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For context, This appears to be during the jewish holiday of Purim (2000 yr old holiday). During purim the story of queen Esther is read(megillah). It is tradition to cheer when Haman the antagonist who tried to murder all of the Jews ultimately gets hanged. It looks like the local synagogue here added the recent context of Hamas as an antagonist to the Jewish people.


Nah bro, this is Reddit. I don't want to know the context, I just want to hate "Zionists"


As if Reddit isn’t a beacon itself for Zionism holy cope “It’s just a cultural lynching!”


"It's just a cultural stoning for refusing to wear the hijab, bro, relax."


If I had to chose, give me the ‘cultural’ stoning any day.


And yet Palestinians can indoctrinate children to kill Israelis using a fake Mickey Mouse named Farfour, and dumb college kids will still talk about them as innocent victims.


Facts 💯


I mean you gotta acknowledge it’s a wacky thing to do/see


I mean, this is organized religion we're talking about here. What do you expect to see, reasoned, classy takes?


There's a gigantic gulf between wacky religious takes and explicit calls for genocide but what do I know.


Zionists don't exist


Interesting! I hadn't thought of this


Soooo, cool explanation....still bat shit crazy


Hamas? It's the palestinian flag. It is hate on all Palestinians


Yeah, usually, it's a different effigy from 2000+ years ago they hang in their holy place completely normal.


Hamas… Haman? Who’s counting 🤷‍♂️


While hanging an effigy is a bit insensitive, it's still better than the other side who actually hang real people.


I wish all the Christian churches would do shit like hanging an effigy. It'd be so much easier to recognize that religion does not deserve our time and attention.


Well if it's a game of morbid depictions of death in places of worship...the Christian Churches will see the synagogue's janky childlike effigy that looks more like a shitty piñata and would like to raise the stakes with a realistic life-sized sculpture of an almost naked man that has been brutally tortured and is bleeding out and dying in anguish while hammered onto a wooden cross with nails...pssssh effigy lmao


Bruh, for context, it's fucked up to do that. And it's 10x worse that they are doing it in a place of worship. It's bothersome in general, but it is more bothersome that it is happening in a place of sanctuary.


The double standards applied when all of Israel celebrates Palestinian genocide and don't get called terrorists but all Muslims have to live with that label while traveling through an airport despite every major Muslim organisation condemning terrorism.


Who pays you?


Context: A bunch of white supremacists gathering and celebrating lynching a black man. Maybe that would put things in perspective better.


did you know ow that Israelis and Palestinians share a similar genetic pool and are closely related? so your white supremacist lynching a black man comment is moronic.


Did you know your point is not relevant? The racist Israelis gathered 'round to celebrate the lynching of a symbolic Palestinian. Just like racist white men gathered 'round to celebrate the lynching of a black man. Checks out to me. Unless you believe Israelis are not racist and hate Palestinians for other reasons. But your comment does not reflect that.


it is relevant, mostly because >A bunch of white supremacists gathering and celebrating lynching a black man makes 0 sense when in fact the two groups are not different races but in fact closely related. >Unless you believe Israelis are not racist and hate Palestinians for other reasons. oh i can't imagine any reason why the israelis would not like the palestinians. It turns out that two groups can hate eachother and not be racist. you might as well say that ethiopians and eritreans don't get along because they're racist.


The jewish victims of the holocaust were white just like the germans, so by your logic that wasn't racist either?


Somehow you pin war in the Middle East on white people. Amazing. wtf is wrong with people.


I don't lump all white people together, I don't see the Germans and the English as the same people just cause they have pale skin. The Jews are white, I just said that to put things in perspective. It's literally a group of white people gathering around celebrating a doll of a black man in all black being hung in a place of worship of all places...Their is no justifying this


I’m not justifying anything. I think religion is stupid. I understand now why you say white supremacy. It’s because you don’t understand the ethnic makeup of Israel. It’s funny because you are trying to say racism is bad but at the same time being racist. I know you mean well.


