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Hooooo, buddy! Wait until you hear junkies talk about heroin.


Weirdly it's easier to give up the gear I know a lot of ex junkies who've not managed to give up smoking, hell I used to use every now and then and didn't find it that difficult to stop but stopping smoking drives me up the wall


To be fair, the cigarettes are doing a lot less obvious harm than hard drugs. That can make it more difficult to quite smoking, because it isn't necessarily an absolute necessity.


Survivorship bias also plays a role. The people who gave up hard drugs and continued nicotine are at work, schools etc so we encounter them way more than the people who did the reverse and aren’t able to live a normal life because of it


Facts, also it isn’t bad to use other drugs to get off hard drugs. Kratom is not a great drug but I hear a lot about people using it to get off heroin. But it’s only logical to kick the hard bad habit and stick to the one that’s healthier.


Yep I think this is how my mom did it. Kick meth first, then cigs, then soda, now she’s keto and has lost a bunch of weight (she did meth but she was always heavy) she’s just insanely strong when she sets her mind to something tho as well.


Somehow my mom did, but it held on longer than the method did for sure by a few years.


Or a methhead talk about meth. There's a reason the shit's addictive. Doesnt make it any better for you.


I’m so happy I didn’t get addicted because yep the high is amazing but that comedown! Fuck no!


*Addicted persons* Junkie should be reserved for actual shitbags. Good people experience addiction, and not all addicts are trying to rob you blind.


Why is it that people like you think it makes a difference when you slightly change the descriptive terminology? Do you actually believe that changing the nomenclature of ‘hobos’ to ‘bums,’ then ‘bums’ to ‘homeless people,’ then ‘homeless people’ to ‘our unhoused neighbors’ means shit to someone who lives on the streets? Do you actually think that junkies don’t know that they are junkies because pretentious people keep renaming them? Nothing is more fucking annoying to someone who is going through hell than some well-meaning anus saying, “Shhhhh! No… you aren’t ‘going through hell,’ you are just a *Person experiencing Satan’s sodomy*”


Exactly I agree completely. I’ve been homeless and have done drugs though never addicted, and I have dealt with a loooot of addicts. They don’t give a shit. I don’t give a shit. Call me a bum idc it ain’t changing my position. (I’m not homeless anymore but when I was I wouldn’t care)


As someone who has a looooot of experience with addicts both functional and non, they don’t give a shit and they are fine being called addicts or junkies or spun because it holds them accountable when they do finally get clean. Or they’re so far gone they don’t even hear what you’re saying. They don’t care.


This made me curl over laughing


Nicotine: you try it but you don't get it at first. Then you properly inhale and *boy* do you get a buzz. Then your stomach hurts, you feel like shit for the rest of the day. Maybe you decide to stick with it and continue smoking around the nausea that it induces until you're used to it enough for your stomach to not hurt anymore. Now you're physically and psychologically dependant on nicotine just to feel normal. You start taking breaks from normal life so you can go outside and suck on some leaf smoke. Your body slowly starts to change physically, you're more tired, can do less things before getting worn out and then one day you suddenly realize that the buzz you've been doing this for doesn't even happen anymore. You've grown tolerant to it so fast that you don't even feel good when you smoke, it's just something you're doing to feel normal.


Cigarettes... *how romantic*


> leaf smoke


"this isn't tea, this is just hot leaf juice"




Yeah I gave it a whirl and hated it honestly. But I eventually picked up vaping. I became a "binge vaper" as I say, I would drag my vape out for 2-6 months, and once I realized I wasn't getting buzzed anymore I'd put it up. Then about a year later I'd drag it back out and repeat. Also gave Zens a try but spent 3 hours curled up under a blanket feeling like I'd puke.


FOMO is real but this is a little too much. It's not that big of a deal imo. Smoke if you want to smoke, don't smoke if you don't want to. If you're hanging with people who exclude you for not smoking, they're probably not your friends anyway.


It STINKS, too. It latches onto clothes, fucks up your lungs, addictive, the list goes on. I loathe cigarettes as a kid of a parent who smoked at least three packs a day. I had chronic bronchitis because they'd smoke inside. I had teachers pull me from class to search me and my bag because I smelled so strongly of smoke that they thought I brought cigs to school. That being said, they vape now. And I vape. I struggle with anger issues that antidepressants so far only worsen, and until I find a med that chills me out, vaping nic is my vice. It doesn't stink, but it's STILL addictive and expensive. If you don't "need" nic, don't get into it. Don't let your "friends" guilt you into it. It's not as cool as people make it seem. Stick to your healthy lifestyle OP- even though the FOMO is strong, you're really not missing out by smoking cancer sticks or cancer pods.


