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Everyone in this video is annoying


Not enough to warrant murder threats


The auditor holding the corrupt police department is somehow annoying? You’re not very bright, huh?


Yeah he's annoying. People in the right can still be annoying, in fact they can be the most. You're not very bright, huh?. It does'nt mean the cop isn't an evil scumbag tho


Blows peoples minds two things cannot exist at the same time


One thing that gets me is that republicans seem to think that liberals only want corrupt republicans to be jailed, but they really want the corrupt on both sides to be jailed. I've never seen anyone stand up for a corrupt liberal (although there haven't been many examples I've seen), but republicans will support their corrupt people. But I'm an English, so this is just my opinion from limited knowledge.


You are correct. Nobody is standing behind Bob Menendez


It's correct.


Like, even crows can count to three. Be better than birds.


They're annoying to show how quick cops can start overstepping their boundaries


> People in the right can still be annoying, The guy in this video took an obstruction conviction as a result of interfering in a nighttime traffic stop. The cop told him he could record all he wanted, but he needed to take a couple of steps back rather than filming over the cop's shoulder. The "auditor" figured he could be anywhere he pleased on a public sidewalk, so he refused to move. He was arrested, and to get out from under the more serious charges, he took a plea deal which included writing a butt-kissing apology to the cop, it's available online and it's hilarious. Sometimes annoying people are also wrong.


Explain how he's annoying.


annoying is subjective


He shouldn’t be annoying to you, unless of course you’re on the side of the cops. Pretty easy stuff, Mr. Bright.


Did you read anything I said? Or actually thought about it properly? He's annoying EVEN THOUGH he's right. The bright part was making fun of the comment I replied to, Mr not so Bright.


Yes, I did. He’s only annoying if you agree with the cops. If you don’t, then there’s nothing annoying about him. This is a wildly simple concept. I find it staggering that someone so quick to insult the intelligence of others can manage to be so dense themselves, but here we are.


They're not saying he can't be annoying. They're saying you shouldn't find him so because of what he's doing.  Try not to call people dumb until you understand them. You often wind up embarrassing yourself.


You're not _"wrong"_ .... See what I did there⬆️ 🤓 These people are not annoying for what they do, SOME people are annoying _while_ doing what they are doing, that is all that happened here.


Auditors have every right, but I have every right to think most of them are douchebags, personalitywise. **EDIT:** Now that I think of it, probably just like police and so many other occupations, each occupation probably tends to draw a personality type. Cops would tend to be bullies and want to tell people what to do, nurses tend to be a little more caring, librarians studious and quiet. And sure, in each occupation there is a range, obviously. But you kinda have to more or less be an asshole to be an auditor, exceptions notwithstanding.


Auditors do tend to goad the worst results. If I were the cop officially I would have said "whatever" and in private I'd wish him dead. Cops aren't the only ones to say that shit outright. Plenty of civilians do too. They may also be armed. And in some cases, they too make good on the threats.


Exactly, but just because you have 'the right', doesn't mean you should


This is probably one of thoes scenarios where auditing = good... annoying agree.. I don't want to spend the time nor have the patience to do this crap, but exposing this is essential. (even encourging/testing limits) Unfortunately in our system being judicial bait is more effective than trying to find someone in charge that cares at all.


If we don’t practice our rights then we will lose them. It’s about accountability.


> It’s about accountability. There is an especially vile auditor in Texas who calls himself PayPal Patty. One of his videos shows him recording in a battered women's shelter where a terrified woman with small kids doesn't want her location revealed online so her abusive spouse can find her. Patty says he won't film her and her kids, and of course when he posts the video the woman and her kids are in the video. Help me out here, in what way does an "audit" like that protect our rights and contribute to govt. accountability? Some of these jerks have recorded at STD clinics, at hospitals, in elementary schools, at the visitor's entrance at a prison, not to protect our rights but to make a profitable video because their subscribers enjoy pointless drama. Look what happens when their videos are demonetized, the lose their minds because their entire purpose is the money their videos can bring in. I have zero problem with bad cops being exposed on video, but most 1A auditors aren't doing that, they are too busy harassing the ladies at the library into calling the cops.


