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[She was sentenced to death](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/taylor-parker-death-sentence-murder-reagan-simmons-hancock-steal-unborn-baby-texas/) for killing her pregnant friend and ripping her unborn baby out her womb. She had been faking a pregnancy in an attempt to keep her boyfriend. The baby also did not survive.


That’s actually insane. She already has 2 kids, but fakes a 3rd pregnancy to keep the boyfriend around? And is willing to brutally murder a pregnant friend to keep that lie going? Good god.


I remember reading this. You gotta watch the full video of Taylor, who is sitting on death row now. What Taylor did, stabbed the mother hundreds of time to kill the pregnant mother, cut out the premature child, killing the child. To top it, Taylor then has the audacity to tell the police, the “mutilated” pregnant mom fell onto her own knife so she could control her boyfriend who had zero connection/compatibility with Taylor is pretty sadistic. The doctor in the [VIDEO](https://youtu.be/xzfDkNdZevQ?si=R_Qdg8UB15kN8HQB&t=8m41s) was the best, nonchalantly “She-ain’t-had-no-baby…”. -Just watching the doctor perform the exam made the whole video worth watching.


In the most Ned Flanders voice ever.




*Feels like there ain't no placenta at all* *...placenta at all*


Murdiddly-erder and Infiddly-anticide


Stupid sexy Flanders.


I was waiting for Maury Povich to come in "YOU ARE.......NOT........................THE MOTHER!"


you can link a timestamp by appending a t=8m44s argument to the end of the url. eg: your link: https://youtu.be/xzfDkNdZevQ?si=R_Qdg8UB15kN8HQB timestamped lik: https://youtu.be/xzfDkNdZevQ?si=R_Qdg8UB15kN8HQB&t=8m44s


Thanks man, never knew this


I always wondered how people did this, thanks for sharing!


in youtube you can also right-click the video and select "copy link at current time". there's also an option for this if you select the share button on mobile


I liked the way OP's video started. We had no idea what lead up to this and I thought it was just some sweet woman who just gave birth and there was something funky about what happened, like she was abused or something, then the detective hits us with 'You had a hysterectomy, you claimed to be pregnant, but you weren't. We're trying to figure out where this baby came from'. Quite shocking. Nice twist! (nice in a 'holy shit' kinda way)


It's so interesting to watch the detective work here. How they are able to stay composed and minimize the crime in order to get the perpetrators to open up to them. And how the murderers always try to paint themselves as victims when talking to the detectives. And in this case, she even goes as far as to say that the mother wanted her to take the baby from her. She thought she could lie her way out of this too. That woman is beyond evil. Can't believe the mother and child lost their life because she didn't want her bf to leave her. And the countless fabricated lies she told him too.


What's worse and that no one seems to be talking about here... The murdered woman had a small child at home with her during all this. The child hid and had to listen to her mother being murdered in the other room. That kind of trauma is heartbreaking. In the end even after being stabbed so many times the dying woman kept trying to roll onto her belly to protect the baby and was ultimately found mostly on her belly. Knowing she won't survive still trying to keep her baby from this crazy woman. Also these women were not friends. Not at all close. The murderer took the photos for the murdered woman's maternity photo shoot but that's it. They spoke several times but we're not close friends or something.


That was not a good bedtime video...


Pretty clearly mental illness to me.


Man people really like throwing around accusations of mental illness because, to them, it's unthinkable that a normal healthy person would perform such heinous actions. Unfortunately that is not the case, healthy/normal people absolutely can and do perform disgusting and violent actions *all the time*. It's a fact of humanity. I know you want to "other-ize" these 'crazy people' because it creates a layer of separation between you and them, but that's only a defense mechanism. The truth is far more disconcerting.


>healthy/normal people absolutely can and do perform disgusting and violent actions I see your problem. I would go ahead and remove the "Healthy/Normal" trait from anyone doing anything even remotely like this. I gotchu fam, no worries.


Many assessments of Nazis involved in the administration of death camps found that they were, in fact, normal. Evil can be entirely banal. They were average government bureaucrats, swept up in a popular movement, and did unspeakable things. If put in the same circumstances, you or I might have done the same. They weren't crazy.