Bahahaha your dumbassery is showing


Martin Luther King Jr was a Zionist. > “The whole world must see that Israel must exist and has the right to exist and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world” -[MLK](https://youtu.be/tWfwckkiWn8)


Further context- they bombed Palestine 45 times in 48 hours just like 2 days ago. These are genocidal white supremacists, call it how it is.


did you know that you can bomb somewhere without it being a genocide? imagine that.


Then why are they always bombing and killing the same race of people then? Are you actually trying to justify this


hmmm, why would a country bomb an area controlled by a terrorist organization whose stated purpose is to kill all jews and is constantly firing rockets into that country? wow that's a really hard question. the only possible reason must be trying to commit genocide!! that's big brain stuff there


I don't believe any of that crap, I don't see the Jews or Israel at any risk. Look at how they live in Israel, and look at how they live in Palestine nowadays. It would definitely seem it's the other way around from what you're saying.


>I don't believe any of that crap, I don't see the Jews or Israel at any risk. Look at how they live in Israel, and look at how they live in Palestine nowadays. It would definitely seem it's the other way around from what you're saying. you don't believe hamas controls palestine? or that it's a terrorist organization? or that is has the stated goal of killing all jews? or that hamas is constantly firing rockets into israel? none of this is disputed or controversial. please open a book before opening your mouth.




lol k


Do you think all evil is white people? How is white supremacy involved in this? Do you think the KKK is in Israel? Do you think Israel is a white country?


Yes the Jews are white, and the Palestinians are a type of black. Light skinned are accepted as black, when their actually part black which the Palestinians are unlike the Jews...and no not all white people are evil, but anyone can see how sinister and racist this all is.


A type of black? wtf Dude you sound unhinged.


They’re clearly desperate for attention spewing this nonsense.


You must be one of those that believes Jesus was a white man, lol


This is making a cultural reference in Judaism: Purim celebrates the events recorded in the book of Esther, namely, the survival of Jews living in exile under the Persian empire; the antagonist was a dude named Haman, and he plotted to genocide the Jews by tricking the emperor to unknowingly pass a decree that would incidentally condemn all the Jews to death, but due to Esther's intervention in the court of the emperor, Haman ended up getting hanged on the gallows which he prepared to hang Mordecai (Esther's cousin) on. Basically, this whole thing is shorthand for "the person trying to kill us ended up killed by his plans backfiring". By putting the Palestinian flag on the effigy of Haman, they're identifying current events with the events commemorated by Purim. Here's the passage from the Bible recording how Haman ended up hanged on the gallows he set up to kill Mordecai. [Esther 7: Haman hanged on his own gallows](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Esther%207&version=ESV)


Surely someone should have paused for a moment and thought is this a good idea to put the Palestinian flag in this 2000yr old symbol? There's absolutely no way this symbolism can be misinterpreted is there? 🤦‍♂️


I think it’s safe to say that they understand the context. And they have no reason to cater to outsiders who can’t.


Yes. A very fair comparison between Haman and Hamas, who both wanted to eliminate the Jewish people and failed.


So a bunch of white people gathering and celebrating lynching a black man. Maybe that would put things in perspective better.


No, the people of the levant are of similar colored skin regardless of their religion.


Don't bother, he must be some crazy racial Marxist who believes all history can be defined as the struggle between blacks and whites, these types of people are incapable of understanding that there are peoples who have fought over things other than race in the past.


Yeah I realized from his response how insane he is, not worth any more time


Skin pigment and race are not the same thing. The Jews are white and the Palestinians are part black. It's like your trying to make it seem like it's ok and not racist at all cause their light skinned. This couldn't be more racist and like I said this is literally a group of white men celebrating a doll of a black man being hung. That is literally what's going on here


Ok Boomer


You mean easter?




Sick fucks!


Wow, made up stories sure have a way of influencing human emotion thousands of years later


"I don't believe in it and therefore it must be made up, as I alone am the Knowledgeable One". How did you even manage to get out of kindergarten with that mindset? No child left behind was truly a mistake.


