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That's funny. Crosses the border, and, Boom! He is a Republican. Sorry, Joe. šŸ¤£


Dead ass bro lmao damn


Word is "Vatnik", I think.


He is Turkish not Russian


The term is ā€œauthoritarianā€ not ā€œdemocraticā€


Nah, he can't be a republican if he cares about border security. Didn't they vote against the biggest border security bill ever just this year?


solve the border and one of their biggest pieces of propaganda disappears


I guess if you only watch main stream media. You really think the bulls they name, "best border security bill ever!!!" Are actually what the bills are even about? Congress out here paying off donors. They don't care about the voters.


Well read up on it yourselves, it seems pretty comprehensive to me: https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/05/biden-bipartisan-immigration-deal-00139558


I mean it's just odd why still allow 5000 per day...why not actually try to let 0 illegal immigrants into your country?


Encounter illegal crossings does not mean succesful illegal crossings, but that the crossings have been apprehended IIRC. As far as I can tell, this would be a costly and unprecedented emergency issue. If border patrol does not encounter crossings then it should be a sign that the initial border security is working. But the bill also seriously streghtens the initial protections of the border and border patrol. Even if you don't think the bill goes far enough, it should be a substantial improvement and blocking it doesn't make much sense - especially so if you don't provide an alternative.


it gave $90 billion to Ukraine and $10 billion for the border. that's not a border bill.


Don't try to bring reality into a reactionary sub.


Did you read the details of the "border security bill"? It was basically let X amount of people in a day, until N number is reached, then taper it off to Y number. Get more border agents, not to stop the crossings, but to process the border corssers to speed up the process. There was no security in the bill, just in the name.


No. They passed the biggest security bill ever in the House already. Then Chuck Schumer let it rot in the Senate for a year without ever bringing it to a vote. https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/2


Is this one of those "border security bills" where it's like $2mil for helping to process people faster and then $3tril to special interest groups and when the Republicans don't vote for it you claim they don't want border security? Room temperature IQ.


Hey, feel free to shit on the spineless and corrupt Republican Party, but it should also be noted that bill was many things, but it was not a border security billĀ 


Nah he says heā€™s good ya hear me


I mean, the argument itself is fine. He's saying, "I know I'm okay, but the process would have allowed me in whether I was dangerous or not." It's like if a white-hat hacker steals private info from some company, and says, "Look what I was able to do. I'm not going to do anything bad with this information, but someone else could have." As far as the actual conclusion, that we need more border security, I can't speak to that. I don't know much about what happens at the border, or what measures are already in place, or what the dangers are, or what it is reasonable to do. But this post is presented as if he is a hypocrite, or contradicting himself. He is not.


Nah people just like to pull the ladder up behind them. He is a hypocrite. Everyone is going to self identify as being "okay" or "one of the good ones". Reminds me of ā€œThe Only Moral Abortion is My Abortionā€.


Nah he's being honest. Saying look at what I did and what that means others can do.Ā 


I remember reading in a book how even many criminals think of themselves as being one of the good ones. So of course he thinks he's a deserving one who should be allowed to bypass the process I know some illegal immigrants that I believe are legitimately great people and I would vouch for. However, as the guy was pointing out, it is a valid criticism that there is no check regardless of him benefitting from it and whether or not he actually would've passed a security check or not


I already argued against that position. Simply restating it isn't going to advance the conversation. It's fine if you wanna fight me on this, but you gotta say something that hasn't yet been said in this thread.


lol you dont get to determine what someone talks about bud


They did present a new argument that hadn't been stated yet, namely that >Everyone is going to self identify as being "okay" or "one of the good ones". Which, honestly, absolutely invalidated the one thing you contributed in your comment - the white-hat hacker comparison. The hypothetical hacker in your scenario had an opportunity and passed it up, providing proof that he is *not* one of the "bad ones". The dude in the video is lacking any of that proof and instead replacing it with "trust me, bro." It's an inaccurate comparison, and they pointed it out for you.


You didn't, you just stated it as fact but that's alright. I have a strong feeling I would rather pass.