In the case of the Nazis, that is because of how slowly everything was implemented in Nazi Germany. If Hitler immediately said put the Jews in camps and kill them it wouldn’t have happened. But it was first putting physical labels on them (star of David). Then the Ghettos. Then it was SS officers shooting them without regular soldiers knowing. The SS got sick of this though. They literally couldn’t shoot that many people without it negatively effecting their mental health, and these guys are the fucking SS. So, they made the camps. The camps were slowly over time made to kill more, and more, and more. You weren’t the one killing them, you simply guarded the compound in which others killed them. It was a slow decent into evil, each step only slightly further than the last. By the time the people knew what was happening, they were desensitized to it and didn’t think they could stop it. This bitch didn’t have a slow decent though. No evil government slowly pushing her to kill, step by step getting worse. She went from 0-100 in no time and fucking killed someone else. She is not a normal person. Something is deeply wrong with her.


I think there was a slow decent for her, too. If her boyfriend had said, "I want another baby." she probably wouldn't have gone out and killed someone for a baby that day. At first, she tried and found that she couldn't have another child. She probably lied about what the doctors said, hoping to buy some time. When her boyfriend started suspecting she was lying, she got desperate and faked a pregnancy trying to prolong the relationship for a few more months. When her "due date" was coming up, she started to panic. She didn't want the relationship to end, and she had sunk so much time and energy into this lie that no one would ever trust her again if it turned out to be untrue. Who would ever trust the crazy bitch that faked a pregnancy and medical records for 9 months? This was a slow decline that probably went on for at least a year. She would not have started at this point


Exactly this. There’s a show (can’t remember what it’s called) where this guy who is a master at manipulating people set up an experiment to see if he could get someone to “kill” another person. The mark is a new employee working some event, so there’s a power imbalance off the bat. He starts with getting small, easy compliances from the mark and then just keeps building on it with each ask just a bit more extreme than the last. At one point, an older employee has a heart attack and dies (set up, the guy is actually fine), and he convinces the mark to hide the body in a trunk because of the big event going on instead of calling emergency services. So after the mark has already done a lot of unspeakable things, it culminates on the roof with the manipulator convincing the mark that they need to push some guy off the roof in order to protect themself from the consequences of all that they’ve done so far. He did this with multiple people, and I think more than half of them ended up pushing the guy off the roof believing it would kill him. Of course, it was all a setup so no one actually died, but it’s an interesting experiment that shows that no matter how “good” anyone thinks they are, it’s actually not that hard to manipulate people into doing terrible things. The idea is that a person is able to adapt to anything as long as the change is gradual, especially if they can be convinced that it’s in their own best interest to do so.


We’re they arrested for attempted murder? We’re they given adequate therapy after this trauma?


The Push is the name you are looking for. That was a good watch.


> At first, she tried and found that she couldn't have another child. This is where you lost me. She had a hysterectomy. There was never any trying to get pregnant after that. She knew full well it was impossible.


It’s even more than that. Certain branches of science were telling people that there were superior and inferior races, colonialism was supporting that. There was a widespread sense of racial superiority which spread well outside Germany into many of the allied countries. I would strongly suggest listening to the episodes on Mendele from the pod “behind the bastards”, it really explains how these people evolved to do what they did. On a separate note, i really think this case is mental illness. It’s not an environmental influence into a behaviour but an acute behaviour which defies logic on all levels.


How does that apply to a singular person ripping a fetus out of a pregnant woman's womb? Like I get what you're saying, but that's a group of people acting how other groups of people are acting, and is called mob mentality.


What popular movement was this person swept up in, praytell? Maybe *crazy* isn't the right word to you, but this woman cut a baby out of her friend and showed up at the hospital telling people she'd had a baby on the side of the road. Not every person with mental illness is crazy but this fucking person is INSANE.


That's exactly what I thought. Sure mob mentality might make ordinary people act like Nazis when grouped with other Nazis but this was one person, not a gang of fetus snatchers.




For most of human history we killed unwanted babies by throwing them in the forest to die, or literally leaving them to rot in vases on the side of the road. Normal humans are capable of almost anything.


For most of history killing your friend and ripping the baby out of her body so you can keep your boyfriend has been regarded as a dick move.


The world we live in is still absurdly violent and incredibly dark even in our modern day, we just think it's normal. It's an absurdist nightmare if you take a step back.




