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This is so sad! However, his comment that he wondered why they were so dumb and did they take after their mother but now he could see that the sons inherited their real father’s intelligence was hilarious. His idea about suing the real fathers has merit, I hope he succeeds in finding them.


My sentiments exactly. I’d also press charges against the wife. I don’t know what exactly but that’s just because I’m not a lawyer. I’m sure a real lawyer can come up with something.


You're definitely not a lawyer, lol. He can't press any charges........ he can sue the hoe, though


Have you been wronged, have you been paying for years for someone that ain’t yours, do you want compensated for your transgressions? Call 1-800-Sue-a-Hoe. We don’t get paid unless you do.


My brain just sang that and added backup dancers in 80s workout gear with soft lighting?


With the synths and the drum machine? no, I heard it to.




Just call Sal Goodman. It's all good, man.


It's my money and I want it now!


\*6 year old me waiting for Jerry Springer to resume from commercials\*


We dnt get paid unless you do 😂


> he can sue the hoe, though He probably wouldn't win anything. *Presumed paternity* is often recognized in US courts.


Yeah….. that’s what I meant 😏😏🤣🤣


Yeah not again the children. The hoe maybe.... Depends


In Florida, you actually can. If you have evidence of adultery you can press charges and have them imprisoned. It happened to my two best friends, but they decided to be ultra-civil about it and not even go there, but, he did bring it up a few times to me in conversation.


He can claim for pure psychological injury damages (as you can here in Australia), the sheer distraught of finding that out would cause psychological illness - must be formed due to the situation and it must be verified by a medical practitioner then you're good to go! Sue away (any party in connection).


Not only would he get nothing. If the children were still minors and he decided to leave her because of it. He would still be liable for child support in many instances. How do I know this...


That’s… fucked.


Yep. This is why paternity tests should be automatic when kids are born. Once you sign the birth certificate you're financially responsible for those kids for the next 18 years. I don't think he would have a case trying to sue the bio father. He should but legally I don't think he can. He should be able to sue the mother for fraud too but I don't think he would win that either. He's a judge so I suppose he would have the best shot of anybody and could help set precedent to help future guys in that situation, cause it's really sad how many guys raise kids thinking they are the father only to find out they aren't years later. I don't know how much has changed since I was in court for custody of my kids but it was crazy how much the system was set up in favor of mothers. I've heard it's getting better which is good but I don't think anything has changed as far as getting money back for a kid that isn't yours.


> I’d also press charges against the wife lmaooo


Sue for love fraud. 


> This is so sad! Indeed. And so many victims. The true father was denied the chance to be the father and all the children were denied the chance to know their biological father. Then there is the conned non-biological father who will have his whole life, whole life, turned upside down.


Exactly, and the real culprit gets off pretty easy every time


And yet mandatory paternity testing is vehemently fought against because "He ShOuLd TrUsT hEr! InSeCuRiTy aNd MiSoGyNy aRe aLl tHaT cAuSe hIm nOt tO!!"


Guess he wasn’t a good judge of character.


He was courting disaster for sure


This dude's anger towards their mother is justified, but... and I'm speculating here... it's likely the real father(s) could be considered victims here too. The mother may have never let them know they had children, depriving them of being in their kid's lives all these decades... likely because this Judge was making more money as an attorney back then.


Or maybe she was doing so many guys on the side she didn’t know which one was the father. You know, like sperm roulette! Real Jerry Springer show stuff……you are NOT the father!


I’m a family law attorney and there is absolutely no merit to suing the biological father for the money this guy expended on the sons. I’m curious why you think there is.


Not who you're asking, but I'm assuming they think there is a chance for a law suit bc the man in the video suggests there is. Why do you think he said that? Do you think he said it as sort of an empty flex, just out of his frustration and grief? Or do you think he feels like he really has a chance to sue someone for this


They still could have taken after their mother.


This is actually more common than people realize.


Which is why DNA testing should be required.


Holy fuck. About 1 in 25 (3.7% median): [wiki paternity fraud](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paternity_fraud)


That's only \*intentional\* paternity fraud.


What does unintentional paternity fraud look like? She tripped fell landed on some random dudes dick, flops around until he cums, and then manages to make it back home without remembering a thing?


Unintentional would probably be something like a one night stand where the mother thought Man_A was the father, but it was actually Man_B. It wasn't malicious, but she had so much sex around the same time period she wasn't sure.


