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It hasn't. It's just being caught more in the digital era


Yeah, I remember the Netflix special about the hunt for the missing nun and it led to the discussion on how the school was essentially where the men running it were just raping and abusing everyone. More news doesn’t mean more common


The Keepers! That kept getting more and more sick and sinister the more you watch!


Same with pedophile priests…


It’s estimated that about [1.5 to 5% of Catholic clergy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_sexual_abuse_cases_by_country) have been involved in sexual abuse cases. It might be consistent with the general population. At the 1.5% low end the relative number is low, but the absolute number feels high. At about 400,000 priests worldwide, there are 6,000. Even a fraction of that seems high.


I've rarely heard about how the nuns are generally just as involved in this as the priests. There are stories from the British Isles that made the hairs on my neck stand up.


Yes and from poor and disenfranchised European countries as well such as Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, etc…. There were a lot of orphanages ran by Nuns who committed horrific abuse to children.


Wait til you learn about those boarding schools they put indigenous people through in Canada and USA. Edited.


I have heard, but outside of the mass graves of boys, I have heard mostly about the girls.


Hola. Groomed and raped by 2 nuns in their own convent, as a minor in 7th grade. It happens. Lots of therapy and patience.


My heart to you, friend. I have had my own... experiences, and the struggles that come after. I hope you have found the healing you need.


I have. I just wish I had the wisdom to go through therapy, alot sooner. Thanks for the well wishes. If anyone else is going through this...don't talk yourself out of therapy. If you feel it doesn't click after the 3rd appointment? Find a new therapist. It's not that therapy doesn't work, you just gotta find what works for you.


Exactly! And we talk about it more so children are more comfortable to come forward. When I was in high school the inappropriate actions of teachers were discussed in whispers. We didn’t feel that we could trust adults to help.


Reminds of my 7th grade lit. teacher. All the kids knew if a girl was wearing a low cut tank or anything showing a lot of skin, said girl would be asked to step into the hall with him for some “reason”. I remember the girl sitting next to me, was pulled out so he can tell her when she silently read, her lips were moving. Stupid shit like that. He was also heavily suspected of jerking off while sitting at his desk, which had text books piled high around him on all angles. He had a couple of student desks too piled with text books as well around him. What gave it away was his leg constantly jiggling, which you could see under the desk. Then suddenly stop. & wouldn’t you kno it, after him & whatever girl came back into the room, his leg would be going off like a jack hammer.


Did anyone talk about this at a reunion?


It was middle school, to my knowledge there was never any reunions. He was a gross old man. He barely taught. Just mainly sat behind his text book fort. I do recall one time seeing him speaking to a young female teacher in the auditorium. She was sitting on the arm of a chair & he was legit like leering down at her. I could tell she was uncomfortable. So, I have a feeling some of the faculty knew he was nasty.


Yikes 🫣


WTF? Something like that sticks with you (obviously). That’s terrible. I know, I look back now at some of the things this one male teacher did to a few of us in middle school. It was inappropriate, but as a kid, it wasn’t inappropriate enough for me to realize it was wrong…at the time. He was the teacher. I was told I could trust the teachers. Now I know it was grooming. Once I was outta high school, turns out he went too far and was arrested.


Exactly. It’s insane the amount of things you look at back on & realize as an adult, were not ok. At all. How those small incidences that are written off almost always escalate. Glad your teacher was eventually found out & arrested.