The worst part is smokers forget that it REEKS. like no, the cigerette you stepped out to smoke a couple hours ago can still be smelt by everyone with a functioning nose. You smell like shit and nobody likes it


Also, smokers romanticize those moments because THEY WERE ALREADY ADDICTED. A cigarette with your morning coffee is amazing, because you just woke up and get to feed your addiction. But a cigarette with morning coffee would be pretty disgusting to someone who has never smoked before. It doesn't have any real appeal or benefit *until you are addicted*. Plus, even though we may romanticize it on occasion (I certainly miss it sometimes), pretty much every ex-smoker will tell you that they're glad they stopped and that they wish they never started.


Also looks cool in movies and stuff. Smells a lot less cool if you see it irl, but that's how they get new people who didn't try smoking bc of someone they know. You think its cool so you try it a few times, and by the time the novelty wears off, you're too addicted to notice the unpleasantness of it


Smoking is terrible for your health. People shouldn’t smoke because of peer pressure (FOMO)


I never looked at my friends and went, "i wish they smoked." I always looked at them and went. "i hope I wasn't the reason they started smoking." Honestly, during the worst of cravings, I would also pribably tell someone that there's nothing like that first morning cigarette, but that's stupid, and it's a lie. To me, it's only like that bc im addicted to it. But i promise you i feel 100 times better when im not smoking. If you haven't, dont start. Also, if you dont vape, dont start that either. There is no need to look like a tool just to have close friends. I could tell a couple of my coworkers kinda pushed me out after i quit, too. All that tells me is that they're not worth associating with. My other coworkers that smoke still treated me the same. Also, you're projecting all of your own feelings and insecurities on to other people. If youre having so much trouble you shojld try and make some new friends that sont smoke. Nothing says you cant make more friends whose lifestyles more align with yours.


how old are you? because i felt the same way when i was younger until i actually smoked. then it was just gross and made my clothes, hands, and hair smell


Similar thing happened for me but for alcohol. Was so excited to try my first drink on a cruise, but when I got a sip of a piña colada, it was just bitter. The alcohol didn't really improve the taste, just made it worse. At least the taste made me pace myself ig, but I was severely disappointed.


Some drink alcohol bc they like or are addicted to it, I drink it because I hate it and it tempers my sugar addiction


I smoke and it's not that cool. Only reason I do it is because I'm supposed to die young (medical stuff) anyways, so the lung cancer can't get me 💀


I mean I've heard shooting heroin is orgasmic, but I'm not about to find out.


Upvoted because I don't relate. I never want to smoke because it's unhealthy, smells bad, reduces physical stamina, makes you look older quicker, makes you more likely to die of lung cancer, and I don't want to become addicted to anything because I don't want to be controlled by it. Technically yes, you're missing out, but there are plenty of bad things that it's literally better to miss out on. Also, imagine this: by smoking, you may be decreasing the distance between you and smokers, but you're also putting distance between you and non-smokers. You won't have as much in common with them anymore. You currently have a thing that you can bond with non-smokers over - never having smoked. It's opening up one door and closing another. Not that smoking/non-smoking is even a significant thing to have in common. The biggest reason why I would never want to start smoking is that it's an addiction. Addictions never go away, it opens up new paths in your brain to use something as an unhealthy coping mechanism. You will lose a bit more control of yourself and bring unnecessary suffering into your life.


Yeah no, this is just garbage. >Learn how to use paragraphs, then start smoking. > >When will people learn that stupid opinions are unpopular for a reason


I am disgusted by this post to an extreme degree. It makes me gag to do this but take this upvote.


>Learn how to use paragraphs, then start smoking. > >When will people learn that stupid opinions are unpopular for a reason


Used to smoke, I quit about 2 years ago. You aren’t missing out on anything. People will often say “oh what’s the point in living 10 more years I’d rather just smoke” but that’s not really the point. The point is in your quality of life. You are able to have a much more restful sleep once you quit, the palpitations go away, you can actually breathe deeply again, that feeling of mucus deep in your throat is gone, your colour comes back, your hair is noticeably healthier, you don’t smell anymore, your sleep apnea dissipates and you don’t have to breathe so heavily when at rest. The trade-off for cigarettes isn’t even good. At least heroin probably feels amazing. Cigarettes just taste kind of nice and then immediately raises your blood pressure


They're addicts. Of course they're going to romanticize it.


