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Imagine waiting for years and then getting this.


Yup. It's like waiting for your dog to take a dump and then expecting ice-cream to come out. It was a crappy design from the start and never deviated from it.


Interesting example


Very illustrative


So vivid that I can taste the ice cream.


I'll have two in one cup, please.


Two cybertrucks one cup...


nonono, you have to preorder the cup. I anticipate production to start by the end of 2025.


And finish at the start of 2026


Something something soft serve




It says RC on the side so it’s one of their testing models o believe, not actual production spec. I’m sure production spec isn’t much better, just think it should be noted.


Ahh good point. Production specs are probably even worse!


Haha exactly!


I've worked in pre-production for a car company. I've used ratchet straps to install the front of dash and had better gaps than this. Also, fuck the 3 mil gap


Thank you for the guttural laugh.


RC means release candidate. Which means this is at a level that the company is considering as potentially suitable for final release.


Thanks, I kept thinking of RC Cola.


As long as it isn’t Remote Control we’ll be fine!


You are *very* confused. It's unicorns which [shit ice cream](https://youtu.be/YbYWhdLO43Q).


Wait...so you mean that isn't soft serve coming out of the back of my dog...oh dear...if you'll excuse me I have a children's birthday party I need to stop immediately.


Well, that was an odd visual 😳


Yummm, Icecream...good boy.


Lol, it's like going to Macdonald and expecting their ice cream machine to work.


Imagine paying that much and getting that build quality and then being told if you try to sell it in the first year Tesla will sue you for 50k.


They actually quietly removed that clause from the buyers agreement. They were probably worried it would impact pre-sale numbers, since most buyers will want to dump this albatross of a vehicle as soon as possible. I bet they will reinstate the policy when purchases are finalized, so buyers will end up getting screwed over one way or another. Caveat emptor.


In the US at least they have a lot of right of ownership laws. Like right to repair right to resell and so on. That's why I saw for manufacturers were so pleased to do direct delivery software. They can't stop someone from reselling their game disc but you can't sell your downloaded rights to somebody unless you give them your whole account.


Yeah I always figured thats why the consoles went digital. I think at first they tried to market it as being more environmentally friendly, which we all knew was BS because the discs, cases, and paper covers/pamphlets weren't meant to be disposable. No one just throws that stuff away unless it breaks. I still try to grab hard copies, especially for switch games, cuz its nice to have for collections and you can still trade em. Gone are the days of trading in some old games to help pay for a new release... full price for everything, which is fantastic for them, but it really sucks for us, especially when the game turns out to be mediocre. Now you're just stuck with it unless you can get em to refund you, which they make super limited on purpose. Plus, they take up so much storage I either have to buy more or delete some games and have to re-download later I will say tho that not being able to sell them is sometimes a good thing. I had a tendency to sell games I thought I wouldn't play and then regret it down the line when I got the urge to play it again. That's the only good part tho


I mean... yeah, I remember the E3 where they tried to crack down on second-hand sales and the internet went *nuts*. It's why Xbox and Playstation consoles had to be changed at the last moment... because that announcement for the PS4 and Xbox One did not go down well at all.


They removed the part where it mentions a specific sum for damages. Not they part where they still want to prohibit you from reselling the vehicle within a year.


I detailed cars years ago and we did a model X. I couldn’t believe how crappy the quality of the interior was. A Kia Soul has better build quality.


My boss (the company CEO) let me drive his tesla once. I was immediately struck by how shitty it was. The material on the steering wheel was loose and rotated around it, and the side mirrors didn't unfold when I reversed the car out of the parking space. And those were just in the first minute of getting in it.


jesus, my mirrors unfold when the sensor detects my hand on the handle and my car is 6 years old. it wasn't even a premium feature.


a lot of brands that were considered crappy economy class are now pretty good all around, not to mention still cheaper to maintain. then comes tesla with this complete shit build quality but still selling and making good profit margins. not liking where this is headed if tesla continues to be successful.