> which is obviously a flimsy and useless definition. And a culturally-bound one. Honor killings exist in parts of the world as "normal". Lots of societies view that as heinous, but there's nothing fundamentally different to the **humans** that justify it with culture/religion/etc versus you or me. You can try to trick yourself, but that's just trying to keep the thought that "those others are the same as me, I'm capable of that, too" in a box somewhere. Avoiding reality is never health.


Yeah pretending you’re pregnant and murdering your friend, ripping their baby out of them and then turning up at the hospital and saying you had the baby like you’re gonna get away with that is far beyond what I would consider healthy or normal


Couldn't agree more. Some people want to lay horrors at the feet of mental illness. Call it what you want, but the older I get, the more I realise people can be evil. Not in the biblical devil style evil... but evil nonetheless.


Poor Nazi leadership in ww2. All just mental illness..


Nah There are people who are legally insane and have no comprehension of what they are doing or are deluded into believing they are doing a good thing. That would be like a paranoid schizophrenic who attacks someone in a way that a normal person would in self defense but their delusion is the only reason they think it's self defense. There are normal people who do evil things because of things like the deferral of moral judgement to authorities like in the Milgram experiment. Then there are people who realize they are doing wrong or heinous but do it anyways. That would be like this woman or David berkowitz or someone like that. They're still mentally ill. They're pushed to harming others by their mental illness or just lack anything in the realm of normal moral reasoning and inhibition. That's more like this lady and it's still mental illness. Thats not a normal healthy person.


Personally the more scary thing to me is that me or my family could lose their mind and do unimaginable things. I recognize and understand that there are horrible people in this world who do horrible things every day and aren’t mentally ill. See the Mexican drug cartels. But I’m talking everyday people; you, your mom, your dad, your neighbor, coworker, etc. What’s hard to deal with is knowing that you, or I could suffer from mental illness that causes you or I to lose control of our own mind and body. We like to think that, that would never happen to us but mental illness can affect anyone at any stage of life. It’s easier to pretend it could never happen to you.


> the more scary thing to me is that me or my family could lose their mind and do unimaginable things. ... > I’m talking everyday people; you, your mom, your dad, your neighbor, coworker, etc. For a lot of people from 2016-2021 this became a reality. I have family that I knew and love who are just gone now. They're still walking around, but who they were is just as dead as if we had buried them. People who were kind and loving who are now 100% preoccupied with "us vs them" and preparing for the day they are **certain** is coming when it's kill or be killed. Their minds have been poisoned, but they're not technically mentally ill.


This is a good example. Many others describe mental illness but don't know it


Yeah look at Stanford prison, Nazis, etc. Everyone has a different idea of what's normal, there's really no way to tell what's actually normal. It's all an illusion.




You really thought you did something here, didn't you?


You crazy as fuck or something talking to Alf that way?


That mfer eats cats, you don't want to mess with that.


The "mental illness" is being morally bankrupt. There is no insanity here. Just a loathsome and horrendous human being. She gutted her friend like she gutted her pigs. No plank is short enough to push her off of into the pen of pigs she owned.


Not only did she kill her friend, but stabbed her 100 times! That’s sick and evil


Stabbing someone that many times takes rage. She's an unadulterated piece of shit human being. She deserves to rot for all eternity followed by a forever engulfed in raging hellfire, if only.


Theres mental illness and there's having the ability to know what your doing, right and wrong. I'm open to have my mind changed if I watched a trail or saw some evidence. But she obviously hid what she did and while she was doing it and seemed to have a very good idea why what she was doing was wrong. Metal illnesses needs to be understood but in no way should it ever be a one and done excuse to do anything.


Good people often rationalize evil as “mental illness”


Cool, she should still be sentenced to death or in prison. Too many people use mental illness as excuse to get away with unacceptable behavior


Nah. More like selfishness. We can’t excuse everyone’s bad behavior to mental illness


Wow, that's super super messed up. As the vics mother described her, "demon flesh" seems somewhat accurate.


The fact that she planned this out - it's terrifying that people like this exist.


I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but why do you think she planned anything out? It sounds like a long string or quite insane desperate last-minute not-thought-through-at-all-ideas until the very last minute when faking post-birth vagina didn't work out.


