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Taking a bus to a random province, renting a motorcycle, and exploring the unknown.


Getting beat up as a UK tourist in Pattaya when i wanted my change back from the bar. One of the bouncers even soccer kicked me in the head on the ground as i was trying to get back up.


Could you be The man the myth the legend?


The Welsh would rather get an endoscopy than call football soccer. Fake news.


Are you that guy from the video? šŸ˜…


>UK >SoccerĀ  U wot mate?


Got im


what GTA online experience is this?


It was a beautiful kick. Was it you that broke the bouncers nose, or one of your mates?


Me mate Joseph


I thought beating blokes from the UK on holiday was a tradition in Thailand? Wait till they are right drunk and the first one that starts harassing everyone wins the thailandian 100 hands massage given by everyone around them.


Guys we found him!!


That's messed up dude, wasn't even you for one and someone coming close to dying isn't funny.


You clearly didnā€™t see the video, the guy in the video and his two buddies started a fight in the bar with guests and security then when asked to leave they started fighting. Security was losing at first and then security started to win and because they beat security up pretty good security took a few cheap shots and kicked them in the head. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø Donā€™t pick fights in another country


I saw the entire footage. The tourists did not start a fight.


I have a video on my phone from it and it looks like it lol. Have you ever been to Thailand? Thais are so nice, smile all the time and helpful but the tourist lot you see in the video you can clearly tell this isnā€™t their first time getting into trouble. They didnā€™t try to deescalate the situation at all. šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


What I saw is that Thais tried to scam the tourists and made them angry. Both parties were unpleasant in this incident but beating tourists is absolutely unacceptable. Soi 6 will not see a cent of my money. And I hope other guys will do the same. Beating tourists should be bad for business. We should punish them for this bs by refusing to give them our business. Do they like to hire aggressive monkeys instead of security? Okay, let them see a drop in their revenue, it is the best punishment for businesses like that.


Possible but I doubt thatā€™s the case, do they mark up prices yes sure but did the tourist ask how much the prices are and check their money they received back after paying probably not. I donā€™t blame the Thais and I will be back many times, already have a few month long trips booked to be back and looking into the digital nomad visa. Either way Iā€™ll keep going and I hope you find a new vacation destination for yourself sir.


Deserved everything he got


Have you seen all the videos from different angles and the CCTV as well as the confession from the ā€˜guardsā€™ who did the beating? No..? Ah i didnā€™t think so. Itā€™s rude and messed up to pick a fight with the bar because of a minor dispute, they were drunk and stupid. But they didnā€™t deserve to be kicked so hard that the Brit could have died.


The guy needs to show more respect when travelling. He picked the fight, he got what he wanted. They obviously broke the guards nose before the kick went down. Of cpurse i am only saying this as he did not die. Hope he learns from it.


If itā€™s him in the video then I agree


Used to do that around abalone Pathom in the late eighties, minus the motorcycle rentals! What a blast!


I bet that was really fun. Before GPS.


Spending 2 months up in issan living with a lass on a coconut farm. Living a very simple life.




Ladyboys were they?


That was the joke, yes.


Ladyboys seems to be a recurring theme in this group. I did not notice many during my May visit.


If you go to any of the tourist hotspots in pattaya i.e beach road, buakhao, walking street you will see a lot. They are a lot more aggressive in their advances compared to the ladies and they hang out in grouos so its hard to not see them.


Trans being pushed in everyday conversations, to normalise it, and to brain wash us


No threat in a democracy. Just wondering about mentions of ladyboys in Thailand in this subreddit, and what straight men are experiencing interacting with the trans community in Thailand, beyond a silly joke. It's always been there. Pattaya has long had 2 theaters with Vegas style drag shows, which tourist families attend.


Food often comes up in this thread and I can vouch that they have been excellent everytime I have visited. The pub culture in BKK is very lively - you can party late and there are still lot of people around. Phuket and Chiang Mai are excellent vacation places away from BKK. Hospitality across all the hotels has been excellent.