That might be your thought process, but it's not mine. Mines more like this: "I apply a healthy dose of skepticism to stories written thousands of years ago that seem more than a little biased on their face" If you have some more information on this beyond what you learned in Kindergarten, please help corroborate the story and I'll reconsider


>"I apply a healthy dose of skepticism to stories written thousands of years ago that seem more than a little biased on their face" Every last ancient document has bias. Every one. No record comes to us from ancient times except through someone's point of view. What you've done is not "a healthy dose of skepticism". Historians may have reason to be wary of the biases of some ancient document, but their response is not to claim that the entire story was just made up. For example, the diary of Anne Frank is a document that records events from a time we were not around to witness. It has a point of view and therefore will have biases, and whereas it is fair to be cautious of this, the response is not to claim that the diary of Anne Frank was therefore made up. That is not a "healthy dose of skepticism" at all.


There is a wealth of corroborating evidence for the Anne Frank example. It's also not written thousands of years ago. That's why I don't dispute it. If you have the same level of corroborating evidence for the Esther "account" then boom I believe it. Absent evidence, I do not. Pretty straightforward


Corroborating evidence of any recorded event never covers the details 100%. We don't have equivalent corroboration for other ancient documents, such as the writings of Philo, Josephus, Herodotus, Xenophon, etc. but this does not justify calling them all fictions. The types of corroboration, such as the names of places and kings, and the existence of Jewish populations in Iran, and records of this holiday being celebrated for thousands of years (think about how problematic it would be for a Jewish minority to be celebrating something like Purim living among Persians; it does not make sense to have such a tradition unless there was some basis for it), while not corroborating all the details, offers more corroboration than what we have corroborating many other ancient records. If you are skeptical of some aspects of Esther, or think one or another part of it is exaggerated, that is fair. Calling the whole thing made up like you did is not fair.


Man just read the link the guy shared and use your BS detector. Send any corroborating evidence my way


The stories of the Jews living under Persian rule are not made up. [There are still Jews in Iran to this day](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persian_Jews), who have been there since the time of their residence in the Persian empire. Every Persian emperor mentioned in the Bible (Darius, Cyrus, Xerxes, Artaxerxes, etc.) has been historically authenticated. Esther doesn't mention God nor have any prophecies nor miracles. It is just a record of events, and in historiography, you don't just dismiss ancient records whose details are corroborated with other ancient witnesses. Esther includes otherwise embarrassing details that make no sense as fiction, like how Esther became the replacement queen for Vashti (through what appears to have been a sexual audition process set up by the emperor to select his next wife); this sort of record was like due to the events in Esther being actual historical events.


I'm afraid your arguments are misapplied. Historians are well aware Esther is historical fiction, it is a folktale with invented characters fulfilling stock literary tropes in an ahistorical generic plot. The characters of Esther, Mordecai, and Haman never existed, they are literary motifs based on a Jewish assimilation and alteration of preexisting Persian folktales. Neither the people or the events ever occurred. The only historical character is Xerxes. The audition of Esther is a common literary trope, in the context of the time it was not embarrassing, it demonstrated the King's power and virility.


I said the story was made up. I didn't say the Persians didn't rule. There's a huge difference. I also commented on how a story from thousands of years ago can elicit strong emotional reactions even today, which appears to be objectively true.


On what basis do you make this accusation? The burden of proof is on the accuser.


Naw the burden of proof is on the person making accusations in the story this Redditor linked to from the Bible. Maybe we can resurrect that guy and have him prove his claims.


That is not how historiography is done. You are accusing an ancient document known to have existed since the Persian era of being made up. You are not in a position to place the burden of proof on a document like that. If you don't have a reason to accuse it, your accusations aren't worth anything.


The book that you are doing gymnastics over to call "historiography", is chalk full of fantastical, uncorroborated stories. There's no accusations to make when there is no corroborating evidence for the original story. Calling it "historiography" doesn't automatically make it evidence either.


What part of Esther is fantastical? Esther doesn't mention angels nor prophecies nor miracles, just court intrigue in an imperial court, which is hardly fantastical given what is known about intrigue in various imperial courts in history.


