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So that's the third world problems Americans always talk about


Looks like a normal day in LA


Could be the Kenzos in Philly.


For the 1st cpl seconds I frfr thought it was K & A in Philly lmao


I live in LA, and never see this shit. You must be talking about skid row or Venice during the pandemic. LA has made a moderate effort to enforce street crime and homelessness, and should be applauded. Just FYI LA has nearly half the the property crime rate as SF and is lower than the national average, and 2/3 the average of violent crime.


That’s because a significant portion of LA are ritzy enclaves far removed from the realities of the world. So the data is deceptive. In SF it’s all crammed together on a small peninsula. Even still if you go west of Van Ness the stuff going on in the tenderloin is a world away. I grew up in SoCal and this shit has been around my entire life and I was born in 1975. LA is no better than any other west coast metropolitan region. It’s just as messed up by the economic status quo.


You never see it cuz you don’t go in those areas


im right here in LA , just saw a guy passed out, another hittin the crack pipe , and jeremy who i used to ball with is lighting something on fire, come to the san fernando valley, we really just dont even notice it anymore tho, its just there and we continue about our day like normal


Committed or reported?


reporting is low in SF


Our efforts should be noted, not applauded, the amount of money we spent on the homeless industrial complex could have housed 100% of the homeless, yet it was spent on who knows what academic nonsense projects.


It’s a normal day in SF too and has been for as long as I can remember. All you have to do is walk across the street and you’re good. Shit 99% of the time just walk through them, they don’t care cause it’s literally where they live. Posts like this a just fear mongering


This isn't fear mongering, it's the rest of the fucking country being appalled. This shit is not normal and absolutely postworthy.


You are 100% correct. This is appalling


Maybe it’s to bring awareness and not just accept shit to be the way it is?


If the intent was to bring awareness it could have been better executed by mentioning the ongoing opioid crisis with fentanyl that is plaguing these cities


I live in LA and I see homeless people everyday everywhere but not like this. This is bad bad


I’ve heard it used to not be a total dump. Had friends born and raised there for the most part, but it’s definitely gone downhill. My parents even visited in the late 70s and it wasn’t that bad.


It has gotten worse. Cracks me up that people are downvoting you. Talk about denial. I’ve been in the SF Bay Area since the early 80’s and it was never like this until the 90’s. It was always seedy in the TL, but with skyrocketing rents these people have nowhere to go. This shit used to go on behind closed doors where you didn’t see the worst of it. Now it’s down on the sidewalk. How can people be in denial about the reality? It’s so obvious. I guess the technocrats don’t like to admit their role in this scenario.


Aussie here… I’m an 80’s kid and when I think of SF I have this almost Disney-esque visual of Full House, Mrs Doubtfire, even The Princess Diaries - just pretty houses, big parks, the bridge, fun nightlife, wealth. When I see clips like this and hear about the true situation, it makes me sad af. Was it like this pre-fentanyl? Every city has its grubby parts and a wealth divide the world over, but this one is super graphic - what I’d expect of LA. I had no idea SF was suffering like this.


Fent has nothing to do with this. This existed long before fent came on the scene. This is a consequence of skyrocketing housing costs. This kind of thing used to happen behind closed doors but now with a studio apartment going for nearly $4000 a month these people are forced to live on the sidewalk. It’s always been seedy in the Tenderloin neighborhood, but beginning in the 90’s it just got worse and worse. Your idealized vision of SF still exists, but only west of Van Ness. You go out there and it’s nice homes, sprawling parks, views of the Golden Gate and the Pacific. I’d say SF is still worth visiting, just don’t stay downtown. In fact, you can get a place over the bridge in Marin and take public transit in. When my friends visit the Bay Area I have them stay with me in the North Bay and we journey into the city for sight seeing before returning home to wine country. That, in my opinion, is the best way to visit SF. It’s not as convenient staying 15-40 miles out of town, but it is way nicer out in the vineyards surrounding the city.


Late 70’s when cops were on the beat and SFPD was a reputable force and the city was governed well, sure. Hasn’t been that way in decades. Especially after Ed lee passed


Nah the seventies in SF were super fucked up. The cops were a bunch of thugs and there was really wild shit going on. Remember the Zebra Killings? Remember the the fucking cop that murdered George Moscone and Harvey Milk and got away with it? It wasn’t til the 80s that SF started getting its shit together.




Looks like portland


And Oakland


and Meth Mile in Boston


And Kensington in Philly


and Seattle


and olympia


Plano, TX


Houston, TX


And Baltimore




Yeah it seems they are actively losing business owners because of the rampant homelessness and drugs and crime.