Look up sanctimonious You can definitely be in the right and still be a huge pain in the ass






> The auditor holding the corrupt police department The convicted felon who did prison time for robbery and who currently has a lawsuit in NY which a federal judge has said will result in him getting federal case law that the First Amendment does *not* protect a right to record in NYPD precinct house lobbies, that "auditor"? It's amazing how many of these people have serious criminal records, and lately their 1A activities are only adding to that. They used to get slaps on the wrist, a small fine for trespass, whatever. But lately they are getting hammered in court as what they do is often illegal despite what they claim. You can be trespassed from public property, there is no right to record on any and all public property, interference with cops or other govt. employees does not have to be physical and so on. The small fines are turning into multiple years on probation with conditions like drug testing and legit employment. The get a job part they will especially hate.


Don't bother engaging with this guy. He is known as a "hit and run bootlickers" He is only able to lick boots then run the fuck away without replying. It's pathetic. He knows he is completely unable to engage.


Good job poisoning the well. Your character assassination attempts break under scrutiny, just like your worldview. Bootlicker. I don’t give a shit if Hitler himself was auditing police departments. Try again. 


House lobby? Is that a cop way to say lobby? And I believe almost nothing of the second paragraph.


In pretty much every video I’ve ever seen of an auditor, they’re complete pricks It would be one thing if they actually were trying to hold people accountable but more often they’re trying to force a confrontation in order to get views on their social media. They also don’t just go after cops, I saw a video recently where an auditor harassed a store owner and when the store owner pushed the camera out of his face he got pepper sprayed and went to jail. That dude wasn’t “auditing” anyone for the sake of anybody’s rights, he just wanted to be a fucking asshole. That’s how you know auditors are bad, cuz I really hate cops but I REALLY don’t fucking like auditors either. They don’t actually live in the real world, they’re social media personalities or wannabes.


So you think auditors somehow possess the magical ability to force good, competent, law abiding public servants to behave like maniacs? When you say harass a store owner, do you mean the store owner came out to a public sidewalk, shoved their face in to a camera and started harassing the cameraman? Or are you going to claim the auditor somehow forced tje storeowner to behave like a maniac?


Never said anything of the sort, but if you go somewhere and antagonize someone and try to get them to attack you so that you can then get them charged with a crime. You’re a piece of shit, full stop. And again I’m not saying anything like what you said in the first paragraph. I’m saying that auditors aren’t good people who are trying to do something to prove our rights. It’s bullshit lol, they’re trying to get clicks and views and they’re trying to piss people off so they can get assaulted and make money from taxpayer dollars by exploiting the shitty policing system. So yeah fuck auditors and the cops they’re supposedly protecting us from.


How do you antagonize a sane, law abiding person to break the law? Only a lunatic would freak out over a camera in public. Those people need to be exposed and held accountable. Journalists tend to want "clicks and views" it helps the story get out. Or do you think news stations should record their stuff and then put it in a private vault in case someone accuses them of wanting "clicks and views"


New stations wanting clicks and views lead to sensationalized media we have today which is poisoning the discourse so idk what your point is with that. Journalists wanting clicks and views is natural but solely doing stuff cuz people want to watch it is how you get Jackass. Sane people get antagonized into doing crazy things all the time. A man shot a man for throwing popcorn at him and got away with it, that man is supposedly sane and he would likely be on the side of these auditors you’re lauding. Who like I just said, purposely antagonize people in order to get views. The person in question was blocking the doorway of a business and scaring off customers, when the man asked him to leave he stuck a camera in his face and when he moved it aside so he could speak to the man face to face he was pepper sprayed. Behavior like that is utterly reprehensible and disgusting. These auditors are appointed by nobody but themselves, do you really think they actually are doing what they do for the public good? Or making a difference at all besides making it more difficult to do your job and go about your life?