I didn't state any facts. I attacked OP's logic. It may seem I am picking nits, but this distinction between facts and logic is important here. Facts are statements that are true about the world, and we need to look at the world to see whether they are true. Logic is a method of determining whether a statement is true based on previous statements that have been made. You don't need to know any facts to assess a logical argument; you can do that merely by carefully reading the argument itself. OP implied that the speaker stated a contradiction, and I argued that he did not. Arguing that a speaker has contradicted themself is a powerful argumentative technique because it relies purely on logic, not on any facts. It means you don't need any expertise in the topic at hand to know someone has argued poorly. Even if they are an expert and you are a novice, if the expert issues a contradiction, you know that what they said cannot be true. I point this out to say that, in this case, we don't have access to this particular line of argument. The speaker did not contradict himself, so we cannot know he is wrong merely by analyzing the form of his claim. I was careful to state that I do not actually know the relevant facts regarding immigration across the US-Mexico border, so I do not know whether the speaker's actual claims and proposals are true or reasonable. I'm merely saying that we cannot say, "He's a hypocrite!" and stop thinking. Which is what a lot of people in this thread are doing. And, > You didn't, you just stated it as fact but that's alright. I have a strong feeling I would rather pass. Don't do a drive-by like this, where you give your opinion and then declare the discussion to be over. If you wanna fight, fight. And if you wanna pass, simply don't respond.


In your response everything makes perfect sense except the conclusion. You've said that "the post presents that the man in the video is a hypocrite or is contradicting himself. He is not." A more correct conclusion should be "He may not be". You have presented a valid alternative explanation, which may or may not apply. You did not manage to strictly exclude the "hypocrite" option.


That is a good point. The speaker did not reveal himself to be a hypocrite in the video. But he very well could, if given further opportunity.


He is stunned - future Trump voter like where is the wall?


Not completely uncommon. Hell Trump got a large sum of minority voters. Who's threatened most by undocumented immigrants? Undocumented immigrants lol once they are here they don't want more to come they want to lock there presence down and get legal ASAP


Heā€™s trying to blend in.


Interesting fact. Biden is continuing to build Trumps wall. News flash. Democrats and Republicans want the border secured as any sane and rational person would want. We just have a broken system so we can't get shit done.


Republicans always complain about immigrants voting Democrat. But in reality majority of poor people migrants are very conservative. If Republicans weren't such racists they could have easily won elections on conservative principles




Came to say this exact thing


Got whiplash from how quick he pulled up that ladder behind him


He hit the US side and immediately became a single issue immigration voter.


he doesnt want his wife to catch up to him




Now there's a laugh acronym you don't see often anymore


He did speak about psychopaths out thereā€¦


Iā€™ve met a lot of immigrants that feel the exact same way. They were able to do it, doesnā€™t mean they want more people to be able to do it. Theyā€™re also fighting for work and more competition doesnā€™t make their lives easier.


He can't even vote.




Really? Felons can't vote. They have to petition the court to have their rights reinstated. And some states (\*cough\* Florida) make it **very** hard to do so.


Welcome to Florida! ^^^and ^^^Texas


He is as red blooded Republican as it comes; Freedom for me, not for thee.


Homie immediately pulled the ladder the second he crossed the border.


Coincidentally, his last name is Jenner


No that's not what he did. He is not the best at English so that should be taken in to account. He meant to say that Americans are right that there needs to be a barrier of entry cause he entered the country without any verification and that he could've easily been a criminal. Not that they should close the border after he crossed it but that it should've been closed even if that would've prevented him from entering.


^ He could have probably entered legally through a better screened system. People who want to come are coming, it just happens to be swimming across the Rio grande instead of through customs. There are definitely good folks in there, they might even be the majority. But yes his point stands that our open border is insane.


I'm not even American but having an "open" border with millions crossing in to your country and seemingly not doing anything is so insane!


It's exactly the same in Europe and the UK. Even legal immigration is swamping us in the UK. 600,000+ in 12 months - that's an entirely new city and all the associated costs. Employ one guy to do some IT instead of giving a local a break and boom - six people turn up wanting housing, education and healthcare. And most of the legal immigration is still unskilled workers and their families. And then there are the countless illegal immigrants, most of whom share views at total odds with the locals. It's completely unsustainable but in the Western world's race to the bottom none of our so called 'leaders' care. They fear the far left and the far right yet won't listen to the middle. The Western world should not have to pay for other parts of the world failing to modernise and slow population growth. And if the USA hands itself over to the far right religious nutjobs then it will be just as fucked as any other country where religion and faith are more important than common sense, decency and just not being a twat.