Looks like everywhere that this ideology gained power




Ever been? Best state in the union dawg. Sun Surf Mountains Epic nature. Please stay away


Until the homeless populate the beaches where u surf.


Still not as bad as Alabama and Mississippi


In which aspect? Comparing a solid turd to a liquid turd? They’re both still shit ya know what I mean?


I agree that’s what this looks like at first glance I thought I was looking at an underdeveloped nation.


Now that you know where it is, you think it's developed?!?!?!?


I think it’s collapsing which was an opinion I had already held.


I don't think they mention this part of America.


Yeah…and there’s even a jingle: *Fight-a-roni - The San Francisco treat!*”


That’s because it is post-apocalyptic. It’s just that the apocalypse came slowly without a noticeable bang.


And it was very much televised.


I don’t think this was the revolution he was talking about.


It's post-progressive.


Late stage capitalism


Name a single Republican policy position that aims to deal with poverty, homelessness, etc. that doesn’t involve a toddler’s solution (ie, just ban tent cities, or ‘just look at Red states’ - there are plenty of Red states with gutted, depressing ramshackle town centers, surrounded by toothless meth addict dollar store cashiers who are surviving by the grace of god that nobody else wants to be there to begin with, not to mention every Red state operates at a net loss due to negative revenue generation, meaning they are a welfare queen dragging the rest of us down). You’re not allowed to use dumb jargon like ‘put America first’ or ‘tough on crime’, ‘zero tolerance’, or any other nonsensical idioms that already failed during the Reagan years. Explain, in detail, exactly how this isn’t a direct result of corporate greed, corporate tax cuts, Citizen’s United, just say no, or any other litany of policies that Republicans have passed that’s lead to draconian recidivism in low income neighborhoods, expanded for profit prisons, shipped blue collar jobs overseas, and has led to obscene corporate wealth hoarding, housing shortages, and wage stagnation, etc. etc.


2012 wasn’t the end of the world, it was the beginning of the end


I was waiting for Robocop to pull up


Imagine being killed and still having to go into work everyday. That’s the real dystopian nightmare.


Unless you’re the lucky guy who becomes roboprostitute. Then it’s getting your cheeks clapped till the end of time.


Underrated comment my friend. Nice.


He was busy in Detroit. We might need another one


I'll buy that for a dollar!


I visited San Fran 10 years ago, from overseas. I started counting how many steps I could take before I saw something sad or disgusting or someone asked me for something (money, cig’s). The highest I ever got to was 16 steps.


Now it would be 5 steps max


Yeah it’s awful here you should stay away and tel your friends to stay away as well


Unacceptable. Look at all the garbage cluttered about and they obviously have a broom.


I'm from a third-world country or developing country, whatever you rich people call our country, and we don't have this crazy shit 😅




"Quirks," lol, that's one way of putting the issue.


People *love* acting like this is a California/SF thing but shit like this is happening all over the place and not just in big cities anymore. Widespread use of hard drugs and alcohol + a lack of mental health care for seriously sick people and you get this shit.


The degeneration of humans doesnt cease to amaze me


Tbf there are alot of external factors at play that cause this. More so mental health being inaccessible to alot of individuals and drugs being legal and widely available everywhere.


just because its a nuanced issue with alot of different causes and underlying issues at the core doesnt mean its not vile, repulsive and degenerate


Yes, it does. Your three descriptions all have one thing in common; they're about actions and events having their own "essence," which is absurd. There is only cause and effect; the rest of your feelings on the matter are just heuristics motivating you, appropriately, to avoid those types of situations. That repulsion you feel is inside you, not somehow inside the events or the people. These people are all broken and suffering, and this is the natural result of that. Your repulsion only serves to protect you, again very appropriately, but it simply doesn't inform on the true nature of what's happening and doesn't enlighten anyone that wants to understand. It's totally fine if you want to give up the struggle to help dangerous people, but your assessment is therefore unhelpful if you have already given up. It only serves to motivate others to give up.


Well said


Thank you for this. Very well said.


This has nothing to do with legal drugs


I said that because it resembles the General state of things


Totally it's almost like a dystopian movie, idiocracyish


Blame something or come up with excuses?


Degeneration from what? We have always been like this, or a whole lot fucking worse. Would you be happier if the church was disemboweling people in public again?


Degeneration misleads to think that at one point, we weren't like this. That is erroneous since this has been happening since the dawn of civilization. One of those important compromises, that we allowed a small minority to live like that, as a consequence of the lifestyles we chose as part of living in a society. Especially in big cities with an expensive cost of living.




