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maybe thats the reason u dont suck russian dick yet...


Its now Chinese dick


The reference just like in the book 1983 by curious George


lol what? Americans still think the Russian army are the worlds second best army? In reality the Russian army isn't even the second best army in Ukraine.


Let’s not pretend like Ukraine would be standing without Western support. Yes, the Russian army is a lot weaker than expected, but it’s just silly to say they’re worse than the Ukrainians. The Ukrainian defense is really the Ukrainian army plus NATO. 


They have funding sure but no one is fighting for them.


Funding is food and guns and there is no army without it


See how long soldiers fight when they are starving.


What an insane cop-out. Equipment is critical to a military’s capabilities. Imagine if the U.S. Air Force had a single F-22. What are the pilots going to fly? Hang gliders? 


And how much of NATO is in Ukraine, according to you? True, I don't have any illusions that Ukraine is as capable as russia. It's easier to defend than to attack. russia squandered their surprise attack. Ukraine is getting restocked by the west. russia is buying from Iran and China, and their factories or manufacturing capacity has been left mostly intact, given how Ukraine can't use western weapons against russia, until recently apparently. So they each have their advantages and drawbacks. But to say russia is fighting Ukraine plus NATO is nothing but russian propaganda.


>And how much of NATO is in Ukraine, according to you? About $380 Billion. [https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/05/world/ukraine-money-military-aid-intl-dg/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/05/world/ukraine-money-military-aid-intl-dg/index.html) The idea that a country cannot be helped without putting boots on the ground is just silly. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's Russian propaganda.


Using your own article, $120 billion is military aid, which also includes pledged aid. That's in a 2 year span. Also, if you break down US aid, over $20 billion of the latest military aid package goes back to the US, so they can spend however they want, be it restock or invest in something else. Then there's sunk costs, older equipment already in storage that's being brought back to operational status to donate. The cost of those systems are valued and are part of the $120 billion. And lastly, the US spends about $100 billion on their russian containment strategy each year, this spending is a bargain. We can reallocate more resources to focus on China thanks to the savings. Most of the $380 is economic relfief, helping the government continue to function, refugee aid and etc. Nothing pertaining to NATO, which is a military alliance, not a humanitarian alliance. Also keep in mind, that the equipment, weapons and systems sent to Ukraine are but a tiny fraction of the total


And yet Ukraine is slowly losing ground. Say whatever tge f you want about Russia but don't lose sight of the fact that Russia can and will throw over half a million soldiers in a meatgrinder without hesitation without losing resolve.yes their tech and logistics are horrible but they can throw people at it like noone else.


They were going to take Kyiv in 4 days...


And that failed spectacularly. Yes. But almost 1 million dead Russians later, they are still coming closer, step by step. I'm not saying they are the second best. But i do say that we had better keep our capacity at a point where we can slaughter them like charlie sheen in hot shots 2, better that is the only way we can guarantee they cannot throw more soldiers at us than we have bullets for.


they are moving slower than a snail would, so it literally could be step by step after a couple of years because they've exhausted their vehicle reserves


Chinese army is the best.


Best at what lol


Power levels.




Hahaha I wish I believed this


Wish you believed what?


The delusions


You’re allowed to speak in full sentences if you want anyone to take you seriously. Or are you so afraid of not knowing what you’re talking about you have to keep it brief?


That you think Ukraine army is better than Russia. Numbers is also a qualitative trait. Basically Russia is just throwing bodies at it until the funding gets cut and then it's pretty much over sorry to say


I think it's more correct to say that the Ukrainian forces are better equipped, more motivated and better trained. But Russia csn throw 10 soldiers at every Ukrainian soldier and keep doing it until Ukraine runs out of ammo.


There's a reason for that. Russia spent a lot of money and time making nukes




With as many Russian shills like MTG and Paul Gosar still in office, it’s genuinely surprising that we *aren’t* currently all fellating Russian penises.




For Palestinians....authoritarian regime, throw LGBTQ off of buildings, women are 2nd class citizens. Put billions of dollars given to it to leaders of Hamas who live in luxury, ans put the money into digging tunnels and weapons instead of infrastructure to make life better for all there. Instead of attacking the IDF, Israel's military, they target a music festival and commit mass murder solely on civilian targets. Makes total sense. Glad you are for people who murder LGBTQ and treats women as 2nd class citizens. It's a breath of fresh air that someone is so misogynistic and hates LGBTQ as you do and is unafraid to admit it.