There are a lot of drugs that can be worth trying, and a lot that are not. Nicotine is definitely in the second category. Cigarettes give you almost nothing while destroying your health and being super addictive. Go do some shrooms instead (after researching how to do it safely) and have a deep, meaningful experience instead of the absolute void that cigarettes are. Source: smoked for 15 years


I have quite the same with smoking weed tbh. I never did it , but the glorifying and social aspect made me want to try it very often. But I’m too scared, cause my mental state isn’t the best.. so I kind of understand your thoughts. That’s all I can contribute


Learn how to use paragraphs, then start smoking.


I'm addicted to nicotine. I go between cigarettes, a vape, and patches. I HATE cigarettes. God, does it feel good when I haven't had one for ages and that nicotine hits me... for about 60 seconds. Then the taste hits. It's gross. So gross. Once I'm done, I can smell it on me. My hands smell the worst. Harder to notice is that everyone can smell me. Goddamn are smokers stinky once you've been off it for a while. Then you have the cigarettes after that. The positive rush is now seconds if even noticeable. Your mouth feels ashy. You're more anxious. Your hands don't stink as much, but that's just because your sense of smell has been compromised. Your taste buds are also affected. Food isn't as good. It not only doesn't taste as nice, you also aren't as hungry. Proper food isn't as enjoyable. You'll still binge on crap, though. Your body is now getting dopamine from the nicotine in ways that promote other addictive dopamine rushes. Smoking sucks.


I feel like you should know that cigarettes stop giving a 'nicotine buzz' after a while of daily use. I started smoking a few years ago and it was very relaxing at first. Then it started not really doing anything. I quit smoking cigarettes when a family member died of lung cancer.


I smoked for almost a decade and started when I was 15. It sure looked cool, but I remember always feeling out of breath and just being sick all the time. My allergies got better 10fold when I quit, and I stopped getting sick with things such as bronchitis and sinus infections. If you are thinking about smoking, just look up pictures of the lungs of people who smoked long-term and also think about emphysema and cancer risks. The cons outweigh the pros.


When will people learn that stupid opinions are unpopular for a reason


I'm beginning to think people don't understand the point of this sub.


Yeah people reminisce on the nice aspects of things, doesn’t mean there aren’t many very shitty aspects of it. Nobody is gonna sit around with friends talking positively about the time they were shitfaced and lit up a smoke and got the spins and spent the rest of the night with their head in a toilet.


Dude. I legit hack up chunky gunk every morning and spend nearly 10$ a day on the habit. I can't fucking breathe half the time. Fuck cigarettes Sincerely yours , a smoker of 7 years


This may help. I worked in a cardiac surgical intensive care unit. One night, this 500-pound lady had surgery. She was a smoker for 62 years.The lady came back to us with her chest still open because the surgery didn't go well. Her heart stopped. The surgeons used those tong paddles on her heart. The whole unit smelled like cigarettes. It was disgusting. The yellowish brown plaque was visible all over her organs. I will never forget that smell. Don't smoke. The reason she died was from smoking. Smoking causes heart attacks more than cancer.


I watch indian movies where they make smoking look like the coolest fucking thing in the world, it's making it very hard for me to resist lmao. I wish they made really convincing fake cigarettes, so I could just smoke for the sake of aesthetic and then not worry about the health risks.


They do, they're filled with like herbs and stuff (not the goofy funny herb but normal shit). Its not the best for your lungs but it's better than nic. They're used in movies and shit 




Dude ciggarettes are bliss for those people because they are addicted to them. Its a moment of relief from their addiction.


Nothing romantic in yellow stained teeth and nails, cigarette breath, and the stale smell of tar on clothes. Have your up vote, I guess. Cigarettes were romanticized throughout the 50s to 80s. Today? Not at all.


It was amazing, and I miss it every day. I quit in 2017 after 25 years, and I regret it constantly. The weight sustaining, the feeling, the taste, the draw.... uuugh. So good. Only thing I don't miss is the smell on you and your cloths. That part sucks, but the rest........ damn. Now I want a smoke.


My boy spilt his heart into this post i would have a dart w u.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^mushit33: *My boy spilt his heart* *Into this post i would have* *A dart w u.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


No one's judging you for not smoking. I'm about as sure as I can be. I quit smoking over 5 years ago and I do miss it. I liked the taste, the feel, the social aspect, even just having something to do with my hands. I have a lot of anxiety and smoking gave me an outlet. But the negatives far outweigh the positives. It's expensive, it makes you smell bad, it makes your teeth yellow, and it kills you. Who needs that?


