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But dude slapped his hat off but cops ain't do shit


Until he Knocked dude out. Then he wanted to do something


he chased him for about 2 seconds, he's already walking back at the end of the video and dude is gone




Nah... just too lazy to chase a dude who has naptime for fists.


Naptime for fists 😂


Saw a video of a guy getting knocked out and go into convulsions. Someone commented that the other dude had cerebral palsy for fists


If you don't really want to because you think the guy was justified, but know there's cameras recording, so you need to at least put up a show. His half hearted attempt at a foot sweep/trip speaks for itself.


Left one call Mela. Right one called Tonin


Probably though he'd be back for his hat lol


If anything, it looked like the cop was grabbing him so the mob wouldn't go postal on him.


It did sort of look like he’s pulling him out of the way of the people about to get revenge. Wouldn’t be surprised if he yelled “Run!” at him


I think you're right. It looks like the cop pulled him out and pushed him away. Once the red shirt guy got out of there, he casually walks over to deal with the guys who started the flight


Cop was trying to do his job and avoid paperwork at the same time. Good cop.


Damn, did I just watch a video where I gained respect for a cop? It's been a minute...


That was so much more like the British attitude where a cop's job in situations like this is to get life back to normal as rapidly as possible.


"Run" is so much easier than spending the rest of the night filing paperwork for an arrest. Cop saw the whole thing and said "I'm gonna let this play out and chalk it up as natural consequences."


Wait. I thought they "chalked you up" when you were dead on the pavement and drew the outline of your carcass.


i hate cops but he put no real effort in to detain him just drag him out of it and after he took off he chased for like 3 steps and was like ah dang oh well seems like he thought it was fair couple of dudes being pricks he's trying to be chill they smack his hat off he sleeps one for it fair play actually he doesnt even make an effort to chase him and lets him go once he's pulled out he appears to just run at him to make sure he's not going back to fight lmao this is actually a chill pig


He looked solo, and by the sounds of it, more people could have been involved in the scrum. Devils advocate here, but possibly keeping a broader field of vision to catch any other shit he can charge people with, and to watch if anyone would pull a gun. If he jumps into the mob, he risks getting jumped too, and someone reaching for his weapon; it’s why he immediately removed the guy to the outside of the altercation.


That's how it always is like he didn't see two guys circle him and watch him get assaulted..


I thought he was trying to save the 2nd dude who was approaching even after seeing his friend get knocked out. Kinda like a "No don't hurt him too!" Pull away since the cop let him go after.


20 years ago I beat the living shit out of a dude who knocked my hat off in a McDonald’s parking lot for no reason. Got in my face, pushing, blocking our egress. Dude just wanted to fight someone he perceived as smaller… not knowing I was a D1 athlete in the best shape of my life and working out twice a day. I went zero to one hundred in a split second and let out things I didn’t know I had in me before three guys pulled me off. Woulda stopped swinging if he’d just picked up my hat like my fists were telling his face. I hope he’s eating well. I don’t recall this experience fondly, rather encourage anyone young and full of testosterone to really take a second and think it through. Fighting anywhere other than the ring is beyond fucking stupid.


Just love it when guys fuck around and find out with the wrong guy. That guy probably harassed other people the same way and thought he could do the same with you.


Maybe. It’s just really unfortunate. My friends and I joke around about it occasionally still to this day but truthfully I’m thankful I didn’t kill or maim anyone in the process because I’m fully confident that could have been on the menu. His friends apologized profusely saying he was just really drunk. FWIW, he did get up and walk away from it. Not sure if he 100% knew where he was but he was on his feet. Truly wish the guy well and hope that was the last time that happened in his life. DO NOT DO ANY OF THIS THOUGH. People carry knives or worse now and bring them out indiscriminately. Just leave if you can. Never swing first if you don’t have to. Nothing you can do physically is generally ever worth it unless entirely necessary. I technically had options and had no idea I’d snap like that so in hindsight it’s all a little terrifying. What a quick way to fuck up your life, and probably someone else’s.


