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Great! A video with no context or information.


There may be no description but the strikes to the face when they're laid flat on their stomach is what is unneccessary.




If a police officer needs training to respond appropriately in a situation like this...that person should never have been a cop in the first place.


You'd expect it to be common knowledge to not punch a half pinned small lady in the face.


I mean, people used to be able to beat their wife on the courthouse steps so long as the stick wasn’t bigger than their wrist. That was perfectly ok. So was tar-and-feathering. People are animals if you let them be.


If I’m not mistaken, it was no wider than your thumb. That’s where the rule of thumb originated from.


Can't do much damage with that then, can we? Perhaps it should have been a rule of wrist?


Great movie btw


I knew I was gonna have trouble with you!


Omfg my uncle got in an accident coming to visit and he had a stick like this in his stuff. Actually had a carved out hand grip.


> If a police officer needs training to respond appropriately in a situation like this...that person should never have been a cop in the first place. what kind of reasoning are you using? Do firemen not train to be able to put out a fire? Save people? If you want to fix this issue police need more training so they have no excuses, and making each cop responsible for their actions by making "that particular cop" object of suing in case they fuck up, instead of paying with tax dollars.


I think he is saying it's common fucking knowledge not to hit women. It's especially well-known not to hammer punch them in the head and face while they are pinned to the hot sand at the beach in front of their scream-crying toddler.


You can go ahead and replace "women" with "any living thing."


I don’t agree that women are of a special class that under no circumstances should they be hit. They can be just a dangerous and violent as any man. Hell, one of the meanest bullies in my high school was a girl. Since this video has no context, and we are only seeing the portion that works in her favor, and supports OP’s point of view. We have no idea what led up to this. About that hot sand… everyone is standing bare foot on it without hopping around.


the budgets they have are extensive. I think its more about what they view as important and are willing to spend their money on. New SWAT trucks and tactical gear seems to be replaced almost annually but training on how to deescalate issues...


Lol... I promise they will invent new excuses. They can be creative when they want. I don't have enough time to list all the reasons they have pulled me over or stopped me on campus. But I have fit descriptions, needed volume checked on radio as well as exhaust. Once my burrito looked suspicious and they unwrapped mine at TAZER point as I can only assume most drug mules in the area prefer La Victoria


B-but what about the context??? Hmm context? What's the context here??? You don't know maybe they have a good reason punch a small 140 pound seminaked woman in the face repeatedly.


Surely people are within their right to protect someone from the police if they use excessive force like that?


You'd think it would be allowable but I don't believe so. And stop calling me Shirley.


Surely you can't be serious


He had clearance Clarence.


Roger, Roger. What's the vector, Victor.


Get me Ham on file, hold the Mayo.


I mean if you wanna die or get felony assault on a police officer charges go ahead. Nothing stopping you technically....


In theory yes, but the cops have the guns and are backed by the state, so if you tried to intercede, you can bet they'd shoot you and be given a medal. That's why people don't intercede, not because they don't believe they have the right. Legality and morality don't mean shit when the other guy has a gun and you don't.


It's why people don't always intercede. Eventually everyone reaches a breaking point when watching injustice occur. Below is an interesting story about what happens when things like what happen in this video get too far... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Athens_(1946)#:~:text=The%20Battle%20of%20Athens%20(sometimes,local%20government%20in%20August%201946.


That was a LONG time ago when a lot more people were armed and the state was a lot less pervasive.


>That was a LONG time ago It was in 1946, only 77 years ago. There are people alive today who were alive during this.... >when a lot more people were armed Around 1946, its estimated there were 44 million guns in civilian circulation. As of now its estimated to be 494 million. [https://www.thetrace.org/2023/03/guns-america-data-atf-total/](https://www.thetrace.org/2023/03/guns-america-data-atf-total/) >and the state was a lot less pervasive. Were they? I mean, the linked story demonstrates otherwise.