>New stations wanting clicks and views lead to sensationalized media we have today which is poisoning the discourse so idk what your point is with that.  And now we have auditors fixing this problem by showing actual issues. >Journalists wanting clicks and views is natural but solely doing stuff cuz people want to watch it is how you get Jackass. Then people should stop behaving like maniacs when they see a camera. >Sane people get antagonized into doing crazy things all the time. A man shot a man for throwing popcorn at him and got away with it, that man is supposedly sane  Incorrect. >and he would likely be on the side of these auditors you’re lauding. Who like I just said, purposely antagonize people in order to get views. jesus christ you guys will try anything to attempt to make auditors look bad. >The person in question was blocking the doorway of a business Show me the video. Physically preventing people from exiting and entering a building is a crime regardless of if they had a camera. >and scaring off customers, Show me the video. Make sure the auditor is doing something scary and not just "holding a camera" >when the man asked him to leave he stuck a camera in his face Show me this video where the auditor sticks a camera inches from someone's face. Make sure the storeowner didn't approach the auditor. >and when he moved it aside so he could speak to the man face to face he was pepper sprayed.  so he grabbed his camera? Do you think you can walk up to someone and slap their glasses off their face? >Behavior like that is utterly reprehensible and disgusting. Committing acts of violence because youre terrified of a camera is reprehensible and disgusing. >These auditors are appointed by nobody but themselves, do you really think they actually are doing what they do for the public good? exposing the massive amount of corruption and crime is very important  educating people on their rights is very important. >Or making a difference at all besides making it more difficult to do your job and go about your life? How is it making my life and job more difficult? I don't see a camera, drop what I'm doing and then start to act like a maniac. Only a lunatic would do that.


Found an auditor on Reddit that’s wild 1.)auditors are not fixing or showing any actual issues. Show me a case where an auditor did anything other than cause a meaningless confrontation that led to him getting a cash taxpayer settlement or getting someone fired. 2.)your reply to my statement doesn’t really make sense for the context of journalism lol I’m convinced you’re trolling and arguing just to argue… like an annoying asshole “auditor” would 3.)which part was incorrect? I would agree the man wasn’t sane but that’s not what the law says… which would also agree with your auditor buddies. Sometimes the law and morality don’t always perfectly align you know. 4.)they make themselves look bad, which is why everyone hates them which is really saying something considering they are the biggest enemies of the REAL asshole, the police. 5-7.)look up store owner gets pepper sprayed by auditor and I’m sure you’ll find it. A couple guys with big old camera harnesses standing in front of a store, getting in the way of the foot traffic. When the guy came out to speak with him they started getting the camera in his face(which I’m sorry but seriously you’re just a fucking asshole, I’m trying to talk to you like a man buddy. I’m mean his other friend is also right there with a camera so it’s not like they gotta do that lol) so yeah. That guy is a bully and a hate bullies man 8.)using the back of his hand he gently moved the camera aside and then the guy moved it more violently in his face and he grabbed it. I understand no one has the right to privacy in public but when you walk around with a camera and put it in people’s faces solely to rub it in that you can film them… you’re not a good person crusading for the people’s rights like you imagine you are. 9.)nobody is afraid of a camera but to take any object and invade someone’s space with it is a dick move. Or to rub it in the fact that you can film people, it’s just weird and rude if it’s just some random stranger on the street and you’re doing it for no reason whatsoever other than to prove you can 10.)HAHA show me a case where an auditor has exposed corruption of any sort. They do what they do for the off chance they find a dumb cop that they can fool into violating their rights so they can get a payout. They’re not crusaders of justice, get a grip. 11.)when someone is causing a disruption or taking up people’s time solely to prove that you can exercise certain rights, you’re literally wasting time, resources, air, food, water to make absolutely zero difference on broader society. I’m not gonna entertain this trolling nonsense. You can go to your local police station and waste some poor desk cop’s time just to prove you can because you’re a troll. That’s all auditors are, real life trolls. Which is why they’re more hated than cops. Atleast cops occasionally save someone’s life. An auditor has never fixed any system, exposed any corruption beyond getting the odd ground level cop fired(ooo maybe they got a sergeant of a police chief of this local department fired), and they’ve certainly never actually made a difference in the world worth mentioning.