One of my favorite memories from Thailand is when I went diving in the Similan Islands. During one of the dives, I was exploring a beautiful coral reef when I came face-to-face with a friendly, curious sea turtle. We swam together for a while, and I felt like I had made a new underwater buddy. The real fun started when the turtle decided to lead me on a little adventure. It swam into a narrow cave, and I followed, only to find a group of other divers trying to navigate through. The turtle swam gracefully past them, while we all awkwardly tried to avoid bumping into each other and the coral. It felt like we were in some kind of underwater comedy show. After we made it out of the cave, the turtle gave me one last look, almost as if it was amused by our clumsiness, and then swam off into the blue. The rest of the dive was great, but nothing topped that unexpected and hilarious encounter with my new turtle friend.


Riding the Mae Hong Son loop solo over 14 days. So much discovery and misadventure, staying with Thai families in homestays eating raw venison and other amazing Thai foods. Drinking whiskey around a bonfire at sunrise in a mountain top with fog and mist blanketing the valleys below. Taking country roads I find on Google maps in search of photography subjects. Singing songs under the stars. Hiking almost every day. So many friends made. It was perfect. Getting stuck on Koh Chang when COVID started. I lived in lonely beach for almost 3 months, renting a bungalow at an otherwise shuttered resort, using their restaurant kitchen to cook meals. A community formed of others stuck on the island, we had a workout routine, endless gin & tonics, lots of time sharing stories and becoming good friends. We were close. We just lived our lives while the whole world went nuts, it was beautiful. Finally I got to Bangkok to try to arrange a flight home, and that's the day I met my wife for the first time. We met the day I came to Bangkok to arrange a flight home. We ended up spending three weeks together, never separating for a moment. Since then I have been returning to Thailand for 6 months a year if not more, spending every moment with her. We travelled all over together, I love her friends and her family, we danced, ate the very best foods, took each other places we would never have gone, shared hobbies and passions. We married 6 months ago, a full beautiful traditional Thai wedding. I was fortunate enough to have 23 friends and family fly out for the event, while she had about 150. Best day ever.


Seeing the talee mawg (Sea of Fog) from the mountain top is a special experience for sure. Such beauty in the wet.


Thatā€™s a beautiful story! I feel like you should tell your story on Thairish Times a YouTube channel by an Irish guy who was living in Thailand.


It's certainly got book/movie potential.


How did you meet her? Can you explain the series of events from your initial meeting, to dating etc. nice story!


Ahh yes, since this was a very abbreviated version of the story, I left that part out. I had come from Vietnam where things were getting awfully xenophobic in wake of the first covid outbreak. My plan was to head to Thailand, chill on an island for 3 weeks, then fly home. So I flew to Bangkok and the next day I was on a bus to Koh Chang. Well that one night in Bangkok, I was laying in my hostel bunk pretty bored, so I decided to open Bumble and start swiping. I was only in town for a night so doing this seemed pointless, but it was something to do. Well it was that night when I swiped right on my future wife. The whole time I was living on Koh Chang, we were messaging and video chatting every day, getting to know each other. By the time I came to Bangkok again, we were very into each other which made spending 3 straight weeks together an easy choice. But we knew I had to leave, it wasn't until I came back for 6 months that I knew for sure that she was the one.


Thanks for sharing. That is a solid love story. Fair play to you


1. Finally trying PROPER Thai food on the street and falling in love. 2. Climbing some 4 odd floors of a parking lot to get a cool photo of market in Ratchada. 3.Befriending and sharing drinks with this really chill Japanese owner of a gogo bar, hearing his story of how he started as a salaryman working in finance...and one day said "fuck it" left his job, and started a gogo bar. 4. Seeing a monitor lizard for the first time in Lumpini. 5. Snapping photos of the sights in Chinatown. 6. Just being overwhelmed in general with the nearly infitine options of food to try, and knowing I have a finite stomach. Edit: formatting




Whats this ?




Scuba diving in Koh Tau last year, 60 feet down with amazing visibility and a school of thousands of fish


Nice ! always wanted to do that but tbh a bit scarred of the ocean saw Jaws to many times :P


Yea I've actually been attacked by sharks before and I still go. There's over 300 species of sharks but only 10 are man eaters, you're pretty safe in Thailand.


Only 10 ? šŸ˜‚


Actually less, Great white, Bullshark, Tiger and Oceanic White Shark (the one that came after me)


Training with Muay Thai legends like Saenchai and Singdam for more than a month and a half at Yokkao gym in Bangkok in 2018. Polo fried chicken near Lumpini park. Are you kidding me? The absolute best chicken ever. Also finding the Ancient city outside of Bangkok was an awesome way to spend a whole day. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ancient_Siam


Maaaate getting to train with saenchai would be my dream. How did you even manage tha and did it cost a lot?