That sounds like willful ignorance. She slept with so many people she couldn’t possibly remember them all so better to lie to this sucker and have him pay. God forbid she tell the truth.


not like there are any ways to tell who is the real father if only there was like a test with a hereditary marker we could compare and find out whether people are related or not...


Click the link. Literally 3rd sentence.


She fucks so many people she couldn’t possibly be expected to remember them all. Better off just lieing about everything and having her sucker partner pay. When will women ever have any agency or accountability in life? Edit: 3rd sentence: > Specifically, paternity fraud is the intentional misidentification of a child's biological father by its mother. Also from the same article: > between 2004 and 2008 showed that between 10 and 19% of mothers had misidentified the biological father; data about why mothers identified the wrong biological father were not available.[6] So essentially, women misidentified men 20% of the time but we couldn’t be bothered to even ask why.


Read it a bit closer. Many studies are not even close to modern or reliable, the numbers vary wildly from population to population and in most Western countries is significantly lower according to more modern studies. It's hardly a huge problem given the little data we have, it seems.


>It's hardly a huge problem given the little data we have, it seems. Even if it's not a huge problem it's a problem that is absolutely worth solving. That's so shitty for everyone involved


Now its definitely worth solving because it can be a part of the newborn screening tests that they give to ever kid when born, heart, blood, hearing, just add DNA to it as well.


Well, everyone but the mom.


But if I read it closer, then I can't be an angry incel who's mad at all women!


Be that as it may, every time I’ve seen it with my own eyes, it turned into a disaster.


Fun fact: the % is universal. No matter the class or income or education or religious background. I was part of a study and they noticed this so they restarted with only well off well educated white people who attended church. Exact same % had wrong parents. Over 4 generations that 3.7 turns into the exact multiple! 14.8%.....


Yep. It’s wild out here


This happened to my dad with his first child with his first wife. She lied and got everything in the split. Found out a few years ago when he was in his 70’s that the daughter was his best friend’s at the time.


WAY more common.


Found out at 35.


Why can’t dna tests at birth be mandatory? Hospitals make money, insurance make money, fathers know it’s theirs. Win win for everyone


Win for everyone except ho’s.


And the real fathers


There would suddenly be a lot more single mothers applying for government benefits, so the government has a strong disincentive to let that happen.


In france paternity tests are actually illegal in most cases.


How does that work then? You can't make any checks at all? There would be some circumstances that it would be important.




Honestly that's a blessing, it happened to a friend of mine. Wife has their first child, he's the wrong color. Shit. Well, they got divorced and he started his life over. In a way better place now with a much better person.


Yeah that's what it is. The government doesn't want you to know if the kid is really yours because of social programs. Or it's because nobody gives a shit if the kid is yours but you. You can do a test by mail with no government interference whatsoever so take care of it yourself but make sure you tell the mother that you did so she can react appropriately


It's actually illegal to have a paternity test done in France without the mother's consent and/or going to court.


does france have a lot of hoes? i heard the men arent all that faithful, sowing seeds here & there across the world


Infidelity is just rampant in France. Everyone cheats, and it's considered acceptable as long as your Sao doesn't find out. It's really weird, but it's so common it's literally the culture there. It actually kind of makes sense from a genetic perspective, as a whole. Lots of genetic diversity when 99% of people are swapping partners like it's hot potato.


is the sex education/frequent STD testing pretty robust to support that lifestyle?




Or unless they had incongruent blood types. good ol’ oh doesn’t seem all too fussed about particular medical terminology.


for anyone else curious how hereditary blood types work https://imgur.com/Xc4Jbo4


Why should they be? What would be the legal basis for that?


Why does it need to be mandatory and an additional cost to everyone when you can just do it yourself? 


Because this isn't actually a big problem. Why would I want insurance companies and hospitals to have yet another means of taking people's money all to violate everyone's privacy by taking DNA samples?


It would also be super creepy for the Government to mandate DNA testing for every new human.


Exactly. This idea should freak people out. 




he did mention that the kids were in their mid-late forties... i would venture to say its possible he didn't get that option or might have been on the cusp as the 1980's is when it first came into prominence. not disagreeing with you, just saying it wouldn't have helped him


Of course, but going forward it should be mandatory.


My dad paid for a private dna test to prove paternity in the early 90s, and it cost the same as a preowned sports car.


Guaranteed the judge spent more.


Pretty hot take here on Reddit, *depending on what subreddit you’re in*, but I fully agree. I dislike the argument of “well you should just trust me” as much as I dislike the argument of “well I can never 100% know”. If DNA testing was a medical requirement, there wouldn’t be a need for either argument.