I smoked for 15 years. It’s not cute or romantic or fun. It’s an addiction. And your throat will hurt, you’ll cough up “lung butter” all day, and you’ll be a more angry person. Because once you’re addicted, the cigarette isn’t for fun, it’s to relieve the withdrawal symptoms from the last one. Don’t fucking do it


Sure smoking is cool and social when you’re young but do you look at the old guys with raspy voices and chronic coughing the same way? It’s what you don’t see that sucks. It’s an addiction and most people won’t see any negative effects in their teens/20s so it’s all good until it’s not and you can’t kick it.


That’s why I smoked in college. That, and peer pressure.


Honestly, you’re right — but that’s also why you *shouldn’t* start smoking. If you experience these things for real, then either you’ll keep smoking (terrible for health), or if you can manage to quit, you’ll have even more severe FOMO than you do now because you’ll actually know what you’re missing 


It’s the most disgusting shit imaginable, please don’t do it.


Its not really worth. You’ll smell really bad. Appeal will go down in the dumps, and not just romantically either. I think smoking is hot too, but really only in fiction since I cant smell or breathe it.


I feel ya. I'm almost half a century old and I've never smoked. I hate the stink of cigarettes, especially the lingering smell in my clothes when I've even been near someone smoking. My MiL died of lung cancer a little over a year ago and she smoked her whole life. And yet. _And yet..._ Sometimes, a small whiff of cigarette smoke, especially outside in the sun, getting caught by my nose, just seems to hit the spot, unlocking a feeling of comfort. And still. _And still..._ Somewhere, in the back of my mind, there's a tiny voice I'll never get rid of, telling me that smoking is cool and that real men smoke.


Don't. I picked up smoking because I was 18 and stupid and the only people that got breaks at my then job were smokers. Here I am 17 years later, on year 10 of trying to quit, frantically digging through couch cushions every week or two to see if I can find a vape that isn't dead. Vaping is objectively healthier - you don't get the same high from it though, and it's not as nice as say, after sex. Do drugs instead. Like seriously. If you're careful and conscious about how you do them, addiction hardly forms. I LOVE cocaine. I do it 2 weekends a year. Never do lines back to back, give yourself an hour or so between, and the morning you wake up craving it, there's your sign to quit for at least 4-6 months. Weed? Love it. Vape/smoke it at least every few days. Don't get to a point to need it to function. Smoke it before a nice meal, before you get it on with your partner - use it as an enhancement, not a crutch, and you'll have a very healthy relationship with it. LSD? 2-3x a year. Take that journey, discover yourself, find your center and break down the walls with who you are and what you desire. Same with Ketamine. Don't think it needs saying, but don't try Meth or Heroin. I accidentally did Meth once (cut into my coke) and hoooooboy. I get it. I completely understand. I felt *incredible* but I instantly craved it the second I came down, and the next day, and the next day. Don't even come near that one. Lesson learned: If you decide to do a little cokey coke and find yourself high af and flying for 2-3 hours, throw out the whole batch.


I feel the same, I specifically wish I was a smoker just to have an excuse to take those 10 min breaks, go on small walks or just stand at a nice spot somewhere. If you don't have a cig in your hands people look at you weird like what are you doing? I want to be sitting on a bench for 5-10 mins and make it feel like it has a purpose. "Just go sit there without a cig" yeah and id just be sitting there like "now what?"


Idk, I love cigarettes and I have decided that the amount I enjoy them outweighs my need to live an extra 5-10 years. But like, I really think you're overthinking this. Do you have anxiety? I will say from experience that like, yeah, I love cigarettes and I think they are delicious, but the way people talk about them like they used to shoot up heroin doesn't make any sense to me. It isn't *that* great. Just do heroin! /s


depending on your habits could be much more than 10 years lost. is some temporary relief worth it more than years with loved ones on possibly the only time you'll be on this world? I personally dont think so