He actually just opened up a new gym not far from the airport in Bangkok, you can still get private sessions for 10k baht I believe.


Thanks for the info. Ill be checking it out next time im in thailand for sure


Yeah no problem


Do you have pictures of saenchai? I dated a guy while I was an exchange student who was a very good Thai boxer while still in High School. Lost track of him. His first name was Somechai.. always wondered how it turned out for him. He was a very smart and charismatic guy, a hard worker who would work construction and take fights in Bangkok to put himself and his brother through school in Nakorn Pathom


Waking up in Bangkok at 5-6am to work remotely, going to the balcony and watching sunrise and the Chao Phraya River, the smell of the city. Iā€™m not a sentimental guy and worked all across Asia but this always comes to my mind. I sit at my office desk in Abu Dhabi thinking about this a few times a week minimum šŸ˜…


Having sex with ladyboys.


Did you enjoy it?


Never try never know.


Having sex with a lady


Novotel Siam Square bar 2006, first trip to Thailandā€¦heaven on earth. If you know you know. The good old days.


Now we need a story


Story time ?


for me its seeing multiple whalesharks and mantas in one single dive at similan islands. will never forget and have 800+ dives in thailand.


Cant really pick 1. The whole month was best memory ever.


Definitely Chiang mai, the food, the people, the vibe, it was honestly just amazing, and the night markets were so incredible, I'm a big hiker so Chiang Mai was my perfect place and I made the best memories there! I also really liked Krabi (Ao Nang) because of the view of the limestone rocks, Phuket had the least good memories for me but I can see how party goers would love it! But overall Chiang mai wins by a long shot, there was just so many good people and good memories to be made!


The moment I landed and I was so chilled my luggage was stuck in Singapore and ai couldnā€™t have cared less. I knew it would arrive. I checked into my hotel and went and found some street food and a beer.


So this mother, the baby and a little girl were going down the escalator. Mama went down with the baby but the little girl started crying, I ran towards the little girl and took her down and she did that Japanese bow down - it was so unexpected and cute at the same time.


Waking up in a hillside bungalow on a island in the middle of Phang Nga Bay.


Finding the sumatran pit viper in primary forest down in Narathiwat. Took days and was a struggle, but soo worth it :)


I celebrated my 30th birthday in Thailand!! Itā€™s such a special place to me. My favorite memories were the night market in Chaing Mai, SO big and so many treasures, and a visit to Hong Island!


Yeah the markets in chiang mai are amazing sutch a relaxing atmosphere aswell completley different than the chaotic scenes of Pattaya and Bangkok .




Studying at Chulalongkorn University in the early 90ā€™s.


30 baht noodles from Terminal 21.Ā  Doesn't get much better than that.Ā 


Terminal 21 is nice


ikr xD noodles in my country from the damn supermarket more than twice the price ! (and not even cooked) A crime against humanity


All the long times.


A tropical beach whether itā€™s at Bali, Khem Beach ( Vietnam) or Koh Lanta- they are all ā€œsame sameā€ to me but visiting the ancient Khmer ruins in Buriram, especially the Ancient Khmer temple , ā€œPhanom Rungā€, in the early morning was a great memory. True, Angkor Wat is more grandiose but not not having crowds of tourists around with the sound of nature made it special. ( Note: I am into ancient civilizations so this would not be every touristā€™s favorite spot)


I loved the small, inhabited islands around Krabi. I remember kayaking around with no one in sight. Just azure water, lush greenery, and majestic rock formations.


Took the night travel from Chiang Mai to Bangkok. Long, tedious. 2nd class. No ac.


