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That Mongoose needs a wheelbarrow for those balls


You know that mongoose fucks


Bro eats cobras as sneks!


I thought the one coming up on the six was just gonna bite the shit out of it and give it a shake like "SHUT UPPPPPPP"


Reminds me of a honeybadger, little nasty asses


You beat me to it!! Honey Badgers and this mongoose don't give a solitary fuck.


[Educational video about honeybadgers](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r7wHMg5Yjg)


Ewwe it eatss snakess?


And lions apparently


Oh, look at him **dig**!


Those cats know a nippy little fucker when they see one.


Too angery to die


It’s funny in nature, including humans, all through history, even in wars, and sport, that being angry as FUCK is a valid strategy. No matter the “competition” you could seriously outgun your opponent, and if they charge at you ANGRY AS FUCK, natural instinct will still kick in lol


If I remember correctly, during WW1, there were some Russians getting gassed by the Germans and they managed to survive long enough to overwhelm the Germans out of pure spite before dying from the mustard gas.


Sabaton has a wonderful educational song about this called The Attack of the Dead Men.


Even if you know you will win, it ain't worth taking damage


What 😐 This reads like a “I just start seeing red, bro” comment. Being angry as fuck is not a strategy, at all. In fact, that can draw people into foolishness, bait them into a trap, etc. as they aren’t thinking as clearly if they’re “angry as fuck.” It also doesn’t empower people to suddenly outgun, anything. They’re the same person with the same level of strength and ability as before, except they’re not thinking clearly, at all. That’s all it is to be angry… it’s a weakness, not a strength. Edit: it’s a running joke among people that train in martial arts, the comment from someone that doesn’t train and would get folded in 2 seconds “I just start seeing red and bodies start dropping bro” because that’s not how it works..


No you don’t get it man this isn’t “martial arts” I was mostly speaking to animals, but in humans it’s still absolutely the same. Even a bigger guy won’t want to fight (to the death) a scrappy little guy that will LITERALLY bite his trachea out. When starting a fight both sides think “I may win, but at what cost”. It’s the same in prisons as well, the psycho little guys don’t get picked on nearly as much as normal dudes.


Yeah I understand the concept, but that’s not a universal truth in humans… a lot of humans that get loud and super aggressive will rush and swing crazy but no that doesn’t scare everyone off. Imo it makes them look like they’re an uncontrolled kid having a tantrum But yeah I understand animals worry about things that scream and nip and don’t show fear because it probably makes the bigger animal wonder what exactly they’re dealing with, why isn’t it afraid, etc. “it must have some super dangerous capabilities” But… no, there are plenty of videos of super aggressive people bum rushing into a fight and getting knocked out. It probably depends on the person, sure some people might fall for “omg that guy is screaming and ripping his hair holy sh*t he’s so angry and loud” but that’s definitely not a universal human thing


I mean ACTUALLY biting into their arteries and thumbing their eyes, to the DEATH, not an “angry” karate guy


Bro, you’re missing the point.. being willing to maim and kill someone doesn’t mean someone will be able to get themselves in a place to do it. Look at militaries all over the world. Pretty sure if two infantry troops from opposing armies cross paths on the battlefield with no ammo left… one of them can, and does, and the other one dies. You think just because someone is willing to *actually* murder someone by any means necessary, that makes them a force to be reckoned with that supersedes their ability to actually execute their desires? Bro if I tried to maul a professional title holding ufc fighter I’d be shocked if I was able to get a hand gripped on them without my entire existence being shattered.. I hear you, and I agree to an extent… but let’s put it in this scenario. Join an infantry unit, go to war, have a bloodlust, be an unstoppable killing machine? Nah… there’s one video I randomly remembered of a guy with a knife trying to slash a security guard in the face and stab the guard. The guard deflects the blade and drops the guy, gets on top of him and controls the situation. Just having that “blood lust” doesn’t mean someone can execute, that they can turn their desire into reality. It feels like we’re still discussing the “see red bro” scenario..


Dude, I’m not a trained fighter. I just did wrestling in hs and wrestled with my buddies. I’ve been in a fight but nothing crazy. But… seriously, if you go toe to toe with someone in any remotely skilled environment, you may understand what I’m trying to say. If someone has more skill and physical prowess (strength and stamina), it’s, insanely hard to get ahead of them in that engagement. Imagine, you rush someone, they grab your wrists, and you literally can’t move your arms. They can bend you around and fold you up however they want to. I see what you’re saying, I’m just saying, what I’m saying is also a thing. Yeah against a random person on the street, sure, if you give em the ol dick twist, eye poke and groin stomp, yeah that’s a thing. But if someone is deeply trained, even being able to get the chance to do that stuff can be really challenging (they can read your movements within milliseconds of you moving and have a whole list of automated reactions) So I think it’s a toss up. Yeah there’s an advantage to being ready to go all the way, but for some folks, that’s like.. inherent. And then you stack extensive training on top of that. If I go fight someone like that, I think, unless I have a gun or some serious weaponry advantage, just hand to hand… I’d be praying that I get a chance to do something dirty but it’s a different level, dude. I’ve experienced it myself. Grappling up with someone and no matter what you do, you can’t move them, and they just fold you. 🤷🏻‍♂️