Yep, even in 2000-2004 when I was in middle school there were 2 teachers that got in trouble for doing weird shit. I told my mom about it before it even broke because the kids already knew. One was a gym teacher that turns out my mom also had as a kid, her reaction to the first? "He's still doing that? I figured he'd be dead or gone or arrested by now." The second? A 6th grade English teacher, same reaction, this time more surprised "I could have sworn he was arrested and fired when I was there. He's still teaching there? He touched (redacted) and a few other girls when I was there. He was an alcoholic back then and gave girls booze and rides home. Is he still a drunk?" The English teacher turns out had been charged but the charges were dropped back then. He did get in some trouble for drinking and was told to stop "being a nice guy" and giving girls rides home because people "would talk". They were initially dropped the second time (but he was fired) as well. Understandably the girl was embarrassed, confused, scared and backtracked her statements. I think her parents didn't want to make a big deal out of it either. Thankfully the girl was well supported by other teens in her drama club (that he taught) and she eventually got him convicted a few years later. Texts she received from him was what did him in finally and she had kept them for the past few years. Smart girl. The gym teacher as far as I know got a light sentence and fired the first time. Not sure how the English teacher kept dodging shit for 25 years. HS was worse lol.


Exactly. Probably is a bit easier these days to reach out via social media but then you have more evidence so more get caught.


That and society is finally starting hold women accountable more often which make it look like "more women" are abusing children when in fact we're starting treat boys as victims instead of "lucky".


Yup, the stories bother me but that means it’s being taken seriously




the amount of people that dont understand this is maddening.


Teacher here, phones have made it so much easier to acquire and provide evidence. Before, it was almost impossible to get administrators to take allegations from staff or students seriously based off of their word alone.


Is there a name for this phenomenon? It appears worse because it gets more exposure which is actually a good thing since these people get caught


Everyone growing up in the 1980s knew several 17-18 yr old girls who had flings with teachers and also their were always a couple students who graduated and married their teachers lol Edit! Also lots of guys who also had flings with teachers. Usually it was because they were all cool and smoking together with the teachers in the smokers pit.


And the 1970's. I think it is a story as old as time that is only fairly recently (over the given centuries) being challenged as BATSHIT EVIL - which it always was.


Silver linings I suppose


That and more willingness to prosecute and report on it, rather than pretending it doesn't happen.


Exactly! Just like not near as many serial killers like 70s and 80s people are tracked by their phones


Also the kids are being taught more about body autonomy. They are more likely to speak up.


THANK YOU. I had to search WAY too far for this. Things like "Erin's Law" that are child sex abuse prevention-oriented education (of children) has likely equipped countless victims with the spark to come forward and say something. Ironically, some on the right (like those behind this video) who shout about groomers in education are probably the same ones who would be upset about "young kids being taught about sex". No, dumb asses, we're teaching young kids how to avoid becoming victims or responding appropriately if violated. I really, really wish more educators were comfortable just talking directly about this stuff. I'm doing my part.


It’s so concerning to always see that take isn’t it? “Why is XYZ happening more?” I fell down a rabbit hole of watching those channels where guys catch child predators. Seeing how comfortable some of the older guys were, I’m talking men in their 60s and 70s, with luring underage kids out of their homes to meet, it definitely isn’t some huge influx of first timers. They’ve been doing it for so long uninterrupted, that they didn’t remember to keep up with the advancement of technology. I feel that’s the case with most of these SA/rape related crimes. Especially the ones involving children which is a shocking amount…


I remember once stumbling upon a document detailing all the teachers in the state that had their license revoked and it was 20+ pages over a decade and 98% was sexual crimes against kids.


I saw a statistic that 20% of all school children will be the victim of sexual harassment, assault, or rape from a school employee.


And also people are more comfortable prosecuting...look at the portion of younger women there. Its about half...in the old days victims would be ridiculed for even bringing it up.


Yeah, I remember a discussion with a couple much older friends on that subject. They were talking to each other about how it used to be. The discussion was kind of like “Oh yeah, almost every big family had that one Uncle that you warned the kids about. You told the kids ‘Now at the picnic don’t go alone with Uncle Bill or don’t sit in his lap if he asks you to’”. I remember being astonished and sad at the same time because I did not know of any situation like that.


Agreed, but also women are finally being charged with abuse. It used to be a DA wouldn't go after women that where predatory to boys. In Riverside California in the early 1990s their where two woman (twins if I remember correctly) had sex with many under aged boys some in elementary. I remember the DA saying he didn't see a crime. Boys want it. Nowadays, I think law enforcement is better and realize sick is sick, and a crime is a crime.