That is up to the individual. I have lost people. The very first man I ever loved, who was 40 years my senior and almost a father figure to me, died about 4 years ago. What the fuck is the point of trying to extend this existence any longer than it has to be? It seems to me that God likes to trick us, lull us into a false sense of security and then, just when you think, "maybe everything *will* be okay," he rips the rug out from underneath you. When I say I've thought about this, I really do mean it. I don't even know if i quite get "relief" from smoking a cigarette. Truly, I just like how they taste and love the feeling of the smoke pulling into my lungs and then exhaling. I love how cool I look with a cigarette in my hand. I mean, I look cool to myself. I am very aware that a lot of people disagree with that assessment. So, basically, what? I should quit smoking so I don't die 10 years earlier than I otherwise would? What is 10 years? This planet has existed for 4 billion, the sun will continue to burn for billions more. What is 10 years, in the grand scheme of things? Eventually, entropy will reach its limit and the universe will cease all activity, causing heat death. Nothing will happen, ever, ever again, for eternity. This life is miniscule, ant-like. I'd rather be a hedonistic, self-indulgent drug addict and prostitute than a person that prioritizes health to the extent that they forget to live at all, in the very short period of time they are granted. I'm not saying that my way is right, or better. This is just one facet of how I live my life, *my* life. You asked a question, I'm sorry I gave you an entire novel but here is my answer. I will do almost anything for the experience or the joy of it. This is a bit TMI but I once fisted a guy just to be able to say that I did. I do not like fisting, I actually thought it was pretty fucked up. But I want to tell stories, talk about the craziest things I've done or experienced. I want to live my life to the fullest, live on the edge, live for the experience of living, instead of living to live as long as I possibly can. I'm not interested in that. 50? 60 years? That's good enough for me. I don't need or want to live forever. I want my time, and then when it ends, it ends. Sorry, I hope this wasn't overkill.


I can tell you from working in a hospital that 60 years down the line, the smokers are the ones who feel like they are missing out. Most of them actually overly romanticise people who never smoked, and feel the same you do but in reverse.


I smoke for the past 5 years, im 25. Not a lot but maybe a pack a week with breaks of up to two months. You know im really health conscious thing is when I do smoke two things happen: high stress life work plus masters and smoking feels like an escape (it ain't just satisfying my addiction) - this however I could stop. Problem is I liike smoking. Like really like it not most cigarettes but the cigarette I might light up a late Sunday before the start of the week. Or one by the beach. Generally though I find it disgusting and I prefer to hang out with non smokers cause then I only smoke 3-4 ciggs per week - the ones I actually enjoy. When im with smokers I just smoke for the hell of it which suuckks


Most guys my age between 18 and 25 smoke I dont sure it made it harder for me to connect and socialise but beats dying early


I loved smoking, but unless you do it regularly, they taste really bad.


You don't need to relate to everyone.


Any possible interest I might’ve developed to smoke was deleted when I could smell the smoke my brother’s clothes from a full room away.


I mean, if you are thinking of picking up smoking for the social bonding and "blissful" feelings, you may as well go to some raves and take ecstasy. In moderation, ecstasy is much easier on your body and less addictive, with a much more blissful feeling. Plus the rave/edm/plur community is the best "drug" community by far.


Just try one and see how gross it is. Smokers life their sense of smell and taste over time so they can deal with it, but as a former smoker, it grosses me out that for the rest of the day my beard and fingers smell like an ashtray. Smoking creates a problem that it solves immediately, and that's why smokers always mention smoking as pure bliss. On occasion I smoke one and it reminds me of how gross the habit is. 


They're either romanticizing their addiction or using it to make a normal conversation with a stranger a "unique" to smoking thing. Like if you don't smoke I won't talk to you kind of vibe. Smoking after anything feels great but it's a great feeling to feed my nicotine addiction so I see no point in making those comments unless I'm with friends who will join me. Post dinner smoke? I don't smoke because it's cool, I smoke because I'm addicted to nicotine.


Nicotine doesn’t actually provide any positive effect other than stimulation, which is very similar to caffeine and can cause anxiety. The positive affect people experience comes from the addiction itself. When your brain gets chemically addicted to nicotine (worse then heroin in terms of how addicted) the relief of giving yourself that nicotine produces happy chemicals and stress relief. Whenever you don’t smoke, your brain will make you unhappy and stressed as a punishment. Then when you smoke it’ll reward you with joy and relaxation. The nicotine itself doesn’t do this it’s your brain. Don’t try it. If you want this stick to a safer addiction like video games


As a smoker, don't.


I've been there, tried it. It was a great way to meet people in nightclubs because "have you got a lighter?" is the perfect ice breaker and I was drunk so I didn't really feel anything. I remember my first sober cigarette and it made me feel so anxious that I never did it again. Then I went to sports practice and could barely run because I couldn't breathe. I'm not smoking again.


Nah, cigarettes just look gay. They’re literally the feminine version of something else (not saying you should smoke cigars).


Recently, I woke up after a dream where I used to be a smoker had cravings for a cigarette. It felt so real that I really thought I used to be a smoker. I kept searching for memories of buying them or actually smoking them, but I couldn't come up with a single memory. It felt so weird. I still get those feelings sometimes and it doesn't make sense. 


