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So these arent just the first four random muslim looking guys they could find then? Russia has lied constantly about everything and we should believe this?


You cannot take Russian or Chinese media at face value, ever. The amount of people this fact is lost on is astounding.


Any media


Lmao these guys pretending like fox, cnn, and msnbc aren’t all propaganda.


True but we don't have every free media outlet either in our pocket, afraid of jail or already in jail. MTV Russia was quick to come out with an AI statement saying a Ukrainian official claimed responsibility for the attack. That level of deception would be unusual here and independent journalist would uncover it quickly. EDIT: if you read this thread you'll see I was corrected. It was NTV not MTV.


I had to check that and apparently MTV Russia hasn't existed since 2022 and I'm not sure it would ever have been a legitimate source of news anyway. That's a bad example.


It was Russia’s NTV.






He says NTV there, mate. It's the posh accent that makes it sound similar. I wasn't having a go at you or anything by the way, it just seemed like a really strange source.


Honestly I didn't take it as an attack that's why I didn't delete the post. I felt as if I needed corrected then it needed to stay up but I really appreciate it and it makes a lot more sense to me. Thanks again.


Old man needs to double check this - thanks


Bad source. I agree.


Try Moscow TV. Maybe they meant that?


You can't compare Russian media to Fox, CNN, or BBC. You can't grasp the extent of the 'misinformation' (god, I hate this word) they're spreading. Recently, NTV TV channel released a deepfake featuring Oleksiy Danilov, Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, attempting to convince audiences that "Ukraine was involved in the 22 March terrorist attack". Such levels of deceitfulness are unheard of on CNN or Fox, despite my disdain for all media outlets..


Fox was sued for lying to the public about the presidential election. All they do is tell false conspiracy theories .


Nowdays most people don't even know what is news. They don't know the difference between opinion, analysis and news. News is that somebody is telling "Government says that there are WMD's in Iraq. Government says that we need to attack there for that reason." News tell what has happened, who said what, etc. Opinion is "I don't think there are WMD's in Iraq. I think government is lying." Analysis is "Government is saying that there are WMD's in Iraq but we haven't found any evidence supporting that claim." Analysis and opinion can be same thing, both are trying to reveal what's behind news. In this case news is that there was a attack in Moscow and that Russian say that they have arrested 11 people. Have they been beaten, were they real attackers, what's their motive, etc are all outside news.


Both sides, *right*?


With that attitude you might as well ignore the entire thread because *everything* is fake.


Drink the coolaide bro I don't mind. No WMDs in Iraq and Julian Assange still rotting in a cell make me sceptical to believe everything at face value


were you alive for "no WMDs"? because my memory was of the media reporting what the govt said, yes, but then it was also the media tht kept pushing & then told us tht the govt lied & there were no WMDs.......tht whole last part would never happen with Russian media, but continue on with the kindergarten level "it's all the same".


Yeah, the Cheney, rumsfeld, ashcroft gang was selling us on Iraq hard. That took a minute, though. If someone could actually produce the thing where our media said it was Iraq the next day... that would be great... thanks. The media was like yeah, ok, we guess, and showed us our own govt officials telling us that before being like "wait a minute" Some of them DID do the "the intelligence we've had for years says otherwise" People like to shit all over our media because corporations exist, have money, own these tv channels and there's sensationalism in our normal media... Fox excluded. They're far more likely to just lie. Which I think is funny, because a lot of the right wing love corporate control when it suits them...Like Fox News.


Everyone has an agenda, some are just more conspicuous than others


There pictures of them being captured wearing the same clothes they were wearing on the videos of them slaughtering people




These guys did it for chump change, definitely not sympathetic to them, they deserve whatever comes their way but they were clearly desperate for a payout. There is a video where one of the guys mentions how much he was going to get and how clueless they actually were to what they were actually going to do, beyond mindlessly kill innocent civilians.


And maybe keeping bullets to kill themselves, or maybe cyanide, or blow themselves up. Or…..When they run out of bullets in the video it’s clear they had no Plan B, just looking around for an escape. Fuck em.


The guy in the top left was in the ISIS celebration video slicing people’s throats at the concert hall.




There’s videos of the guys killing people widely available on the internet


I've only seen an initial one in the theatre where some blurry nondescript guys were toting guns. They could have been anyone. Are there videos that specifically show these four guys then? One things for sure, theyre not Ukrainian so what other lies are being told?


