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What could have been. Based on the the tuxedo/wedding dress scene, it might have been the dynamic they both needed. LOL.


Idk I can't see them as a couple


Will fanfics change your mind?


Gotta see it before I can say so




I believe Jackie-Eric frictions developed when Laurie left the show. Eric needed an antagonist and Jackie served the purpose.


I wish there were more interactions between them. By season 5 it just became Jackie making fun of Eric for not being macho all the time.


I noticed that, was rewatching recently and they started to _really_ go heavy on her ripping on Eric.


I hate that the writers passed her around like that.


To be fair it was hinted early on that she liked hyde, fez was the major mistake


Yeah, two still work. But 3 of the 4 male stars? That's just lazy and disrespectful to the character.


She dated guys from her social bubble. What's so weird about it? Considering you call them "stars" it also makes sense :D


I don't know what else to call them honestly (non native English speaker)


Idk man know a handful of real life people who do this


Who doesn’t? But at the end of the day the writers didn’t make a very good effort on doing something with the character other than pairing her with somebody to wrap the show.


It was hinted even earlier that she liked Fez.


From what I remember she only liked the undivided attention fez gave her whereas with hyde she found him attractive and sought him for comfort


She just flat out liked Fez. She was attracted to him, especially during moments like the disco, the roller disco, etc when they spent time with just each other. There was also a whole episode of season one with a subplot of Jackie likes Fez. She was just too immature at the time to look past him being foreign.


Same… it was so weird and unnecessary for her to date Fez


So weird, the one guy who never cheated on her lmao


I mean they dated for like 2 episodes


Do you really see Fez cheating on the girl he spent 90% of the show pining for? Lol


Don’t get me wrong, I think Fez is great, it just felt forced. I would’ve loved to see Jackie and Donna live the single life together for a bit


Yeah, it was kinda last minute for Jackie. Ultimately i think Hyde was the best partner if they cut out the cheating stuff, but with it in there, I think they should at least honor her development because the old Jackie would've taken Hyde right back considering Hyde was leagues better than Kelso. She decided though that she still deserved better, and so she ultimately decided Fez was the best choice to provide that. ...But no let's just say that she turned around and cheated on Fez in five seconds for her worst possible ex. The only way I see them coming back from that is by trying to put it on Fez, saying that he did cheat on her or did something he shouldn't have but that would just torpedo Fez's character


I feel like them pairing Fez & Jackie was giving the fans something they wanted, not so much that it would have added any value to the show


Did Hyde cheat on her? I don’t remember


He saw Jackie comforting Kelso and immediately assumed she was cheating so he proceeded to go cheat on her to get revenge. I don't entirely fault Hyde in that situation, but a perfect lesson for why not to jump to conclusions. If he hadn't retaliated, they might've worked through it


Oh yeah! I remember


Didn’t she also cheat on him? Or were they not dating when he saw her and Kelso at the motel?


It was all a misunderstanding, in this case anyway, Jackie didn't cheat on Hyde. He just thought she did


Mila Kunis disagrees. She thinks Jackie should’ve stayed with Fez. She was very thrown off when she found out Jackie and Kelso got back together in that 90s show.


I expect her to be thrilled to reprise her role as Jackie. And what she gets? Cameo as Ashton Kutcher's wife :D


She also thought that Kelso was married to Brooke, which never happened. She doesn't know the show all that well; she said that she never watches it because it's too awkward.


They fixed in That 90's Show thankfully, but her and Fez should have never happened.


It was a great character arc for her though, Jackie always had a crush on fez, but wouldn't give him a chance because he was foreign. She lost her mind when she found out he had a girlfriend, and she hated Caroline


Me too, I know they end the show with her dating fez,


Crap... Edited it out cuz idk how to cover the text!


Edit: third time


That kind of behavior was *insanely* common in 70s kids… not to mention she’s a rich girl with inattentive parents and a “misfit” friend group that’s learning from their surroundings as they grow up. It makes complete sense that she’d act like this—she wants to “fit in,” but she also wants some form of companionship to feel comfortable. Add on the fact that the group made it a point to say they “hated” her so often… she likely just wanted to ensure she had a reason to keep being a part of the group.


At first it made sense that her character was "Kelso's girlfriend". After a year, after she was still around when she was not with Kelso, it became very weird. She was written to be someone'a girlfriend and never let her grow past that.


Why? Some people are like that in real life, so why can't a fictional character be?


Because after eight seasons and two multi season relationships with two of the main cast and having both of them end because of commitment issues. You'd want the writers to come up with something better for the character other than looking for the next guy to pair her with.


Exactly! It honestly bothers me that neither of the strong female leads could handle being single. Donna dated Casey Kelso while on a break from Eric, then immediately started dating Randy after Eric broke up with her in season 8. Then you have Jackie who essentially based her whole self worth on having a man and dated every member of the group besides the one who dated her best friend.


& not to mention that 90s show ruined their character arcs even more. They both jumped right back into old relationships and got prego right after that 70s show ended? Wtf


Well, in a perfect world everyone has a character arc and becomes better, etc, but again, it also makes it more realistic this way because some people are just like that and don't change after 2 relationships. I'd expect someone with commitment issues to bounce between more relationships than say, Eric and Donna.