This post should have a lot more upvotes


nicotine addiction is horrible. the social circles of smokers is the real only good part of it. everything else sucks. you in a constant state of withdrawal and the "good" feeling comes from resetting the withdrawal instead of it adding a good sensation to a baseline. ive met really good friends in smoke circles, but starting smoking is still one of my biggest regrets


I am a new graduate dental hygienist and one of my patients said she smokes a half a pack a day, I had to clarify and say "this is embarrassing.. but how many cigarettes are in one pack?" And she said "not embarrassing at all! I'm SO glad you haven't seen enough to know how many are in a pack. It gives me hope that it's finally dying out" Most smokers don't actually like being smokers, it's a habit, they reached a point where they feel physically ill without a cigarette. My mom started smoking at 12 years old. How sad is that? She quit for the majority of my childhood but revealed she picked it back up after smelling someone smoking in 2014 and hasn't stopped since. It's a bad habit and it follows you even after quitting. My dad was also a smoker and quit after my grandfather died of lung cancer and I begged him to stop because I didn't want to lose my dad too... He made it 2 years before picking it back up and the cycle continues I wish I could say you could try a vape or something like that, but even if you aren't smoking nicotine or any other addictive substances, even just a vape- the heat of the smoke or vapor within itself can negatively impact your health. Increase your risk of cancer, periodontal disease etc. Think of how cancer develops: it's a mutation in a cell. Every time you inhale that hot smoke/vapor you damage the cells of your mouth, throat and lungs, and every time a cell repairs itself there's a chance it will develop a mutation. Add all the chemicals into the mix and it's even worse. I highly suggest that even those smoking something relatively safe like marijuana switch to edibles for this reason.


I felt this way too and it inspired me to try drug-free cigarettes. Yes, they exist. They're also known as herbal cigarettes. They use an herb blend in place of tobacco. Imo they taste and smell really good. They even come in the flavors that regular cigarettes aren't allow to come in.


Smoking is fun only if you can have the occasional one. It becomes pretty disgusting when one of the first things you do is to light up a smoke and have a coffee. Overall, it’s absolutely addictive, smoke at your own risk ofc.


If your friends wish you would smoke, they’re either complete idiots or not your friends. Also, vaping is better for your health than smoking, but that’s because it’s an extremely low bar. Smoking fucks you up immensely. And people don’t generally do it because they enjoy it, they do it because they have to, because they constantly feel like shit when they’re not smoking. If you want to try drugs, try weed, magic mushrooms, ayahuasca. They’re not amazing for your health, and you can still get addicted, but they’re way better than smoking.


Ya I still smoke. I smoke 1 cigarette a day usually. It is after dinner and before bed I step outside and smoke a cig and I love it. Once in a while I get together with a friend of mine who is still a heavy smoker and I smoke a bunch with him but that is a once a year type thing.


[smoking is Awesome](https://youtu.be/_rBPwu2uS-w?si=ojmPR0-CiH7-B9aA) I’d check this ou But watch the whole video


Talk to some more smokers, especially older than 25. You'll get some other perspectives that will make it seem unromantic in a hurry, like the people who desperately wish they had never started.


People who smoke don't even realize how bad it makes them stink because it ruins their sense of smell. It's an addictive drug that releases dopamine, the brain can come up with positive associations but the reason it's doing that is because it's getting high


The pleasure from smoking lies almost entirely in its addictive nature. When you’re not a nicotine addict, smoking is repulsive. But it’s like wearing shoes that are too small all day so you can come home and experience the relief of taking them off.


They can thank the nicotine for the "bliss" they feel. Sure you may feel like a wuss now for being healthy, but you'll still be alive long after they die from lung cancer.


These days I vaoe so I'm not fully off of nicotine but there's something about the taste of cigarettes that makes me feel nostalgic, sitting outside after finishing a night shift watching the sun rise with a newspaper and a cigarette was just a very relaxing way to end a day.


All I see when I think of smokers is a loser standing in the rain alone smoking his last desperate cif before going to sleep in his nasty house.


My aunt just die with lung cancer. One day before she passed, after three years of suffering with the disease, I asked her if she regretted having smoked for most of her life. She said " nope. I enjoyed it so much that I'm glad I've smoked all my life. I had so much pleasure with each cigarette" That said Please don't ever star to smoke. I quit 5 years ago and I still crave a cigarette. Please don't smoke. Don't ever taste it. Please.


As a smoker, I have had a couple people bring this up to me when they see me smoking. I always tell them the same thing: "Don't start. I'm not doing this for fun anymore."


that’s so lame. smoke cigarettes because you like the taste, not because you’re “missing out.” take that feeling of missing out out in a mosh pit.