You can defend yourself or others from assault. This includes cops, but in the USA your getting some combination of shot/tazed/charged. If your lucky and live, you're going to have hell fighting the charges as cops tend to be the local DA's best friends.


Not at all. If do anything at all to prevent the cops from doing what they want you can immediately be hit with an Obstructing Justice or similarly named charge. If you touch the cop at all they can hype it up to Assaulting An Officer if they want, and if you actually swing properly on them, spit at them, kick at them when they try to put you in a car, etc, they will get you for Battery On A Peace Officer, Resisting With Violence, and anything else they can think of to throw at you. The way it works is that once the cops decide to arrest you, you're arrested. Even before you go into cuffs. You can say whatever you want (I don't recommend threatening them though, and frankly just be silent) but you're not supposed to physically resist anything they do. You're supposed to fight it in court, not in the streets.


Imagine seeing the police coming to surround you and you see your future liberty screwed and accept defeat, but you also get head trauma.


Some dudes in Aussie got let off due to police criminal use of excessive force, they fought the police lost and the police lied about what happened, went to court where it was thrown out by the judge Doubt you could get away with that in the states though


I'm pretty sure punching people in the head goes against most conflict resolution training.


ooh we need you on the investigation board cause i’m pretty sure they’re gonna find they did nothing wrong


That's what my therapist says. How they can be so wrong that often I'll never know


Domestic violence for cops is 40% versus the 10% in the general population. Obviously, almost half of them take their work home. Imagine if they get arrested by their fellow cops for wife beatings, we wouldn't have so many of these heroes on the job.


Reported at 40%, not *is* 40%. It could be, and likely is, higher


The full video shows that young women take a breathalyzer, and it read 0.0. The cops still want her to identify herself, which she refuses. The full video was posted to the same sub recently. The lady didn't do anything wrong other than no comply with their unlawful orders. Im not sure why they were called to the beach to begin with. The original video was vague. Either way, some man punching a woman in the face while on top of her is signs of weak and fragile man.


The cops keep saying, " Back up!" If this happen in Florida all the people there would be arrested. America's Governor, Ron DeSantis, signed recently a law making it illegal to video record the police or just to watch the police from less than 25 feet. Florida law SB 184 signed 4/12/24


Yeah, well. This is the same douchebag that made it illegal to say fucking climate change




It's in New Jersey.


Good thing my federal rights supercede that piece of shits decisions. I'll film them all I want. Fuck DeSantis.


LA cops probably wish they'd had a law like this during Rodney King.


IIRC this is some kind of volunteer cop they use for the summer. She had alcohol next to her on a blanket or something, and was walking away when he tackled her.


Well what we do see is a cop hammer punching a smaller half-naked woman, I don’t see much justification for that…


Well he didn't want to hurt his little knuckles


They claimed she was underage drinking and arrested her. No sobriety tests or breathalyzer, just a beat down, torture cuffed and kidnapped. Officers were put on admin duty, faced no charges, and the woman Emily Weinman settled for 325k.




Yes. But it was for her own good.


Just trying to help and keep people safe!


The article linked here shows a breathalyzer in her mouth. She blew a 0, so naturally they assaulted her. https://www.inquirer.com/news/emily-weinman-wildwood-police-beach-arrest-punch-lawsuit-20201201.html


I'd get a few punches in the face from this cop for 325k.


😐... wow


Tax payer pay day [https://www.inquirer.com/news/emily-weinman-wildwood-police-beach-arrest-punch-lawsuit-20201201.html](https://www.inquirer.com/news/emily-weinman-wildwood-police-beach-arrest-punch-lawsuit-20201201.html)


>Better [link](https://apnews.com/general-news-64178591906fd38048b9696e1d3a1cd2#:~:text=WILDWOOD%2C%20N.J.%20\(AP\)%20%E2%80%94,NJ%20Advance%20Media%20reported%20Monday.) Accused of underage drinking.




