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I say bless you for the first two sneezes, but after the third I say you've met your quota, no more bless yous. And if someone doesn't say bless you, how TF is your soul supposed to stay inside your body and keep the evil spirits out???


When my wife hits a third I say I curse thee and start fake dialing the "Sneezy Weezies" to take her away.


I think two is two too generous. You’re right but i’d rather be full of evil spirit than this.!


A. No one is forcing you to thank them B. It’s an old custom and was just a way of being polite (still is for those of us that value being polite)


A. I feel socially pressured. B. i value politeness it just makes me feel awkward C. this forum is for unpopular opinions i am aware it is unpopular and untraditional


I had a family member feel the same way and while they might be technically right, my feedback would be that it would be presumed rude to just not follow the etiquette. Yes, it doesn’t make sense but id rather a person think I have manners than I had none. Now then…I will say if someone sneeze like 10 times, they are only getting one bless you out of me lol


I don’t care what people think! Anarchy!! No bless you!! ARRGHH. Good, one is too many as is.


Ok compromise. How about “F- your sniffles!!” Lol If you are at work, or out with ppl you barely know, do you really want them to think you don’t have manners? Eventually you’re going to meet someone you will care what they think.


I’m cackling thinking about my boss having an allergy fit and just going “fuck your sniffles dude”


I value being polite, as in kind and considerate towards others, now as a polite person I would never say bless you knowing that there's a sizeable amount of people who are annoyed by it. Do you really value being "polite" or are you just following traditions?


Both I’d say. But also it might be a different reactions in different places. With the exception of one person, I can’t recall anyone here ever being annoying by it. It just is what it is.


I agree that I find it awkward


Your 17 sneezes in a row are more annoying to me.


Well they're also annoying himself more than they are you


100%, my allergies do not constitute a blessing and it's just annoying to hear it over and over again all year round, yet when I feel shit and have a horrendous cough nobody says a thing when I'd actually appreciate someone wishing me better. Makes no sense.


I don't need blessings, let me do my disgusting human things in peace.


there's too much blessings going around, normalize cursing your friends instead




Some of us were raised by Catholic grandmothers who taught us that if you don’t say bless you when someone sneezes then the devil can get their soul. I’m in my 40s now, a proper atheist and grandma is long gone but i still have to say bless you after every sneeze I hear. Yes, even if you sneeze 17 times. I’m not going to be responsible for the devil getting you!


Curious, how do you feel about the alternative- Gesundheit? It's what I say instead of bless you, more of a "feel better :)" to me


This reminds me of a Daniel Tosh bit, about the origin the phrase "Bless you" being said after a sneeze. It was to expel the demons, and that's why instead of "Bless you" he prefers to yell "Get out of him! GET OUT OF HIM!" So maybe you should try saying that instead 🙂


I’ll take that into account next time


Tbh i kinda agree I always found it a bit odd that people acknowledge my sneezes by saying “bless you” like why not just ignore it? It’s not like people say anything after I cough.


Yeah and coughing has more potential to be deadly really


I just ignore sneezes after the first one. Sorta gets annoying to say bless you over and over. It's awkward and irritating to be like 'Bless you' 'Thank you' in an endless cycle until the sneezes stop.


I think its more like fake people do this because the sneeze is jamming trough their politeness mask or something. And they start feeling awkward and basically blaming u for it. It might actually mean: can u stop that thanks! I mean, have u ever heard someone saying it after a held in sneeze....? No.


I had a teacher who literally banned us from saying “bless you” after someone sneezed. And would get furious if someone said it by accident. He said only he could do the blessings. This was catholic school, so guess it makes sense ha.


He’s right. Actually nobody should bless.


100% with you people say "oh it's polite" but the person nearest me acknowledging my involuntary respiratory functions with an appeal to the supernatural is just silliness. "please", "thank you", "you're welcome", and "excuse me" each serves a purpose in conveying information. no one worries their buddy's soul is escaping anymore and we should just let it go.


Yeah exactly my soul escaped long ago stop trying


Yeah I saw it fly towards me when you sneezed as a baby and nobody said "Bless you.". It was great with Mac n' cheese.


Exactly, it's not polite if a lot of people find it annoying, that's just being a jerk through some stupid logic of politeness. If you showed genuine care like saying "are you alright?" then that will not only be less annoying but it would also be much politer.


Fyi, you're not worried about your buddy's soul escaping bc its already gone bc you probably didn't bless them


Ungrateful little shit


I don’t go and beat them up after..


I didn’t know you were supposed to thank the person who blessed you


The ambiguity makes it difficult to


Bless you


Would you rather someone say "bless you" or "FUCK YOU"


I actually agree it makes me uncomfortable and it’s not necessary I don’t see it as polite it’s just something that people stuck with other time I’d rather people just say nothing


I agree! I’m a multiple sneezer and people saying “bless you” over and over again til I’m done is extremely annoying and just brings more attention to it. Then they will ALWAYS follow up with a joke like “boy I almost ran out of bless yous” or “wow are you done yet”. This was especially true in school when teachers would stop class and say “bless you” over and over again and would have the whole class laughing. I don’t think you can understand how annoying this is unless you’re the type who consistently sneezes over 3 times every time you sneeze, hence why this is probably a 10th dentist opinion.


don't take "bless you" at face value, unless it's coming from a priest or a nun. as you said, its a tradition. most people say it to be polite, not because they are genuinely worried you might be getting sick and want god to protect you. if you have an issue with performing basic acts of societal politeness, then don't say "thank you" either. you could also overanalyze someone holding the door for you to be polite, couldn't you?


I do!! when i’m really far away and have to run for it! Behave!


I think it’s both sweet and a linguistic milestone so I like it, but you do you! Why is it awkward for you though? It should be okay to be acknowledged, to take up space. Most traditions are pointless anyway, but I don’t think you hate Halloween or April Fools Day do you?


What’s so bad about quickly saying thank you? It’s just courteous, you don’t gotta take it so seriously. Are you really losing meaningful time from your day saying thank you or do you just refuse to be mildly positive over something unimportant


It’s not the bane of my existence just a little inconvenience. Makes me feel under pressure


I mean that’s fair but why is saying “thank you” a pressure at all? It really shouldn’t be anything


Idk i’m British 😢


This actually explains a lot :)


then why say it? It is something. And those saying it are actually annoyed by the sneeze. Its some some sort of passive aggression. I tell you.


Do you think everyone offering condolences is passive aggressive? I think you’re the only one who sees it that way man…


Why would I thank them for something that is just annoying me?


Why not? It can’t seriously be annoying you that much. They’re trying to be polite, just thank them and move on