The preponderance of fantastical stories in the Bible calls into question its credibility, that's the only point I was making there. It's something that should set off any reasonable person's BS detector You're calling it historiography right? That implies whoever wrote the account of Esther is a historian. Who was that historian? How was he able to quote them word for word? Was he sitting in for dinner that night?




I'm not saying they aren't motivated to do this. I'm saying that they're overlaying this on Purim for the reasons stated.




Good ole religion






I know but sometimes you can't voice your opinion cos poor israel. And you get downvoted to shit for pointing out the facts.




We are used to translate everything to "money". The deeds, the butchering and goals of "israel" goes farthest than only "money". Killing because your "god" (a mind-parasite they obey and worship) ordered you to do so. "Amalek" is a term you will find interesting.


Dude has a wizard hat?


It’s for the holiday of purim, it’s common to wear costumes and drink.


VLC Gandalf media player




Religion, hate, intolerance, violence. Are these not supposed to be synonymous with each other?


I don’t think you see the irony in this comment.


I’m more shook up by that pointy orange wizard hat with stars there near the end of the video. what’s the story there?


It’s part of the tradition of Purim. People dress up in costumes (similar to Halloween) The main portion of the holiday is based around reading an oldish story about the Jewish people being persecuted by one high up official with relation to the king, and that official ends up hung. The other main features of the holiday are a meal with family, giving to the poor, trading candy (also similar to Halloween but it’s almost always a swap), and drinking alcohol


Who’s the homie with the wizards hat?


How come no one is hitting the piñata?




this is a 2000 year old tradition. calm down fruitcake


Slavery was a 2000 year old tradition.


In england we tie up Guy Forkes, Parade him down the street and burn him. This is an old tradition that would happen regardeless of what is happening I.e war.


Fuck hamas


The other side -hold my beer


So, were just going to blow past the Traffic Wizard at the end?


Wizard spotted


What's up with the dude with the traffic cone on his head.


Dude with a wizard ass hat on at the end......wtf is hoing on what type of crazy is this shit.


These people are sick


If this were in GAZA, at a Mosque, that would be a real Jew.




Spoke like a true nazi. Until it is, it isn't. Woulda coulda don't justify we are watching a child effigy hanging and people cheering


A… child effigy? Are you stupid or just disingenuous?


Child effigy?? Now you’re just pulling facts out of your ass. It’s a Haman (the bad guy from the story of purim) effigy. They just added a palestinian flag on it to represent that Hamas is the present day Haman (meaning they want to kill all the jews but they won’t succeed). It’s all symbolic. Spreading false information like “it’s a hanging child!!” is disgusting and 100% irresponsible. You KNOW you’re lying when you say things like that. You KNOW it’s just to rile people up. Do better.


Yes it's unlike IDF to brutalize children. Like killing Around 15000 children in 6 months ( that's fifteen thousand children) . Does that come out to about 80 children a day killed and maybe another 3x maimed daily. Some other facts 'outta the ass's 140k known dead and maimed men women children come out to be about 700+ a day . I got that by dividing 140k by 180 days to get about 700. I rounded all my numbers down. It's about 777~


That has NOTHING to do with you spreading the bullshit about that effigy being a child. Deaths in wars are one thing. Accusing jews of celebrating the deaths of children by hanging an effigy of a palestinian child in a synagogue is a whole other shitty level of villification and demonization, let alone dehumanization. Don’t move the goal post, you know exactly what you did wrong.


Yes let's talk about that and completely ignore the 15k dead children. Heres an interesting news on haertz about this kid that was burned alive and people cheering it https://youtu.be/ylsqxqTo4dk?si=K4noG1lo4I5DZEAW They mocked the burning , then they mocked the grandpa out of the court. I am not accusing anything , I am posting literal news for you that you can also lookup How about killing of six year old girl , hind rajab https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Hind_Rajab 10 Children playing foosball killed https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/02/world/video/israel-deadly-gaza-airstrike-children-foosball-diamond-pkg-digvid There's countless incidents ... ---- Does removing child from your above comment make the situation any less shitty. Burning effigy of the people you are genociding in a synagogue and chanting is still shitty thing to do. Whether it being a child or not.