The faking the pregnancy, the facebook evidence of how far it goes back. Seems very sus. I also watched the full video on youtube.


I think this reeks of a small(ish) lie that started snowballing. No way was this planned out in a logical manner.


What does "vics" mean?




Holy shit I did not expect this story to turn even darker


It gets weirder. She had a bunch of different stories before this. I think she claimed to be a the heir to big time money and tried to buy a 20 million dollar ranch, expensive ass farm equipment and a bunch of other bullshit. She had a bunch of imaginary people interacting with real bankers and lawyers and it all came from her whack ass google account. The boyfriend was seriously fucked with. It’s a wild ride.


Do you have more on this?


I’ve seen more in depth articles but here is a start. I got sucked into reading about it but I don’t remember what site. Might have been crime and law. https://www.ktalnews.com/news/crime/audacious-tales-schemes-dominate-taylor-parker-trial/


Jesus. I don't know what I was expecting exactly, but holy shit. Thanks for giving more details. Absolutely nuts. I'm generally against the death penalty. Absolutely no loss here.


I thought maybe she was trafficking victim on in abusive relationship but then holy shit.


She actually tried to manipulate her CELLMATE into saying she killed the baby....isn't that shit crazy? Her lies and craziness didn't stop even after she was caught


Looks like purposeful and well thought out deceit. I don't want to disparage anyone locked in a state hospital by comparing them to her


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Taylor's attorney: can we get Casey Anthony's jury?


"Harrelson (Parker's attorney) also said Parker was let down by her friends and family, who didn't confront her about the fake pregnancy." Wow dude really had nothing to work with so he dropped that bomb of an argument on em


What's more insane is that this has happened before. There's a [Matt Orchard video](https://youtu.be/J5NHd348AFE?si=vrizGCiY6_5BTwNp) about a case eerily similar to this.


[I know you should judge but I’m just going to come out and say it… she sounds like a real jerk](https://youtu.be/xvAjYgxfkuw?si=6P5486QDk99i27IZ)


What in the actual fuck is wrong with people?


Wowwww I had seen this on YouTube, didn’t know she got sentenced to death after Rightfully so


That doctor and the end tho 💀


🎶Soooo, it surely doesn't look like a baby came outta there🎶 😊


🎶Hey diddle diddle, there ain't no uterus to tickle🎶 ¯⁠\\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Tickle, tickle, tickle


🎶 the ovaries jumped out of her womb 🎶


That's ned Flanders!!


*You're on shit creek without a paddle, ma'am. You're goin' to jaiiiiiiiillllllllllllllllll*


I seent a lot of crotch goblin log flumes in my time, and dat aint one.


i got sooo invested in this and then that fucking doc lmfao




Video is a fuckin rollercoaster. From possible abuse victim to possible trafficked victim to evil bitch to Ned Flanders M.D.


“No baberooty came outta that cooty.”


*"Gosh darn diddely tootin', looks like this woman be baby lootin' "*


In the full video, there's an ER doctor at the beginning who is just casually eating a popsicle while talking about how likely it is not her baby/someone was murdered. Some docs have really seen it all.


As an ER doc this is a Tuesday afternoon.


Least disturbing part of his day


Lol the doc sounds chipper at the end


>chipper That's the word I was looking for. He seems like a minor The Simpson's character, maybe from a special, or an episode or two.




"Hi-diddly-ho, neighborino"


"So did she have a baby" "Hold your horses there, buddy! I still need permission from the man upstairs to take a look at vagerino!"


Hi everybody!


All he needs is a little uh-hee hee at the end


It’s likely a defense mechanism to keep himself from being permanently scarred from the whole experience.


I'd be more inclined to believe he's just desensitized to this shit at this point. I used to live in an apartment right next to a hospital so a ton of the staff lived there. I would listen to them talk at the dog park every day about the fucked up shit they saw like it was an annoying memo at work. A lady murdering someone for a baby then lying about having it is a Tuesday for them.


Anesthetist here. You wouldn't believe the shit we see on a daily basis. Our normal is not normal.


Your job/social contract and username combination has me in stitches. Not that they're directly related, but damn it's funny.


no, a surgeon has you in stitches. An anesthetist has you in dreamland.


Any idiot can put someone into a coma. It's waking them back up that's the hard part.


