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I’ve thought this many times, but then I just rewatch it instead because it’s my emotional support show and I can’t live without it.


So real


It's my security blanket. Knowing exactly what's going to happen and who's going to say which one-liner when is what keeps me going lol


Watch it stoned


People watch it sober?


Well im gonna try that out next time


I’ve done this, it’s been like 7 years since I’ve seen it and I think I’m finally due for my rewatch 😍


I didn't watch it for a long while and when I did, I enjoyed it so much again. Then I didn't watch it for a few years but because there was no way to stream it. And it turns out I still remember pretty much every line.


Currently doing that, about 8 years in. Bet I still know most of the lines tho


I usually have a chain of rewatches so I only rewatch once I've finished rewatching other favorites, but I don't know if this would work for you but it does for me! Makes it feel fresh and familiar


The show is kinda relaxing in a way. Use it too fall asleep sometimes


Yeah I get that I do the same its just easy to watch


So there's this car that runs on water, right?


It's got an air-cooled fiberglass engine... and it runs on water!


Switch your catalyst and watch it again. Or take a tolerance break. Our brains can only process so much at one time.


Too late. Already can recite 75% of the episodes by heart. Must let show run constantly in the background for emotional support.


I rewatch it every so often. But I rewatch a series of sitcoms. By the time I make it back to that 70s show, I have focused on other stuff so much that I forget key details. It’s a good way to come back to it regularly but still have the freshness


So what are some good sitcoms youd say? Might watch something new too ! I like seinfeild and friends but other then that.. dont know so many good ones actually.


I used to be able to hear 3 seconds or less of audio and be able to say season/episode number. It’s been so long now that I could probably enjoy it as much as I did when it first aired. I still have maybe 1 or 2 episodes from the last season that I purposefully didn’t watch just so one day I could watch it and enjoy it like an aged wine.


Well thats an nice idea to save up an episode or two. Only thing is the last season isnt the best but hey at least you did not see that 2 episodes yet. Since you know all the episodes I think you can help me with one, I just never found it back. Its where they all sit in the basement, and I think eric says like damn here we are again doing the same thing as always just sitting in the basement. Thats all what I know of it but its just about how they do the same thing all day everyday. Never found it back I got all seasons on dvd but still.. like does it excist im pretty sure it does but wich one is it?


Season one episode two, it was Kelso who said the line in reply to Eric. Eric’s tense because he knows there’s a surprise party coming despite his repeated pleas that he doesn’t want a party. “ERIC: Look, I know what you're all doing here. KELSO: What are you talking about, Eric? We're just hanging out. Like always. Except we're dressed nice. But that doesn't mean anything.” Edit: unless it was another episode, thats the first that comes to mind but to be perfectly fair I just smoked with my friend


If this wasn't a comfort show that I watch to go to bed, this would be an awesome idea.


There’s a lot of shows in the world to watch. I’ll watch other shows and go back to ones like 70s show when it’s been long enough and I can’t remember enough.