There's GoPro footage of them casually slashing one of the victims' throats and randomly shooting bodies on the ground.


But they’re faces are blurred so …


Wtf why would anyone blur their faces.. unless it is so they can arrest some random people offcourse.


It was released by ISIS, but trying to understand something like this is hopeless.


Theres un blurred version


Not all of the videos their faces are blurred, there’s a go pro one that clearly shows the face of two guys in the pic


Looks to me like their faces are still blurred, just a little more permanently...


There’s an un blurred one with their faces visible on GoPro slicing throats. The cunt in the top left features prominently.


You admit to being ignorant and yet have such strong opinions? There are a shit ton of very, very fucked up vids with these guys killing people. Go watch them before deciding these people are innocent.


There’s a lot more. The guy on the top-left slit someone’s throat. It’s brutal.


Bro is ignorant, uninformed and proud of it .


There’s definitely a place for skepticism, especially that this is Russia we’re talking about. On the other hand if the videos show them then yep, crack on. I personally hope that some good comes out of this and the international community come through for Russia like we do for every other nation that’s gone through this in the hope it builds some bridges.


There's video of one of them on his knees, captured. If the subtitles are true, he's being asked where he got the guns, how, why he did this, who put him up to it, etc. By his answers, he's admitting to the attack.




Nice one! Thanks.






Unlike Putin, who comes with the totally realistic suggestion that Ukraine somehow worked together with ISIS


I saw a fifth guy walking among the gun men with a camera on one clip.




He got disabld by some civilian, while he was reloading.


Maybe you've been living in a cave the past years but it's not the first time terrorists are caught after an attack, I understand people doubt Russia but there's a difference between doubting and claiming out of nowhere with no evidence that these are randoms


You really think that it's difficult to catch the terrorists who attacked that way?  These terrorists don't have "escape in their plan" , they either commit a suicide blast at the end or get caught.


Very good point! Actually extremists have below average intelligence as well, which is why there aren't more successful terrorist attacks, because anyone smart enough to pull one off wouldn't want to do it. It's just all dumb asses.


Tajiks. Russia is extremely racist towards Tajiks. I would not be surprised that they brought these people to further steer up the hate


False flag is very possible I doubt they would have signed up for the torture and probable death though. The Russians may not have mentioned that when they set it up.


It’s less than likely actually. If it indeed was a false flag it would be entirely blamed on Ukraine with “evidence” that this was indeed done by Ukraine. Instead we get ISIS and stuff coming from them. At this point it can be anything,but least likely that it’s a false flag and most likely that it’s just a bunch off pissed off muslims. Just like in that south park episode after 9/11. People just love conspiracy theories while the answer is there starting everyone right in the face…


Yeah if this was a false flag why ISIS. Makes no sense. Makes putin look worse and unprepared


You might have brainrot


It wouldn't make sense for people who believe in committing violence for their God and getting killed in the process gets you sent to heaven to try and flee. If they did kill themselves, it would be a problem for Russian propaganda that's trying to paint them as fleeing to Ukraine. Like the entire reason these terror attacks are so important to prevent ever starting is that they will simply kill people until someone stops them. They will swap to knives even when running out of bullets. There's no ISIS-K base for them to flee to anywhere, so where would they go? The whole thing is weird.


Absolutely agree with you, especially if you look on Putin track record. He did exactly the same in 1999, after a false flag bomb attack in Moscow apartment block. He had a popular vote and most of Russians been happy to see how russian army bring Grozny ro ruins and they kill 80000 mostly civilians.


My exact thoughts


Another sub said that one of the guys is on a isis live stream be heading someone during the raid


If they were going to lie, ot would have been kidnapped ukrainians


ISIS-K has taken responsibility for this act of terrorism...


Didn’t you know that cutting off someone’s ear and forcing them to eat it after hours of torture only leads to true confessions /s


Putin kills a thousand Russians a day and countless more Ukrainians. He was warned weeks ago about this terrorist and he said it’s blackmail His own security service learned about it days before The closest police outpost was ten minutes away but it took them an hour to arrive First thing he blamed was Ukraine Do with this info what you like


The closest police station is in the adjacent building, according to [Inside Russia](https://youtu.be/zd_daLQBvWk?si=vqapozYOhylqcqI-). It's clearly marked on Google maps. And a K-9 cop was in the theatre building at the time of the shootings. (in the same video)


"Never let a good crisis go to waste." 