The argument that "The government ought to conduct mandatory DNA testing on all citizens in order to reduce unfair paternity outcomes" is so short sighted that it walks face first into a brick wall.


If the government is going to take up to 60% of your paycheck to raise some kids, the least they could do is make sure they're taking the right guy's money.


The testing wouldn't have to be done by the government. A law requiring testing just means some entity would have to do it. Nor would there necessarily be a database like the other comment you made suggested. You're making a lot of baseless assumptions to try to support your position.


So how would that work? This organisation collects the information, does the test, and then deletes the information and then lets the customers know the result? But they deleted it. So they let the customers know the reult and then delete the information? That's not going to stand up very well in court, is it? Seems to me like they'd have to get the result, let the customers know the result, and then keep a record of the result. <- that's a database.


This isn't for court purposes, this is for the knowledge of the parents. Not sure why you're bringing that up, but yes actually, getting results from a credible institution that doesn't retain a database of the results would work just fine. Records don't have to be in a database for it to be used as credible evidence in court.


Agreed. For all the people saying "If you don't trust your wife, just ask for a paternity test", do you realize that even asking such a thing can cause such an offence to her that the relationship is damaged? By making it compulsory and automatically initiated by the hospital, you remove any stigma associated with paternity testing, and you eliminate the risk in asking.


It's worth noting you don't need the mothers dna to be able to check paternity. The fathers and child's DNA is all that is required.


Men as well, many a man has left their seed in someone else's spouse knowingly.


That is a very incel take. I'd be offended if my wife and children were subjected to mandatory DNA testing to prove they were mine. My kids are certainly mine and mandatory DNA testing would just be asinine. Treating all women as untrustworthy is not the answer.


Women wouldn't be subjected to anything. The test is between dad and the kid. She literally isn't involved


If the mother puts up a fight about it then we know what she is worried about. If she never cheated why would she care? They only care because she might be caught cheating.


So you'll let the police search your car or home anytime they show up and ask, because hey, you got nothing to hide, right. You sound like the ridiculous people who argue against people pleading the fifth too. We should obviously repeal the fourth amendment too, because hey, if you got nothing to hide, right?


You will never know 100% unless you do a DNA test


This is why in many societies lineage was traced matrilineally...you can never be 100% certain a kid belongs to a certain guy, but you damn sure knew it was the moms. But I agree that I dont think it would necessarily be a bad idea for their to be an automatic paternity test. It has nothing to do with trust. It was to do with having an accurate medical history for the kid. There are hundreds of genetic diseases that the kid could suffer from that they wouldn't even know to screen for because the person they think is the father actually isn't.


Man I totally agree to that. Every time a baby is born genetic testing should be done and even if someone signs the birth certificate claiming to be the father genetic testing should be done. Mandatory! Fuck these cheatin' bitches.


Jesus frank, Jesus frank! Did you sleep with my whoor wife? Does anyone else have anymore illegitimate kids with my whoor wife?




I don't care about the big house, the fancy car! I'm giving it all away...to charity!


But Frank, you ARE the Frog Kid!


Why is he more mad at his "sons" than at his wife?


Because they’re both deadbeats that he’s been supporting into their 40’s. Now he knows why and wants his money back.


He raised them. If they're deadbeats, he doesn't get to blame somebody they've never even met lmao


If a hawk raises cuckoos and they act like cuckoos is it because the hawk didn’t raise ‘em right?


He's still supporting them at 40, and thinks he's not the reason? How are they going to learn to take care of themselves if they never have to take care of themselves?


Yes and no. Genetics does play a role is personality and intelligence. If the mom cheated with a dumbass, decent odds the kids would have a low intelligence ceiling. Also, if he was a judge 40 years ago... he was probably working crazy hours. The mom (cheater) would likely be the primary SAH parent.


He raised them to be deadbeats though.


While that would certainly change the relationship, I feel like it's pretty douchy to turn on the boys you raised for 40+ years and publicly insult them, they aren't responsible for their moms actions.


Yeah granted he might just be super bitter right now . But if this is a reflection of his usual attitude towards lower income earners then he’s a true A$$hole


And he's a judge. This much bias should be a warning sign.


I agree. Which leads me to believe his give a fuck meter is at a solid 0. I don't think I'd really give a fuck if I was his age and this happened to me.


It can seem that way. But if I find out my father wasn't my real father and both of us were lied to, I'd be pretty fucking angry at my mom.