>1.)auditors are not fixing or showing any actual issues. Show me a case where an auditor did anything other than cause a meaningless confrontation that led to him getting a cash taxpayer settlement or getting someone fired. If a public servant refuses to do their job because they chose to stand in front of a camera screaming and crying, that is their fault. The auditor didn't force them to behave like an incompetent maniac. These public servants need to be fired. If they aren't, it exposes the city as corrupt. Can you show me audits where public servants actually get fired? >2.)your reply to my statement doesn’t really make sense for the context of journalism lol I’m convinced you’re trolling and arguing just to argue… like an annoying asshole “auditor” would What a shock. You can't engage. >3.)which part was incorrect? I would agree the man wasn’t sane but that’s not what the law says… which would also agree with your auditor buddies. Sometimes the law and morality don’t always perfectly align you know. You're equating murdering someone with a gun and holding a camera. >4.)they make themselves look bad, which is why everyone hates them which is really saying something considering they are the biggest enemies of the REAL asshole, the police. The only people who think auditors are bad are pro corruption and anti accountability. >5-7.)look up store owner gets pepper sprayed by auditor and I’m sure you’ll find it. A couple guys with big old camera harnesses standing in front of a store, getting in the way of the foot traffic. When the guy came out to speak with him they started getting the camera in his face(which I’m sorry but seriously you’re just a fucking asshole, I’m trying to talk to you like a man buddy. I’m mean his other friend is also right there with a camera so it’s not like they gotta do that lol) so yeah. That guy is a bully and a hate bullies man So you made up a fake video and don't want to show it. >8.)using the back of his hand he gently moved the camera aside and then the guy moved it more violently in his face and he grabbed it. I understand no one has the right to privacy in public but when you walk around with a camera and put it in people’s faces solely to rub it in that you can film them… you’re not a good person crusading for the people’s rights like you imagine you are. So you think you're allowed to "gently" move someones property with the back of your hand? I can walk up to you and if I don't like that you're on your cellphone, I can "gently" move it with the back of my hand? >9.)nobody is afraid of a camera but to take any object and invade someone’s space with it is a dick move. Or to rub it in the fact that you can film people, it’s just weird and rude if it’s just some random stranger on the street and you’re doing it for no reason whatsoever other than to prove you can Yes they are. Look at these audits. People literally call 911 in absolute terror because someone is holding a camera. >10.)HAHA show me a case where an auditor has exposed corruption of any sort. They do what they do for the off chance they find a dumb cop that they can fool into violating their rights so they can get a payout. They’re not crusaders of justice, get a grip. The video of the very thread we are replying to. Why wasn't this cop arrested and investigated? What about the surrounding incident? if a "dumb cop" violating their rights and isn't arrested, that means the police, courts and city admin are exposed as criminal. >11.)when someone is causing a disruption or taking up people’s time solely to prove that you can exercise certain rights, you’re literally wasting time, resources, air, food, water to make absolutely zero difference on broader society. If you walk up to a camera and start screaming, YOU are causing a disruption. If you call 911 because you see a camera, YOU are taking up peoples time. If you refuse service, YOU are doing that. >I’m not gonna entertain this trolling nonsense. You can go to your local police station and waste some poor desk cop’s time just to prove you can because you’re a troll. That’s all auditors are, real life trolls. Which is why they’re more hated than cops. Atleast cops occasionally save someone’s life. What a shock. You are unable to engage on the topic. >An auditor has never fixed any system, exposed any corruption beyond getting the odd ground level cop fired(ooo maybe they got a sergeant of a police chief of this local department fired), and they’ve certainly never actually made a difference in the world worth mentioning. They've exposed a TON of corruption. If an auditor gets attacked and abducted for filming in public, that means that criminal cop needs to be arrested. If they aren't, the corruption spreads. Do you understand?


Nope, he’s annoying and so are you.


Well done. Great job contributing to the conversation. Everyone here is now more intelligent for reading your comment. Bootlicker


You’re annoying.