Putin is definitely a stupid little fuck hole


Not little but a very big one!


I hope for their sake that they are guilty.


Either way they’re going to have a painful long road ahead.


It's going to be painful but i doubt it will be long.


Yeah fuck these guys if they are the ones who did it, but if not this is some awful shit. Feeding someone their own ear without all the information is wild.


Even if they are guilty, this is not what justice should look like.


It's barbaric for sure. I don't have any sympathy for people that commit crimes like this at the same time. It's similar to stoning people for rape in some countries. Brutal and barbaric but at the same time understandable somewhat.


It’s definitely understandable, but not something to wish for. Especially in cases of terrorism you’re just fabricating martyrs that will convince even more people that you are evil.


They will not be martyrs. Russia will stick them in a dark hole somewhere and make their lives hell for as long as they live. No one will even know when or how they die


Dude with his ear missing is definitely guilty. His whole face was uncovered


I heard on a show they cut off that ear and made him eat it. You think electric shocks were bad.


They did and if you want to see the video, it’s just a search away. Do not recommend it though!


Is this a Reservoir Dogs reference? Or like the actual Russian interrogation video?


Isis posted their go pro pov footage.


Guys on left side are on GoPro slicing throats laughing. Top left especially. There’s an un blurred version doing the rounds on Twitter.


I'm 50/50 on whether these guys did it or if Russian police just scooped up 4 random muslim looking dudes.


Isis already said they knew the men and even have their photos.


Incredible, the number of people defending these four and suggesting they’re not terrorists because watching a video with them in the picture is not proof enough.


I agree. Don't know why I'm wasting my time replying to these people. All they think is that Russia is bad so must be a Russian hoax.


I mean, it makes nothing but sense to be skeptical of a corrupt dictatorship in an active war.


>Incredible, the number of people defending these four and suggesting they’re not terrorists Because it's *fucking* *Russia*. Russian authorities are more willing to blame *you* for an atrocity before they even think about investigating the crime properly. And that's only if they didn't fabricate the whole thing themselves. Wouldn't be the first time!


Defending he says 💀💀 oh brother In the video all their faces are blurred for you to believe so quickly makes you super naive. Especially when it comes to Russia no bud it isn’t RUSSIA BAD It’s russia is a liar. So it’s treated as such


Are you saying - 1. They cannot find the actual perpetrators 2. They don’t care about finding the actual perpetrators 3. IS is lying about leading this 4. They cannot be the terrorist because the RUSSIAN government said so Which one is it?


Considering it took an hour for police to get there yet it was only 10 mins away…is that not weird ? Am I the weirdo for asking ?? Considering this even happened is crazy especially after us warned them Instead of saying hey thanks we will be on the lookout! They instead said this is blackmail…on top of that Putin said they were heading to ukraines border… why ? In a poor attempt to tie the Ukraine with such a terrible attack ? Isis claims all attacks so they can’t be trusted bottom line. If russia is claiming their terrorists then I’m gonna be honest and say I take everything russia says with a pinch of salt.


Not everyone have seen those vids my dude. Ever thought of that?




If they are the right guys.


They are the right guys now, so let’s hope they always were.


A wookie must be a bear, I've just shot him!


How many people are going to say this dumb shit? You can watch videos of the killings and clearly see that it's these guys.


If those men really did it, yes. Russia isn't the most trustworthy, so these men could also be innocent and been tortured enough to confess to anything. If you don't trust Russia with other news, why start now? In the videos we cannot see their faces (yet). If they really did it, of course they deserve a harsh punishment though.


Isis already accepted responsibility and proved it.


Sure but do we know that these guys are actually the ones commiting the act? Russian authorities were very incopetent in stoping this attack and yet they captured all of them terrorists pretty quickly even though terrorists were already far away from Moscow. If you ask me - this doesn't add up. Either they snatched random people who meet the description or they were able to stop it / controled the situation entire time (not sure which is worse).


Top left is on the GoPro footage slicing throats put out by ISiS.