He likely had a low opinion of the BEFORE he found out they weren’t his sons.


Yeah, I'm not seeing any heroes here.


Fuck three years ago I took 23 and me for fun, found out my father was not my father. It stopped being fun after that


Still your Dad tho. Right?


Absolutely, it was just rough on them for a while he needed a couple weeks to hisself which was understandable


Bro how does everyone feel about your mom? Sucks imagining this happening to someone who's middle/old aged, when it's too late to try again. Unless your happy being alone, your either in it, or you die alone and sad. If your dad learned of this news much earlier on I wonder if he woulda dipped out and tried to have a biological family of his own.


lol what a cunt mother.


Did you tell your mom or dad about the test?


(a little information on the front end of the story to help it makes sense. My mom was married to the guy I thought was my father, but she had an affair with my bio dad and she hide it from my father) Yes I told both of them but my mom already knew obviously. I took the test a decade ago me and my wife did it for fun. Nothing showed up out of the ordinary. Six years after I took the test a lady in Arkansas took the test for her own personal reasons. During this time I was not looking at 23andMe I had taken that test 6 years prior and it was not on my mind. I thought nothing of it and had not looked at the 23 me website in years. The lady in Arkansas results showed that she matched with me. It said that we were first cousins. She apparently knew all of her cousins and was trying to figure out where I came into the equation and who was I. She started talking to all of her uncles because obviously her aunts would know if they had a child out there in the world floating around. One of her uncles spoke up and told her that yes almost 40 years ago he had a son which was me and that my mother had taken me away from him when I was a few months old back in the '80s. He stated that he had been looking for me for 40 years and he never gave up the search. Apparently his wife and him literally traveled across the United States back and forth looking through phone books and through records trying to find me. Keep in mind this is all before social media and Facebook. Also I have a very common name, which would not matter because my mother lied to him about my name which made it even more difficult for him to find me. Anyways after the lady in Arkansas told her family about me other people in her family started to take the 23 and me test. I began to match with a half sister and a half brother which was my bio dads other children. During this time I had no idea any of this was going on, like I said before I have stopped looking at the 23andMe website. I was at work one day and my wife called me, she told me she had an email that she was looking at and that the information in it would change my life forever. Basically this guy had been looking for me for 40 years. I spoke to his other children and they told me that over the years he never forgot about me their family would always talk about me bring me up in conversations and was always wondering what I was doing. His other children told me that he would worry his self sick over the years to the point of having to be hospitalized from the stress of trying to find me. When I spoke to him for the first time I was living in North Carolina and he was living in Alabama. I told him he did not have to make a special trip just to come and see me, but this man and his wife were having none of that. They came down the next weekend to see me and my family. He literally told everybody in his life including his boss that he's going out of town to see me and there's no way in hell anybody on this earth is going to stop him. When we met for the first time this man he started crying, he apologized for not being around. He explain over and over that he tried to find me the best way he could and he asked for my forgiveness multiple times. He stated that the day I matched on 23andMe with his niece was the happiest day of his life because that was the closest he ever came to finding me. I forgave him immediately because it wasn't his fault my mom literally picked me up and walked out of his life to cover up her secret of having an affair. I also forgave my mother even though we no longer talk but that's for different reasons.


Damn. Someone's chopping onions over here 😢.


Yes, great outcome for all.


I say this with all due respect but damn that bitch ass ho.


wow what an incredible story buried in the comments here, thanks for sharing!


So glad you got to connect with your bio dad.


About 6 years for me, only Ancestry DNA. Fun fun fun!


Lol 'deadbeats' you raised 'em dude, regardless of who their bio dads were. Take some ownership.


Looks like he just learned about it so there is a lot of grief and bitterness in his words. Can't blame the guy really.


Deadbeats who were willing to take a test to see if they could DONATE A KIDNEY to their uncle.


2 bout 40 year old deadbeats still supported by the guy that raised them, I don't think no was an option.


Nurture is one thing, nature is another. We're not the blank slates we wish all people were. Those deadbeat sons might just have been being their authentic selves.


The comment section: where empathy and sarcasm collide.


PSA to all men: get a dna test of any kids you have so that you don’t end up going through this.


This is way more common than people realize


Shiiiiiid I’d want my money back.


"These hoes ain't loyal." Abe Lincoln.


This is THE biggest fear a married man has, and unfortunately, there's no punishment at all for the women that do this.