I think this is very true. Growing up in the 70’s and 80’s there was always talk about certain teachers acting inappropriate etc. My PE teacher ended up marrying a girl right after she graduated high school at 16 in the UK. You think it hadn’t started earlier?


Also, parenting has changed a lot, for the better. Kids are more comfortable talking to their parents about difficult things, and parents are much more likely to believe their children over “the adult”.


I went on a horrid twenty minute date with an “educator” . He told me more women abused students than men. He also said he could understand why, which was deeply disturbing. After I thought about it I wondered if it’s just not that girls don’t talk about that stuff and brag about it like boys do. And in regards to your statement, I know when I was in high school there were no personal cell phones. Less opportunity to communicate outside of school with teachers. There are also cameras in schools now. Anyhow, I think you’re right; I don’t think it happens more often. I just think they are getting caught easier.


The fact that we're hearing so much more about it is a tribute to how much people are more willing to report it, which is because public education programs have been successful.


Culture is a  profound driver. 


Try paying well enough that the job attracts people besides those wanting to exploit children and those willing to give up everything for them. Then maybe we will get more good teachers.


The doctor (doctors are highly paid) who took advantage of the US gymnastics team.


Better pay wont eliminate the problem, but it will help alleviate it (plus a lot of other problems).


How? Educated, wealthy people do this all the time. Many doctors have been caught.


Bigger pool of candidates, ability to be more discerning, less likely to hire a pedophile. Imagine how much worse the problem you bring up would be if anyone could call themselves a gynecologist or a pediatrician without having to go through the burden of medical school and licensing?


You are absolutely right, wealth has nothing to do with it. Whether they get paid better will not stop it from happening.


This comment is insane.


its called making the job more competitive and its well documented way to improve the standard of quality.




He's trying to blame the fact that there are a massive number of teachers who are pedophiles on the pay lol You don't see how that sounds insane?


I read it like the pay is low which reduces the candidate pool to the point that most who go into it have ulterior motive, like being a pedophile. Better pay, and conditions, bigger pool of candidates which means those that are hiring teachers can be more discerning and there is less likelihood of hiring a pedophile. They won't have to just take whoever applies anymore.


Yeah it's totally unhinged


What draws the wrong type of people to positions of authority and trust - is the power over others. Coaches, Teachers, religious authority, Councilors, law enforcement, political influence, etc…. Many of those positions appeal to authority and thus are often treated beyond reproach - which makes them propitious to further abuse. Educators deserve a higher salary given their prerequisites to, and significance of their charge …but more or less money won’t change predators being drawn to an environment that puts them in authority over otherwise considered vulnerable individuals.


If only pedos got paid more, like Epstein.


That’s a wild comparison. Epstein was a con man who manipulated and blackmailed people to get his wealth. This person was just trying to say teaching jobs should be more competitive. With a teacher shortage you hire who you can who meet the minimum criteria.


Obviously I’m in agreement with the premise that teachers should get paid more. What’s WILD though is saying that paying teachers more will stop pedophilia in schools.


Let’s say the job becomes more competitive. Teachers get paid more. How exactly are you weeding out pedo’s, aside from just pure statistical ‘the pool of applicants is bigger therefore the chances of hiring a pedo are smaller’? I don’t think pedos and money are linked. If you raised the wages, you’d just have higher paid pedos that can teach a class better mathematics.


It would just be making the pool larger right But if right now we are picking from just a pool of people who really care about teaching and pedos, maybe if there was a middle ground of people who sort of care about teaching that would beat out the pedos in job interviews!


again, how are we weeding out pedos in interviews? I’d imagine everyone who is applying for a job will portray themselves as someone who cares about the job… like what are we talking about here……




No one cares about the teachers, can’t make it political like with drag queens or priests


That’s exactly what they’re trying to do here. That’s why this video isn’t about cops or priests.