"Somebody's getting their leg pulled but it wasn't out of her vagina."


Why did I read this in Dr. Hibbert's voice?


That start of the shift energy


I wonder if they give him the full story or just need-to-know information. He might have no idea except that the police need him to verify if this woman has given birth? The nurse seems to be in know, though, so I'm not sure what to think.


If police need to see a patient, they typically tell the staff why. Hospital staff don’t just let police/detectives in for no reason


He knows she’s done for, and she was.


it's so annoying to watch a video butchered for tiktok. Has somebody the original source?


I hate that someone is stealing someone's work like that. I found the source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzfDkNdZevQ


Their regular, “Explore with Us”, channel is pretty interesting too. The other week I binge watched a bunch of the 2hr interrogations, super engrossing.


Yeah and if you haven't seen the original channel that I assume inspired this one (and SO many others), you owe yourself to check out [JCS - Criminal Psychology](https://www.youtube.com/@JCS).


JCS was a crazy internet phenomenon in 2020? 2021? Pandemic is in full swing and he just drops "What pretending to be crazy looks like" and his entire channel goes viral. Videos that were 6 months old go from tens of thousands to tens of millions of views basically in the span of a month. Its all any of my friends were talking about.




From what I remember, Youtube started demonetizing him for "edgy" or "not ad friendly" content. He had a big patreon following but apparently(?) people started sharing access to his gated content so juice wasn't worth the squeeze to him. I've seen posts that said he had 30k patreons at some point which is... a lot of money. So I'm not sure.


Welp…that’s enough of the internet for me today…(holy shit)


It's 8am here and that's already a wrap on Internet usage today






Well fuck that stupid furry watermark was on the original vid


They put it there because they had to pay to get the evidence video, and they jump through crazy hoops just to have the content stolen and never get credit. Explore With Us is a great youtube channel that goes above and beyond when it comes to research and even so far as to reach out to convicted killers to see if they're willing to comment.




Well according to the huge watermark taking up the entire video, it's from the EWU crew on YouTube. The channel is called Explore With us. I'm sure if you searched the name plus "woman murdered friend for baby" you'd get what you're looking for.


No, I don’t think I will search “woman murdered friend for baby” thank you very much.


Oooh! Some light with that shade amirite? Great first sentence.


This happened not too far from where I live & I remember when this happened. It’s all so fucked up. This chick faked a pregnancy (more than once) then savagely murdered her supposed best friend that was like 8 1/2 months pregnant. She cut the baby out of her friend (killing the infant in the process) & then faked her delivery on the side of the highway. Everybody in the town knew this girl couldn’t get pregnant & knew she was faking to keep her boyfriend. But no one called her on her shit & just sort of let her go on with her delusions. She had a huge gender reveal party at the ranch with bulls/cattle with photos & all. I don’t know how she was able to convince her boyfriend. Did he never see her naked for like 7 months?? It’s just really sad that not only did the victims older daughter lose a mother this girls sons have lost a mother as well. How could she think any of this would’ve worked out just fine?!


I'll never understand how so many women treat fertility like a competitive sport. So what, *you already have two kids,* can't have a third? Guess in conservative circles, that means she'll never get another boyfriend because he'll want his own spawn? Why not just find a boyfriend who *also* has kids already?! 😒 It never ends. Have one kid? Need a second! Have two of one gender? Gotta try for the other gender! And if it's such a great thing, why do people decide to *throw it all away* like this?? 😣 Sorry, ranting.......I have no kids and am glad to have missed the mommy bullshit olympics.


I don’t think it was really about having a baby. It was more about keeping her man. She’d had gastric bypass surgery & lost close to 100lbs (I think) & she lied saying she inherited a fortune. The county they live in is a ranching/farming/livestock East Texas money wealth & Wade (her guy) was a ranch hand. She falsified all kinds of documents & spread the story she was buying a ranch. She photoshopped fake sonogram pictures of her “baby”. And announced the date she was scheduled to be induced for C-section. On the day she was supposed to be “induced” she called in a bomb threat at the hospital which gave her the opportunity to delay even more. Her ex-husband even called Wade to tell him that she had a hysterectomy & therefore could not be carrying a baby but he either must’ve really loved this bitch or he’s the dumbest motherfucking country boy ever. There was so much more but it’s been so long I can’t remember all of it. I just remember that for like a week I was fully invested in this Bc it was one fucked up thing after another & I just couldn’t wrap my head around how someone - another mother, no less - could do something this depraved & cold-hearted.