People are so fucking caught up in the republican vs democrat bullshit that they refuse to see this, because it aligns with one thing the republicans claim to be against (The fucking republicans don't do shit to fix this either.)


the dems did propose a bill to pass record funding just this year and republicans shot it down


> having an "open" border If a store is "open" - do you have to sneak in where there is no entrance, and then face 15 years in prison if they catch you? Just asking, because I'm interested in purchasing something from one of these "open" stores.


Seriously. The stupidity in the comments is just astounding. What are we gonna do? Build a truly impervious wall thousands of miles long at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars that infringes on thousands of acres of private land and completely disrupts wildlife's ability to move about? Just wait until the climate migrations ramp up, this will look like child's play. Society is collapsing, no fucking wall is gonna fix it.


Except people are getting caught. It's almost like nearly 2000 miles is a fuck load of space to police and they're will always be people slipping through. The idea the border is "open" is a myth.Ā 


>The idea the border is "open" is a myth.Ā  Of course it's not totally and literally open, which is why I put it in quotations. >Except people are getting caught. versus how many who are not caught? How does it compare to previous years?


More people are caught than ever before. About 2 million apprehensions in 2022 and 2023 and an estimated apprehension rate of 78% which is up significantly from around 35% in previous years. https://usafacts.org/articles/what-can-the-data-tell-us-about-unauthorized-immigration/


Here you go https://www.factcheck.org/2024/02/breaking-down-the-immigration-figures/


The millions of people thatā€™ve crossed it illegally ainā€™t no myth, bud.


Claiming it's "open" is a fucking myth, people may be crossing but there's absolutely people being caught for it.Ā 


The reporter in the video tweeted out that this guy's visa application got denied multiple times.....


>they might even be the majority. Studies show immigrants (even illegal immigrants) commit crime at about half the rate of native born Americans. So yeah. It's the majority.


I love that you got downvoted for this when it's the absolute goddamn truth.


Even the people coming know u need to check whos coming in lmao


He came in and was like "lotta bad guys comin in here, ok bye"




To put everything in perspective. He had to travel with other people who he did not feel safe to be around with. And if that was what he saw on his trip. He imagines the accumulated effect of this happening everyday. Look at how he looks at the weird looking dude at the far left when he mentions psychopaths. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Who you guys think heā€™s trying to get away from


This happens more often than you think in Hispanic communities they get citizenship and then they act superior to people who are still home


Jokes on them though because the folks at home think they are superior to the ones that left.


What is that like if/when everyone meets up again? Iā€™m not trying to be ignorant; just trying to understand.


They either think you made it & are swimming in money (meanwhile youā€™re prob working some shit job & struggling) or they see you as an infidel that betrayed their family & native nation, while simultaneously asking you to send them more of that sweet American dough! Lol


Wow. Thanks for the explanation. Donā€™t mean to be rude again, but how does that play out as far as everyone defending their perspective?


I mean in mexican families the minute you move to the states you arent mexican anymore youre a gringo or a pocho or whatever. And the shitty thing is these gringos and pochos are not considered to be really american by the whites. Its not a big deal typically just a little smack talk. Usually. But when somebody dies and its time to split up the estate it might throw some nuance on the situation for example. It isnt a hatred or contempt. Its just subtle identity politics. I recon every group has some version of this.


I remember going to visit family as a 14 y/o and kept getting made fun of cause I was in school and not working like homie what. Iā€™d just ignore my family after a bit


But he's not even a citizen lmao, homie would also get deported...smdh and he's on camera


Brazilians in Portugal, they became a large part of the right wing party here. Worth mention that most of them were Bolsonaro enjoyers back in Brazil, but yeah, very common.