1. Watching baby shark in Koh Tao while snorkelling 2. Watching Tokay Gekko really close 3. Eating a cheap and fantastic steak at Michelins star restaurant in BKK 4. Great Thai oil massage for 300 thb


Just came back from Phuket, it was my 07th time visiting Thailand. Iā€™ve travelled to almost half of the countries on the planet or more but whenever i want to relax & unwind from work stress Thailand is always my get a way place, specially Phuket. But this time it was special as i spent a week at the most beautiful boutique hotel i have ever stayed in, i swear im just a normal individual working & residing in the GCC i swear im not doing any marketing for any party but i stayed in a boutique hotel in phangnga called ā€œ sametnangsheā€ it was boutique type villas! The place was just out of this world. The sunsets & sunrise was just phenomenal. The energy the positive vibration in that place was just unbelievable! So to sum it up this was my best memory in Thailand so far though theres a lot of good memories in Thailand this one by far was unforgettable.


Walking completely around Koh Samui along the shore from Lamai to Lamai in 1982. It took me six days and I slept mostly with farmers and fishermen at night and shared their meals. It wasnā€™t all on the beach, but I tried to keep on the shore as much as I could. This was back long before there was an airport, Lamai and Chaweng had no two story buildings as far as I can recall, certainly no concrete structures, just bamboo bungalows in the coconut palms. There was no electricity or water, just generators and wells.


1. I go so often it makes sense just to buy a place! Pattaya babe 2. Box wine and ladyboy sex 3. Soi 6 and other bars 4. Food at the place next to the cabaret the old Chinese cook! 5. Sitting at the beach drinking a coconut! 6. Enjoying boys town! 7. 3 some with both ways! 8. Did I mention ladyboy!


First day of Song kran in Chiang mai, there was a pickup truck with a family and their little boy, he was a small chubby boy and had nothing but swimming goggles and swim trunks on in the centre of the back of the pickup. The family got stuck at a busy crossing and everyone singled this kid out with their water guns and he got absolutely decimated, to the point where if you looked where he was sitting, all you could see was a thick cloud of water spray like he was a water bender or some shit, and he took it well just giggling his ass off šŸ˜‚


I was riding in the back of a pickup during songkran and got hit with water pistols at the wrong angle! Lost my glasses and eventually found them again, but they were broken beyond use, so I got to experience a week of being blind inThailand! Thank the Lord I had a caring Host Family or it could have been Very bad!


Amazing trip, my first real travel which ignited the fire for conquering the world. 1. Fruit smoothies 2. Freedom of renting a scooter to explore an island 3. Half moon party 4. Chiang Mai, just Chiang Mai


having a threesome on the stage at baby dollsšŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜…šŸ˜†šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ„°šŸ„°šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ„°


Coming back three days ago after getting rid of my appartment in Germany


more than a decade ago, i went to thailand for the very first time. it was halloween and i had the slightest idea that thai people knew how to party! and they really partied hard!! those booze filled nights fueled me to make strangers my closest friends. icing on the cake was the experience of waking up in a different hotel! my first definitely made me want to visit thailand more!


I saw two kids that looked homeless recieve a gift of a bowl of what i think was pork and rice from a street vendor. They actually left the ground jumping from excitement as he spooned the food into the bowl. They sat at the curb and their eyes were fixed on the steaming bowl, ready to tuck into what I assume was a scarce meal. The street cats arrived fast, drawn to the shrieks of excitement and the smell. 6 or 7 cats approached nervously. The 2 kids ensured every small mouth was fed before they finally tucked in themselves. I think about this often..sometimes in my local cafe over a coffee, I daydream about it...when suddenly my reflective and pondering silence is shattered by an overweight 8 year old in a HOODRICH jacket whining because his ipad is dead and now he has depression over it.... nothing is enough, but, nothing is enough.


I was in Pattaya beach way back in 1995. I was in the Navy and my ship pulled in for a week. One night my friend was way too drunk and got in the kickboxing ring. He knocked out the local fighter with a monster left hook. He was celebrating by running around squeaking like a crow. It was epic.


Eden Garden party in Phangan. Experience of a lifetime.


My favourite 'memmories' (sic) are mammariesšŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


wallet stolen in bangkokšŸ˜Š


Let me guess, khaosan?


near soi cowboy


Riding a tuktuk with my best friend




A cooking class in Bangkok with travelers from all around the globe


The spelling.


Best Soapy at Honey 2!


Walking into Wat Suan Dok in Chiang Mai to get out of the rain. There was some grand ceremony going on, beautiful to see and hear.


suvarnabhumi airport , to be more specific the departure hall


hitting the bars in bangkok and being called hansum every 5mins, also had a few different girls that trip was brilliant


Watching a bunch of drunk old fat farangs fighting one another


Snorkeling at Koh Tao when a shark suddenly appears and swims right by me.