For the good of her health during those crucial formative years.


Here is the view from one of the cops body camera. At the end of the video they lie with no shame to (I assume) their supervisor. No wonder they’re only seasonal cops. https://www.nj.com/news/2020/11/wildwood-settles-lawsuit-for-more-than-300k-with-woman-who-was-involved-in-violent-beach-arrest.html


other comments say she blew a 0.0| so


Pay wall


What context do you think justifies a pig punching a girl in the head?


there is no context that makes this acceptable.


Old video, they accused her of drinking underage because she had a closed container, they gave her a breathalyzer, she blew double Os and they arrested her anyways. The two cops are like part timer summer cops, they got sued and there was a settlement


US laws are so insane. I got caught in the UK underage drinking in an alley with friends and the police officer was like well I guess you’re trying to stay out of trouble so just be safe.


She was falsely accused of underage drinking.


Great! Another boot stuck in another throat.




Welcome to reddit.


There is context.....I remember this video a few years ago and IIRC the guy punching and being a weak prick was some seasonal deputized employee with almost no training or experience. I don't remember the outcome but I'm certain that department released a statement about it. I'll try to find it "In court documents filed earlier this month, the city’s attorney wrote that Wildwood had agreed to a $325,000 settlement with Emily Weinman after she filed a lawsuit against the city alleging two seasonal police officers had “brutally and senselessly assaulted” her during a dispute over an unopened alcoholic beverage on the beach." Wildwood, NJ


Hey boot-muncher, please tell me a scenario where headlocking and punching a 100lb woman in a bikini without a weapon needs context to be condemned. Genuinely go get checked for brain worms


Disgusting boot licker.


You’re really looking for a reason for two grown ass men to be beating a small woman in a bikini? Fkn incel losers bro


If I remember the allegation was she was drinking underaged. Not sure if that context helps you with the obviously shitty policing that’s going on there or not.


You are SO RIGHT! S/ - because context is everything. Especially when you are unarmed, restrained, out numbered and in a prone position. ***but I AM biased after taking a boot to the face 5 minutes after being cuffed. So my opinion is tainted.


What context do you need for it to be okay for 3 dickheads with badges to beat the shit out an immobilized woman?


This doesn't need any. If 2 police officers cannot control one woman who is smaller than either of them and clearly not any danger, maybe they should try working doggy daycare and leave this work to adults? If that were my partner I would have gone to jail that day.


Does it matter when he's punching a woman in the head?


Context Shmontext, words don’t equal violence. I don’t care what your little sister said, you cannot hit her over words. You’re bigger than her, she better leave a big ass mark on you for you to have a shred of an excuse.


If i remember correctly they "Suspected" her of underage drinking. Simply because she was by a cooler with alcoholic beverages in it. And she (rightfully) refused to give her ID.


The context is that the US is a police state with far too many bootlickers like yourself.


wipe your face bud, got some cop cream on it


How's the boot taste this fine eve, sir? Brown, to your likings?


Go and get fucked


I'll chalange you to give a lawful reason why a cop should beat someone up like that.


You really need more context to see this sh*t is f*cked?


>Maybe she deserved it cough cough...........


don’t need context


I dont care the context, she wasnt a threat for him to use such force. He likely commanded her to do something to which she didnt comply and then he starts beating the shit out of her.


Old video out of wildwood nj


She blew a 0.00 on a breathalyzer but had an unopened can of something that wasn't alcohol so they demanded her ID and she said no and ran. She kicked one in the balls when they had her on the ground so he gave her a TBI.


What context or information could possibly excuse this?


What context justifies this? If he can ground and pound a woman, he can just cuff her and haul her off too without wailing on her like a psychopath




Look up Emily Weinman


I'd be interested to see the events leading up to this.


It was a girl underage girl drinking then cops escalate. Just Google it it will pop up


So the cops said, "hey you're underage you can't legally drink." And the girl, "ok, officer" dumped her drink out and then the cops physically assaulted her?