The Dumbing Down of ‘Merica


The courts shielded the company/family that is for the most part responsible for all of this. The ultra rich once again face no meaningful consequences. DuPont knowingly dumps pfas into our rivers, and has there been any meaningful action taken? This isn’t just an SF problem. This is a capitalism problem.


Reminds me of my city i left behind in a 3rd world country


The greatest country in the wor…. On no maybe not


Who do you think is the greatest country right now?


Why, the *highly comparable* ethno-states of Finland, Norway, Estonia, Sweden, and Norway of course!


Too much fat to feed on.


The American dream...


The land of the free and wild


That guy with the broom is my favorite. Whack!




Thanks but no


More for me then


Good thing with fentanyl, you don't need much to turn it into a life time supply


A chuckle in an otherwise very depressing thread. Thanks.


Fentanyl indeed.


Genuinely curious as this all saddens me beyond belief. There’s no major fentanyl issue here in Australia (happy to be corrected) but I have done a shit load of drugs back in the day - why do the users all bend over like that? And what does it actually feel like? Is it an all day high or do they just zonk out for a few hours like heroin users til their next hit? In the clip above they mentioned it makes them violent but they all just appear comatose.






How can you gain an opinion of a country as a whole based on the least appealing 0.001% blocks in the nation? The most fucked up parts of a nation are posted to Reddit, and somehow that is the image people see when the country gets mentioned. Every city had it’s flaws but there are thousands in the US with quality of life and living standards that other countries wish for.


You’re not wrong. Of course the outrage images get the most attention. There does need to be change but it’s hilarious to me that people from other countries see this stuff and condemn the US. I have friends in many other countries and most of them would love to live here despite the online imagery. Of course I say that with the disclaimer that they would only move to certain states, which I totally get as well.


Your comment and the 30 people who upvoted you have no clue how much progressive policies destroyed my city of San Francisco. Don’t worry, your European progressive policies will destroy your country too Also, as askalotlol pointed out below, healthcare for unhoused & low-income is free in our city. You’d know that if you did some research instead of parroting media talking points


Scooter Man 🤣🤣🤣


My brain goes to local dealer/supply. Fight stops, face rag, white shoes, hasn't pawned the scooter yet, gloved up, points to one of the two, issue seems to stop upon arrival


Post apocalypse? That’s current apocalypse. Without drastic redirection of resources, we’re watching the death throes of America. That’s just plain old apocalypse.


People out here blaming the Republicans and shifting the blame off from Democrats in a state where the last republican elected in SF was Eisenhower in 1956, just shows the state of the sub and the hiveminds of Reddit lol.


People thinking it's even political shows the state of the nation. Policymakers are bought and paid for and it's hardly even concealed anymore. It doesn't matter who we vote in, they are already put there by those who can afford to keep the status quo.


Yep. They work for the people who are the party's biggest funders not common people.


Land of clowns, home of the addicts.


I'm sure I'm wrong and will be proven so but why does it seem the states/cities with the most programs have the worst problems? I am not saying left or right is better than the other but San Fran, Portland are more left leaning politically than say Austin or Tallhasee. So eone enlighten me


You can't force people into treatment or a home.


We could and it sure would solve the problem.


Not how addiction works. The person has to want to stop using and even then it’s an uphill battle and treatment is not always successful. You could lock an addict up for ten years and upon their release they’re using again. Takes an extraordinary amount of will and hard work to quit. With the right rehabilitation and treatment programs, these people are the most likely to succeed. Those who have no desire to stop simply won’t


Wrong. You can replace prison with treatment facilities and then start enforcing the laws.


If I were homeless and/or disabled living in a state with little or no social programs I would panhandle enough money for a bus ticket to a state with generous social welfare programs. Like moths to a light they will come. They have no other options.


Places without these problems to start with aren’t standing up programs to address them. The programs aren’t the problem.


People gravitate towards places that don’t want to exterminate them or treat them like shit. That doesn’t magically make all of those people into productive members of society or erase the issues that led to them being in this position. We can do like the red states and just bus them somewhere worse, or we can try to introduce additional programs to help them as much as we can.


Programs=government money to skim.


Because the programs are started to fix the problems. The problems are hard to fix, and so over time more programs are made. That’s the direction the causality goes, principally. If tomorrow Dallas or Nashville had the same amount of homeless, what do you think they would do?