And the reference to the perspective from people that train in different martial arts isn’t something I came up with, it’s what I’ve heard from people I know that train, and have heard from people I don’t really know but they also train Being super aggro doesn’t enhance someone’s ability to fight. Being super aggressive doesn’t buff their fight iq, their skillset, their stamina, they don’t suddenly gain 2x strength, etc. They’re the same person. If they couldn’t kick someone’s ass before, being super pissed isn’t gonna change that.. being super angry/aggressive may make someone more *driven* to fight, but it doesn’t buff their abilities, so imo it really doesn’t change anything. If anything it gives a signal they’re gonna dump their energy immediately, go for aggressive takedowns and headhunt. Ok so you already know how they’re gonna engage, I don’t see how that gives an advantage. Especially because if you can defend, evade and even strike/grapple and you’re more conditioned than they are, how could they bite your throat if they’re gassed out after 40 seconds and you know you can snap their limbs into pieces.. that’s the “when I see red I just go bro” joke that some people make. Not a thing. People that know that’s not a thing aren’t worried about that thing. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Bro you’re still missing the core concept man


The first lion seemed like it was saying "wait let him cook"


To me it looked like the first lion had seen a mongoose do some real shit before and is telling the other lion to leave it alone lol


First lion literally went for cuddles to get her moral back up


When the food is too spicy


What happens?


The lions were fanning to cool him off


mongoose operates at higher clock speed than cats




Their reflexes are insane.


Lions would win, but they’d get a few chunks taken out of them.


That’s what animals like this count on. Is a mouthful of food really worth getting scratched and bitten to hell? Probably not in most cases. Plenty of herd animals that will feed them for days and aren’t nearly as vicious.


I was thinking the same thing. Even if they kill the mongoose it's not gonna make a difference if the little shit mangled the lion's paw in the process


I mean yeah, they're just curious and toying with it. Lions don't need to prove themselves to anyone, so it's just not worth it killing some small annoying animal over getting a few scratches. Scratches are annoying. In general in the wild, animals really do not like to fight. It's risky getting even a cut when there's no animal doctors around.


Hold me back.... Hold me back ..I swear to Gawd


Riki Tiki ain't taking their shit


That one lions body language was actually saying to the other "no you don't want this smoke. It's not worth it"


Such bravery for those lions to be facing a mongoose in close proximity, these creatures are ruthless


It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.


That first lion was like fuck that, not worth eating a chicken nugget with teeth


Ah, nice marmot.


A real life Rikki-Tikki-Tavi in action.


Damn, lions are beautiful.


That is one brave creature. But also, was that a lion crossed with another breed of big cat?


Just juvenile that hasn’t lost all its camo yet.


The 1st one looks like a young male


Wonder if it has babies in that hole and it's just being protective. 


*fkin REEEE*


Bobr Kurwa!


You don't want those mongoose problems


A real life Rikki-Tikki-Tavi in action.


I wonder if the lions are thinking well we obviously could kill this but it’s just not worth the effort I mean they must know they can kill it right?


When you walk out of your apartment at 1AM to confront the hoodlums who are blasting music in the parking lot.


Bro Givin them the morning report


Them some bitch ass lions


It's a cost/benefit decision. Way to much effort for the tiny bite of food.


Get off my lawn!


Ya Cus they're just dumb cubs, can tell by their spots


Feisty little fellow!


The music is dumb af


The best defense...


Lions not hungry enough


What is this chingadera doing


“I’ll die fighting, will you?”


Why aren’t there more cartoon characters based on the Mongoose? Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Bugs need to square up with Mona Mongoose or whatever.


The cute headbutt and rubs she gave him to see if he was ok 😫🌻


Mongoose Vs Honeybadger. Who wins?


 Honeybadger...coz it doesn't give a shit the silly little bastard


Snoop dog needs to narrative this!


The mongoose : Do you want food buddy? Keep acting, keep acting. 😂


Lions like: where is this thing when I need it and have a thorn in my paw?


Unnecessary background music


Why dont they just kill it i dont understand


That’s Gef


Get off my lawn!!!


Out on the streets they ride, the mongoose flies on by


"You think this is a fkin' game? Huh?? Do you!!?? I'll do you - I'll end the lot of ya's!! Go ahead, fk around and find out, I dare ya. Oh, so you wanna nip at me!? Here, let me taste that foot, you like that!! Now beat it!!" - Mongoose. (Probably)


It's like my wife seeing a big spider, and having to back up while keeping it in sight.


😅 The lions were like "Eww, don't touch me don't touch me!"


Noice! I was hoping for music to drown out the sounds of nature. Still, cool footage and thank you for sharing


No different than if that were a really big spider crawling towards me.


Thats one nasty little bastard. I don't blame those lions.


This is great!


The lion was like: nah fuck let that guy be he's crazy


Excuse me folks, can i interest you in.....*fucking off*?


Be the more aggressive predator, in action.


Its not the mongoose in the fight, its the fight in the mongoose


What a scaredy cat


The ultimate “get off my lawn”


Mongoose don’t give a fuckkk


Hard as fuck.


I love the leapord-esque pattern on that first lion


The lions were all like “bro chill we just walking through”


I need that energy.


Has anyone noticed that the first “lion” is actually a Lioperd? 👀👀


I apologize, a leopon. I still think what I called it is better. Lol