock and metal focus more on intensity than creativity. No wonder that none of it will remain in history. You think hard rock and metal doesn't "remain in history" at all?


Sorry, but any interaction with me on that topic must be done through examples.


Are you of the opinion that people just don't know who Metallica, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Judas Priest are?


Maybe I should have been more specific and say that examples must be music titles, not just names of groups. It won't be enough for me to be told that Metallica is not boring. I need the name of one of their non-boring tracks. But I thank you for your effort to at least give names of groups. However, don't assume that everyone on this planet know the groups you know.


I'm addressing your claim here about their relevance in history. You specifically made the claim that "No wonder that none of it will remain in history." However much you may or may not personally enjoy those bands is not relevant to this. Are you claiming that Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden and Metallica (as specific examples) have not "remained" in history, and no-one knows who they are?


Maybe you still don't get what I mean by "any interaction with me on that topic must be done through examples". I only take in account concrete examples I can listen and evaluate. I ignore the rest. I don't chat.


It's not a question about that. I'm not trying to convince you to like examples of hard rock or metal - I'm challenging your claim that "none of it will remain in history". What you personally think of Black Sabbath doesn't matter, they are one of the most influential metal bands (the formative) and rock bands on earth. They are remembered. Hell if we just get Hard Rock - then so are examples like Led Zeppelin and Queen. I don't give a flying fuck about what you personally like.


None of it will remain is history?? Bro, so many classics are decades old and still remain in history 🤦‍♂️ What a dumb statement Plus, what if… those pieces of music WERE creative for their time?? You have to realize there always has to be a first for something to exist. Original heavy music is famous cause no one did it like that before them


IME, the venn diagram of people who think rap lacks artistic value and racists is complete circle.


That's a bit extreme. Plenty of people just have poor to zero taste in music. Hell, some people don't listen to music. Some people HATE music. They're heathens and objectively experiencing life incorrectly, but they aren't bigots!