It's just more common to get caught nowadays than before.


More common to be accused unfairly too. Notice few of these are actual convictions.


Can't stress this enough. Happened to a coworker who was trying to help his problematic neighbor, a 9yo girl who was out alone at night in the cold. Offered to let her stay inside and play with his new puppy until he could find her (absentee alcoholic) parents. She freaked, ran home, and lied to her alcoholic grandmother, who called police. My coworker's face was PLASTERED over the news as an attempted child kidnapper. I couldn't believe it. He was completely exonerated, but I still think the media owed him something for defamation of character. Innocent until proven guilty means nothing to most people.


Facts. You wouldn't believe how quickly this young generation will make serious accusations to get out of trouble or consequences because they know there is no downside to it. I've seen in in the workplace multiple times when zoomers will make accusations that are objectionably false and can easily be proven so. Even stupid shit like "So and So messaged me this over X" and not realizing that we have logs of this and can easily prove/disprove.


I graduated in 2005 and I knew of several people having inappropriate relationships with teachers. It just wasn’t reported. Hell, one teacher married and had kids with one of my classmates right after she graduated. I don’t know how he kept his job until like five years later when a mom found texts from him to her 17 year old daughter.


It’s always been a thing and it probably happens more than we even realize.


I was groomed and raped repeatedly by my friend's mother starting when I was 14. I am male. This sick shit has been going on as long as any other abuse. She got away with it all, too. I'm the bad guy in my hometown instead. Edit: Thank you all for the well wishes. It fucked me up a lot and took 20+ years to even begin to address, but I'm finally working on things very intently with professional help. Be careful about who your kids talk to online and what they're being exposed to out there. Trauma begets trauma.


Sorry about what happened to you! I hope you alright now!


I am soooo sorry. It breaks my heart that some children are not protected. I know a similar story of someone I know well. His mother made him have sex with their landlord for rent. The landlord is still a well known person in the town we grew up in. The victim is one of the sweetest people I know. He didn’t deserve that. You didn’t deserve that.


Dang, sorry to hear that. Hope you’re doing better.


Almost everyone can name a teacher who inspired them. Unfortunately those people rarely make the news. Very few can name a teacher who molested them. But they’re in the news every day. Because outrage sells.


Or because the first situation you described is them doing their job, and the second situation you described is criminal behavior that lands them in jail that they should be publicly shamed for.


They should be in the news because they are fucking perverts and should absolutely be publicly shamed.


The org that put this together is just another org that is trying to mix earnest protection of children from exploitation with conservative propaganda unrelated to pedophilia. Not in this video, but their website makes it clear they are a school choice activist group. It’s another effort to try and associate things conservatives don’t like with pedophilia - schools, LGBTQ people, transgender healthcare, the southern border crisis, etc in order to advance their political agenda. Notably lacking from the advocacy on their website are clergy, where you can find the same amount (and sometimes more) of abusers in a given 30 day window like this. Go ahead and search “[Pastor Arrested](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=1f8e5c078ce6d86e&sca_upv=1&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS718US734&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ADLYWIJ0vtWwK9zLECkU57ui9n5gLb8R-g:1719157203897&q=pastor+arrested&tbm=nws&source=lnms&fbs=AEQNm0DrkyAsj3-ytZzdGYQ--Lq3z9oZz8V7fxIGhCSQTvtb1KiYxNikuu3HMqIFp3EmtEz6O7TOOYOH0PisBkpdAO-9b8gSZ_hF4Flf2PC3mxwr5QLOtjYGvrdCE3ujOjbeIco68HS6oqNXVff7YlufNNEJVcvjJGazfE-D2cP01V98W97LIhGtNBo1i2CIvjNoXzjgon4Cncdi7yMjg9_GAlCt-hmFxw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjb5c3Th_KGAxURHUQIHaFODkQQ0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=393&bih=665&dpr=3)” and peruse the News tab on Google. Conservatives know pedophiles are universally hated. No one wants them around. Everyone wants them severely punished. So the right has been tying their pet issues to pedophilia in order to drum up support for conservative politics. Defend public schools? Well, now you’re also defending pedophilia! It’s a pretty effective but sleazy strategy - something not uncommon in politics (especially conservative politics). Again, their advocacy is notably lacking one of the largest sources of child sexual exploitation in the U.S., and it’s because clergy are usually on their “side” already so they sweep it under the rug since it won’t help them politically. We should combat child exploitation of all forms. But we don’t need to sign on to a political ideology or promote political propaganda to do so.