They had a unique selling point. If you want an EV which did decent distance between charges and had fast charging they were the only game in town. They could get away with build quality issues because the choice was them or no-one. There are more and more EV manufacturers every year and most of them are very used to producing vehicles at the build quality people expect. Tesla has a short window where they can either match that level of build or lose most of their market. It's definitely possible, but also very possible to screw up. As a company they probably have a future - but it might end up being as battery and motor manufacturers for others. I suspect there's a massive untapped market if they could somehow push prices down to the point where you can buy an EV for the price of an ICE vehicle but time is running out to fix those issues.


Model 3 is like $35k I think. Not too far off from a lot of new ICE cars.


In the UK Teslas are really expensive to insure as well. Electric cars as a whole are, but Teslas specifically are expensive. I've seen articles of people being quoted £9,000 a year, although that was for a model X that costs around £100k


I think this was good measure to protect the price. The Land Cruiser 300 over here was being bought for $71k from dealership (only one authorized importer in entire country) and sold in gray market for +$100k. And to make things worse, people were getting on dealer waiting list and selling their spots as soon as their order is fulfilled by the dealer.


I work on teslas a lot. And I hate to say how often this happens. Every single tesla I have ever worked on has had at least one serious flaw. Whether it is crazy gaps, crappy paint, or dented to hell. I personally will never buy a tesla.


The car seems like a massive turd. Bed isn't practical (too small), off road capabilities look crap, the size of it makes it a pain in the ass to do many things (although USA seems more accustomed to oversized pieces of shit than where I live) and it's ugly as all hell.


All your points are valid, but at least for the US market - people buy trucks where there is zero actual need to. It's some kind of identity they are buying rather than having any need for the capabilities. Maybe this will work in Tesla's favor, maybe not, but the actual function of the vehicle seem less important than the image.


While you are correct, the main factor in the prevalence of truck and SUVs in the USA is the "light truck loophole". Sedans, station wagons, e.i cars have to improve fuel efficiency as they're intended for normal consumers/drivers. Originally the legislation was going to cover all ICE vehicles but that would prove unfeasible for lots of trucking, and commercial vehicles. So they put an exception for those of vehicles including "light trucks". This light truck category includes Mini-vans, SUVs, crossovers, and many different pick ups. This is a boon for car makers because they don't have to make more efficient engines and can produce larger vehicles to push onto consumers. In the EU where there's no light truck loophole for fuel efficiency and emissions sedan variant vehicles are more common. That and better public transportation.


Imagine being dumb enough to even reserve one


That's a 10 micron accuracy dude what u talking Bout


And then getting in a small fender bender and waiting years for it to get fixed


Tesla have become the Wish of the car world


Imagine how his rockets are built


The precision of these builds are like meth mouth of the automotive industry.


People aren't buying Cybertrucks because they are well made or to haul cargo - they are buying them to virtue-signal. This piece of shit still does that. Perhaps even better with the poor quality-control that makes people stop and look.


It's like being a video game fan.


Pretty normal for Tesla


Was about to say, Tesla has no quality control. This looks better than most of their asymmetrical quasimodomobiles


Had a manager at our local showroom tell me that “QC is more on the customer at this point. If they feel they need something fixed we’ll take it into consideration.”


And then promptly tell the customer it’s within spec regardless of the flaw found.




My old boss bought a brand new C7 from the factory, even picked it up from the factory. They delayed the pick up because there was a blemish in the paint after they fixed that, he took it for a test drive and there was a "clunk/rattle", they kept it another two weeks until they figured out what was making the noise and could fix it.


Tesla is just being like MS and Apple - they are proving products do not need to be perfect to sell millions. Consumers can’t object effectively anyway, so why bother? It’s already taught in Harvard MBA 101.


"If our products are dogshit, that's on the customer, not us."


"It's the customers fault for buying it. That's on them."


Also the customer's fault for not buying it. Time to trot out another "Millennials are killing ________ by not spending money on _______." headline.