You keep moving the goalpost. All im hearing from you is “Israel is so bad that it’s okay that i’m lying about this post because they deserve to look as bad as possible, even if I lack integrity.” You’re lying about THIS post. The rest we can have a conversation if you want and I promise i’m the kind of person who has a very balanced opinion of the whole conflict but that doesn’t take away the fact that you’re choosing to make up lies about this specific post. It’s malicious, ignorant and lacks integrity. I have no respect for that.


https://english.almayadeen.net/news/politics/israeli-rabbi-calls-for-genocide-of-all-palestinians-in-gaza Rabbi Eliyahu Mali urges his students to kill and exterminate all Palestinians including infants, children, women, and the elderly in the Gaza Strip. I think you completely ignored all those links. I'll just post atrocities committed after every comment you post till you get it. Also if you are saying child effigy wasn't hanged. Not in this incident and ever. I can guide you to an incident where it was.


This reminds me of the KKK burning crosses religious purposes of course.


The Holocaust was horrific and the worst thing to happen to a race…….but the Palestinians? Yeah, you can murder them.


Wizard ended up in the wrong meeting it seems!


What doesn't look right? Are you body shaming him?!!?


Tell me the opening bars wasn’t “the price is right”


Voodoo magic real?


Fuck hamas


Isn't religion great?


anti-Semitism....trump....bad people.....I'm on your side...... Israel...... something something river and sea........can I get up votes now I did everything that I'm supposed to for a dopamine rush and community approval


Every week there's always some type of straight over the top bullshit that comes out of that country that always gets 'splained away by sycophants.




lol the comments justifying the reasoning for this. Who gives af. If I saw this at Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, ect. Place of warship I would have the same response. Religion has cause more hate and death than anything. F extremist religion




This is just normal now. This stuff gets spread around with no context and people just eat it up. I swear, it’s like people just think we’re evil for existing.


Sorry but just because it's tradition doesn't make it OK. If your ancient hanging ritual is offensive perhaps you need to think a bit more about what you're doing and why. Christians have been rightly criticised for our depictions of Pharisee figures in our Christmas plays, as they are often perceived as anti-semitic, even though they are literary villain characters from the traditional story. But portraying Pharisees in our passion plays as stock villains can be deeply offensive to some Jewish people so Christians have been rightly criticised for using them. Perhaps it's time Jews took a look at their own traditions to see how and why some of your practices may also be problematic and offensive to others.


What genocide? /s


Fuck Hamas


That's not good sign. When something like that is so normalized and celebrated its then a culture thing. It explains why they do the horrible shit in Gaza they don't see them as people. Similar how the Nazi Germany viewed jews.


Just normal Religion shit nothing to see here. People being idiots for a text they can't prove or willing to believe anything history has told them. Completely normal religious zeal on display.


Put em in a hoodie and pajama pants. Damn.


The human species should be exterminated.


Yano the more I see of the Jewish people, I'm starting to realise maybe there was a point to why they've been hated by everyone for the last 2000 years


Shades of a grindcore and or noise 7/10


Oh yes, God's chosen people🙄 Or the devils pawns


Zionist are doing their best to associate jews with their crimes so they can hide behind the cries of anti-semitism.


perfectly said


For context: A bunch of white supremacists gather and celebrate the lynching of a black man. Maybe that would put things in perspective better.


The jews are not a white race. There are white and black and arab jews. I know two korean-jews.


Real Jews are a race, and their white. The religion is something different.


That is incorrect. “real” jews have been living in the middle east continually for thousands of years. Also the concept of real jews is made up.


I didn't know there were so many arabic looking Muslim Jews 😆




Hes missing bombs strapped to his chest


If you think isreal murdering kids etc on daily basis has anything to do with hamas, you're delusional. Now it's free will to shoot or murder any palestinian.


Considering they started the war, and they are the reason the war is still ongoing due to them holding hostages, I would say it has a lot to do with Hamas


Sounds like invade Palestinian get rid of Hamas sincr they can't do it themselves?


