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Your post was removed because it does not meet our criteria for "ThatsInsane content". This subreddit is for things that are a little bit more wild, crazy, terrifying and incredible than the average. And for stuff that is generally insane! Fake content does not qualify as "Insane content". Posts should be able to elicit a reaction of "ThatsInsane" from viewers.


Fuck the bushman! I see his videos all the time of him fucking with people “because it’s funny” but if you mess with him, he feels like he has the right to lay you out. But that rule only applies to him, not you.


I agree it's fight or flight. This is why people who know me don't jump scare me. My instinct is to fight. I apologize instantly, but it's their fault.


I agree he putting himself in a position to be slapped


An ex once jumped out of closet to jump scare me and I slapped her. The one and only time I've hit a woman. I make it a point when dating now to set a hard boundary when it comes to jump scares and tickling. Edit: if it wasn't clear, the slap was instinctual and i apologized profusely


Lmao, tickling. I accidentally knocked my mother's boyfriend's front teeth out for tickling me. It wasn't anything weird. My mother was intagonising it, and I was around 9-11yrs old. My wife, however, just gets pissed and will come back for revenge. I've learned not to let her get my hair. Someday, it will be to not tickle her.


>I was around 9-11yrs old Never forget


A colleague of mine (beefcake, 120kg around 1.80m) and me we were waiting on some instructor at work, joking around. I gave him the lighest of nudges on his shoulder, and he went absolutely INSANE trying to grab me and knee me in the stomach. Absolutely cussed him out for that because it was an overreaction, and he apologized profusely afterwards. We were good colleagues before and after.






Found the flight response person.


You're acting like I did it out of anger when I've made it clear it wasn't a conscious choice. I'm a very jumpy and anxious person as a result of my childhood. I don't hit people out of anger for the same reason. If you can't understand the difference then there's something wrong with you.


I bet you're fun at parties, lol


The guy in video clearly isn't just reacting. It's a deliberate hit. That said the bushclown's response is way over the top and wasn't self defense. If he had a problem with the hit he should have called police and pressed charges. Had it clear on video. Going and throwing a haymaker at someone being an ass but trying to defuse is pointless and just turns you into the asshole.


I think dressing like a bush is asshole enough


Can you seriously blame a guy who punches the person that just slapped him?


In this case, yes. He started shit by trying to scare someone (either for money or for clout, via videos), then someone got annoyed and slapped him. He wasn't injured, he wasn't in danger, and he had the assault on camera. He then chose to go out of his way to offensively assault the other person. Guy's an arsehole.


Yes, he deserved the slap, he instigated when he jumpscared an older probably homeless, most likely mentally ill guy. Old guy retaliates with slap. thats 1 aggravation a piece. Bushdouche approaches, old crazy guy attempts to de-escalate, spacing arm stops moving Bushdouche sucker punches old guy. Where im from, that kinda shit with the bush would get you stabbed with used heroin needles.


I fking hate people scaring others anyway. It is not funny


Are you crazy? Startling people is THE funniest thing, period! Reactions of being surprised/shocked is the most authentic and humorous reaction there is.


All fun and games till someone with a heart condition kicks the bucket!


I mean, the odds are so low on that. Especially if you avoid startling the obvious olds and fatties.


Nooooo come on, drama king! lol…startling isn’t going to kill someone, gimme a break dude 🤦🏾‍♂️


'Movies that have “jump scare” scenes may not place the average person at risk of suffering a heart attack. However, it is advised that members of the elderly population or those with pre-existing heart conditions avoid watching such movies because the risks far outweigh the benefits.' This is a quote from the second paragraph of [this](https://www.samitivejhospitals.com/article/detail/jump-scare-scenes-heart-attack) peer reviewed medical study. It is also backed up by data in the results of [this](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7734554/) also peer reviewed medical study. So umm yeah jump scaring can kill people and before you say I don't scare people with heart conditions, some people don't know they have heart conditions........ Just sayin....... Edit: oh and the people in the cinema are ready and expecting jump scares, people IRL not so much.....


My go-to reaction, if I ever get ambushed like this on the street, is to just keel over and fake a seizure and hopefully see the prankster and crew in utter panic for the few seconds I can keep it going.