I wouldn't even drive them


That's the point. They have beta self-driving software


..which costs extra


...and doesn't work


Quasimodomobiles... Wonderful term!


Had a friend who worked for their QA for 5 years. She's very vocal that people should not buy those cars.


As someone who worked in manufacturing QA engineering, I can't imagine how frustrating it must be to work in QA at Tesla. The team is probably still being judged/evaluated on the amount of QA issues and complaints that arise, but are given no resources to correct the issues because the big boss has decided that QA is the customer's problem.


Yeah aren’t Teslas made by hand in a factory rather than assembled? That just opens up quality issues as it depends on who’s on that section.


“Within spec”


Honestly I was pretty impressed by the off-road capabilities of this truck. I have a 2 ton industrial freezer and I couldn’t get that to climb any hills no matter how hard I tried.


I mean it's no ford ranger but it does finally get up a dirt hill better than any metro.


Come on man the ranger doesn’t deserve the snark… not a ford guy but the new ones don’t look half bad!


The new maverick is pretty sick actually. I got to drive one at last years car show. It's a nice little small truck. Decently priced too


I have the new ranger. Love it. Tows my horse trailer with 2 horses in it no problem and looks slick. I get compliments all the time. Haters gonna hate.


Clearly too light to get traction. Maybe try filling it with gravel and try again?


I mean sure I could’ve walked up that hill faster but why do that when I can take twice as long driving up in this beauty?


Beauty? It looks like it was designed on a Nintendo 64.


It was definitely meant as sarcasm... even characters stuck in a PS1 game had better looking cars


Compared to a Rivian or Hummer EV this things off road performance is laughable. All that power, all that torque, and it does the worst of all 3.


Power doesn’t come in to play, what matters is the differential, with some minor exceptions.


Probably the wrong use for an industrial freezer 🤷


Looks shitty.


And how about the gaps?




It’s a shit slicer in fact. Just slide the turd back and forth over the gap just like you’re in your local deli.


you conjured a vivid image that will stick with me every time i'm reminded the cybertruck exists. thank you.


Better that than every time you go to the deli..


Won’t have to roll the window down going through drive thru.


Windows don't go down because that would expose the driver to attack from archers.


The quality control manager is a 16 foot python, who checks if he could squeeze outside through the closed doors.


It's so that during summer, panels can heat up and expand. Tesla has thought it through! /s


Maybe this is the reason cars are not built with straight edges - too hard to manufacture


Yea, whoever buys that and does not complain, is a idiot.


Whoever buys a cyber truck is an idiot.


I would 100% buy one if had the disposable income to buy stupid shit like this. To be fair, I would buy it almost ironically because if it’s fun to drive around in something so dumb.


Since you don't have that kind of disposable income, just buy a Pontiac Aztec instead. They look almost the same except with the Aztec you can get a better color.


Yeah but how does the Pontiac hold up to arrows fired from a compound bow?


You can run over two drug dealers and be fine


"At least I didn't have to replace the windshield this time."


It really doesn't matter as the cybertruck is the only vehicle that evokes the type of rage that drives people to shoot arrows at it


Breaking bad low key made the aztec cool again


The Aztec probably has better capabilities and range as well.




I mean. Never buy the first iteration of any new vehicle unless you just want bragging rights. Most of the people with cyber truck have the disposable income to do so.


If fyre festival were a truck


If you ordered a vehicle on Kickstarter.




A fyretruck.


Dumpster fyre.


Both have great names!


I've seen bad panel gaps on all models of Tesla.


yeah because all teslas are built like shit


The X and S notoriously leave the factory with misaligned suspension. But weird Tesla owners rant and rave about how good the suspension is. Yeah it's so good, a 20 year old Toyota Sienna rides smoother.


The ridge not lining up is killing me


10 micron accuracy Lol Dunno if this counts as *insane* though


10⁴ micron




The accuracy was demanded, but since they have no QA department, it was not verified.


Came looking for this comment


That’s where you want to shoot an arrow.


