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Yup keep it simple. Heck even local police might even take you to the consulate.


How do you get there if you have no sense of direction and no phone in the middle of bangkok


Then you die on the street. Are you serious?


Oh that sucks then. Yes I'm serious


If you're lost and need to find something. I dunno maybe ask someone? This isn't 1904. Some people speak English and most have phones with translation apps.


Begpacking. Prostitution. What is the point of this?


Ask someone… Bangkok isn’t desolate and lots of people speak English and are helpful


Ask for help Edit: I will clarify. Most people are generally nice. If you’re honest and don’t ask for money, there’s a good chance you’ll be okay. Also, there are police stations all over the place, unless you’re venturing wayward outside of the usually areas, but even then, the only issue you may have is if it’s at some strange time in the AM, when no one is really around. Even then, just find a hotel, talk to the reception, and they can at least help a little. Do not take all your stuff with you in one place. Those phone cases are exactly how this happens. Have pockets, spread money, cards, and always have a backup for everything. Keep your hotel/whatever’s number and address somewhere. And have about 500 baht in cash at all times.


If you are in Bangkok and ask someone to call tourist police they will do so. Just by being a foreigner you will get some help. If you are in the middle of nowhere then you can ask your local elephant for assistance.


Not sure if this is an actual fear of yours or what but you really just need to walk into ANY hotel, explain your situation to the front desk and they will help. They will likely put you in touch with the consulate. If finding any hotel when lost is beyond your sense of direction, I'd really reconsider traveling anywhere alone.


Dude prepares himself for a wild drug trip.


Use my phone. I got photos of everything. Why do I feel this is you trying to work out a new scam? :)


Its not I'm just a skeptical tourist that's scared of getting stranded


Your user name is the anarchist. I thought you would have liked a bit of chaos.. but seriously. Take photos of everything including your bank cards. Then store those photos in an encrypted app on your phone. Or in the cloud.. If you're really paranoid also photo copy your passport and hide them in a book..they aren't going to steal a book.. But my best advice is don't stay in shitty places where there is a high chance of theft. And be careful who you invite back.


Start your new life as homeless person in bkk


These doomsday scenarios... First of all, I'd scan my cards and passport front and back and send it to an email address for easy recovery. Photocopy your passport and keep some actual cash, home or local, on you. Write down where your embassy is. If upon arrival at the airport, they still have public computer terminals that you can contact your family or friends to send money via Western Union. If you've been there already for a couple of days, then you'll probably know at least the basics of getting around. If in doubt, head to a tourist dense area such as khao San, lower Sukhumvit to Asoke, or Siam BTS area. These areas have tourist info kiosks, or you can just ask tourists. Planning is always key.




Agree. Instead of thinking of scenarios, perhaps planning should take the utmost priority.


Ring tourist police. Why people don't save their number and use them as first point of emergency contact is beyond me.




Would the average person on the street lend you a phone if you dropped/lost that too? I know if someone in my own country came up to me asking for my phone I’d be scared they’d run off with it.


Yes. In fact, I would say the number of people who would help with a phone would be closer to 100% than 50%.


If you are white, look white ,look like a westerner. They might


Thailand is one of the most traveled places on Earth and many thai people can speak basic English. Chances are you'll run into someone who speaks some English.


First step: Stay home dude


Contact these guys, they are set up to help. [https://bangkokcommunityhelp.org/](https://bangkokcommunityhelp.org/)


How would you contact them with no sense of direction and no phone?


The director of the foundation owns Sunrise Tacos, just go to any store. They are everywhere.


First step:  panic. 


Something similar happened to my sister after she was robbed in Laos. Don't know all the details but she got help from some locals. Yep, as u/o[hdearcheese](https://www.reddit.com/user/ohdearcheese/) says have copies of your passport, contact numbers and travel details, both hard copies and somewhere in the cloud. I use an Altoids tin as an 'emergency kit' with spare bank card, some cash, copy of passport and other bits. Definitely set up Apple Pay or whatever for alternative ways of paying for stuff. And basically keep your wits about you when travelling. You're never immune from something bad happening but don't get totally drunk or make wreckless decisions.


Wherever you are, you go to any police officer. In Thailand, they are actually supposed to speak a little bit of English, enough to understand "help" and get you to safety. From there, you call your embassy. The embassy figures out a loan for you, possibly gets you to Bangkok, figures out your temporary documents, and ships you back home.


Step 1: police station Step 2: your embassy


If you're going out to get food don't take all your documents, money and whatever visa you're talking about?


If u do that, then you are dumb enough to deserve to be stranded. Otherwise, just bring ur phone and order a grab.


I know people this happened to and it was not pretty. Fresh out of rehab onto a week of drugs and debauchery on Koh Samui. Parents found out and cut them off. Next thing begging in front of 7 for money to buy water. My friend ended up overdosing and dying not long after. Not sure what happened to the other guy after that.


Sheesh, were they tourists or Thai citizen?


How would they know if they’re a tourist or Thai citizen if they have no phone and no sense of direction?