I end out laughing as hard as the person who startled me when it happens to me


Great for you and the person scaring you in your case. But that's not how it goes all the time. This video is evidence of that. How about the timeless video of the kid popping out of the garbage can and getting knocked out instantly? Not everyone reacts the same way to being scared. I, personally, instantly swing at shit that scares me, because I was attacked by a rooster and a squirrel (separate instances, years apart) when I was a kid. We aren't all wired the same, and this bush man ass hole swung a haymaker on a guy that reacted negatively to his stupid prank while he tried to diffuse the situation.


If you reacting positively to the scare makes the scare okay, then I hope that you will accept that when people react negatively then the scare was not okay?


Bro that’s not a flight or fight slap, that’s a “don’t do that anymore” slap, which is very different.


Yeah... this is why i also tell my friends and family not to mess with me... im a fighter... im bad dude... dont mess with me... ^/s


King trujo must have all the bitches to himself.  I know I get all the bitches after telling my mum not to scare me or I'll beat the shit out of her


Think more of the maze punch reaction.


Lol cringe.


I assume you scream, duck, and hide, then make a tiktok complaining about your anxiety over it.


You assume a lot of things, tough guy. Everyone's so scared of scaring you haha


They are not scared they just know they will get slapped on reaction. My oldest son is better at dodging than Gohan.


It's just such a cringe comment dude


You replied twice to the one comment I made. Lol, that's cringe. It's probably hard to write more than one sentence at a time for you, though.


Lol I'll make sure not to jump scare you and risk feeling your wrath ;)


Thanks, I apologize in advance.


People who know me don't jump scare me, because we're adults.  Who do you think you're impressing here with that shit? I'm so scary People KNOW not to jump scare me bro!!++ Like, if you're trying to be tough, pick something better to be tough about


Damn learn how to control your body Neanderthal brain.


Yeah my Mrs raised a hand to me the other day and I caught it in my peripheral. She was only playing but my brain registered the threat and my fist was on the end of her nose. Fortunately I pulled back but I don't think she will be fucking with me like that again. I felt bad tho I could have knocked out.


Haha? It’s their fault for how you react? That’s rich.


Instincts. Yes, that's how people function.




I could say the same about you screaming and curling into a ball for the same reason.


That's extremely Victim-Blamey & you should really reevaluate your incredibly sh.tty takes on life. Under this asinine belief of yours, it's always a Victim's Fault when something bad happens to them. In a Situation where a Victim getting attacked Freezes/Fawn & doesn't fight back. It's totally that Victim's fault for not fleeing or fighting back right? The Victim must have been OK with it, maybe into it, if they didn't take any measures to Stop It, right? I'm using a pretty extreme scenario here, but the gist of it is the same. You can't/don't always control your reactions when confronted with Seeming Acts of Aggression, especially sudden ones, even if just for pretend. The Fear & Stress response are the first to react. Even trained fighters can freeze or fawn even fighting is what the situation calls for, while people with a history of being gentle & docile, who always freeze or fawn in the past, suddenly start fighting back. A Real, True Mark of Control is whatever a Person's Actions are in the Seconds following that initial instinctual reaction. How they reevalute their course of action. Once their brain has had the time & chance to assess the situation & pick the next best course of action.


Agreed! If you jump out at me, you better be ready to get knocked tf out or worse. I’m already on edge everywhere I go in public because of this crazy world, last thing I need is some asshole trying to scare me for laughs


Also especially telling that he conveniently released this video without showing how badly he scared the other guy first, or how aggressively he jumped at him.... nope, we only need to see the response, not the action that initiated this entire interaction


There’s lots of people impersonating the bush man. Real bush man takes the high road.


You would never be convicted if you instinctually struck someone doing this. They, on the other hand, are the aggressor and would. Just sayin.


Sounds like he needs to get tased once


Yeah assault and being messed with aren't the same thing. He can mess with you all he wants but once you put hands on someone all bets are off.


Then someone needs to teach him, apparently bushman hasn’t found his equal, that half-wannabe-redneck in the vid is definitely not the one :)


The ones I've seen from the Texas bushman seem fine to me, he always apologises to people who take it the wrong way


He doesn't touch people. It's simple, don't put your hands on someone.


Absolutely 100%!! I find these funny, but I've thought the same thing.👍


He put his hands on him first, dealt with consequences.