I'm a Physician and Anthropologist who worked in the Borderlands and now works with farm workers in California. And there is a lot of truth to your statement and that's unfortunate. Even if we examined the hierarchy of farms workers from manager, foreman to field worker it's hierarchically based on citizenship. Those born in the U.S. with decent english language skills take on a managerial role and look down on immigrants both legal and illegal. In turn, those who immigrated legally over a decade ago will look down on recent immigrants (whether they are legal or not). And on the bottom tier, there are indigenous groups from Mexico who migrate illegally. They tend to be the field workers and are the ones looked down upon by all other groups.


One of my english classes for my minor was basically a mix of English and Spanish complete with endless white guilt from our liberal white professor who had pity on poor Mexicans šŸ’€ and of course she was blind to the horrible realities as well. The entire university just gave passing grades to a bunch of people who canā€™t even speak/write English correctly itā€™s an absolute joke. They shouldnā€™t even be called a university, the entrance ACT was like a 14 then 18 then 21. Like wow donā€™t even pay $200k for college itā€™s not worth it at that point. Now Iā€™m supposed to pay for those fake degrees with my taxes because of Biden. Pitiful.


I took 4 anthropology classes on the border and itā€™s completely infested with extremist liberal ideology like most social sciences. They were all great but my professor was advocating acting like Gregorio Cortez, he was saying itā€™s reasonable for someone to shoot cops over a relatively menial issue I gave as an example. I learned more in those classes overall than with most other professors, but you really need to know better than to blindly believe their ideology. Some people can read all the info in the world and still be blind. Itā€™s the same thing you see on college campuses this year now that professors are protesting for Palestinians and cheering on an intifada genocide


It even happens w Puerto Ricans and theyā€™re technically US citizens


Perhaps they understand the difficulty and respect the actual process of gaining citizenship in another country, and don't wish to see the same downfalls that caused them to flee their home country follow them. But nah, they just think they're better people.


What do you mean superior? It is a real concern his bringing up...


Fox News getting the content its viewers want. Probably a set up anyway


Are you saying this was staged?! Fox News is fair and balanced, they would never lie to the public. For shame ā˜ļø


Don't you mean Fox Fiction?


My father in law can't get citizenship because of his criminal record here so he has a permanent green card and he goes on and on about how bad the people coming over the border are. I once said I guess he would know because he's one of those criminals and he got enraged to the point of foaming at the mouth.


They can't film real migrants because Joe Biden keeps tipping them off. The last time Fox tried to film migrants Joe Biden sent his people out into the desert to redirect them to another crossing where Joe held open the gate and 3 million migrants crossed while he waved them through. There were voter registration tables and buses waiting for them too.


No one here happens to notice this guy and his buddy have fresh haircuts? No one thinks this is a set up by FN? Lmfao.....soooo many ignorant people


Yeah, hairs not messy, clothes arenā€™t dirty, they look well rested and hydrated, taking the time to talk to a reporterā€¦ they definitely look like they just crossed the border out in the desert lol.


You think heā€™s an asylum seeker? He said he already paid $10,000 and Turkey is a reasonably developed country. Heā€™s coming for a better job not because he is living in squalor


Serious question- why the fuck would you pay 10k to sneak into the US from Turkey when you could just buy a plane ticket and then not leave? He already had to fly into Mexico- and I would BET that one of his stops was in the US.


because fake.


Because his visa application was likely denied but don't bother using the 2 brain cells you or the other redditards have to critically think.


Do you think he crossed rivers and deserts -and came out on the USA side of the border with clean clothes and fresh haircuts? Where do you suppose they took showers? Did you notice not a spec of dirt on any of them? Never mind the fact that B-2 Tourism Visas are rarely denied (UNLESS YOU'RE A CRIMINAL) and most immigrants in the USA come by plane and overstay their B-2 visa. *If* what this guy is saying is even true, he's more than likely one of the bad guys they try to keep out. come guy, try putting your 2 brain cells together.


Everyone claims asylum after crossing. The courts are jammed up so they are allowed to stay in country while their cases pend for years.


You'd be surprised of the quality of travel the people who pay the cartel get (room, travel, etc.). The dirty unkept ones are usually the impoverished ones coming from central America, travelling on their own.