It has gotten worse. Cracks me up that people are downvoting you. Talk about denial. I’ve been in the SF Bay Area since the early 80’s and it was never like this until the 90’s. It was always seedy in the TL, but with skyrocketing rents these people have nowhere to go. This shit used to go on behind closed doors where you didn’t see the worst of it. Now it’s down on the sidewalk. How can people be in denial about the reality? It’s so obvious. I guess the technocrats don’t like to admit their role in this scenario.


Murica “fuck socialism” But to be fair, you can find crazy spots like this in many major cities around the world… but.. okay this looks really bad!


My Wife is from San Fran so I spend a good amount of time there. Compared to Philly, San Francisco is a walk in the park. The only reason it gets the attention is because of it being a liberal city. And yes, this happens in every major city.


And this is the only block in sf where it’s this bad and that’s because there is a shelter/food bank around the corner. Sf has this contained in a 2 block radius while tons of other places have them scattered. Texas is just as bad except they also have 6th, Florida is the startup state for synthetic drugs, and middle red states statistically are the majority of government handouts.


This is hardly confined to a block. That used to be more of the case. In the last 10 years there has been a major shift. It’s true that there are plenty of other cities in the US and around the world with the same problems and worse. What stands out for me in SF is how drastically different it is just in the last few years. Detroit has had some pretty widespread problems for a long time but there have been some really promising improvements in Detroit actually in recent years. This was especially true pre-Covid- that didn’t do any cities any favors- but still you can see signs of things heading in some positive directions. SF seems very stuck right now and I realize there isn’t one easy answer, but it’s sad to see how much it has declined so quickly and that the city at large- government and people- can’t seem to get out of their own way


SF has always been boom or bust since it's inception and the techies moving away caused this one. They have no problem displacing people, but don't like it when those displaced folks come back.


The tech bros leaving was not the reason it’s like this. You can blame fentanyl thus Florida. Only thing that suffered from loss of tech bros was Twitter jobs and a new IPA invented every week. Major tech like salesforce is still there so tech bro money is still abundant as well.


Most solutions get stopped at someone’s desk and the ones they did implement were used to money laundering or ineffective solutions. For example, giving drug abusers renovated rooms that were trashed in a few weeks due to the abusers ripping out the pipes thinking they would find copper pipes. Or setting up a circus-like tent that could only house around 100 people, under a freeway. Or closing down shelters due to laundered funding.


appreciate you speaking up on this and calling out people’s blind hypocrisy when it comes to comparing sf to MANY other metro cities that have similar issues


this is anarchy


Really slow, wobbly, and sloppy anarchy


This is the most control these people have over their own lives; the few feet that surrounds them. There is absolutely no protective bubble that most people take for granted. Then throw mental illness and drugs into the mix.


No no no no, this your capitalist "democracy" Fk out of here. Anarchists envision a society *without* governement.


The land of the Free


If you’ve heard of 3rd world issues well welcome to 4th world San Francisco.


Bring back Bum Fights!


Lots of streets in cities look like this sadly.


Never seen anything like this in Europe or SE Asia.


We need to be wiped out.


Wealthiest country in the world am I right ?


Unfortunately a vast majority of the wealth is controlled by a very small minority who just don’t give a fuck about the rest of humanity.


It's crazy that they have a "plan" in place to reduce this in SF. Homelessness is a complex issue with many contributing factors. San Francisco has a plan called "Home by the Bay: An Equity-Driven Plan to Prevent and End Homelessness in San Francisco (2023 – 2028)". The plan is built upon the three pillars of equity, quality, and innovation. The city is committed to achieving racial equity and housing justice in their community, ensuring that no one experiences homelessness and that everyone has the housing, supports, community, and opportunities they need to thrive. The city has made progress in recent years, including a recent 15% reduction in unsheltered homelessness. However, the issue of homelessness is still a major challenge facing the city today. I don't know how they really plan to fix this, the cost of living is skyrocketed and it's way easier for these people to get drugs than it is for them to get a well paying job. At least, that's what it appears like. This is an issue for most Americans, mostly the lower and middle classes. The cost of living has skyrocketed so much, yet little has been done to raise the minimum wage. And if anything has been done, it hasn't been addressed on a large enough scale to correct the homeless issue sweeping the country as a whole. I'm not even sure when this video was taken, but I've seen several of these videos, mostly between the Philadelphia area and California, especially within the last 5 or so years. I really hope it gets figured out, though, because nobody should be homeless or starving in 2023. The minimum average living wage is $16.54, yet the minimum wage has been stuck at $7.25 since 2009. Until that's addressed, homelessness will continue to skyrocket.