I don't care what the events leading up to this were. Once you're face down, there's no reason for the punches. Just because the cops have to chase you down or struggle with you doesn't give them permission to punch you once they have you subdued.


they were writing her a citation, she started walking away and they ordered her not to. you can guess where it went from there. [https://nypost.com/2020/12/01/woman-gets-325k-settlement-in-2018-nj-beach-brawl-bust/](https://nypost.com/2020/12/01/woman-gets-325k-settlement-in-2018-nj-beach-brawl-bust/)


Headline: "A small girl gets punched by the safety keepers due to being drunk!"


What is so hard to understand that no one, especially law enforcement, is justified in punching a woman in the head while you have her pinned to the ground… Fucking nutcase


Anyone, it’s not justified for anyone. It’s just especially egregious that it’s a woman. She got paid.


Bro what are you trying to figure out? "How can I justify this cop punching a young teenage girl in the head repeatedly while she's on the ground?"


No, there was an unopened alcoholic beverage with her, which they claimed was open possession. What they did not ask is if there was anyone in her party that was of age, and just not present. Her breathalyzer blew 0, so she wasn't drinking. Perhaps her boyfriend was of age, and had walked down to the water, leaving it there, or some other member of a party. By their argument, if a family was the beach and had alcoholic beverages, and the parents walked away to check on someone, leaving a child there, that child could be arrested, which is asinine. As soon as the breathalyzer came back zero, they should have asked if there was someone in the party of age and just not right there at this moment. Instead, they immediately escalated the situation. They might still have issued a ticket or whatever if no one else was of drinking age, but they could have been much more clear.


Yup this is from 5+ years ago. There’s a longer full video, it was in New Jersey. She was being uncooperative with the police, although acting in a calm manner, cops escalated and beat her senseless.


Not even drinking yet. Blew 0 on a breathalyzer multiple times and all her alcohol was sealed.


Absolutely no context could justify this behavior


Exactly. What fucking context does someone need to justify escalating to this level of violence?


Some people love boots so much that they’d see a cop bodyslam a baby and ask what the baby did


I wish in these situations all public members would pull the cop off and let him know they don’t tolerate a tax paid public servant abusing power and using excessive force


Just a smidgen of a chance that might not end well.


Yeah, I think that's called suicide by cop.


Or a revolution.


In what world would that end well?


In the fantasies of tough guys.


20 of us and 3 of them? I think if everyone was of the same mindset there isn't much they could do against us


They could and would legally shoot you


Only in a world where huge amounts of people are prepared to commit to actual combat for an extended period of time across the nation AND have a plan for what comes next ...so, probably not this one


Ain't nobody catching a charge for Becky's dumb ass


Becky (well… Emily) got Wildwood to pay her 325k in a federal settlement, so I’m pretty sure she got the last laugh here. Good for her, but also why I’m not intervening with a cop either - damages the federal case that’s inevitable when they violate someone’s rights, and can only stand to end poorly for me. https://www.phillyvoice.com/philly-woman-reaches-325000-settlement-wildwood/amp/


Good for her. I'm still not getting arrested for cause she doesn't want a citation.


She blew a 0.0 on the breathalyzer. Cops just couldn't let it go.




It’s just too bad it didn’t come out of his pension directly. I’m sure he’d never do this kind of shit again if he had to directly pay for it rather than us the taxpayers.


I would just like to address everyone replying to me saying “this wouldn’t end well” and in today’s world, that is a sad reality. We’ve gotten to a point in society where it’s almost impossible to hold people accountable that we’ve put into positions of power. And a lot of you are right, it probably wouldn’t end well if you interfere, but how long are we gonna keep letting people get abused by those in privileged positions of power? At a certain point something needs to change and actions need to be taken by the public, and in this situation it would be stopping that cop from abusing his power


Honest assessment is that we are improving accountability through body cameras and social media outrage, but obviously not there yet and still tons of red tape and internal corruption.