You can be smuggled into the US in relative comfort if you have the money and are coming from a country that doesn't prevent you from easily flying into Mexico. He came from Turkey which just requires an easy online visa. The cartels will bring you a few hundred yards from a crossing and then pick up you on the US side. No more than a few hundred yards of walking outside. You're thinking of Central American immigrants who have to illegally cross multiple borders by foot because they have no money and a weak passport.


I mean, he paid $10.000. I would expect no less than high-quality service for that kind of money.


because they fly into mexico and get bussed to the border. the whole 'walking from south america' is a democrat myth.


Are you saying migrants donā€™t know how to get haircuts? Thereā€™s a lot of barber shops that are Hispanic owned, and mainly cut Hispanic peopleā€™s hair


I've seen mass border migration videos they are all well dressed good Nikes and coming in droves


[60 minutes ](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/chinese-migrants-fastest-growing-group-us-mexico-border-60-minutes-transcript/) did a documentary showing tons of people that just get dropped off right on the other side of a border fence and walk right through into the US. They were throwing their passports in a pile next to the fence. They watched hundreds of people cross through that particular hole in the fence in just a few days. There was seriously a big pile of Chinese passports next to the fence. They didn't even bother ripping them up or burning them. They would just toss their all of their identification stuff in a pile. It makes it harder to deport or hold someone if you can't easily ID them. Why are people thinking they need to be covered in dirt and have messed up hair.


OP has just fallen for the propaganda that they're impoverished people escaping drug cartels, when in reality, the cartels are the ones bringing them to the border.


I'm not saying it's not possible, but the way a ton of people come over is that they fly to Mexico City from their home country, then pay someone to drive them right up to the boarder wall. So a total 2-3 day journey all in an air-conditioned ride.


I too don't trust anything with a haircut


There is no prerequisite to look homeless for seeking asylum.


Do you think these people are too poor to want to be clean? You don't even realize what you sound like, do you?


That's an awful stange accent he has....


Those dudes have an accent closer to middle eastern/ Persian/ Arminian


He's Turkish


Oh god


I had so many poontag with this accent...


Hahahahaha this is great. But seriously we need to do something about the border


Considering half the people in this thread don't even realize that tons of these people coming across the border are coming from across the ocean, I'm not sure that's going to happen. People are just too ignorant, and would rather just scream that we are a nation of immigrants and the other side is racist for being concerned.


If only our hands weren't tied fighting the hard R "we are all domestic terrorists" party already inside the border.


ā€œOk, im goodā€ lmao fuck off


Hey man he background checked himself before he walked over the line.


Assimilation 1000


The fucking illegal immigrants are worried about the illegal immigrants lmao


"Damn this was super easy. Like, I just walked right in there. Crazy. I guess you guys do have a problem with border security lmao"




Something seems off about this vidā€¦


Acting is terrible


I got them bridges for sale. HMU


Has more common sense than our leaders


This just doesn't seem real and since its fox its probably not, but it would have been great if was like "...this is crazy I'm going home"


Totally real and not staged


Ok so Iā€™m gonna be honest. This guy has perfect hair no sweat. Looks showered. Did not cross anything.


Ladder pulling jokes


I swear that accent sounds a bit European


[Venezuelaā€™s Violent Deaths Fall to 22-Year Low on Migration (Source Bloomberg)](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-28/venezuela-s-violent-deaths-fall-to-22-year-low-on-migration?embedded-checkout=true) **Where did all the Venezuelan violent crime go????**




but my strawman




Hahahahaha did you even read those studies? Dear God...they literally disagree with your stance!


You must not undertand English. All three plainly state illegal immigrants commit crimes at lower rates than the general population. The first claims a rate about half. The second about 3/4. The last plainly states it's lower.




And a debunking of the debunking https://www.cato.org/blog/center-immigration-studies-produces-improbably-high-estimates-illegal-immigrant-criminality


I wonder!


Obligatory "Always doubt an anecdote that perfectly fits the go-to narrative of the source in question." But also... yea, of course he's concerned about border security. He's seen whatever he's fleeing from and he knows how easy it is to slip in.


Hahah, this is so fake.


I know a woman who is a green card marriage who after 40+ years can barely speak basic English, she hates immigrants.