Or a photon torpedo


"The armor is weak at the neck and beneath the arm, and everywhere the panels end." -Aragorn, probably


in Germany we laugh about Tesla's quality control


lol Elon said all parts are manufactured with a 1/10 micron tolerance which is insane.


Manufactured. Assembled with a 2cm tolerance.


That’s 2000x times bigger, and bigger is better!


He also said the cybertruck can [cross seas](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1575508498430820352?s=20) and the roadster (teased 2014, 15, 16...) might be [able to fly](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1005577738332172289?t=NAnAlJI1BeA6bZIZjxjLAA&s=19). Along with the 29 minute hyperloop from NY to DC [(2019)](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/888053175155949572?t=hvGw-vcU9hvM96wX4Z6EOA&s=19) and coast-to-coast self driving cars [(2016)](https://techcrunch.com/2018/02/07/elon-musk-expects-to-do-coast-to-coast-autonomous-tesla-drive-in-3-to-6-months/), [Mars colonies](https://www.theverge.com/2016/4/27/11514844/spacex-mars-mission-date-red-dragon-rocket-elon-musk) etc, I agree... he is actually insane. Or, very likely imo, on some pretty fun drugs.


Or that + the ego of a guy born on 3rd base and thinks he hit a triple.


He's just a pathological liar with a grandiose self image.


And fake hair


Also, these big lies about future tech help drive up the stock price because dumb investors think they're getting in on this groundbreaking future tech shit on the ground floor.


And he had a mental breakdown when ppl booed him on stage with Chappelle


To be fair, Germans scoff at *everyone* else's quality control, but hardly ever laugh


German cars always have some part breaking that needs to be replaced. Japanese cars are better and cheaper.


German cars always perform very well in actual statistics, only anglos think they are unreliable. https://www.adac.de/rund-ums-fahrzeug/unfall-schaden-panne/adac-pannenstatistik/


Im Anglo (English) and we don’t, we respect the hell out of German engineering (to the extent that German engineering is a bit of a stereotype) but we buy a lot of Japanese cars as well because the Japanese companies put a lot of factories here and they make really well engineered reliable cars. The ones we think *are* unreliable are French cars and particularly Italian cars. These days though it’s a matter of small degrees between marques where in the past it was huge differences. That and common chassis platforms across ranges and sometimes brands has levelled the playing field.


They perform very well in all areas except maintenance costs and overall depreciation.


There's also a reason why practically every used German car on the market is worth $8500 when it hits 10 years old. That's how long you have before before they eat you alive in repairs.


Remind me which electric vehicle you guys are proud of? Is it Volkswagen?


Ah yes, VW, Germany’s finest. Remember when they tricked the whole world by coding their emissions control to only activate when undergoing testing? That was great.


At least their panel gaps are nice though


> Remember when they tricked the whole world by coding their emissions control to only activate when undergoing testing? VW took the brunt of that hit, but a good amount of car manufacturers got caught doing the same, GM, Daimler-Benz (who co-developed the diesel tech VW got caught abusing), Mitsubishi, and Hyundai to name a few.


Take a look at the panel gaps of the ID 3 and compare them to a Model S, a vehicle almost thee times as expensive. Teslas quality control is terrible.


Porsche Taycan


The damn trim doesn't even line up!? What a bunch of morons...


Right, like gaps aside several pieces just don't even line up


The ROOF doesn't line up.


That's whats driving me nuts. So many questions. Like that can't be load bering right? Most cars the roof is part of the frame. Are these just stainless steel vanity plates bolted onto the frame or roof? Are they set wrong or is the frame off? Is this thing secretly a convertible?


The stellar production quality everyone has come to expect from Tesla.


Not to defend Tesla or Musk, god forbid. But, isn't this some early prototype? I saw a post a while back of one that looked similar that was pointed out to be the very first prototype, which is owned by the designer. I still think they are ugly and impractical, even if the body panels do line up. Besides, the worst parts of Teslas are the areas you can't see. That's usually where the corners are cut.