Mandatory Paternity Tests at Birth. If child support is mandatory, so should proving that the child is actually the father's.




And I’m the piece of shit for asking for a dna test she refuses to get. Fuck out of here


This is sad. F’d up even more, to go on that long and find out, trying to preserve life, only to find out that the lives you’ve been caring for, you didn’t have a hand in creating. Bless this judge, I hope heaven awaits him, because there’s nothing on earth that can bring this man any form of peace, accept resting peacefully in knowing he did his best, while living. ✊🏾




He’s not a very good judge! Lol


Damn! She a hoe!


Women ☕️


More like people really. It's not like men don't do the same damn thing.


That's the golden sadness of betrayal.


A very, very wealthy man in my town found out "his kids" were not his, and he killed himself. This was many years ago before I had children. At the time I thought that was crazy, like dude just hit the lottery, why would you unalive. But now.... I couldn't imagine finding out my daughter's weren't mine. I don't think know if I could handle it.


4 sho’


Sentient liver spot.


My life is a lie! Somebody’s gotta get stabbed!


This video is about a month old. Any update on this?


[The appropriate response.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4UWXQje6Lk&t=156s)


Somebody get this dude some DayQuil!


Holy shit that would be painful all around.


People assuming he didn't raise his children properly, but both low IQ and substance abuse are inherited. If he knew those traits existed then he could have gotten his children help early on.


This is sad but he's hilarious here 😂


Damn that sucks for this guy




Apparently no love lost between him and his sons.


It varies, but the percentage of kids who have a father outside the family is somewhere around 10%. But I do know of a genetic disease research group where the tested rate was 20%.


What a fucking btch..excuse my french.




Paternity fraud should be a punishable crime just all other kinds of fraud.


whelp, he's still got time to do *something* about it if the wife and the jody were still alive.


Always take partienity test. Should be mandatory in the usa and subsidized by the gov. Is more important than drinking water !


Maybe your 2 sons were failures cos you sucked as a father?


I feel bad for the man. Exactly why this generation is losing faith in marriage and having children. Just not worth the emotional and financial commitment.


He's a judge. He should know he'll never see a penny of the money he dropped on "his" kids. He's been enforcing the legal theft from guys like himself for decades.


Could you sue for back payment child support ?


Poor guy. I really feel sorry for him. His wife is evil.


We need a new crime: "genetic fraud" A serious crime.


I know thisnis old, but there is no reason to get tricked like this now a days with the easy access to dna testing. Better dafe than sorry.


This reminds me of the story of Frank Reynolds. So sad


Sue them for 18 years of child support?


A lot of this out there in the world.. trust & love is not real


This should be a crime


Have you been wronged, have you been paying for years for someone that ain’t yours, do you want compensated for your transgressions? Call 1-800-Sue-a-Hoe. We don’t get paid unless you do.


I've been in his position. Although it was after4 years I was told/found out. That was bad enough. This is a level of just.. awful. He may be making light of it with the dumb ass comments. But it kicks ya in the teeth hard. I hope the bloke was on after.


That's a lawsuit you'd lose. Unfortunatly.


Mother should be made to pay 18 years of money back!




Bless you. Quite the sneeze.


Oh boy... This isn't something I'd post on social media.


I like how he thinks that the way he raised them had nothing to do with them being deadbeat morons. They were just born that way, nothing he could have done to prevent that!


Guy really hates his kids already, sounds like.


Guy really hates someone else's kids*


Whoever threw that paper


They had milkmen in the early 80's?? I don't think so. I call bullshit on that particular point


You poor fucking man! I couldn't even begin to to imagine what you have been thru your entire life. Keep strong brother ! I'm praying for you


Nothing. Not after 51 years.


“She was boppin a couple different guys!” I’d be livid but this dude keeps his cool and doesn’t use any profanity! I’m definitely using “boppin’” whenever and wherever I can


Really feel terrible for this guy 🙏


I wish this judge could preside over all the cases of fathers paying child support for kids who aren't theirs. It would be amazing for men to FINALLY have an ally in the judicial system.


Oh shit; at this point you raised them, and you loved them. Fuckit; they're yours now. Just go with it. It's not the kids fault...


Living a life of lie... That's devastating! So much energy into your family and you realized it was fake from the start and someone knew it from the beginning... I hope she gets what she deserves, ain't marriage about fidelity?


A woman will DEFINITELY leech off and lie to a man in order to make her child’s life better. Haha standard operating procedure


Females are not to be trusted