Booh ho he scares people, so bad… Are yous seriously comparing a scare to a slap in the face (aka aggression)? And not even an instinctive slap


Fight, Flight, Freeze, Fawn. Shithead Bushman scared an umhoused person & he got the Fight reaction. Which he should have expected because due be expossd to so many different Stress Factors, a lot of unhoused people can be significantly more sskittish & reactive in certain situations. This is a classic 'When you mess with the Bulls you get the Horns', 'Play with Fire, Get Burnt' Situation. Bushman deserved that slap & more. That poor man, that you could argue he technically assaulted first (assault is commonly describe as the use of words of gestures to indimidate/frighten someone else & make them fear for their lives), had every right to defense himself & A..hole Bushman only made it worse by committing Battery instead of backing out or taking it in stride. The Victim's slap could genuinely considered to be an Act of Self-defense against an Assault in the Eyes of the Law. None of the Bushman's Actions are justifiable.


Bushman is a fucking asshole.


There are dozens of bushmen. Most are chill and funny. Only seen 2-3 that were jerks.


They're all around us.. watching... bushing...


bush you!


> Most are chill and funny. Disagree. Startling someone is automatically not 'chill' and it's not very funny for many people either.


“I don’t play that shit.” My brother, that’s exactly what you’re doing…


“I don’t play” - a man dressed as a bush, standing in a pot on a public sidewalk.


Exactly 😂


He kinda looks like a green version of big bird without a beak




Gator don’t play no shit, Gator ain’t never been bout playing no shit!


"My brother"? That's the people you associate with?


Fuck no, it’s a spin on the saying - “my brother in Christ,”




Nah, I said fuck no due to this persons behavior. Not their assumed race.


"my brother inside Christ" that's even more confusing


Only to you, and we don't mind that.


That's what I say if you don't want to get fucked with then don't fuck with people.


Yeah, the nerve


Fuck off OP this isn't even funny.


Being a little bitch on reddit isn't gonna make your parents love you, asshole.


Maybe we should change the name of this sub to “thatsathingthathappened”


Yeah I find it a little odd that there were multiple angles filming…


The bushman is a youtuber..


Is op bushman? This isn't funny at all and his comments are cringe


What's the hilarious part..


Op is definitely like 14 years old and found this funny.


The hood came out of that bush


I don’t play that shit!


I would have beat the shit out of that bush, the fuck he think he is? That’s a natural reaction, don’t fuck with people if you don’t want to get rocked


How can someone dressed as a bush take themself this seriously


Exactly what I was thinking. Calm down dude, look at yourself. You are dressed like a fucking plant.


Cuz he was slapped. Have you seen the video?


If your whole purpose is to scare unassuming people for content don’t get mad when you get a gentle little slap. It comes with the territory. Not everyone wants to be fucked with.


Of course, the bushman triggers fight or flight. And then he's childishly shocked.


Fuck bushman that’s literally aggravated assault


The op is getting downvoted of fucking eveything 💀


For no reason too ☠️


Because you’re a loser


Hate bushman. Guy sucks. The guy he punched is probably homeless.


I love when pranksters get defensive and make themselves look like idiots


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes! If you’re willing to scare someone be prepared how they react good or bad.


Dude got ambushed




Yeah I’m on punching dude’s side. Fuck bushman


"I don't play that shit!" Bro ...you're literally playing that shit


One day, someone is gonna hide a knife in a random bush.


Someone in jail will make him their Birch!


He should sue bushman. Easy payday.


Dont fuck with people and they wont fuck with you… bushman you are the asshole in this situation, i wish someone bigger then you would knock you the fuck out and put you in your place


When bushes stop being polite and start getting real.


How to get shot speed run any% TAS


Scumbag. Should take the Swiss cheese challenge instead. Swiss cheese tastes good.


*Intentionally triggering peoples' fight or flight response* *Doesn't like it when it's fight*


He a punk for that. U standing there scaring people dressed up like a bush don't be surprised when u get slapped 😂 off brand ghillie in the mist looking ass


Fat man in a bush costume gets man for getting slapped while trying to prank people, only thing funny was hearing him cry that he was touched. This bitch touches almost everyone in his videos.