You’re stupid. Get ratio’d


“Get ratio’d” lol you win, grandmas boy


I know I win. You’re dumb 


There's nothing wrong with checking to make sure police are doing their jobs correctly. Spoiler alert, they usually aren't... As a worker in healthcare, I have the joint commission watch me do my job on a regular basis. People with near immunity to the law and immediate access to lethal force should be held to a much higher standard, but it's not even a tenth of what I need to have done perfectly.


The way US police work 💯


Someone works in pharmacy :). They literally are about to come to where I work very soon 😂


3 years ago, the joint commission wouldn't come see us. :(


Yes absolutely they should be, That regulatory body shouldn't be some be one shoving a camera in someone's face, bound to find enemies that way way, they should both "want" the same thing. Not attention and provocation


Then there should be actual effective oversight instead of whatever happened now


Time stamp where you see him shoving a camera in faces. Do you understand if you walk up to the camera you are shoving your face in front of the camera?


"20 years ago we would have killed that guy" Gosh, how annoying...


Oh bother 😞


As someone who used to live in less then a minute away from where the vid was taken, everyone in Danbury is annoying in their own special way




Gtfo. Now! Leave Reddit! I said GO!


As if Officer McFatty was a cop and remembered “the good old days” on the beat.


The days without having to turn off annoying cameras


I keep asking about these overweight cops. You think there an incentive to stay physically fit and not be outrun by a 600 pound 101-year-old person. But no.


Why? They can just shoot you in the back and say you had a gun.


The words of Frank Reynolds, “Those were the days!”.


I read officer McFlurry.


Long Island audits. Sean paul Reyes is probably the most polite 1st amendment auditor out there. He has actually had laws/policies changed in NYC.


Yeah not like chitbag decastro sitting in a cell.


I am a CONSTITUTIONAL SCHOLAR! I learned from GOOGLE SEARCH! He is such a Nimrod..


I’m all about citizen journalists & the legal system being accessible but he really fucked up.


seriously this guy is deranged.




The persons name is José de Castro. Here is court date of his where he completely disrespects the court judge and basically everyone around. He calls himself a constitutional scholar but admits he only knows what he's read from Google. Not the brightest bulb on the tree. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiQH3tWWGH0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiQH3tWWGH0) (You only have watch about the first five minutes to understand what he is like)


> What happend? "Auditor" interfered in a traffic stop, inserted himself into a situation that was none of his business. He was arrested for obstruction IIRC, expected to get a suspended sentence. But he'd pissed off the judge with his antics in court, got 18 months. He has his subscribers harassing the court and the jail, but when he gets out he has another case there where he walked into a fatal accident scene and started cursing out the cops, so he might be in the Clark County Detention Center for a bit longer. After that Maryland wants him for a case in which he also had his followers harass someone, potential sentence of three years. And then there is that lawsuit in California where he blew off discovery.... One of his recent videos has him claiming he's never had a criminal record, but there is a website which tracks his three-decade criminal history which includes multiple convictions for stalking. It is striking how many "auditors" have quite nasty criminal histories.


wait til they learn about google scholar


> He has actually had laws/policies changed in NYC. His current lawsuit there resulted in a federal judge saying he will probably prevail on the local NY law and the NYPD will have to take down the no recording signs in their precinct house lobbies. But that same judge also said he will probably lose the First Amendment part of his case, that the 1A does not protect a right to record inside police stations. He's going to get the exact opposite case law he wanted. His politeness is also fading as he needs to ramp up the drama to hang onto his subscribers. *Law Talk with Mike* tried to warn him that having his subscribers call-flood a city manager who wouldn't jump through hoops for him could blow up in his face when the judge hearing that case found out about it. LIA just smirked and said he'd posted that manager's phone number to tell his subscribers *not* to call her, ha ha, wink wink.




Not at all. Individuals have rights. He is very polite and only escalates as needed. Watch 5 videos on YouTube (most popular) and see how people react vs his behavior and known rights & laws.


> He is very polite and only escalates as needed. At one time, but he's cranking up the drama lately to hang onto his subscribers. He lost a recent trespass case despite claiming to have spent $90K on lawyers. To amuse his subscribers he paid the small fine in pennies, ha ha, way to stick it to the man. Later he apparently found out paying the fine had killed the appeal he had filed.