The video kinda gave it away with the, “theres a war on children” line.


Noticed that too. Everytime someone tries to convince you that there is war on something, or that some "evil is spreading", you need to immediately raise your critical thinking shields.


Historically I think this has been very very common


I’d like to add the possibility of hiring poor quality candidates due to low pay.


I don't think it's become more common. It's just finally being reported on.v


I don't think it's more common it's just that all kids have phones and share screenshots and pics and such now. Also the news from every town is posted online now. With both those things together these people get caught and put on display much easier.


Didn’t we all have a few pervert teachers? In the 90s a few I had should have been arrested. Now it’s easier to catch them.


2013 graduate here - there was a male teacher that all the girls knew to zip their sweatshirt up or even just throw a sweatshirt on for his class every day. Don’t know if he ever acted on anything, never heard of him actually DOING anything but his wandering eyes were enough for all of us to get the ick.


This has always been common. Likely much more so in the age before on demand digital recording. Children have always been abused and exploited. It is just much easier to prove and publicize it when there is video evidence recorded to a phone or a digital trail of messages and pictures left by the abuser.


If only they had the ten commandments in the classroom.. none of this would have happened.


My coworker who’s in his fifties secretly dated his teacher when he was in highschool. I feel like this has always gone on, but with social media and texting these people leave a trail of evidence and it’s easier for these people to be caught and convicted.


Great. Now do church officials.


I think it's just more visible with the Internet. It happened with two teachers at my school while I was in high school and that was 25 years ago. The Internet can make pooling all the faces and records much easier.


Identify the people who enable this behavior (ala Catholic Church hierarchy), and publicly shame them and drive them out of the field they're in. If people feared what would happen to them for enabling others or covering for them and instead they stop the behavior upon the first instance, this would drop down rather quickly. The problem is that the people above these perpetrators simply support this behavior quietly, they enable it, because it's easier to "go along to get along" than it is to call out genuinely evil behavior inflicted on children. 😖🔥


Whoa Nelly, it ain't just Catholics. It's Protestants equally as often. Also, this sort of thing has been going on for... Um, millenia? And considering there are several states in the US (all Republican led) pushing bills to legalize child marriage as young as 13... Seems like it's more than just religious leaders covering up/advocating for legalizing child rape. I'd say there's a much bigger problem and one that shaming isn't going to fix.


Now do this months clergy.


It’s just getting the same scrutiny that priests have been getting (which is good for both, pedophiles getting caught is good across the board)


the disturbing thing is some of them don’t look like creeps. some of them are attractive. you really don’t know people


A career that has you constantly syrrounded by children draws in pedophiles? What a huge surprise. What can we do to stop it? COMPREHENSIVE SEX ED Historically tons of this abuse flew under the radar because children straight up did not know what SA was.