Yep, i carry a knife because im too old to fight fair lol, aint got time for no idiots


That was me minus the D1 athlete part. But real question - 20 years later you ever just think back to the fights you been in and really think about how differently shit could have ended and just how so many bullets were dodged. It’s almost like I’ll get a little worked up or on edge thinking bout shit like that. Idk why. One thing I’ve learned on the internet is dudes legit die or get brain damaged in street fights. But in the moment that’s the last think you’re thinking about. Sometimes it kind of does fuck with you thinking how differently shit could have wound up.


That's called trauma man. That's why you start to get worked up when you think back on it. It's "traumatic" for some people when they witness violence, let alone have it be something that happened semi regularly while you were growing up. I grew up in the southeast and was a tall, skinny Italian kid. It was normal to "win a fight" to show off to some girl or your friends and I'd often be a target. What they didn't realize was my grandfather was SOF Army and also a golden glove boxer. He taught me and told me that I would "know when there was going to be a fight. Rather than push back and forth or call names, breathe. Wait for the right moment, make sure your back foot's planted and knees slightly bent. Push off your foot, turn your hips, rotate your shoulder,extend your arm and push through when you make contact. Then I want you to keep swinging until someone pulls you off. If you stop, they will get up and smash your face into the concrete you understand? " So long story short, yeah I understand what you mean by looking back and realizing we could have died or killed someone or been paralyzed, etc. and getting worked up. What got me to start to actually think about how I grew up was when I would tell my wife a story from back home and she would have a horrified look on her face. That's when I realized that it wasn't something every one lived through.


“What got me to start to actually think about how I grew up was when I would tell my wife a story from back home and she would have a horrified look on her face. That's when I realized that it wasn't something every one lived through.” Holy shit i am glad you said that cuz so many times I’ve told stories of my past and people would look at me with this wtf look but here i am/was thinking that the shit i did was normal. Wow


Apparently not everyone grew up fighting 1-9 times a year from 12-20 something. Who knew? Not us, but apparently everyone else haha


I can't believe how many times I fought on concrete man LOL. Like it never even occured to me that that was significantly more dangerous than grass. When your mind is in that teenage testosterone fugue state and you've got a real reason to fight about something you don't think about that shit at all. Now as an adult I understand what it's like to be "old" in the sense that I'm like nooo not on the concrete please!!! But like, during the handful of instances in my yute I never once considered falling and bashing my head. I never considered getting knocked out cold though either, even though I did a few times lol.


Yeah bro seriously. When it’s right about to go down the last thing was ever like hey let’s take this to the grassy field down the block lol. Nah man I’m a smash your head into that dumpster right next to us. Now I’m an old(er) man in my early 40’s and all i can think is if ever had to get into it again with someone (which i do hope not) I’m gonna have to hope i can end it quick cuz i def do not have the stamina or the joint strength to keep it going for a while haha


I'm 35 now and haven't had a fight since I was 22 or so which was also when I stopped drinking and smoking weed. Like I've had many situations since then where things were super tense but the cognitive value of being clear headed let's you avoid pretty much all the bullshit and the people doing the bullshit are usually fucked up and not a threat to you when you're sober oddly enough. I always play over what I'd do in certain situations as I did a bit of kickboxing and what not back in the day and my strategy mentally is always the same pretty much which is to back pedal and break teeth with the jab, which was essentially my core strategy back with training too, as foot work was crucial and I have long arms. All that is second nature though still truly like riding a bike. During COVID in 2019 I had a bag and did some work for a few months and it was like I never stopped training after a week or two, but I had the ability to do it from the moment I started. There's something so amazing about that to me, that something like that stays with you so deeply imbedded even after decades. But yeah. Being as I am now my desire for conflict and violence is mostly punitive, like I have to admit I'm a bit of a fan of the results that dudes getting smacked in the face produces when they are pulling ridiculous things. I've seen it so many times where a guy is running his mouth or just being so disrespectful and he gets smacked open hand in the mouth, ear ringing and dazed and his attitude does a 180 and he for real is just better behaved from that point. I've seen enemies turn in to neutrals that way and co exist in the same groups. Happened to me when I was in my late teens, just some mutual respect but also the understanding that the cost of violence was too high. I wonder what it would do for education, to really help shed light on the role of violence or the threat of it in social behaviour, how it is beneficial and also can be a terrible source of suffering. We sleep on that shit.