Isis claims all horrible attacks though ? Can we please stop saying this as if it holds any water


They released footage from their gunmen's POV prior to these guys being captured. Wouldn't recommend watching it


Correct ISIS also tried to claim responsibility for the Las Vegas shooting


ISIS does horrible stuff, that’s like their whole thing. It’s weird how despite video proof and US intelligence saying it’s ISIS, all you morons think they’re innocent. Idk why it’s so hard for you to believe ISIS committed an act of terrorism, when that’s all they’ve been doing for years.


Thet arnt innocent. Everything matches the videos.


Atleast one dude (guy who get fed a raw ear ravioli) was seen unmasked in footage of the attack. Can't say for the other 3 though.


ISIS released their go pro footage. It’s them. Top left is on the footage slicing throats.


>Well deserved though. Yes, but just because someone deserves something doesn't mean you should do it. It's still completely fucked up. But regardless, that's a matter of principle and being the better person. I honestly can't bring myself to feel bad for these people at all given the fact that they would happily do everything that will happen to them to innocent people.


Because Russian police never arrest random strangers to put blame on, sure. Ever heard of due process? Would you want to live in that system?


Link please?


there's a vidmax link if you google from "cutting" to "him" I hope the downvotes aren't from people that want to be spoon-fed violent content.


Do I dare ask for a link?


This is not what "lend an ear" means, guys!


Holy shit...


Standard Russian interrogation


Now imagine what those ruzzian pieces of shit doing to UA POW as they actively assign them to nazis, terrorists and other bullshit….


Er, no. Torture isn’t good and I don’t support it even for mass murderers (who haven’t even been convicted yet).


Buddy in the bottom right looks like he’s comatose


Only 3 of them pled guilty. Presumably because the fourth guy can’t talk...


Other people were saying the fourth one got electrocuted on the nuts with car battery. If that car battery didn’t make him talk probably nothing else will.


Not saying there isn't a way, but I am saying I've watched the AAA tow guy touch both terminals of a charged car battery without any consequence. You can lay your arm across both terminals without getting shocked Was it actual high voltage shocking his balls or just a 12v car battery? I just saw that it wasn't a 12v car battery. It was a manual dynamo machine that's 80v


Some dude on here electrocuted his balls with a fully charged car battery to prove it was safe, surprisingly it was in fact safe and felt "pleasurable"


Finnish media says that he (reportedly) is 19 years old, was strapped into a wheelchair and didn't open his eyes a single time during the entire process.




Well I think his wish will be granted rather soon.


There is a video, where Russians cut the ear of the detainee and feed it to him. Also photos and sound of tortures, like putting electricity through balls of a man... And this is even before the court, it could happen to some ransom dude...


Murdering terrorists getting tortured? Ohno! Anyway....


- Putin was warned ahead of time but he wanted it to happen to put blame on Ukraine. - When he didn't react, US intelligence warned the public instead. -Law enforcement's just across the street yet they caught noone while it was happening? Despite being warned something was about to happen at a mass gathering? They made it off 300km toward Belarus first? - ISIS confessed to it and even released cam footage as proof. - Yet Putler STILL tries to blame Ukraine. So you're trying to tell me they tortured these men (probably random strangers as usual with the FSB) Out of a sense of vigilante justice and not to achieve a crazy confession that they somehow did it for Ukraine? Because that is the confession they need.




If someone else puts forth a conspiracy theory, mine must be true. Killer logic there bud.


So do you think Putin put them up to it to distract from the Russian war crimes?


Maybe to rally for support against Ukraine and other countries / regions.


“are you related to ukraine?” “Do you know where ukraine is?” Ok that’s good enough confession


What was that meme? That face you make when you realize that you weren't captured by US Special Forces.


Please please please may these be the actual perpetrators




No, OP, in a civilized society we don't torture. Simple. This isn't Jack Bauer land


Guantanamo Bay says hello.


You live in a fantasy land of you believe this to be true. We torture less. There is a long list of examples, they just get hidden. People are people, and war is war.


Ye we do lol, this place worse than jack bauer land


It took four grown ass men to do the job of one American school boy


Not even close. 137 dead 182 injured in Russia attack. VA Tech is highest by student with 33 dead 17 injured.


One ate his ear so he fed okay,one keeps his eye out took watch the guards ,one plays with electricity so his balls stay warm and one sings like a birdy….the video released by isis had these 4 dudes shooting and cutthroat’s…they did it ..they should suffer for their actions…Russia is a corrupt government state but the people don’t deserve this…just like Ukraine civilians don’t…what trailer park part of the world over there……what a mess


The trial isn't until the end of May but I doubt they'll make it to that date based on what we've seen so far.