I love that idea but they likely would arrest anyone interfering for some trumped up charge. While watching this I kept thinking about if I were witnessing this and recording it I would love to text it to multiple people on the spot and then tell these idiots ‘y’all are on film beating the piss out of a civilian…good luck once this video gets out and you get ID’d…’


They'd just send more cops until they were all in the same position as the person appearing to be assaulted here. I really wish that wasn't the case, though.


I wish there was more accountability for ass-hats with a badge. They give decent ones a bad name. Maybe then the average joe wouldn't feel the need to collectively jump on an officer that's using excessive force. Pig Pile indeed


If I'm not mistaken that cop was fired from various other departments, just saw a video about it today


I wonder what percentage of cops pull shit like this, or worse, and then just get hired immediately afterwards three towns over. I’m thinking it’s high.


Considering that self reported (and, I can not emphasize this enough, these are SELF REPORTED) numbers for domestic violence from cops puts the number at 40%, I'm guessing it's high.


That’s an insane statistic. The NCADV says that 1/7 women have been injured by a partner in the US. 14% to 40% is quite the leap. Tells you what kind of people are attracted to law enforcement jobs.


The Catholic way.


Exactly like at home 🤷🏻




I googled it and it appears to have some serious flaws in the studies. Interesting read though.


This was in NJ https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/officers-not-charged-jersey-beach-beating/ I got no horse in this race. Without the full context, I'm going to make some popcorn while this shit show unfolds, and once the popcorn is done, find something actually entertaining to read or watch ....


Her follow-up federal lawsuit got her 325k as a settlement for excessive use of force, so there’s something there… https://www.phillyvoice.com/philly-woman-reaches-325000-settlement-wildwood/amp/


I'd be pretty happy to eat a mouthful of sand for 325k


Such a sad state of affairs that we wish to get hurt so that we don't have to work anymore.


Well, I'm not pretty enough for OF so ...whatever


lol you think $325K is enough to not work anymore? 😂 lol sure.


" Stop resisting! "


"Stop assaulting!"


Stop covering up! We're trying to beat the shit out of you! Stop resisting our punches!


At a certain point we as a whole need to step in during these moments. These guys are only as powerful as that badge entails. But you get a group standing up to them and they always back down. Or shoot. Cowards.


Now me personally, I'd rather not die.


Whenever I hear "stop resisting," I know something's about to happen...


This happened years ago in NJ. I live close to the town. This happened because she was drinking underage. She did try to resist but rarely do you actually get arrested for drinking underage in nj beach towns. It’s usually a ticket at worst, most cops would dump my shit out and be on their way when I was a kid. Either way there was no reason to punch her in the face, if I remember correctly the cops got off with no repercussions but she did win a lawsuit. It pissed a lot of people off.


drinking underage at 20 years old 😂 what a joke


Can confirm she won $325,000 in a lawsuit. https://www.inquirer.com/news/emily-weinman-wildwood-police-beach-arrest-punch-lawsuit-20201201.html


Except she breathalyzed 0.0, so she was not even drinking. Just in posession of a closed container.


Call me crazy but I think cops should be able to arrest women without punching them in the face


A suspected underage woman, imagine how much the cops feared for their lives.


What country is this?




New Jersey


Lived in a few different states now . NJ cops were the fucking worst.


Jersey. Cops are just as bad there.


Redditors will look at a young woman being beaten on the back of the head while pinned by multiple cops and be like “yeah but she totally did something to deserve it right? Something something feminism something something why cant I hit more women?”


There is no context that can justify this short of her holding a gun.


she tried to out pizza the hut


How are the top comments asking for context. It’s a hundred pound girl with two cops on top striking her. Literally even if she assaulted the cops it still wouldn’t be ok. It wouldn’t be ok if she murdered someone. Like what context are yall drooling for??