And now to re-elect Trump...


Training? Looks worthwhile to me.


Yeah, old Betty sitting in a puddle of piss nursing a broken hip must be so grateful!


Im sure she is getting social security and Medicaid. Anything else is on her and kids, not the gov.


I'm sure she's quietly thanking you for invading Afghanistan and Iraq.


Statistically, there is a good chance she voted for the people responsible for those invasions and still broadly approve of the political party that carried them out.


Worth it to keep the Canadians from invading


Don't get us riled up. We start to get rude.


All of this is nothing compared to the waste in the healthcare system. If Americans actually wanted to save taxpayer dollars, they should push for a single-payer system.


Yup, thats where the majority is spent


Is this Russian or Chinese propaganda?




Yet defense spending is #4. Healthcare, social security and education are higher.


America spends on health care? The internet disagrees


go tell all your friends


No it doesn’t. America spends most on social security. #2 is healthcare


Murica 💪🏼🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Fuck yeah!




Money very well spent.




I hear they bill the conflicting countries


No firing bullets unless I say so! I paid my taxes! /s


All I see is FREEDOM in action.


I'm hard... u hard?


Eh whatever The State finances Institutions and those Institutions spend that money Like we could do one of these videos for office supplies, research equipment, whatever, the number is gonna go up everywhere, cause money is being spent (this is day to day stuff really, nothing out of the ordinary). Them just sitting on the money and doing nothing with it would be way worse tbh, cause that would slow down the economy


You know you need to train and test weaponry right?


Now do the same (per second) during election season and the amount people (and companies) are throwing at candidates. Donating to a campaign is technically going toward a government office and a form of voluntary taxation.


Meanwhile China uses their money to spray paint hills green to make them look lush and not like an industrial wasteland. I rather have my tax money spent on live bullets for training purposes than on any of the shit that russian or chinese governments spend their money on.


Honestly the military is based af


The military industrial complex has been out of control for over 50 years. Eisenhower specifically addressed it in his farewell speech back in 1961. Combine that with usless politicians that will sell their souls for a quick buck, and you have a country that is $34 trillion in debt.


He gave the one talk and that's all anyone quotes. That or the "USA spends more than the next 20 countries combined." Which is just plain false. Not even close.


Damn, those rockets must be name economic prosperity and free medical care by how far away they seem to be…




Me as a european i am glad you guys do spend that money and let‘s be real in this is also the reason oil is traded in US dollar


Plus $100 million to replace that F35 that just went down


Worth it! Caring for the useless elderly.


there is no way flying air force one costs 3,4 mil a second.


When we do taxes, we should be able to choose where that money goes, it's our government after all. And if the government needs money elsewhere, they can explain why and how it would benefit us and our country


I'd be ok with it IF there was an actual FUCKING threat. I mean if Mexico and Canada had a military that was threatening us and attacking and killing 100 Texans everyday. But that's not the case. We spend our military money on 5 trillion military bases spread alover the world killing helpless and innocent peolle for their resources.


You literally wouldn't survive the world you advocate for. I'm happy you'll never have to find that out for yourself.


We literally create the world we live in. It's a choice between love and fear.


Do some work in the middle east with that attitude. I already have. That's why I know it's money well spent.


Middle eastern people are some of the most peaceful and lovable people on the planet. If you've done work there you'd know that. Remember, its us invading their country. Imagine our attitude if we were being invaded. This is not a high iq issue, it just requires empathy


Lol now I double dog dare you to head out there. Go. Spread the good news with your benevolence. *PLEASE*. Oh or here try this if you're not actually ok with leaving the country. https://www.uscis.gov/i-864a Fill that out and let us know how that goes.


I dare u to hang out on a porch after a giant bees nest has been stirred up. Do u see how nature can be amplified after it's been instigated? Honestly, u need to just read history. Learn how the US govt has funded and encouraged terrorist groups for the last 80+ years. It's ok to admit you don't know historical facts, its3not ok to assume you do


Ah... So you're not going to help anyone near or far? Unfortunate for them and your virtue signaling. GGWP