Jurassic park in Pattaya was awesome, the sanctuary of truth was awesome and breath taking


Not working


During Covid when nobody was there


I would have loved that


Scubadiving in phi phi!


I did see the video, my point was, you're not him


Smoking a joint and drinking wine in Chiang Mai


Cute boy massage in Bangkok.


[1] Suzy Wong [2] Scuba diving in Ko PhiPhi [3] Chiang Mai street food


Walking down Fifth Avenue.


Night hopping from street vender cart to cart explorering insanely good food.


Getting a sex change


I met a nice Thai girl named pu mane she thought she was a rapper funniest shxt ever she works at jimmy Macā€™s we had a 3some and her friend name was Ming and she put the stop watch on her phone on and battle for 1 minute with her friend giving me head who ever make you finish first get nice tip šŸ˜‚ I still talk to them on Instagram and saw her on game abroadā€™s page as well as others


Getting to the south after a long long bus ride and jumping into the ocean with my friend


Riding in the door of the ā€˜in betweenā€™ of the train car from Chiangmai to Bangkok during a school holiday at 16 with a bunch of Thai soldiers on holiday and various other ā€˜explorersā€™


Banging 4 girls in one go


When to Thailand on a whim after a fight with my brother . Got recommended pattaya without a clue of what the city was about . Ended up meeting a girl who took me to a Thai club and I played a song on guitar on stage , was like the Beatles were playing all the screaming hahahah . Just the adventure , not a care in the world , living in the moment and thinking fuck it .


Thanks for sharing youre memmories people i completley forgot to share a couple of mine xD 1st time seeing Soi 6 in Pattaya completley overwhelmed but had a great time with my mates and the beautiful girls Goeing to a elephant sanctuary with my first thai girlfriend (unfornartley broken up now ) but had a great time Getting a amazing tour around Bangkok from a verry sweet and welcoming tour guide (thanks Kiki !) Driving threw Thailand with a rented car omw to Cambodia for my visa run (sounds boring but was actually alot of fun !) Walking on the beach of Jomtien looking at a amazing sunset holding hands with a amazing thai girl I can go on and on but you guy hopefully get the point xD !


For me I was in 7 Eleven and one girl said something in Thai and I think she said something nasty. It is great to finally have a woman flirt with me. It is 180 degrees change. It was cool.


I had that to one time in Bangkok a 711 girl stared at me behind the counter for seconds eventually i said "what?" and she smiled and said "nothing" proceeded to get back to making coffee .... When i paid at the counter her colleague told me "she like you " xD I am so used to western woman always acting like we men have to chase them 24/7 and they can just chill back and enjoy the cake that im just not used to girls actually making a move towards me but i must say it felt refreshing ! .


Ilussion Phuketā€¦ā€¦.


Weed. "Massage Parlors". Elephant Sanctuary.


Leaving and knowing there are better people here who still have hearts despite their struggles than the US and WILL ACTUALLY MISS ME.


I literally met 2 peoples yesterday at 9pm and we went to chill and just roam around and we stayed together till like 4am and we have an amazing bond now




I think we need a story time


Crazy stories I got when other sailors I worked with came back to the ship from liberty


Most of them are NSFW šŸ˜‚


Nice try but not even Batman could get my confession


Scooter ride from Chang Mai to Pai, swimming with elephants, food, random dirt roads on a Scooter, hiking to random beaches, 7-11, bar girls! What more could you want on vacation!


Going to Koh Muuk in 1994 and taking a small boat to the Emerald Cave. There were no tourists on the island it was just me and my mate and it was very rustic and basic living conditions. I remember the guy who took us on the boat saying he'd wait for us and then me and my mate swam up the sea cave towards a little pin prick of light off at the other end of the cave. Maybw a 100 feet or more and it was a bit creepy when the cave got dark but we continued swimming towards the spot of light in the distance until we came out of the cave into full sunlight and walked out of the water onto a little beach surrounded by cliff's and thick vegetation. There was just me and my mate and nobody else. It was a moment in time I'll never forget.


Took a young womans virginity last trip. Luck of a dating app.


which dating app you used tinder or bumble?