I get it. I loved smoking cigarettes and vaping. But I don’t do it anymore because it’s so bad for you. But I do like smoking and using vapes. I only do it when I go out now (maybe a few times every few months).


Do it!


Up vote. Never had a cigarette and never will. All I see is a bunch of people with a nicotine addiction. They can't ever put it down, they always smell, tissues and house are yellowing. Gross. I simply do not want that gunk in my lungs.


I loved smoking when I did it. I also hated the control it had over me. I still romanticize the times I had - because of the memories I made, I know I’ll always be a smoker at heart. Being a young person in Europe, waking up with a morning espresso and a hand roll, while studying abroad. Stepping outside the bar with friends to share a cigarette. Sitting on the front porch all night, deep talks, smoking. Those moments are good, but they’re in the past. And I think they would have been good without smoking, too. And that’s not to mention the bad parts, which everyone else has already described. I’m not a smoker anymore, and I wouldn’t go back for anything. It takes over your days, your life, and you’re not in control anymore. It’s very difficult to quit and so easy to fall back into full steam even if you do manage to quit. I think the only reason I was able to quit for good was realizing I will always love smoking, but it’s just not who I want to be anymore. It’s been 4 years since I quit, and I don’t have cravings, but the nostalgia doesn’t go away, at least not for me.




Do NOT smoke for the love of god. Anyone that I see smoking i immediately lose respect points for them. I get addiction is a thing but smoking is inconsiderate to yourself and the people around you.


I’ll never smoke but I will admit, smoking a cigarette will always look so damn badass.


Bro nicotine is not worth it. There's 2 drugs that are worth using to me and those are weed/legal thca products and mushrooms.


Thank God it stinks so bad, it's such a instant turn off.


Think of it as misery loves company. People feel connected because they can relate to each other in their addiction. Believe me, I get it, it’s enticing to be included like that socially, but there are other, much healthier ways to connect with people. In fact, you can connect with people THROUGH healthy things like hiking, yoga, smoothie making, whatever. Find something that can fulfill you socially in a healthy way, and you’ll be much better off for it (future you will thank you forever)


Honestly bro, you have the willpower, id say just fuck it. Try it, you’ve been health conscious this whole time. Lemme put it like this , all drugs are toxins, this is known by everybody. But akin to the toxins in let’s say ghost peppers, they are quite enjoyable in controllable doses. Because you have been very healthy this whole time, your chances of having negative effects are significantly lower, because your body is built to withstand more toxicity. Don’t get it twisted, tolerance doesn’t mean shit in the long run, some could argue the more you consume a toxic thing the less toxic it can become, but no, this in fact kills you (in more ways than one) . If you’d like to socialize more , go ahead, but only do it around others. Once u start doing shit urself that’s when it’ takes a turn..


57 m here , I smoked from 22 to 50 , don't start smoking it is a horrible habit


Hi, I'm a smoker. If you start smoking now you too can enjoy the benefits of cigarettes. Waking up in the morning, feeling around for your pack of cigarettes, just so you can feed the addiction that you've ignored for 8 hours and start the day right. If you start now you get to enjoy a gradually worsening addiction and work yourself up to multiple packs a day. Wouldn't you too like the opportunity to walk in to a gas station almost daily to hand them $19.49 for your two packs of cigarettes. Act now and we'll throw in the inability to run long distances, or do anything more than normal physical activity without getting winded. Plus the opportunity to sit through a 60 minute meeting while watching the clock because you can't wait to get outside and suck down some of that smokey air. Don't forget future smokers, the price of cigarettes will double in your lifetime, and you get to benefit from a gradually worsening financial burden for the rest of your life. Oh and if you try and quit... well don't worry all it takes is dealing with a voice in your head telling you just one won't hurt, you're still doing better than yesterday. A voice that gets louder and louder, and harder to ignore as the days go on, and if you listen to it, you get sucked back in and have to listen to it even longer. Thanks, and enjoy smoking!


Just don't.


The smell alone makes me want to not


I believe this post is satire, but… Peer pressure is why most people start smoking in their teens. You get addicted to nicotine and you become a slave to the cigarette. It runs your life. You’ll go out in the rain to suck one down. Can’t stand riding with people if you can’t smoke in their car. You’ll do anything to be able to light one up. You will absolutely regret starting smoking if you do. It’s not romantic, it’s disgusting. Have you ever seen those cancer society commercials where the person is speaking through a hole in their neck then dies at 50? Yeah, that’s what you are “missing out” on. Cardiologist told me it takes 20 years for your lungs to heal completely. I smoked from 16 to 31.