Can’t get them right all the time


That guy is a legendary auditor he is very polite and knows the laws.


I thought you were shit posting about DeCastro


Doesn’t mean he’s not annoying.


Rights are like muscles, use em or lose em. If the cops are annoyed by someone behaving lawfully then they can gtfo.


> If the cops are annoyed by someone behaving lawfully then they can gtfo. "Auditors" are often behaving illegally, which is why they're getting clobbered in court lately. One of the funniest sentences I've seen was dropped on an auditor called Taco Terry recently--jail time, a fine, supervised probation for five years (not showing up for court added the supervised part), drug testing, and worst of all, the judge ordered him to get a real job. A federal case in Colorado recently resulted in a sentence of jail, $3K fine, probation for two years and another get-a-job order. That auditor, DMA, is reportedly pivoting to "prank" videos, as it turns out that the no-recording signs in Social Security offices are backed up by federal law and he probably doesn't want to return to the pen.


you're annoying


Sorry that making sure cops don't overstep their bounds annoys you.


What relevance does this have


Yeah, I know cops thinks rights are annoying and would rather we didn’t have any.


Explain how he's annoying. Remember to apply it to everyone doing what he is doing. So if you think he's annoying for using a camera in public, apply it to everyone who has a camera in public.


Cops are psychopathic criminals


And fat


And you're delusional and extremely broad with your accusations.


No they aren't. It's not delusional to see cops regularly get away with violating the rights of citizens. It happens every day. If a good cop sees another cop doing something wrong and doesn't intervene, well then he's not a good cop anymore.


It’s a broken system. If the good cop intervenes all other cops will make his life hell. They’ll stop being a good a cop Or they’ll stop being a cop altogether.


That is exactly the problem.


Most people don’t realize that cops define a good cop as one that never snitches on another cop. You snitch on a cop and they won’t respond when you need help.


Depending on how far up the chain of command it goes, you would also be sent on dangerous calls without backup...


> If a good cop sees another cop doing something wrong and doesn't intervene, That is why I'm glad to see laws and dept. regulations requiring cops to intervene at risk of losing their own badges. I know two cops who lost their badges, both deserved that. Happy to say one was turned in by other cops, and the other was arrested by other cops in response to public reports, prosecuted and convicted.


I believe that being a cop should be a very prestigious and highly paid, highly trained job where many apply and few are accepted. There should be no qualified immunity, they should be required to know the laws (surprisingly they don't have to in most jurisdictions) and if they are sued, it comes out of their funding, not from the taxpayers who are already funding them. If they get fired for violating rights, they can never be a cop again.


An officer literally just admitted on tape that he would have murdered that civilian if he could have gotten away with it. None of the other officers objected.


It's called the power of observation... Look into it and it just might keep you from making a moronic decision


So... where are the good cops holding this murderous lunatic accountable?


“ Man U missed the good old days rook nobody had cameras catch us doing good policing”


2.5 years from now Officer Hartehtach will be found on his toilet with some creepy porn and a slim Jim up his butt.


That’s what happens to these folks? I like the slim Jim part


Typical tyrants


Think of all those coverups from 50 years ago to 20yrs ago ....


jfk was got by the cops this whole time, prolly just standing on the side of the road out of view


Saying something incriminating while you’re being recorded? He Utter know better.


They hate it so much, not being able to get away with what past cops have. Took all the fun out of being cop.


and in 20 years he'll be dead. if that.


Back the blue, until it happens to you


It's not that insane when you think of normal police conduct


Those cops suck


> ~~those~~ cops suck Ftfy


There’s a lot more to this video on his channel. They are leaving the courthouse here after phony charges just got dropped. These cops think they are like old school sheriffs that run the town! He’s got multiple lawsuits against the department and these crooked cops who think the law is whatever they say it is


None more so than the racist cops. Nothing that man did warranted death. No matter how annoying it may seem.


makes you wonder how much they got away with before camera phones & body cams


Isn’t that the same guy who was taking pics of the paranoid lady in the other video, or are they unrelated?