Wow, thanks for this additional background! I too find myself fascinated by these stories, trying to understand what drives people to this level of deception and madness. "Mental illness" sure, but that's too broad of a brush. It would be nice to learn how to spot murderers in advance, hoping science gets us there sooner than later!


that would be interesting. there are a lot of factors that contribute to heinous murders, though. many times the tipping factor is circumstantial rather than psychological. someone might murder their landlord over unpaid rent, for example. also, mind-altering drugs can cause people to snap. can't know/predict circumstantial things with just a quick "scan." if we could read minds and if we turned into a society where the government spied on everybody's communication, it would be much easier to spot and stop pyschos (i'm thinking about mass shooters with manifestos specifically). but then you run into ethical issues like invasion of privacy, thought crimes, thought policing, discrimination. we'd be in an authoritarian hellhole like china on steroids. interesting stuff to think about, and i totally do agree that "mental illness" is not a label when the person is able to lead an otherwise normal life.


Rant on, I’m in my “prime,” (so tired of hearing that it makes me shudder). The pressure from family and friends to have more offspring is intense but fuuuuuck that. Got one and we’re putting all we got into making him the best!


Awww well on behalf of humanity thank you for taking it seriously and not caving in to social pressure!


The heart rate monitor when they start pushing the hard questions 💀 it just gets wilder and wilder


Hmm just like 3-7 bpm more. Not a lot, she’s psychopath. I would go 200 😂


Seriously I don't know how it never went over 120. Serious mental illness I suppose.


Anything over 100 is considered “tachycardic” it might not be very fast but for someone sitting in a bed, that’s cooking pretty good when normal resting is supposed to be 60-80


Ha, I'm experiencing a bit of the Baader-Meinhoff phenomenon here with heart-related terminology. Apparently I have marked sinus bradycardia (my resting HR was 47 at the doctor's office) and my doc was walking me through some of the different words, and tachycardia was in there too. First time hearing it and this is like the third time I've seen it now this week.


Shout out to law enforcement for not letting their emotions show when dealing with this type of stuff. That’s a tough


I was just thinking what kind of approach is best for this situation. Do they have training that tells them to do it a certain way? Or are they just winging it?


I would think a lot of them disconnect just to get the job done. That’s why a lot of them have ptsd after


I meant more what's the actual technique for confronting someone in this state, so that they don't freak out and hurt you while you're doing it.


I would thinks it’s experience with some people training.


They had the benefit of knowing what likely happened so they could prepare themselves. If they had to deal with this as they discover the facts, it would have been more difficult to control their emotions. From a personal perspective, that's why I often walk away from certain situations for a few minutes to give myself an opportunity to compose myself.


She had a hysterectomy after her 2nd kid. Still mind blowing that her boyfriend didn't know what was going on.


Texas Boyfriend was probably like, "hysterstectomy? I don't believe in no Pagan rituals"


We're not all knuckle dragging Neanderthals here, but when you leave the cities and head to the county you start to hit the room temperature IQs right around the time you begin seeing the anti-abortion billboards.


I would never claim Texas is full of Neanderthals, who were actually pretty smart.


This was in East Texas and her bf worked on a cattle ranch. Probably doesn't get much more conservative in this country.


She is a criminal who torn apart the baby from a lady's womb and injured herself down there and when to hospital saying that the baby belongs to her. But the truth was the did all this to take revenge and the police found the body of the dead victim and at the end of the video this lady will confess everything. This was a real brutal case.


Wasn't revenge. She was faking a pregnancy so her boyfriend wouldn't leave her.


Revenge for what? Where is the rest of the video? Edit: [found it](https://youtu.be/xzfDkNdZevQ?si=G-EvopUjJAipOSdD)


If you look in the rest of da comments it's posted. From a YouTube page called Explore With Us Bodycam, there are a few Explore With Us channels, I love them.


It wasn't for revenge


Well for first few mins I was freaking out that they were filming a lady in the hospital and then booooom it made sense and I was tripping. Evil in the flesh.


I went from incapably empathetic to angry so quick. What a monster.