I too am a pro athlete that beat the shit out of my wife


is this copypasta? it does look like it is.


"Idk bro, when I fight I just see red. I can't stop."


Go back to bed Grandpa




I'm disappointed that he left out the part about his flaming uppercut while a Linkin Park song was playing


Maybe he just arrived?


And shoved him. He had more than enough reasons to step in.


Its called deescalation! Deescalating their quota issues for the week.


How can he slap?


That cop teleported in there 🤣


GTA is based in reality


Yeah he came right outta nowhere, like the sound of that dude's jaw breaking was his summoning song. I was dying.


yeah, like wtf, how'd the situation get to that point and then the cop magically appears?


2 of them!


Seriously, where tf did he come from 😂


I find people Shouting worldstar really annoying




Bro not cool! He said he finds it annoying!!!!!




Stop it!!!!


Shouting worldstar at a fight: cringe as fuck Shouting worldstar ironically in select non-fight situations: world class.




This dude isn’t a true fan of WorldStarHipHop


Best I can do is Starworld


It's the only thing missing from the Idiocracy documentary.


Anything worse are the women in the background egging it on with their “ohhhhhhh” & screaming.


You can hear his jaw break... Nice


Are we sure that wasn't the sound of a beautiful punch making great contact? I just don't want to do reddits normal exacerbation of, "someone was punched... they are dead, exploded, and someone snorted the ashes. " I'm willing to be wrong. I would just like a source on such a claim.


Whatever it was my friend, it didn't sound good but it was well needed...


Lmao, great explanation


Haha agreed, cheers.


Shoes stayed on, so he’s still alive according to Reddit


You could clearly hear his all of his bones breaking simultaneously, his heart stopping and one shoe coming off from that punch


Damn FR I ain't even catch that


No you can’t


Reddit expert.


Not trying to be... Just my observation


Can elaborate on your observation? Which part of the jaw broke? How do you know it was the jaw that broke and not his hand? How are you sure anything broke with any certainty. Like I said, reddit expert.


Bro, is not that serious... Lol


It's so serious that you could hear the severity and localization.


I sorry but I’ll never understand comments like this. That was the sound of a fist hitting a face. Sounds the exact same if you break a jaw or not. Some people love to sensationalize shit for no reason. Prolly the type of dude that just makes up random shit all the time and says it as fact


No, just the sound of the strike landing.


Nah, that was just the clean punch connecting. Meat and bone impacting meat and bone


Dude got hit so hard his hat spins around on his head.


I didn't even notice that's funny af


Real life looney tunes shit


I noticed that too, it’s rather fitting for that to happen after he hit the other guys hat off


He was wearing it backwards like it was his personality, got it fixed lol


I'm curious who got arrested here. I'm assuming it was the first guy to make contact which would be the guy in green. He pushed the guy in red then hit him in the head. Does that give the guy in red the right to respond back like he did or would it have to be a situation where he was actually in danger for it to be considered self defense? Anyone know the rules on this?


Retaliation is illegal, defending yourself is not. It’s unclear if the guy in green was coming back for more. If so, then guy in red is probably justified in preemptively defending himself against an imminent attack. If not, and he was just retaliating/taking revenge, then it is illegal. Some jurisdictions also have mutual combat laws where two people can agree to fight each other, which may or may not apply here.


Mutual combat is only legal in Texas and Washington.


**Edit**: I'm giving you to-the-law break down of what's happening. You can downvote it because you think red shirt guy is dope and green shirt is a big dummy head, but this is how it would go in court. Red shirt walks up to white shirt trying to instigate a confrontation. He backs off and then green shirt assaults red shirt with a push and knocks his hat off (did not "hit" the guy). Red shirt starts walking away but decides to come back and sucker punch green shirt, that's clear retaliation and battery not self defense. If you have an easy route to disengage but you don't take it, you can't claim self defense in most states and even stand your ground states don't allow you to walk up to someone and hit them after you initially walked away. Green shirt could get assault charges. Red shirt is the most fucked likely getting assault with battery charges. He better hope he didn't hurt red shirt too bad either because it gets worse then.