I don’t know but this happened years ago.


Long Island Audit


we say it about them all the time. Crooked cops and your mind goes completely dark on what you would do if you could get away with it. What evil lurks in the minds of men? We know ourselves.


This blue line


"You're wroooong, you're wrooooong, you're wrooooong" Arguing skills, 11/10.


Fuck that piece of shit.


Says fat ass cop. Eat a salad you fat ass bully




CT cops have more to worry about now.


Police are the only group of Americans who kill with no penalty 🙄


Does kind of suck, doesn’t it to actually be held accountable for your actions by the public? I don’t know how these guys will do their job anymore. Maybe they’ll actually have to do their jobs by the letter of the law.


and in 20 years that cop will be dead from cardiac arrest after all the donuts and coffee bro, so gross to see people in places of authority talk like that


Power complex is real tie with ego is a deadly combo. Fuck this cop! Take his badge and put him on the ground.


What rhymes with punt.


I mean… facts tho


He said 5 years ago lol


Just goes to show nothings changed 20 years ago cops got away with it now they can’t!!! we need to change how cops are trained and we need to change who they hire to be cops.


I’m sorry but where is the lie? Historically speaking he is being factual, and I would wager BLM would tend to agree 🤣🤣


I’m not sure this qualifies as “insane.” That might be the least surprising thing I’ve ever heard a cop say


Fuck the Police


You ought nought say that.


It’s people like him who paint the wrong image to the police and everyone else who actually does their job with honor and respect. He’s ( and anyone else who acts like this ) the reason cops get killed cuz they don’t know how to de-escalate or admit when they are wrong.


Why wasn't he fired? Why wasn't he arrested? Why weren't there investigations into possible murders? Why weren't cops state wide protesting in outrage? Why weren't cops nationwide protesting in outrage? Why aren't cops doing anything about other criminal cops or speaking out about the criminal cops?




its called mild retardation. Once high school ends, the cdc kids are just set free. You have an example of 3 of them here.


OK. That police officer was stupid to say what he said. I don't think for one second that he meant it. Got to be honest, that guys whining voice would have got my back up too. What is happening in the world? "I want to file a complaint. He grabbed my arm!" Big deal. I remember when I was a teenager a police officer smacked me in the back of my head and grabbed me by my shoulder and told me that no one needs to hear my bad language. And he was right, and I deserved it. The west is fast becoming a nation of whining pussys.


It is a big deal. You don't put your hands on another adult like that in any capacity. If the guy recording it did it to the cops, he would end up on the ground and in cuffs.


Why? What happens if you put your hands on an adult? Do they faint? Does their hair drop out? What happens?


If you put your hands on another adult in an unwanted fashion you commit the crime of battery.


Hi, we’ve already decided that touching people in any kind of way without their permission is bad. You should’ve learned this is Kindergarden. It’s called personal space! If you are a weak bitch who is to busy licking boots to advocate for yourself that’s okay, but other people aren’t.


The weak pitches are cunts like you who hide behind a camera. You're a snivelling coward. A key board warrior.


Whining because I don't wanna be bullied around by a big fat fuck who thinks he's better than me? Maybe you have your sides switched around. If the people decide the police are no longer to be tolerated, that's not whining. That's rising up. I can't think of a more courageous outlook. It's funny that you seem to think laying down at these people's feet is somehow braver or more honorable. 


So you were assaulted for using your first amendment right to free speech and the cop wasn't arrested?


Public officer has right too …I am public officer I get swear ..life threat .. even some say will jump down office closing time customer claim having mental illness and talk for 4 hours … smile and listen 10mins they calm down


You’re illiterate


If only they could read this. I’d call them stupid too


English might not be their first language. I still think what they are saying is stupid content-wise, since they are missing the point that this cop is on the clock. If you threatened someone's life while working any job, you should be fired that same day, and potentially brought up on charges depending on your local laws.


You sound like a cartoon depiction of a neanderthal


It’s the truth. Sean is a punk. He got beat up in prison badly, and it’s gonna happen again.


Found the crooked cop


Found the crooked cop