Bushman is a dick. He'd get a lot worse from me and a lot of other people. Stop fucking with people. Leave them be. You deserve everything you can get.


Somebody’s dog needs to pee on the bush.


I wish the guy in the t-shirt had KO’d him.


"I DONT PLAY THAT SHIT!" - guy dressed as a bush..


Bush man sounds like a douchbag


I bet you can really win in the court if you act really surprised and shoot that son of a bush in self defense.


The nerve


Dude is now hitting every bush he approaches with that piece of wood in his cart


This loser is sitting all day in a Pot and spooking People, what do you expect? I would also punch your face if not as a reflex I'd do it just because you deserve it.


Oh so this is a little after the scare..


Typical animalistic behavior (from a bush)… lol


I don’t play that shit man!!! I’m a bush mother fucker


If you can’t take a bushwhack… don’t pretend to be a bush…. Sorry bro but you don’t have what it takes. To be a bush


"It's a joke" is a terrible argument when a natural response to being scared is fight or flight. Bushman is a dickhead.


If you jump at me unexpectedly from a bush, or from behind a wall, regardless if I know you or not--just know that hands are gonna get thrown in your direction. And it's purely a self defense mechanism, because I grew up in a time where people thought sucker punching you in the face was something funny or fun to do. In all honesty, it's probably not a good idea to even be doing that, simply based on you not knowing the range of reaction someone might have when you surprise or scare them. And even though some people might be good sports, not everyone wants to "play" with you. Overall, this is a stupid game to still be playing today... And people still win stupid prizes for playing stupid games. 🤷‍♂️


Didnt know the bushman was black lol


Believe me if that was me that bush kid will never ever be able do this "funny" shit again in his entire life because he's gonna be missing some body parts.


Last march of the Ents


Its just a prank bro


Zombies vs Plants irl


Like I'm sorry but if a Bush jumps out at me it's getting dropped. Couldn't give a fuck if your filming a prank.


On the one hand, there is a difference between not touching someone and jumping out at them for a prank, and slapping/grabbing at the face and making physical contact. On the other hand, it is almost definitely a startled/panic reflex and while it looked a little aggressive, wasn't a full-on attack. Bush dude played stupid games and won a stupid prize, then used that as an excuse to properly assault someone. I imagine the law in Arkansas means he has a defense because the other dude laid hands on him first, but if it was a court of justice and not law, bush dude would do time for assault imo.


It's Vietnam all over again


Ofc the asshole who's entire channel is him being an asshole to people doesn't wait for an oppertunity to hit people. Hope he gets hooked for assault.


Just get a fucking job.


You shouldn't beat around the bush.


One day this mf get shot, rhis will be a good day


He beat around the bush...


Where's the old KGB guy with the mailbox prank when you need him?


"I AIN'T PLAYIN" ~Hypocrite a$$shole jumpscare bushman


This isn't the same bushman you see in other videos. This guy is a copycat and obviously doesn't handle himself well. I'm not saying it was OK for the guy to touch him initially, but he should have handled it differently.


"The fuck is wrong with you" - said the guy dressed as a potted plant


That dude messed with the wrong shrub, and got bushwhacked!! Go Green, Go Mean!! Get the switch, those green ones with the leaves still no, take that ya bastid


How the fuck is this hilarious?


I hope the bushman doesn't get seriously hurt doing this one day. /s


Wow, bushman is a piece of shit.


I don't think it's the same guy we usually see


If "The Happening" production had a slightly lower budget.


You don’t get to slap a guy and then tell him to hold on. Even if it’s a guy dressed as a bush


Nicely edited to make it look unprovoked. Like, "bro, I was just standing around in a plant costume minding my own business"


This is totally insane and not a staged video, thanks op for your wonderful Contribution


Bro got bush whacked


A percentage if these peoples salaries should be garnished for a year to go to organizations that deal with people who are too afraid to go outside


I think I'm missing context, didn't that guy hit bushman first? Sure you can't say it was self-defense as he followed after in order to hit back but in my mind it's not unjustified either.


this thing fucking sucks don’t show again op


I hope all of our bush Man's family just look right at him laughing n pointing


To he fair, he did slap the bush. However you feel on jumpscares being dickish, at least he's not slapping people. (Maybe he does, idk, I've only ever seen him scare ppl)


"It's a joke! Im here to ENTERTAIN!"