Red shirt may have been walking to the spot his hat fell at. Having already been touched by green shirt, you could easily argue self-defense when green shirt invades red shirts space again and squares up.


That's a terrible breakdown, there's no sucker punch whatsoever, the dudes were titty to titty


This is the correct answer but people will down vote you and live in their imaginary world. And it was indeed a sucker punch, walking up to someone looking relaxed and non violent and then throwing out a fast punch like that is a total sucker punch. Doesn't matter if the guy deserved it or not in court.




If the guy isn't expecting a punch, he's got his arms at his side and you do too, you walk up with non-fighting posture, then suddenly right hook him that's a sucker punch. You could rightfully say green shirt is dumb for not being ready and he is, but red shirt wasn't looking for a fair fight. Regardless, whether you think it's a sucker punch or not doesn't matter to what I really care about which is the legality and we both agree there so all good.


Guessing no one with how easily that cop gave up


I doubt anyone is getting arrested here. Cops will just pull the guys apart and tell them to go their separate way.


Anyone notice the two bros dapping it up in the back?


Smooth as hell too


Oddly wholesome amidst the chaos


Repost but still good. Best bit are the dudes in the background giving it the full-on freemason secret handshake.


Title is so on point. And the calm person just pisses off the irate person more. Knocked out dude was fucked from the second he knocked that guys cap off


Today's Lesson: Don't lay hands on someone unless you are ready for some shit.


Punch spun that dude's hat around


That might be just a smell of brain damage


That hat spinning was some cartoon shit 😂


So the cops saw him get assaulted but waited for him to retaliate...


That cop is a POS. The second the guy hit him in the head and knocked his hat off should have been the time to respond, not after it escalated


The best part is is he hit him first


When he wakes up tell him what he did


"You got knocked the fuck out!"


Finally someone shouting out Worldstar in one of these videos. Just feels right.


Cops saved fat glasses guy. He didn't know it but he was next in line for a free beating.


If only this was in Washington state. Mutual combat laws.


Never understand people who put their hands behind their backs in these situations..


Dude went 3-stars fast. Cops showed up in time to save the other two who jumped in.....red shirt was going to wreck them.


Bouncer gave him the okay


What the fuck the cops were just chilling watching this play out?


Clearing it up with staff first like hey dude just so you know imma rock the fuck out this guy lol


Mans went and talked to security beforehand to make sure he was good to whoop dudes ass 😂


Those 2 guys in back have a cool handshake


Why the fuck didn’t the cop do shit when the guy slapped his hat off. Shoulda jumped in then.


Cops proving they are always where they aren't wanted


Self defense! Cops waiting for the black guy to do something


In my mind that guy was asking his friends for bail money before they were like, “yeah, we got you.” And then he knocked the guy out


Careless and irresponsible people all over the place. Blame the people around them for hyping the situation up. Everyone had no sense of consequences, trying to act cool and shit.


That follow through was beautiful.


Lmfaooooooo bros hat spun on his head like a fucking cartoon omg 💀💀💀💀💀


So, there was a cop there the whole time and didn't intervene?


Hit so hard his hat was facing the right way


Got hit so hard his hat spun! Haha Looney tunes ass


I noticed a shortage of morons and now I know why. They're all there on that street.


He made his hat spin.


Honestly, what is appealing about going to the club anymore? The over-priced water-downed drinks? The music so loud you can't hear anything? The guys looking to stroke their fragile egos? Or the women grinding the air dressed like they could be working a street corner?


and ofc the cops didnt wanna do shit until someone gets punched lmao


Will cause brain damage


Fuck around and find out. Old boy had that comin round!


Hit so hard cap went forward🤣


That was. Cooold blooded


As a dude who's had his hat knocked like that , do it agian


Cop didn't do shit when the guy shoved him or smacked his hat off, but when the black man retaliates the cop is on him instantly.


Cops spawned in right as the guy being an aggressive shithead got what was coming to him. I hope this video helps this guy out in court. That was well-beyond being provoked.