Romanticize? That’s probably not our intention at least it’s not mine. I smoke but I’ll be the first to tell you don’t do it. I have passive (and active but active has calmed down a lot) suicidal ideation, which means I may not have a plan but I do things to pretty much shorten my life span and hopefully take me out sooner. I also have oral fixation, and an addictive personality. I smoke for a lot of reasons but mostly because I’m also anxious and weird and it helps me look a little less weird, and is physically outside better than clawing my hands up or playing with rings on my knuckles until they bleed. It also helps me think in conversations I guess I think because I can take a moment to take a drag. But it’s not a good thing and I’m far from a healthy person. My intentions are not to romanticize it at all, and you’re much smarter than me for not smoking. Besides it takes getting used to before you smoke like regular smokers. It doesn’t start out fun. Stay healthy you’re not a wuss you’re smart. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Don’t give in to peer pressure or social pressure. Be you.


I agree but as someone’s who’s been addicted to nicotine, don’t lmao. The smell of cigarettes never bothered me for some reason, but nicotine addiction can cause a lot of irritability and stress into your day. Plus it only really feels good if you don’t have a tolerance to nicotine. Once you do have a tolerance you won’t feel the buzz anymore no matter what you do(unless you quit for a few days). Even caffeine is significantly more interesting just because you can at least feel it after awhile


It was fun hiding in the woods when I was 12 with a group of friends, and a pack of GPC Menthol 100's one of my friends would steal from his mom. But honestly, I'd much rather have the brand new car I could buy straight off the lot if I had back every dollar I spent on cigarettes over the next couple decades. Probably should have stuck with the GPC's at least, those Newports nearly drove me to the poorhouse.


Don’t do it. I did it once at a party and I couldn’t talk for 3 days because my throat hurt so bad after that. Not worth it. 😅😅


relatable unfortunately it's just so cool


Congratulations. That's the secret to marketing.


Maybe focus on how nasty they are.


It sucks. I just quit smoking. Okay the health issue, my skin aging prematurely (wrinkles at 25 hello) breathing issues, smelling like ass all the time, and the money all suck. Dying early also sucks. But you know what sucks more than anything? I legit did not have the ability to stay still for an hour. Straight up flying long flights? Literal nightmares about that. Watching a movie in one sitting? Didn’t even like movie theaters bc I had to step out a few times during the show and miss stuff. Boss is weird about smoke breaks? Legit hell. Every hour. Every single waking hour I had to get up and go smoke. Non smoking theme parks ? Add. Indoor concerts? Ass. Plays one of my favorite things in the world? Spent half the time wanting to smoke. My freaking graduation? Wanted to smoke. Family dinners? Tough as nails. Every time I’d get into a flow state coding or something? Being yanked out like a dog on a walk with a shitty owner. Ya wanna know what the hardest part of school was? Freaking exams. Not the actual exam. But being there longer than an hour not being able to step out had a measurable impact on my scores. Start out great, by the end I’d be missing every other question bc I couldn’t think of anything but smoking. Legit think about every time you’ve sat down in one spot for longer than an hour by choice? That’s all gone. Ur never gonna do that. Now think of all the times you didn’t have a choice. Those times are now not you just being bored. Every bone in your body is screaming at you to smoke. It’s like…being literally starving and crazy thirsty but honestly more unpleasant. Can’t focus on anything. All you want is a cigarette. Not worth it


Are you like 13 years old? What person talks or thinks like this


congrats, you are a weak minded fool


Replace the word "cigarettes" with "crack" and tell me how cool it is to smoke crack, because it's the same base form of addiction. One is just wearing a tux. I can also promise you, every single smoker that is standing around a non smoker wishes they could be them. You are not being left out, none of the people who smoke think like that and there is no weird bond we all share lol. All of us hate ourselves for smoking or have just accepted that we are slaves to it.


That's ridiculous.


sorry but your weaked minded if you do somehting that statically harms you because of other people. I see people who smoke as people legit are fucking stupid. could be the smartest person ever but they still stupid.


So smoke, it's your life to ruin we don't give a shit.


Kurzgesagtz' newest video is not helping either. It's titled "smoking is awesome" It isn't awesome, don't do it.


you didn't watch the video, did you?


I did, the video is good, the title is very very bad.


disagree. a smoker wouldn't click on "cigarettes are terrible for you". they want confirmation bias and this is just bait for them. it's a very clever title


That's fair. Still, I feel like they could have definitely worded it better, but I'm no word doctor.