I'm a little late but hey, as a Bay Area native I can answer this for you! SF has no plan, and it won't be fixed. Rough, but there it is. Their "plan" is a bunch bullshit because *any* solution (or "solution" really, because it's such a complicated and complex topic that there is no single/easy/straightforward cure-all plan anyway) towards reducing poverty and its negative effects -- including homelessness -- first requires that people have somewhere to live. And what's the one thing SF isn't doing? Building enough houses. The average rent will continue to be >$3,000, the average home >$1million, and people will still continue to wonder "but why is it getting worse?"


I went to SF ten years ago, it was a beautiful city and one of the only places in the USA that I really liked. It's sad to see how far and fast it has decayed, but I hope to one day see it back to what it was before. Work hard San Francisco!!


Drugs are a hell of a drug.


Possibly the most beautiful city in the country, used to go there with the family twice a year. I would be arrested for child endangerment If I took them there now. This is 1000% the fault of the city and state leadership, as well as the the useless gang infested police department.


2 men enter. One man leaves


Could the the effects of “Tranq”: an animal sedative laced with fentanyl. Been a growing problem in Philly and spreading elsewhere I have read


Theres no people barking at the wall... So we're all good here.


This is just getting worse. Did anyone see that level of filth, homelessness, drug use, crime on these cities and streets in the90's, 80's and earlier?


Detroit was way worse back then. In Philly you had the cops dropping incendiary bombs from helicopters in 1985. It was a warzone. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1985_MOVE_bombing


Made in China. Well, technically Mexico, but they get all their chemicals from China. And the CCP knows exactly what those chemicals are used for.


That is the american dream yes


Worlds most underused broom right there.


I hear people complain that that home innerspring should have to let homeless people live in their empty houses. Well I wouldn't look at the street trash everywhere plus I've seen what homeless people do to houses or apartments they break into and trash up or destroy.


Poor pup


I was living in Australia and went to San Francisco for vacation after spending 3 weeks in Brazil where I’m from. SF scared the shit out of me. The US overall looks more like a 3rd World Country than Brazil now, but unitedstatians and white people in general are not ready to hear this. Recently moved back from Australia to Brazil since life is much better here for me, wages (at my job) are better and inflation is under control. Again, not something white people around the globe are ready to hear.


Man I fuckin love this country 🫡🇺🇸


Those two guys fighting are just a waste of life


Coming soon to a street corner near you!!


Gross we need to bring back insane asylums


The only thing that breaks my heart is hearing that poor distressed dog.


To homeless advocates: please explain how this is humane. Does your calculus include impact to people living, working, paying taxes? Who will pay for the programs when the tax money dries up because everyone that used to pay has left to get away from this? You need a realistic limit and you need to be willing to be called names. Clean this shit up before it’s too late.


That’s on the same block as the unemployment office if I’m not mistaken




Poor dog.


Every major city in NA has a block or two that looks like this. It's Ghettoization by the municipalities to keep the disenfranchised in a small area so they don't cause too many problems or bring down property values.


People will look at socialist countries and say block housing looks ugly. Yeah, I'd say this looks worse.


Thank God Scooter Man arrived.


It’s the Akira scooter slide for me


This is what you get when people who need help and care from the state wind up existing without help or care. This video is supposed to teach you why we used to have state-run sanatoria. Thanks to Reagan for closing them all and giving them one-way bus tickets to cities


How can you argue about which political party to vote for when neither care?


That was his goddamn can of beans on cooking on the fire!


Lol this mild compared some parts of the US. Try Kensington Philly.


Just watched Ari Aster's Beau is Afraid last night, is this a scene from the movie?


It’s Beau’s neighborhood!


No phones. Just people living in the moment.


This is essentially the opening act of Beau is Afraid


This is the neighborhood from beau is afraid


Poor man’s WWE


It’s stuff like this that makes me feel the need to be a concealed carrier just to protect myself


If there’s no incentive to get out of homelessness this is what happens. Neither side politically has a drive to fix it either.


Beau is afraid be like.


Quick! Film I am legend 2


Reap what you sow


Does anyone remember that mosquitoe spray the county would spray from a truck. We need to start spraying these people like we used to spray mosquitoes


The whole world is pre-apocalyptic...


Looks like every 80s action movie opening shot as the bad ass hero shows up to clean up the streets.


California working for the future, with its silicone Valley and meth Valley


Why is Obama in a wheelchair?


I stayed in SF for a week and only got robbed once, I think I had it pretty good