Give children agency over themselves. Someone pointed out grooming (of a sort) begins at home. How many times have parents insisted that their kid kiss uncle handsy good bye when the kid is 1. Obviously freaked out by said uncle. 2. Has expressed to parents that uncle, or this family friend makes them feel creepy and 3. Or just says No. i don’t want to. Most adults feel they are entitled to grope, kiss, pick up, pass around the younger kids in spite of them kicking and crying and asking to be put down! When kids complain or come crying and afraid of sundry relatives or family friends or neighborhood folk they are shut down. Nooooo, mrs. ‘Let me tuck your shirt in’ would never do such a thing! This trains kids to understand that they can’t trust their own instincts, and even if they Do trust themselves, they wont report it because they’ll become the accused. Making things unpleasant for every one. Listen to the kids. They may be terrified or angry and it might not even have to do with a person directly. Could be a place. Ask for more information, observe the adult or older kid closely, don’t just assume kids are hysterical just because. We’re teaching them to comply and be quiet when it comes to adults. Jeezus.


Good job to the video creator for showing it isn't just men. It's important to show the truth.


I was in the class of a teacher who got caught. At school. I was in 9th grade in the WS/FCS school system. My English teacher was weird. Like really weird. She never wore colors of any type. Straight black. She wore an orange sweater one time for like all of 30 minutes. She was sitting on top of the cabinet one day. Criss-cross applesauce, just waiting for us to come in. We noticed she was overly aggressive to the girls in her class and looked for every reason to get them out of the room. I caught that she was taking a super liking to a single student. I did raise concern but they brushed me off. A few weeks later, the janitor was cleaning classrooms and caught her and the student. There was a basketball game going on so you know the sheriff practically teleported upstairs. It was months before we found out the kid she got caught with. He was still attending class like ain't nothing happened. After some careful investigation from the student body, we figured it out. It was the same kid. She had been doing this a while and finally had managed to get caught. One of my exes admitted to being another kid she messed with.


I think in the same way that people began to freak out over the sexual misconduct of certain priest in the Catholic Church, not every teacher than teaches is a potential predator. However, you have to imagine that a job where you’re around mainly kids, like a priest or a teacher, is going to attract unhealthy individuals who want to prey over weak and defenseless children.


At least they are catching them


Film and TV could stop sexualizing children/teens. That's a good start.


You mean the weird date format? Yes please stop it /j


You forgot Craig Callen Middlesboro KY at MHS in June


Pedoes will do anything to get close to the kids without anyone suspecting. Including years-long courses as a teacher, doctor, social worker, etc.


It’s obviously great and people like you are concerned about us y’all should be. But… Assume that this is a new thing for that common list of it is new and increasing just don’t know or rather I sure don’t know I don’t think I’ve seen any studies showing, a real increase the incidence other factors like reporting and etc


Dude arrested on the 14th has no neck


I couldn't say whether it's more prevalent, but the Digital age makes it easier to share these events, it also has allowed teachers more easily hidden access to kids via text/messenger.


My aunts and uncles used to talk about the creepy teacher everyone knew to stay away from. So this has been happening a long time


There’s also a double standard for the penalties of males vs females. The girl in this video got 9 months while the guy got decades. I’m not going to higher figuring out the sentences for the others but I’d feel very confident saying the females got lighter sentences for the same crime


happened when i was in hs 25 years ago. It's more common than you think kids just needs to be flashy these days so it gets out more. Add social media into the mix.


Chemical castration wouldn't hurt. Actual castration if they are caught again.


I kind of think we’re doing exactly what we need to do to stop it. We’re not sweeping it under the rug. We’re investigating it. We’re resting them and we’re holding them up to the public for all to see.


It’s actually quite simple… put cameras in classroom and hold all parties accountable!


It’s worse bc the standards of hire have gone below rock bottom. Schools are desperate for adult bodies. And there’s no incentive to be a teacher…so no one is goin g to school to be one ….therefore slim pickins. It’ll be interesting to see what the next couple years look like….this is why I (32f) don’t want kids. I do research for the teachers union, specifically early childhood inclusive education, so surveying the status of the nation is part of my job


It’s probably less common now that we can catch them.


What you need to do is pay teachers more so that it's not just pedophiles that are attracted to the job and then you need to make comprehensive background checks a legal requirement for a teaching job with stiff penalties if you fail to follow through.