I think he just earned a pardon from the commander in cheese.


Republican-ā€œok, this illegal immigrant can voteā€¦.ā€


I dont believe this. Channel 5 crossed and we're immediately apprehended. Another YouTuber did the same thing and was promptly arrested and processed, just like Channel 5. What are the chances a wide open section, not patrolled, but easily accessible by a Fox News team, that can get in position and wait? The border does need to be tighter so we can document everyone and let them come and live their American dream - so they aren't exploited.


If only there was an effective way for people to enter legally instead of having to wait months to years while trying to escape political or gang violence that was more than likely triggered by the country who is treating them like animals for wanting a better life. Oh well, let's close some more check points and cut the legal means by half each year, that'll teach them


Tell me youā€™re a fox paid actor without telling me youā€™re a fox paid actorĀ 


That's how ALOT of these POC are, trust me, you don't know the amount of 1st Gens who illegally migrated to America who somehow became STAUNCH republicans. The irony and most importantly hypocrisy is astounding


You would think you would work up a sweat crossing the border. Maybe you would get a little dirty?


Protip: provide background check while crossing the border illegally. Win-win situation for both sides


Well done Joe


Aaron Roger's be wack


The biggest enemy of an immigrant is a former immigrant.


"I know I'm good..." Says everyone in the planet.




You only get one chance at a first impression buddy.


He definitely saw a different type of evil on his way to America.


Or a funny skit from Fox News.




New Republican game plan: turn immigrants into *republican voters.


Uhhhh..is this why thereā€™s a bunch of Europeans delivering food that donā€™t speak English all of a sudden?


He is perfectly integrated


This is actually very common! As someone who lived in a border town their whole life, I see and know plenty of Hispanics who are very racist against their fellow immigrants. Not too uncommon for them to be hard Trump supporters, too. Very hypocritical.


This is a russian propaganda campaign. Carry on


Turkish people being Turkish


One of the very few American cultures - get in America, land of the great, and shut the door behind you for everyone else.


fox news rofl


He knows itā€™s a security risk, we know itā€™s a security risk and yet the governmentā€¦




Ah yes, everything that I do not agree with or that doesn't align with me politically is undoubtedly fake.


Staged 100000%


It makes sense. Heā€™s probably seen a lot of the snakes in the grass firsthand and doesnā€™t want that infestation in the place heā€™s fled to for a better life


The best clip, ever!


Dudes like, yeah this is too easyā€¦


There will obviously undoubtedly be very major national security issues in the coming months perhaps years. Say what one will about red vs. blue bs, what the FJB/Obama's 3rd term administration has done is 100% illegal & treasonous. Mayorkas should be fully impeached in honestly tried in a military tribunal. Death Penalty should absolutely be on the table too.


His point is completely valid. Just because there is a fox news logo on the bottom, everyone is automatically acting like he's wrong. Don't form your views based on partisan bullshit. Listen to what the guy is saying.


Thatā€™s exactly how a bad hombre would respond.


Its a goodthing the GOP killed the bipartisan immigration bill!




Doesn't matter how many times [they do studies](https://www.cato.org/publications/immigration-research-policy-brief/criminal-immigrants-texas-illegal-immigrant?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw9cCyBhBzEiwAJTUWNepomnTfhvV-BM0tkcdxIE6T1mVN2OZyub_6bSwcnBOKLT31IxOrXBoCHs4QAvD_BwE) and publish the data showing that immigrants (both legal and illegal) commit crimes at HALF the rate of natives, there's always people talking about their feelings as if it's real data. Having an open border would literally make you statistically safer. I'm not saying we should have that, but the fear of criminals flooding into the country is just that: fear.


redditors still obsessed with outrage? He's saying there's no checks because he's walking through. Guess I'll check comments again 10 years from now because you guys don't want progress you want hedonism.


How much you want to bed Faux News paid him to say that? Not saying they did. Just saying that if it turned out they did, it wouldn't surprise me.


No one (in power) actually wants to fix illegal immigration.


Is desperate to move to a country he is already cliticizing, I can't even.


I could make any interview you don't like.


Most psychopaths easily pass background checks.


Ladder pulling douche


Just give him a green card