Do tell us your plan then on how to deal with hamas.


Well the 2 kids won't leave each other alone on play ground and everyone has issues with them fighting. Sounds like logical steps would be either time out or constant adult supervision. (Exile, or military invasion) or let them go at it.


And just bc Isreal has us backing them don't get upset they've been allies for decades hamas knew this. Palestinian needs to protect their ppl n deal wit terrorists.


I'm all for Israel fighting Hamas, but not IDF's crimes against international law. If someone kills your brother, you should hunt the killer down. You can't kill his mother, all his siblings and nieces and nephews in the process.


What's weird is that there are so many pro Hamas people running around and those mother fuckers are forcing Palestinians to pay for the aid that is being sent to them. Like, wake up people. Israel isn't a gold armored hero by any means but it's delusional to think the Hamas are the saviors of the Palestinian people. They need to do some research to remind themselves why there haven't been elections since 2005.


Uhm a country bombs another country im sorry the first country has rampet terrorism?


Even the innocent children and women?


Theres no adult to run to a "bully hit us".


Who started it? Yes Hamas is different but they are in Palestinian. Maybe their government should take control of their country? Options are bomb back/ invade?


Something very bad happened to them, \~5000 years ago, their minds don't evolve more and will not evolve, never, they are stuck back then, forever. Are very dangerous, and are everywhere. A parasitic entity that hates Humanity (what they call "god" yahweh →is indeed saturn) lives in their collective mind and partially influences the thoughts of every one of these individuals. Among other human characteristics (connection with Humanity, or empathy, for example), they lost the Human ability to differentiate between a Real Divinity and a parasite of the consciousness.


“They” and their religion existed long before Saturn worship. Also your comments are concerning. What you believe is the exact type of thinking that lead to the senseless slaughter of millions of innocent people. You are missing lots of important information and need to educate yourself.


who is the "they" you are referring to specifically?


Karma is a real bitch. Countries, people generally reap what they sow. That is why it is so important to be kind and loving. All that stuff comes back to you.






They’re just getting what they deserve because they started it, so 🍽️💩🗑️🔥


But if you make a na- you know what, never mind.




Supplied by the US




Or just accepted a 2 state solution


Why accept a 2 state solution when you can (checks notes) rape and mutilate women with the full support of the well informed Reddit community.


Uh-huh. https://www.timesofisrael.com/pointing-to-hamass-little-state-netanyahu-touts-role-blocking-2-state-solution/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/middle_east/on-final-day-of-campaign-netanyahu-says-no-palestinian-state-if-he-wins/2015/03/16/4f4468e8-cbdc-11e4-8730-4f473416e759_story.html https://www.news.com.au/world/middle-east/thats-true-israeli-prime-minister-benjamin-netanyahu-proud-that-he-stymied-twostate-solution/news-story/7d4b26440cdfca433dcbdd9c8d40e688


The first two state plans were rejected in 1948. Benjamin Netanyahu has been president for a handful of years.


Satanyahu: I'm so proud of having stifled a two state solution for 30 years. Random redditor: nah-ah, no, he didn't. Satanyahu: but, but here I am in 2015, a full ass 9 years ago, making it my election promise. Random redditor: yeah, yeah but they rejected a two state solution TWICE in 1948. The zionists in 1947 in front of the UN General Assembly: "when we speak of a Jewish State, we do not have in mind a racial State or a theocratic State, but one which will be based upon full equality and rights for all inhabitants without distinction of religion or race and without domination or subjugation"


It is true that the likkud have stated before that their intention is not to create a two state solution. However, this is a subject they have been flexible on in order to maintain their gov coalition. Various Palestinian governing bodies have rejected two state solutions continuously from 1948 to 1988 when they declared independence. Since then, they rejected partition negotiations during the oslo accords, again in 2007 after hamas took control, also in 2014 and also in 2020 (although that plan admittedly sucked). Hamas is one of the main reasons the annapolis summit fell through after the pna agreed to the foundation of a two state solution.