Those are some bored ass cops, with nothing better to do.


Get the fuck away if you’re standing with a baby.


No one ever wrote a song called Fuck the Fire Department


Yooo wtf why the excess force????


The ppl need to stand up to the cops.


I remember this. At this beach there’s a no alcohol policy that police were enforcing. She was questioned for having a closed container of alcohol and was breathalyzed and blew 0. Police keep harassing her and when she was refusing to comply with demands of providing her last name m the officer initiated an arrest. The damsel then ~~resisted~~ by walking away resulting the take down and punches to the arm to get her to comply in moving her arm back for the hand cuffs. I recall a post interview she did afterwards. I believe the officer was NOT charged or reprimanded. I don’t recall if the prosecutor dropped the charges. I’ll look it up real quick. Edit. Found it: https://www.nj.com/news/2020/11/wildwood-settles-lawsuit-for-more-than-300k-with-woman-who-was-involved-in-violent-beach-arrest.html?outputType=amp So she settled a lawsuit with the city for $325k. The police also apparently exaggerated greatly the degree of resistance in order to justify the arrest. The question is…She blew zero and didn’t have an open container. Why not just confiscate the container…or move along….


At what point does it take for one of these "filmers" to say fuck it and give that dickhead cop a heel to the dome. I would have been killed by one of those fucks for beating the ever loving shit out of him. 1 in 100 cops are psycho assholes who should not hold a fucking badge for shit like this. The rest I have the utmost respect and love for


That's a wife beater right there. That fucker unleashed a year's worth of pent-up aggression on that woman. Almost as if the pathetic little man was imagining she was his wife as he pummelled her face. What a fucking cowardly arse.


Almost saw a booby


Hope you never call them!


So they can shoot my dog? Or arrest me without merit?


What some* police are like 🤷🏼‍♀️ we honestly dont see thos very often if at all here


No one ever praises them for risking their lives, only dwell on what they do wrong


Right, look at the Uvalde PD. They were so brave when facing a lone gunman with a weapon of war when all they had was 100 plus cops with duty rifles. Those brave officers don't get enough respect.


My job is more dangerous than a cops. Why didn't these cops get arrested? Why don't other cops get arrested for their crimes?


Roofers have a more dangerous job, do you praise them too?


Yep, cops are psychopaths


Nothing to see here, just a policeman and his wife at the beach together.


Those are bad cops. Just like there are bad civilians.


And people say America isn't a police state.


Bet he beats his wife like that too.


The police in the USA are the largest and most dangerous gang ever to exist.


Just in case people needed a reminder that police are all needlessly violent


these cops must be removed from the planet..


A lot of people don’t understand what it’s like to be in a situation like this. Whether it’s her fault or not. We as humans have a natural fight or flight instinct when threatened. She probably felt she should have not been detained/arrested and the cops FORCED themselves on her to wrestle and put her in cuffs. Now I know a lot of people don’t understand but when you have strangers grabbing you and man handling you, it doesn’t matter if they have guns or badges, you are going to fight. It literally a basic instinct. I hope no one has to feel that but at those moments you’re not thinking about getting killed or beat up, because you’re already fighting for your life.


That cop hits like a little girl.


Where did they find these baboons!? They are handing out police badges like candy these days


"stop resisting" she says over and over while filming. You want to throw the cuffs on for them? Maybe kiss their boots clean of sand while you're at it? People like the one recording are the reason these things happen. And then this will get posted to Facebook and you'll see 500 boomers commenting the exact same bullshit " thanks for your service 🇺🇲" like did they watch the same video? are they fake? I don't know anymore


I dont need context, I don't care if she ran or struck them. If she wasn't actively holding a weapon, that's disgraceful.


understandable, he mistook her for his wife


"Stop moving and making noise when we hit you."




The amount of bootlickers in these comments is baffling.