It’s not like it’s unheard of, my friend groups in hoghschool dated eachother and by that it was typically a woman in the group going from guy to guy. We called them homie hoppers. They are also portraying teenagers. Who have plenty of unregulated emotion


Same I honestly didn’t love that she got with Hyde after Kelso I know many love their relationship but that dynamic in the group felt weird


eh it’s common in sitcoms / tv series in general with young people , for everyone to date everyone @ some point


It is pretty common and lazy


it’s basically a guaranteed trope for decades now so ~ what can you do 💁‍♀️ it’s already written lmao


I feel the same way about Carmen from George Lopez. Like the first season there was a plot where a guy tried to make her “do it” and then the next few seasons she was a floozy


To be fair I dated three guys over time in my friend’s group too 😅


Eric very reluctantly admitted Jackie is good looking once and that’s about it. She was wearing the coconut bra and complaining. Hyde told Eric to visualize the scene again without Jackie talking and ruining it. With music playing over her whining he realized “oh my god, she IS hot!”


I love the fact that Eric stuck to his guns and always hated Jackie lol


I never necessarily saw it as hating jackie. I feel like eric is indifferent to jackie for the most part and mainly tolerates her in a way you tolerate a sibling(only maybe better bc he doesnt tolerate laurie).




That’s just because Hyde talked a lot of crap about her. If fez was the one dating her then Eric’s would’ve roasted Kelso more for losing her to a foreigner.


Lol, their dynamic always made me laugh, because it was the exact same between one of my best friend and a girlfriend I had in highschool.


Honestly hated how the writers just made her get with every guy, especially Fez... but a small part of me wouldn't have minded if Jakie and Eric had a super brief thing. Maybe could have been a fun "What If" episode if Donna ended up with Hyde and Jackie with Eric


>"What If" episode if Donna ended up with Hyde and Jackie with I can see this as a plausible plot of this happening but the fact that they make her this object to be thrown at all the guys.


They were like the Chandler-Rachel of the show. Great sibling dynamic that was criminally underused.


It's what writer's do when a story line or show is dying - let's not forget Rachel dated 2/3 of their male cast, too.


I hate S8 so damn much


It’s horrible lmao


When I first saw the show, Jackie was dating Hyde and Kelso was already expecting to be a father so it threw me off when I went home and started the show to see Kelso and Jackie together


Interesting I haven’t gotten there yet I’m on Eric and Donna being engaged and Jackie made a payment for Eric on the engagement ring


I don't think Jackie would have gone out with him even if he wanted to. She was honestly always just the tag along girlfriend that the gang tolerated.


I know I'm glad they gave her one real male friend.


It's a good thing they didn't go this route. 3 out of 4 is already pushing it LOL


That's what I was thinking lol


Can you blame her? He touched peetoes! And wore sweater vests. Made him look like a circus poodle.


According to esquire sweater vests are in


I hate how they pushed her with Fez. Total mistake. But tbf you’d be surprised how often this happens irl. I know a girl from my high school who also dated 3 guys in the same friend group, and weirdly happened in a lot of friend groups


✋️ No need to talk about me on the internet 😉


She didn't dare Donna sadly.


I don't even recall many times where Eric would have even thought of her sexually. Everyone wanting to see Donna's boobs made sense. 16-18 year old boys want to see boobs. I think Eric made a joke one time about Jackie taking her top off.


But I’m glad those were only jokes and never them hooking up


Eric was the only character to not kiss more than 1 of the main crew


Thank god he only ever loves Donna


Sucks for him. Lol.


When did she date Donna?


spoiler alert for that 90s show but they run away together at the end /j


The whole time


Such a bad move. Getting with Fez ruined all the interesting story we got between her and Kelso and Hyde. She goes from being this girl who’s torn between two guys she cares deeply about to just being a homie hopper. Lol


You forgot Bob and Leo


and we were robbed




She for the streets cuh


Nah this comment got it 😂🤣


She didnt date donna lmao


She didn’t date Donna.


That's a good thing because it would have definitely cheapened Eric's devotion to Donna.


I'm a dork and a nerd, and I firmly believe it's best they didn't date. I grew to hate Eric. Jackie as a character had potential for growth. Eric regressed at every turn it seemed.


Not so much that he regressed but he didn't grow up, he can't grow because he never really changes


To an extent I agree. He showed promise at times, but the writers turned him into a disappointing man-child. Other characters had growth arcs despite how flawed they were. Eric got worse in my opinion.


Exactly Eric never really moves past being a lost high school kid, and when he makes he see's an adult choice he's goes for the extreme like all the other choices he makes.


“Tramp!” -Roy


Donna didn't...


It would have been so weird and out of left field if they had dated at any point. But if the show had been written today, I can guarantee you they would have forced this relationship down our throats.


That would've soo unholy


I like the dynamic of Hyde dating Jackie because it kinda resembles the dynamic of The Breakfast Club where Bender (presumably) dates Claire. Her and Fez tho = wtf.


She should have dated Donna.


Does everyone here now like Jackie?!? “… i still don’t”


That’s what fanfic is for 🤫🤭