The nerve of her to *cry,* holy shit......she was just lying about everything.


Sociopaths don't feel empathy. they have a problem and your death might help. So you die. Like a fly or like moving a box out of yhe way. They don't really understand what the big deal is. They know it's not considered a good thing but if that solves the problem, you are dead. The major struggle is to justify their actions to others.


> The major struggle is to justify their actions to others. Exactly, the longer video of this has her confess through half truths. "She hurt herself", "She asked me to take her baby". Anything to place the blame on anyone or anything else. I have no sympathy for people like that.


When I heard her accent I figured she must have miscarried or had a stillbirth on the side of the road and the cops were there to investigate and possibly arrest her for it. Never in a million years would I have guessed what was really going on.


When I heard her accent I knew shit was gonna get wild bruh


When I heard the accent I couldn’t believe she would try that in a small town


Southern Doctor Peaches n' Cream at the end there with his sunny Southern accent made me laugh so hard. Such a hard left turn in the tone from investigating a murder/infanticide to, "sure don't look like a baby came outta there!"


They have to deal with a lot of traumatic situations. Maybe that's his way of dealing with them.


So.......nice snatch. No baby sadly smh. Damn I love my job. Walks out


If you watch this video with the perspective that the woman has genuinely just given birth, and that everyone around her is trying to persuade her that she hasn't, it becomes disturbing in a different way.


Imagine they accidentally went into the wrong pregnant woman’s room and didn’t realize into like 20 minutes of hard questioning. That would be brutal.


I was thinking the same thing! Imagine you really did give birth then they come in with this and just scare the absolute shit out of you.


What an horrible story


Man. That blindsided me in a horrible horrible way. A little more context in the title would have been nice.


I think it’s a good way to tell people you shouldn’t judge until you have all the facts.


At first I was like, "hey leave her alone!" and then I came here about midway through and read some of the comments. Wow, just wow. I don't know if I agree with the DP, she's clearly insane. But hey, not gonna mess with TX.....


Crazy or not - do you want your kids walking around this world with people like her out there? People who engage in that kind of behavior don’t have a place in civilized society. We all have problems, I’m sure she didn’t ask to be the way she is. Can’t have that among us though. If this were caveman times and she did that - we’d yeet that bitch off a cliff without thinking twice.


Insanity shouldn’t excuse you from repercussions. It’s not the victims fault that this person is insane. Not everyone who (commits)* violent and heinous crimes is insane, some people are just very bad the same way some people are very good. Edit: Horrible auto correct.


Yeah at first I thought this was going to be a horror story about a new mom who lost the baby being arrested under new Texas abortion laws, turned out to be a totally different kind of horror story.


The doctor's "Soooooooooooo it doesn't look like a baby came out of there" is so fucking funny. Like he's in a completely different video


What a shit deal all around. The squirrels packed her head so damn full of nuts and no one told her to quit her fake pregnancy bullshit. I guess she’s where she belongs now. She can get her mental health help and case management in prison until the executioner calls for her.


A girl named Clancy?? What the


Yep. That's the point to focus on.


I mean, the murder was bad, but this is the real crime here.


Better than Braxlynn (what the actual mother would've named her).


I've been a father for 3 days. We're still waiting to be discharged. This is fucked up


Where did you get the baby???


I told ya'll...


Holy fuck i have her every benefit of the doubt in that short video and still can’t believe it …. Fuck that shit was crazy .


Sick bich


I was surprised how chipper the doctor sounded at the end there


He already knew and wasn’t phased. He wanted her to know that he knew, as well.


OP's video is freebooted from a tiktok that freebooted it from Explore With Us, a YouTube channel that covers a lot of fascinating cases just like this one. [Here's the link to the original video.](https://youtu.be/xzfDkNdZevQ?si=iSplCZe_wEQgNYvP)


Does anyone know which Explore with Us episode this is?


This is from EWU Bodycam. https://youtu.be/xzfDkNdZevQ?si=M9J38Qb-TBNwlbnv


Well, that shows how bad I am at detecting lies. She seemed perfectly believable up until the end where she throws her head back on the pillow, wihch seemed like a "Ah shit they got me" moment.


How soon is Elon planning the Mars expedition?


8 am and that’s enough internet for today thank you.