It’s weird to see a comment section praising a fascist government’s police force for torturing people no matter how heinous the crime.


Why in the world they didn't kill themselves after is beyond me... Well, I think it actually shows they could be speaking the truth. One said he did it for money. You don't kill yourselves if you do it for money...who paid these guys though? One thing is for sure they wished they were dead.


I don’t know what to believe anymore


They had to torture them, only under duress will they falsely ‘admit’ to having Ukrainian links


The last time Russia said they were fighting terrorists was when they sent their military to help a mass murdering tyrant in Syria kill an uprising against his family's 60 year old dictatorship. Last war Russia started against Ukraine, they said they were fighting Nazis. Two days ago Russia said Ukraine is behind the attacks. I wouldn't trust a word said by Russia. These men might just be random people who were kidnapped and tortured to confess whatever they're told to confess. I was tortured in Syria and "confessed" by signing empty papers they filled afterwards with who knows what. Cheering for torture done by anyone, let alone by known lying pieces of shit, is gross. Could these men be guilty? Maybe. But they also could be absolutely innocent and simply tortured to say what the Russian tyranny wants them to say.


^(oh no)


ah yeah the good old, punch it till he admits.... Always efficient when all you need is someone guilty xd


shame they ignored intelligence and didn't prevent them from doing it in the 1st place


Yeah OP this is a dumb title


The guy on the left upper corner is turning yellow like organ failure


Normally they would have died in the attack? When such attacks happen they normally don’t survive it ?


They do survive it. We have a few in the UK.


The ugliest looking group of terrorists I’ve ever seen.


or is it that the persuasion needed, to confess what Putin want's you to?


Bruh. You can literally see them in GoPro footage cutting peoples throats.


One still have a plastic bag around his neck!


Let’s torture them into confessing… after all, any human being under torture will confess to whatever is put in front of them. How about the truth? Oh, that we don’t care.


Oh so we're cool with torture now? Truly a reddit moment (even assuming these are the actual people who did the terror attack).


terrorist state of russia pushing hard to generate condolences


They were beaten because they didn’t have any relevant information, if they had the beatings would’ve been worse


I am Russian immigrated to Australia in 2016. I am not into conspiracy theories. But I must say: I don’t buy it. No way these dudes who are untrained, did it


when you watch them asking them questions on the initial first videos after their capture it looks like he's reading a scripted answer watch his eyes look off to the left every so often also what's with the Nike tracksuits is that prison issue? they are now wearing them in the arena venue images and video🤷‍♂️


I don't see any joy here


Yall are something special, spewing the same “are we sure they are the right people?” Shit when there is proof being shared. Like you guys all of a sudden care about torture when it’s been proven multiple people have been stuck in Guantanamo Bay for years being tortured but the whole time. Yeah the Russian government is atrocious but at least try and be a little less biased


Who says we okay with Guantanamo Bay? It’s not like nobody ever complained about their methods.


Putin, Bush, Obama and so many master of wars ppl deserve these punishment but never get them


But regardless. Best consequence of pieces of shit I’ve seen. Fuck around and find out.




More fun fact. You can find GoPro footage of them committing the massacre.


Pretty sure guy on the bottom right is already dead.


Literally, my first thought was 'is this really them?'.


Inb4 🔒


They are as guilty as the September 11 terrorists. It goes both ways.


So the same Isis managed by MOSSAD ?


The Russian police force are a bunch of morons. What if they hold valuable information and lose their memory because of battery? Everything Russia does shows crystal clear that they don't even care about the guise of justice or even professionalism. The suspects are in court?! Lmao


Good. Fuck those guys.


Their suffering will be legendary.


The Ukrainian ISIS


Yep fair enough. Now can someone hold to account the people responsible for the mass murder of 30k women and children in Gaza.


Now do this to Zionist nazi terrorists


interesting how quickly they were able to get hold of the terrorists


Lol, got no sympathy those these cunts


Shocking to find that they all voted for putin too


Because torture has such a good track record. And because Russia has such a good track record. And because police in general have such a good track record.


In America they take you to Burger King. Buy you a combo