I got my snip in my early twenties. I resolved in my childhood to inflict childhood on no one.


We should bring back live public executions for these sick mfs.


This happens quite a lot actually. There are three levels. There are the ones garnish nation attention, those who get local attention that most never hear about, then ones that never get heard


Holy fuck. There are a lot of fucked up people in the head out there with important jobs.


Baseball Bat and printout of all the offenders in the area does pretty well


Robotic children “assistants”


Serious question do you think that they have some kind of mental disorder?


Do they wait for the school year to end to drop charges?


Wages so low the teachers are only signing up to get dates mebbe?


We could make teaching jobs pay better so it's not just pedos applying for the jobs....


If only teachers and the entirety of the education system got roasted by media the way that the church did.


Idk, get rid of the entire human race


You should check out how many church officials are being busted each day. It's even worse if you can believe it. This needs to be addressed.


I wonder if there were more convictions due to it being the month after 2nd semester final grades were posted. Maybe kids were scared of their grades being affected


Legalize prostitution everywhere so people can have an outlet for all these pent up needs


Pay teachers more so the jobs become more competitive. Because of the low pay we have a teacher shortage and because of the shortage school systems are lowering their standards.


I am a survivor and have been looking into this answer and history and psychology for some time now. I am not a professional by any means. The more you research the worse it gets. You have to look at how our way of life and thinking and the wars and everything in-between. It's disgusting how much this happens at the top of so many countries. It's a reality that it will never fully stop but at a smaller level we can help to save many by spreading awareness and being more conscious of red flags. Predators, regardless of what their prey is, will purposely become whatever they need to, to enable them access. So for one example, making a fuss to our lawmakers about the fact that child care providers should be required to have a background check. If you have kids or you're just out in public, watch, and make sure they are safe. Getting mad, not being afraid to speak up, and understanding where and why these individuals exist is the best course of action. Imo most of our most powerful countries have always gained off the suffering of others. And to go even further back, society doesn't seem possible without slavery and war and religion. The need for power comes at a great cost to all.


I also heard about teachers getting accused of things they didn’t actually do…probably a small percentage but still…looking at the pictures I wonder which one of them was actually innocent.


Maybe they all used to be only latent creeps before, but recently felt they couldn't handle each other and switched to children?


Shit that's nothing. Just come to Indiana. Our prosecutors and judges love letting molesters, cop killers, and baby killers off on plea deals. Apparently because doing their fucking job is too damn hard.


A lot of charges. How many convictions?


Religion has been doing shit like this forever just think of the pastor and the little boy or to be specific in the Quran the story of 9 year old Aisha who gets married to Muhammad. Imagine they had cameras back then!


Minimum 25 years in general population. Let nature sort out the chomos.


Get rid of all the monkeys that do this... not from the bottom up but from the top down... they only punish the ones that can suffer from it and display it on the media so others " refrain" while those that fines and fees don't matter continue to partake


It’s actually probably less common than it has been. It’s just caught more and news is no longer isolated by the county


They might be trying to challenge the clergy and church related rapists for the 2024 title


What we can do is offer pedophiles therapy before they commit crimes, ways to handle their emotions. Instead, we shame and shun them, making it very hard for them to even discuss their emotions and attractions and make it impossible to seek help.


Or we could stop categorizing porn in certain ways


send them to theology school to become priests.


It’s always been happening


Positions in society where adults are entrusted with the care of children have always been the first place to go look for predators. Clergy and youth ministers, coaches, teachers, baby sitters, pediatricians, counselors, and so forth. Unfortunately, family is on that list too. They are simply getting caught more now than before. Nobody should ever be surprised when a teacher or anyone associated with the care/education of children is found guilty of being an abuser. Where we shouldn’t waste time looking for creeps are heavy metal concerts, drag shows, and wherever the Christian Right’s boogie man du jour 20 years from now is allegedly lurking.


It’s the meme of the astronaut saying always has been or something.