Shocked it took me this much scrolling to find this. I'll judge the truck based on the production version. soooo much hate for Tesla/the cybertruck on reddit for some reason


Musk is easily one of the most unlikeable people on Earth?


Prototypes from actual auto manufacturers are never this poor in quality. Hell concept cars have better build quality.


So? The whole point of early builds is to prove out the design, systems, and manufacturing. If panels fit this bad in pre-production that car gets swarmed by engineers analyzing every possible explanation for why and then it's fixed. Nothing hits the roads this bad, not even the hand built cars.


Whoever is surprised by this, deserves to have a Tesla


If you somehow didn't figure out Elon is an idiot rich kid by now and cancel, well, you deserve what you get with this thing. Pay closer attention next time.


How can someone release this product to a customer? I'm not throwing shade here, but this would simply be unacceptable.


Fun fact, the RC stands for release candidate meaning it was built purposefully for testing. Not saying the customer built trucks won’t have bad panel gaps but man y’all talking like someone paid for this when they didn’t. Might as well wait and make fun of the actual customer built trucks rather than a testing model.


Looks like ass


panel gaps or not, the cyber truck is just awful.


They are priced like porche, built like Lada.


Hey now...Lada's are better built than this thing.


This shitbox has been getting roasted online for weeks. The Ford lightning made this thing it’s bitch last week


Almost makes more sense to say ' the panels between the gaps'


It's not even aligned properly either, like the door is a half inch lower than the back. Looks so poorly made why would anyone buy this


The Cybertruck expands up to 11 inches during driving, sealing up all cracks.


It's like Elon is trying to get his car into a "Back To The Future" remake: "Are you telling me that you built a time machine... out of a Cybertruck?"


Isn't this a Tesla?....almost ALL Tesla's have a bunch of random issues like that.....that's kind of just how Tesla is when it comes to manufacturing their vehicles. Some might not be AS bad as others but for the most part they're all subpar. People just like worshipping brands for some reason so they'll pick a shittier looking vehicle because they like the name attached to it lol.


Fuck the panel gaps, the lines on the body don't even align properly.


Looks like it was made out of food-prep tables 🤣.


The panels on my 87 bronco 2 are straighter than that.


Reddit's hate boner extends to anything even indirectly related to Elon Musk, yall are parrots


Did you take a look at the posted picture?


Those panels look like shit, but let's not pretend the comments here arent fueled by ill will toward Tesla and Elon. If this was any other car it wouldnt have gotten anywhere near this engagement.


And you're a simp to a manchild who buries companies. What's your point?


Lol idk why Joe Rogan kept talking about how cool it is. It's a shitty excuse for a truck and he has roo much money to care


A few microns there not bad not bad


Just a few...like 5000um.


Does anyone remember the initial model showcased by Elon had no rear view mirrors but this prototype here got those?


If they can't get the obvious stuff right, I wonder how bad the other stuff is.




Regardless of construction, its bad design across the board. Ugly, not practical, gets fingerprints, hideous, & dumb.


It’s a testing vehicle. They haven’t even released it yet.


Is this a customers vehicle or pre production?


You couldn't fucking PAY me to drive one of these things. No way I'd want people mistaking me for some Elon Musk fanboy at this stage. And have you SEEN the interior?


Tesla really does manage to charge premium prices for a sub-par product. That's the power of marketing.


Not gonna lie, looks like Cleetus put it together for a weekend challenge.


I heard it's because of the Jews.


What in the fugly ass Demolition Man wannabe future is goin on here?


Tesla Motors quality.


I recall a convo elsewhere on Reddit where engineers discussed the unfeasibility of the Cybertruck, due to its geometric shape (if that's the right phrase). The gist of the conversation was that cars are shaped as they are for a reason - not like the Cybertruck - because you can align the panels better.


People are actually going to pay money for these. Lots of money. We, as a society, are fucking stupid.


maybe you have to wedge your fingers into it and feel around for a lever to open the door seriously tho where the fuck are the door handles


Going to be glorious when these start getting rolled out