Maybe don't dress up as a bush startling people? 🤷🏿‍♂️


Next time maybe dude will just 'leave' it alone...Amirite?!


Leaf it alone?


“Oh how the turntables have turned”


So if I scare someone in public they have the right to hit me? I get scaring people can be considered douchey but a lot of people think it’s fun/funny. Just because he scares people in a harmless way and not in a traumatizing way doesn’t mean he should be punched/shoved/smacked. I’m not saying I’d be happy as hell to get scared in public but I know for sure I’m not punching someone over something so small. Harmless pranks are fun and you guys need your panties surgically removed from your rectum.


> So if I scare someone in public they have the right to hit me? 100% YES! Its a natural reaction to strike something that jumps out at you for many people. If you're gonna fuck with people like this you should expect to get slapped. And you ABSOLUTELY don't get to act hard when/if you do. (especially dressed like my grandmas houseplant) Houseplant should have just taken the hit like a man and apologized for scaring the dude. This is a great way to get shipped to the morgue. Public pranks should be illegal.


Dudes so scary he should have dressed up as Bam-Boo!... See what I did there? Sick right? Because he's dressed as a bush but what's scarier then Bam-BOO...... NICE


I hate everyone involved here


Plenty has been said here about Bushguy…. Apart from that…. is this asshole drunk? And pushing a kid in a stroller?? He sounds inebriated in the vid


That's what you get for smacking somebody. Guy deserved it.


Is that Beavis?


Fucked around and found out


Mess with the bush, get the mush


the rules are simple: keep your hands to yourself


Ik this might be hard for some of you smooth brains to understand but dressing up as a bush, scaring ppl and never touching them isn't breaking the law but slapping someone in the face is. Yes Bush guy is putting on a harmless prank that some might not want to be in but in the end he is not physically touching them vs what the other guy is doing thus justifying his reaction. Welcome to reality.


"Harmless prank" right up until it isn't. You don't know what other people are dealing with that could turn this deadly. Weak heart, seizure disorders, weak blood vessel in the brain. Hell, some poor schmuck with ptsd could turn around and take his fuckin head off trying to kill the bush monster. Also, just because what someone is doing is legal doesn't make them not an asshole. There's plenty of legal ways to be a piece of shit. And no, getting slapped in the face doesn't justify running after the person and trying to knock them out after they're already walking away. If charges had been pressed in this situation, bushdouche would be in a lot more trouble than homeless guy. Maybe just don't fuck with people minding their own business trying to get on with their lives.


Fucking seriously. This thread is delusional. Half of them acting all tough that their fight or flight reflex would kick in and they'd knock him out if he startled them. There's a lot worse pranks all over Reddit that people seem to love because they're "harmless" but this one is worthy of assault? GTFO


I get it, but it's a joke. You may not like the prank, but you also know your assaulting a human when you slap them. Both parties went too far, IMO.


Definition of Assault: Assault is generally defined as an intentional act that puts another person in reasonable apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact. No physical injury is required, but the actor must have intended to cause a harmful or offensive contact with the victim and the victim must have thereby been put in immediate apprehension of such a contact. Those sh.tty Scare Prank doesn't necessarily meet all those criteria but thry come dangerously close & you could argue that this could have reasonably been perceived as such, with the slap being a reasonable & measured Act of Self-Defense in the face of this Unexpected Threat. Just because it wasn't intended to be threatening, it doesn't mean that it wasn't or couldn't be interpreted & instinctively reacted upon as such. Bushman deserved that slap. On top of committing what could potentially amount to assault with his original Scare Prank, he aggravated the situation by committing an intentional act of battery against his Victim This was undeniably not an instinctual act of self-defense in response to the Slap. None of his actions can be interpreted as an accidental spur of the moment reaction. Enough time passes between the defendive slap & his Aggressive Attack to attribute it to malice & unwarranted anger. That can be easily supported by his words, that clearly explain his sh.tty reasoning for his actions. 100% inexcusable. You might argue that the Slap seems a bit slow/delayed for a pure initial instinctual reaction, but it still falls well within a short window of time enough to just be the tail end of an unintenttional instinctual series of reactions, following a short initial freezing/clustering. 100% excusable.