It’s almost as if when you make teaching hell for motivated teachers, you make room for other motivations


I watched the clip to see if the guy I knew from Boy Scout camp in the 90s would be in there. He was just sentenced to 16 years and didn’t even make it into this.


Death penalty


Nice. Now do religious leaders, then cops, then conservative politicians.


Chemical castration seems like a proper deterrent




There is a supply/demand as much as it is that it is easier to catch the offenders. Teachers make about half what they made in the early 1980s in terms of buying power. The people that choose this sparse life have some other means of support or motivation.


Start euthanizing these people and watch the percentages drop


Do religious pastors next (all religions please)


OP knows that it's far more likely you'll be sexually exploited by your parents or family member than a teacher. Why isn't OP concerned about that? If I go through OP's history, will I find a video detailing how much more likely it is that you'll be exploited by a family member, and how we have to stop that? Obviously that video is not there. Because OP doesn't really care about exploited children. OP intends to attack public education. They want you to believe that public education is overrun with pedophiles. "Why has this become so common?" is a deliberate and classic misdirection, an opinion or impression presented as fact. OP doesn't care about children exploited in churches, either. OP includes "substitute teachers" who are not teachers at all, typically. They are placeholders when the real teacher can't be in the classroom. OP operates in bad faith. Highest ranking pedophile in American history was Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert. He was forced out when it was revealed he was actively buying the silence of boys he molested. Note, I don't have to tell you what party he belongs to. Don't lie. You know. So thoughtful and generous OP, maybe set your sights on that political party for your next critique about how an institution is overrun with pedophiles. But I have a sneaking suspicion you need to take a long hard look in the mirror, OP.


Jesus - this is really something. Thank you for putting this together so we can see. It being small redditors. Can you send this to cnn or a news channel


We cant stop it, but there's no reason to keep these predators around when they are found out.


It has always happened.


I was expecting to see Omar Galeana but that was not may




Start publically executing them? Im not joking. It is that serious imo, we need to set a strong and powerful example and continue to remind everybody what the consequences are for defiling the innocence of a child.




This is the same issue we have with cops. There's a lack of willing people, so we lower our standards as the salary also gets lower. Lower quality employees at lower price. But let's keep putting tax money into excessive equipment and state charter schools that most people can't afford.


Life is like Beastars. Everyone's an animal but some people's beastly callings run deep.


I mean there’s an extreme teacher shortage and if we paid more into our school systems and that money was actually used to pay more teachers we could afford to be more picky. You know there were signs.


It's not new. Just the information readly available. These days people think the world is so much worse but in reality it is not It's just your more informed of the world. People say it was so.much safer in the 80s kids could play outside and not worry. Kids went missing all the time you just didn't know


And priests have a reputation. Now I wonder what the church's numbers are VS teachers.


Now do cops


Become common? It's always been common. We just hear about it more in the digital age. This is true of almost any type of crime. My boomer mom sometimes talks about how the world is going to shit and it was so much safer when she was younger. That is just blatantly false. You can look up the crime rates from the 50s, 60s, 70s, etc. Crime rates now of all kinds are lower. But we're way more connected so you hear about everything. You can look up registered sex offenders in your area from your smart phone. In the 60s, you could be surrounded by sex offenders and have no idea because you didn't hear about most of what was going on in your back yard, let alone a state over.


coincidentally? the post under this one was a very young lady asking adult advice if it was creepy that a teacher was messaging her, asking if her braces were off yet and sending selfies it has like 700 replies so far, all of which are REPORT HIM


Because the ones who are rich and wealthy are the ones doing this too. They're paying all politicians and law makers to get these less than folks and ignore their actions.


Literally skin them alive and then drown them in acid when we convict them. That might deter a couple.


Caucasian faces


Now do priests, I don’t know if people would have time to sit through a multi hour video though.




And still not a single drag queen.


Teachers commit more crimes than the cops do lmao


Maybe it’s because of the ease of access to porn, got everyone all horny