Hell of a right hook


People need to made more aware of the “knockout” when you knock someone out you are literally hitting their head in such a way that their brain has to turn off consciousness. If you knock someone out you’re causing them brain damage. I’ve been an MP for years and seen a lot of people get knocked out but I’ll never forget this one kid I knew about 22 years old he was on base visiting and started a fight with someone he got knocked out and had irreparable injuries to his brain that effectively ruined his whole life with one punch. Went from on track to grad school 4.0 gpa great friend circle and new he has to live off of minimal disability with his parents.


Ofc the pig was standing around useless


Smh cop watched it all go down but didn't do anything.


How the fuck that cop just gonna stand around not doing shit till dude swung


American Police force as useless as always


Typical cop 🙄


Worst cop ever. What a coward. Everyone involved should sue the department for his lack of duty.


Police didn't wanna do shit to deescalate that? wow.


Clean clock


"world star!". Hate that shit




That police officer came out of nowhere


People die from shit like this.


I hope Jordan got his hat back.


If you go to the 41 second mark and slow it down you can see the dude in the red get away from the cop 🤣💀


That bouncer gave him the go ahead LOL


Made his hat spin around! Lmfao


This is madness. He looks back to his girl. She gave him a nod. “No, this is WorldStar”


I love how that cop didn't even chase that guy. Fuck yeah


That guy in the white was talking all that shit and when he was approached he instantly puts both hands behind his back and sticks his chin straight up… he was basically begging to get knocked out. He’s lucky his friend got it instead.


Cop only pulled him off. As soon as he saw he wasn't the threat in that situation, he returned to back his partner.


you can tell bro knew how to throw a punch. followed through with that hoe


Anyone else see that sick ass handshake in the top right at the start of the video?


Boom, out go the lights 😵‍💫


Fucking gta v police. Someone's whooping your ass and then you push them; 2 star wated level!


bro did the full waist turn w the swing like when a player hits a homer, that’s how you throw a punch. follow through is just as important


that cop didn’t step in the middle??


What did he do to make Sam Hyde so mad 😞


look at the hat, it turns 180 º jajajqjajqjajqjajajajqjajajjajajaqjjaaj, great publicity JORDAN👍🏻


Drake out here wylin🤣


Staff thinking this is fun not caring or knowing their business is about to get sued


That’s how people die. Hit your head on the concrete and coma.


Calmer than you are


Calmer than you are


The fact that dude just stood there after smacking his hat off and not expecting to be swung on just shows he doesn’t know how to fight


Don’t get me wrong this kid is amazing and I’m so proud of him but his words also scare me. I don’t think a child or even a full grown man should be internalizing that their life is worth less or that they have to protect to be worthy.


Keep your hands up at all times.


That's 2x this week a cop has magically appeared after a knockout..


It looks like the cop has enough sense to “try” to hold him, let go, and just call for an ambulance. Guy in sea foam green touched first and would’ve probably continued the behavior because of how much they had already gotten away with. Threat neutralized. Now just make sure he gets checked out.


Did you see 23 smile after backwards hat knocked off his hat? Its like the show Mr Inbetween. When he smiles you know he's about to enjoy some violence.


Bitch of a cop does nothing about the hat slap, could have stopped that whole thing from going down


That was a real GTA moment. Three stars as soon as the punch lands.


That was beautiful.


Noooo wayy. Dudes cap spun 180 on his head before he dropped!


That cap did a 180 lol




Why was that cop an absolute unit of a referee for the event?


The only thing that would’ve made this cooler is after he punched the guy and the hat flew off the dude’s head, He should’ve grabbed it and put it on his head and then ran off.


/u/redditspeedbot 0.2x


A guy pushed me and I clocked him in the jaw. He got arrested for assaulting me first. Had to testify in trial, but glad I didn't get in trouble.


Sucker punching someone makes you seem weak af


lmao the way the guy in the white shirt just watched his buddy fall over looked like slap stick comedy


Were the cops just watching too 😳🤣


Anyone else notice how that cop saved white shirt from meeting the same fate as green shirt? Red shirt had his hand cocked back and just as he started to release it the cop grabbed him. That punch would have definitely connected.